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85792D - Bald Head LTD
— XCAMA, -DREDG9 A ILL,57Q2 AB-C 'Previous Derrhit bi, 41 GENERAL L: PERMIT.,,"., eprevious permItIssued 0?4itiail Reissue yLNe%,,-b- MCiIdification f:]C6nipj*- Reissue. _N 6i� 6�afi�. and the�toas tal Re' C �:4n �r6a:cif eh�iidhr'n tal sba6t,to- As authorized b� the State of North Carolina, Department of Environme environmental �.cor�!rn,pur .;p�rces ommisslon In 'an NCAC21' --Rules attached EGeneral _PdiintRules available at thefolio'Wnz.lir[IvVv.dk nc.govICAMArulei A 44" JL 4 -A" 4,AuthoeftedA t P gin ppli*� Nat to '�Coulivl�: APIANW cation Address roject ZIP -street C Vi,&611�ad�Lcit City z W Uk Phone V11 Email V'r OAAIIP C�b VIA SubdIVIS101,11 City J n anl A -A E-k n PTA ES_ PTS W.tr. , , - ' I - u,k),, -TCW �Ad _5_7 Affected F NP 7 e- z A Sit Maj,,Wtr. Body _E] UW D_ -.M'" Close AEC(s): 6E SPI ORW: yes/40, PNA- y6s/,4�A Type -of-Project) Acovty VV\ -fi AA �AP: v "D. (Scaie.to Shoreline Length Le ngth Pier (dock).length, Nxed, Platform(s) Floating P I atfdr Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin lengthm Bulkhbad/ Riprap length., A - vg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel .CL!bidvards Boat ramp — Bo6th6use/,Boatlift- Beach Bulldozing Other - SAV observed: yes Moratorium: n/a' yes Site Photos: yes Riparian Waiver Attached: yes. A building Oermit/whing perrqiii Permit Conditions I AM AWARE r I__L_I J, 7 J-1--- �,E_- ZI EXISTING dsTING POND 6. BULKHEAD 1014 -1, REVISED LOT 2 STORMWATER POND 0.339 AC DAM Creek Dock #3 Pler/ Floating Dock Removed. CP Tamporarty Kayak Launch (TYPICAL) A20 Dock within footprint A Re —Using Existing -A FLAGGED 404 01 3 19Ramp 4'x2O' W 'AE-_1R.A�-R1-N!S16 tongue plate Vr 79� LANDWARD SIDE OF A18 EXISTING BULKHEAD BALD HEAD IS PROPERTY LINE PER Me 22 PG 211 CREEK P SYP Wai 4way 301 A16 Over Marsh Gross 'U� Temporary Kayak Launch Dock S'x30' L arc . el #26000005 Floating Dock with 6',(8' Tae Bald Head Island Limited, LLC All Wood PTSYP All Fasteners Hot DIP Galvanized or Better GP.1900 #80144 Temporary Kayak 0 X A14 Launch Dock As —Built June 2021 ..BALD HEAD CREEK _77 -- - ---- - --- L LJ .,j . ... .... r r . r AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Perrr JJyr Signature "Please read compliance statement on back oflpermit" Signi 61. 1 Appllcatlon fee(s) Check #/Mone L y Order Issui TAR/PAM/NEUS BUFFER(circleon6) 0 v Elsee note on h4c' regaITd Ing R-i er,Bashn rules i F See additional -notes/conditions on back li COMPLIANCE STATEM—fif, --(Please'lnitiq-l) AM IJ � W-Y, rif U, A`��AV a E x rat ion , 6on Date ADJI#CENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER. STATEMENT I hot** certif y that I on, property. adjace".Bald -HeaormmmLSIanl d Linted, LLO Parcel W'arnlo., X, --1 X* of PTWO P-mPorty located at .Creek sack ."O, aka -,,"Tent .Site ,'Dock'p",'Keelson Ro 'on —Bald Head (Address, Lot Black, Road, etc.) in', Bald Head Brunsurck "Cou :(WaterbC4 M4 - I - I . ..... q (pity/T-Own -OnW& C66fto The applkant hasAestribed, to "Mo" 0:00wrl below, the- development ;proposed .at the a4ovelocatfon, xx have Ao:objeqtjoh-:tD this, proposal, have Q�ectlorrs this proposal'. OtSCRJFTJONANMR URW",O)�PR OPOISED DEV PMENT (140VAddol, �Op"Jrjg'OeV tM 'p life rawmg)f� proposing Ulstl 00000W.