HomeMy WebLinkAbout35-20 Moratorium Relief 4/29/2022ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmenta/Quality April 29, 2022 Carteret County Shoreline Protection Office Ryan Davenport via email (ryan.davenport@carteretcountync.gov) Moffat and Nichol Doug Huggett via email (dhuggett@moffatnichol.com) SUBJECT: Moratorium Relief Request Extension for Permit No. 35-20, issued to Carteret County, for the dredging of East Taylors Creek with placement on Radio Island, located in Carteret County, North Carolina Dear Sirs: This letter is in response to the above referenced CAMA permit relief request extension received by the DCM Morehead City office by email on April 21, 2022. The resource agencies previously authorized a one-time relief request to April 15, 2022, to allow the applicant time to determine daily excavation rates and to update the projected completion date accordingly. A second relief extension was granted to April 30, 2022. This third request is to extend the relief to June 30, 2022. To review this third request, we coordinated with the NC Division of Marine Fisheries (NC DMF), NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NC WRC), NC Division of Water Resources (NC DWR), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the NC Coastal Reserve System. This moratorium requests a moratorium relief extension to fully complete the entire project by June 30, 2022. In consultation with the resource agencies, the state resource agencies have provided authorization with conditions. This authorization does not include the US Army Corp of Engineers authorization to continue dredge and beach placement operations beyond April 30, 2022 (dredge) and May 5, 2022 (beach placement) as detailed in the April 14, 2022 authorization memo. Authorization from the US Army Corps of Engineers must be obtained to continue operations beyond May 5, 2022. DEQ� North Carolina Department of, Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 1. The State relief request extension is granted through June 30, 2022. As indicated on the request, this includes complete demobilization (dredge and beach placement operations). Demobilization efforts not associated with the beach and shoreline/in-water, to include the DMCA, can occur beyond June 30, 2022. 2. When required, beach and shoreline/in-water demobilization shall occur in its entirety and expedited to the greatest extent possible. To avoid negative impacts to beach nesting populations, demobilization efforts of the nourished beach include the smoothing of ruts and depressions. 3. The NC DMF requests that turbidity monitoring continue, and operations be modified if turbidity levels are determined to be outside established thresholds. 4. In consultation with the NC DMF, the applicant shall conduct blue crab monitoring for evidence of crab mortality. If mortality is observed, the applicant shall notify the NC DMF immediately. 5. In consultation with the NC WRC, sea turtle monitoring shall occur to identify any distressed, injured or dead sea turtles. If observed the applicant or their agent shall immediately call the NC WRC Sea Turtle hotline at 252-241-7367 for further instructions. 6. Unauthorized discharges and leaks shall be addressed immediately and the area remediated. 7. Additional signage shall be affixed at trailheads and other access points along the dredge pipeline route. Additional marking of the dredge pipe along the island shall also occur at these access points. Finally, the applicant and its contractor shall adhere to all state and local requirements concerning boating and public safety of the public trust area. 8. The applicant or their agent shall notify the Division of Coastal Management and the above resource agencies with weekly volume rates, total volume calculations, and beach placement to DCM and the resource agencies in writing by Tuesday of each week to be discussed during the weekly progress meetings. 9. All other conditions and stipulations within CAMA Permit No. 35-20 remain in effect unless altered herein. 10. The applicant or their agent shall notify the NC DCM of the following operational milestones: a. Completion of dredging operations. b. Completion of beach placement. c. Completion of beach and shoreline/in-water demobilization. �2 F North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 Therefore, the one-time moratorium relief request extension is granted with the above conditions. If you have any questions concerning these matters, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (252) 515-5416, or by email at gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Gregg Bodnar Division of Coastal Management Assistant Major Permits Coordinator CC: Jimmy Harrison, NC DMF (via email) Maria Dunn, NC WRC (via email) Liz Hair, USACE Wilmington (via email) Twyla Cheatwood, NMFS Pivers Island (via email) John Perry, NC DWR (via email) Rebecca Ellen, NC Coastal Reserve System (via email) D_9 Q� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue i Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252808.2808 Bodnar, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:15 PM To: Davenport, Ryan; Huggett, Douglas Cc: Howell, Jonathan Subject: Relief request Attachments: Carteret County E. Taylors Creek (2022) Fed OUT FINAL.pdf Afternoon all, Please see above for the STATE relief authorization. The federal side has not completed their review and this is detailed in the above attachment. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G reae. Bod na r@ ncden r.eov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Bodnar, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:15 PM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sara h.E.Hair@usace.army.mil); Twyla Cheatwood; pace.wilber@noaa.gov, Harrison, James A; Dunn, Maria T.; Perry, John M; Ellin, Rebecca Cc: Howell, Jonathan Subject: Carteret County STATE relief authorization Attachments: Carteret County E. Taylors Creek (2022) Fed OUT FINAL.pdf Afternoon all, Please see above for the STATE relief authorization. The federal side has not completed their review and this is detailed in the above attachment. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G resg. B o d n a r@ n cd e n n R o v Find a Field Rep (armis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Bodnar, Gregg From: Miriam Sutton <mirsutton@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:25 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg Subject: [External] Re: Carteret County STATE relief authorization ;CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to, iReportSpam: Thanks for sharing this information. I wish it contained better news reflective of the concern for our coastal ecosystem, it's inhabitants, and it's visitors. Hopefully, none of our visitors or Reserve inhabitants will suffer damages or abuse from this dredging operation as our tourism season kicks into high gear. Thanks again for keeping me informed. On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 4:14 PM Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Afternoon Ms. Sutton, Please see above for the STATE relief authorization. The federal side has not completed their review and this is detailed in the above attachment. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) GreL,g.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov 1 Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Miriam Sutton, M.A., NBCT W_ Board of Commissioners Ed Wheatly, Chair Mark Mansfield, Vice -Chair Bob Cavanaugh Chris Chadwick Robin V. Comer Jimmy Farrington Chuck Shinn Mr. Bodnar, APR 2 ' 9022 County Manager Tommy R. Burns, II Clerk to the Board Lori Turner As you are aware, Carteret County's East Taylors Creek/Radio Island project is currently underway. Previously granted environmental window extensions now allow the project to continue until April 30, 2022, with demobilization allowed until May 5, 2022. Based upon discussions with our dredge contractor, TD Eure, approximately 7,500CY of material has been dredged to date. Therefore, a completion date of April 30, 2022 is not adequate for the County, as project completion cannot be achieved by this date. With this in mind, we are submitting this request for additional moratoria relief, through June 30, 2022, to fully complete this project during the current dredge season. In considering this request for additional time to complete this project, the County again wishes to point out the very significant value and importance of this project. East Taylors Creek is a vitally important waterway located within the County's unincorporated footprint that essentially connects Taylors Creek along the Beaufort waterfront to the North River and Shackleford Banks. East Taylors Creek has gained popularity in the past few years because of its proximity to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) boat ramp. In addition, many of the local businesses have constructed storage facilities, ramps, and other boating infrastructure off Lennoxville Road. East Taylors Creek is chronically shoaled and while the channel is a Congressionally authorized U.S. Army Corps of Engineers channel, the Federal government has stopped providing any dredging funding to the Corps for this particular project. Therefore, the Corps would have to re -permit the area to even use non-federal funds to dredge the channel with the government fleet. If this very important waterway is to be maintained for the use of the boating public, the financial and contracting responsibility of dredging this waterway now falls to the County. The channel must be maintained to provide safe navigation to allow the public to continue to utilize the heavily used area. This project also involves the beneficial placement of spoil material along a section of Radio Island with a severely eroding shoreline, while also providing protection to portions of Marine Road that are currently severely damaged by erosion. Radio Island is used by the Marines and other military units for training and other joint military exercises. Due to the deterioration of the road, access to the military ramp at the tip of the island is severely impacted, leading to lack of access and/or unsafe conditions by military vehicles attempting to access the ramp facility/training area. Stabilizing the shoreline will allow the road to be repaired and will make Marine Road more protected and passable. Because the burden now falls on the County to pay for and perform the dredging, and in order to make the project financially feasible, it should be noted that because of the value of the project to the adjacent military facility infrastructure, the County applied for and was awarded a Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP) grant of $650,000. To obtain the funding provided by this grant, the entire project is required to be completed prior to June 30, 2022. Should the moratoria relief requested in this letter not be granted, these funds will be forfeited and there will not be adequate funding available to complete this project in the fall of 2022. The project will also enhance and restore a heavily utilized estuarine recreational beach. Currently Carteret County leases approximately 2,775 linear feet shoreline along the southeast side of the island, adjacent to Bulkhead Channel, from the N.C. State Port Authority to serve as a public recreational beach. This public recreational beach is heavily utilized by the public. The associated Carteret County Courthouse • 302 Courthouse Square • Beaufort, NC 28516.1898 www.carteretcountync.gov Board of Commissioners Ed Wheatly, Chair Mark Mansfield, Vice -Chair Bob Cavanaugh Chris Chadwick Robin V. Comer Jimmy Farrington Chuck Shinn RECEIVE ommy .BurManans, Tommy R. Burns, II Clerk to the Board APR 2 1 9022 Lori Turner MP e�'r'3EC T ICiN tlY,"'k ED parking area is often full, with vehicles overflowing onto adjacent road right-of-ways. Lastly, the repaired beach will provide the potential for additional habitat for turtles, shore birds, and other species that is not available in its' current condition. It is for these reasons that this project should be considered significantly more important than other projects in the State that may also be seeking relief from environmental windows. It should be noted that we originally requested 30 days moratoria relief for the dredging and 45 days for the beach placement based on the initial projections by TD Eure. The projections were based on where TD Eure began dredging on the inside portion of the channel in an effort to complete as much of the project as possible with the limited time available. Once the initial moratoria relief (only 15 days of the requested 30 days) was granted, TD Eure moved their dredge to outside the mouth of Taylor's Creek at approximately Station 10+50. At this location TD Eure encountered material that was much coarser and heavier, and which contained shell hash which proved to be more difficult to pump, over the 5-mile pipeline distance, than was originally anticipated. Once this situation was realized, TD Eure immediately placed an additional booster pump, which they had on hand, in -line. Although the additional booster pump did increase the production, it was not a dramatic increase because of the material being encountered. Due to the lack of an extended moratoria relief, and without the assurance that further relief would be granted, TD Eure could not justify renting one or two additional booster pumps due to financial considerations (such pumps generally require long term rate on the order of at least three months) and the amount of time it would take to put these additional booster pumps in -line (at least two to three days). It should be noted that because environmental window extensions have only been granted for 15-day periods, TD Eure could not justify taking on these commitments with the deadlines being so near. The potential gains in production would be insignificant with potentially 10 or less days left in the approved in -water work