HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_15-48_ Bacon/Pigmani L,P 3 ,yap-,-,baL� Issued by WiRO j 15-48 New Hanover County Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Blanche Bacon and Karen Pigman, c/o David Kellam, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard Are of Environmental Concern (AEC) at 12 and 16 Beach Road South, on Figure "8" Island, New Hanover County a requested in the permittee's application dated received by the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) on August 1,9 2015. This permit, issued on August 31, 2015, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (wher consistent with the permit), and all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violatio of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Experimental installation of hay bales in the same configuration as sand fencing per 15A NCAC 07H .0311 (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work pl, drawings(s) and project narrative dated received by DCM on August 12, 2015. (2) Monitoring requirement: Per the recommendations from the NC Wildlife Resources and the US Fish and Wildlife Servic( once the hale bales are installed, monitoring could be picture documentation on a monthly / seasonal / storm event basi (nothing intensive) and a basic statement regarding bale decomposition. Installing the bales, done per guidelines in 15, NCAC 07H .0311, would be the project limit NCWRC would like to see at this time. Moving additional bales up the dune c down the beach could be discussed as the success of the project is monitored. (3) To minimize impacts to wildlife, any ties or ropes shall be removed from the bales during installation. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 796-7423 for a final inspectio at completion of work. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2018 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Robb Mairs ACTING CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 127 Cardinal Drive Extension G L ocaliy Ne N ' " e " Pew Nianber 51J qg Ocean Hazard Finarine Shoreline.__ ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline __ Other (Fa qfta'al else oWy) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name�anehe be nn Address 12 Beach Rol. SOU�1i _ city W1imm 1Z_State NC ziD2%411 a.. 1110 tD%(p W35 AUTHORIZED AGENT Naaiae bavla Kellam Address 15 b I n OP — city 11rY► ��_ State NCr zip 11 A.. "1►Q • � lS (0 " Ob35 LOCATION OF PROJB C T: (Address, are et name and/or directions to site . If not oc eardromt,what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody.) 5ZMP AS abn)e _ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. (List a llpmpose d constriction and land disturbance.) 1 e S SIZE OFLOTIPARCEL: _ _ square feet _ _ acres PROPOSED USE: Resident -id (& ngle-family [ Uhki-famfly Q) Cmmenaal/hub mimI L] 08ur (] C OMPLE TE EITHER (t) OR Q) BBL OW (Caw=ctyour Local Remnant Q %cer i'you are not sure which AE Carries m your propero: (1) OCEAN HAZARDAECs: TOTAL FLOORAREAOFFROPOSEO STRUCTURE: + square feet (inchdes air candtione d lirng space ,pai1ikq a kvated above ground ]eve l,non-c oanditione d space elevated above ground leve lbut exchndingnor Load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHOZINE AECs: SIZE OFBUILDING F00 TPESNTAHD 0 THER MaPERVIOUS ORBUILT UPON SURFACES: tI A squ nfeet(inclidesthe area of theroefAlrip Lane of allbuildngs,driveways, covereddecks, concrete ormasaraypatios,etc. that are withinthe applicable AEC. Attach your c skmlitions withthe project. drawing.) STATE S TORMWATER MANA GEMEN T PERMIT. Is the project loc ate d n an an a subje d to a State Sturnwater bdanagemerd.Pan=issued bythe NCDrAsionof Water Quality? YES[— I NO x If yes Ikt One total builLupon are ahmpervious mf ac a allowed for your lat or p erce 1: __square feet. 0 D � Lam') Tl H+ �_ n Z< c �m 00 z z n 0 THER PERMITS MAY BE RE QUIRED : The activity you are plan ningmay re quire permits other than flu CAMA minor dove lopmentpenna, Inc hdng,b A not lanrtad to: Drinking Warder)M ll, Septic Ma& (or other sanitary waste treatment system),Buildng,Electrical, Pbanbing,Heating and Air Conditioning, kuuktianand Energy Conservatnn,F Certification, Said Dime, Sediment Caannl, Subdivision Approval, Idobile Home Park Approval,Hig1may Connection, ofiurs. Check withyour Local Pennk Offic er for more irdannation. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I,the undersigned, an applic and for a CAMAminor deve lopmentpenna,be ing a iher the owner of property n m AEC m person authorize dto act as an agentf or purpose s of applying for a CAMAmnnor deve bpment penna, certify thatthe pee listed as landowner an this application has a significant mere st n the re al property de sorted therein. This rderest c an b- describe d as: (che ck one ) mownerorrecordtkle,TSrleisvestedn 13jaYX &(Qr) see Deed Book page_'ift3nthe�W AQnbVPY _CoumyRagistryofDeeds. Clem. owner byvirfine of inheritnu e. Appli art is an heir to the estate of probate was in _ County. other irterest, such as written coranct or lease, a xplain below or use a ceparete sheet &attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OFADJACENTPROPERTYOWNERS: I fmthemnore c ertifythatthe following personas are owners of properties adjo nngthis property. I of fianthat I have give ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concemingmy irderd to develop this property and to applyfer a CAMApemnit. (A m WalMr t E►►zzbe±h Simmons OSS ►3�odi Rd. Souih (2) JUAC0►C1 )And We Coach Rd. SmJ+V l (3) (4) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I ,the undersigned, acknowle dge thatthe land owner is aware thatthe propose d deve lopme nt is p hrane df er an are a whit] may be swc eptible to erosion and/or flooding. I ackrwwle dge thatthe L ocal Pemna Officer has a xplaine d to me the p orb Tar hazard prob ]ems assoc ide dwi& this lot. This a xplanation was acc ompanied by re cmanendations c one ernang stabiliz tion and fioodpmofing techrdgue s. I fmthennore c atifythat I am authorize dto gsart, and do in fad Utut,peanission to D vision of Coastal Managernal s the LocalPemtit Officer andtheir agents to enter onnthe aforemerdioned lands in coamectioanwith evaluarin irdarmatim related to this peunk application. This the _ _ day of _ , 20 or person auhorize d to aortas hishter agerdf or pimp ose of filing a CAMApenna applic anon This applies din imhades: genemI i7fomation rift's form), a site drawing as described on the Exk y this appdcariat t ownership sratement the Ocean f3aasdAECAbdee where necessrny, a checkfm$100.00ma*piVaihle to the locah'ty, asp ir#bmarion m m V be pnvi&d onaW by the gph'cani Yhae det�b of the appk'caticvras descnEsed 8y these sources iraeorporated withaoeet r fererxe in cap permit whs'ch m� 8e issaed Lleviationjf vm these der ads wig comtkae a vdvdatio arp perm it..bp person developing in a AZC withw& perm it is su�yect to civid criminal aid adaaSiistmtive action I of 1 7-31-2015 Localiy New ew Hr4qal&-- (:�7 PennrtNunber. Ocean Hazard -K Eztuarave Shcselau _ --- ORW Shoreline Public 1h3:t %oaelne (For elftnai use an(v) //i� OTHERPERMiTSMAYBE REQUIRED: livactk*youaxeplar��gmayrequJnp*—Jt otherthan4uCAMA o maws developmentpenidt, tic hdmg,but not limit dto: Drinking Water \% 11, Septic Ma* (or other 6aaitzy waste treatment system), Building, Electric al, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, hisuktiarn and FYoergy Conservation, F _ Other Cenificathn, Sued Dune, Sedimer¢ Control, SubdivisiornApproval, NobRe Home Pack Approval, Higtway Connection, oflurs. Check withyour Loc al Permit Offic ex for more irSomnaticn. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: LAND OMMUP Name hG�reen r ynan — - — Address 1U l Lath . `- UNY) city Wil —st,ae NC Z"`111 Phone 91_1�01�— AUTHORIZED AGENT t L 0 CATION OF PROJE C T: (Address, meet name and/or drectims to site. If rot oc eardrard,what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody) me as_A�ye�__ DESCRIPTION OF PROJE C T (List allpropose d constructim and lu d disnubaruce .) n SIZE OFLOTMARCEL: _ _ square feet _ _ acres PROPOSED USE:Residerdffi1 (Saugje-funily[v�Muli-famvlyQ) CaammerciaUhAdstrialL] Other C OMPLE TE EITHER (L) OR (2) BEL OW (Canazctyewr Local Firrr&t Qfj9cer i'you are notsure which AE CappAes m your propperty): (1) 0 CEAN HAZARD AE Cs: TOTAL FLOORAREA OFPROPOSED STRUCTURE:t—AlA square feet (includes ar candi io ne d long space ,parking elevated above ground leve l,non-c onditioau d space elevated above gmrnd leve lbu t e