-Oraftsch-a ft d �Qp ffitl" difte -d CAM 'S 'J, Conoehi)- for two -kOOK (aqnp ihe,existing Hurriowflo tsaia-s,Oamage...; 6 slip A f ',1-84 h . S�lh, Creek Pock O"Tent Sift Ddce,-bounded footprint, A, -FEM . R ept4cement Deferminatron recentlly- reee[V,6d by -V 8H"j , but too later far this Seagofl`j= danstt dt Jort -5' wwoodTerrporary KOT/Dpc,k J�l ago ag' pier plus timsh ' ape' dOdating. you r property.),. See C.Over Letter for f �'WAIMM'S r J un;eretandthat apie Jacky mooring pifng% *eakV,at6C-T1 or must 4'esefback i gron, must m;iiiirhUiht.distance, ,o.f'15,',from :my area id riparian access u teas waived byimo�.i(If yoUiWlth'toWaive 'ther. setback, you musfitiffialthe , OPP(opriate Wank below'.). MA I dd.vish.td-waive,"the, 10'setback reqqfrem ent. Ad. not wish (prop *rty: Bruce. Marek,-'PPIEE,; p Name" 91-0-799-9245/Dall 0f0 22842484 Tb1b0hq S IV Date Ao IS" setbaro'k. r6oulrofteit tXdj4cont Orbjjierty Omwner ,Inform o. (Oild; Si .,Bald Head Island, NC 28461 city-1. 91.0-231-8065 Tplephone,Numbor, 4/19/ZO22 Dane , OROV sed &*&2Om ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Bald Head Island Limited LLC Parcel 26000005 (Name of Property Owner) property located at _ Creek Dock #3 aka "Tent Site Dock" Keelson Row (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Bald Head Creek in Bald Head Island, Brunswick County (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) N.C. The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. XX I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) GP.1900 General Permit for Temporary Structures within Estuarine AEC's (Areas of Environmental Concern) for two kayak launch sites in the existing Hurricane Isaias damaged 6 slip CAMA 151-84 Creek Dock #3 "Tent Site Dock" bounded footprint. FEMA Replacement Determination recently received by VBHI, but too late for this season's construction. Temporary Pier/Dock is appx 6'x55' wood pier plus 8'x35' t-shaped floating dock. (Project is not within 15' of your property). See Cover Letter for additional details. WAIVER SECTION understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) _ N/A I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. _N/A I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner II,nform�tio�)_ (Old Baldy Foundation) /rf * Signature Signature V Bruce Marek. P.E., authorized agent 1 Mary C. Webb Print or Type Name 1 ,!e . d bPrintor Tvoe Name 5489 Eastwind Rd /✓�GZr�'^ Mailing Address Wilmington, NC 28403 Ci4VState/Zip 910-799-92451 cell 910-228-2484 Telephone Number Date P.O. Box 3007 Mailing Address Bald Head Island, NC 28461 City/State/Zip 910-231-8065 Telephone Number 4/19/2022 Date (Revised 6/1 a12012) RECEIVED APR 2 0 2022 DCM WILMINGTON, NC ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that l own property adjacent to Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Parcel 26000005 (Name of Property Owner) property located at _ Creek Dock #3, aka "Tent Site Dock". Keelson Row (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Bald Head Creek in Bald Head Island, Brunswick County , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal, DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must rill in description below or attach a site drawing) GP.1900 General Permit for Temporary Structures within Estuarine AEC's (Areas of Environmental Concern) for two kayak launch sites in the existing Hurricane Isaias damaged 6 slip'CAMA151-84 Creek Dock #3 "Tent Site Dock" bounded footprint. FEMA Replacement Determination recently received by VBHI, but too late for this season's construction. Temporary Pier/Dock is appx 6'x55' wood pier plus 8'x35' t-shaped floating dock. (Project is not within 15' of your property). See Cover Letter for additional details. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) _ N/A^4 1 do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback. requirement.. (Property Owner InformaWn' ): ` • Signature SEA (Adjacent Property (5 Leeward Court) SigiL7 Glamek Bruce Marek. P.E., 'auoized a ent Print or Type, Name tint or Type Name 5489 Eastwind Rd - / � IX®� 7 C� dA 0S.- Mailing Address Mailing Wilmington, NC 28403 044State/Zip City/staie/Zip 910-799-9245/ cell 910-228-2484 ?( � Telephone Number Telephone Nu m er -aa Dale Darr (Revised 611812012) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Parcel 26000005 (Name of Property Owner) property located at _ Creek Dock #3, aka "Tent Site Dock". Keelson Row _ (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Bald Head Creek in Bald Head Island, Brunswick County N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. —y— I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal, DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must rill in description below or attach a site drawing) GP.1900 General Permit for Temporary Structures within Estuarine AEC's (Areas of Environmental Concern) for two kayak launch sites in the existing Hurricane Isaias damaged 6 slip CAMA 151-84 Creek Dock #3 "Tent Site Dock bounded footprint. FEMA Replacement Determination recently received by VBHI, but too late for this season's construction. Temporary Pier/Dock is appx 6'x55' wood pier plus 8'x35' t-shaped floating dock. (Project is not within 15' of your property). See Cover Letter for additional details. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) _ N/A -----A_ I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information;);' Si/,rrtal ttri� C :7,A ?;&;4 Bruce Marek. P.E., 'aLlt qo qed tiger Print or Type Name wARQ Factwind Rrl Mailing Address Wilmington, NC 28403 CitylStatelZip 910-799-92451 cell 910-228-2484 Telephone Number -1 1 ? v Date (Adjacent Property (5 Leeward Court) rint or Type Name ti-.--VI. Mailing Admw( 411, ��a CitylStatelZip ?(-7 Telephone Number 0 Dale (Revised 611812012) APR 2 0 2022 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Bruce Marek, P.E. 5489 Eastwind Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 marekyd@ec.rr.com 910-799-9245 April 20, 2022 Ms. Tara MacPherson DEQ CAMA 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: GP.1900 Temporary Structures 6' wide Wood Walk/Kayak Launch Dock to Bald Head Creek for 2022 Season in Landward Footprint of the Existing Bald Head Creek Dock #3, aka the 6 slip/kayak launch "Tent Site Dock", since removed, which was damaged during Hurricane Isaias. Dear Ms. MacPherson, Bald Head Island Limited has asked me to reapply for a GP.1900 Temporary Structures permit for the temporary kayak launch at the Bald Head Creek Creek Dock Position #3. My proposal is within the landward footprint of the 2007/2008 pier/floating dock built under CAMA 151-84. You permitted this temporary dock last year under GP.1900 as GP#80144. FEMA Dock Replacement funding did not come through in time to build back the full new pier/dock configuration prior to the start of this tourist/summer season. Sept 2021 Google Earth View: Original pier/140'x8' hurricane damaged pier & floating dock have since been removed. See Sheet 2 for drawing of temporary kayak launch dock, seal date 4-20-22. My check # 2160, dated 4-20-22 for the $200 GP Permit Fee is included. Bruce Marek, P.E. Cc: Jerry Biggs, BHI Limited, LLC Planning Department CAq .......... •• ti = ,2 SEAL 15684 D, RECEIVED APR 2 0 2021; DCM WILMINGTON NU W_�_Miap EXISTING POND BULKHEAD REVISED LOT 2 STORMWATER POND 0.339 