HomeMy WebLinkAbout27-20 Application April 2019 DraftCARTERET COUNTY SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING CAMA MAJOR PERMIT APPLICATION APRIL 2019 [DRAFT] Prepared By: Moffatt & Nichol 272 N. Front Street, Ste. 204 Wilmington, NC 28401 Prepared For: Carteret County 302 Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Shallow Draft Navigation Waterways Atlantic Harbor Maintenance Dredging CAMA Major Permit Application Table of Contents Tab Description A. Permit Narrative B. Form MP-1 C. Form MP-2 D. Permit Drawings E. Geotechnical Analysis F. Chemical Analysis G. Risk Assessment 4 H. White Point Ownership and Easement 1. Agent Authorization J. Riparian Property Notices 4K. Property List & Certified Receipts RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Shallow Draft Navigation Waterways Atlantic Harbor Maintenance Dredging CAMA Major Permit Application Tab A: Permit Narrative RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Navigation Project Maintenance Dredging of Atlantic Harbor Permit Narrative (March 2019) Project Purpose, Need & Scope Carteret County (County) is requesting federal and state authorization to conduct maintenance dredging within the entrance channel and inner harbor of Atlantic Harbor of Refuge. The Atlantic Harbor of Refuge, authorized under Section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 1960, was constructed in 1972. It is in the mainland unincorporated community of Atlantic and situated off Core Sound 3 miles west of Ophelia Inlet. Figure 1 shows the Atlantic Harbor vicinity in plan view. The harbor is important to the local fishing industry as a place of safety, and access to the Atlantic Ocean. As such, the harbor facilitates a vital component contributing towards the continued longevity of the local community. CARTERET COUNTY, NC Atlantic Harbor Sea Ophene Lew' Inlet Atlantic Bmofnn Ocean 'Na ri Figure 1. Atlantic Harbor Vicinity Map (NTS) The Atlantic Harbor of Refuge is a federally -authorized project that has been historically maintained by the USACE; however, the USACE has experienced difficulty in dredging the harbor recently due to the lack of an upland material placement facility. The Wilmington District (SAW) notified Carteret County of the maintenance difficulties in June of 2017 and requested the County take actions to construct a placement facility and potentially dredge the harbor'. In response to the USACE's notification, Carteret County has secured a material placement facility and intends to maintenance dredge the inner harbor of refuge and entrance channel. The maintenance work will remove approximately 13,200 cubic yards (CY) of silty material from the proposed work areas as shown in Appendix D (permit drawings). The maintenance work maintains consistency with the federal authorization for Atlantic Harbor and provides a maximum 40-ft channel at elevation -6-ft MLLW +1 through the harbor entrance. The template also maintains a 51-1:1 V sideslope to discourage additional sediment sloughing from the adjacent area. Within the harbor entrance, the side slopes increase to a 31-1:1 V to minimize the dredging footprint. The proposed channel width and depth also reduces within the harbor entrance to a minimum width of 16-ft at elevation -5-ft MLLW +1. Inside the harbor, the maintenance template maximizes the dredging potential by expanding to approximately 190-ft wide with ' Medlock, J. (2017, June 29) Letter to County Manager. USACE. Wilmington Districts. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Navigation Project Maintenance Dredging of Atlantic Harbor Permit Narrative (March 2019) 5H:1 V side slopes. However, the template maintains the maximum dredge depth of -5-ft MLLW +1 as proposed for the entrance channel. Appendix D (permit drawings) provides additional details describing the maintenance template. An emergency maintenance dredging project along the entrance of Atlantic Harbor was permitted (GP# 71340) and conducted in the summer of 2018 to provide short-term relief of the shoaling impacts. This maintenance dredging project removed approximately 1,000 cubic yards (CY) to create a narrow channel through a heavily shoaled area immediately outside of the harbor entrance. However, the County now intends to conduct a more extensive maintenance operation to provide a long-term solution for the local navigation needs. The navigation channel is authorized for a width of 75 feet at elevation -7-ft MLLW with 3H:1 V side slopes. However, a recent hydrographic survey conducted by Carteret County shows elevations outside the harbor entrance of -2 to -4 feet MLLW. Inside the harbor, elevations range between -4-ft and d-ft MLLW. Therefore, the County is proposing maintenance dredging to restore navigational access and preserve the harbor of refuge status. Appendix A (permit drawings) shows the existing contours representing