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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19B NC State ConstructionI n 1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor 1#03U, I Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary 29 November 2006 Doug Edwards, PE NC State Construction, Department of Administration 301 N. Wilmington Street NC Education Building Suite 450 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE a4 2006 Morehead City DCM RE: Payment of Proposed Penalty for Violations of the Coastal Management Act Committed in Hyde County CAMA Violation No. 06-19B Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter will acknowledge receipt of Check No. 375 in the amount of 500.00, and dated 20 November 2006. Once the amount of the check is credited to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources account, this matter will be frilly and completely closed. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact Steve Trowell, (252)-948-3854, at the Washington Regional office. Sincerely, Terry E. Moore District Manager Division of Coastal Management Washington Regional Office Cc: Ted Tyndall — Assistant Director, DCM Roy Brownlow — Compliance & Enforcement Coordinator Steve Trowell - Coastal Management Representative, WARD, DCM 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone:252-946-6481 1 FAX: 252-948-0478 1 Internet: www.ncccastalmanagementnetl An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper W North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director WilliATioss, Jr.. Secretary J �� VV DEC - 4 2006 29 November 2006 Morehead City DCM Doug Edwards, PE NC State Construction, Department of Administration 301 N. Wilmington Street NC Education Building Suite 450 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: Payment of Proposed Penalty for Violations of the Coastal Management Act Committed in Hyde County CAMA Violation No. 06-19B Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter will acknowledge receipt of Check No. 375 in the amount of 500.00, and dated 20 November 2006. Once the amount of the check is credited to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources account, this matter will be fully and completely closed. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact Steve Trowell, (252)-948-3854, at the Washington Regional office. Sincerely, Terry %E. Moore District Manager Division of Coastal Management Washington Regional Office Cc: Ted Tyndall — Assistant Director, DCM Roy Brownlow — Compliance & Enforcement Coordinator Steve Trowell - Coastal Management Representative, WARD, DCM 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone: 252-946-6481 \ FAX: 252-948-0478 \ Internet .nocoastalmanagement.netl An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper 27-Dec-06 NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ENFORCEMENT RECORD CASE STATUS CASE NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME BUSINESS NAME'. (, CASE IS OPEN I 06-196INC STATE CONSTRUCT DEPT. OF ADMIN C/O ALAN COIDAN, P.E. (*' CASE IS CLOSED Previous Violations in Same NOV DATE CLOSURE DATE Elapsed Days SECTOR F!] AEC for Similar ACtivitleF, P Y AFFLILIATION F —8112/2006 RESPONSIBLE AGENT PUBLIC XLINK. �— Duplicate Record 953 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NUMBER 301 N. INILMINGTON ST RALEIGH NC 27601- Show Related Violations PROPERTY ADDRESS COMMUNITY WATERBODY NEAREST ROAD OCRACOKE COAST GRID ST JOCRACOKE 1PAMILICO SOUND f— DISTRICT OFFICE COUNTY DCM REPRESENTATIVE LPO CONTACT WARO HYDE IMOORE INot Available l CW ❑ EW El PTA ©ES ElPTS VIOLATION TYPE AFFECTED AEC(S) " MINOR CAMA [_, OEA ❑ HHFA F 1 IHA ❑ PWS ❑ NCRA NATURE OF VIOLATION AEC DESCRIPTION Unauthorized minor development by clearing and grading land within the ES AEC adajacent to Pamlico Sound. [RESTORATION STATUS RESTORATION REQUEST DATE COMPLETION DATE (_] RESTORATION REQUIRED I [_I RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - CONTRACTOR J RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - PERMITTABLE DEVELOPMENT [J RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - FURTHER IMPACTS ❑ RESTORATION PENDING ASSESSMENT DATE NALTY STATUS -PE10/9l2006 LJ PENDING RESTORATION EXTENDED RESTORE DATE ❑ DEADLINE EXTENDED ❑ REFERRED TO.AG'S OFFICE r- INJUNCTION INJUNCTION REFER DATE: i ❑ REFERRED TO AG'S OFFICE - COLLECTION COLLECTION REQUEST DATE: I PENALTY AMOUNT COLLECTION DATE AMOUNT COLLECTED $500 11l29/2006 $500 PENALTY ISSUED V WILLFUL & INTENTIONAL PENALTY (MIN. OR DOUBLED) ❑ CNOV ISSUED r—CNOV DATE ❑ PENALTY NOT ISSUED ❑ PENALTY APPEALED r APPEAL DATE CONRACTOR'S FIRST OFFENSE ❑ FORMAL CPA ISSUED I - FORMAL CPA DATE ❑ SETTLED. AGREED UPON. STIPULATED PENALTY r —SETTLEMENT DATE ❑ UNCOLLECTIBLE PENALTY r—UNCOLLECTIBLE DETERMINATION DATE Violations Involving Adversely Impacted Resources AMOUNT OF ADVERSELY DISTURBED AREA (SQ. FT.) �— AMOUNT OF RESTORED AREA (SQ. FT) �— NOTES > n LSB 05 RB ATB i,WMTT North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary 9 October 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 70051820 0003 6593 3569 U C 1 I aflflri RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Doug Edwards, PE Morehead City DEM NC State Construction, Department of Administration. 301 N. Wilimington Street Ou - 1 Qr R) NC Education Building Suite 450 1 Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is in reference to the Notice of Violation that I sent you on 12 June 2006 for unauthorized development in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). The violation occurred onsite the NCAAT (North Carolina Association for the Advancement of Teaching) property located off NC HWY 12 on the Pamlico Sound adjacent the entrance to Silver Lake on Ocracoke Island in Hyde County, North Carolina. The violation resulted from the unauthorized land clearing and grading in preparation to construct two parking lots. These activities are part of a larger project to redevelop the site that includes a large marsh/Coastal Wetland creation for shoreline stabilization. This unauthorized land disturbing activity took place in the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). Estuarine Shoreline is defined in part, as the area extending landward from the normal water level along Estuarine Waters for a distance of 75'. Estuarine Shoreline is a designated Area of Environmental Concern and no permit was issued for this work in this area. Therefore I conclude that you are in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act. The Coastal Area Management Act provides that a civil assessment of up to $2,500 may be assessed against any violation. It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to assess a civil penalty for all violations. This is done to recover some of the cost of investigating violations and/or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Under Coastal Resources Commission rules, a proposed civil penalty in the amount of $500 is appropriate for this violation. You may expeditiously resolve this matter prior to the assessment of a formal civil penalty by accepting responsibility for the violation, waiving your right to an administrative hearing, and paying the amount proposed above. In order to do this, you must: (1) sign one of the attached copies of a "Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing and Agreement to Pay Civil Assessment", (2) attach a check or money order for $500 made 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone: 252-946-6481 1 FAX: 252-948-0478 1 Internet: www.nocoastalmanagement.nett An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper f Mr. Doug Edwards 9 October 2006 Page Two payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR); and (3) return the signed waiver and payment to this office in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter. Upon receipt of your check I will deposit it in the Department's account and issue you a Notice of Compliance officially closing this enforcement action. If you do not send a signed waiver and payment to this office within ten (10) days, the Director, Division of Coastal Management, will formally assess a civil penalty against you. You will then have the opportunity to request a hearing on the penalty or request remission of the penalty. Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my Washington Office, (252) 948-3851. Sincerely, i Terry E. Moore District Manager Division of Coastal Management Washington Regional Office ENCLOSURE cc: Steve Trowell - Coastal Management Representative, DCM Ted Tyndall - Assistant Director, DCM Roy Brownlow — Enforcement Coordinator, DCM Raleigh Bland - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kyle Barnes — Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director Wiliam G. Ross, Jr., Secretary 9 October 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 7005 1820 0003 6593 3569 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Doug Edwards, PE NC State Construction, Department of Administration. 301 N. Wilimington Street NC Education Building Suite 450 Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Mr. Edwards: OCT 1 6 2006 Morehead City DCM This letter is in reference to the Notice of Violation that I sent you on 12 June 2006 for unauthorized development in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). The violation occurred onsite the NCAAT (North Carolina Association for the Advancement of Teaching) property located off NC HWY 12 on the Pamlico Sound adjacent the entrance to Silver Lake on Ocracoke Island in Hyde County, North Carolina. The violation resulted from the unauthorized land clearing and grading in preparation to construct two parking lots. These activities are part of a larger project to redevelop the site that includes a large marsh/Coastal Wetland creation for shoreline stabilization. This unauthorized land disturbing activity took place in the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). Estuarine Shoreline is defined in part, as the area extending landward from the normal water level along Estuarine Waters for a distance of 75'. Estuarine Shoreline is a designated Area of Environmental Concern and no permit was issued for this work in this area. Therefore I conclude that you are in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act. The Coastal Area Management Act provides that a civil assessment of up to $2,500 may be assessed against any violation. It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to assess a civil penalty for all violations. This is done to recover some of the cost of investigating violations and/or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Under Coastal Resources Commission rules, a proposed civil penalty in the amount of $500 is appropriate for this violation. You may expeditiously resolve this matter prior to the assessment of a formal civil penalty by accepting responsibility for the violation, waiving your right to an administrative hearing, and paying the amount proposed above. In order to do this, you must: (1) sign one of the attached copies of a "Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing and Agreement to Pay Civil Assessment", (2) attach a check or money order for $500 made 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone: 252-946.6481 1 FAX: 252-948-0478 1 Internet:' An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Doug Edwards 9 October 2006 Page Two payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR); and (3) return the signed waiver and payment to this office in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter. Upon receipt of your check I will deposit it in the Department's account and issue you a Notice of Compliance officially closing this enforcement action. If you do not send a signed waiver and payment to this office within ten (10) days, the Director, Division of Coastal Management, will formally assess a civil penalty against you. You will then have the opportunity to request a hearing on the penalty or request remission of the penalty. Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my Washington Office, (252) 948-3851. Sincerely, Terry E. Moore District Manager Division of Coastal Management Washington Regional Office ENCLOSURE cc: Steve Trowell - Coastal Management Representative, DCM Ted Tyndall - Assistant Director, DCM Roy Brownlow — Enforcement Coordinator, DCM Raleigh Bland - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kyle Barnes — Division of Water Quality [Fwd: Old Coast Guard Station, Ocracoke Village] Subject: [Fwd: Old Coast Guard Station, Ocracoke Village] From: 'Charies.S.Jones' <> Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 07:14:17 -0400 To: Terry Moore <Terry. Moore@ncmail. net>, Steve Trowell <> CC: 'Ted.Tyndall' <>, Roy Brownlow <Roy.Brownlow@nc> tyi — Original Message — Subject:Old Coast Guard Station, Ocracoke Village Date:Thu, 20 Jul 200616:28:42 -0400 From:Alan Klimek <> To:Bill Ross <Bill. Ross(cbnomail. net>, Dempsey Benton <dempsey.benton(o),ncmail net>, Mary Penny Thompson <mary.p.thompson(> CC:Charies S Jones <Charies.S.Jones(>, DEXTER MATTHEWS <DEXTER. MATTHEWS(> Charles Jones, Dexter Matthews and I have discussed which agency should take the lead on this issue and have concluded that based on what we know to date, DWQ would be the appropriate agency. We agreed to keep the lines of communication open in case new informationwould indicate the need for a change (for example, perhaps DWM would need stronger involvement if we find something more akin to a dump with more elevated levels of pesticides, but it is unlikely that DCM would need to take the lead). Please advise if you have a preference on how to keep you abreast of our joint progress in this matter. Staff are investigating the site today so I anticipate a plan of action will start to develop by early next week. lofl 7/24/2006 9:13 AM Y North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 06-19B Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary NOTICE OF VIOLATION 12 June 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 7006 0100 0000 8384 3619 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Alain Coidan,PE NC State Construction, Department of Administration. 301 N. Wilimington Street NC Education Building Suite 450 Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Mr. Coidan: This letter confirms that on 7 June 2006, I met Mr. John Breshears with D. S. Simmons Inc., and Mike Johnson, onsite the NCAAT (North Carolina Association for the Advancement of Teaching) property located offNC HWY 12, on the Pamlico Sound, adjacent the entrance to Silver Lake, on Ocracoke Island, in Hyde County, North Carolina. The purpose of my visit was to monitor work authorized via Minor CAMA Permit No. 20-2005 issued 5 August 2006 to fill and grade an earthen berm on the aforementioned property. Information gathered by me for the Division of Coastal Management indicates that you have undertaken major development in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). No person may undertake major development in a designated Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) without first obtaining a permit from the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural. Resources. This requirement is imposed by N. C. General Statute (herein abbreviated N. C. G. S.) I I3A-118. Information I have indicates that you have undertaken, or are legally responsible for, unauthorized land clearing and grading in preparation of constructing two parking lots. This unauthorized work was undertaken in violation of Minor CAMA Permit No. 20-2005, Condition No. 1, that states: "All work must be performed in accordance with the plat submitted with your application package. Any modification of the project will require approval from the Local Permit Officer." These activities are part of a larger project to redevelop the,site that includes a large marsh/Coastal Wetland creation for shoreline stabilization. This unauthorized land disturbing activity took place in the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). Estuarine Shoreline is defined in part, as the area extending landward from the normal water level along Estuarine Waters for a distance of 75'. Estuarine Shoreline is a designated Area of Environmental Concern and no permit was issued for this work in this area. Therefore, I conclude, that yQu are m violation of the Coastal Area Management Act. NN�`,,Carosna dvatura!!1/ 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone: 252-946.6481 1 FAX: 252-948-0478 4 Internet w .naoastalmanagementnetl An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Alain Coidan 12 June 2006 Page 2 JUN 29 2006 I request that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST er una onzed activities within designated Areas of Environmental Concern. A civil as 5��t �45 be assessed against any violator. Each day that the development described in this notice is continued or repeated may constitute a separate violation which is subject to an additional assessment of up to $2,500. An