HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_17-48_ KumarLF A-;�2`1z Oak Island Amv� 0117.48 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental, Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Rakesh Kumar/ At Beach Homes, LLC., authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) 3711 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, dated 8/24/2017. This permit, issued on 918/2017, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family residence and pool with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 8/24/2017. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC S E P 1 12011 This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2020 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Donna F, Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr, Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: At Beach Homes LLC. Minor Permit # 0117.48 Date: 9/8/2017 Page 2 (5) The structure must set back a minimum of 60 feet from the first line of stable natural vegetation and extend no farther seaward than the 01 Development line", as determined by the DCM, the LPO, or other assigned agent of the DCM. (6) The permittee is required to contact the Local Permit Officer (910)201-8047, shortly before he plans to begin construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline change. Construction must begin within sixty (60) days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be redone. (7) All buildings constructed within the ocean hazard area shall comply with the NC Building Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Building Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. If any provisions of the building code or a flood damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards, the more restrictive provision shall control. (8) All buildings must be elevated on pilings with a diameter of at least 8 inches in diameter if round, or 8 inches to a side if square; and the first floor level of the sills and joists must meet the 100-year flood level elevation. (9) All pilings shall have a tip penetration greater than eight feet below the lowest ground elevation under the structure. (10) Dune disturbances will be allowed only to the extent necessary for development and if the dune's protective value is not weakened or reduced. Disturbed dune areas will be immediately stabilized. (11) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetatativeiy stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (12) Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery or beach renourishment takes place within two years of the time the structure becomes imminently threatened, so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules. (13) The oceanfront, uncovered deck within the setback area shall not exceed a footprint of 500 square feet and shall be structurally independent from the house foundation pilings. (14) Swimming pool surrounds are limited to 6' in all dimensions. SIGNATURE: PERMITTEE DATE: IE%--' _: VED DGMI WILMINGTON, NC SEP1120 Locality . t t Permit Number 0-4g Ocean Hazard ✓+ Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER � ,� t Name: 70G.