HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_18-45_ May (2)New Hanover County Local Govemnwrit CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT �F5-L"- Zz �Vj 1&45 Permit Number as atrtt "mad by fte ate of north CMroarw, 0"wanut of Enrknrenental Quert11 And the COUM rraeor MN Csramlesion Pon development In an area of wwbwvmerrlal ODOM. punwnt be SeMen 113A-212 of the Swwel SMutes, "Cuslai Air Hon"u ew lashed to David 6 Susan May, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard and Estuarine Sh"Ine (ORW) Areas of Enviru rnental Comm (AEC) at 112 Beach Road South, Num Eight laiand. In Mmingwri, NC, as squealed in de permkteds applicalbn, dated July 26, 2018. This permit, issued on August 16, 2018, is subject to compliance wRt fie application and sole drawing (where consistent with the perrrrtj all applicable regulations and special wnnditi)ns and roles set forth below. Any vkft on of these terms may subject peI nNtlee to a fine, Imprisonment or chol action, or may cause the permit 10 be dull and void. i This permdt ": Demolition of edsttng house. Cordon of a now eingle family residence, driveway, and alrsoclated lardacaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in eccordance with the permitted worts plat drawings(s) dated received on duly 25, 2016. (2) AN construction must conform to the N,C, Bufldhg Code requlrerni tfe and all oew local, Stabs and Fed" regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regula9ons. (3) Any mange or changes In the plans far development, construction, or Nand use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of Chia permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-7W7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (AddMonal Pen. Condition on Page 2) This permit rite; be on IN project Bile and aooesdAe to the perms As t>r w the Xgod b 1rQPKW for au rO* m Aq maintertertce work or poled modit@J h net seated older Ihla Wrn% isgihe (unbar wdtren panto approval, AS work Mot cam when this permt epee ore Deoemher 31, 2021 In issuing ft permN N Y aprWd IhA t k prolerd is Consistent wdh the brae rand U3e Plan and M appkmbW odnvmw, Thrs panic may not be irareened to another pert tAkd ttte written approM of the rl alon of Comb( k nsper wt ct i tfldl E. Pa titer i.ocal Par" t� 230 Center Drive, Sure 110 pion, NC 28403 PERMrrTEE (Sionat re requhid Ir ootoZons above apply to Perms) RECEIVED OCT 12 2018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC I i Nerne:ioevid & Susan May Minor Parrriit # 1t3-45 paW August 16, 2616 Page 2 The atrudm must act be,* s ninirrspn of 80 feel Ucm tlw trot am of stable neti,rat v%Wzb n, as ddermhed by the t.PO. Th4 sop0e lank must be ad bade a mkimum of l0 tbet linen is at on of viable naiurd vegetation, se deterrtined by the LPO, and shall mt am ob ft ooesdl wdentda The a nwA of hrpw*0 iodate shall not ereDaed 25% of the lot area wtthfn M feet of Norms) Hph Water. (Evbo4r* Shaetne - ORW Aroa of Envltar nwW Conoem), In tds cue, 5484 80 of new impervtoua Is authorized. ,7 Ad buAdiip oxaftIled within the ocean hazard area shall comply w1 h the NC Bulding Coda. Including the Coastal and Flood Pain CAnslnlcbm ljtmdasdv of the N. C. Buddng Code, and the Wool Hood Damage Prevenborr, Ordh mce es rvqumed by tte Nedlonal Flood Insurance Program. It any provisions of the bulidnp code or a loud damage primnfroon ord rwoe am moonsstentvdth any of the fobvK AEC standards, the more restrtohve pw*m shall control. (Bj Dunne dialurbartose wlCl be allowed only to the extent necessary for development and it the dune's WOW" v kA sin not weekend or reduced. Distisbod dune areas wll be Imhnedstey 11110brltzed. (9} Al unoonsoldeted maisdal reaulling from associated graft and landscaping shalt the retained on