HomeMy WebLinkAbout86527A - Krahenbill, Sally'*OAX* li(CAMA F] DREDGE& FILL N9 86527 a c 0 Previous permit GENERAL PERMIT Date previous permit issued XNew L.lModificavon DCOrrkP4etePcI5sLte j Pa trial Reissue A. by ttw tateof W. It, Carvtlnt,o(Envkdxnrneal Q-bty *-4 die Coastal com-isvon . an ar:a of Q—Ofw�mtal —arn p""'Unt to ISANCAC AudWt7ed Ag" App"q N— Addres, Street AddrasOtant Road/Lot kikl�'.Zl )L city ZIP ow" AReczsd CW EW X11 -3 1 [9,TA ElEs OM Aill,wrrBody Afbelylalte- AEC(s): K4 L-1 VW E] SPIMA PWS Cjnest Mal, wtr Body oftw ycs/a Type of Project/ Activity Tir-lZi C)k4-,, P%A y-MAM 41- shomw* Length Aoxss LeVil Pie, (dock) klq&l �5 56- Fixed KW9,-(") 4 -K � Roatrig Pladorni(s) Te JA, - ----- - Finger pierts) v T.t.1 Plefe-, "n,. Grow lerwrtilli Bulkhead( Riprap low Avg dKtanc- offdwr Areakwate'/S.11 Max dtrtaice/ length sasir,' &armei Cubic yards Boat ramp lite Boathouse/ 11-atim Beach Uttar SAV observed. yes 6o) morm.n.", Ve5 w Site Phows qO no Riparian Wane, Attartyed; yes A ty-kfpng peurnit/mning permit. may be required by Permrk crw*,On% P 1ARIPAMINEU5E/8UFFER(circk...) S" note on back regarding River Oasinwies See additional noteslrondWons on back OAM_AWARE OFS14AYL14CRC AUlg�ANO CRt! �TKMS THAT �APPLV TO �IHMPRQJECT �ANV KE�VIEWEV CQ�MKANCESTATEMENT. Agent or Appitiant PRINTEII.Nwise Permit Offir#VS PRINTED Sigristure -Pk�.&e read compliance on back of permit'. $ OQ I _ 2W, rt'r'—U'— -- Application ",) Check M/M.,,y Order Issuing Date Expiration Date RECEIV N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT MAY 0 6 2022 IWAIVER FORM OAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICA ION AND [)[,--Ll\)E—RY ADJACENT RIPA IL TURN -- Elv, I UE TED of H CF�RTIFIEQ DCM-E, �RTIFIEQ to be completed by owner or their agent) (Top POrlic'n I— JZ P,E,rty Owner, Na" Of Pro Address of Properly _._�..--.._.---~ . P _.=,._..� i' � �� , l p `l�,�rr'=�._. ""1. J'f .','�,�'... Mailing Address Of Owner - owner's Phone#, J:?WrW,s ef"Mill Agent Agent s Nanln' Agent's Ernal PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION 'J" owner ;racent'�f 0 � ADJACENT RIPARIAN owner t� R 0 co� m ted b the; Elotlorn Rion to be SOM ieted �bth The individjait applying for this p e rly adlace n t' o the above referenced property A I hereby Ceftlfy that I own pro as shown on the attached drawing. the development they are proposing Permit has descrtbed to mest biro this' .,_dedwith,tt—er mensior- drawin with dL __q_ _or I ()o have Objections to this proposal- 100 NOT have objeaons to this Proposal' xim,;., "i Coastal Division of Coastal . .... osed, you must notifythe N.G. io—,Wh—af FiS biiinlg proposed. e. Correspondence should be oc�� have obiections of receipt of this notice. management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt C, 27909. DCM representatives can also be mailed to 401 S- Griffin St, Ste, 300, Elizabeth city, N contacted at (252) 264-3901, NO response is considered the same same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail, WAIVER SECTION sed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, OF I understand that ally propo groin must be set back a minimum distance of 5from my aroea of riparian access unless waived by me _ p revetmients). (if yu wish to waive the setback, you MMIt s ign (this does not 3PPIY to bulkheads or ripra the appropriate blank glow-) I Do wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner 1 'do not wish to wane the 15'setback req,,frement {initial the blank) 77-1 Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner' TyPeOlt'nrltvu fidgliv %A �4 Mailing Address of ARPO: I i,XRPO's Phone#-, ARPO's email: Date: *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature' Revised July 202 1 N,C. DjvISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM - Ej VERY U H� --iLR _ !FQ t� LEQUESTED or HAND DL��[, (Top portion to be cornplete'd by owner or their agent) Name of Property Qwner Address of P'cPef`Y ftling Ad-&e!5q of ('Ayr0r' ,A DvvnersPrraii Agent P,,cne# Agwit s [lame ' Agent's Errail ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION fBottorn portion to be Tj [qelhy qo� _gwne,, MAY 0 6 2022 ik DC6 , , A'O I hereby own pi--*erty aj4-r--t t-e. Anc'.'e re-ze',rtl-rcec! p'opelty --e applying ',-irthis pe-ri: has described to me, as Oic'-w- :)n t-ie atac`aec drawi-g, Ine devn c,p--ient they are propos r,g A wrthdimersc-s ri.,.;tcnevi idedwth! lettef if you hatr�+ objections to wvhar is boorty proposed, you mu-sl notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management fDCM) in writing wfthit' 10 days of receipt of this notice- Correspondence shou[d be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St- Ste. 300, Elizabeth City, MC, 27909, DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the -"me as no objection if you have beer) notified lay Certified Mail_ WAIVERSECTION I .rderstano tra*. arty prcpfatier;* *-.r dock, mc-x n; piLigs, boat ramp, breaKw:rer b�athcuse lift, 3r grog must -('- set tack a r7vnimurn d=stan',e of '5* from, my area of rjparan access Lln,ests: waived riy me z toes not apply 1,o oulklieads or norap revetr',e!,ts) �':f you w,sh to waive the setLa.,;k yo- MgjjajM the appropriate bark be ow 100 vAsn tcwave qorrpia�l of t"e '5'setba,-k -OR- I do not wish %) v,, ye �t•e ; ' serzzar-.% re-qui-er-en, i in t al the blank" S,z'la-Lre of Aij;�r.H.-t Riparia- 'A ""'. 4 ty. �)W* H.. Typed.'Printed name of ARPO: r Mailing Address of ARPO. ARPO's email: ARPO's Ptionc#: 7 Date: waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature- D'19'-IiSvd July 2021 �l i CUh 'Fe.Cf1� R , I VE- MA Y 0 6 2022 VC;C Em Untitled Ma M Legend p 133 Nixons Beach Rd Write a description for your map. Ion t s . ► �r R } ,:1 'i eF : d"! A I Art A' o