HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Use Plan Executive Summary 1991°!o8'8S LLO`t5 9t1'9t Et0 `t£ IP101
%t170T ZLSZZ 8£T8T8T St01ITI 1?ufllruosuos
°lo0'LE 9091E L00`8Z 866`ZZ 1?uflpunoi-reaA
OOOZ-L86I OOOZ 9661 L86T
asraioul a uluaaiad silufl3o iagmnN I?ufl3o ad,(y
OOOZ-LS61 `SlunoD JaraJieD
sliva BuisnOH alunud luuospas Pub punoH-it,aA Io asparoul aBuluaarad pup iogtunN :8 algrl
sivai u01 Ixau aq1 iano XnmoD laralreD ut situn punoi-irox iO3 alri
luamdolanap aq1 upgl iag8lq gonm aq of paloadxa si shun Bulsnog alunud luuosuas ioI ales luautdoianap aril,
uourindod luauuutiad/slmad;o o?lr2l [I]
siauurld BuillnsuoD pumltOH alua •y :ooinos
90'E SSL`EOZ 099`99 Z87 LL9`OLi ZW09 E£'Z L99`LTI 98t`09 ,flunoDtmoy
OLT 68L`Z9 O£O`L£ 091 SZS`SS 617L`tE It'I TWEt 8t0`I£ suaiV paleiodroouiuflT JO1
9L't 9960t1 OE9`6Z Lt't ZST`SI I £iL`SZ 6L'£ 9ZL`EL LEt`61 saugudioiunW lulol
OF9 L99`I9 LWS SS'S tlt`Tt Z9t`L 8Z't L86`FZ ZE8`9 •dgsumy •lo,L
OS'E SSO`ZT Ott`E EO'£ O£L`6 ZIZ`£ I1'Z 100`9 lt8`Z sea.V •outufl
9E'6 999`OE 6LZ`E 91'6 t,IL`tZ L69`Z L9'8 L8T`9i ZSL`i alSlplurauia
ZT'S Lt6`8 Lt7L`T Wt, OL6`9 E99`1 LO'E 66L`£ 6£Z`I 3=1RD odeD V0 a1!tim (ST
I£'I L89`Z SL6`I 8Z'T 966`Z 9981 t,Z'T 880`Z L89`T -dgsumy •toy slluils (tI
6TI £ZS 90t 9Z'T 88t 98E ZZ'i ZEt ESE -dgsum,I •toy ,Souls (EI
891 8ZE`T 68L 69'1 96I`I ESL Zt'T 986 £69 -dgsumy •toy uui,(urs (ZI
Li'I ZZ6 88L LI't 8t8 BZL 9T'T OEL T£9 'dgsumy •toy 13n3g130S (TT
89'1 -VH `SI ttl`6 09'I 9tZ `EI LSZ`8 St'I E88`6 6I8`9 'dgsumy •toy
99'1 9Z6`8 £8£`9 091 £06`L 6Wt Lt'I LSZ`9 9tZ`t sraiv •oulufl
OL'I 60t`9 19L`E Z9'I Et£`S 80£`£ tt'T 9Z9`E ELS`Z itodmaN uodmoN (01
WE 6E0`101 ZtZ`6Z tVE LIVtS 000`9Z SL'Z 9W99 Ot,L`OZ 'dgsumy toy
EI'T 6L6`9T 16T`tI ZT'T 9ZL`tT Z£T`EI IFT 869`ZI SIt`TI suaiV •otnufl
19'6 969 `ET tZt `l E8'8 EZ6 `01 LEZ1 96 '9 8Lt `9 ZE6 'sigS IToux au?d
98'tL 169`9 68 LL'99 66E `S 18 L9'6t 8Z£`£ L9 gouag uulpul
LS'Z E£8`LZ Ot8`OT St'Z 169`ZZ LLZ`6 FT'Z TZt`tI Ot,L`9 'AID PuagaioW
99'EI Ot8`9E L69`Z 9£'£i 6L£`OE £LZ`Z Z97T OZO`OZ 9891 gorag op-TiV X11D Puari21011(6
L91 916 8tS 89'1 618 619 It'T t99 TLt 'dgsumy •toy uounuayil (8
607 89E`I T99 Z6'I tTZ `T tE9 Z9'T H6 909 'dgsumy •toy BiaglluqswW (L
t8'1 61Z`Z tOZ`T ZL'I IL6`I ttl'l OS'[ ZLS`T Lt0`I 'dgsumy •toy amOlRH (9
Z67 Z09 `9 89Z`Z E97 TZL `S t,LT `Z T F Z 80E `t 8E0`Z 'dgsumy •toy puRlsl sraVrH (S
t£'Z 6SZ`T 8£S TT'Z £TI`T LZS EL'T 6L8 609 dgsumy Joy sinRQ(t
881 6ZL LSE SL'T 999 FLE ZS'T 8E9 £SE 'dgsumy •toy purTslrepaD (E
19'I EtZ`SI 89t`6 tS'T IL9`E1 E98`8 Tt'T ZtVTT 868`L -dris—,L wy
L£'T 6Z0`9 L99`£ E£'I 6OL`t 9t9'E SZ'I . E61`t OSE`E suaiV •oulufl
9CT tTZ`01 I6L`9 69.1 £96`8 LTE`S E91 6t6`9 8tS`b iiojmag voinuag (Z
£S'Z 6£0`Z 908 FZ'Z 908`I 908 LL'T IEt`l 808 I81011 0!1-11V (T
olirH ?load 'uuad 011u2I )Toad *-ad [I] 0t113g )Tad woad
0 0 OZ 0d 9661 o� raiV ro om11W dlqsumoy
OOOZ-L861 `d1111103 3a101reD
X111rdionmW pup digsumoy Xq
uouulndod Arad Ip101 :L aigpl
OOOZ rear oup ui uouulndod punoi-rea,( aq3 uugl
iag8.q sauna anr3 lsoutle uouulndod Nuad leJol m aet,i Illm souqudiownut s,diunoa oq1 `ipinourud uI •uouulndod
punoi-rraSluauruuod poleuniso oql souru aaigl iano st golgm `000 `OOZ iano io OOOZ rear ail ,iq uoilt,tndod plead
Telol P anrq,ieut,flunoD 1aiaiiuD `L algey uo pasug 'OOOZ-L86I urog,ClunoD JaiourD io3 suouutndod (luuosuas
Arad snld punoi-noX) Mead lulol pup punoi-rear ui soouara331p aril smoqs goigm `L aTquy, ul pazurururns si
pouad 8uiuuuTd aria 8uunp ,i4unoD JaraueD oiut uolluiBiur luuosuas pup punoi-ivaf;o louduri Ileiano aqy
pound fututluldatil
mog8noitil uouulndod punoi-rear sit sp Isu3 sP sarutl aaigl iano mor2 of paloadxa si uouulndod Iruosuas s,,(Iunoo
ail Irril Ioe3 oql ,(q paleiisuoutap isaq sl ,(Juno aiuua aril uo uouuindod luuosuas 3o lordutt 8utmoi8 aril •srare
paluiodiooutun3o uouulndod Iruosuas aria uegJ ialse;,iug8its mor8 of palaadxa si saruledioiunui agJ3o uouulndod
Iruosuas aqy •sarogS Iloux ould pur `gouag ut,tpul `uodmoN `dlgsumol oleo maim TO Spam poluiodioouiun
oql `)aialreD aduD ui oq Illm sO661 ail Buimp XumoD lwawD ul uoournndod IPuoseas Buimoi8-Jsaisr3 aqy
uourindod /iiuno lrioi aqi jo mugs iaBrul ,illunpur8 u aumssu snil pur `OOOZ-L86T utog uourindod aJtgm agi
urgl raise} moi8 01 anuiiuoo ti?m uoueindod aligm-uou ail `L8 OL6T urorl ?suo aqJ sum sV s0661 agl8uunp 08m
Timpam ui ast,aioui Jueal;iu8is e aauauadxa 1pm uouulndod s, Xlunoo JaraiiuD `IlrianO •dn pup OL pup 6t-Ot P02p
sdnoiB aril oq Illm,ilunoD IzJOWD ui OOOZ-LB6 T mog sdnoiB a8e ButmoiB,(Ipldwisow aril Juql paloadxa sill
•smauoidailuo pup sluuoissa;oid ra8unod pup sawpai Joriilu of
sonurluoo I I. erluolod ruopraioai nagi su sojei glmoi8 gBiq ,feldslp of anuiluoo Igm saltunututoo gouaq oqy •suaiu
poluiodiooutun oql sp lsu3 su samuaazgllsoune moiS pings saugrdloiunut s,,ilunoDlaialmD `OOOZ-L86I ut0id
Coastal Wetlands:
This classification includes all areas of coastal wetlands which include any salt marsh or other marsh subject
to regular or occasional flooding by tides, including wind tides. However, tidal flooding is understood not to
include hurricane or tropical stone tides. Except as allowed and provided for in the policies section of this plan,