Ste by elective sedhrnorhtaWn and erovlon contret meatwrea. Diskfbed area shell be vegatta @h* d0lized (planted and mulched) withm 14 drys of canstructlon cornplethort 113) Any structixe authorized by ttA permit shaA be relocated or dismaahtled whmn it becomes im only threatened by changes In shoreline 0onliguradon. shall be relocated or dnamanlad +MihtrS iwo p Lh1f Ime rrahen #becomes I rrimm oty threae+ nod end in aroi case uaea Its cafe or subsidsrme. Howaver. d natural shorWe recovery or beach m%wr nod teim plas vAWn hwc yews of the bw the 911Mae becarties Immmandy thnee"aned, so that the sirudum is no longer Immasndy threatened, them It need not be relocated or demanded at that brine This condthon shall not ailed the Permit Folder's right to seek s0=Aon of temporary votect1w messurss aitto+vsd under CRC rues. TThis permit does not authorize do"loprnent %Min any wetlands or open water areas, (t1) Prior to any development, sgt fence Shall be property itstailed between al penned land dis4hrbmoe and the 4went marsh and open wafer crew; the sit fence shall be property malftned #"LQ wut the C010truchon period Silt fence Shall be bsteled such that it is properly toed-m to the scil. I SIGNATURE: RECEIVED OCT 12 2018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Locoily- Ntinitw PL —PklbIirR-TV!*j9h lEd In Aw GENER Xt, I NFORM MON JUL 2 ' 2018 LAND OWN CR - MAIIJNt -0 At' I)RI SS Dekid and Susan May NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLdNNftG-&2om.Ni(;, rn*-,,c, Cro-A St. X 318.305A950 1IT11014 I ZITI V', P, DrM Us'* co% wiftroon 28401 910 763,6053 L(WATHYS 4W tume w, It vrilgectim'4 to sac, amwof 112 Beach Rd. S IJVdrr*V.on. NC DCW, WILMINGTON, NC Con$bW*n of New 0- irgle Farr nj Hmm JUL 2 4 2018 SIZE 0FLV"VP%,R( It: 24829 -.i r ,4we &V .157 —son PR41PO%l 1) ( 141- 'z,�t-;ticmfgl tidu tma fth'. L� �'kn`lwisi�j I- s T D COMPLI'li—Lilitfl(di IORf2,1 81A ONA,ii*fntu4l.t'#*Sort-,txuipi:.rinitojfi4vr4,-1m ww not wre ol*ivkAEC"wAim F0.4,0ur forOp!*f(r); 10. I'At MOM AMIKAOF PROPI)SWO %TRI ( FURL: --4,).4 . iat o;u all er"d &xkN. tht 3ppj,e;ibkt Ai-'( " Ai..aci'l , 0M, v*!o&tAtx'("% TA ith the NiqCt dr.1m mg') S I I ;A Shl." STAl ESMRA"j N1 k%� UA-NIL\T PER%ill: itio o 'wi d v on, 1. kc h;;Alhe NC MMIJ,knd il MJ KNouxk-' MUMLRY., YLS OT111A r-ERVIIIS S1 AV K. M.0trUt Is. rb.- tK-wmthe ("AMA mmil-, 4&nrimp"It:24 I I M111toc at i It �V.Ak I *-ArwicAi, NI u I% Nut*, I 101me -jod hi. k I a, I! Itolt k-IRCRII�E f tl!n m awa, 1, LA 4 IL *WtA. 300divista al Afton 11% 41 Ms -tw Ic Hc4w Pak 14 %al vav t tviamlik'a"Jad othem Gte.-AAP4 2018 STAUMUSI fW 014 AIERISHM 1. the. aila-i iajr A ---Ii IPD Will j1,kT13W^L b0a$j Xfqd"ff to wt ABC ur a P054% ffid'h01VCJWace tk ift Jp;d 14( puq%w*4sf*pj+p4V tilt at *It the per..A-m IA mcd 4'. j4ath;volat cpI 410. 4vul3bw AU- .1 doNahmm kucy.-st, in Aw tv.l' dc3,cti&,d thvican. TbLN lumea Can ho dc=ibed jz kithevi, ox ; 112BvachR10,5 cluoth K,,-Iuark -J� 6c DCCA uouk. KB 61 It, in ths- -%*Mwxw 92&97 ---= cmact t.1% iirwc , I j-'an 1wa to tbc c9u". ar pit 4' 4'. v N* Ah in dqWw hekm tit uw a IhL-, amlat:-.itiun. 0- 4.01 'ifTNT RIP %R1 ON VRM-f RIX tAIN'.1 RS: I huthem1wc Aijoittingihis prtxwtly I album that I hlaw gz%vu ACT I -Al. \WAt L t*.<",; Aq'! I.G., pf.--feltv apul wanik, t4v *i CAMApmmiL Ma*n 0 Koe;pn 7mWl, 471 R,-WA Srsw. Dt Duttam, NC 27713 Badmmarmi Haft F-n:nwl )14BwrJ-,Rd. S Wai1rt ..OL-n NC,2b411 FGure P "ets As wr'lwim '15 Rd. V%likmr lion, NC 25411 44f act mW101v Aw'. Ovc 1-4,k! f1:A-ri,:f ;-. -.w. ;—: ievii Vi. j.% cla4unknt i-. j---3aftjwd tur In ava uhicb t.,tckrwwicd;!v the the local 11,taut 01fficcrhmc%fJaiwd U, me tit. partki- I'muamjab aln". 0--acclamg .tabdi-m- >4 tf; tic x 4m Ambatuiidid gfxa.*ddvf6 ald'v ^nuisslou!" tit'( 1);vqd N148.vefucat �Ijfl. 1j" r Ana thelf Avcz cirm.