rochrdngnon-load-be axing utic space) (2) COASTALSHOR);LINEAECs: SIZE OFBUILDINGFOOTPIUNTAND 0THERMdPERVIOUSORBUILT UPON SURFACES: square feet(inchtdesthe area of theroofkirip late of allbuilings,driveways, covereddecks, concrete ormasontypaios,etc.thatarewithntheapplicable AEC. Attachycorcdmktiomwiththeproject drawing.) STATE S TORMWATER MANA GEMEN T PERMIT Is the project loc ate d n an area subje ctto a Stare Suamvater bdanagement.Pernitissndbythe NCDr.1sionof Water Quality? YES_i 1;0, x "s,lsttietotalbulkuponanalnopetvioussuffceaDawedforyorlotorparce1:_ _square feet. *;u r— II1 K0 GZj G �m 00 Z Z n I,the undersigned, an spphc at for a CAbdAmirm deve 1apanentpennit,be ing a ither the owner of property in an AEC oa p erson authorize duo act as an agertf or purposes of applying for a CAMAminor deve bpameit peniak, certify thatthe pea listed as landowner on this application has a signilcard interest in the re al prop erV de sarbed there in. This intere st can b- describe d as: (che ck one) % inowrLuorrecordtiLle,TitkisvestedinKQY-Lo Aaman se@DeedBooR 5S7-3— pageZiQ 3rtheWPu1 Nanpyr-r _ County Registty�ifDeeds. Elm omwbyv=e of inheritance. Applicantis anheir tothee state of probate was in _ CoWdy other interest, such as written conanct or lease, a xp" below aQ use a separate sheet & atach to this app ]tic anion. N 0 TIPICATION OF ADJACEN T PR OPERTY OWNERS: I furthemwre c etHythatthe following persons are owners of properties adjo nngthis property. I of fitmthat I have gvaa ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to deve lop this property and to applyfor a CAMApemmit. (Nave) (Addre ss) (1) (2) (3) (4) A CEN OWLED GEMEN T& I,the undersigned, acknowle dge thatthe land owners aware thatthe propose d development is p krae dfor an are a whit] maybe susc epttble to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowle dge thatthe L ocal Pemni Officer has a xpkine d to me the p arb hr hazard problems assoc isne dwifin this lot. This explanation was acc onmpanied by re contamendatiens c one erring subilt tionmdfloodproofingtechniqes. I futtheuncre c ertifythat I am authorize dto gent, and do in fact gard,pennissitn to D vidorn of Coastal Hangemerd s the L ocal Permit Officer andthe it agerds to enter an the aforementioned lands in c onnectian with evahrs Ling information related to this permit application. This the _ _ day of Landowne orpersonauaiwrizedtoactaashishuragemforpumposeoffilingaCAMApennaapplicatiarn This apphea Ion inehafes.' gvwul information ltFs's form), aine ahawingas dscrdbedon the back of this applcatiat t ownership sterement the Ocean H&uardANChim'ce where necessary, a checkfor$100.00made"aNe to the dacahly, alp ilormation as m V be provided maW by the eWUcant Fhe deals of the aWUcatfon: as described by these sorsres iworpw+ated without 74e7ence in aV perm i which mcV be mard Deviation jkvm these de829s wil corzttr}nge a viodaaio arVperm it..&Vpersendevekpinginan-IBC withusperm itissullecttocivil crimiraadaadadesrrsmativearhon. 1 of 1 7-31-2015 A'Alm e rw< l % I % Tx,4 I led w l 4-� l o' npocl AtS - Tiu S-f-A Ilea A-'i' _Ile io171< -9e Axj' Le4,54I, n16 4 %o -Eyce-ed l o l-4Q h-t- +o be- l c5.s 4 .4-N 7 installed( P4 boSe D-f pr,'mwrf-1 dal I 1 /jo r r� � I N-� G� W A-f�-P, R-4- l q &+ i c. C oy-lq RECEIVE DCM WILM NGl AUG 12 20 Applicant proposes to install experimenta hay bales to be used as sand fencing, adjacent to th, Atlantic Ocean at 14 / E Beach Road South, on FigurE 8 Island, New Hanover County. Blanche Bacon / Karen Pigman 12 & 16 Beach Road South Wilmington, NC 28411 Agent: David Kellam (910_ 686-0635 August 31, 2015 NC Div. of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Robb Mairs, Field Representative 910-796-7423 fi� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory, Governor September 1, 2015 Karen Pigman 16 Beach Road South Wilmington, NC 28411 Dear Ms. Bacon & Ms. Pigman: Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary Attached is CAMA Minor Development Permit # NH 15-48 for work to be done at 12 & 16 Beach Road South, on Figure 8 Island, in New Hanover County. In order to validate this permit, please sign both copies of the permit as indicated for our records. Please retail the gold copy for your files and sign front and back pages of the white copy then return to us within 20 days of receipt, in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope. This is not a valid permit until it is signed and returned to our office. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Enclosures Cc: WiRO files Sincerely, Shaun K. Simpson Permit Support Technician N.C. Division of Coastal Management t7 Figure "8" Beach Homeowners, Association, Inc. 15 Bridge Road 9 Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 Telephone: (910) 686-0635 • Fax: (910) 686-1558 Aij Web: www.figure8homeowners.com * Email: figure8homeowners@bizec.rr.com July 29, 2015 Shore Lane LLC Mr. Harold P. Hope, III 1100 Park Avenue, Apt I 1-A New York, New York 10128 RE: Permit Application for lots at 12 and 16 Beach Road South. Dear Adjoining Land Owner, Two locations on the Figure 8 beach have been selected as proposed test sites to benefit beach management techniques and the coastal regulatory community. The test sites are on the beach in front of the lots at 12 and 16 Beach Road South. The NC Division of Coastal Management requires a permit authorizing such a proposal, and the coastal permitting process requires that adjoining land owners be notified of the permit application. The proposal is to install rectangular hay bales at the two locations according to the State's current sand - fence installation regulations. The test will determine the effectiveness of trapping sand using the environmentally friendly material of hay bales in comparison to using the traditional wire sand -fence and posts. During the course of the testing we will be exploring options for making this a viable alternative for future use by others. Sand -fence is problematic for coastal management. It requires construction and creates an entanglement risk to wildlife and it places sharp rusty wire on our NC beaches and washes in to our waters and sounds during a storm causing numerous problems. The proposal is simple: Hay bales are placed on the beach to collect wind-blown sand. The strings that hold the bales are removed about two weeks after installation. The placement of hay bales on the ocean front places only biodegradable materials on the beach and does not involve any form of construction, posts, wire, or entanglement hazards typical with other forms of development. The end product is a completely biodegradable tool for enhanced coastal management. The Division of Coastal Management Permit Guidelines require this notification to provide adjacent land owners an opportunity to ask questions or address concerns regarding this proposal. If you have questions or concerns please contact Mr. Robb Mairs of the NC DCM at (910)796-7423. His mailing address is 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405. Otherwise, you need take no action. Sincerely, David C. Kellam Administrator RECEN pCM WILMINC AUG 12 N7 Figure "8" Beach Homeowners' Association, Inc. 15 Bridge Road * Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 Telephone: (910) 686-0635 • Fax: (910) 686-1558 Web: www.figure8homeowners.com • Email: figure8homeowners@bizec.rr.com July 29, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Andrew 2309 Danbury Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27408 RE: Permit Application for lots at 12 and 16 Beach Road South. Dear Adjoining Land Owner, Two locations on the Figure 8 beach have been selected as proposed test sites to benefit beach management techniques and the coastal regulatory community. The test sites are on the beach in front of the lots at 12 and 16 Beach Road South. The NC Division of Coastal Management requires a permit authorizing such a proposal, and the coastal permitting process requires that adjoining land owners be notified of the permit application. The proposal is to install rectangular hay bales at the two locations according to the State's current sand - fence installation regulations. The test will determine the effectiveness of trapping sand using the environmentally friendly material of hay bales in comparison to using the traditional wire sand -fence and posts. During the course of the testing we will be exploring options for making this a viable alternative for future use by others. Sand -fence is problematic for coastal management. It