no development shall be allowed in areas classified as coastal wetlands.
404 Wetlands:
This classification includes concentrated areas of wetlands which meet the wetlands definition contained
in Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Only uses consistent with the policy statements section of this plan will
be allowed.
There may be areas of the county considered to be 404 wetlands by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which
have not been included in the Conservation 404 wetlands classification as indicated on the Land Classification
Maps (15 and 15A). The policy statements addressing 404 wetlands which are included in Section IV of this plan
are intended to apply to only those areas delineated as 404 wetlands on the Carteret County Land Classification
Maps (15 and 15A). In all other areas of the County considered by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to be 404
wetlands, the applicable Federal regulations shall apply.
Natural Heritage Areas:
This classification includes lands which support native plant and animal communities and provide habitat
qualities that have remained essentially unchanged by human activity. They may be surrounded by landscape that
has been modified but does not drastically alter conditions within the natural area. All areas within this
classification have been recognized by either the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program or the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service as having special significance. These areas should be primarily preserved in their
natural state with only the following development allowed:
— Public facilities and improvements to provide shoreline access;
— The use of areas by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers as spoil disposal sites;
— Development of public facilities by the National Park Service and the State of North Carolina. However,
Carteret County requests the opportunity to review and comment on all plans for development of public
— Development of any sound or estuarine island that is consistent with the Development of Sound and
Estuarine Islands Policy included on page IV-7 of this plan.
— Uses that are consistent with and allowed by the policies section of this plan.
Estuarine Shoreline:
All areas lying 0-75 feet landward of the mean high water level of estuarine waters not designated as
Outstanding Resource Waters are classified as estuarine shorelines. Because of map size and scale, these areas
cannot be accurately mapped. Precise locations must be determined in the field.
ORW Estuarine Shorelines:
All areas lying 0-575 feet landward of the mean high water level of estuarine waters designated as
Outstanding Resource waters are classified as ORW estuarine shorelines. Because of map size and scale, these
areas cannot be accurately mapped. Precise locations must be determined in the field.
Primary Nursery Areas:
This classification includes all areas designated as primary nursery areas by the North Carolina Division of
Marine Fisheries.
Estuarine and Public Trust Waters:
All public trust areas and estuarine waters are included in this classification. All waters of Carteret County
are classified as estuarine waters as described by 15 NCAC 7H.0206 or public trust areas as described by 15
NCAC 711.0207.
Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW):
This area includes all waters which have been designated by the North Carolina Environmental Management
Commission as Outstanding Resource Waters. While not under the county's planning jurisdiction, the ORW
designations extend into the municipalities' areas of planning jurisdiction. The ORW locations are indicated on
Maps 15 and 15A.
Ocean Hazard Areas:
This classification includes all ocean hazard areas. These areas include lands along the Atlantic shoreline
where, because of their special vulnerability to erosion or other adverse effects of sand, wind and water,
uncontrolled or incompatible development could unreasonably endanger life or property. These areas include
beaches, frontal dunes, inlet lands, and other lands with excessive erosion or flood damage. Development shall
be permitted which is allowed by 15 NCAC 7H.0306.
The Land Classification Map, Map 2, provides the locations of the various classifications. Because of the
complexity and importance of Carteret County's areas of environmental concern, the conservation classification
was divided into nine subcategories of conservation areas. The classification map indicates a continuation of
existing development patterns with the following locations of land use categories:
This area is located west of Morehead City's extraterritorial jurisdiction along both sides of U.S. 70 for a
distance of approximately 0.8 mile and south of N.C. 24 between Morehead City's extraterritorial
jurisdiction and S.R. 1147. Bogue Field and Cedar Point are also classified as developed.
Urban Transition
This area is located along both sides of U.S. 70 from Newport's extraterritorial boundary southeast of within
0.8 mile of Morehead City's extraterritorial area, south from U.S. 70 to the north side of N.C. 24 and along
the western side of S.R. 1147.
