HomeMy WebLinkAbout86067D - Buccaneer3�CAS741 CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 86067 A B c D G E N E RAL PERMIT Previous permit ! ;;' tp31-7 Date previous permit issued E]New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC ? ,r_� L ` , ❑ Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dgq_ncgov/CAMArules Applicant Name kA, A Si,,�aC . t,.J •\\ %""'Authorized AgentAddress Project f %� rn Project Location (County): —\ 1. r ti S c\c..- r City State y C ZIP 2.C! (,z- �-- Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Sa + a Phone#( ) t7 ('f'c; ��.fS' \'fit, 5..J Email Subdivision City —ZIP—,? k, kA .? Affected [N.CW ❑ EW ❑PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body �\�1,.� C4gow/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body \�- ORW: yes.9 PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity .1 P\ a Pvc( S�)n, ���� It. ,� � A A V\...� r v" (Scale: N 1 S 1 Shoreline Length Access Length 4ZP%,- {f _._ _ ._. .... � � _....._. 12v' Pier(dock)length i ; i • � I Fixed Platform(s) Ito K!': o i Floating Platform(s) J Finger pier(s) _ TIT _ Total Platform area LStiy Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length.__...._ Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel w Cubic yards �• ~' Boat ramp(PjE , Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed: yes — Moratorium: n/a yes _ Site Photos: yes o Riparian Waiver Attached: 1no A building permit/zoning permit '�may be required by �� Y+, •� 1 � „V r..� Permit Conditions ice; " �.. �, ��. Uce..\•-�c�. `,c-- �Z C _ !`` I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Signature **PI ase`read 46mpliance statement on back of permit** Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Jura-y ttocY.r ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back (Please Initial) Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signat4r� Issuing Date �� bC Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms'may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: F-1 Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules 1-1 Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven — south of the Neuse River, Onslow Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Craven — north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 6/01/2021 Nam of Property Owner Requesting PermitAuy-C-c-nCer all(-. `.4rlc�o�n��s �}s5vc:��Gorl Mailing address: F o � 34�4 Su,Pt1lNC- 12`bLt Phone Plumber: Email address: �1 ���r.50y��n ', l . Co�M ���;}; I l ►n r ] Shca�k\F I oe * that I (rave authorized ii anil-i U c1 • 00 Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtairft all CAMA permits 1 necessary for the following proposed developmenty G gU � - S t o cy� Q\ a c E �cCrQlcyc,EMc�� �f a� VI at my property located atNOU! -ZDk(e f sw c�\- S iIvaccSl t L00C-.fUuwY _ - in R rU As w, •cam County_ I furthermore amW that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff the Local Perms` Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner kdorrnation: Print or Type Name Tveasu.<C.r 0 Raccaac-:F, jAigs Lcj. ,j �cs�+�c�s f�}ssoc.alao� Title �_► a+ 1 aoaa Dole This certification is valid through � I A-51 d•o93 Dvlsm of ccasTAL MAaaoe�NT AEUACENT RIPARtAa PROPERTY CjWjjER t4OTj r ATlONWMNt FORM / ids ''c�cTi c,�1 Nam of Property �' LL � ^� �' - j ���� of Property: i&- � r S�j e 61 (loot or Sbvwk Street or WaS. City 8 00u*) Yunsc� � �C AuWS Name#: N-5 �c�r��n 7.i8�1 I hereby certify #tit I own property 84000lt to the above reftmced ply- The =erdividuel applying for this pem dt has descdbcvi too me as shown on the wed draaAbQ-the developmer►t "are propasng. A demon kx *M dlrnetmicM mud be rx d worth this. T,�'" t have m objectim th than proposaL I have Accfoms to this proposal. Ifyouinmo c&mtowhattateWiveprw