requires construction and creates an entanglement risk to wildlife and it places sharp rusty wire on our NC beaches and washes in to our waters and sounds during a storm causing numerous problems. The proposal is simple: Hay bales are placed on the beach to collect wind-blown sand. The strings that hold the bales are removed about two weeks after installation. The placement of hay bales on the ocean front places only biodegradable materials on the beach and does not involve any form of construction, posts, wire, or entanglement hazards typical with other forms of development. The end product is a completely biodegradable tool for enhanced coastal management. �\ The Division of Coastal Management Permit Guidelines require this notification to provide adjacent land owners an opportunity to ask questions or address concerns regarding this proposal. If you have questions or concerns please contact Mr. Robb Mairs of the NC DCM at (910)796-7423. His mailing address is 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405. Otherwise, you need take no action. Sincerely, k/axn e, i'�edant_ David C. Kellam Administrator RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC XIT7 Figure "8" Beach Homeowners' Association, Inc. 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 Telephone: (910) 686-0635 9 Fax: (910) 686-1558 41 Web: www.figure8homeowners.com • Email: figure8homeowners®bizec.rr.com July 29, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons 1630 Brandon Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 RE: Permit Application for lots at 12 and 16 Beach Road South. Dear Adjoining Land Owner, Two locations on the Figure 8 beach have been selected as proposed test sites to benefit beach management techniques and the coastal regulatory community. The test sites are on the beach in front of the lots at 12 and 16 Beach Road South. The NC Division of Coastal Management requires a permit authorizing such a proposal, and the coastal permitting process requires that adjoining land owners be notified of the permit application. The proposal is to install rectangular hay bales at the two locations according to the State's current sand - fence installation regulations. The test will determine the effectiveness of trapping sand using the environmentally friendly material of hay bales in comparison to using the traditional wire sand -fence and posts. During the course of the testing we will be exploring options for making this a viable alternative for future use by others. Sand -fence is problematic for coastal management. It requires construction and creates an entanglement risk to wildlife and it places sharp rusty wire on our NC beaches and washes in to our waters and sounds during a storm causing numerous problems. The proposal is simple: Hay bales are placed on the beach to collect wind-blown sand. The strings that hold the bales are removed about two weeks after installation. The placement of hay bales on the ocean front places only biodegradable materials on the beach and does not involve any form of construction, posts, wire, or entanglement hazards typical with other forms of development. The end product is a completely biodegradable tool for enhanced coastal management. The Division of Coastal Management Permit Guidelines require this notification to provide adjacent land owners an opportunity to ask questions or address concerns regarding this proposal. If you have questions or concerns please contact Mr. Robb Mairs of the NC DCM at (910)796-7423. His mailing address is 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405. Otherwise, you need take no action. Sincerely, David C. Kellam Administrator RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTOI Page 1 of 1 David Kellam Subject: Project Narrative for hay bales test site. We propose to install hay bales in the same configuration format as sand fencing would be installed on a beach front and with the same general guideline requirements of the 7K rules pertaining to sand fence. The hay bales (strings removed) are completely biodegradable and should have a much less impact on the beach, wildlife, public and the resources. We will monitor them and document and photograph changes. One lot will be planted in conjunction with the wheat straw hay bales to monitor actions. I welcome DCM or WRC staff to come inspect on a regular basis. T1 avid 'Kellam; Administrator figure Eight Jsland 2omeowners 15 Bridge 22oad (Wimington, -INC 28411 910.686.0635 ojjice 910.686.1558 )ax RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC AIM 12 2015 Page 1 of 1 David Kellam Subject: Project Narrative for hay bales test site. We propose to install hay bales in the same configuration format as sand fencing would be installed on a beach front and with the same general guideline requirements of the 7K rules pertaining to sand fence. The hay bales (strings removed) are completely biodegradable and should have a much less impact on the beach, wildlife, public and the resources. We will monitor them and document and photograph changes. One lot will be planted in conjunction with the wheat straw hay bales to monitor actions. I welcome DCM or WRC staff to come inspect on a regular basis. I hope to install and monitor them with hopes of utilizing in other areas once approved. I feel this is a much better management option that is also much more environmentally friendly. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. 'David Jkcilam; 5 Uministrator � f inure Eight .Island 2omeowners 15 lTridge 12oad Wmington, 24C 28411 910.686.0635 o0ce 910.686.1558 �ux RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC AUG 12 2015 Page 1 of 1 David Kellam From: Mairs, Robb L [robb.mairs@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 11:14 AM To: David Kellam Subject: RE: See if this is a starter? David, Thanks for sending the application over for review. Please label the waterward end of the existing dune and the first line of stable natural vegetation on the drawing. Also, please include any proposed monitoring of the bales once installed and how it will be done into the project narrative. Thanks and feel free to call if you have any questions. Robb From: David Kellam [mailto:dkellam@bizec.rr.com] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 11:33 AM To: Mairs, Robb L Subject: See if this is a starter? What else is needed and what needs changing. This is a draft only. Once you say I am getting close, will mail or deliver you a hard copy with a check. David RECEIVED DCM WILM NG ON, NC dllr; 1 9 mic New Hanover Countv Page 2 4•a, /D d 1 lD 1S APPr-° K 150, -Pom M g�j 5 prici I�Q P}N (e-5 -�c coA) 4�o r rAaN'tCr- b Al e5 Of �- ,Ns-f-r+ll h A-Y o`fi pb ca A) Q Pl j nl (4AI CEIVE MINGT 220 Date Received I Deposi ted Check From (Name) Name ofPermh Holder Vendor Check Number Check I amount Permit Number/Comments I Receipt c Refund/Reallc 7/16/2015 7/24/15 Morgan or Erica Mehler Highland Shores HOA Park Sterling Bank _ -_ 1017 B of A 4859 Wells Fargo Bank -� 1434 $100.00 1 renewal fee, MP 141-11 PH rct. 0464D 7/17/2015 7/20/15 Stanley or Sharon Stubbs same $200.00 GP for 1304 Carolina Blvd, TB, PN 7/17/2015 7/20/15 Richard or Sharon Love same $200.001 GP 64712D $200.00 GP 64715D JD rat. 0333D 7/17/2015 7/20/15 ii nori Construction, Inc. Chris Mohr B of A 3780 JD rct. 0331 D 7/17/ 0015 7/20/15 Holden Dock & Bulkheads Anna Odam & Rufus Yates CresCom Bank 2181 $200.00 GP 64697D HS rct 0265D 7/17/ 0015 7/20/15 Atlantic Coast Industrial LLC David Brinkley BB &T 11791 $200.00 GP 1400 Point Harbor Road NHC TM rct. 0402D 7/20/2015 7/24/15 Money order from Brandon Grimes Patricia Welfare Wells Fargo Bank 17-213876532 $200.00 GP 64717D JD rct 0334D 7/20/2015 7/24/15 Robert or Candace Rice same BB &T 10394 $200.00 ,GP 65041D JD rct. 0335D 7/22/2015 MHCDO River Bluff Holdings LLC same 9 1121 $100.00 renewal fee, MP 62-09 CM rct. 0174 se 7/22/2016 7/24115 Richardson Construction Michael O'Hem _ BB &T 6063 $600.00 GP 64698D @$200 HS rct. 0267D Lennon Smith GP 64700D @$200 HS rct. 0268D Geneveive Cassese GP 64699D @$200 HS rot. 0269D 7/22/2015, 7/24/15 Backwater Marine Construction Inc Matt Hendrix BB &T 2017 $200.00 GP 64701 D _ $200.00 GP 64756D i $200.00 GP 64734D HS rct. 0266D 7/22/2015 7/24/15 Clements Marine Construction Inc David & Ann Sneeden First Citizens Bank 3856 JD rct. 0336D 7/23/2015; 7/24/15 Coastal: Earth Works Inc. Rick Edwards First Bank 4236 TM rct. 0426D 7/24/2015 7/29/15 Town of Oak Island same BB &T 599681 $100.00 mod fee, MP 152-07 HC rct. 0204D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Waterfronte Villas Owners Assn./CAMS same North State Bank 1703 $100.00 transfer fee, MP 84-05 PH rct. 0465D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Logan Marine LLC David and Diane Rodger Coming Federal Credit Union 1208 $200.00 GP 64777D RM rct. 0353D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Charles Riggs & Associates Inc James Bresee First Citizens Bank 14102 $100.00 minor fee, NTB, Ons PH rat. 0466D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Charles Riggs & Associates Inc CA Partners, Inc First Citizens Bank CA Partners, Inc First Citizens Bank Rudy Warren Wells Fargo Bank same PNC Bank Orlando Powell B ofA John Johnson __B of A Rand Nickerson SunTrust Rob Buckfelder PNC Bank River Hills POA LG Federal Credit Union Mark Sutherland First Bank same Navy Federal Credit Union same First Bank 14099 $100.00 minor fee, 1538 S. Shore, SC PnCo PH rct. 0467D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Charles Riggs & Associates Inc 14100 $100.00 minor fee, 120 N. Shore Dr. SC PnCo PH rct 0468D 7/28/2015 7/29/15 Trip Pippin 8579 $200.00 GP 64778D RM rct. 0354D 7/28/2015 7/29/15 Thomas or Sandra May 670 $250.00 major fee, 19 Bahama Dr. WB, NHCo PH rcL 0469D 7/29/2015 7/31/15 Antinod Construction, Inc. 3797 $200.00 GP 64757D JD rct 0337D 7/29/2015 7/31/15 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc 5479 $400.00 GP 64759D JD rct 0339D 7/29/2015 8/12/15 David Cronick 3218 $100.00 transfer fee, MP 2-15 PH rct. 0470D 7/29/2015 7/31/15 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. 4690 $200.00 GP for #3 Jib Road, Wilmington, NHCo 7/30/2015 7/31/15 Chad or Beth Ann Hicks 3762 $200.00 GP 64682D HS rcL 0273D 7/30/2016 7/31/15 JRW/RDW Inc 20422 $200.00 GP 64737D HS rct. 0271D 7/30/2015 7/31/15 Jason McEntarffer 293 $200.00 GP 64736D HS rct. 0270D_ 7/30/2015 7/31/15 James or Marie Warren 1124 $200.00 GP 64779D RM rct. 0355D 8/4/2015 8/6/15 Robert or Alison Boswell same B of A 1664 $100.00 renewal fee, MP 59-09 PH rct 0471 D 8/4/2015 8/6/15 Coastal Dredging, LLC Mary Miller BB &T 4116 $400.00 GP 64764D JD rct. 0341 D 8/4/2015 8/6/15 Antinorl Construction, Inc. Pat Toth _ B of A 3812 $200.00 GP 64760D JD rct. 0340D 8/5/2015 8/6/15 H5 Construction, LLC Doub BB &T 1281 $200.00 GP for 406 W. Yacht, Oak Is., BrCo 8/6/2015 8/12/15 Bald Head Island Ltd. BHI LTD/Bruce Marek First Citizens Bank_ 1520 $200.00 NOV 14-15 HC rat. 0205D 8/6/2015 8/10/15 Overbeck Marine Construction Inc. Joyce Hall Lewis SunTrust 4317 $200.00 GP 64785D $250.00 major fee, 5918 Cedar Land. Rd, NHCc $200.00 GP 64781D RM rct. 0357D RM rct. 0356D HS rct 0272D 8/6/2015 8/10/15 Overbeck Marine Construction Inc. Armando Cortez SunTrust 4500 8/6/2015 8/10/15 Maritime Coastal Construction LLC John & Janice Shagena CresCom Bank 2140 8/6/2015 8110/15 Wayne Smith & Son, Inc. Malcolm & Latrelle Jackson BB &T 19315 $400.00 GP 65187D HS rct. 0274D 8/10/2015 8/12/15 The Village of Bald Head Island same PNC Bank 58242 $100.00 mod fee, MP 11-14 PH 0472D 8/11/2015 8/12/15 AB Marina Group, LLC Foreverhome of Wilmington III, LLC BB &T - 1016 $100.00 transfer fee, MP 132-96 PH rct. 0473D 8/11/2015 8/12/15!B & K Marine Construction Van Steen Moss !BB &T_ 1194 $200.00 GP 64787D $100.00 minor fee, haybales, 12 & 16 Beach_ Rd PH 7rct 404 D 8/12/2015 Figure "8" HOA, Inc. David Kellam for same First Citizens Bank 8773 I Date Received uare Deposi ted Check From (Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number Check amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt c Refund/Reallc 7116/2015 7/24/15 Morgan or Erica Mehler Highland Shores HOA Stanley or Sharon Stubbs same Richard or Sharon Love same Park Sterling Bank 1017 $100.00 renewal fee, MP 141-11 PH rct. 0464D 7/17/2015 7/20/15 B of A 4859 $200.00 , GP for 1304 Carolina Blvd, TB, PN 1434 $200.00 GP 64712D JD rct 0333D 7/17/2015 7/20/15 Wells Fargo Bank 7/17/2015 7/20/15 Antinori Construction, Inc. Chris Mohr B of A 3780 $200.00 GP 64715D JD rct 0331 D 7/17/2015 7/20/15 Holden Dock & Bulkheads Anna Odam & Rufus Yates CresCom Bank 2181 $200.00 11791 $200.00 GP 64697D HS rct. 0265D 7/17/2015 7120/15 Atlantic Coast Industrial LLC David Brinkley BB &T GP 1400 Point Harbor Road NHC