the referenced hydrographic survey, along with cross -sections with existing and proposed depths identified. Sediment Compatibility To support development of a dredging plan and associated permitting, sediment cores from Atlantic Harbor were collected and tested in March 2018 (Appendix E). Based on review of the analysis for geotechnical vibracore samples the dredge material is considered not beach compatible and will be placed in an upland placement facility on nearby White Point. In addition to geotechnical analysis, five sites were sampled for chemical analysis beginning inside the harbor entrance and extending southwest along the existing channel (Appendix F). Chemical analysis on the core composites was conducted in accordance with the USACE guidance, Sediment Testing Guidelines for Dredged Material Proposed for Disposal in Federal Project Disposal Areas by Applicants, along with other screening guidelines. The results of the chemical analysis were used to develop a risk assessment (Appendix G). Results of the analysis showed some parameters greater than selected screening levels. These included concentrations of certain metals, semi -volatile organic compounds, and pesticides within the harbor and near the entrance. Additional testing outside of the harbor showed decreased levels of these same contaminants. Semi volatile organic data for these stations were primarily non -detect or below the reporting limit and there were no exceedances of the screening levels. For metals outside the harbor, there were limited elevated concentrations (i.e., total chromium and manganese). Since there were some elevated concentrations of certain contaminants based on the screening analysis, further analysis of the cumulative effects of multiple contaminants was conducted using a risk calculator developed by the Division of Waste Management (DWM). Designed to evaluate multiple exposure routes associated with contaminated environmental media, the calculator estimates the risks associated with current or potential future human exposure. The risk calculator was populated with sediment core data from three sites representing the areas to be dredged and in consultation with DWM staff2. Application of the risk tool showed potential risk associated with arsenic and chromium for all three sites with the addition of thallium for one site. However, the cumulative risks under the User Defined receptor 2 Robbins, S. (2018, October 4) Phone call to 910-796-7217. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Navigation Project Maintenance Dredging of Atlantic Harbor Permit Narrative (March 2019) covering periodic use for a recreator and a trespasser do not exceed the benchmark assumptions in the tool. Further, chemicals like arsenic, chromium, and thallium have natural and common anthropogenic sources that are likely influencing the results at these stations. The Resident receptor is not applicable in these cases because, the dredge disposal site, White Point, does not have residential development. In addition, Carteret County intends to file a deed stipulation disallowing any future residential development on the property. A copy of the recorded deed restriction shall be provided to DCM prior to the commencement of the dredging activities. In summary, the results demonstrate that disposal of the dredge material on White Point does not pose a significant risk to human health or water quality. Construction Methodology and Sediment Placement Approximately 13,200 CY of dredge spoil will be directly placed in a Carteret County -owned site adjacent to the work area referred to as "White Point' and shown on Figure 2. Dredging operations will be conducted by a bucket dredge/excavator between November 16 and March 31 in efforts to minimize the potential for environmental impacts. Dredging activities will extend through day light hours but will not entail night time operations. Material will be dredged from the Atlantic Harbor channel and placed on a barge or other floating work plant. A turbidity control barrier will be utilized and remain until sediment in the water column has settled. The material will be transported to the disposal site on White Point. A backhoe or excavator will move the material from the barge to a truck or other hauling equipment on White Point where it will be placed and contained within an earthen berm. The County has provided a letter verifying ownership of White Point as well as secured an easement for construction equipment access (Appendix H). All dredge spoil will be placed a minimum of 30-ft landward from MHW. Figure 2. Material Disposal Site (White Point) The dredged material will be dewatered and placed within the upland disposal site with the intent of permanent storage. Earthen berths will be used to prohibit the effluent waters from reentering the adjacent RECEIVED APR 01 2019 OCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Navigation Project Maintenance Dredging of Atlantic Harbor Permit Narrative (March 2019) water bodies. In addition, turbidity curtains will be maintained surrounding the offloading site during times of dredging activities. The curtains will be positioned to capture any sediment disposition spilling from the construction process. Prior to placement of dredge spoils, the spoil containment basin and berms will be inspected to ensure the effectiveness and capacity to contain the material. The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) will be notified so a representative may inspect the site to help verify the appropriate BMPs have been established to help control the dredge effluent and material run-off. In addition, DCM will be notified immediately in the unlikely event of containment breech. Environmental Concerns Based on meetings with regulatory agencies in December 2017 and 2018, the anticipated major regulatory requirements include 408 Review through the USACE Civil Works branch, a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) major permit, and USACE General Permit (GP) 2878. The GP 2878 is issued by the USACE Wilmington District "to authorize maintenance dredging within federally authorized navigation channels and borrow areas, and the discharges of excavated and/or fill material within federally approved confined upland disposal areas or, in the case of beach quality sand, federally authorized beach retention areas or federally authorized beach nourishment project areas in the state of North Carolina." Additional input from resource agencies indicated no Biological Assessment for protected species nor a SAV survey would be required. Other requirements include chemical testing of dredge material following DWM guidelines due to the nature of expected dredged material (i.e., muddy). Water flow from dewatering of dredged material will be directed towards the inner harbor to avoid impacts to shellfish in Core Sound. Dredging activities will be restricted to November 16 through March 31 for additional protection towards potential impacts. The cooler months generally offer a lower risk for environmental impact. Historic Resources An archaeological assessment has not been completed for the proposed dredging; however, the site is a federally authorized navigation channel and has been dredged since the 1940's. North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) The project involves expenditure of public funds and is in compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). SEPA applies for any project that meets all three of the following criteria, an environmental document must be prepared: 1. An expenditure of $10 million in funds provided by the state of North Carolina for a single project or action or related group of projects or action Or land -disturbing activity of equal to or greater than 10 acres of public lands resulting in substantial, permanent changes in the natural cover or topography of those lands (or waters) 2. An action by a state agency, and 3. Has a potential detrimental environmental effect upon natural resources, public health and safety, natural beauty, or historical or cultural elements, of the state's common inheritance. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Navigation Project Maintenance Dredging of Atlantic Harbor Permit Narrative (March 2019) Since the project is less than $10 million and disturbs less than 10 acres of public land, further environmental documentation under SEPA is not required. In addition, under 15A NCAC O1C .0408, this project does not meet minimum criteria associated with development requiring a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit or a State Dredge and Fill Law permit because it involves "maintenance activities associated with maintaining the traditional and established use of a channel." Summary In summary, the County is requesting state and federal authorization to conduct maintenance dredging of Atlantic Harbor to aid navigation and preserve the health and safety of boaters traversing in and out of the harbor. A total of approximately 13,200 CY will be dredged and placed on County -owned White Point, which was also the material placement location for the previously conducted emergency project. The proposed maintenance dredging will restore the channel to depths in the inner and outer harbor to -5-ft MLLW +1 to -6-ft MLLW +1 inclusive of a 1-ft overdredge tolerance. Sediment analysis confirmed the material is not beach compatible and that the chemical quality was such that placement on White Point with no residential uses was appropriate and did not present a significant risk to the public. The proposed work will follow additional guidelines and recommendations to avoid or further minimize the potential for environmental impacts during construction. This includes constructing during the cooler winter months of November through March, as well as the use of turbidity curtains, a containment berm, and silt fence. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Carteret County Shallow Draft Navigation Waterways Atlantic Harbor Maintenance Dredging CAMA Major Permit Application Tab B: Form MP-1 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY APPLICATION for Major Development Permit (last revised 12127106) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Carteret County Project Name (if applicable) Atlantic Harbor Dredging Project Applicant 1: First Name Gregory MI Last Name Rudolph Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants, please attach an additional pages) with names listed. Mailing Address 302 Courthouse Square PO Box City Beaufort state INC ZIP 28516 Country us Phone No. 252-728-8485 ext. FAX No. 252-222-5826 Street Address (N different from above) City State ZIP Email grudolph@carteretcountync.gov 2. Agent/Contractor Information Business Name Moffatt & Nichol Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Robert Neal Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City Stale 272 N. Front Street, Suite 204 Wilmington NC ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 28401 910 - 218 - 7100 ext. - - ext. FAX No. - Contractor a 919 781 4869 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email rneal@moffattnichol.com <Form continues on back> RECEIVED APR 01 2019 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagem"-MHD CITY Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd. # Carteret Atlantic Harbor Subdivision Name City State Zip N/A Atlantic NC 28511 - Phone No. Lot No.(s) (d many, attach additional page with list) ext. I I, a. In which NC river basin Is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project White Oak River Basin Core Sound c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural ❑Manmade []Unknown Core Sound e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes ❑No work falls within. Carteret County 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 2,800 4.2 C. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or NWL (normal water level) (If many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) N/A ❑NHW or ❑NWL e. Vegetation on tract The navigation channel is a previously impacted system and heavily maintained; therefore, no significant resources including vegetation occur within the area. f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Fixed and floating docks, bulkheads, and the previously dredged channel. g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adiaoent to the proposed project site. Residential and undeveloped land located adajcent to the existing marina and navigation channel. h. How does local government zone the tract? I. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? Government (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ®Yes []No ❑NA J. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yea ®No k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, aftach a copy. ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, by whom? I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does ft involve a ❑Yes ®No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> RECEIVED APR 01 Z019 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanageme tCM-MHD CITY Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ®Yes []NO (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ®Yes []No (III) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? ❑Yes ®No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. N/A o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. N/A p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. N/A 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ®Public/Government ❑Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Atlantic Harbor provides recreational and commercial navigation access. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. Mechanical dredging equipment entailing an barge and bucket excavator. Dredge spoil will be placed on a work barge and transported to a adajecent disposal site, White Point. 