- qr. tINI: +4#t1PA1WV in itcwCU4 -pt V6 tntarin"tu Mated 23 da'. #4 J* Ao Is to [xisaft .UL JISM 144, JA")'uL 4 C ANON r.j:Tj1jij 4nt;,kjt)4#n lu amr6eaft.-A ;A.tuw��' W"woor"m 4kA-p1bft/ toot lilt t-�" Me. m-ph, amm fat an wre.44p .#;a ievent tkr i YAW" Ac It- aiiii, did tit h t&. x, i .0 4'4- 04�04 d 0,4410 4 Ae "Alivtptwt 's IAK 4 vatt%f "wivall It ft*f:'JW f1tf wit IVM14 b*0 it»ff W-, !.-toed. airx;tr V.1'. t4sa pem-c -law 000 WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 4 2018 /J/)- ik-ems' From: Painter, Linda [mailto:LPainter@nhcgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 2:58 PM To: David Lisle (David L@Iislearchitecture.com) <DavidL@lislearchitecture.com> Cc: Simpson, Shaun <shaun.simpson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] 112 Beach Rd S David, I need additional information before I can issue the CAMA permit for the above address. I noticed when I made a site visit that there is a structure already on the lot. Does this have a separate permit for the demo or should it be included with this permit. Also, this lot along with being in the ocean hazard AEC is in the ORW AEC. This means it is restricted to 25% impervious surface. While the application has the total floor area it does not have square footage for structure and driveway. I will need to put this project on hold until I receive the necessary information. Linda Linda Painter I Zoning Compliance Official Planning & Land Use - Planning & Zoning New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7068 p 1 (910) 798-7053 f www.nhc_qov.com From: David Lisle [mailto:davidl@lislearchitecture.com] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:09 AM To: Painter, Linda <LPainter@nhcgov.com> Cc: Simpson, Shaun <shaun.simpson@ncdenr.gov>; Ashley Hague <ashleyh@lislearchitecture.com> Subject: [External] RE: 112 Beach Rd S Good Morning Linda, Please include the demo as part of the permit. Also here are the coverages: Lot Square footages Lot 25,000 sq.ft. 25% allowable coverage — 6250 sq.ft. New Square footages Decks - 638 sq.ft. House — 2350 sq.ft. Driveway, parking and walks — 2496 sq.ft. Total — 5484 sq.ft. Please let me know if you need anything else. From: Painter, Linda <LPainter@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 2:58 PM To: David Lisle <davidl@lislearchitecture.com> Cc: Simpson, Shaun <shaun.simpson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: 112 Beach Rd S David, I need additional information before I can issue the CAMA permit for the above address. I noticed when I made a site visit that there is a structure already on the lot. Does this have a separate permit for the demo or should it be included with this permit. Also, this lot along with being in the ocean hazard AEC is in the ORW AEC. This means it is restricted to 25% impervious surface. While the application has the total floor area it does not have square footage for structure and driveway. I will need to put this project on hold until I receive the necessary information. Linda Linda Painter I Zoning Compliance Official Planning & Land Use - Planning & Zoning New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7068 p 1 (910) 798-7053 f www.nhcqov.com AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project is In An: X Ocean Erodible Area High Hazard FloodArea a 9�,tF�Lka Property Owner' David and Susan Ma JUL 21DIS Property Addnttma: 112 Beach Rd S, Wilmington, NC 29411 Date w V&s Platted: 05.07.18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as starms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Comu aission require thatyou mome an AEC Hazard notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued The ConimissiniN roles on building