'£OOZ iva,( aqJ isnoiil satnpagos pup slsoo
uolaniisuoo poutpno pup sluau lloiuo olgpilsap;o SOB= paristiquiso ueid oq,L '8861 ul upld sai3?I?opd a8urg
Suo-I ipaA-gl u poldopu uoluonP3 3o preog SumoD JaiaixuD agJ `uraisAs loogos Kjunoa alp jo uolsuudxo ioj
paau snoingo aril of osuodsoi uI •pap,moiorano Sluiamno aiu — q8?H loiauuD lsam pup ,(.rrivautalg puagaiOW
`,Sreluautala 1io3nuag `iuTnol.red ui — Alunoo agl;o Lred uiaisom agl ui sloogos Alunoa Ilu `luiaua8 ul •sloogas
,Sirluaurala ig8ta pue `sloogos alpptur oaigl `sloogos qua oml — sloogas Et sopnlout Xl1uairno pup ,ilunoo
ailua ail somas walsXs loogos ,(Juno aq,L •aourisissr AlUnoo m uoillim 9'6$ aniaaai Illm utals,is loogos ,ilunoo
aiI `06-68Ad ul •aourlsissv ,(Junoo pup `alrls `reiapa3 5nniaoai uorluonpg;o piuog ,(IunoD IwOUED aq,L
sau?T?opd Iruolranpg .9
I I T US 3o aBess-ed Juzow ail gouts antlou avow uaaq aneq Sjunoo aqJ tnglim s1io;;a SmloXoag -famuao
lxou oql jo lird Is.tr3 oEp olui sailunoo aanp Ilu anus pinom lugl II?3Puul moo u io; ,(pnls Xliilglsra; u no XjunoD
uanriD puu,CJunoD ooiluredgli,m BuWom si,ilunoD JaialirD •salts luaudolanap Suiplmglt, puu `urals,is xoquoai8
s,,flunoo otp `suralsAs do-Xoid ,saliludtoiunur oqi 3o Tip g8noxgi paloziloo oisum luiaiauruloa pup atlsaurop
lip io; ails lusodstp oletuppi aril si goigm `IT?3Puel fauitttus ,(luo s,Sjunoo aql szlpiodo XjunoD JaialmD
Irso IG alsuAA1 P?I0S 't
•sisunoi put saaitlai 01
,(Juno agl;o luoddt, ail onuluoo of st, Ilom sp `Jiod ail glim paipioossu ssouisnq iiodxz /uoduri agl aniasaid of
`f,usnpul lougiu of papaau are woIsSs uoluliodsuuin s,Alunoo aril jo, 8uipuAdn put, aouruoluirur panuuuoD
•suaiu oullaiogs alp ui sJuapisar pup sisunol io; omoi lanuil luatuanuoa
u su Ilom su uolirliodsumi lrioraurutoo 31Tnq qioq sapinord goigm `,SumiaJrm IRlsrooeriul ail Pub `Irutuuay
liod alu1S oqJ pup saulsnpm Sauna arras of Jrodsuuil Tiri `IiodiiP ludioiunm BuimoiB u `utalse(s ,fumg8111
Trualm alunbapu up sapniout Jrgi utais,is uoileliodsuu4 BuilSTxa as1anip e uroi; sli;auoq AlunoD lwovuD
uollulio suety .E
•,iiunoo aril 1nog8noiqi palleisui surals,(s
aBregasipaaelnsgns pup suasis adas unpnimnrn
Pop sauiludiount s,founoo aril ut irsodsip ialemoisum Buueln8ai m aloi antlou ue s,(rld JuauriredaQ g1lraH
lrluoumoitnug ,tiunoo aqJ `ianamoH •surals,is lusodstp pup wourttwi aBuXord alunud/otlgnd pur `smols9s 1lurl
otidas Tunptnipui paumo (IaJenud `sutals is paumo- illpdiotunut ig papinoid st tJunoo ail JnogBnoiil lusodstp
ialumalsum •sutals,fs luaurleai3 io uouoailoo salrmalsum dot, ureluTru io umo lou saop ,(1unoD IaioVuD
-srea,C anl3 lxou oql 8uunp sallludiownui sit pup Alunoo oql Butor3 anssi luauranoiduu luliduo
/Sunmeld luuliodurt Isom aril oq Illm lusodstp ialumoisem lugl laa3 sivapisai dlunoo ,fuuW •,ilunoa aiuua ail io;
sanuuuiallu lusodstp pur watinvaii ralumalsum 1ua3-2101 pup Bogs Bulssaippu luouralulS Joudurl leluauuronnua
Liu paiudaid spq AJunoD JaiawD pup santleuiailu Irsodsip ialumalsum oral-Buol paiaptsuoo anuq saulunumtoa
tuianas su `S86I aouis Slunoo laiawD ui ansst Jumiodun r 15uisuaiaui ur aut000q spq Irsodsip raiumalsrm
luso slQ pup Iuaurluai,L ialumalsum •Z
•smoiB slum io; pueurap Tuulsnpul/ludioiunur aq1 sp uraouoo BuispaiauT ue oq Illm s*mq an8og no pup
Alunoo aril;o suoluod uualsua otp ut uoisniim ialpm Jles `ianamoH Tuuutap Suilslxo arias of alunbapu si ,ilddns
ialumpunoiS aqi `sploi.0 liom3o sis9luur Buusixa up no pasug •suoluuuo; auXrH auspD/umol3TioA aql ui paluool
sia3TnbR woil stem uTulgo sutasAs iaium Allunurmoo/Tudiounim Buusixa IIV •swoIsSs slum ludioumm umo nagl
olviodo SilD peagaiOW pue `alsI PTuraurg'iro;nt,ag `irodmaN `gauag otlueliV 3o sumol OtLL •suralsAs Sliunurmoo
uolriodioD iaium JarainD lsam pup `aotnias ialPM uurloreD `P-Isl s JWf-H 1(uo3npag;o umol OLD Xq iano
uQVI ,(11uaoai) ianl-d glioN ail Buipntaui `f4unoD JaiaireD ui smais,is ialum ,SllumUmoo reianas aiu grail
I ns ialum : i