injunction or criminal penalty may also be sought to enforce any violation. N.C.G.S. 113A-126 It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to levy a minimum civil assessment of $350 not to exceed $2,500 against all violations. This is done to recoup some of the costs of investigating violations and/or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Whether a higher amount will be assessed depends on several factors, including the nature and area of the resources that were affected and the extent of the damage to them. Based upon N. C. Administrative Code, 7H. State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern, the clearing and grading work is consistent with Sections .0209, Estuarine Shoreline. Therefore there will be no restoration requested by this Division for the work that has already been undertaken other than implementation of appropriate erosion and sedimentation control devices. The temporary erosion control measures should remain in place in good working condition until a sufficient ground cover is established. This unauthorized land disturbance of a once stable natural shoreline has resulted in the need for further long-term shoreline stabilization. Until such time that the necessary Major CAMA permit is obtained, all development/construction activities within designated AECs under the jurisdiction of this Division should cease and desist. I encourage you to contact Mr. Pat McClain with the Division of Land Resources in the Washington Regional Office, (252) 948-3859, reference intermediate and permanent soil stabilization measures. I also encourage you to contact Mr. Kyle Barnes, at (252) 948-3917, reference the Tar/Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rule requirements. Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this matter. If you have any questions about this or related matters, please call me at (252) 948-3851. Pending an enforcement report to be submitted, you will be notified as to the amount of a civil assessment for undertaking development without the proper permits. Sincerely, Terry E. Moore District Manager Washington Regional Office c: - Ted Tyndall , Assistant Director, DCM Kyle Barnes — DWQ, WaRO Steve Trowell — Coastal Management Roy Brownlow — Enforcement Coordinator Raleigh Bland - USA COE, Washington Regional Area Pat McClain - Regional Engineer, WaRO, DLR DCM ENFORCEMENT TRACKING REPORT Field Rep. ZAL4 /91OiG � Vio!htt?n 5,.. No. LPO' u A 6 C D LPJ Violated Permit No. A/;1-9 r7--. a0^,ate la+ppr�tie) Violation Description/� Was activif y permittable? Yes ! No Initial Discovery Date 2 7 /d6 Disctive�Method:KID _ _ '&, 1f1/bTOri/i v Viol ad t Descrioon ... ....(%/iRCtAm .d . 4leti 1-141 _ . /._/1 .. Prior Violations in Respondent Phone # Fax# Zip ,I 72� ( Violation Type: Project Type: Authorizations Required: Site Visits Respondent Site Visits Respondent'* ❑ No Permit ❑ Private/Community Major L9 CAMA Present �b P Present Permit Condition ® GovtlPublic ❑ Minor ❑ D&F 10 Expired Permit ❑ Commercial ❑ General ❑ Inconsistent wl Rules Violation Location and Sit D scrip ion Rover file .. ... _. _..... .... ..... Project Location: County , „�-- G" Shoreline Lenoth�/--VD Street Address/ Stage Road_/ -lot # (s) ZT /� SAM Not Sure Yes o Fal1w, LO/vJ�t "'�' L/ / ( Sandbags: Not Sure Yes o Subdivision PNA: ' Yes Adjacent City %�G�GZ�� �G zip p ORW Yes Adjacent Crit. Hab. Yes Phone River Basin. i Photos Yes N Adj. Wtr. Body (�G/%1 iG/7 Sow fnat IPnn funkn) Waiver Required Y o Closest Maj. Wtr. Body IR / O SDU/! In DWQ Buster Area No Specify DWQ Buffer if appricable: Restoration Extension Granted Yes No NOV Date Initial Req. Comp. Date Restoration Letter CNOV Date Date Comp. Observed Acceptance Date Penalty Assessment Sent to Respondent Date Rcvd by DCM Date _ Assessment Extended Yes No 7.1.0409 Ref. I Recomm. Assess. DCM Assess. AppJPerrnit Fee I IS $ Penalty �s IS Willful/Intent i Is �$ Continuing Is 1$ Other S I $ Total Date Long Form SubinittedAssessment Appealed • Yes No Date formal CPA Submitted Pemitymodtfied Final Assessment S hate Attorney General's Office for Injunction or Formal Collection Date sent to AG. ❑ Respondant not responsive to penalty/NOV ❑ Infimction to complete restoration Date Collection Let Sent Date Demand Let. Sent Violation Activities and Impacts AECs Affected:' Wetlands Impacted? Yes !