�C4'5h Yyl 4 / RT • ;34 C�'C� S I U'., C Address: - l qln `o1S 172!U Ck C)tp City: 1,tcof 1 oI(�c AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address: City: LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Add adjacent waterbody.) a-7 11 State: �� Zip: 2S Xl) Phone: (.9ALV- 41j RECEIVED I{iyln State: Zip: Phone: name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (mist all proposed construction and land disturbance.) 'UyX! jJ 4,ote 1 V-t$1 CJLehe-P SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: i'Sa© square feet acres �/r�l PROPOSED USE: Residentiai-er(Single-fainilyO-M�-ulti-family ❑) Commerical/industrial ❑ Other ❑ TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AECQJ,2Afquare feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONC'IW.RN AECs :SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES: j__- ., square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing .) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (i within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC ithin 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC', adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES ElNO V If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. square feet. RED`-9VED DCtvl WILMINGTON, NC SEP 1 1207 -3-111 OT2qER PERMITS MAY UR require permil.j ,NSa,w_r%:icc we have compilk.1 a jt,t ,to;qle, - . k i n d �, � " T, other (hall the CAMA' minor development pernlit. N-la"T149 all .13C ralilired. We su" - . dctertn i r e if al'ui �Te.51 YOU check over the list Aith %iour 1,po (tj �c Knil, (or ether sanitarv, w=c. tmatm, �nt s, tricai. Phu bing. lie AIr C (giJi I in n i I - ,r) .- . , slem L Building. SUN i vision .4 11,111116val. Mwc I to, "'sulu" FIA C tireatio d e. -Sediment Control. W, n San Dun, STATF-'N�MNT OF OWNERSTH P: L the undersigned, an app licant fol'3 C'AMA-trim-or devel0i'llient Permit, being either the owner of property a person authorized to actaK lIn At in an AEC or wril for purWse,, a�aPp4irw fora CANIA minor developmeiyt Permit. certify that the plersoll listed as landowner ol, ?jj._%aj)p!ic This interest can be described as: (check one) atlon'ha$ a 8'911if'Callt ill ThCreal propelix described 1herein. Ef-an owner or record iitle n the-JkAM6�ht t page i 719 ounh Rogiliry of Deed". Probate t,va:s in if other i i-sterest, such or iease, "Plain htltm'Or use -a separate sheet and attach to this app lication. NOTIFICATION OF _ABJA(,r,,NT pkopRgry ()WNF �RS. -wrmort; ccrtiPyltfiat tile per-,Lwls are adjoinirify this PI-OPerlY. I affirm that. I have given ACTUAL NOTICE To each (if thrj,j QLjTjcc_ * C__ 1� iNumcl, MY inteira to dtn,-Qk)P this Pmperty and to apply for a CAMA permit. ( I ) (Atidrcs!,,) L 4�5 . . ....................... 0) FOR DEVELOPERS UN, OCEA N HAZA R-D AND ESTU'A RINE HAZARD.AREAS: I acknowledge that the land mN tier is aware thT, the prt)j)()sei development is planned for an area which may be suscePtible to crosion and ids ffloocl-,*I,,:. I ac-­ - . tlllt ',Ile local Permit officer has explained to Ine the hazarrobleins associated particular w:j, .