TM rct. 0402D 7/20/2015 7/24/15 Money order from Brandon Grimes Patricia Welfare Wells Fargo Bank 17-213876532 $200.00 GP 647171) JD rct 0334D 7/20/2015 7/24/15 Robert or Candace Rice same BB &T same ? Michael O'Hern BB &T_ Lennon Smith Geneveive Cassese Matt Hendrix BB &T David & Ann Sneeden First Citizens Bank 10394 $200.00 GP 65041D JD rct 0335D 7/22/2015 MHCD River Bluff Holdings LLC 1121 $100.00 renewal fee, MP 62-09 CM rct. 0174 se 7/22/2015 7/24/15 Richardson Construction 6063 $600.00 GP 64698D (d$200 HS rct. 0267D GP 64700D @$200 GP 64699D @$200 $200.00 GP 64701 D HS rct. 0268D HS rct. 0269D 7/22/2015 7/24/15 Backwater Marine Construction Inc 2017 HS rct 0266D 7/22/2015 7/24/15 Clements Marine Construction Inc 3856 $200.00 GP 64756D JD rct 0336D 7/23/2015 7/24/15 Coastal Earth Works Inc. Rick Edwards First Bank 4236 $200.00 GP 64734D TM rct. 0426D 7/24/2015 7/29/15 Town of Oak Island same BB &T 59968 $100.00 mod fee, MP 152-07 HC rct. 0204D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Waterfronte Villas Owners Assn./CAMS same North State Bank 1703 $100.00 transfer fee, MP 84-05 PH rct. 0465D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Logan Marine LLC David and Diane Rodger Coming Federal Credit Union 1208 $200.00 GP 64777D RM rct. 0353D 7/27/2015 7/29/15 Charles Riggs & Associates Inc James Bresee First Citizens Bank 14102 $100.00 minor fee, NTB, Ons PH rct. 0466D 7/27/2016 7/29/15 Charles Riggs & Associates Inc CA Partners, Inc First Citizens Bank 14099 $100.00 minor fee, 1538 S. Shore, SC PnCo PH rct. 0467D 7/27/2015 7/28/2015 7/28/2015 7/29/15 7/29/15 7/29/15 Charies Riggs & Associates Inc Trip Pippin Thomas or Sandra May CJL Partners, Inc Rudy Warren same First Citizens Bank Wells Fargo Bank PNC Bank 14100 8579 670 $100.00 $200.00 $250.00 minor fee, 120 N. Shore Dr. SC PnCo GP 64778D major fee, 19 Bahama Dr. WB, NHCo PH rct 0468D RM rct. 0354D PH rct. 0469D 7/29/2015 7/31/15 Antinori Construction, Inc. Orlando Powell B of A 3797 $200.00 GP 64757D JD rct. 0337D 7/29/2015 7/29/2015 7/31/15 8/12/15 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc David Cronick John Johnson Rand Nickerson B of A SunTrust 5479 3218 $400.00 $100.00 GP 64759D transfer fee, MP 2-15 JD rct. 0339D PH rct. 0470D 7/29/2015 7/31/15 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Rob Buckfelder PNC Bank 4690 $200.00 GP for #3 Jib Road, Wilmington, NHCo 7/30/2015 7/31/15 Chad or Beth Ann Hicks River Hills POA LG Federal Credit Union 3762 $200.00 GP 64682D HS rct 0273D 7/30/2015 7/31/15 JRW/RDW Inc Mark Sutherland First Bank 20422 $200.00 GP 64737D HS rct. 0271 D 7/30/2015 7/31/15 Jason McEntarffer same Navy Federal Credit Union 293 $200.00 GP 64736D HS rct 0270D 7/30/2015 7/31/15 James or Marie Warren same First Bank 1124 $200.00 GP 64779D RM rct. 0355D 8/4/2015 8/6/15 Robert or Alison Boswell same B of A 1664 $100.00 renewal fee, MP 59-09 PH rct. 0471 D 8/4/2015 8/6115 Coastal Dredging, LLC Mary Miller BB &T 4116 $400.00 GP 64764D JD rct. 0341D 8/4/2015 8/6/15 Antinori Construction, Inc. Pat Toth B of A _ 3812 $200.00 GP 64760D JD rct. 034_0D 8/5/2015 8/6/15 H5 Construction, LLC Doub BB &T 1281 $200.00 GP for 406 W. Yacht, Oak Is., BrCo 8/6/2015 8/12115 Bald Head Island Ltd. BHI LTD/Bruce Marek First Citizens Bank 1520 $200.00 NOV 14-15 HC rct 0205D 8/6/2015 8110/15 Overbeck Marine Construction Inc. Joyce Hall Lewis SunTrust 4317 $200.00 GP 64785D RM rct. 0357D 8/6/2015 8/10/15 Overbeck Marine Construction Inc. Armando Cortez SunTrust 4500 $250.00 major fee, 5918 Cedar Land. Rd, NHCo RM rct. 0356D 8/6/2015 8/10/15 Maritime Coastal Construction LLC John & Janice Shagena CresCom Bank 2140 $200.00 GP 64781 D HS rct. 0272D 8/6/2015 8/10/15 Wayne Smith & Son, Inc. Malcolm & Latrelle Jackson BB &T 19315 $400.00 GP 65187D HS rcL 0274D 8/10/2015 8/12/15 The Village of Bald Head Island same PNC Bank 58242 $100.00 mod fee, MP 11-14 PH rct. 0472D 8/11/2015 8/12/15 AB Marina Group, LLC Foreverhome of Wilmington 111, LLC BB &T 1016 $100.00 transfer fee, M_ P 132-96 PH rct. 0473D 8/11/2015 8/12/15 B & K Marine Construction Van Steen Moss BB &T 1194 $200.00 GP 64787D 8/12/2015 Fig" HOA, Inc. ure "8 David Kellam for same First Citizens Bank 8773 $100.00 minor fee, haybales, 12 & 16 Beach Rd PH rct. 0474D