standards, oceanfront setbaclrs and du m alterations are designed to minimize, but not eliminatef WdPerty loss Exam hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Icso4ces Commission doesnot guarahtee the safety of the de yr lbpmemt acid assantes no liability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean hazard Area of 4v#ogmeatai Concern include the condition that structures be relocated or dismanded iftbey become imtnmatly t ueatened by cbanges in shmline coofiguration. The structure(s) must be relocated or amended within two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or sty. Tire best "Abe itif oration, as accbpted by (lie Coastal Resopaces Commission, indicates that the annual long-term aver ocean arpsion rate for the area where your property is located is 2.__. feet per yeaL Theratcwaa 4byces litanalysisofaerialphotographa of the coastiitu; 'Worm over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as Meet 140dwaiid is a majot stout. The flood waters in a major storm arb predicted to be about �.99' .—feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection mearures are beach aourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Had erosion control structures such as bull ivads, soawalli, revs taiettts, groins,;jetties an¢ breakwiftm we pro4it4 Ttmnpofary and bags may be authorized wider certain conditions. The applicant numacknowledgethis htfa¢mationandra;uirements by signing this notice in thr space below. Without the proper signat=.Am applicabar wi notbe corVIete. SPECIAL. NOTE This hi wrd noticeis neml ed fordeveiopment in aeras subjeact to auddaiitd n7as�e atorirta and er+o�oa Painits issued for de-telopmo6t is this t rea eacpire on December 31 of the third year following ttie,,year in which permit was isaucd. Shortly before work bpgp:on the project s;* the LoW Permit Off must,te cOnts6o to Oil the rgetatiou line surd setbadcdistance at your 4e, If the proper boa vjm little drops since the time of permit, asuance and the pro�p ed developm can still meet.the i oft* if qtW t, the LPO will inform you that you may beds W& fiat prdgtas on the project mtist be me& wijhin 60.days of this setbbcic determination, or the setback must.be mtriigastlred. Also, theoccud=ca of a maj or shocahne change as the tmdtof a storm within the 60-day period -win necessitate samrt of the setback. It is important thatyau check wkbxhe 1:po won the pmm teccpitlei'for a f5Cis1 appwQal to =C04)9� WU aher th& pa*lt has upired Cian6tiy,,apilj* bavb l 1 and substa ndd progress is continuing; permit renewal can be authorized. 'It is unlawful tro P.WA uex *i k atlgrperm1'te)*a0on. For More iPrft' I+f,P4A. Pa;Att0x Local Peraait Officer 230 MaFkat4 Place Qr. Su# AddrVM New Hanover County L.ocarafty . 910.798.7118 Phoney Nwnber _,vEC GCM iMI_iviINGTON, NC JUL 2 4 2018 5lgnaattw+ef \ t Date 207 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit David and Susan May Mailing Address: 1912 clear Creek St N. RIECTIVED WiChita, KS €7230 ��i 018 Phone Number: 316.305.8950 ANOVER COUNTY Email Address: davUrnaryCkochind.com NEW PLANNING G & ZONING I certify that I have authorized David Lime Agent / Contactor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed d ,vdopment: ConstrucWn of new single family residence at my property located at 112 peach Road South, Wilmington, NC 28411 in New Hanover County. f furthermore certify that i am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lairds In cannacfion with evaluating lnfonnation related to this permit application. Pdr?t or rype Na� rim TWO Z 1W q;N Date VIED CpCNj ?WILMiNGTON, NC This certification is valid throWh 01 1 01 1 2020 JUL 2 4 2016 -'IoNroc OUAN 4210!