HomeMy WebLinkAboutE_17-22_ DeChesere (2)Ken Vafier, AICP Planning Manager August 24, 2017 Mr. Jay DeChesere 3404 Talon Court Wilmington, NC 2840 u- 4--7-78'2-ti NEW HANOVER COUNTY` PLANNING & LAND USE DEPA.RTMTENT 230 GovERNw 'r CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILNVIINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-711 b FAX (910) 798-7053 Exemption Number - E17-22 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - ACCESSORY USES — [1 SA NCAC 7K .0209(b)] PROJECT ADDRESS — 240 Cabbage Inlet Lane AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Estuarine Shoreline Dear Mr. DeChesere: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on August 23, 2017, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated August 1..6, 2017, and meet the conditions specified below. Your project consists of a constructing a earth planters, retaining wall and drip through decking. tf your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Accessory Uses that are directly related to the existing dominant use and require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out below. 1. The development must not disturb a land area greater than 171 square feet. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must not alter the landform or vegetation of a frontal dune. 5. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal high water level. 6. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted_ This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Linda E. Painter, LPO REGEiVED pCNI WILMINGTON, NC OCT 092017 9 ec ict _ `X% 16 % 1-7 1Anaality- .. Permit I*Ittartiwa 2-- Ocm Ham+d FvA rme Shom1ine. 1—,"-/ ORW Showtine Public Ipig ('Fat offxial tar hilly) 4 t�F NFRA1.1NF0RMX1'1O.N LAND OWNFR Addn�s5 ��� Tom. cc�.i� City W1t %A1MC-"i: Stab' ..N _.� _ rip21Q40q Mom 11--4:5,tt5 Irm3i} .�AG4¢4�iQri�G. CAM Al 1'1F ORIZU) AGIMN'1" Name Addrm�% City Entail Statc --- 7wip---- ., pbom - I,OC'ATION OF PRt)J "1`: (Atidri:ts, sercct naive andlor directicm.5 to site, if not oceanfrunt, what is th4 name of'the, adlac teat vrato: rbWy_). ' GQ 34.6�— INN tZ-,- " t, tots,, W1(.,It A I c: N, 14 G Z&4O ? 1'W.SCRIP1'1Or4N OF PROJECT: (List all "osed coristructkin and tatid distiu'b,mcc.)*A.VpC 0t4 -CC eA4S-f7tlr4:.-, 81Zf', 01 LOT IPARC.FL: ����'*�� square. fcct acres PROPOSED USE: Rcsidential g (!;itsVrle-fami[y [] Multi-f;unih• ©) CoracnerciabIndus(tial o (A�- (3 COMPLETE EITHFR (1) OR (2) BELOW (Comae your Loot Per»dt O cer ijpuu are not srrrr which AEC applies to your pmperij.): (f) OCEAN HAZARD AVC-s: TOTAL Hi. X)R AREA OF PR()PoSI! 1) S'1'RUC'IAIRE: -� square fk t (tncludcs. air condinoned living spacr, parking elevated above ground level. noa-conditioned space cievated above lmtund level but excluding non-lmd-bcartug attic Space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FO(. TPRINT AND 01 HER (MPlXVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACFS: . L-11_' quarc feet (tncludcs the ama of the nx)fdrip lint of all buildings, (riveways, mwred decks, oncrete or masonry patios, etc. dial are ,vithin thu applicalMe AEC. A tack your calculations NNith the M)jcci drawing.) extm 1'A1"1. S'1"OR.NIWXI'ER NUNACEh1ENT P€RM[T: Is the ptojcct Incated in an ama subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the Ni.' Division of W-Ater Qhialityl! YFIS NO X, Jf4cr. list the 4001 httilt tipcm mot jace .1110 ed for your lot or parcel: st)unrt leer. f StQ •-UGC t t ce cN ft-L Oa- t -re T1i rt IR S t C. r ACVrt?,::rf Ui LL. I,,W3 V= t- JN MZ7t4 Tb 14vltiG A-KF-A TE Ll tkL.L' A Ztci *$Cl* S,:::R - ep PZ92c f .#-fit v E- E'LAk4TWr5 L :RM ITE SVVV a LLZV ru � Af+�PP�O�%MIAT6 SR�H o;pk YE f�N! ;' a EO4R`MNE GRWi:�C1R'�j,6'JRJEY ItMr . ��•,�^^��•=c=� .y.•d.���^•",•r !:1 crrc v, au eun ne, ri a ennuc i DeChesere/ Smith Residence �smwHwo.*rc C.W Permit SuDr1 al A004 Redd Oti,11-) OTHER PERIMITS -NL4,Y BE REQIoIREf.I: The activity you arc planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor dcvclopmeut pc=h. including. but not limited to_ Drinkirm_e, %t,ater Well, Septic fank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building. I. Jextrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, hisulation and Envfgy Coim—l"tion, FIA C r'tificatiou, Sand Dune. Sediment Contiol. SuLAiti isivu Apprvvul. Mobile flame Park Apprcivai, Highway Connection, and ulliers. Chick v►ith your I. ocal Permit Officer for more intbrmatiori. STATF.M@:NTOF ClwNERSHIP- 1, the undemigried, an applicant for a CA`vtA minor development permit being, citW & ow,icr of props asy in an AEC ur person autftorized to act as an agent foi purpc>_sL�, of amiying for a C.:AMA minor dcvclopmcrxt permit, ecrtity that the person listed as landoumcr on this application has a significant irttetrst in time real property described therein.,I b-it... Yntertst can he described as- (cheek one) 1 L;'�. i'..'