&. If yes, which types:. CW EW PrA ES TS OEA - HHF IH SA DS Cl !R 4 IF TY SS SC SP IF BF 04 PWS: FC: Other: Restoration Required by the Respondent Yes A, No Dimensions in excess of permit) unauthorized activities Dimensions to restore Final dimensions Actually restored allowed I Develo mentctiviGes I I I � I Habitat Description I 1 i I I I I NOTES: Closing Payment Received S Date Date Case Closed North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 06-19B Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G, Ross, Jr., Secretary NOTICE OF VIOLATION 12 June 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 7006 0100 0000 8384 3619 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Alain Coidan,PE NC State Construction, Department of Administration. 301 N. Wilimington Street NC Education Building Suite 450 Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Mr. Coidan: This letter confirms that on 7 June 2006, I met Mr. John Breshears with D.S. Simmons Inc., and Mike Johnson, onsite the NCAAT (North Carolina Association for the Advancement of Teaching) property located off NC HWY 12, on the Pamlico Sound, adjacent the entrance to Silver Lake, on Ocracoke Island, in Hyde County, North Carolina. The purpose of my visit was to monitor work authorized via Minor CAMA Permit No. 20-2005 issued 5 August 2006 to fill and grade an earthen berm on the aforementioned property. Information gathered by me for the Division of Coastal Management indicates that you have undertaken major development in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). No person may undertake major development in a designated Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) without first obtaining a permit from the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. This requirement is imposed by N. C. General Statute (herein abbreviated N. C. G. S.) 113A-118. Information I have indicates that you have undertaken, or are legally responsible for, unauthorized land clearing and grading in preparation of constructing two parking lots. This unauthorized work was undertaken in violation of Minor CAMA Permit No. 20-2005, Condition No. 1, that states: "All work must be performed in accordance with the plat submitted with your .application package. Any modification of the project will require approval from the Local Permit Officer." These activities are part of a larger project to redevelop that includes a large marsh/Coastal Wetland creation for shoreline stabilization. This unauthorized land disturbing activity took place in the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). Estuarine Shoreline is defined in part, as the area extending landward from the normal water level along Estuarine Waters for a distance of 75'. Estuarine Shoreline is a designated Area of Environmental Concern and no permit was issued f6 this work in this area. Therefore, I conclude, that yQu are in na violation of the Coastal Area Management Act. NQidreacoI VVVatgr!llhf 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone: 252-9485481 % FAX: 252-948-0478 1 Internet: www.ncooastelmanagementnell An Equal opportunity 1 Affrmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Alain Coidan 12 June 2006 Page 2 I request that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST any further unauthorized activities within designated Areas of Environmental Concern. A civil assessment of up to $2,500 may be assessed against any violator. Each day that the development described in this notice is continued or repeated may constitute a separate violation which is subject to an additional assessment of up to $2,500. An injunction or criminal penalty may also be sought to enforce any violation. N.C.G.S. 113A-126 It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to levy a minimum civil assessment of $350 not to exceed $2,500 against all violations. This is done to recoup some of the costs of investigating violations and/or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Whether a higher amount will be assessed depends on several factors, including the nature and area of the resources that were affected and the extent of the damage to them. Based upon N. C. Administrative Code; 