aso4Y a nOWO*Dk*toaafCoatar nontfagla ,jsg wfthM jO d'afns of r+eoefpr of this not m Co v e*odan—e ahotddbe b !Zf Drive 9d, yy � mc, B40SW& DCN IN m MR can atao be Coaftew at ptr) 79&ms No mom" is comidred the am& as tm obleegan IfEM lava aeon naite9ed by Cet~MbL WAtYER SECTHM I understand that a pier, dock, mooring plin s. break . boathous% frR, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15 from my area of riparian awess urdess waived by me- (N you wish to waive the setback, you must the approp date blar* betow.) I do wish to waive the 16 setback MgWrement, 1 do not wish to waive the 15 seback regWmment (property Owpor holm rnr dlon) Signature PrW or Type Now �b j�D S44AfaftAftles - �1 AI— ," 11—'ll gkct Gow�- Telephone M WdW Date I"IK.- In caczr I "I— I-1 t Print or 7jrpeUm m _ Q0 fox ��?Z MeftAddfts \C 0 Revised 8H8=2 •� -• i -- - .. i. -� Nam of Property Owner gU�Cj i1GGJ If ELLS QYQ- r ilfer S 5[�G iG `�O Address of Nwarty pp uy4 KOCK-r- D�- �;W � n Lat-or stteat k Streator PAM, C* do t7Du11rtt) A@,W, Name �k &AQr�pn maavmdmw ARA MT- AgofspNmt. t hereby caddy tlmt i own properly ad)aoant to the above rokwiced property. The'indbriduah appWv for this permit has descr dwd to me as shmm on the athadted drawuNUft devetaprr>afd t� they are Rr - A de%&don or ADRI M with dirnerrehom rrni9t be crwided with "is hitter. 1 h ve no objections to ibis prapom ____-- I haveabj to this prt�posai lfyouhaw atljaeffioaumwbativbofaypFgmv4YWmWnGBfya,.DWWWosm- WffWWSWmeAf=9>R wMngwtVWol0daygofmco*tofiblsaaaae. CorempoodommWoorddienuffedb127Cant" Ad- 89, ftmkrglwr, MC, U405o3b4�. DW wprenatatlom cm also be conha dat pfq M&72lit No mipomok cof aldered Mo mete as as oNsWos fyowbna bees noted by 0er& WUML h understand ttrA a pier. dock moods; ~ breedaraw. base. FA or grdn must be set hack a mff mwa dhbove of 15 fmn mkt area of ripartan access antes waived by me- (R you wish to waivelhesothackryou 3rrra,�,i1 the appropria6e btankl-) h do wish to waive the 15' setback rpgririement- i do not wish to waive the i & se"& regt*oment (Propwty Owner Mtomtadon) (A►djecodPPw40wnw Intortnapor►) ) sj r �sT ,&) z- u5 jR2tRP19 nT� a r)� ��s jkz �GCJl �Ci1� 1°i% Pnr for ryp& Metr a wort or rypeMarna ' S;� Qd & I yq Mpg A S"CQ6 � a�b4b� cifr q ►(i _-6($ _ 6)bT P-a12 Po too f 1Nting Address 5LAP�c ass 4 6� Dote !;eyed stia,2012 MIMCM ar COWA . NAMPA MMr ` �rE Adr* cipmMf :W Q M�1�lra Ilwil Off+ - h.r.wrrcl}.5 �nl�kur}nn �� ��► twr P'SGN�F Q'1 1 AM" am* t■t I oor popery mswwt to to 0 0 of 'Th. Tom'` tagw�go+tlp —�% ✓ Ibnatod rtiw Iebr°D� r"avv--L +y4 wM.A�.lr..rtcdar.i.. �,,.r�.d..�rrr�r.w/r saciwrtrn ta. �� is 91�it OLr w�w�rr�r � M sr�fr Ppl A+Jbt �r.iw� M �..Mrt✓.w�r N Ate, rpm Y SqR,-�I orPro wx t mi0ambod tW s /w. dolt mma9 Pwrqt datlanM Oadum It 91 V* wrt d r be* swiftwdMdroQt9tzmPmr �dmxwr+wwdb/wwwu +ina.r.. tr..edn�>•tlil� � yrdriar: I mtuft le*"IAA u rtw# tgrolo+�t. do no uhtindwfw1Qso*-&-*--t. �rop++grprw+lMw�f� p� IrO�� � N aroo PONwHar 3� 344 Ir,. _ , Nc xz6SD 2� ZZ a. wlrlr.w.4 MSL;U(L&e 6*,ti. CuYA T ._ • -17 i • ,• • �i �•Mr * `•" •y ,.� - M"r'�+M►i�r�r,�f,{'yf,•,�.�•.c+�, •1�y �,•�+�'������'• �_'l�frri.•. Google Earth 33054'53.91" N 78019'45.17" W elev 2 ft eye alt 264 ft o rf w ,c41rcC.�n�FFR I#kz AL A 1164 OoeK' � � o Data R-.NW Dte Dposfted CMck From Name Name d PrmN Hok/w V ndr Check number CMck amount Pa—tr NumbaNCommanfs RaCN rRe7und/Ra H-.ted Cokimnl CWumn2 Cd-3 Column) Co1umn5 Cok-" umn7 Columns Cdumni ' 477/2022 TK Cable Inc. Williamson BB&T 4234 $ _ 200.00 GP #85543D Tmac rct. 16288 4/7/2022 Devon Mahoney same Bank of America 5484 t 200.00 GP #85730D BB rct. 16939 417/2022 Permit Pals Baker CresCo_m Bank 3801 $ 200.00 GP #85706D BB rct.16936 __ 477/2022 H5 Construction Buccaneer Hills PDA Truist 1010 200.00 GP #66067D BB rct. 16937