* oxpfanali,>n ,t,Ls �ICCUT]Tanied hYrecominendations concerning stabili7ation d pi I and floodproofirg techniques. C7 FERNIMON TO ENTER <)N authortA_,d togrant anti do in fact grant p_111l'qsi0n to the It cal Permit officer and his agents to enwr on the, aforementioned 101!ds i3) collll<clloll with t*A41lating inorlllation related to this Permit application. his application illclutle°:: Z.,enle-ail bacl<, ofthis application,the cb=k for $100.60 made payable to the locality, if) Cor,11,160r; as inay be prov-detj b, and any lafis of the application as described by these Source i!!c0f7x)r,1ted without re-i'erc-ce ill :jjtf)� p s are f, il>i l f2iniS b-, ksued. D�:viati(m from these details will constitute a violation 0-Cal",'Perinit. Any pc-rs *elopirr in all !,.Orillit iS Subitet to -civil- criminal and administrative action. j"hid tip --day of 20 177_ VEID Lind­,�� tier or person authori7ed to at;t as his went i',.,r purpOse of filing a CAMA permit application plicatioll Prolftt Is In Aw 1'kEC HAZARD NOTICE C;*;eDr) Erodible Area -High Hazard Rood Area -_inlet Hazard Area Property Owner:._. V--i I C.- Property Daft Lot Was PLW*d: 4Ar 10 co lu notice is in, ndee to maite you, the applicant, awarejf tltp� I fe SIXcial risks and conditions asso,-Wed with developme,,11 in this area, which is subject to natural ha­Zxds.,r4ch as storms, erosion and cuimts - The rubs of the Coastal RtsNjr cis require that you receive anAE.,-, liazard Notix tuid ackliowle4t that notice in writing before a pennit be The Cainnussion's juics un huilditlg itaridards, oc;zlnjrjynt setbacks and duw alteratioits are 4w � Snod 10 ininirmn. bore not eliminate, properly loss; front hazards, By granting Imm-m%, (,Ir, Coastal Resotrze-; Commission dovs not W.3arwvae- fiae safb'tV of the developftnt and assaunes no lia6iht-Y for5uluro daritagt tb the developimrit. Permits issued in the 0ceari Ilazaret Area 4 EmIronmenul Concern molted: the condhion thar!tr Icrum-t be relocated or dimantle;! if they !xcoine inunia antly thraau.%ed it v- chai%ga;, in shoreline configurpi-on. The st or dismantled tvithiii two i2 � ye�ar$ of b-,, ling inwiinently threstoned, and in arty cast: xrptyn its col"-Iapse, or subsidence. Flit best available infhrmatjor4 as accepted by the 4;,1,12stal Resources Commission, indicates that the. annual long -tern, average octan nsion rate for the area where your property is !mated is_.,a feet pter year. The ndevias established by careflul analyrsis of aenal of thr. coastline takep over the post iO yt,-as. Studies also indical.- that tha:tLoreline couid MWc as-trWehas N US-7 fect landward in a major storm The �oad waters ht a vr4or slam; a,,v predicted to be Am .It t i feet deep in -us is arca. preferred oceaufrenE protection measures are beach tiourisown; and relocation of tiveateacd structures. Hard erosion c(,moi structures such as bufteads, saxwells, revct mnts, SFp*ILaie% and breakwaters are prohibit 'rcrnp-,rary 4;4rj bfi2s !!AV authorized under cerfmm coWjtiurs, 71 T'!,t ts by s;gi-dag this notice in Ihv ;pwz beis,Nv. signature, t^ e arolication, wiM w N c-om-pictc. Nv�x�,W-0)t­ ,4.pjrficant Sig WMAL NOTE.