7H. State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern, the clearing and grading work is consistent with Sections .0209, Estuarine Shoreline. Therefore there will be no restoration requested by this Division for the work that has already.been undertaken other than implementation of appropriate erosion and sedimentation control devices. The temporary erosion control measures should remain in place in good working condition until a sufficient ground cover is established. This unauthorized land disturbance of a once stable natural shoreline has resulted in the need for further long-term shoreline stabilization. Until such time that the necessary Major CAMA permit is obtained, all development/construction activities within designated AECs under the jurisdiction of this Division should cease and desist. I encourage you to contact Mr. Pat McClain with the Division of Land Resources in the Washington Regional Office, (252) 948-3859, reference intermediate and permanent soil stabilization measures. I also encourage you to contact Mr. Kyle Barnes, at (252) 948-3917, reference the Tar/Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rule requirements. Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this matter. If you have any questions about this or related matters; please call meat (252) 948-3851. Pending an enforcement report to be submitted, you will be notified as to the amount of a civil assessment for undertaking development without the proper permits. Sincerely, (a)a�& k').\rv\,,,, Terry E. Moore District Manager Washington Regional Office c: Ted Tyndall - Assistant Director, DCM \ Kyle Barnes — DWQ, WaRO Steve Trowell — Coastal Management oy Brownlow — Enforcement Coordinator Raleigh Bland- USA COE, Washington Regional Area Pat McClain -Regional Engineer, WaRO, DLR FUNCTION=> F BROWSE ENFORCEMENT CASES RRD230 SEL CASE NUMBER NAME 05-OW9-BA NC STATE CONST, DEPT OF ADMIN 06-0019-BA NC STATE CONSTRUCTION ADMIN 95-0048-CA NC STATE PORTS AUTHORITY 89-DW3-CA NC STATE PORTS AUTHORTTY/MCITY MESSAGE: ALL RECORDS DISPLAYED FOR KEY ENTERED PFI=HELP PF2=MAIN MENU PF3=ENFORCEMENT ACTION MENU PF7=BACKWARD PF8=FORWARD F UNCTTO&=> C-----DCM ENFORCEMENT PRIMARY VIOLATOR INFORMATION----RRD210 CASE:050009B PERMIT#: CONSULTANT:TROWELL NAME: NC STATE CONST, DEPT OF ADMIN ADDR: 301 N WILMINGTON STREET CITY: RALEIGH STATE: NC ZIP: 27601 PHONE: 919 807 4131 CNTY: HYDE NEAREST WATER BODY: TAR/PAMLICO ST PLANE X: LPO : LOCALITY: NCAAT PROP -OLD COAST GUARD ST ST PLANE Y: VIO DESC: UNAUTHORIZED PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE RUBLE/RIPRAP REVETMENT ALONG 75' : OF EROSION ESCARPMENT, ES, PTA, CS NOV SENT: 05 12 05 VIOLATION: MAJOR: Y MINOR PERM COND: CAMA: Y D&F: Y RESTORE:N REQUESTED: COMPLETED: ESTUARY: Y PUB TRST: Y SHORELINE: Y OCEAN HZ: OTHER: PRI NUBS: ORW: WETLANDS: SA: DS: Cl SY: JR: LS: TY: SS: SC: SP: IF: BF: WS: NW: TYPE EXCAVATE FILLED RESTORE OTHER TYPE EXCAVATE FILLED RESTORE OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------------ASSESSMENT AND DISPOSITION------------------ REC ASSMT: 00200 REFERENCES: 0409174 CRITERIA: REPORT RCVD: 06 07 05 ASSESSED: 200 TO GGC: 01 01 01 TO VIOLATOR: 06 0105 PAY REC: 200 ON: 06 07 05 CASE CLOSED: 06 15 05 #VIOLATORS: I TOTAL ASSESSMENT: 200 TOTRECEIVED: 200 MESSAGE: ENTER DATA YOU WISH TO CHANGE PFI=HELP PF2=MAINMENU PF3=ENFORCEMENTMENU PF4=PREV SCREEN PFS=VIOLATOR FUNCTI0)1=> C-----DCM ENFORCEMENT PRIMARY VIOLATOR INFORMATION ---RRD210 CASE: 060019B PERMIT #: CONSULTANT: MOORE NAME: NC STATE CONSTRUCTION ADMIN ADDR: 301 N WILMINGSTON ST SU1TE 450 CITY: RALEIGH STATE: NC ZIP: 27601 PHONE: CNTY: HYDE NEAREST WATER BODY: PAMLICO SOUND ST PLANE X: LPO : G.T. PITTMAN LOCALITY: NCAAT, NC HWY 12 ST PLANE Y: VIO DESC: UNAUTHORIZED LAND CLEARING & GRADING IN PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTING : TWO PARKING LOTS. NOV SENT: 06 12 06 VIOLATION: MAJOR: Y MINOR PERM COND: Y CAMA: Y D&F: RESTORE:Y REQUESTED: 06 12 06 COMPLETED: ESTUARY: Y PUB TRST: Y SHORELINE: Y OCEAN HZ: OTHER: PRI NURS: ORW: WETLANDS: SA: DS: CJ: SY: JR: LS: TY: SS: SC: SP: IF: BF: WS: ME: TYPE EXCAVATE FILLED RESTORE OTHER TYPE EXCAVATE FILLED RESTORE OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------ASSESSMENT AND DISPOSITION- - REC ASSMT: 00000 