window, especially when considering the two -to - three -day downtime required to add additional booster pumps. The current process of granting moratoria relief in 15-day blocks as opposed to what the County had originally requested has therefore prohibited TD Eure from installing these pumps. Productivity loss associated with this downtime cannot be offset by increased production rates during these 15-day blocks. The reduced production, based on the material encountered, was not anticipated at the time of the original moratoria relief request. It was not until TD Eure moved the dredge to the outer portion of the channel, which is where the majority of the material is located on the project, that it was realized additional relief was needed. For these reasons, we are requesting two months of additional moratoria relief above the originally requested 30 days. Also, in order to make the significant changes needed for the success of the project, greater assurances are needed up front that the project will be proceeding to completion. Therefore, approval of the County's request for moratoria relief in full, and not in smaller blocks, is critical for allowing time for the changes to be made and dredge production to increase. Please be aware that we believe TD Eure has been putting forth maximum effort to move forward as quickly as possible with all aspects of the project. However, as is always the case in larger dredging projects, factors outside of the dredger's control, or are unable to anticipate, have impacted production rates for this project. From an environmental perspective, we are not aware of any significant impacts to environmental resources that have or will result from this project. We do not believe that the dredging within the Carteret County Courthouse • 302 Courthouse. Square • Beaufort, NC 28516.1898 www.carteretcountync.gov Board of Commissioners Ed Wheatly, Chair Mark Mansfield, Vice -Chair Bob Cavanaugh Chris Chadwick Robin V. Comer Jimmy Farrington Chuck Shinn County Manager Tommy R. Burns, II Clerk to the Board Lod Turner East Taylors Creek area is causing significant sound (vibration) or turbidity issues that could impact aquatic resources. Along the Radio Island shoreline, there currently is limited bird or turtle nesting habitat due to the narrow width of the eroding beaches, as well as heavy usage by the public. Additionally, an examination of the NCWRC's Sea Turtle Nest Monitoring System does not appear to indicate any records of turtle nesting along this section of Radio Island shoreline in the last several years. Finally, based on the current operation we do not believe there will be any effluent discharge in the adjacent bodies of water from the clarification pond, as little water from the operation is flowing into the clarification pond from the DMCA. We therefore question the need for the environmental windows at this location. If necessary to facilitate this project moving forward during the current dredge season, the County would commit to utilizing sea turtle observers to sweep the shoreline each morning before beach work is initiated. Given the information provided above, Carteret County requests that the permitted window for in - water work be extended to from April 30, 2022 until June 3Oth, 2022. This extension should provide adequate time to complete the full project, ensuring that the very significant grant funding that the County has obtained for this project is not lost. Should this request for additional time not be granted, these grants funds will be lost, and there will not be funds available to complete the project in the fall. This loss of funding will result in the loss of needed protections to a critically important piece of military infrastructure, the loss of an improved public recreational beach and nesting habitat, and the loss of improved navigational usage of East Taylors Creek. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Gene Foxworth Assistant County Manager Carteret County CC Ryan Davenport Doug Huggett APR 2 1 2022 rAP SECTION MHD Carteret County Courthouse • 302 Courthouse Square • Beaufort, NC 28516.1898 www.carteretcountync.gov Bodnar, Gre From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 8:40 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil); Twyla Cheatwood; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T.; Harrison, James A; Ellin, Rebecca Cc: Howell, Jonathan; Lopazanski, Mike Subject: FW: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Attachments: 20220421172544002.pdf Morning all, Please see above for the 3rtl relief request for Carteret County. The current relief requests runs through April 30, 2022. Due to the extent of this request (June 30, 2022), additional individuals have been identified to include in this review. Background for the past 2 relief request is available upon request. Please review and provide comments as early as possible. If there are any questions/add info needs please pass them along ASAP. If a coordination meeting is needed to assist with review please let me know and I can set it up. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Foxworth, Eugene<eugene.foxworth@carteretcountync.gov>; ryan.davenport@carteretcountync.gov; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrello@moffattnichol.com> Subject: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. G regg, On behalf of Carteret County„ attached please find the moratoria relief request for the subject project that we have been discussing this week. If you have any questions or need any additional information to aid with your review, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks Doug Get Outlook for Android Bodnar, Greg From: Ellin, Rebecca Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 8:42 AM To: Howell, Jonathan; Bodnar, Gregg;'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)'; 'Twyla Cheatwood'; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T.; Harrison, James A; Perry, John M Cc: Lopazanski, Mike; Gillikin, Paula Subject: RE: [External) Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Hi Jonathan and Gregg, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the extension request for the County's East Taylor's Creek dredging project. The location of the pipeline continues to pose visitor access concerns at the Rachel Carson Reserve. We appreciate the County's and contractor's efforts to respond to our initial concerns. We are satisfied with the modification made to the pipe location at the trailhead (across Taylor's Creek from the Maritime Museum). However, we've noticed there is no signage about the pipeline at this location and visitors have been sitting on and walking along the pipe which may pose safety issues. Also, we've witnessed liquid spraying out of the pipe joint near the trailhead. We are unfamiliar with whether this could cause a public safety issue, but think it's worth noting given that the area will begin receiving heavy visitation in May and June. The other areas that were addressed (Deep Creek, Carrot Island boardwalk, and the small creek across from Duke Marine Lab) continue to pose access challenges. The pipe at Deep Creek floats off the bottom at times making it impossible to cross. The pipe at the boardwalk only allows visitor access at specific tide states. And the pipe at the small creek across from Duke prevents any access at lower tides due to the shallowness of the creek. Earlier this week, Reserve staff were conducting a clean-up and maneuvered the boat over the pipe to pick up debris. The dredging subcontractor noted that the pipe would begin floating within the next 10 minutes. There was no way of staff knowing that the pipe would float or that they should not have crossed at that point. We are concerned about the safety of the boating public and for the pipe itself as people try to maneuver their boats over and around it. We feel the signage indicating the presence of the pipeline isn't adequate to make the public aware of its presence and the small orange buoys are often under the surface of the water making them difficult to see. Also, the signage does not specifically indicate whether the pipe can be crossed, leaving it to the judgment of the boating public. Finally, we realize that bringing the pipe ashore to accommodate visitor access is important, but is likely impacting diamondback terrapin nesting at this time of year. There is no way for us to measure the impact, but it can be assumed that there is an impact when a terrapin encounters a physical barrier at the shoreline. We request that the issues outlined above are addressed and that the pipeline be maintained to continue to remain offshore of Dr. Rachel Gittman's research projects located along Carrot Island. Thank you, Rebecca and Paula Rebecca Ellin North Carolina Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 252.838.0880 Rebecca.Ellin(a)ncdenr.gov :`30' YEARS of RESEARCH, EDUCATION, and STEWARDSHIP. Protecting more than 44,000 acres of estuarine habitat for research, education, and stewardship for 30 years Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 7:14 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov>; 'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah. E.Hair@ usace.a rmy.m il>; 'Twyla Cheatwood' <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.HarrisoIT@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Good evening everyone. As I am sure you all know, this request requires DCM to coordinate with the resource agencies to determine if relief is granted or denied and if granted, the conditions of the relief. The county reached out last week to provide time to coordinate an agency response and develop any measures deemed necessary if the relief is granted, unfortunately, tomorrow is the last day to provide a determination on this request. If you could provide comment tomorrow morning to allow time for discussion, it would be appreciated. We are also available if we want to set up a phone call to discuss this request, just let us know and we will coordinate the time and call in number. Thanks everyone. Have a good evening. Jonathan Howell Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 252-515-5404 - office Jonathan. Howell(cDncdenr.gov 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 10:39 AM To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood' <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn matthews@fws.gov: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for a supplemental request received this morning concerning the current 3rd relief request. In summary, the County is asking to continue dredging and beach placement operations past April 30th while the 3' request is in review. Currently the dredging is to stop on 4/30/22 (Saturday) with beach operations and demobilization to stop by 5/5/22. To date I have only received comments from USFWS. Please provide any comments to the above scenarios ASAP as Friday is the final business day before the end of the authorization. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg. Bod na r@ ncden r.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 2:26 PM To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood'<twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>;'kathryn_matthews@fws.gov' <kathryn matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Afternoon all, Moffat and Nichol has provided estimates of material moved since last Friday and estimates the project has dredged 7,484CY. I will be attending the CRC in Manteo this Wednesday and Thursday, and will have limited access to email during that time. If you have any questions or can provide comments, please do so via email. I will try and address any comments ASAP during this time. The end of the authorized relief is this Saturday 4/30/22. Thanks, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:53 AM To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood' <twvla.cheatwoodC@noaa.gov>; 'kathryn_matthews@fws.gov' <kathrvn matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.eilin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, I forgot to add John to the original circulation. My apologies John. I wanted to circulate again with John on. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.BodnarL@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 8:40 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil>; Twyla Cheatwood <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <lonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for the 31 relief request for Carteret County. The current relief requests runs through April 30, 2022. Due to the extent of this request (June 30, 2022), additional individuals have been identified to include in this review. Background for the past 2 relief request is available upon request. Please review and provide comments as early as possible. If there are any questions/add info needs please pass them along ASAP. If a coordination meeting is needed to assist with review please let me know and I can set it up. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg.Bodnar@ ncderingov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Foxworth, Eugene<eugene.foxworth@carteretcountvnc.gov>; ryan.davenport@carteretcountvnc.gov: Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrello moffattnichol.com> Subject: [External) Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.. - Gregg, On behalf of Carteret County„ attached please find the moratoria relief request for the subject project that we have been discussing this week. If you have any questions or need any additional information to aid with your review, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks Doug Get Outlook for Android Bodnar, Greg From: Harrison, James A Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 9:29 AM To: Bodnar, Gregg;'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)';'Twyla Cheatwood'; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T.; Ellin, Rebecca; Perry, John M Cc: Howell, Jonathan; Lopazanski, Mike Subject: Re: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Gregg, DMF has reviewed the moratorium relief request regarding the East Taylors Creek/Radio Island project. This project has previously requested relief and has been granted relief on two separate occasions, each for a two week period. The current relief is scheduled to end on April 30, and the most recent request is for relief through June 30. The dredging and placement will provide a public benefit by having improved access to Taylors Creek and through beach nourishment. This project is also a special circumstance - in comparison to other dredging/beach placement projects - as some of the nourishment aims to provide protection to military resources. DMF has concerns with this proposal, as it is in close proximity to and partially within the area of Beaufort Inlet that has been designated as a Crab Spawning Sanctuary (CSS) (see the CSS Proclamation and map package, specifically map 3). Areas designated as CSS are meant to provide protection to female spawning blue crabs, one of the largest commercial fisheries in the state. In areas designated as CSS, take of crabs with specific equipment is prohibited from March 1 through October 31. While this is meant to protect crabs from commercial fishing equipment, there is also a concern with the potential impacts from dredging, including mortality and/or area avoidance which can cause significant disruptions in spawning. Because the dredging area is in close proximity to and the pipeline is close to and within the CSS area, DMF is concerned that allowing the dredging to occur through June 30 could result in impacts to blue crabs. The requested relief would result in dredging occurring during the time of greater biological production. Therefore, DMF would recommend that monitoring for blue crabs be included as a requirement for the relief. This could include monitoring at the dredging site, the placement site, and along the pipeline. Placement site monitoring should include checking for signs of crab mortality, such as dismembered/mutilated crabs being mixed in with the dredged material. Pipeline monitoring should also include checking for signs of crab mortality that is reasonably expected to have been caused by the pipeline (i.e., pipeline movement causing smothering and/or dismemberment leading to mortality). If any of these situations are observed, the resource agencies should be contacted immediately. There is also concern regarding public use of this area, as has been detailed by comments submitted by other agencies. This concern is significantly amplified with the requested extension, as it will conflict with public use during the warmer months when there is increased public presence. This was made clear by the work being unable to continue during planned hours due to public use during the weekend. In order to minimize impact on public use of this area, improvements to signage should be made and continued/increased efforts to ensure that project components to not restrict/impeded/prevent public use of the project area. DMF would also recommend that a requirement for the relief include weekly submission of progress reports to the resource agencies. These reports should include daily and weekly dredge volumes/rates and any observations related to species/biological concerns. Providing these volumes will allow the resource agencies to have a better understanding of the progress of the project during the moratorium. Additionally, the contractor should make every effort possible to prevent the dredging from occurring for the entirety of the requested relief. It is understood that funding concerns would prevent the activity from occurring after June 30. Therefore, DMF expects that no additional relief will be requested after that date. As long as the above conditions are agreed to and met, DMF is amenable to granting the requested relief, with it being expected that all project -related work will conclude no later than June 30. DMF is also amenable to allowing the dredging to continue until a final decision is made regarding the requested relief. Jimmy Jimmy Harrison Ha6itat and Enhancement Section NC Division of Marine Fisheries james.6a rrison@ncde n r.gov 252-948-3835 (Office) 757-272-3230 (Mo6ile) 0 Enani . ; .adence to and from this address is subject to the North ('arolma Public Records Lmv and may be disclosed io third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:52 To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood' <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov <kathryn_matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: (External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, I forgot to add John to the original circulation. My apologies John. I wanted to circulate again with John on. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Greg,R.Bodna r@ncdenngov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 8:40 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Twyla Cheatwood <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.el[in @ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for the 3rd relief request for Carteret County. The current relief requests runs through April 30, 2022. Due to the extent of this request (June 30, 2022), additional individuals have been identified to include in this review. Background for the past 2 relief request is available upon request. Please review and provide comments as early as possible. If there are any questions/add info needs please pass them along ASAP. If a coordination meeting is needed to assist with review please let me know and I can set it up. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg.Bodnar@ ncdenngov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Foxworth, Eugene<eugene.foxworth@carteretcountync.gov>; ryan.davenport@carteretcountvnc.gov; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrello@moffattnichol.com> Subject: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request :CAUTION:External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify: Send all suspicious email as an attachment to 'Report Spam. _ Gregg, On behalf of Carteret County„ attached please find the moratoria relief request for the subject project that we have been discussing this week. If you have any questions or need any additional information to aid with your review, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks Doug Get Outlook for Android L` From: To: Bodnar. Greoa; "Hair. Sarah E SAW <Sarah E Hair(dusace armv mil> (Sarah E Hair(alusacearmv mill"• tvtvla.cheatwood: Dunn. Maria T.; Harrison. James A: Ellin, Rebecca: Perry. John M Cc: Howell. Jonathan; Looazanski. Mike: Hammond. John: Mann, Leiah Subject: Re: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 11:30:44 AM CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an Hi Gregg and Liz, I coordinated with John Hammond on this response. We do not object to the extension of this project, though we have recommendations to avoid and minimize impacts to nesting and migrating shorebirds on Carrot and Horse Island. The pipeline alignment runs along the northern shoreline of Carrot Island in the Rachel Carson National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), along the shoreline of Town Marsh and Horse Island/Bird Shoal. This entire area is piping plover critical habitat, and nesting shorebirds in use the west end of Horse Island/Bird Shoal. I have not seen the site, but I understand that the pipe should be aligned within a corridor at least 10 feet from the "shoreline" (not sure if this is MHW or MLLW), and 25 feet from the navigation channel. Our concern is for the pipeline alignment along the shoreline and the potential impacts to nesting shorebirds, particularly on the west end of Horse Island. We recommend that if the pipeline does not already avoid this area, it be realigned to avoid any areas above MLLW on the west end of Horse Island/Bird Shoal. I also recommend that any concerns the NERR may have for the extension be addressed. Thanks, Kathy Matthews Please note that 1 am teleworking almost exclusively. Email is the best way to reach me. Thanks, Kathy Matthews NC Renewable Energy Coordinator & Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 919-856-4520, x. 27 From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:52 AM To: 'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; twyla.cheatwood <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn_matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James. Harrison@ ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <Joh n. Perry@ ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov <m i ke.l o pa za ns ki @ n cd e n r.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, I forgot to add John to the original circulation. My apologies John. I wanted to circulate again with John on. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg.BodnarP ncde nr.gov Ir . IMMMY �11 Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 8:40 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Twyla Cheatwood <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mi ke.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for the 3rd relief request for Carteret County. The current relief requests runs through April 30, 2022. Due to the extent of this request (June 30, 2022), additional individuals have been identified to include in this review. Background for the past 2 relief request is available upon request. Please review and provide comments as early as possible. If there are any questions/add info needs please pass them along ASAP. If a coordination meeting is needed to assist with review please let me know and I can set it up. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg. B o d n a Kal n cd e n r. gov Find a Field Rep(arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggettCcDmoffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <greee.bodnarPncdenr.gov> Cc: Foxworth, Eugene<eupene.foxworthCcDcarteretcountvnc.eov>; roan.davenportC@carteretcountync.gov; Morrison, Sam <smorrison(@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <berant ntmoffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <ylPirrello(@moffattnichol.com> Subject: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request CAUTION: External email Do not click links or open attachments unless Iyou verify. Send a11 ll suspicious email as an attachment to Report S m. -- - Gregg, On behalf of Carteret County„ attached please find the moratoria relief request for the subject project that we have been discussing this week. If you have any questions or need any additional information to aid with your review, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks Doug Bodnar, Gregg From: Dunn, Maria T. Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 11:01 AM To: Bodnar, Gregg;'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)'; 'Twyla Cheatwood'; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov, Harrison, James A; Ellin, Rebecca; Perry, John M Cc: Howell, Jonathan; Lopazanski, Mike Subject: RE: (External) Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Gregg, NCWRC has reviewed Carteret County's request, received on 4/28/2022, to extend operations for the East Taylors Creek/Radio Island project currently underway. To minimize impacts to environmental resources, an April 1 to September 30 moratorium was requested during review of the original project in 2020 when spoil generated from the Taylors Creek navigation project was to be placed within an upland disposal area (NCDCM Permit No. 35-20). On December 2, 2021 a modification request from the County was received proposing to place material generated from the Taylors Creek navigation project on the Radio Island shoreline rather than the permitted upland spoil location. A response from the NCWRC was provided on 1/6/2022, concurring with the proposal as long as the April 1-September 30 moratorium condition continued to be implemented to protect aquatic and wildlife resources within Taylors Creek and Radio Island. Soon after the first modification was granted, relief from the moratorium was requested and granted to perform in -water dredging operations until April 30, 2022, and demobilization on the Radio Island shoreline and pipeline removal along the Rachel Carson Reserve to be completed by May 5, 2022. Other project demobilization away from the Radio Island shoreline and Rachel Carson Reserve was allowed to continue after May 5, 2022. The NCWRC has considered the request and has several concerns with the continuance of the project. Areas impacted by the project include the immediate dredge area within East Taylors Creek, Radio Island, and the entirety of the pipeline alignment — especially along the Rachel Carson Reserve. These areas provide important habitat opportunities for numerous aquatic and wildlife resources, contain research sites, public access areas on Radio Island and the Rachel Carson Reserve, and is a congested vessel use area. The moratorium date in the original permit provided protection for numerous species and their habitats, as well as kept activities from occurring during the warmer months when public activity in these areas greatly increase. The current scope of the project includes improvement of the navigation channel within East Taylors Creek and shoreline rehabilitation along Radio Island. The shoreline rehabilitation is being conducted to renourish a public access beach on Radio Island as well as protect portions of Marine Road. This road provides access for several branches of the military for training and joint military exercises, including access to the military ramp at the tip of the island. The County was awarded a Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP) grant for this project that mandates the project be complete by June 30, 2022. Taking into consideration the project scope, the importance of the area for military activities, military funding, and existing environmental conditions, the NCWRC has determined a one-time allowance to conduct work until June 30, 2022 would not impose significant impacts to resources under our purview if conservation and public safety measures listed below are implemented. The June 30, 2022 allowance includes project completion, not just in -water activities. Completion of the project in its entirety by June 30 meets the DCIP grant conditions, gives the public a final project date for the community and public use, and ends project disturbance within wildlife habitats as soon as possible. • Public safety within Taylors Creek, the Rachel Carson Reserve, and Radio Island is of upmost importance. We strongly encourage an increased public awareness campaign. This may include media announcements, additional signage, or other public education opportunities. • Pipeline monitoring, maintenance, and posting is crucial. The project does not only impact the dredge and disposal areas, but also all along the Rachel Carson Reserve. Measures to ensure public safety should be made as the pipeline is easily accessible throughout its length. • Any unauthorized discharge or leaks from the pipeline should be addressed immediately and the area remediated. • Any measures installed to maintain pipeline placement (buoys, chains, piles, etc.) must be removed in their entirety after project completion and returned to pre -project conditions. • All on -site employees should be cognizant of wildlife species in the area. Sea turtles, diamond back terrapins, piping plovers, red knots, and other listed shorebirds should be avoided and not harassed. All conditions within applicable biological opinions should be implemented and adhered. • If a distressed, injured, or dead sea turtle is observed within the project area, contact should be made immediately with the NCWRC sea turtle hotline, 252-241-7367. • A project schedule should be submitted, and weekly reports provided. These reports should be received prior to the weekly progress meetings, preferably the day before, so they can be discussed during the meeting. • The NCWRC supports the comments and recommendations from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, NC Division of Marine Fisheries, NC Division of Water Resources, and NC Division of Coastal Management, North Carolina Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve. • The NCWRC considers June 30 to be the final date the project should be extended to minimize impacts to wildlife resources, navigation, and other public trust uses. Thank you for the coordination on this project. Our agency looks forward to additional information and coordination as the project progresses. Please do not hesitate to call or email if there is any way I can provide additional assistance. Maria Maria T. Dunn Coastal Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commission 943 Washington Sq. Mall Washington, NC 27889 office: 252-948-3916 www.ncwildlife.org Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 10:39 AM To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood' <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John. Perry@ncden r.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request 1 Morning all, Please see above for a supplemental request received this morning concerning the current 3rd relief request. In summary, the County is asking to continue dredging and beach placement operations past April 30t1 while the 3`d request is in review. Currently the dredging is to stop on 4/30/22 (Saturday) with beach operations and demobilization to stop by 5/5/22. To date I have only received comments from USFWS. Please provide any comments to the above scenarios ASAP as Friday is the final business day before the end of the authorization. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) GreRg.BodnarC@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcais.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 2:26 PM To: 'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair usace.armv.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood'<twvla.cheatwoodC@noaa.gov>;'kathryn_matthews@fws.gov' <kathryn matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perrv@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Afternoon all, Moffat and Nichol has provided estimates of material moved since last Friday and estimates the project has dredged 7,484CY. I will be attending the CRC in Manteo this Wednesday and Thursday, and will have limited access to email during that time. If you have any questions or can provide comments, please do so via email. I will try and address any comments ASAP during this time. The end of the authorized relief is this Saturday 4/30/22. Thanks, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:53 AM To: 'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; 'Twyla Cheatwood'<twvla.cheatwood@noaa.¢ov>;'kathryn_matthews@fws.gov' <kathryn matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, 1 forgot to add John to the original circulation. My apologies John. I wanted to circulate again with John on. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bod nar@ ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (armis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 8:40 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Twyla Cheatwood <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathryn matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin @ ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for the V relief request for Carteret County. The current relief requests runs through April 30, 2022. Due to the extent of this request (June 30, 2022), additional individuals have been identified to include in this review. Background for the past 2 relief request is available upon request. Please review and provide comments as early as possible. If there are any questions/add info needs please pass them along ASAP. If a coordination meeting is needed to assist with review please let me know and I can set it up. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.BodnarL@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcais.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Foxworth, Eugene<eugene.foxworth@carteretcountvnc.gov>; ryan.davenyort@carteretcountync.gov; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <M P i rre I to @ moffattn icho I. co m> Subject: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Externaf email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ,Report Spam. Gregg, On behalf of Carteret County„ attached please find the moratoria relief request for the subject project that we have been discussing this week. If you have any questions or need any additional information to aid with your review, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks Doug Get Outlook for Android ...,, J O� Pc PJ,,i From: Miriam Sutton To: Bodnar. Greaa Subject: [External] Dredge Project on Taylors Creek, Beaufort, NC Date: Thursday, April 28, 2022 12:31:13 PM External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an t to Report Spam. Hi Gregg, I am contacting you to express concerns for the prospect of lengthening the dredge project currently being conducted along the east end of Taylor's Creek in Beaufort, NC. I am a member of the Rachel Carson Estuarine Research Reserve's Local Advisory Committee and volunteer hundreds of hours while monitoring the health and safety of the Reserve. I also conduct eco-tours throughout the Reserve via kayak, SUP, and my 17-foot flat -bottom bateau. My access to the Reserve has been restricted since the end of March when the dredging contractor began floating pipes (4+miles in total length) the length of Taylor's Creek to pump the dredge spoils to Radio Island. During the month of April, I have tolerated the sporadic Monday - Friday 9:OOAM-5:OOPM operation and observed the extremely slow progress first-hand. I was informed earlier this month that the project would be completed by the end of April, "even if [they] have to start dredging around the clock." I am now hearing discussions that an extension to the dredge project is being considered to allow the contractor to continue the lackadaisical effort through June 2022. I find this quite disheartening and also hazardous to the visitors heading to Beaufort in the coming weeks. Here are a few of my primary concerns with the current dredging project: 1. The crew operating the support boats for the dredge need to abide by the navigational ordinances assigned to Taylor's Creek. This includes the No Wake Zone that includes the full length of the creek. I would also like to note that a crew member approached my boat April 21 st while I was recording him speeding down the creek and throwing a huge boat wake. He advised me that the US Coast Guard and Marine Patrol had pulled him for speeding and No Wake violations and told him it was okay for him to continue speeding up and down the creek during the dredge project. The language he used to express his disgust with me, and the other boaters who were harassing him for speeding, was unacceptable and should not be used toward citizens by a state -hired contractor. 2. If the dredge is not pumping, the pipes are floating and access to the Reserve is restricted. This not only restricts three access points during my eco-tours but also limits my ability as a Reserve volunteer to monitor the health and safety of the Reserve from my Stand -Up Paddleboard. Our visitor numbers increase tremendously during the weekend and, based on the current dredging schedule, the pipes will be floating from 5:OOPM Friday - 9:OOAM Monday. 3. This dredging project should have been completed last fall (when it was originally rescheduled from the 2019 dredging date). The timing of the current dredging project creates unnecessary risks to boaters and paddlers using Taylor's Creek. The pipes and equipment do not have sufficient markings or lights to secure the safety of boaters and paddlers who are not aware of the dredging project. Here are a few options to consider when making a decision on the best route to take moving forward with this dredge project: 1. Require the contractor to move away from "banking hours" of operation and transition to a 24-hour/7 day per week dredge operation to complete the project within the next week. If the contractor needs 480 hours (May -June) to complete the dredge project, then a 24-hour operation can meet this 480-hour target in 20 days; well ahead of the Memorial Day weekend and beginning of summer. Having the dredging crew on -site 24/7 would also increase the safety of the operation, allowing the dredge crew to ensure boaters are able to see and avoid the navigational hazards created by the project. 2. Consider shutting the project down until the late fall of 2022 when less boat traffic will be running a conflict to the dredging operation. It might also be a better option to locate a contractor who has the equipment and ability to "get in and get out" with a quicker and safer dredging operation. Please let me know if you need additional information from me or wish to discuss any of my concerns or suggestions. Thanks for your service and good luck with your decision on the dredging project. Miriam Sutton, M.A., NBCT From: Bodnar. Greao To: Miriam Sutton Subject: RE: [External] Dredge Project on Taylor"s Creek, Beaufort, NC Date: Thursday, April 28, 2022 1:23:00 PM Afternoon Ms. Sutton, Thank you for your email concerning the moratorium relief request submitted by Carteret County, in which permission was requested to continue dredging of Taylors Creek and place the sand along Radio Island. As you may be aware, the Division of Coastal Management is coordinating a multi - agency state and federal review of the relief request. I can assure your comments will be examined and taken into consideration prior to the Division taking final action on this matter, and you will be informed of this final action. The Division appreciates you submitting comment sand your comments will be added to the official permit application file for this project. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any additional concerns relating to this project. Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Grege.Bodnar0 ncdenr.gov Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Miriam Sutton <mirsutton@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 12:31 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Dredge Project on Taylor's Creek, Beaufort, NC CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Boom Spam. Hi Gregg, I am contacting you to express concerns for the prospect of lengthening the dredge project currently being conducted along the east end of Taylor's Creek in Beaufort, NC. I am a member of the Rachel Carson Estuarine Research Reserve's Local Advisory Committee and volunteer hundreds of hours while monitoring the health and safety of the Reserve. I also conduct eco-tours throughout the Reserve via kayak, SUP, and my 17-foot flat -bottom bateau. My access to the Reserve has been restricted since the end of March when the dredging contractor began floating pipes (4+miles in total length) the length of Taylor's Creek to pump the dredge spoils to Radio Island. During the month of April, I have tolerated the sporadic Monday - Friday 9:OOAM-5:OOPM operation and observed the extremely slow progress first-hand. I was informed earlier this month that the project would be completed by the end of April, "even if [they] have to start dredging around the clock." I am now hearing discussions that an extension to the dredge project is being considered to allow the contractor to continue the lackadaisical effort through June 2022. 1 find this quite disheartening and also hazardous to the visitors heading to Beaufort in the coming weeks. Here are a few of my primary concerns with the current dredging project: 1. The crew operating the support boats for the dredge need to abide by the navigational ordinances assigned to Taylor's Creek. This includes the No Wake Zone that includes the full length of the creek. I would also like to note that a crew member approached my boat April 21st while I was recording him speeding down the creek and throwing a huge boat wake. He advised me that the US Coast Guard and Marine Patrol had pulled him for speeding and No Wake violations and told him it was okay for him to continue speeding up and down the creek during the dredge project. The language he used to express his disgust with me, and the other boaters who were harassing him for speeding, was unacceptable and should not be used toward citizens by a state -hired contractor. 2. If the dredge is not pumping, the pipes are floating and access to the Reserve is restricted. This not only restricts three access points during my eco-tours but also limits my ability as a Reserve volunteer to monitor the health and safety of the Reserve from my Stand -Up Paddleboard. Our visitor numbers increase tremendously during the weekend and, based on the current dredging schedule, the pipes will be floating from S:OOPM Friday - 9:OOAM Monday. 3. This dredging project should have been completed last fall (when it was originally rescheduled from the 2019 dredging date). The timing of the current dredging project creates unnecessary risks to boaters and paddlers using Taylor's Creek. The pipes and equipment do not have sufficient markings or lights to secure the safety of boaters and paddlers who are not aware of the dredging project. Here are a few options to consider when making a decision on the best route to take moving forward with this dredge project: 1. Require the contractor to move away from "banking hours" of operation and transition to a 24- hour/7 day per week dredge operation to complete the project within the next week. If the contractor needs 480 hours (May -June) to complete the dredge project, then a 24-hour operation can meet this 480-hour target in 20 days; well ahead of the Memorial Day weekend and beginning of summer. Having the dredging crew on -site 24/7 would also increase the safety of the operation, allowing the dredge crew to ensure boaters are able to see and avoid the navigational hazards created by the project. 2. Consider shutting the project down until the late fall of 2022 when less boat traffic will be running a conflict to the dredging operation. It might also be a better option to locate a contractor who has the equipment and ability to "get in and get out" with a quicker and safer dredging operation. Please let me know if you need additional information from me or wish to discuss any of my concerns or suggestions. Thanks for your service and good luck with your decision on the dredging project. Miriam Sutton, M.A., NBCT i Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com> Sunday, May 1, 2022 10:38 AM Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Doug Huggett; Ryan Davenport; Foxworth, Eugene; Twyla Cheatwood; pace wilber B.I. Mansour, Andrew Law; Deaton, Anne, Bodnar, Gregg; Cole Barrow; Grant, Brandon; Styron, Hs_ather M.; Harrison, James A; Perry, John M; Dunn, Maria T.; Pirrello, Mark, Mickey Sugg Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2017-02286 East Taylor Creek/Radio Island/ federal response to moratoria relief extension request status External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to M. _ - Liz, TD Eure did shut down dredging operations yesterday evening. They have begun those demobilization operations that can be easily put back in place should we receive notification from the Corps on Monday that the extension request has been granted. With the May 51h demobilization date still in effect, the closer we get to that date the further TD Eure will be into demobilization and the more time it will take to put the project back into operating condition. We look forward to continuing the conversation on Monday. Thanks again for everyone's help. Regards, Sam Morrison Technical Director Dredge Services Moffatt $ Nichol 4700 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 300 1 Raleigh, NC 27609 P 984.239.2798 1 C 630.805.4049 From: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 5:53 PM To: Doug Huggett <doug.huggett@ncdenr.gov>; Ryan Davenport <ryan.davenport@carteretcountync.gov>; Gene Foxworth <Eugene. Foxworth @ca rteretcountync.gov>; Twyla Cheatwood <Twyla.Cheatwood@noaa.gov>; pace wilber <pace.wilber@ noaa.gov> Cc: B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com>; Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com>; Anne Deaton (anne.deaton@ncdenr.gov) <anne.deaton@ncdenr.gov>; Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov>; Cole Barrow <Cole. Ba rrow@ca rteretcountync.gov>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov; James Harrison (James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov) <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>, John M Perry (John.Perry@ncdenr.gov) <John. Perry@ ncdenr.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrello@moffattnichol.com>; Sugg, Mickey T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Mickey.T.Sugg@usace.army.mil> Subject: SAW-2017-02286 East Taylor Creek/Radio Island/ federal response to moratoria relief extension request status CAUTION This email originated from outside of the orLyanizatioa a Good afternoon/evening, As of 17:30 April 29, 2022, the Corps has not received a final response from the NMFS regarding the subject project's proposed moratorium relief extension request. As such, federal coordination/consultation is ongoing and stipulations associated with the attached April 14, 2022 moratoria relief extension remain in effect. Specifically: Dredging is to cease by dusk on April 30, 2022 with demobilization (beach and dredging operations) to end by May 5, 2022. 1 anticipate discussion with NMFS to continue on Monday, May 2 regarding the proposed request. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kind Regards, Liz Liz Hair Regulatory Project Manager Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil Work Cell: 910-512-4456 Bodnar, Gregg From: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 5:53 PM To: Doug Huggett; Ryan Davenport, Foxworth, Eugene; Twyla Cheatwood; pace wilber Cc: B.I. Mansour; Andrew Law; Deaton, Anne; Bodnar, Gregg; Cole Barrow; Grant, Brandon; Styron, Heather M.; Harrison, James A; Perry, John M; Dunn, Maria T.; Morrison, Sam; Pirrello, Mark; Mickey Sugg Subject: [External] SAW-2017-02286 East Taylor Creek/Radio Island/ federal response to moratoria relief extension request status Attachments: [Non-DoD Source] Carteret County STATE relief authorization; Carteret County E. Taylors Creek (2022) Part 2FINAL.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon/evening, As of 17:30 April 29, 2022, the Corps has not received a final response from the NMFS regarding the subject project's proposed moratorium relief extension request. As such, federal coordination/consultation is ongoing and stipulations associated with the attached April.14, 2022 moratoria relief extension remain in effect. Specifically: Dredging is to cease by dusk on April 30, 2022 with demobilization (beach and dredging operations) to end by May 5, 2022. I anticipate discussion with NMFS to continue on Monday, May 2 regarding the proposed request. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kind Regards, Liz Liz Hair Regulatory Project Manager Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Sarah.e.hair(@usace.armv.mil Work Cell: 910-512-4456 Bodnar, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:13 PM To: pace.wilber@noaa.gov Subject: FW: [External] Fwd: NMFS request Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg. Bod nar@ ncdenr.eov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:02 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Hair, Sarah E CIV CESAW CESAD (US) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrello@moffattnichol.com>; B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com>; Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com>; ryan.davenpart@carteretcountync.gov Subject: RE: [External] Fwd: NMFS request CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Gregg Here are the answers to the 3 questions below 1. Can you detail the events and situations that resulted in the daily dredge volumes of 330-600 cy/day? Production rates have been lower than anticipate due to a. higher -than -expected shell content is some of the areas that have been dredge so far. This higher shell content material slows down the volume of material that the existing dredge and booster can pump. Indications are that the dredge has moved into areas with less shell in the last day or two. 2. Can you detail the improvements that will allow the dredge operations to reach the projected estimated volumes of 500-900 cy/day? Should the full 60-day moratoria relief be granted, there will be adequate time to allow the contractor to add two additional booster pumps to the pipeline, which should allow for greater daily production rates, and should also be able to provide better production rates if additional areas with higher shell content are encountered. 3. Can you detail any other improvements that will allow dredge operations to meet or exceed the estimated 60 additional days requested? If necessary to ensure that beach placement activities are completed by June 30, additional beach placement equipment and crews will be utilized. Thanks again for your attention to this project. Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 1:32 PM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Fwd: NMFS request Afternoon Doug, Can you provide additional information and justification on the following for agency review... 1. Can you detail the events and situations that resulted in the daily dredge volumes of 330-600 cy/day? 2. Can you detail the improvements that will allow the dredge operations to reach the projected estimated volumes of 500-900 cy/day? 3. Can you detail any other improvements that will allow dredge operations to meet or exceed the estimated 60 additional days requested? Thank you again and please provide as soon as possible so coordination can continue, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 12:25 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External) Fwd: NMFS request iCAUTION: External email. Do noYclick linksor open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.' Response from TD Eure J Get Outlook for Android From: B.I. Mansour<bi@tdeure.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022, 11:57 AM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com>; Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com> Cc: Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant moffattnichol.com>; David Ryan <D av i d. Ryan @ nagshea d n c.gov> Subject: Re: NMFS request • total volume dredged to date: 8,495 Estimated daily production level (I would say both to date and moving forward if we get the full relief granted) Current: 330-600/Day Moving Forward: 500-900/Day (Dependent on Material Consitency) Estimated number of days needed to complete project (or more likely confirmation that the entire extra 60 days will be needed) 60 Days From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 11:42 AM To: B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com>; Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com> Cc: Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; David Ryan <David. Ryan @ nagsheadnc.gov> Subject: FW: NMFS request B.I./Andrew, Please see the attached email from DCM. Please provide me estimates of total volume dredged to date Estimated daily production level (I would say both to date and moving forward if we get the full relief granted) Estimated number of days needed to complete project (or more likely confirmation that the entire extra 60 days will be needed) Please try and provide this ASAP (before 1PM if possible) so that I can quickly respond to DCM. Call me (919 218-1490) if we need to discuss Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 11:36 AM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Subject: NMFS request CAUTION: This ema'il_o_r1ginated from outside oft he organization. Afternoon Doug, NMFS is asking for the following information... In order to fully evaluate the impacts and dredging needs, information should be provided showing the current total volume of dredged material, the estimated daily production level, and an estimated number of days needed to complete the project. Please provide as soon as possible so coordination can continue, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G reee.Bodna r@ ncdenr.eov Find a Field Rep (arcciis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Bodnar, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 3:57 PM To: 'Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal' Cc: 'Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)'; 'Pace Wilber - NOAA Federal' Subject: RE; [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Hey all, The state will be sending out our state authorization with the need to obtain federal authorization in the next few minutes. It seems that additional coordination on the federal side will be required. The agent is aware what this scenario means and they are still beholden to the previous relief authorization. There is another issue of being able to continue to work while the federal coordination is ongoing. Under the previous relief authorization they would have to shut down tomorrow and demobilize by 5,5,2022. Thanks, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G re¢e. Bo d na r@ ncdenr.eov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 3:35 PM To: Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov> Cc: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Pace Wilber- NOAA Federal <Pace. W ilbe r@ noaa.