13,200 CY to be dredged and placed upland on White Point. d. List all development activities you propose. N/A e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Maintenance f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 2.74 ❑Sq.Ft or ®Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ®Yes ONO ❑NA that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Small quantities of dredge effluent can be expected to runoff from the work barge during material transport, otherwise the effluent will be contained within the hauling equipment. Once placed on White Point, the material will be contained using silt fencing and a bens. i. Will wastewater or stonnwater be discharged into a wetland? []Yes ONO ❑NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ONO ®NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. <Form continues on back> RECEIVED nDD n t 701J 252-808.2808 :: 1-888-4RCOA3T :: www.ncconstaimanagement.net DOM-MID CITY Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form, (MP-1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) - (0 are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to property prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name James Wesley Bumpus - Phone No. Address 110 Locust Lane, Beaufort, NC 28516 Name Mark and Eric Smith Phone No. Address 299 Moms Marina Rd, Atlantic, NC 28511 Name Charles and Cindy Styron Photo No. Address 101 Core Sound Loop Rd., Atlantic, NC 28511 g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, pemlittee, and issuing dales. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. I. Welland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) it. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 1 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date Print Name _Gregory Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ®DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ❑DCM MP-3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP-4 structures Information RECEIVED APR 01 2019 252.808-2808 :: 1.888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.netDCM-MHD CITY DCM-MHD CITY 11 AERIAL PROVIDED BY NC ONE" S� q J '1/qr 15+00 N 14+00 ,e9 13+00 12+00 _eo 11 +00 3 10+00 -•' CORE SOUND 9+00 FEDERAL NAVIGATION CHANNEL LIMITS 8+00 (ATLANTIC HARBOR OF REFUGE) 7+00 6+00 a9 _e? _eo AtlmW SW $14le 3hNte Deu.iry CummlJaOve SIeBm (� �OIIIQLW) WIM I►3') (�:V7 IoIR) Vetume lCVJ ef00 Ix3.IJ 6MLW+1 3:1 0.6 ]+09 123.D 6MLW+1 3:1 0.8 8«9p 12).1] 6MLW+1 3:1 10 9+a9 123.1] 6MLW+1 !:1 1.3 I9a0p 123.1] 6MLW+1 s:l L4 I N(q li].tl 6MLW+t 49 3:1 IJ I2*90 123.D 6MLW+1 40 YI 3.4 13a00 123.tl 6MLW+1 40 5:1 6.5 /I 14a00 123.IJ 6MLWH 40 : !:1 9.1 IxI.D 6MLW+1 40 . s:l t.2 3,A3 Q3.1] 6MLW+1 40.. 5:1 1.6 Oj88 -It+00 123.D 6MLW+1 40 sa to s3e9 19+W 98.66 6MLW+I 40.. 3:1 102 6,2t0 20VW,. 9tb6 6MLWH 407 11 9.1 ]1]8 2 9t.66 6MLW «Imlm0. 11 IO.I t,xJe 63.J4 6MLW +1 l3 '- 5'.I 10.0 9,291 41 44 Mir35.] 6MLW «I 20 }I 4.6 9,658 mail 43.66 -3 MLW •I 16 31 4.9 9,t95 8888� 8888� IN OS.e6 -5 MLW +I 20 3'.I 4.1 10,343 GRAPHIC SCALE FEET 43.66 -s MLW aI 4s YI 40 19,J4J xl.et -s MLW +I 55 Y.1 3.0 I LD9] LEGEND " 7{b0 " 25.6t -3 MLW al 190 YI 62 II55! CHANNEL CENTERLINE xwao 13.N -! MLW «I 190 s:l !.0 12,114 CHANNEL BASE (TOES) 35.68 -! MLW +I Y.1 3.8 �33! - - - - - SIDE SLOPE DREIXIING LIIo/1T u.w -s MLw a I so 3.x In � DREDGE AREA (CHANNEL BASE) x5.6t -3 MLW * I Y.i ee " "i DREDGE AREA SIDE SLOPE 23 et -1 MLW fI RI 1.1 ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY CARTERET COUNTY Fgt�@ 28, 2019 NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655875(SEA LEVEL). SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS RECEI�$Vg6RY ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING SHEET 2 OF 12 LOCATION MAP DCM-MHD CITY DCM-MHD CITY 10 'w z 0 F a -10 w -20 -1+00 10 0 z 0 F w -10 J w -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 6+00 L z 0 Iq a w W 10 0 -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 7+00 0+00 1+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 8+00 STATION 9+00 LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - — — - EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE — OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFMED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 9655975 (SEA LEVEL). O® VERTICAL SCALE: 1--10' CARTERET COUNTY RECEIVED SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-100' ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING PG. a OF 12 STA 6+00 TO 9+00 APR 01 Z 019 FE R ARY 28 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1 -21 -1+00 10 0 z 0 F a L -10 w -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 10+00 10 -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 11+00 0+00 1+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 12+00 STATION 13+00 LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - — — - EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE OVERDREDGETEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655975 (SEA LEVEL). CARTERET COUNTY SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING PG. 5 OF 12 STA I0+00 TO I3+00 0' S' to' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"-10' RECEIVED 0. HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-100' APR 01 2019 FEBR ARY 29. 2019 nrne_MHD CITY A 10 —20 —1+00 10 0 —20 —1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 14+00 Z O F Iq w —1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 15+00 10 3 J 0 —20 0+00 1+00 —1+00 0+00 STATION 16+00 STATION 17+00 1+00 LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - - - - EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE - OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655875 (SEA LEVEL). 