AC CP (TYPICAL) LANDWARD SIDE OF EXISTING BULKHEAC IS PROPERTY LINE PER MB 22 PG 211 A16 ; aP rcel #26000005 lead- Island Limited, A22 - a�FR .. �i 108 Creek Dock #3 Pier/ \ kFloating Dock Removed. \ sc Temporarty Kayak Launch a A3 Azo i o Dock within footprint E £ i \0 o m F v� A u' � " 404 Re —Using Existing Al9F AGgED TLAND LINE Ramp 4'x2O' w/3' tW FEBRUARY, 2016 tongue plate A1� � -o 5' PTSYP Walkway Over Marsh Grass Temporary Kayak Launch Dock 8'x30' �- LLC Floating Dock with 6'x8' Tee All Wood PTSYP All Fasteners Hot Dip Galvanized or Better 7 A14 13 BALD HEAD ��`•QpC oy9`29 CREEK ' SEAL �nZ ' G ✓GINEj �`pP�:: of •• MBruce Marek, P.E. NC 5489 EasRd mington, NC 28403 GP.1900 #80144 Temporary Kayak Launch Dock As —Built June 2021 Creek Dock #3 Pier/ Floating Dock Removed. Temporarty Kayak Launch Dock within footprint BALD HEAD CREEK RECEIVED APR 2 0 2022 DCM WILMINGTON, NC a ;EXWKO �00* kltm -""" - $0. LOT 2 $TQWWATER ONO; 0.33-9 AC m 19 4 42,I I , , 601,10,0C - Roy"Kik AM alxY.-t 0 ,A041 -PG 0 -190 Ton"n'ri Y�* 9 'H EAb- ERfr K Mliarekl,, P., E. Edtfvk Rd! mi dii" NO :2$403 t,,Ffddfft erroyd- RT! por- Vy"Jk',� kir�%e ac 1p _j 9. t aALO 14 A, y I- T StAMe MOf e)�, p". L $44#'EdsWnd'1 "dj0qt*1%, I N0,280403: 9 42 Aprl ':20-2022 � 11 Q, Mt, UMM(Oherson DES; CARk 11TChtdinal DrNo Extongon. WI-ihn ? NC 2840E Op"11900, Tem- potory -Stroctu wide Wood Wolk/KcIyo _k WC- �Do -k to, OO ft Botd Recd Creek W 2OU Season Intaff word f 00fPr1jat,of'ffieExist 'o, Ch, U Heod,dreek Dock #3, aka ih,,o .41 launch ISI 1-K Once, retnomod' 8'' "h -we dom, during flurrita., 0WOO Dear.A49'. MacPherson, bald 'Teat Ufan4 14w6d, has.:asked me to reapp for. aQ-P-,J900jTem-porar-y $4wqtprq$ �.pv for fempraq, lVak I"j*h At the Bald Mead Creek Creek DOok, P6sifi6h 93- proposal the fanikwaw foopft of 2007,12008 pipr/h fin ''o_0k buil You permitted this: temproxry do, k yeAtutderGO-JO, - -o - c 00, as QP#80144; FEMA, Dock funding did riot come tlwOligh in time to build hack ft "full. new pierldo& p4guv t'Lo We n, prW to� the 9tart of Sept '�h view", OrigihW pier[14T'x#' dammed, pier A Mating do& have since been removed, See. Sheet. Tfor di "-g.6f ry -P kaiak launch dock,, seaf4ate 4 44W 4-20-22fbr the $200,-GfPem4 Vpe is - included;-, Bruce Marik, PA Ca Jefty Aiggs 'iigD.e jrWted C Sruce'Matek Ni . 4. k 541 to"W.Rd VOWrigton, Rq qW4 ,0a�ekvd ec X6nil 1164484 AO& T5,,2022 lie: a, CAW, Adjoce.,i fi Property Owner Nofific 6"- 4A ock-43j:Tem-poray,K 4011 _, 004 Head andi 1ckee*k/C-,f0ek qy 'm:h Access fa Bald Head C-rook (br., -2 Se 011 S -dionin ootpe of. he Forme hl,.. aka the I'Te ',$ft Dockl` wh 4010*40d0dek Dock _n h, w is structurdEfy damaged-h I! doc� f part ihe, during Nurrk.qneI'js-,*j0*� T e , of, village "Mailfta. PCOW" k's now M_S Chris WOW Dft Old MI y,foundation d'ii HP "H-MAR RA Box, 1344aa ldand,. NO 29461 Dear Prolserf I Oner., General Perm it. fort the temporary kq* launch dock builkI-ast year f6tthe 20 1 2. �S�4$Q Determination ation :on the Hurricane lsmias- damaged MIA," fida en � I & whdo FEMA :floating ' t Site Dock.?" -wag, bung processed.: o s es ed 'If n been used b .both the+ Snit °Shoji rand CoastalTrge ;far heir kaklsd-p t e gar r n a of L"Wit which lan 0 e I 111 TEMA''Wf The, Village of Bald ffeddblland, has rgpi�,jiflyreceived it&,&=,t, ft.0m 0, re face the' Target dock; and has already removed ifie and 8''_�dw aIftig Add nletem�orary..dockwith mappx551, long by 6 'amide �voad,p er and an 5� tioaiirig dock :cad% be seen rhea '9"i,21/21' Googlfe -age., A' pxQcess does not allow foz renewal;.thby