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Afternoon Twyla, If coordination continues beyond today then it will be through federal channels. The state will be making a relief decision today with continued federal coordination required for relief beyond the April 30th/May 5'h authorized in the April 1411 memo. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg. Bod na r@ ncden r.gov Find a Field Rep (armis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 3:31 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil>; Pace Wilber- NOAA Federal <Pace. W ilbe r@ noaa.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request .CAUTION: External email. Do not click linkso r open attachmentsless as unyou verify. Send all suspicious email an'attachment to 'Report Spam. _ „. Gregg, I will be on leave Monday, May 2nd. If coordination is needed, please be sure emails are sent to Pace with me as a cc. Thank you for your coordination, Twyla On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 1:52 PM Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> wrote: I have sent that question along with others to the agent for reply, and will send them along ASAP.' Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcqis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 12:42 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <greRg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov>; Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov> Cc: kathrvn matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov>; Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howellPncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov>; Pace Wilber- NOAA Federal <Pace.Wilber@noaa.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request CAUTION: External email Do not click -links -or open attachments unless you verify Send all suspicious email as an attachment to :Report Spam , Thanks Gregg, I'm trying to further understand the reason for the potential loss of funding if the 'full project' isn't completed by June 30. 1 understand that there are 2 separate grants for this project, one for the dredging and one for the shoreline placement/road stabilization. If the issue is the road not being stabilized/ complete by June 30, why can't the county obtain the material from an approved upland source? Also, why are the daily dredge volumes so low?. Liz From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 12:31 PM To: Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> Cc: kathrvn matthews(@fws.gov Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov>; Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov>; Pace Wilber - NOAA Federal <Pace.Wilber noaa.gov> Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DOD Source] RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Afternoon all, Please see above to the dredger's response to NMFS request. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg. Bod na r@ ncden r.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twvla.cheatwood noaa.¢ov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 11:33 AM To: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil> Cc: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov>; kathryn matthews@fws.gov: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perrv@ncdenr.gov>; Howell, Jonathan <ionathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov>; Pace Wilber- NOAA Federal <Pace.W ilber@noaa.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request - ..--- li-----`.n_ _-c--.. unless-r — -_. _.. ;CAUTION: External emaiL'Do notclick links oropen attachments unless you verify. Send all. suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam Greg, The NMFS has reviewed the third request for moratorium relief for the Taylors Creek/Radio Island project in Carteret County. The applicant initiated dredging activity for the project on March 20, 2022. Dredging has been delayed due to equipment and weather related issues and multiple relief requests have been reviewed and approved by the resource agencies. While the area is not a PNA, the creeks nearby are listed as PNA and a portion of the project is inside a designated Crab Spawning Sanctuary. The continued disturbance of habitat this late into the season will have impacts. The NMFS understands the time sensitivity related to funding for completion of this project and our responsibility as an agency for long-term biological and economic sustainability of marine fisheries. Based on the information provided, the NMFS is unable to provide a complete response to this request for relief. In order to fully evaluate the impacts and dredging needs, information should be provided showing the current total volume of dredged material, the estimated daily production level, and an estimated number of days needed to complete the project. Thank you for your continued coordination, Twyla On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 1:24 PM Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair usace.armv.mil> wrote: How was the meeting yesterday? Liz From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 10:39 AM To: Hair, Sarah E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>;'Twyla Cheatwood' <twvla.cheatwood(@noaa.¢ov>; kathryn matthews@fws.aov: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <lonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral] [Non-DoD Source] RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for a supplemental request received this morning concerning the current 3rd relief request. In summary, the County is asking to continue dredging and beach placement operations past April 30th while the 31d request is in review. Currently the dredging is to stop on 4/30/22 (Saturday) with beach operations and demobilization to stop by 5/5/22. To date I have only received comments from USFWS. Please provide any comments to the above scenarios ASAP as Friday is the final business day before the end of the authorization. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Greee.Bodna r@ ncdenr.eov Find a Field Rep (arcgismm) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 2:26 PM To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil>;'TwylaCheatwood'<twvla.cheatwood noaa.eov>;'kathryn matthews@fws.aov' <kathryn matthews@fws.sov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.ora>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.eov>; Perry, John M <John.Perrv@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <]onathan.howell@ncdenr.eov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.lopazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylors Creek moratoria relief request Afternoon all, Moffat and Nichol has provided estimates of material moved since last Friday and estimates the project has dredged 7,484CY. I will be attending the CRC in Manteo this Wednesday and Thursday, and will have limited access to email during that time. If you have any questions or can provide comments, please do so via email. I will try and address any comments ASAP during this time. The end of the authorized relief is this Saturday 4/30/22. Thanks, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:53 AM To:'Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@Usace.army.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil)' <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>;'TwylaCheatwood'<twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>;'kathryn matthews@fws.gov' <kathryn matthews@fws.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <lonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.looazanski ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, I forgot to add John to the original circulation. My apologies John. I wanted to circulate again with John on. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.Bodnar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 8:40 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil> (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil] <Sarah.E.Hair(c@usace.armv.mil>; Twyla Cheatwood <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; kathrvn matthews@fws.gov; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison @ncdenr.gov>; Ellin, Rebecca <rebecca.ellin@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncderingov>; Lopazanski, Mike <mike.looazanski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request Morning all, Please see above for the 31d relief request for Carteret County. The current relief requests runs through April 30, 2022. Due to the extent of this request (June 30, 2022), additional individuals have been identified to include in this review. Background forthe past 2 relief request is available upon request. Please review and provide comments as early as possible. If there are any questions/add info needs please pass them along ASAP. If a coordination meeting is needed to assist with review please let me know and I can set it up. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G re ga. B od n a r@ n cd e n r. goy Find a Field Rep (arc is.com Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Foxworth, Eugene<eugene.foxworthCc@carteretcountvnc.gov>; ryan.davenport@carteretcountync.gov Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <barant@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <M Pirrello@moffattnichol.com> Subject: [External] Radio Island/East Taylor's Creek moratoria relief request External email. Do not click links or open attachments Report Spam. Gregg, you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to On behalf of Carteret County„ attached please find the moratoria relief request for the subject project that we have been discussing this week. If you have any questions or need any additional information to aid with your review, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks Doug Get Outlook for Android Twyla H Cheatwood Fishery Biologist Southeast Region, Habitat Conservation Division NOAA Fisheries Beaufort, NC 28516 Office: (252) 728-8758 Twvla.cheatwood (a)noaa.g ov Web www.nmfs.noaa.gov 10 Facebook www.facebook.com/usnoaaflsheriesgov Twitter www.twitter.com/noaafisheries Younbe www.youtube.com/usnoaafisheriesgov Twyla H Cheatwood Fishery Biologist Southeast Region, Habitat Conservation Division NOAA Fisheries Beaufort, NC 28516 Office: (252) 728-8758 Twula.cheatwood 0 noaa.gov Web www.nmfs.noaa.gov Facebook www.facebook.com/usnoaafisheriesgou Twitter www.twitter.com/noaafisheries YouTube www.lLoutube.com/usnoaaflsheriesgov 11 Bodnar, Gregg From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 12:25 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg Subject: [External] Fwd: NMFS request CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Response from TD Eure Get Outlook for Android From: B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022, 11:57 AM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com>; Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com> Cc: Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; David Ryan <David. Ryan @ nagshead nc.gov> Subject: Re: NMFS request • total volume dredged to date: 8,495 • Estimated daily production level (I would say both to date and moving forward if we get the full relief granted) Current: 330-600/Day Moving Forward: 500-900/Day (Dependent on Material Consitency) Estimated number of days needed to complete project (or more likely confirmation that the entire extra 60 days will be needed) 60 Days From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 11:42 AM To: B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com>; Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com> Cc: Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>, Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; David Ryan <David. Rya n@nagsheadnc.gov> Subject: FW: NMFS request B.I./Andrew, Please see the attached email from DCM. Please provide me estimates of total volume dredged to date Estimated daily production level (I would say both to date and moving forward if we get the full relief granted) Estimated number of days needed to complete project (or more likely confirmation that the entire extra 60 days will be needed) Please try and provide this ASAP (before 1PM if possible) so that I can quickly respond to DCM. Call me (919 218-1490) if we need to discuss Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 11:36 AM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Subject: NMFS request ;CAUTION: This email originated: from outside.of the organization.. Afternoon Doug, NMFS is asking for the following information... In order to fully evaluate the impacts and dredging needs, information should be provided showing the current total volume of dredged material, the estimated daily production level, and an estimated number of days needed to complete the project. Please provide as soon as possible so coordination can continue, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) GreaR.Bod nar@ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arwis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. imp Bodnar, Gregg From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 2:20 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg Subject: RE: [External] RE: Weekly progress meeting- April 13, 2022 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thanks Gregg Also, based upon depth surveys that were taken last Friday, as well as the surveys taken pre -project, the project has dredged 7,484CY (as of Friday 4/22/22). Please let me know if you need anything additional from me on this. Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 1:02 PM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Subject: RE: [External) RE: Weekly progress meeting- April 13, 2022 It was sent out on Friday so there has not been a lot of time for review yet. I plan on touching base with everyone tomorrow morning before I travel and will have my laptop available, though limited. Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G reag. Bod nar@ ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuegett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 1:00 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.eov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Weekly progress meeting- April 13, 2022 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Understood Would you have any time this afternoon (after 213M) to discuss where we are with the moratoria relief request? Thanks Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.Rov> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 12:53 PM To: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett moffattnichol.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Weekly progress meeting -April 13, 2022 `CAUTION: This email originated from outside of' _the organization. Afternoon Doug, I will not be attending due to the CRC meeting in Dare County. Thanks, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg.Bod nar@ ncdenr.gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 12:37 PM To: Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com>; Deaton, Anne <anne.deatonC@ncdenr.gov>; B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com>; Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov>; Cole Barrow <Cole.Barrow@carteretcountync.gov>; Foxworth, Eugene <eugene.foxworth@carteretcountvnc.gov>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant moffattnichol.com>; Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov_>; Harrison, James A <James.Harrison(a)ncdenr.gov>; Perry, John M <John.Perrv@ncdenr.gov>; Liz Hair (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn(@ncwildlife.org>; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrelloCa)moffattnichol.com>; Ryan Davenport <ryan.davenport@carteretcountync.gov>; Twyla Cheatwood (twvla.cheatwood noaa.gov) <twvla.cheatwood noaa.gov>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com> Subject: [External] RE: Weekly progress meeting- April 13, 2022 CAUTION: External email Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to �ReportSpam. Good afternoon, everyone, Please seethe attached agenda for tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon's meeting for East Taylors Creek and Radio Island Dredging project. Please feel free to reach out to me if any additional items need to be added to this list. Thanks in advance, Doug Environmental Permit Specialist/Project Manager Moffatt & Nichol 310-B Greenfield Drive Newport, NC 28570 Main 919.781.4626 ext.12149 Direct 919.645.0649 Cell 919.534.6834 Creative People, Practical Solutions. :� _ [_.i z e ',? . ,' v +• ' xc � p-°`�1=,`� � � s r' -. 6 r' i` l t� e i s, �. j\/ 4'Ks¢ 3 F..� � � f� � - y�r�,i�' ,�, F �, "'.`•. .� � � i > 14 } [ ",`; y P�,�t . �i� �' :.r�� >5' - ro, / 9 Ij (u� s# 1 . 7 @ET-08 NOTES: 1. PIPELINE PLACEMENT SHALL BE IN THE AREA BETWEEN THE 10' SHORELINE BUFFER AND THE 25' USACE NAVIGATION CHANNEL BUFFER. 2. DREDGE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED UNDER CAMA # 35-20. LEGEND: USACE NAVIGATION CHANNEL LIMIT 25' USACE NAVIGATION CHANNEL BUFFER 17 SHORELINE BUFFER POINT TABLE POINT# NORTHING EASTING ET-01 356546.15 2716363.56 ET-02 356634.59 2716577.68 ET-03 355843.67 2716780.02 ET-04 355803.97 2716359.89 ET-05 356167.40 2716705.86 ET-06 356077.35 2716412.24 ET-07 356350.79 2716484.99 ET-08 356366.89 2716137.63 ET-09 356324.09 2715886.02 ET-10 356515.28 2716972.62 ET-11 357471.97 2716947.82 ET-12 356991.86 2716924.69 ET-13 357266.12 2716685.52 ET-14 356886.62 2716668.33 ET-16 357007.91 2716423.71 ET-16 356729.06 2716163.45 ET-17 356977.55 2715925.00 ET.18 356785.32 2715681.45 ET-19 357018.43 2715421.23 ET-20 356DO5.03 2716116.75 ET-21 356648.71 2715907.19 ET-22 357265.70 2717067.02 ET-23 356655.42 2715163.59 ET-24 357073.43 2714934.15 ET-25 356059.05 2715614.70 ET-26 356509.49 2717658.00 0 € 3S N o 4g o t o E z° E iB0' B' 180' ffi# SCALE: i =160 Emig u ERNO ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED: 2021-10-Of/ NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6 ���RET COGS. u� < Carteret County ,,,q 2 East Taylor's Creek/Radio Island mottatt & nicnoi pT�i �ARo� Progress Meeting Agenda April 27, 2022 Time: 2:00 pm Call In: +1 747-271-3021 US Location: Microsoft Teams Access code: 500 249 738# Discussion Items: 1. Introduction Attendees: • Sam Morrison • Doug Huggett • Brandon Grant • B.I. Mansour • John Perry • James Harrison • Twyla Cheatwood • Eugene Foxworth • Ryan Davenport Moffatt and Nichol Moffatt and Nichol Moffatt and Nichol TD Eure NCDWR NCDMF NMFS Carteret County Carteret County 2. Discussion of Project Schedule a. Work performed in previous 7 days • Contractor performed survey of dredge area on Friday (4/22) • Pay Volume estimated at 6,200 cy and a total of 7,500 cy • Since Friday, an additional 1,300 — 1,600 cy has been dredged b. Work anticipated to be performed in next 7 days • Current plan to continue dredging through end of day Saturday depending on boat traffic • Boat traffic has been limiting production over previous weekends • Sunday (5/1)/Monday (5/2) start demobilization of pipeline • Sand currently stockpiled on beach will be graded • All current planned work will be finished by May 51 c. Current status of beach placement • Placement on beach is —85% complete based on volume between Stations 18+00 and 27+00 • Sand has been stockpiled near Station 9+00 that will need to be graded • Placement has occurred below MHW and turbidity curtain has been utilized in those areas d. Status of DMCA discharge to open waters East Taylor's Creek / Radio Island Progress Meeting — April 27, 2022 • No water has come close to discharge pipe in clarification area; therefore, no discharge has taken place into open water. Therefore, turbidity and water quality sampling have not been initiated. 3. Discussion of Other Project Needs and/or Issues a. Discussion of additional moratorium relief request submitted April 21, 2022 • Conversations with NC DCM has indicated an answer may not come prior to April 30 stop work deadline and May 5 demobilization deadline under current moratorium relief window • NC DCM has not received any comments from commenting agencies as of the morning of 4/27. • NC DMF: Currently reviewing request and will provide comments as quickly as possible • NMFS: Was present at the beginning of the meeting; however, not present when asked to comment (potentially connection issues) • An update of status of moratorium relief is critical this week give the Contractors plan to begin demobilization on Sunday or Monday • The County will be submitting a request in the coming days for suspension of demobilization efforts and continuation of dredging while a decision is being made for moratorium relief • County emphasized the necessity to be granted permission to finish the project this season providing a finished channel for boaters, nourished beach for tourist, and the funding concerns prohibiting re -mobilization efforts the following season due to grant timeline being limited to end of June 2022 4. Site Working Conditions a. Planned working hours • Currently ideal operating schedule is 7 days per week dawn to dusk; however, significant boat traffic over the weekend has limited operation to 5 days per week dawn to dusk, requiring the contractor shut down over the weekend • Last week, Contractor shut down at 5pm on Friday (4/22) 5. Project Change Orders/RFIs a. None pending at this time • Change order for turbidity curtain will be submitted Friday (4/29) because it was not in the original bid package 6. Project Payments • MN will follow up with Pay Request 1 to ensure it was submitted to County for processing 7. Other Items East Taylor's Creek / Radio Island Progress Meeting —April 27, 2022 8. Adjourn Bodnar, Gregg From: B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 7:43 PM To: Huggett, Douglas; Andrew Law; Deaton, Anne; Bodnar, Gregg; Cole Barrow, Foxworth, Eugene; Grant, Brandon; Styron, Heather M.; Harrison, James A; Perry, John M; Liz Hair (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil); Dunn, Maria T.; Morrison, Sam; Pirrello, Mark; Ryan Davenport; Twyla Cheatwood (twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov) Subject: [External] Re: ETC/Radio Island Weekly progress meeting- April 27, 2022 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to .Report Spam. Thanks Doug - I do have a correction to request. We did dredge over the weekend, just not until dark on Saturday and Sunday. We worked until dark on Friday, and until 5:00 on Saturday and Sunday. B.I. Mansour Sales & Consulting TD Eure Marine Construction, LLC. 252.571.4505 Mobile From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 5:40:28 PM To: Andrew Law <andrew@tdeure.com>; Anne Deaton (anne.deaton@ncdenr.gov) <anne.deaton@ncdenr.gov>; B.I. Mansour <bi@tdeure.com>; Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov>; Cole Barrow <Cole. Ba rrow@ca rteretcountync.gov>; Gene Foxworth <Eugene. Foxworth @ca rteretcountync.gov>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com>; heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov>; James Harrison (James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov) <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov>; John M Perry (John.Perry@ncdenr.gov) <John.Perry@ncdenr.gov>; Liz Hair (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mill <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Morrison, Sam <smorrison@moffattnichol.com>; Pirrello, Mark <MPirrello@moffattnichol.com>; Ryan Davenport <ryan.davenport@carteretcountync.gov>; Twyla Cheatwood (twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov) <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; Grant, Brandon <bgrant@moffattnichol.com> Subject: RE: ETC/Radio Island Weekly progress meeting- April 27, 2022 Good afternoon, everyone Attached please find the minutes from yesterday's weekly project meeting. Please let me know if I missed anything in the minutes. Thanks, and have a great day Doug ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, DCM Assistant Major Permit Coordinator SUBJECT: Carteret County Taylors Creek Dredging/Radio Island Nourishment No. 35-20 DATE: 4/22/22 The processing of permit #35-20 began in 2019 with numerous scoping meeting and discussion concerning the County's need to dredge Taylors Creek in Beaufort. The main issue was placement of material, which included options such as: upland placement, in water placement and placement with Reserve boundaries. The information below is a timeline of permit actions and processing notes concerning CAMA Permit No. 35-20 issued to Carteret County for the dredging of Taylors Creek and the placement of dredge materials on Radio Island. 9/3/19 Initial date of submittal for application 11/21/19 Accepted as complete. Proposal included a 75ft x 2,800ft x -12ft MLLW dredge footprint located along the eastern portion of Taylors Creek in Beaufort. Dredge material would be place on uplands. April 1- November 15 in -water moratorium was placed on the permit. DMF, DWR, WRC and USACE all noted/requested the moratorium. This moratorium was also a commitment of the permittee identified in the project narrative. 3/27/20 Permit No. 35-20 issued. Scoping meeting with agencies to determine the ability to directly discharge material on Radio Island. Not allowable, required coordination of upland disposal site adjacent to Radio Island including coordination with the military. 10/8/21 Major Modification of CAMA Permit No. 35-20 submitted. Documentation from the Navy to conduct operations on Navy property was not available. This documentation was needed to make the application complete. 10/25/21 Major Modification accepted as complete. Proposal was to use the dredge material originally authorized to be place on the uplands as a beneficial use along the estuarine beach of Radio Island. This location is a mix of Navy property and State Port property. and nourishment would stabilize an existing road. Partial funding was received from the Navy for the project. Dredge methodology was not identified. Two options were given, hydraulic and mechanical. om�� iw�oMrnwo-mn� /� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue I Moorehead City, North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 Processing of the permit application identified comments from the USACE, DMF, WRC and DWR. These included identification of a dredge methodology, federal requirements (Section 408 and dredge pipe marking), reinforcement of the April 1 to November 15 moratorium, and water quality monitoring of the dredge material containment site's outfall pipe. Sediment analysis noted elevated levels of certain materials that caused water quality concerns. DCM staff coordinated with the County's agent and DWR to provide additional information concerning the elevated material levels and monitoring protocols concerning the dredge material outfall pipe. Water quality monitoring protocols were put in place that satisfied DWR. 1/7/22 Extension sent. Project 150 date was 3/24/22. 1/10/22 Dredge methodology was identified. Material would be hydraulically pumped from the dredge site to a disposal location on Radio Island. Material would be dried and moved onto the beach. 1/28/22 DWR water quality certification issued. 2/7/22 USACE authorization issued. 2/11/22 CAMA Permit issued. 3/20/22 Dredging operations began in earnest. Testing and creation of the upland disposal site had occurred before the initiation of dredging operations. Monitoring and general progress updates to be provided during weekly progress meetings. 3/28/22 Carteret County requested moratorium relief until April 30, 2022 with demobilization to occur until May 15, 2022. 3/31/22 Agencies authorized a 15-day relief (April 15, 2022) to allow the applicant to determine daily cubic yardage and assess construction timelines. 4/11/22 Second Relief request to complete the original timeline. 4/14/22 Agencies authorized the relief till 4/30/22 with demobilization until May 5, 2022. 4/21/22 Third Relief Request. Applicant requested until 6/30/22. Circulation has occurred to DMF, DWR, USACE, NMFS, USFWS, and DCM Reserve Program. Awaiting feedback from resource agencies. 