�r+' WT(4 an owner or record title, IlUe is vcstcd to PaPc j in the t1 {¢ jam[, County krgistry of Deed.;. �- �- h IP.EI Ae4 4r Ct/ •f" an 0%n CT by virtue of inheritance Applicant is an hair to the estate of pmhatc w:is in if other interest, Such as %Titten contract or lease, explain below or use a sGEker:alC sheet & attach to tlas application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACE:N`U PROPERIN k)WNlh.R!+: I furthermore cernify that the following pci,%xs are ownerK of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICi~ to each of them concerning my intent to dcv6op this property and to apple for a C.AMA permit. (Address) (2) (4 ) ACKN 1WI.fJPCsf:MVNT'S: I, the undersigaexxl, ac:kntrwwledge that the land owner is ays;am that the propcescd drvelopint-,ni is platiti4d fvt ao irca which may be susceptible to erosw n andlor flooding. I ar.knowlodgr dot Lima Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu- lar hazArd problans asset-iated with this Int. This explanation ten accompanied by stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. l furthermore ccrtify that t am mithori z.,"l tv grant. and du in fact grant, permission to Division o! Coastal Mesta g- mint staff. the Locil Penirdt Ofticer and their a+rr.»t<s to t.-ntcr on the aforerrientiancd lands in rnnnoctmon v. tth cvaluatmg inforinntttm related to this permit application Thi time ' stair of NJ t 1.2nctc►wner � person authorized to act as bis4w agent for purpose of'filing a CANLA permit applivition 77ua crppGc*tion ineiiutk%% : general infurmutlun (thusfarm). a site drawmg as discnbed an the back of this applicateua. lime nxnprxhin statecmrnt lhe, lke m llarard ,4ff.' NaAre where. neet'S UIT, a elr:�k fir ., rc�r� rxr ►,u�r�t ���l lY In t he laralitv: and any trrfi+t'rnaw" as may be provided orally.' I y Ihv applicant. The details v{thr applicrttiem as dtxeribcdl hr these-stniifxzs an, inre>pmaied withour nji ream in MY prI1,01lt whiklh flay hs! is vaei - 0evi,itermnjrnin thew eirru.tc will ran,e:R re a vintatkm of' anv permir. APty p<,rsor, dew,[npittg in is subjeca rt? riini. crtmtrzai ntrt! cmo'ntrnrctrptnw artitrti SITE DRAIWINGWAPPLIC- NFION CHECKLYST Pleasc 111.1ke sure yts¢u site dra. wing includes the 161lowing iujiunm on required too is CA:NIA inivor devrioprn-cr►t pemtit. The IAxal Pcrmit Ofticrx w ilt hells ym, if requested. PHYSIC.41. DINIFNSIONS Vr t Ak-1 rids %/ l ahci higim ys (ight-of-w-ays _.,.V Label local sett le lines brl any and all snt -uses and drivc mys currently cxisting tan properq. �f Label adjacent wytcrbody PHYSICAL CIIARACTI RISl1CS 1� Draw and latol normal hh,h w-atcr lone [cam:►tttc LPO forras-.Lanccl V t)rn\% Iwation of on-itt V�a'L�itewatc SVtitcTn `�, E` 4,5«f t6:* If you will be work-h,g in the occan haTard area_ + �404r,-& MX 4 W ((gL 130 f t45T'Ata. - Thaw and lalscl dune rid,c.%{include spot clo,ations) c'e '0 c-lpf'Lksl __. Dia--v and label toe ot'dtuwb 16e atify a ttJ Jocaitc fir.�t 1►►►c of'stabic vegetation (cn►t,.t4t i,pU lb:- assistanccj Draw area laixl crosion sethack line ( contact LPn tor msvSuper.) Draw and lapel tof*gr,jpl►ical features (lsjttinnM) If you will be waTkang in a co:isi.ai shoreline arcs: -V!" Shv-,e, the root c velhang as a dtAtrd linc around the structure :'' Dfn v and label landward limit of=SEC Draw and ialvl all wetland Iincs (contact I.for assistancc) Bras► acd lahc1 the 30 fbot butl'cT line: Wa°UA41 ME11`T PLANTS DrAw and label all prupt►sed xtTtt Aurcs Draw and label arens that u a1 be disturbed and.'or landscaped Now size of piling and depth to he placcd in pmund Draw and label all 1'xas to be Paved Or grcvt;Ivt Shoµ all amass to be desatutscd et.,s6t,4 Show landscopla •ir.�7S_ InC,Ati i'S %� ?Z-,- .0C•AX1Z--'5F—V'CKC WITE TO APPt.1C4tl!q'j' Apm t- eLk- -s XLU-, F3ar kr4GT- A-WV • ctsmplt:wd sill Marks and:or indirwcd if not appitcable? rxoliticd and listed adjacent property ownm-? • included your site dra,.%int*'? • sigy" acid dated the applicatic►n " • enclos¢d the: SlOf1_t?O fee! • compirted in AEC Il;azatt3 Noucc, it'VIOMSary? (Must be si med h}' the pioperty miner) FOR S iAI F USE meal 1r, _ ,.ce RC3urd Zile of rot ., l=xz►tiLkaiKxt �. Atrpett �tinc { da}rsrotn u _.. ,. vec ICA T1 I t- ) 1 -7 --------------- I W". Al lid DeChesere/ Smith Residence MC.ww.H-- U-0-IT Sw 3"" A001