tr64UITUIre-application far 11yefenporary C. A M. V OP.,'; 1,90 0 � Request.; 4- 1: 5 - 21 B W-9, W kvprosotativo to; W My ,you upanaft; properly I-Ami LLCls pr H d—Head ftuel 2600000s 1 �am required. to,:noir � -,'yft q tq m- - th Caaa Tog Ify 14or 9mr-e- you , t, Showitt AMM QAMA kjofteMl Perinit., )& ftdcessftdtln&,*U fMpQr" kayak B4ld'Head `I- d parcel die tO rgc entlO'Tilegpal, is ft the WiWM of surreys '""imm ,the ;iie,W,ft�gp,,r:,rc�pl;wm-e,UtU,'WM,P k,'Doek-t6bodirecoyl F*.mw pe rk,forlhe rdlag L t bAW included the DMsibn 6f Coattal, 116nagewmt -Adjamt Riparian Prio-pie X pvsmer_ eaten eat 'Pom If you -care to 'm pleasfvnoff.Ms, Tara aoPhe, qn, cAMA District :oger at site Noa Carehia Division, d' -C,,oast" agmmout" 127 .Cardinal Dri I &tp is on, VIA` pla N-C 28405 'boa to Ap�:'' mayAha .contact T4M dared at; 91-047967266i Y6umay., *-mail form 4cp gon Cara neeanr Gov,t.. y©u whavc no_0,�jocAlent 4mlifliogyOur forMto and h:saves thd waiting peg inch., vw" �W lvaomi:�erun fibr-M, atio"It", you, mq.WVWt Mo At ow lottortop �C�da ih�� Siftcefely.; X:m page 2 4-.1 . $�= lkaftllhliiiii+w Dek,Dei aKxFrilin Milne a.m. ne.metwxwr w,ad nn«:x�u�w nurnx mmerrcamm.ru smn.�nm..e�uue colmn+ Cdunnz ewmN cnumnz rM,mne ms.nnn Si Michael Hunter same Fidaliry Bank 717] $ 21 GP #85742D BB di 16946 5/1 Grice Construction Wheeler Truisl 11114 $ 20000 GP #85733D _ BB rct. 16948 522022 NOMac lmasMenb LLC same First Citizens 1938 $ 40000 GP#857430BB rot. 16949 511 Jerry Ended Jernigan Coastal Bank & Trust 4643 $ 400 00 GP #85]860 JO rct. 17607 512/2022 Big Bear Lumber Co, LLC Van Tassel South State Bank 514 $ 200.00 GP #85]44D BB rct. 16943 5=22 HS Construction Servius, I.A.0 Cox Toast 10094 $ 200.00 GP #85737D BB r«. 16940 5l2/2022 HS Construction Services, LLC WooEng Twist 99 8 200.00 GP p86p65D B821. 16921 511 _ _ Stephen Johnson - same Bank of Arrange 8720 _ S 200.00-GP #85738D BB net. 16941 5r2M22 Ocean Isle Fishing Center Inc. McMulan Partners LLC Frst Berk 7675 $ 400.00 GP M57290 BB rot. 16938 522022 HS Constmdion Services, LLC_ Thurslpn Twist 10104 8 200.00 GP 1F85707D BB rt. 16944 612✓2022 _ Backwater Manne of NC LLC OIB 9 CO, LLC BB&T 1465 $ 600.0( GP #860690 - BB hot. 16945 5I22022 Nlied Marine Contractors, LLC Bumeee .First CNzens Bank 11059 $ 200 00 GP 10355861) JD rat. 16822 522022 vil DeGnce Money Order Frye �USPS 2.fi33E� 910 8 20000 GP If857340 BB m1. 16947 _ 5/2/2022 Holdings Acquisitor#e5684D same First National Bank 1578 _ $ 200.00 GP Bill hot. 17561 52/2022 _ Delta Dock & Boat Lift Smith First Citizens Bank 9292 $ 20000 GP #86094D JD rct. 16325 512/2022 _ Or Harry OR same Banking and Trust $ 40000 GP#86790D KE 17562 SYl/2022 _ Southern NO Manne LLC Espostio _Branch First Bank 1512 1512 $ 40000 G hot. BH rcl. 1]562 522022 L ghthouse Manne Construction Inc __ Banned _ _ __ Coastal Bank & Trust 4221 06D97D $ 40000 GP 1f86095D JD ml. 17602 5111 _ Lighthouse Manne Construction Inc Nadel Coastal Bank & Trust 4236 $ 200.00 GP #86038D JD rl 16823 502022 Bruce Marek, PE Bald Head LW. Walls Fargo 2160 $ 200.00 GP #85792D Tmx rct. 16289 5Wn22 _ _ ,Logan Marine _ - Horst 88&T 7932_$ GP#85923D KE rat 18972 _ 5/2/2022 Figure 8 Beach HOA Hater First Citizens Bank 10099 400.00 $ 400,00 GP #85930D KE rat. 16973 _ _ _ _ _ 8 Beach HOA Laser _ Citizens Bank 11023 $ GP #857950 - KE mt. 17621 YB2022 5/7/2022 _ _ _ Coosa Coastal Dock Builders LLC Hobert Ban Bank of Amenw ID23 200.00 $ 200.00 GP #85795D JD mt. 17821 S 22 LanCo W Sea Consuuctcn LLC Ward First Citzens Bark 590 S 400.00 GP N57970 JD rot. 17623