4/29/22 State resource agencies authorized the relief request until 6/30/22 with additional conditions. NMFS modified the request to allow relief until 5/31/22 with no option to extend. Additional updates are to follow each Wednesday from the agent and dredge company. 5/24/22 Site visit occurred to follow up on progress as the dredge portion of the project came to a close with beach operations and demobilization to occur before Memorial Day weekend 2022. D_E Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue I Moorehead City, North Carolina 28557 Honmunauxn !� 252808.2808 5/25/22 Timeline for end of operations and demobilization. All dates after 5/25/22 are estimates based on information provided by Moffat and Nichol, TD Eure and Carteret County. 5/22/22 End of dredging within channel 5/24/22 Complete dredging of high spots— Dredging completed 5/25/22 Demobilization begins around Reserves 5/26/22 County beach inspection 5/27/22 Open beach by 8am 6/1/22 Remove final section of pipe within channel after Memorial Day weekend North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue I Moorehead City, North Carolina 28557 ommai��rmee wmm� 252.808.2808 Carteret County ,,,' o 2e East Taylor's Creek/Radio Island mottatt a nicnoi Progress Meeting Agenda May 25, 2022 Time: 2:00 pm Call In: +l 747-271-3021 US Location: Microsoft Teams Access code: 500 249 738# Discussion Items: 1. Introduction 2. Discussion of Project Schedule a. Work performed in previous 7 days b. Work anticipated to be performed in next 7 days c. Current status of beach placement d. Status of DMCA discharge to open waters �A 3. Discussion of Other Project Needs and/or Issues — /uut 4a�W AvNr~G( Fkol A44-Irr1� k7k spo4r, 1402 �O6;1rZO�0.1 KJ>� tc�6uck�`ur bracl.t o� IV's4� a. Discussion of moratorium relief require ents C / & W1 • Status of turtle observations 7rA �� (L.•.' y IH AWtAt • Status of blue crab mortality monitoring N��i • Weekly Project Report (submitted 5/20/2 ) discussi(o_n {fp K6441'4 49 z 4. Site Working Conditions U ��+'7 30 � 5 1" 64LL P� � f"'"�^(5 a. Planned working hours 5. Project Change Order Wls a. None pending at this time 6. Project Payments 7. Other Items 8. Adjourn I R t- t � f ��� r 0*CxCV,0o-C Carteret County '/„East Taylor's Creek / Radio Island motratt & nicnoi Progress Meeting Agenda May 4, 2022 Time: 2:00 pm Call In: +1 747-271-3021 US Location: Microsoft Teams Access code: 500 249 738# Discussion Items: 1. Introduction 2. Discussion of Project Schedule k 1050 //f,+a tjI1> 0o a. Work performed in previous 7 days "A per' eS+, �ZG� , 2-1 It 441A4 Z d-- b. Work anticipated to be performed in next 7 days t 19 rc. Current status of beach placement �r ca�G d. Status of DMCA discharge to open waters µ` Ave k qpp `�"°� 3. Discussion of Other Project Needs and/or Issues yAvk �aKS ,} a. Discussion of moratorium relief ,Y t • Additional Booster Pump -0 �S • Additional signage -t� %b 1. Jiwc 4o p • Turtle observations // I • Blue crab mortality monitoring buff Aoy ta7r�,.end • Additional signage at NERRA Reserve 4. Site Working Conditions �- kr� s atmer#pns, L C a. Planned working hours S. Project Change Order Wls a. None pending at this time 6. Project Payments 7. Other Items 8. Adjourn 7011r CV14., 3 C;�, IL- -,4-4- a wt"Z4,A. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 26403-1343 May 2, 2022 Regulatory Division Action ID No. SAW-2017-02286, General Permit No. 198000291 Carteret County Mr. Eugene Foxworth Assistant County Manager 402 Broad Street Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Eugene.Foxworth(d,carteretcountvnc.gov Dear Mr. Foxworth: MAY 3 2022 MP sECT(®P1 04' HD Through coordination with the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, we have learned of your request dated April 22, 2022, to further modify the approved work window associated with your Department of the Army (DA) permit modification issued on February 11, 2022, which authorized the maintenance excavation of East Taylors Creek, and placement along the Radio Island shoreline in Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina. Through additional Essential Fish Habitat consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Habitat Conservation Division pursuant to the requirements of the Magnuson - Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, we have determined that dredging shall be allowed to continue until May 31, 2022, provided the additional special conditions below are met. Additional Special Conditions: 1. Additional booster pumps will be deployed in order to maximize daily dredge volume in order to expeditiously complete the authorized dredging. 2. In addition to the weekly progress meeting, weekly progress reports shall be submitted to the Corps for review every Friday. The report will include daily dredge volumes, dredge volume to date, number of days operational, detailed explanation of days down (i.e. mechanical, environmental, other contributing factors), a map showing updated progress along the project, and a projected completion date 3. The permittee shall notify the Corps by May 21, 2022, if the project is anticipated to require dredging beyond May 31, 2022, so that consultation with NMFS can be re- initiated in a timely manner. Detailed information citing why dredging cannot be completed in the allotted time frame must be included with any such request, along with -2- the anticipated number of additional dredge days and remaining volume of material to be removed. If this notification is not received, work must cease by June 1, 2022, and will not be permitted to continue until NMFS consultation has been completed and approval to proceed granted. Your proposal continues to be consistent with the provisions and objectives of general permit 198000291 (copy enclosed). The permit is hereby renewed. It is understood that all other conditions of your permit remain applicable and that the expiration date of your DA permit is December 31, 2026. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have questions, please contact me at telephone: (910) 251-4049 or email: sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil. Sincerely, mto Liz Hair, Project Manager Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Electronic Copy Furnished: Carteret County: Ryan Davenport Moffatt & Nichol; Doug Huggett/ Mark Pirello NCDEQ/DCM; Jonathan Howell/Gregg Bodnar NCDEQ/DWR; John Perry NC DMF; Jimmy Harrison NC WRC; Maria Dunn NMFS; Twyla Cheatwood/Pace Wilber USFWS; John Hammond/Kathy Matthews RECEIVE® MAY 3 2022 PAP SECTION MVID 'all From: Harrison. lames A To: Huaoett. Doualas Cc: Bodnar. Greoa Subject: Re: [External] FW: Relief request - Radio Island Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 8:35:08 AM Attachments: Outlook-n3wdohlrmna Good morning Doug, The majority of the Beaufort Inlet area is designated as Crab Spawning Sanctuary (CSS; Link to CSS mans), which is the driving factor behind the request for crab monitoring. The dredging footprint appears to be outside of the designated area, and I'm assuming is too deep to be able to monitor for crabs getting near the dredge intake. Because it would likely be impossible to monitor at the dredge, the only way to determine if crabs are being caught in the dredging is to monitor the placement -side of the pipeline. I acknowledge and understand that having someone posted at the outlet to monitor isn't a very effective use of manpower, so I would just want an occasional check of the material for evidence of crab entrapment (i.e., mutilated crab parts, etc.). But if there is a way to have someone look at the material at the DMCA once per week, that would be beneficial. The other side of the concern is with the pipeline, as it's basically running parallel to the Reserve, which is essentially the border for the CSS designation. The monitoring of the pipeline would just be looking for evidence of crab mortality that is clearly a result of the pipeline, such as a crushed crab under or in close proximity to the pipeline. Is there regular monitoring of the pipeline, such as checking for leaks, shifting, anchor removal, etc.? If so, the crab monitoring could be done simultaneously with those checks. As for reporting, if any signs of crab mortality are observed, I'd just need a quick email indicating when (date/time) and where (i.e., at the DMCA, at XY point along the pipeline, etc.) the observation was made. If you need to discuss further, let me know and I can try to answer any additional questions you've got, or we can try to arrange a call. Thanks Doug, and I appreciate your working to get this implemented! Jimmy Jimmy Harrison Habitat and Enhancement Section NC Division of Marine Fisheries iames.harrison@ncdenr.gov 252-948-5855 (Office) 757-272-3230 (Mobile) is Email correspondence to andfrom this address is subject to the .forth Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parries. xft� From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Monday, May 2, 202217:26 To: Harrison, James A <James.Harrison@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] FW: Relief request- Radio Island !CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Renort Spam, Jimmy We received the attached moratoria relief request from DCM late last Friday afternoon. One of the conditions of the approval was that we coordinate with DMF to establish a blue crab monitoring program to look for observed mortality. We just received the Federal approval to keep dredging through the end of May (not June as was originally requested), so we are very anxious to get back to work. With this in mind, would you have any time tomorrow to go over what you might be looking for in the way of a monitoring plan, so that I can get this implemented ASAP once dredging resumes? I can be available any time tomorrow except from 9:00-9:30. Thanks for all your efforts (past and present) on this project! Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:15 PM To: Davenport, Ryan <ryan.davenport@ncdenr.gov>; Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@ moffattn ichol.com> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howell@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Relief request CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Afternoon all, Please see above for the STATE relief authorization. The federal side has not completed their review and this is detailed in the above attachment. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) G regg. Bod na rCd ncd e n r. gov Find a Field Rep (arcgis.com) Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Dunn. Maria T. To: Huoaett. Doualas Cc: Bodnar. Greaa Subject: RE: [External] FW: Relief request Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 8:13:51 AM Good morning Doug. I'm in the office today and can call if you would like to discuss. However, the reference was not for monitoring, butjust notification if an injured, distressed, or dead sea turtle is observed. The number is the general NCWRC Sea Turtle Hotline number that anyone calls when there are concerns. I hope this answers your question. If you'd like to discuss, you can still call between 9-9:30 but I will have a meeting on in the background. I understand there are still topics you would like to discuss that may not have the same urgent time -line so another may work as well. Thankyou. Maria Maria T. Dunn Coastal Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commission 943 Washington Sq. Mall Washington, NC 27889 office: 252-948-3916 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Huggett, Douglas <dhuggett@moffattnichol.com> Sent: Monday, May 2, 2022 6:04 PM To: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] FW: Relief request CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Reoort Sbam. Hi Maria We received the attached moratoria relief request from DCM late last Friday afternoon. One of the conditions of the approval was that we coordinate with WRC to establish a turtle monitoring program to look for distressed, injured, or dead turtles. We just received the Federal approval to keep dredging through the end of May (not June as was originally requested), so we are very anxious to get the contractor back to work. With this in mind, would you have any time tomorrow to go over what you might be looking for in the way of a monitoring plan, so that I can get this implemented ASAP once dredging resumes? I can be available any time tomorrow except from 9:00-9:30. Thanks for all your efforts (past and present) on this project! Doug From: Bodnar, Gregg <greee.bodnarPncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 4:15 PM To: Davenport, Ryan <ryan.daye nport(a ncdenr.gov>; Huggett, Douglas <d huggettQ moffattnichol.com> Cc: Howell, Jonathan <jonathan.howellPncdenr.eov> Subject: Relief request GAU710N This email originated from outside of the organization ... _ .. _ e . _ ... ... . ... . ... .. _. m.. Afternoon all, Please see above for the STATE relief authorization. The federal side has not completed their review and this is detailed in the above attachment. Regards, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality (252) 515-5416 (NEW OFFICE NUMBER) Gregg.BodnarCa ncdenr.gov Email Correspondence to and from this address is hubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Bodnar, Gregg From: Ryan Davenport <Ryan.Davenport@carteretcountync.gov> Sent: Friday, May 6, 2022 1:58 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg Subject: [External] Rachel Carson CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Let me know if this does not work. MIA Disclaimer: The content of this message and all attachments are subject to NC Public Record Law. According to the law all information except the property of a private individual is considered public record and subject to disclosure upon request to third parties without prior notification. If you are not the intended recipient of this message contact the sender immediately and delete the message from your files. Thank you for your cooperation.