�Xr 5 5 Lff -EIVED LOCATION MAP .HOT M SC A Ll F?RSrLife OF 5TAVa VW-TA170N SURVEY REFERENCE j� By LOCAL 60vmmmr op"CAL --(ZW to iii U L 2018 20 117 C, 20 LOTNEW HANOVER COUNTY ?'s. 000 sq.AREA rt, PLAN !N;NG & ZONING I lAfC.,l - 2C PEET i 0.57 aoes .00, I CR)AR ROM -OlLwo CO CAMA -AEMACK ZVVF Vr1 7 FLOOD I ENE 1 ZOAE VE, 5 fli--00 LINE NOTE. TH(5 Lor,5 LOt',ATEV` IN 20NMVrl5t6r IFI04 CO"WhYrY PA IV!- t 31203; 76 J DATED. APRIL 6. A.06 (31!f Oft;NF-4 TIC IV ONVAP) ti ,RECEIVED IDGM WILMINGTON, NC mmcp mm roitho . 1p JUL 2 4 2018 T MAY REUENCE 112 er-AL2 i RD. & ft WLNW. -A. mc U41A F ruwa July 23 2018 Barbara and Hall Barnett 114 Beach Rd. S Wilmington, NC 28411 Dear Adjoining Property Owner: ft LISLE A��,r--c`h��itecture6� J 1�Il, IIlC, R IECEIVED JUL 2 ' 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING This !otter is inform you that I have applied for a CAMA permit on the property at 112 Beach Rd, South Wilmington, NC. I have enclosed a copy of the permit appkation and site plan for the proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact the Coastal Represeptative listed below. No Response within ten days is the same as no objection when you have been notified by certified mail. Since David Lisle, AIA Lisle Architecture & Design, Inc. CAMA Representative Linda Painter 230 Market i'iace Drive, Suite 110 NNilrnirgton NC 2.8403 TELEPHONE: (910) 798-7068 E-rria] ipainter(5�nhcgov.corn, 614 Market St, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 1 910.763.6053 DCNI W11-MINGTON, NC JUL 2 4 2018 July 23, 2018 Figure 8 Beach Homeowners Association 15 Bridge Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411 Dear Adjoining Property Owner: LisLE e� r arz RECEIVED JUL 2 � 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING This letter is inform you that I have applied for a CAMA permit on the property at 112 Beach Rd. South Wilmington, NC. I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and site plan for the proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact the Coastal Represeptative listed below. No Response within ten days is the same as no objection when you have been notified by certified mail. Since y, David Lisle, AIA Lisle Architecture & Design, Inc. CAMA Representative Linda Painter 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 V1Tlmirgton, NC 28403 TELEPHONE: (910) 798-7068 E-mail ipainte;(c7nhcgov.corr:, -VEG '."' I VVILMINGTON, NG JUL 2 4 2018 614 Market 5t, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 1 910.763.6053 July 23, 2018 Marilyn D Keegan Trust 471 Royal Sunset Dr. Durham, NC 27713 Dear Adjoining Property Owner: mm LisLE =Vulre c. RECEIVED JUL�:12018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING this later is inform you that I have applied for a CAMA permit on the property at 112 beach Rd. South Wilmington, NC. I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and site plan for the proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact the Coastal Representative. listed below. No Response within ten days is the same as no objection when you have been notified by certified mail. Sinc ly. David Lisle, AIA Lisle Architecture & Design, Inc. CAMA Representative Linda Painter 230 Market Piece Drive, SuRe 110 11Jilrnrrgton NC 28403 TELEPHONE ONE: (910) 798-7068 E: roa:l �psoter/a9nryaa.ccn�, QED Dt. M WILMINGTON. NC JUL 2 4 2018 614 Market St, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 1910.763.6053 U,S, postat " 15 FCERTIFFIED PAAW, RECEIPT 7i 75 oi i io c 0 -0 cr C3 C3 C3 C3 0 C3 m Ln C3 w 31 r— rq ca P— Postal, S-ervice' n-rimcry KAA11(1�' vor delija--ry irf'pi matfoa, visit bOr wdv�4 rt M (;LR-TIFIED MAIL' RECEIPT —po-riesfir Masi Only F64 1*Aiv64jt mhumq I Im" vml oup ?IPA Colo mo- RECic4lVF ,D JUL C 5- 2018 NEW HANOVf=R COUNTY PLANNING i ZONING F- c v ED WILMINGTON, NC 3m 2 4 NO