* This bAzard notic-, is required for df,-;eILVmea it: -areas w*ctio &u&m and massiv,: storms and erosion, petinits isqUed for d0mlovmmt hi this area eypire on Du-cernber3l of the' tII-Ird Year MlOwing tht year in whieh the perruit)m issued. Shortly bl.1fore wort; besias on the project site, the Local Permit Officer musr. be contacted to detcrmijne the -y--getati4Dn lire and setback; distance ,at YOUrsite. If property lets seen little ehmge the tinneofrtem- "itissuartce, and the proPosed development can still meet the setback requirement, the uno will inforin you that you, way Iregin work. Subetantiai progress or, the pr*p must be made -within 60 days of this setback deterrainatiM or the sWftck must heremessured.Also, the occurrence of a major shoreline change as the m-sult. of astorm within the 60-day period -vill necessitate rernessirelmat of the setback. It is important t 'It a 1)110- check w i Ib the LPO before ffie m= expires for ofrIci a I ::nprfx,ai to ,.ontiriue the work after the pen3311 has exnired. (=W-, 11 Y, -a f fbund=on Di tin gs hav e been placed and stfastantin I I -ir -its OVe' Sis is �Oontfnldng, hermit renewal cm be author iyt -d . I unlawfal to confinue work afterperwit cxpiralion. .For more informadwi, cwnzwet cs— nEC " ^ ' IVED DCM VVII-MINGTON, NC SEP 1 1 207 a, h-1 Date fF✓.ect YVIt C"C1112 1C &S52bcLQry - Adjacent Propertyy Owner Mpg drss City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: Receipts for Certified Mail (Staple Here) This letter is to inform you that I, IZ4J'Q 5h \C,c-VuC--C have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at ?j'] 1 1 T .e C CaA c'), • in Brunswick Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. if you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at U-914 - US-3 — U 3?"1 ,or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Donna F. Coleman Local Permit Officer for the Town of Oak Island n EC `.7- I V E D 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. DCvI WILMINGTON, NC Oak Island, NC 28465 SEP 1 1 tug► �Siinnc�erely, <G tSG� )Lur -t&C,-r Property Owner o lei T UJ U ! (?� i(iG�t co Mailing Address cc co City, State, Zip Code o 0 M O a O m u7 O r- VICINITY MAP NOT To SCALE ATLANTIC OCEAN _ AC n EAST BF1.CH DRIVE 0 EAST DOIP'41 4 DRIVE h ATLANTIC OCEAN FIRST LINE OF STABLE 8.4,t _ ESCARPMENT _ t8.5' VEGETATION t0.5t =se�"'-"" i10.3' (FLOSV) RIDGE OF DUNE (FLOW) FLAGGED BY A CAMA TOWN OFFICAL 1; SEED & STRAW ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 2: ONE (1) TREE TO 9E 15' N HEIGHT OR OVER 5.3't AT MATURITY MUST BE PLANTED OR REMAIN AFTER CONSTRUCTION PER EACH 1450 SF. OF LOT AREA. 3: ONE 9' X 18' PARKING AREA MUST BE PROVIDED ON THIS PROPERTY PER HABITABLE ROOM MINUS ONE COMPLETELY OFF OF THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, �7 LOT AREA = 7500.0 SF (1 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (I 962.6/7500.0) 100-26.2% I O AREA & RETENTION CAL,ULAT Qt6 I �j 1=(384 5 5F X 1.5)/12 48.1 CF/3.53-13.6=15 LF EZFLOW �U7 2-(3845 SF X 1.5)/12 48.1 CF/3.53=136-15 LF EZFLOW 3a(437 8 SF X. 1.5)/ 2 54.0 CF/3.53-1a,3=15 LF EZFLOW 4=(431.8 SF X 1.5)/12.