0® VERTICAL SALE: 1"' RECEIVED a CARTERET COUNTY SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS HORIZONTAL SCALE: V-100' ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING A P P Q j 2019 PG.6 OF 12 STA 14+00 TO 17+00 FEBRUARY28,2019 DCM-MHD CITY 10 10 1 eMt 3 0 o w � 0— 0 v v j J —10 w� —10 w w —20 —20 —1+00 0+00 1+00 —1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 18+00 STATION 19+00 10 10 ne kill 0 0 Z F. LL} o Z ! O . F F w� —10— —10 w w -20 -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 20+00 STATION 21+00 LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION — — — — EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE — — OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655875 (SEA LEVEL). 0® RECEIVED VERTICAL SCALE 1"-10' CARTETY SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-100' ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING APR 01 2019 STA 19+00 TO 21+00 PG. 7OF 12 FEBR ARY 28 2019 10 10Hill - iiiiii tj 3 Y0 MiLL- i J 0 J D tz V V Z + O Z O M,Y F F Q A -10 Q I�Ji -10 R w w -20 -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 22+00 STATION 22+50 10 I- 10 1 1 IT I I I II 0 01 O MIY O MIY _P ge LT R Q 1 —10 Q lo- w W —20 —20 —1+00 0+00 1+00 —1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 23+00 STATION 24+00 EXI GC� SMESLOPESRVIERPR6IFDf APAIALPHOtt1G HY. LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - — — -EXISTING GRADE , DESIGN TEMPLATE — — OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY 0® NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655975 (SEA LEVEL). RECEIVED VERTICAL SCALE: r"-10' V sv tar CARTERET COUNTY SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS HORIZONTAL SCALE: V-100' APR 01 2019 ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING PG. 8OF 12 STA 22+00 TO 24+00 FEBRUARY 28 2019 tz 10 0 -20 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 25+00 E%ISISNO CHANNEL SIDE SLOPES D IURE'IED FROM AERIAL PHOPOORAPIIY. ri -2 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 26+00 -2+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 27+00 LEGEND - - - -EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE OVERDREDGETEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655875 (SEA LEVEL). FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CARTERET COUNTY RECEIVED SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATTON WATERWAYS ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING STA 25+00 TO 27+00 APR 0 1 2019 0® ' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"-10' HORIZONTAL SCALE: V-100' 2019 1 DCM-MHD CITY z 0 F w w -2+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 28+00 -2+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 29+00 LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - - - - EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLVI AS DEFINED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 8655875(SEA LEVEL). RECEIVED 0® VERTICAL SCALE: I"-lV 0' 80' 100' CARTERET COUNTY APR 01 2019 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-1 00' SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING STA 28+00 TO 29+00 DCM-MHD CITY PG. 10 OF 12 __. FEBRUARY 28. 20I9 3 z 0 F w -2+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 30+00 10 0 A z 0 F Q , -10 w -20 -2+00 -1+00 0+00 1+00 STATION 31+00 LEGEND FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION — — — — EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE — OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS OAA TIDE GAUGES 95; D> RECEIVED o® VERTICAL SCALE: 1"-10' 0 Stl low CARTERET COUNTY APR 01 2019 SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-100' c.uoF12 A 0+00O31++ AAA C STT00HAOR EDREDGING DCM-MHD CITY Z 0 F w w LEGEND 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 - - - - EXISTING GRADE DESIGN TEMPLATE - OVERDREDGE TEMPLATE DREDGE AREA ELEVATIONS REF. MLLW AS DEFINED BY NOAA TIDE GAUGE 9655975 (SEA LEVEL). STATION 32+00 FOR REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CARTERET COUNTY SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION WATERWAYS ATLANTIC HARBOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING PG 12 OF 12 STA 32+00 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY VERTICAL SCALE: 1"-10' 0' w 1w HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-100' Carteret County Shallow Draft Navigation Waterways Atlantic Harbor Maintenance Dredging CAMA Major Permit Application Tab E: Geotechnical Analysis RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY ATLANTIC OCEAN eV CAPELOOKOUT I J ..,` ,_ 1 BEAUFORT PAMLICO SOUND 4 JJy./ .