•swoods palooloid pup paiaBuupua lrianas
io; sluautuonnua Butnit pup Butlsau Jurliodun appnoid saamosoi auuuw s,Alunoa aqy •saoinosai qs?3llags
pub, gsT3ut3 paiutoossu nail pup spoq ssui8uas;o aouasaid aq1 of onp dltiuwpd si spunoS ooilured puu `)tong
`anBog `aioD;o onlun ooinosoi Buipuelsmo aril •soomosai ouuuui `relniired m pur `slsarol pup silted otlgnd
`sput,T 1saro3 pup Tumllnou5v BulpntauT `tullualod aomosai 3o wait, 30 kJlsianlp P suq oslu ,CIunoo JaiairrD
•I drW uo paJeotpui aiu goigm;o ISOII
`suair ol!2wj 3o sodAl osagl;o oourpunqu up suq ,SiunoD iaraliuD •suare uoisora anissaaxa puu `(suaie Iumluu
xoldmoo pup slei?quq a3i1pl?m Butpnioui) sraiu aipBei; aomosai lrinluu `salts Iuor2olooutio n pup ouols?ri `spaiu
Jsnil otlgnd `(uopoipsunf ,(Juno ui Ono siswo; au1ltruur apnlout ,tlunc,D Jaiaiiuo ui suair alt8ui3 ragl0
'a3?IPItm iailo pup `samods paia8uupuo `strutTuu Buueagin3 snoiawnu io3 slullgrri
appnoid pup surals,is olunbr atqunlrn puu SO11W13e puuldn uaomlaq sauoz ia;;nq st, arias :uolsoia aultaiogs
lsuieBu ia3;nq :loiluoo pool; Iviroonris-uou appnoid `.swumllod iaglo pur sopiousad `luauripas m; sderJ salt?}
su arras :i3iumpunor8 so; Spain aBruriaw appnoid ,iagi asnuoaq aomosai IemJeu Juuol3iuBis r are spurllam
•salJlnuop Bons ioI 1?uuod r 3mooar pup ro3 ,flddu Jsnur `spuulam Buipnlout „`saleis paiiu fl agl;o sialum„
olut Iriioluur lll; m pofpaip Buuisodop ut paisaiaiui auo,iuu IeiJ swinbai Jovialum uroID aglio tot uouaaS
•smopuaw Jam pur `sagsreut 1s8oq `sgvuurnus quid `su?s000d `sdurrms `sisaioi
1spuulmo41oq `o1 poituul 1ou are mq `apnlout spurliaA\ 'ipa,f agl;o gird 8uunp ,(.tp oq ,fuw ,iagi asnrooq ,i;iivapi
of llnog;tp saunl-autos air siag10 •snoingo are `sduiums su ions `spupgam autos •uosros 8utmoi8 3g1;o gird
Isuol It r03 ua8,ixo 2mlioel silos UT Buin?I 3o aiquduo are spupuam m 2uimoi8 sluuld -uosuos Buimoi8 aril 8uunp
aura} •io spouad io; silos pa82olialem anuq wrii io ialpm ,(q poianoo space aiu spupuam tot lruouolpslmf
spuellam bob (P
•Buipooll pup uoisoia luoi;aiogs;o soss000id 2miNurep aril of Joafgns st pup a3ll auuumso
3o t�1?lunb ail soouanilui sauilatogs ouuenlso ail uumm luourdolanaQ -k mmsa aqi of paioauuoa X1aJetuilui
are ,fail •ralPm pup pUTM 3o SJaa;;a asianpp raglo io `Su?poog `uoisora of olquiaulnn Xllp?oodso aip sautiarogs
ouirumsg •,ilunoD 3aiaireD 3o sluauruoiTnua IPinluu anlonpoid ISOui aql 5uOuTiv zip siairm auurmso ail
•sraiu mg0 punoS ooilured IsLotimos pup spunoS 31aeg puu `aioD `an8og ail utgli,+m paluool sialrm opnioui r oql
dlunoD 1aiourD uigi?m -s,irq pup sal.mmsa luisroo ui puno; simum gsp13uiq,(ITuiaua8 are siamm aummsg
sauilaiogS pun saalrm auurnisg (a
Limited Transition
This classification exists along the N.C. 24 corridor from Cape Carteret and Bogue Field east to the urban
transition and developed areas located along N.C. 24. The limited transition category extends north of N.C.
24 for a distance of 0.5 mile.
Rural with Services
These areas are located north of Cape Carteret along S.R. 1107, 1108, 1111, 1109, and portions of 1106.
Other areas are located along both sides of S.R. 1300 north of U.S. 70 for a distance of three and one-half
miles, along S.R. 1163 between N.C. 101 and S,R. 1300, along N.C. 101 between S.R. 1163 and the
Intracoastal Waterway, and in the Sea Gate Woods development north of N.C. 101 and west of the
Intracoastal Waterway.
The rural areas are delineated on the Land Classification Maps 15 and 15A. Major concentrations are found
in the northern two-thirds of Western Carteret County and in open grounds areas of the Down East area of
Carteret County.
The community classification is found in the following locations: north of the Cedar Point town limits; east
of the White Oak River marshes; and in the Davis, Atlantic, Marshallberg, and Sea Level communities.
The conservation classification locations are described in detail in the Fragile Areas section of the plan.
iJt,d ialles 1e sAut,g an8og;o golaiis l003 000`£ p Slalrutixoiddr st uoiiatpsunf Alunoo
iapun uaiu Aluo aq,I, •s3luug aioD pue'pro;alilaegs `an8og no pawool are suaie aullaiogs s,,(lunoo agl;o IIV
soul aiogS pur saiasag IsaunQ usaao (q
•spurldn pup
dremso ail uaamloq uolsoia lortuoo pup a8ruiep POOU lsuiUBE siaturq sr anus oslt, spuRtlam IrISt,oD •, ASnpul
Butgst,I letoiaururoo punos u of Iuuuosso are puu spare 6.rasinu auuuut apnoid ,cagy 'sauunlso Tit puno; uiuga
poo; xaldwoa aril01lrJin aiu SpuRuam relsuoa oq_L •sapu uuols lualdoa io aumouinq apnloui lou Iluqs sigipapinoid
`sopll puim Buipnlout `sapl1 Xq papooii-,CIreTnBaut io-Alsuln2ai sogsreur iles sr paul;ap are spuellam luisuoD
spuellaAA, 114sroD (e
searV all uid 3o nruitung
•scare alloril pup sDgv pup Iuaurdolanap uaamloq ,(Junoa ail jo spare auilaiogs/Trlsuoo OLD
ut slotguoo ,Surur are magi `ianamoH •spaiu riimOJ2 Oul umi; "A" paluool air spaiu a112r.g puelul Otp JO ISOW
.I dulni uo paioidap On sump allBrij asogl •suare all8ur; aomosai Trimuu pur (sagV) uiaauOD luluauruoitnug
;o suaiV gloq opnioui suaiu aqy •,ilunoD iwoLmD ui srare alt8ui; luuliodun snoiaumu aiu aiagy •luamdolanap
pouuuld dpood io alrudoiddrui Xq poXoilsop io po2rurep aq X11sua pinoo rioigm sram are suair ali8uid
io; palms oslu, st pup sAuug an8og uo polvool si uourioossV sagorog-ulloiOD-uegmaN aqy •Iuzwdolanap io3
palms Isom ,(Juno aqi ui srare ail aq llim asagy •s*mq an8og uo pur `ianiH liodmom `autlaiogs puns an8og
`iantg 31R0 aJtgm aq) Buolp ,iJunc,D iaizImD uialsom ut polvaol ,ilururud air luaudolanap uuqm io; olgmins
silos •lueliodun ,ilaurzilxa si aBusn 3juul olldas pup Juamdolanap tmgin ro; alquims silos;o Juaixa alp `sraiu
,furor ui aoinias camas pazilurivao 3o aouasgp aql pur luamdolanap ButsRaioui ,ilpldrr s,Xiunoo ail rplA:i
•papinoid sl aBrutrrp iodoid 3l sasn lrminauBr
mourn io; algRlms air `ranamoq `sodfq T?os ail ;o Jsow •gJBuarls mol io `,(Jiltgrouuad mots `fllilquauuad
pidei `ssoulom ;o asneoaq sasn Aurm io3 suoilpniu i anuq XiunoD ioiouuD ul silos oql `Iriaua8 ul
•sasn Ipluapisai pup IRuouuarow BuTpnloui `sasn purl Lr1?Ilut-uou Xuuw rplm olgiludutoaut
are pup suoiluiado ijrioire twilinio Jouisai V90ES-H roar palaulsai Pug 32uRi Bulgmoq oq,L -Altunumroo
aPupgv aril gltm Jailluoo snouas osnra pinom salinlop lruotiippp mq `pasolo ,tllulred si plaid of liv'spJLzpq
oputimutu ail asuaiout pinom gotgm paiaptsuoo Buiaq aiam sVOW zip jo suotsuudxo `urld stril;o uoluirdaid
aq1 ql?m snoourilnuns •sagspio l,Iuioire io; rellualod aqJ oslr s1 araq,L -suaiu ialt,m pup padolanap uo slordun
aslou luumiuri is anuq suolleiado 13rionp puu `uiaauoo Buisuaioui Buisnuo si plaid an8og luau woutdolanaa
•luaudolanap gltm slwi;uoo snouas ?sod so p?Ipr; o5upi Butquroq put, (svpi�l) suoileiad0 nV (rpi?I?YET
Butpooil 011aa fgns ,tllupualod si pup SSOI io Ianai pas ut,aur 1aa3 SI Ie Sall rare puul
s,Alunoo ail3o Juaoiod 09 flaluunxoiddV -sump ouilaiogs agl piumol odols XI1unp-ei8 spaiu puul ail `1aa3 St 30
suouPnala puptui JSQgBiq ag1 utoid 'IUU X11WOua8 si Xjunoo ail •aSregosip ialrm puetut utoil Buulnsai BuipooT3
pallunl autos pup `slum 3o Buipuod Ipaol `a8ms uuols woi3 Buillnsai BuipooT3 ,iq paloa34u si ,clunoD IaialiuD
-AlunoD JaiavuD ui luaudolanap Iriaiaunuoo pur lutluaptsai panuiluoo of
saloulsgo snouas Jsour aqi air suare altBrri pur `suollmlut?I silos `suoluiado np r(reiTliui'sraip prezt,q Pool-4
•aBrugoslp uotinllod aomos iulod lruoilippR
mrivo Imp sluautdolanap outlarogs Jigigoid io mols 1pm suolru&sap mg0 puns aioD pup an8og aqy —
Juaurarpoi io; pare agJ;o aouuogtu8is aiJ su aspaiaul liar+ rani „ lsrg umoQ„ aql ul asn luluopisa-d —
sosn uugm 01 palranuoo oq o3
anuluoo IT?m siopuioo OL'S'flPup tZ'D'N aq1 Suolu pup suam polemdioout olluaoufpr Spam luinilnuBV —
•luaurdolanap ro ainJlnouSr iaipta of lsol oq Illm Spam spueilam „tOt„ 3o uotliod llrws u `dllunuuv —
:smollo; su pazuuurmns am paloadxa oq ,Sear goigm
saBuugo XJ0201ra puerl •spare anitsuas ,iTluluaumonnua iaglo put, spurpom ui idooxa dolanap ,ilanisualut 111m
,LJunoD laiOWD uialsam •purl podolanapun;o sosuudxa &ml gJim rani ,Cltsuop mol r f,1lxu cud uiumai Iltm parr
„ Jsug umo(,„ oq,L •onuiluoo llim ,(lunoD 1ajoLmD ui ivawdolanap;o urzlird luiaua8 ail 1pg3 polydioilur st 1I
pouuuldun utotl polinsai anuq swolgord luuoi;tuBis wotim uoloipsunf Bumi eld s,,(Iunoo aqi uigltm paral3Ros
spare are magi `ianamoH •s1011eln2w uotstnipgns pup Buiuoz ail ril. pauai38uarls suq put, pauoz rasp ail
pasuaroui Suit ,iJunoa agy'sO86T ail fuunp posuaioap anuq luamdolanap pauuuldun utoi3 Bulinsoi swolgoid
-spare Irinlru
puu `Sutgsrd reioiourwoo `uoluaioai io3 pazilln suare ioit,m `sraiu 1pluapisai iano suoiJurado ne km!I?W —
•sluatudolanap auilaiogs ioglo put,sruLmw glim pa1UTOOSSE satlinuau SutBpaip paseaioul —
'33ouni ialumgsai; ia3uoiB ui Buillnsai Spam snoinraduri posuaiaul —
•a8ruiuip aoulins;o
3louni IemJlnoLiBr pospaiaui pup aBpsn luin3lnousU 01 suair spuptiam „J,Ot„ anisualxa;O uoisranuoo mud —
•,(lunoD 3aioueD
uialsam ut iopuioo bZ 'D-N aril Buolu KIlrioodsa `aoinias camas Turluao Sutnrq lou sua re ul luzutdotana(, —
•luautdotanap auut,tu SumuluoD —
•autlaiois s,Alunoo aql Buolu uolnllod;o saamos a8rpgosip Julod paizupos;o luamdolanap panuuuoD —
:smollo; sp pazurununs
aiu uoiloipsunf Buiuurld s,AlunoD IaialnD ui swolgoid /,uliqupdwoo asn slum pup poet Bullsixg
ivaurdolanap I?ru?I oslr
Auui pup luuliodun ,(1trJuatnuortnua are spare ,(.rasmu asagl •ianiH asnaN pup `ianiH alt,0 aiigm `71001D surepv
`i3m-d giros `,Cpg Buorl `dug Isom `ianiH liodmON `puns an8og uo suair pait,u8isap mg0 oqi �lo aplslno lsixa
srzir,(rasinu,(immud snoiownu `uolippu ul •luaurdolanap;o loiluoo aql col suoilrotiduit Buoiis anuq ilim sralem
aamosaH Buipumsino su puns oa?Iured lsuatimos puu `punoS Nopg `punoS onBog;o uoiliod uuolsam aril `punos
aioD ;o uouuuB?sap 6861 aril •,(JunoD lziaimD of luaudolanap lor.mu oslr spare and?suss-,tlreluamuonnua
osaiy •soomosaiiaium auLmw IURogiuBls IF aiu spunoS ooilured pup `aioD `)toeg `an8og `XiunoD laiaiXeD ul
The preparation of this document was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program,
through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and
Coastal Resource Management, National and Atmospheric Administration.
Carl L. Tilghman, Chairman
John F. Morris
Robert P. Proctor
David E. Yeomans
William A. Page, Jr.
Robert Long, Chairman
Al Sonnenberg
Rodgers Hunt
Jesse Vinson
Paul Warren
Jackie Booth
David Heath
Pat Joyce
Harold Shipp
Kenneth Windley, Jr.
Lynn Phillips
•siauueld 5ulllns-3 purlioH air(, 'y `airutllsg :aomoS [t]
•spare palRrodioaui sapnlouI [£]
• upid as fl pur-I A unoD JaiaiirD S86T :aamoS [Z]
•srea,i gaup Ile io; algelpmv Jou aiam
souoBalro asn puul luzisisuoo asnroaq olgtssod Jou si 6.rogoroo asn purl goua jo uosueduroo aialdwoo V [T ]
001 880,189 OOT 880,189 001 880,189 raiV puRZ reloy
Zt, OI£ `L8Z Zt OI£ `L8Z Zt OT£ `L8Z saipog farm
aB--1 put, Torus
8 000 `SS 8 000 `SS 8 000 `SS spuPlam ialum lips
0 0 IT tTZ`8L Pup-lJ01110
ialpm iland pup lsaiod
6 000`09 OI £99`89 £ 18£`OZ Pup'IlunulnapfV
t ZLI`SZ Z OOL`SI I LLI`9 [E]dfl lung Pup urgifl
tT L£9`Z6 tT L£9`Z6 OI 9LL`OL sparV puRllam-uoN reiapad
[i] [Z] [Zl
TO 68 TT % T861 !o £L61
- (saiov)
[I] 686I Pup `T86T `£L61 -, IIRTOD I=WD ul asfl puu'I reiauzO pairutusa :9 algpy
-EL6I aouis ,S1unoD laizireD ui o2usn pout 3o SISAIeur It,rau08 r saptnoid g alq-el
•g1moi8 Isoineaq aril Buiauauadxa suaiu aql ul AlunoD
laialruD uialsom ui IM are suaiu pauoz s,founoo aqy •,4J?D prorasow JO Isom FZ -D-N Buotr suare aptspunos
ui pup s*irg an8og uo suair polriodioam aTp ut paleiluaauoo st sull, •aspq uourindod put, luamdolanap
iofpu[ aril suiuluoo XlunoD 1woWD uizlsam •spare auiTaiogs ogJ Buolr poiziluos sautunutmoo polpiodiooutun
snoiaurnu ui paleiluaauoo si uouuindod agl •aBpsn puul IrmilnauBu pup spurpam;o suare a8rel glim Tani
dpupuuuopaid si uare „ Jseg umoQ„ oq 1, •uam got,? io; luoia;;ip ,ftrealo aiu asn puul pup luamdolanap `glmoi8
Omouonllut siolop3 aql •,(IunoD iaiawD uiaisam st, of paua;ai si pup auil 7PaaiD surepV-iantg g1ioN agJ;o
JSOM Sall rare iagio aqy •XaaiD surepV pup snag g3roN agJ Buloauuoo au?t e;o Jsua sail goigm Baru „Isea umoQ„
agl;o sisisuoo au0 •asn puel lui3ua8 3o suum Tspare laulsip oml anuq of sanuluoo Alunoo aril •uptd asfl Puu'I
986I ag13o uoiluirdaid aqJ oauis asn purl ul soiNugo iouiur ,(luo uaaq anuq oiogl `f1unoD IaravuD 3o isow ul
AlivwNIfis HSf1 QNV'I DNI.LSIX21 .D
•pupurap Irluapisar mauuuuad pup
Iruosuas of ioleo Jrgi Xlunoo aqi uigltm sossauisnq leiouuul3 pue ooinias `lrelai uroi3 pue `,ilunoo oql opislno pauiea
auroaui utoi; lardun artuou000 Sutmor8 u si mail •imuao luawaigai r se efiunoo agl;o 1poddr 2uimoi8 otR sp Ilam
st, `AlunoD IaiaiieD punoxe pup ul sia,Coldurz Iruolnllsui iarilo pup k uliltur aql jo oouasaid Buoils Bumutluoo
aril of alquingput Xlio—p si 331gs sigy iutouooa paluauo-ieiaiaraw 3/aa?nias grout 13 prpmo3 Butnour ,ilipnpriB
st .CIunoD laialieD Imp luareddr si Jl `uuld osfl Pup'I I66T aq3 ul popnlaut sis,tluur populap R no pasug
•auI `saturouooa Good pup spoom (Z
•Iuau 213utmw pur Iogpng;o aog3O alrJs 'D'N `ol?3otd .ijunoD ONI-I (I :aamoS
%E ' OZI OL8 `tZ 00T`LI 06Z `I I aoiod iogr-I
paColdutg luio,L
($;o spuusnogy)
%9 '6t9 ZZT`OEt t89 `881 9LE `LS salus ITp10- ssoi0
($;o spuesnogy)
%0 ' tZ9 189 `LE9 61 £ `91 t,L0`88 aurooul luuosiad lmoy
%Z ' Zt£ LLt `ZI Ft9`L ILL`Z awoaul pildrD rod
88 OL6T 8861 0861 OL61 ioJeoipul
88 - OL61 `f,1u-D 1-alruD
sioluoipul olurouoog;o Aruurutns :g olqul
:molaq `g olgr,l, ul pouilmo air 88-OL61 uroi; f4unoD JaraireD ioi sioreoiput otutouooa ,Ca}l
'Xiew ui obo ' E 3O moI u 01 6irnuu f
ut %6'L J0 g8iq u wo.zl po2uui olpi luoui,(oldnraun agJ `686I 3o sgluout xis Isn,I otp rod ' 8861 u? %E'S 3o MOT P
pup `£86 T ut %O.6Io gBtri r uaamiaq palenionU suq 1i `086T aouis • (slvnpintpui pa,(oldura,illuuospos 3o siaqurnu
gBtq glim salpmoo 1plsroo 30 leoidf,i) aBeianp OJeIS aria anoqu ,flniBils io it, uni ,(Ilpioua8 suq alai ivau-b(olduraun
aBpianr S,,SlunoD 30ia11RD •oaio; ioqui pa,ioldura pup `solrs Ilulai `armour rl?duo cad ui sosuaioui ouuurrip
poouauadxa spq dlunoD JaiamD 'OL61 aouis •,(lillgRls oiuiou000 s,Sjunoo 3tp of rei8alul TIP air Buigsg lum
-iaumroo puP `Juauruiano8 `,(mlltur agJ `kiisnpul iiodxo/liodmi aqJ `sooinias `opurJ irelai `utsunol `uouonrlsuoo
pue alulso luau `amllno0t,`Buunioi;nu-eW',(IIOIIoaa pa?3?sianip,(ran r;o aBpluenpR atp suq,14unoD laiaueD
(L861`086T) „parV XpmS oulrenisg ooilmud-ol uuiaglV
ail ui suolulndod Iruotluaioa-d pup punog-reaA aiJ ul spuoil oigdri8oura(, aullosug jo
uolrzualotmgD„ `•Q lnrd `rallagosy :(OL61) aoiaurmOD;o luauryrrda(,•S•fl `snsuaD agJ;o nuamg :saamoS
0169'L91 %t'£t o/n9'98 £t0`t£ OtL`£Z OZL`ZI Mod,
9/oE'6£9 °/n£'IL %9'1££ 91701T 817t`9 t6t`T luuosuas
0/661,0T %O'££ °!o0'tg 866`ZZ Z6Z`LT 9ZZ`TI punoi-.reaA
L8-OL L8- 88 08-OL L861 0861 OL61 ltufl3o od,il
asuaiaul a eluaaiad sllufl3o iaqumN
L8-OL61 `Slu-D laiaireD
- silufl SuTsnoH alenT-td Teucseas pup puno-d-reaA;o asuaioul 32rtuaoiad pup iaqumN :t alquy
`t alqu.L u? Paleo?Pul sr `OL61 aouis shun 8utsnoq Ipuosuas ut aspaiout oluureip Buipuodsauoa r ,Cq palaaTlai
uaaq spq uouulndod reuospos agi;o g1moi8 pldRr aqJ `ianamoH 'L8-OL6T uroi; ,S111110D Taut reD ul Pz13 Jsuoo
shun man jo ,iluofpur aql io3 palunomu shun punoi-iraX `uoloniisuoa stun Buisnoq Iulol 3o suual ul
•uouulndod luuosuas }lead pup uouptndod Juaueuuad;o urns 3tp si „uouulndod )luad PnOl,, IT l
siauueld 8uulnsuoD PuuIIOH ale(I',l, :aamoS
E'Sbi O'£Z O'IIE o'£Z- L'69 L8-0861
`asuaiaul luaoiad
L99`LIT I'LS Z8o`L9 67t S8t`OS L861
Z£O`178 FT Ot6`Zt 68t Z86`Tt 086I
£Z6`Lt T't£ OZ£`91 6'99 £09`I£ OL61
[Ijuollulnilod uolR� uotlu1n od uopel'n-do uolIvIn .reaA
3Tuad Tp101 3lr3d Teloy luuosuas )load luloy 1113uPuuad
30 °l0 30 )T Od i0 0/0
L8-OL6T `XI —OD Iai WD uouulndod luouuuuod/IpuosuoS 3o digsuoilt,laH : £ alqu,L
wouruuad agJ st, oBiul sr souni Z/I-Z Isoutre sum L861 ui ,CJunoD iaizueo jo uouulndod Vod Iu1ol palpuruso
SELL 'L8-OL61 u1oi3 uotlpindod wouruuad aql su IsR3 sp soutll an13 mai8 uouulndod luuosuas Vad ail 'OL61
aouis dlunoD 1waueD ut uouulndod Iruosuas orp 3o aouroi;tu8is Bulsuoiaui aql salraipui `motaq `E alqul
•puuutap 4uod lt,oliaioail It, uouuindod luuosuas JgBluiano Aluo—uotlpindod Juauuuuod apnlaul Jou saoQ [1]
•siauuuld 8utllnsuoD purlloH oluQ .l Buiuuid asfl Puu'I 9861 ,SJunoo laiaireD :ooinos
O'TT£ Z'99 I'£91 Z80`L9 Ot6`Zt OZE`9T 93—ODlulol
Z't8 CES 8'6I £6L`ZT ZZ£`8 9176`9 suaiV pairiodiootriufl Pulol
I'6Lt 8'99 £'69Z 68Z`t9 819`t£ 9LE`6 saultrdioiunW julo,L
6'800I Z'9L 9'8Z9 99I`61 L98`01 6ZL`T diisumolluloy
9't,L9 I'LtT S'ETZ 09I`£ 6LZ`T 80t suaiV poluiodioautufl
6'LLZT L'SS 6178L S£t`£T 8Z9`8 9L6 aISI Piei31113
6'6£9 L'991 S'LLI 099`Z 096 9t,E Jaiairo aduD 4p0 ol!gAk (ST
L'19 VZZ Z'Z£ TOt SZ£ 8t,Z dlgsumo,L Ip1ol slililS (171
61S L'6T 6'9Z 6L 99 ZS digsumol PuIol ,i-Is (£I
t'89I Fit VE8 Z6Z LOZ Eli digsumolreiol ec X-S(ZI
8'££ 8'£T 9'LT 66 L8 tL digsumol lulol lanarl r0S (TT
t't8Z £'FS Z'6t,T t90`£ 986`1 L6L digsumollulo,T,
6'I9£ 9'SE Z'£EZ ITO`Z E8t`I Sit suaiV palriodioouiufl
I'661 £'601 6717 E901 £OS ZSE liodmoN uodmoN (01
Z'8iZ £'TS I'0£I 50Z`9£ Z£6`£Z 66£ `OT dirisumol leloy
8'£9- L'ST L'89- £8Z`I 601`1 OtS`£ suaiV paluiodioouiufl
6' T L 9179`9 LZZ`£ 0 sarois llou)l ?uid
9'9ET 9T9 E'ZS 19Z`£ 60I`Z t8E`T ,�1?D puagaioyq
- 81L - 189`L OLt`t 0 gaeaguripul
L'9£Z 9'tt 8'L£I t£17`81 LIO`£I SLt`S gouag otlurliv puagaioy�l (6
1'88I 1'9t 9'86 £6T ££T L9 dtgsumoy Ip1ol uourtual�l (g
Z'SLI E'£t O'Z6 LL£ £9Z LEI dtgsumo,L Tulol 8iagllegsirW (L
6'80Z S'Lt t'60T SZS 9S£ OLT diisumol lt,loy amolreH (9
O'96T 0'9t L'ZOT OLZ`Z SSS`I L9L digsumod, luioy puelsi siaXreg (g
L'TZZ 9'8t 9'9T1 OL£ 6FZ STT digsumoy lmioy sineQ (t
I'091 Z'Tt S't8 S8I T£T IL dTgsumol luloy puelslnpaD(E
t'T£I O'LE 689 itZ`E 89£`Z ZOt`I digsumol julol
8'09 6'9Z 8'8T £t8 t99 699 seaiv polviodioori ufl
8't8I 6'0t 1701 TOt`Z tOL `I £t8 1io3neag uo3nuag (Z
O'8tZ VT VOET EZ9 Zit 6LI digsumol lu3o,L au-TJv ( I
Ls-OL LB-08 08-01 L86I 086I OL6T
a ut,gD Juaoiad uoilt,ln od luuospas Arad tar ioiunYlt igsumoy
L861-OL61 `Xlunoo JaiaireD
- ,SJ?ludtoiunW pup digsumo,I, Ail
asuaioul 111-0=d pup uouRlrrdod Ipuosuas Arad :Z olqu,L
Executive Summary
Carteret County, North Carolina
1991 Land Use Plan pp� Go�Jlo
N�JS�P,�� �EP
Local Adoption: March 11 1991
CRC Certification: March 22, 1991 .-'',