-54.0 CF/3.53=15.3-15 LF EZFLOW 5-(165.0 SF X 1.5)/ 2=20.s F/22.1=09=1 CHAMBER 8=(165.0 SF X 1.5)/12-20.6 CF/22.1-0.9-1 CHAMBER TOTAL VOLUME TO BE RETAINED=245.4 OF �Nco to fo 2 STORY U) NOTE: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE 8 HABITABLE ROOM C.A.MA. OCEAN ERODIBLE AREA OF RESIDENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN, PILING FOUNOAT7, ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE ATTACH DOWNSPOUTS COVER (TYP) TO 12034 EZFLOW ( CONFIGURATION WITH 6,4't 12' NATIVE FILL 4' PERFORATED PIPE 5.0' FROM FOUNDATION ENCAPSULATE PF 3 P{LiNGs�T WITH 'EROSION {{ iCONTROL FABRIC 3 7 i 1 IN { , 60' 1 I 1 12" EZftaw 3.4' 3.0'­� 2,0' BUNDLE CEOSYNTHETTC ` (NON LOAD SEARING) AGGREGATE 120J H„EZELOW DETAIL LEGEND (tF USED) IRFm1RON ROD OR REBAR FOUND PF=PIPE FOUND MBL=MINIMUM BUILDING UNE IRS -IRON REBAR SET CMF=CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND t7.?'t=GROUND ELEVATION TRAN=TRANSFORMER CB -CABLE PEDESTAL USACE-U,S, ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS CA IA-COAS(AL AREA MANAGEMENT AGENCY SSMH=SANfTARY SEWER MANHOLE SSM-SANRARY SEWER CLEANOUT F.E.M.A.=FEDERAL EMERGENCY Mt,NASEMENT AGENCY F.t.R.M,- FEDERAL INSURANCE RATE MAP MHWL=MEAN HIGH WATER LINE FLOOD CERTIFICATION: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN F.E.M.A. SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA VE-t7&19 AS SHOWN ON F,LR.M, 3720206500J, DATED 6/2/2006, GENERAL NOTES: 1. MEASUREMENTS ON 141S MAP ARE IN FEEL' AND DECIMALS TMERECF. 2. ALL SET CORNERS ARE 1/2'IRON REBAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS,RIGHTS OF WAYS AND RESTRICTIONS NOT DISCERNIBLE BY OBSERVATION AT THE TIME OF SURVEY OR THAT MAY BE OF RECORD. NO TITLE SEARCH BY THOMAS D, VON 'IANON, REFERENCES: 1. PLA7 OF LONC BEACH, SECTION 2, RECORDED IN MAP CABINET 1, PAGES 96-99 ON 3/18/1939 IN THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA REGISTER OF DEEDS, 2. DEED BOOK 799, PAGE 583. RECORDED IN THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY,. NORTH. CAROLINA REGISTER OF DEEDS, N 82'01'31" W ROB= ` 2000 USAGE MHV& 20' MBL iO LANDWARD SETBAC ' FROM (FLOSV) t4.7' ( f ( I O O O x Ln t5.4' rIDEVELOPMENT LINE y 12.Y Li -I VE-177 VE1-•--i l �x DECK m i Nl 1998 STATIC m g a PODL CO V _ ETAfiON L1. f t m 01 t9.5 �-�- mm S 82'01'31" E EAST BEACH DRIVE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ENCAPSULATE 10' 57 STONE WITH EROSION: GRADE�1/ CONTROL. FABRIC INF6LTRATCR 6. OUICK4 PLUS HIGH CAPACITY CHAMBER AND END CAPS • UNDISTURBED SOIL f .O57 STONE 3.5' (LOAD BFARING) CHAMBER DETAIL 22.1 CF / PER 4' SECTION OAK !BLAND GRAPHIC SCALE ZONING a0 ¢ 30 20 4{0 R7 1 INCH = 40 FEET SETBACKS FRONT-15' BEACH SIDE- 8% C-10'------- REAR- 20' TAX PARCEL # 249CB008 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN I FOR: RAKESH KUMAR i LOT 6 BLOCK 20, SECTION 2 LONG BEACH OAK ISLAND, SMITHVILLE TOWNSHIP BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DIVED vcs & co., IN;M ` GTON, NC 1 YAUPON WA v% C S TE>E.I ISLAND, 3s -15 P 1 1 toil EMAIL vcsbrunsco®ec.rr.com C? Z GENERAENOTE& t. MAMbtrMln«xxmC Crw, ivzgr Caae'Cum�K+d--. knw 9ae.A m'tptlaamf tnao nem.