HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeaisle Plantation 78889CCAMA /- rDREDGE & FILL ;J§ i =� {� GENERAL PERMIT A e C� ° --� Previous permit # {' - ❑New ElModiflcation Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit Issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality r 7— — and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental cconccep pursuant to I SA NCAC o 7�{ f✓b(,f' A licant Name, 7 w-' ��. 'Rules attached. PPJ oAwsm 4 Project Location: County��`r Address{ O ansI �us City S(,A }+P � f ([� ��� �i_ Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) State ZIP ( GP, 'IA hhe-J Phone # ) � i -� E-Mail Subdivision x�0.�I P, R/1 �A I�l�ch/) Authorized Agent City ZIP /fJ7 �02 Affected oCW -Vw ckRrA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# (_) River Basin AEC s : 00EA ❑HH❑F H ❑USA ❑N/A () PWS Adj. Wtr. Body S man unkn) ORW: yes 00 PNA yes / o Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity Y7 n( ` on Pler (dock) length I (Scale: / VIA Flxe Pica Fing Groff Bulk a-h Boat Boat Beac Otht Shore SAV. Mora Photo Waiv A buff d Platform(s) Ong Platform(s) erpler(s)�-- n length I � 7— F 1 r— number head/ Ri ra length I I 1 I --- av distance o(fshore/ max distance/offs ore ,I- 1 - 7 _'-_ 1 1 _ 1 ._ 1 i I- ..I j 1. -1_.` i /� 1- I i I._ y - �'� r f J I / ) L L- cubic yards, ramp touse/Boatli(t '�-- 7 h Bulldozing _. I a'-. I{ I F 4 I L, I-f (- 1 line Length 7 I not sure yes no torium: n/a es Jno .. i Fs: L_A—L I}'�erAttached: ;.- - yes yes.. ! _I _t._l r_. L_L �L �___._.i__J_._ Iding permit may be required by: 11(�. ) 0,-) h eQ 04� ❑ see note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions — PermltONcer's on Application Feels) Check# CAMA /•DREDGE & FILL g G O N. 78889 A B© D GENERAL PEFERMIT Previous permit# ❑New ❑Modification ---�Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality / r 15-o and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC /1.i„n_IGIf)q �71-/ . / ides attached. ��2� �� 7U+ Location: County �.�{t Applicant Naa�mRe " A )On P(F*SAS Project I Address t 0 �S[ 15-b Street'Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) I Dais% City Reg Pr�� State ZIP_�L l `� CL nno _ Phone #) 7p� E-Mail Subdivision C�0t-1--BJP Authorized Agent City - ��TpQnn ZIP cgf // 2 - Affected_ Cw )klE4` 4PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AEC(s): OOEA ❑ HHF ❑yH ❑ UBA ❑ WA ❑ PWS: ORW: yes y Z) PNA yes rro) Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) length_ Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s)�� Groin length number Bulkhead/ ftiprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore asin, c X cubic yards W, C Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing �^ Other Shoreline Length SAV; not sure yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no Photos: yes no Waiver Attached: yes A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction Notes/ Special Conditions Phone# (_) Adj. Wtr. Body Closest Mal. Wtr. Body ` � r \ e-V 0 La: (rye M f s�; [Ilo ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Si nat re �ioM Issu' g D e pira ' n Date Si ature ** Please read compliance statement on backofpermit ��co, logj Application Fee(s) Check # <-w 4CW P1 A Es PT5 OCA MW IN VBA NA Adl W(l BOO' 4 PWS 00scro maFWt, Body ORW PNA Type of Project, Actrywy (scale: