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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOIB_17-33_ ChipleyOcean Isle Beach Local Government [F 4,7-2,OZZ A4YNW CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT �aA OIB 17-33 Permit Number Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Roy M. Chipley, III, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 52 Craven St., Lot 24, Block 13A, Section B, in Ocean Isle Beach, as requested in the permittee's application, dated June 26, 2017, and received complete on July 10, 2017. This permit, issued on July 24, 2017, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of a new single family dwelling, pool, and associated landscaping, as shown on the site plan. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on July 10, 2017. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-579-3469 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2020 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. 4--"iV LLD DCM WILMINGTON, N( JUL 2 4 2017 Keith F. Dycus CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 3 West Third Street Ocea Isle Bp �h, C 28469 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Roy M. Chipley, III Minor Permit # 0I13 17-33 Date: July 24, 2017 Page 2 (5) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (6) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the normal high water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (7) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (8) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of normal high water (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 1,715.4 square feet is authorized. SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE FiECEiVED DCivl WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 4 2017 I ........ ........ YWARMATI-11 LAND OWNER N,azlw Roy M. Chipley, III Address 1868 Houndsfield Drive City_ Florence 'State SC 7ir, 29506 .............. Email .......... . AUTHORIZED AGENT Name. Charles Fox Homes Address 16 Causeway Drive wtirev 843-621-0480 U \V E JUL 2017 TOWN OF Of' HAN ISLF BEACH City .... Ocean Isle Beach State NC Zip 28469 pholle, 910-579-0908 ... ........... ........ ........ ... I ....... ............. ------- Email ...................... LOCATION 0FPRO JECT- (Addrtss, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of tht a4iacerit waterhod, y.) 52 Craven Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC DESCRII-HON OF PROJECT- (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) S i ...._.....-- residence, dock and boat lift and elevator SIZE 0FLOT&ARCEL, 7719.10 Aaar� feet acres PROPOSED USE- 11?:esidennal f1Si-0gJ0-faM.jJY (M ;�L11jti-fafnily CW4dndr0"9;lndWtia1 n other COMPLETE EITHFR (])OR (2) BELOW {Contact your Local Fenn ft Qfficer ifyou are, sot sure wMeh AEC vpfies foyourfiPropero).. t1) OCEAN HAZARD AEC*sz IDMAL FLOUR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTLML.,M - square feet (includes air coudifiontd living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned spa; e ele., above ground leytl but excluding non -load -bearing affii; space) (2) COASLiL SHQRE1JNE.AECs; SIZE OF BUILD WO FOOTPRINT AND OTHER MPERVIOUS OR RTJ[LT UPON SUR-FACES: 171 5g-qJPre f a :Feat (includc�� the area of the roof/drip line of H %uildixtgs, 6&ewkys,cavered decks, concrete or masortly Patios, etz. that ara withill le applicable -AEC. Attach your the project dnawipg,) STATE STOWNIVY-kHR MAN&GENIENT PERMIT. Is the prof, et tr,---atedla an aMa SVk1=t W a StewS€aria� star - Management Piumit issued by the NC Division of Iklater QualihO YES- NO x If iist the total built 11pon anaii1pper-6oua sua-fficeallowed for your Jot or parml: Square leaf, PIECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 12017 OTI- It PERNKITS MAY BE REQUIRE, D: The acti-Aty yna. are pl nning may require p=pits offier than the minor development per k. in -chiding, but flut, limited En, Drinking Water Well, septic 'lank (off other sanitary waste ireatrLent system), Building, %lectrical. Plumbing, diming and Air Conditioning, InsUlafion and EneConservation, FfA Covil fication, Sand Dfm, SvErnertt Control, Subdivision Appiova], Mi>bilc Howe Park AppmvW, Highway Cordlectioa, and athers. Check with your L. wal Permit Oil; er fro more inbrmat on. STATEMENT OF 0 EMSHIP- I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development pennit, being either the ourner of property in an ABC. or a pemon authorized to act as an anent for purposes of applying for a CANIA minor eevelopment permit, certify the, the person listed as undo€ ner on this application alas a significant intermt in thereal propeaty dmribed therein. his interest can be descrfoad as: (check once) -x an owner or record Litz: , ,'Fitle is v-csted inRoy M Ch i p l e y IIIwDeed Ho .k D.3 8 8 5............ _ Page Q6� in the __BXUn23nj_Ck.._ _.-.... Cminty Register of Deeds, ` : (Winer. bAy �Ai tvx of inhentan . Apptwant is an heir to the e`tam ii probate was in ....... County, V if other interest such as written con ,t o, lease ex,ylama below or use a s sheet toil � a 1pb� l N NOTI ICAT.1i. N OF .A DJ.A.CIW? *T FROP1'<ATY OW1�7EMS: I TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH t��?�,t 6r'TtOt,;�, I furthermore certify` that the folloat�izfg perss > owners of properties ffdjoining this prep V6.0arr ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CANIA pemn (, _..... __..... _- -------------------- --- Ac€d } -- _......... -------- (1) 11oXa..)Z & Lynne Br,vant.s. .F....1.23.fl.7. S.e�z,en...weeks....Hw-Y...Nak1na-----NC-..2.845.5-- (2) Caven Jay Harris etal 6015 Deas Drive, Belmont NC 28012 t4— _ - - - - --------- ---- ----- --------------- ----- --- A~L KNOWLEDG ;Mp;N7S I, the undersigaed, facknowiedge.that the land owner is aware That the gropowd developmeat is planned for an am which £ztay 1?e of prep ble : iioodiug. l ackno+xd ge that the. Local per £!rizcf x has eV. 1eined to ine the parficu far lzaz`£ard problefxEs ,:: ,�< 1...:.< this lot. explaxaaticrrn was accompanied by rect3arEfxtandations cnrEcex£zi£zg siabiliza- tion and #ioodproofu, I f'uthermarc certif64:�` z *Nbrized to grant, ad do in fact grfani, pem. ssi n toDivision of Coastal Ma eDien t staid', 'he Local Permit { # �€�� �: nts to ente on id£e aiorum;zxitionec 1wids car rofiEfcetfta� �fth z*t alaafafig EfaforzbffatfEan -edx tcct tfs this pmn t.a� This the 2 6 th � day of June 2017 hisr'her agent for purpose of filing a CA,A-I.A. perinitappliicwion A4 apdri'dMlon ineludest general information (ibis form), a sirs drmving 173 described on the Irac.k ofdrctis sappheaf:ca, the aa-ma shidr ,s8caaelrtt'Ylti, the Occdan H=rdAEC*Y6cewhete neces3a y, u citecK for $ 01), fiG' made p .y able to the loratiPy, and Ertl: i�!fvrrr£attan as may trn, provided crane rky the applicantIli tlatzt r ref tixa zctlrlresatir�n us c cr erg Iry hes. avaar��t rz incorporated without mji�-en e is: any perssait which rnua' he lsawr'A ihase Bela s x-«II4owti£ut'e a viol'anon of Carii' Mernr£y. Any I7$?Ktit2 devGltasp£ng in an f C 1i�iFrairayts` I1ertStit S S£dt?Il'd to Civil, Criminal at,J. ta&,-' ative actirm DECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 12017 AEC HAZARD NOVICE Project is In An...___....._ Ocean Sr Bible Area _ZHigh ?hazard Hood Area Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted, t9 0 This notice is intended Ir- r iake you, the applicant, aware ,� of Ilse special risks and conditions associated vvi ffi development in this area, w-watch is subjecct to natural hazards v�ick� as stars, erosion and. 'auxreMs. T'ne-XvIes cd :he. Coastal ft.esources require that: you receive. an &PC Hazard Notice and a;; knowledge that notice in w-riting before a pen:at for be issued. The Comi i.pis,Wsrulesmibuildingsiandards,oceanfrant• sekbacks and dune, alterati6nare designed E3 inucimlz%bui not eliminate, property loss from hazards. 13y granting pert dts; the C iasiat- i esourL'es Cba nxisaibrr does not guarantee the safes v of the develop rent and assumes no asaousty for futire 4amage to the c evelopir:qrt. The information, as accepted by the Coastal l2esoipmes'.Commission, indicates- that the anneal ocean Wrvszbn tate fcrrTh& ree whexa prc7 >ez"r.y is Ionted is wf et'per ye:an The -rate M established" by carefril: axr2tlysio: of' aerial phqtQ�th:e:cbasd ie b� : bo the t astSi?years. St.rdies c , dxcatk - that-, shorelcne corxicl iin.ove- as nIUi--tz as feet landward•rt a major 5k-)n TliLaoodwatersinainaiorstormarepxadictedbobeabout fee deep ur area, Preferred &eaRfiont protection measures are 'beach. n[�i�isishrnesii `arid 'i�elrycatissn of threatened structures. sl-%£,' i as bulkheads, sea3 lls xeve%rcer#is,: and breakwaters are l�� crlti'ai e: e p ra ...: ding sa ad tugs, may be ailoived use* per-: This striscfxare slu�il l":> z�"t":;_ ;. ;.,"... d.i x=ai tged within two years of bec6itung iiir rrrr r» �r�� tamed. The applicant n;ust�,> :':..��°� .this infosrf�ation and reqTx-re :nee-i ;i�� �sg za t " t ` ce in the' be3o�a spacc< iTvitlavxzt the propel �` � af'p 1ica.rz zui:F1. no be 6/2 Dale SPSCIAL NOTE: Thins hazard a.otice is required for - development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and eroosic in. Pernuts issued for des elap..nn�tin:F s area erpi_Le� •o-�n,, December 31 of fie Third year fallow ing the }}=ear in *wlii:h. the permit was .issued. Shortly befora ;vc�.ri` i gins on the }lroj&t site, the local Pe-n-tit Officer will determine the -7egetation line and setback distance at yot site. Ifthepropertyha3 seen jI tthechangeandthe;proposed developnient cats still meet the setback requiretne the LPJ will Warm you thatyae may beta work. i,is impor- tant that you check. with f e LP0 before the met expires for official approval to continue t1he work, after. the Permit has expired. Generall3r, .if foundationpilings l a.e beenplaced aci substantial progiEss µG continuing, pemndt renewal may not be necessary. If substantial proVess-has not been ra, cd , the permit must be r�e .etved &Ad a new setback- line ivs unlawful to continuc ';work after pexn�.it c iration wiith�aut this approval. i:'or more ft-dormation, contact: Keith.Dycus, LBO-- - Local Feank Officer 3 W. First Street Address Ocean isle Beach, NC 28469 910-579-3469 Phone I JUL X 2017 ID KI> -- i TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH PLANNING & INSPECTI011q Rl vised 11,93 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 12017 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Mailing address: Phone Number: Roy Chipley 1868 Houndsfield Drive Florence, SC 29506 843-621-0480 1 certify that I have authorized Charles Fox Homes, Ltd. Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of 52 Craven Street Ocean Isle NC at my property located at 52 Craven. Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28 69 .3- 1 I CA I � in Brunswick I lounty. This certification is valid throu-1 W. (Property Owner Print or Type Alamo� tb)d*te Phone Nurnber Erman Address /26/18 Date JUL 2017 to I I OV I 4N OF 0GENi 16LE BEA(,H pl'�A�INNG & �11S [UCNE_ RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 12017 —Ocean Isla SA--- 10' ails *.Lk.d wlk v.we. PrcP.e.a 1r',s' b• 6". s.u,.cr wul Y.9. {.��_�0d JUL o2017D !o " C, .I TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH PLANNING & INSPECTIONS _ ._. _. 1•-0' fnrutrg I C.�cr.t. BYAiF�.d 5 '18'36 03Y W 49.�' rlur.n. —_._...r.� --'.._.. _.'—'_ —...r.—._._._ Bryant Rasldancdo �� VIP I Narrls Rasld. 54 GrLStraeti I50 C* Street Lotot 75 ,� IT � j Lot of 73 D1 i • op" D..k ---------------- I *PR D� , Cnawd t§.w 1 op. 0—k 2 a: OWn DKJi I O�t.n ,. I I "� 11'-1 , Y1Wn CAMA EWI.' i ns aP t_4 30� 10•-t' 7.O' wwn 30' f.AMA MW- i I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I jQ p -10• I I ! ' I Aft M. ; I I I � I 1 ' ' � I I 1 1.•.s7 1 rr�lC. Medw I 1 1 ' �r ti I I I Ohm I I iz ' n I ' I , JUL 2017 ID go, TOVVN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH PLANNING & IN CTIOW7 M A [A I M K 13 i Certified - Return Receipt Requested July 10, 2017 Mr. Jay Harris Cavin etals 6015 Deas Drive Belmont NC 28012 Re: CAMA New Single Family Residential Permit with Elevator Dear Mr. Gavin: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA new single family residential permit with elevator for the property located at L-24, B-1 3, S-B, 52 Craven Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC. CAMA regulations require me to notify you of my intentions. I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and a copy of the drawing of my proposed project. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact our office at (910) 579-0908. Sincerely, - r U.S. Postal Service'"' CERTIFIED MAIL0 RECEIPT rn I Domestic Mail Only les W. Fox, III thor �n -0 ---ro-r (jo'livery information. visit our website at wi, -11 Charles Fox Homes, Ltd. Enclosure(s) �CerdWffiodQWWft; $3-375 0't 0470 I I'J J%R s --T-- Postma* M Here edM"A DOW&Y $ 1*'l CIO /jva RECEIVED 0 AdIft 319"h" Rsq'JW s DCM WILMINGTON, NC c3 [] Adult Siquaum Rwtyided D*-Y $ J U L 1 12017 E3 postage $0. 70 Y'201 (17/1 Cl 7 Total postage and "M 16 Causeway Drive a Ocean Isle Beac Ln $Sent To e ne: (910) 579-0908 0 Fax Y - ------------------ X k '+4- JUL .' 2017 TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH PLANNING & INSKKTIONS H RLES FOX Certified - Return Receipt Requested July 10, 2017 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Bryant 12387 Seven Creeks Highway Nakina, NC 28466 Re: CAMA New Single Family Residential Permit with Elevator Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bryant: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA new single family residential permit with elevator for the property located at L-24, B-13, S-B, 52 Craven Street Ocean Isle Beach NC. CAMA regulations require me to notify you of my intentions. I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and a copy of the drawing of my proposed project. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact our office at (910) 579-0908. Sincerely, Charles W. Fox, III Charles Fox Homes, Ltd. Enclosure(s) /jva S. Postal Service"" I [Domestic ERTIFIED MAID' RECEIPT Mail Only r delivery information, visit our website at www asps.00111'' I RECEIVED o DCM WILMINGTON, N(- JUL 1 1 2017 0 0 16 Causeway Drive • Ocean Isle Beacom Phone: (910) 579-0908 • Fax o r` k).4 CHARLES FOX Certified - Return Receipt Requested July 10, 2017 Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Chipley PO Box 5417 Florence, SC 29502-5417 flLJUL Z 2017 TOWN OF OCEAN BEACH 11LANNIN2 & Re: CAMA New Single Family Residential Permit with Elevator Dear Mr. & Mrs. Chipley: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA new single family residential permit with elevator for the property located at L-24, B-13, --B, 52 Craven Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC. CAMA regulations require me to notify you of my intentions. I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and a copy of my proposed project along with copies of notification letters to your neighbors. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact our office at (910) 579-0908. Sincerely, Charles W. Fox, III Charles Fox Homes, Ltd. Enclosure(s) /jva r ,3ECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 12017 16 Causeway Drive 9 Ocean Isle Beac Phone: (910) 579-0908 * Fax U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAILD RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only delivery information, visit our website at w4,,tvusps.coll; For JUL 2017 TOWN OF OCLAN ISLE BEACH INSPECTIW,F, PLANNING Edward Brunner P.E. wl 5horellne Drive West Sunset 5sach. NC 20468 -BIO-515-615e _.w ------_------ ------ ----- V. ChIpidKj Residence 52 Craven Street Ocaw We Beach, NC BuljcjaW: Charleb Fox Homes Date 1-5-11 Lot Area - '1'115,10 Roofed Area Including over" - 26091.20 Percentage of Lot Coverages - 33-80 House Collection House drainage capacity required 2605.20 of x 1.5 / 12 - 326.15 CU. FT. ­ ----------------- Length of system required a 376-15 CU- FT / 3.32 CU. FT- W.23 LIN Fr. - Total Footage Needed 100'. ✓ Use 2_50'x3'x3' Doubles Stacked E-Z-Flow Trenches as shown on site plan with house gutters and downspouts connected to the E-Z.Flow 596tom Rear Gonc,,640 around pool not under roof: Trench Capacity per Linear Footage UXT Trench) Hatched Area Including overhang to 1: 40% Aggregate Volde J>o gutterod, collected and p1pact Into Uxl") x 0.4 - 0.23 CU FT per Fr the E Z Flow 6tornuater &Jbtd"n 158.40 5F Proposed Connate Area Assume 50% of rain to infiltrate in Vx1" trench Storage Volume, 188.40 or x 1,51nah 112 x 50% - 11.1-1 CF V' 1'5 Required Trench Length - 1I.-n CIF 0,23 CU FT - 51-11' t-' Use I Trench - 52' or I'x-l' Rock Trench ✓ concrete Parking flad Trench capac-ItS per Linear Footage (I'x4'6* Trench) 40% Aggregate Voldo x. 0.4 - 1.8 CU FT per FT Proposed Gravel Area - 1010,23 6F Z2✓A66UMO 50% of rain to infiltrate in rock trench G) I Storage Volume: 1010.23 of x 1.51na-h 112 x 50% - 66-98 CF Required Trench Length - 66,88 CF / 1,8 CU FT per FT - 31-15 FT, Use I Trench - 31' x I' x 4W Rock Trench ✓ Gravel Driveway Collection z Trench Capacity per Linsar Foot" (I'x3' Trench) 40% Aggregate voids _f. `r`f •r.p.r+ ,,: (I'x3'xi') x 0.4 - 1.2 CU FT par FT ✓ proposed Gravel Area - 691.19 6F Assume 5o% of rain to infiltrate In gr avel drive