>rr Rrs uiA ealM•aaYa t'Mryb41$nRe e'!>+4fx>ti a. '<crhei,9 thsre feQ h,S•R'N+eS/Kihtn»4n6tvNrigrbw Gnsa+YMPYr.141e5bIFV%ACIN4AroVl:4X.1L�6'the>.dRMtl1�PdIt1eNIP0^lfNiUtS � — �V a4dl m IX09Gl1AVe. AibO, ICRL eW,erJCIUUEi10XalxA SM;d PNM.YS 19N419.4L10Aab4tREM PfMIrhO,ND SNywD, iM1b 4MltlYerOMMf¢tl/NMIPMArc#rs rrew;Y v -alXMLL'�rcyny5wn. iata, mEmXxN rmnaanw•M'.ia xwarmnfMAe.�y�swnttxr/ermwnewara.wb h+w-pbN yrtarriwYAw..tiaXnrtlni �I x eaehbanr h"norfe 6LYSwfq She ee r4hd4na..fYty Cottf C r� :. wr.XmsX�wn:mswrt.Qcah a en aaeamx>warstilw tusa�uaX unr...cmrr<rrfuna.7smr�wurrolK abatMayug�ar. t. nmmuP..m.mamsuYr*x�Pw�XAwx� NOTES: n uree..,xf�tr+m,arXwn.XrxX*,t< a.:.r la WM�thiaWxxllrkrsdNnMaean u.«war�aatRarei��Eea�Xa+amrs:aaevmrtet,ta+�¢�tit�. a��;e Q *�eaun�s+as.r. t ku ib _sn ea;.owre u..me wlbnn M^ye Xr.^, aMcoee. > r.r�WM.naar AeAuxr,.i O ewi4'rah+aSi.M. in u a/ mrwsle e<rwe5nmbv;«utavmtmsar it.Vn'OPrta,rt6l GCadiY SRIX nI'tIL SIAIESU RAGCbP SIWIIOC�S, eriNEMFG<80ki7�IL11Nle 1 Grrt,he�+.e '• 'R'NALTkSaa�ia r� � '� R NO Y,R,wNrT.SSonC, term ptrtsMnhmreRtts. rbtiEErfnnr�drp�AaeMpeghaW.eo Eeaxwen::.IOS*.m +;. unnAnaWr xxAavxp.ycnsry rc. ez -m n•:.Iw..,...wawgaMctwef+eawamMNan+W. Meninx.�ruear•e►'rtr4+an4weeatrdecels's'ra.. O in rwe x". O E:s,Tx Wx[o+s'nnRU P'.^ ` ir. .,,i..+W re•Ikspine.Mn U:ve+t9n•rs,elersgrTrr<OmdrHe>f1a�Ae�9b§Yera'ralkh fa 3Bd e:P.R6aa7tNtrriRNa1�"r-.�w ram �S r.. tw�ara_ry- O .5•ui'ry�p.WnRA'riRtB (J o-es+!r 5'ui VAwnr, x+.,rda•.a,. sarw-gin !U ry+nw 4Gw!a. Ot SteitW+ir�'Ob GROWO LVa NOTES: (D 4ve!�q�k eXeMa t} ��✓✓ °n'+iM'/MwfiMsilt vmhrveaandR+:aeXrtrex}YPWYfgcYgArs%*M'+rmf�Ar.mrilrltlwh"eT4+�'�nvrt. + EMAMb Yn b4 pYtwirloMtd>mmMws CFC4tkiiM+ mxxrMpveYtUfLn".Mtffa'iMeasrAN.e;A. t x+nxeQ aYCbIxM � ��'•HhYtYn'Y 1 ra4+EatY�e {ry,ythbX:er•Sty iY.e Yit[aNNWi�rMtXm�AtYattXd?iv'iMM1e4{#trtrd+w. cvnt+fc•MSRT Va'Cr hS%tthON[.erRiMEelr�mmllMM1lXl9 ,na,icm*ar E�AM+X.�xer+*sA's'auuarr4§.n 4 H.ieu+.EXre,ro Q Ew,*.Aetir�+ a+wrp, a, taeo- sr�rwoYes�ewnwmr+we.mm�+me++rrt,+e:w r.,, lwvys:. wocrtlm vee+¢n+>A�bn+r�.�rRnmravreEeaarxr a tmtr 9• zaerceR>warcsmM.ri.ONrv�+amgieia¢e'butM+a3e:$eresauer uafi elimbmeo- e S:r:11M.. Maw , �s.akdG S :MYICH Ir"ztref�e•Me¢+INSCYbuPm+teeeSW 6OMdar'aaWf1'. 9'i'1r a., O +SSASfS'75 E NIM'+CA'N%rhsC�nmTYirh4xliMMdMRmisGl�by/ ! )IfiM1n F# F'�OtltfELA�1gFE�rM3. • >Etaye<Y'Sb!#:,AeYenxx9rfGbt(RM Dt N3P�mtliflEWtibtllPYFrbY4'XtR,m eisik a xir ev o:4rove.a+fX.X,aca O�' 6'/.'Mhrn .Qi WNU'AlrifyYbYk4'./q,1afr '%A%eYMN{IMIrIRrMf� aataa�arnrs r�aDatosn4alrAat7+sEartaca.l.arw•u�usrc.als�wrm.A:i eRPaa;aifx+arrvtrcsauu4+ietoae rrx�me O4WdMaD .. turf vt:CE�.nCFBUE:,arnwrnsx5mirn rX.:eS wAw7EbS. e �WnE�fW.tIDX 0.VD 2bJCbOffa.'.rGf t61R16Nb1ijjQ{:r�A!✓,}7 ;jAy}yl bfgFN➢frM•yeti L¢J'3?p Vb4 M3$7:AOMEi7Mbe0CR_ :Gfb VWMVg9Rp4;py{4tYaiS. _fCAiliGe Anri7N'dlxtD+rY rnaRt W .W13 W.KJN. ZFi3 nF; MUQ14Jh.:lEIl1f11e MI4YBe M1fCfS4Air IB MFFt::teb U6'.5 •Pi fAdl SVECFC�ht. LEFT SIDE r�rrre r e vx<r ROAD FRONT vG=r Apptmt. 11' Ceilings Habdabie Rooms (8) o Perking Spaces (9's18') Req'd 18)