REFERENCES: CRITERIA: REPORT RCVD: ASSESSED: 0 TO OGC: TO VIOLATOR PAY REC: 0 ON: CASE CLOSED: #VIOLATORS: 1 TOTAL ASSESSMENT: 0 TOT RECEIVED: 0 MESSAGE: ENTER DATA YOU WISH TO CHANGE PFI=HELP PF2=MAIN MENU PF3=ENFORCEMENT MENU PF4=PREV SCREEN PFS=VIOLATOR 18-Jul-06 NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ENFORCEMENT RECORD CASE STATUS CASENUMBER LASTNAME CASE IS OPEN FIRST NAME BUSINESS NAME: 06-198 INC STATE CONSTRUCT DEPT. OF ADMIN C/O ALAN COIDAN, P.E. CASE IS CLOSED I Previous Violations in Same NOV DATE CLOSURE DATE AFFLILIATION Ela sed Days SECTOR 41 AEC for Similar Activities P Y F_ f-_ I RESPONSIBLE AGENT IPUBLIC MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NUMBER 301 N. WILMINGTO SST RALEIGH NC 27601- F PROPERTY ADDRESS COMMUNITY WATERBODY NEAREST ROAD OCRACOKE COAST GRD ST 1PAMILICO SOUND DISTRICT OFFICE COUNTY DCM REPRESENTATIVE LPO CONTACT WARD HYDE IMOORE F VIOLATION TYPE AFFECTED AEC(S) ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ©ES ❑ PITS MINOR CAMA [, OEA ❑ HHFA [-' IHA ❑ PWS ❑ NCRA NATURE OF VIOLATION AEC DESCRIPTION I _-- Unauthorized minor development by clearing and grading land within the ES AEC adajacent to Pamlico Sound. RESTORATION STATUS] RESTORATION REQUEST DATE COMPLETION DATE RESTORATION REQUIRED I- I—— _ RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - CONTRACTOR RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED- PERMITTABLE DEVELOPMENT RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - FURTHER IMPACTS [] RESTORATION PENDING ASSESSMENT DATE PENALTY STATUS ❑ PENALTYISSUED ❑ RESTORATION EXTENDED RESTORE DATE DEADLINE EXTENDED ❑ R' INJUNCTION REFER DATE: I El I-,' TO AG'S OFFICE-C COLLECTION REQUEST DATE. F PENALTY AMOUNT COLLECTION DATE AMOUNT COLLECTED ❑ PENALTY NOT ISSUED [I WILLFUL & INTENTIONAL PENALTY (MIN. OR DOUBLED) ❑ CNOV ISSUED Fr_CNOV DATE ❑ CONRACTOR'S FIRST OFFENSE El PENALTY APPEALED Ir -APPEAL DATE El FORMAL CPA ISSUED I FORMAL CPA DATE SETTLED. AGREED UPON, STIPULATED PENALTY F--SETTLEMENT DATE ❑ UNCOLLECTIBLE PENALTY—UNCOLLECTIBLE DETERMINATION DATE Violations Involving Adversely Impacted Resource AMOUNT OF ADVERSELY DISTURBED AREA (SQ. FT.) AMOUNT OF RESTORED AREA (SQ. FT) F_ NOTES 24-00-06 NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ENFORCEMENT RECORD CASE STATUS ; CASE NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME BUSINESS NAME: L 06-198 INC STATE CONSTRUCT JDEPT.OFADMIN ICIO ALAN COIDAN, P.E. CASE IS CLOSED I' Previous Violations in 5am<_> © NOV DATE CLOSURE DATE Elapsed Days AFFLILIATION SECTOR AEC for Similar Activities 6I12/2006. 'I ;3,1 RESPONSIBLE AGENT IPUBLIC Duplicate Record XLINK: 553 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NUMBER 301 N. WILMINGTON ST IRALEIGH INC 27601- I Show Related Violations PROPERTY ADDRESS COMMUNITY WATERBODY NEAREST ROAD OERA60KE COAST GRID ST OCRACOKE PAMILICO SOUND �— DISTRICT OFFICE COUNTY DCM REPRESENTATIVE LPO CONTACT WARD JAYDE : MOORE __ No[ Available VIOLATION TYPE MINOR CAMA NATURE OF VIOLATION minor development by clearing RESTORATION STATUS ❑ - AFFECTED AEC(S} ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA © ES ❑ PTS ❑ OEA ❑ HHFA ❑ IHA ❑ PWS ❑ NCRA AEC DESCRIPTION land within the ES AEC adajacent to ❑ RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - CONTRACTOR ] RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - PERMITTABLE DEVELOPMENT ❑ RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED- FURTHER IMPACTS ❑ RESTORATION PENDING RESTORATION REQUEST DATE COMPLETION DATE I_ ❑ RESTORATION EXTENDED RESTORE DATE DEADLINE EXTENDED ❑ REFERRED TO AG'S OFFICE - INJUNCTION INJUNCTION REFER DATE: ❑ REFERRED TO AG'S OFFICE - COLLECTION COLLECTION REQUEST DATE: I ASSESSMENT DATE PENALTY AMOUNT COLLECTION DATE AMOUNT COLLECTED PENALTY STATUSI 10/9/2006 1 $500 1 ❑ PENDING ® WILLFUL & INTENTIONAL PENALTY (MIN. OR DOUBLED) PENALTY ISSUED ❑ CNOV ISSUED CNOV DATE ❑ PENALTY NOT ISSUED ❑ PENALTY APPEALED APPEAL DATE ❑ CONRACTOR'S FIRST OFFENSE FORMAL CPA ISSUED �— FORMAL CPA DATE i] ❑ SETTLED. AGREED UPON, STIPULATED PENALTY I SETTLEMENT DATE ❑ UNCOLLECTIBLE PENALTY I UNCOLLECTIBLE DETERMINATION DATE Violations Involving Adversely Impacted Resources AMOUNT OF ADVERSELY DISTURBED AREA (SO. FT.) AMOUNT OF RESTORED AREA (SQ. FT) NOTES