The preparation of this map was financed in part through a grant provided by
the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by
the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is I
administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
3 i, 1
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mom■■ ■■■■■■■■
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o ■■N■mM■■■Ns■mmms■s■■
■ o■iiiiii
■moms■■■■ I
MN y
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aL. ,w -,, .�. ,4,,
See Note 3
See Note 1
See Note 2
See Note 3
Supplemental Map, MAP
— — — — — — -TOWN OF CEDAR POINT
-dwro pup `suuuuut `slaiout `silun 8uisnog aJPnud ui uotlrindod luuosuas ILI lLu3no sapnloul gotgm Z alqul
ul polo?dap sT uourindod luuospas agl3o laudun Suisraiout aqy •siowiisiuturpr pup sJoin eld Irool ioi suratgoid
aipwo `sop?unurwoo gouaq aril ui Xlirinollim `63unoD JaialreD m suopumonT3 uouulndod luuospas agl
•uouulndod oltgm Butwooui up ,fq paluuituop uaaq st,ri srea,S Juaaai ui
XumoD laioliuD m urallud 6.rOW91ul aq1 luill saJraipui OL61 aouis uouulndod 5Tomlq ut oseaioap antlt,lai aril
Noetq zql ul osuoioop Butpuodsauoo oqi pup suolulndod ,(Iiiounu Naulq-uou/aligm ui aspaiout aqi gram xas
Pup aorr Sq LS-OL61 utoi3 spuail uouulndod iurirodmi Jsow aql `uouulndod lmiol3o a8uiuoorad;o suual ul
'OL61 u? P?P ,iag1-111 uoueindod lelol oql jo soBumooiad ia8iel ,idnaoo
mou Pub"OL61 gouts uouuindod Imlol agl3o awl agJ aoim3le umoi8 anuq `anoqu pup 09 dnoiB aiu aq1 pup `(6£-OZ
sa8u) uouulndod Suplmm ra8uno,i aril •uouulndod Irlol aql sP aiei autos oql ,Slalpmlxorddr Ir umoi8 seq (69-017
saBu) uouulndod aSr-Bupliom iaplo aril •uouulndod lulol jo o9v1uooiad;o suual ui Buquugs sl pup `OL6 T aouis
uourindod Imlol aqi su Jsr3 se umoi8 Jou seq dlunoD laiaireD;o uouulndod a8r-loogos puu looilmaid oql
saunuroouow iuuu,iiltmoi8 aril
saioosiapun g1moi8 siq,L •sdtgsumoi Vo aliim puu `puagaroW `vodmalsl aql ut dtqulou `sauilmdiotunui Buusixa
3o uouolpsimf Iuuoiuizi-urixa aqj ieau io uiiplm spare palerodioouiun pup saulunwwoo gouaq palriodroout
aql ui g1moi8 of painglrilu oq X11er3ua8 umo L861-096 T uroij SlunoD 1aiaLmD •io glmoi8 uoueindod plder aqy
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The preparation of this map was financed in part
through a grant provided by the North Carolina
Coastal Management Program, through funds
provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of
1972, as amended, which is administered by the
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource
Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
k 0M**3
1. All waters under the jurisdiction of Carteret County are
either Estuarine Waters or Public Trust Areas as defined in 15
NCAC 7H.0206 Estuarine Waters and .0207 Public Trust
Areas. Outstanding Resource Waters areas are Public Trust
Areas of Environmental Concern.
2. In shoreline areas not contiguous to waters classified as
Outstanding Resource Waters by the environmental
Management Commisson, all land 75 feet landward from the
mean high water level or normal water level are considered to
be Estuarine Shorelines. In shoreline areas contiguous to
waters classified as Outstanding Resource Waters by the
Environmental Management Commission, all land 575 feet
landward from the mean high water level or normal water level
are considered to be Estuarine Shorelines.
3. On all islands under Carteret County Jurisdiction locations
of Coastal Wetland areas must be determined through on -site
4. Shackleford Banks, Cape Lookout, Core Banks, and
Portsmouth Island are a part of the National Seashore System
and not under the planning jurisdiction of Carteret County.
5. The Emerald Isle beach corporate limit line extends 1,200
feet into Bogue Sound and parallels the Bogue Sound
6. A portion of the Theodore Roosevelt Natural Area has been
designated a Outstanding Resource Waters. The designation
does not extend into the saline waters of Bogue Sound. This
entire ORW is under the jurisdiction of Pine Knoll Shores and
is not delineated on the Carteret County Land Classificatlon