♦ �YY �� NEUSE RIVER ` Page 13 Section 2: Methodology Athena utilized our 35-foot research vessel, Artemis (Figure 2), to act as the sampling platform for this project. Artemis was equipped with all required United States Coast Guard (USCG) safety gear and was operated by a USCG -certified 100 Ton Master Captain. A Trimble Differential Global Positioning System (capable of sub -meter accuracy) interfaced with HYPACK was utilized for primary navigation. Horizontal coordinates were recorded in North American Datum of 1983 State Plane Coordinate System, North Carolina (Zone 3200), U.S. Survey Feet. Real-time tide elevation data were obtained using a Champion TKO Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver interfaced with the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station Network, which served as the base station. l _ >A73-. Figure 2: Research vessel Artemis offshore of Mobile Bay, Alabama. During field operations, Artemis was immobilized over the desired sample sites using spuds. Once on station, the coordinates at the vessel location were compared with the coordinates for the desired sample location to ensure accurate vessel positioning. A vibracore location map has been included as Figure 3. Upon satisfactory positioning, a water depth was collected via lead line. Subsequently, the tide elevation was recorded in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) at each sample location and was converted to MLLW using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Vertical Datum Transformation (VDatum) software program (Version 3.6.1). The converted data, in conjunction with the recorded water depth, were then used to determine the sediment surface elevation in relation to MLLW at each sample location. Vertical (and horizontal) data conversions are summarized in Table 1. RECEIVED A P R O 1 2019 t293 Fam Road, PO Box 68 McC ellanvil e, South Carolina 2 W8 HE (843) 887-3800 DCM-MHD CITY w .athenatechnologies.com FIGURE 3: VIBRACORE LOCATION MAP ATLANTIC HARBOR CARTERET COUNTY NAVIGATION PROJECT, NC W �HENA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. MARCH 2018 VIBRACORE HST I NORTH HORIZOTAL DATUM: NC STATE PLANE ZONE 3200 NAD83 US SURVEY FEET C RECEIVED WHITE 03 AH- POINT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CI ® VIBRACORE �.. LOCATION IMAGE SOURCE: USDA Athena Technologies, Inc. PO Box 68 McClellanville, SC 29458 843-887-3800 Is TABLE 1 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DATA CONVERSION SUMMARY ATLANTIC HARBOR Boring ID Data Conversion Input Parameters n1 Data Conversion Output Parameters State Plane Coordinates M East (x) North (y) Elevation 131 (NAND 88) Geographic Coordinates Latitude Longitude Elevation (MLLW) AH-01 2,799,429.58 422,746.27 1.08 34.8820363 -76.3340428 1.75 AH-02 2,799,681.27 423,143.13 0.70 34.8831123 -76.3331760 1.36 AH-03 2,799,934.31 423,513.57 0.73 34.8841098 -76.3322883 1.38 AH-04 2,799,954.70 423,977.08 0.70 34.8854001 -76.3322022 1.34 AH-05 2,799,405.96 424,263.90 0.62 34.8862010 -76.3339523 1.27 AH-06 2,799,398.50 423,197.85 0.80 34.8832888 -76.3341171 1.46 AH-07 2,799,984.56 422,844.07 1.06 34.8822683 -76.3321839 1.72 n1= Coordinate and elevation convention conducted vie the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Veracal Datum Transformation (VDatum) software, Version 3.6.1. 1�1= Horizontal coordinates were recorded in the field and are referenced to North American Datum of 1983. State Plane Coordinate System, NoM Carolina (Zone 3200), US Survey Fast. Notes 131= Elevation data were recorded in the field using a Champion TKO Global Navigation Satellite System unit interfaced wait the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Network. NAVD 88 = North American Vertical Datum of 1988 MLLW = Mean Lower Low Water v � r n � m n _ o m v n 0 < m -c 1293 Graham Faro, Road, PO Box 68 McClellan 4lle. South Carolina 29458 ME (543)887-3800 TrC-H—N U-LUUTEr IN www.athenatechndnies.com Page 16 A custom -designed and fabricated vibracore system was utilized to collect the geotechnical vibracores. The vibracore system consists of a generator with a mechanical vibrator attached via cable to a 3-inch diameter, galvanized sample barrel. The sample barrel was lowered until the bottom of the barrel was directly above the sediment surface. The vibracore machine was turned on and the sample barrel was allowed to penetrate until the bottom of the sample barrel reached project depth. Once the sample barrel reached project depth, the machine was turned off and the sample barrel was retrieved using an electric winch. The cores were then capped, labeled, and cut into 5-foot sections. A summary table containing final location coordinates, elevation data, and penetration and recovery lengths has been included as Table 2. The completed cores were opened longitudinally at Athena's core processing facility in McClellanville, South Carolina. The cores were photographed after opening and were logged in accordance with protocol outlined in ASTM D 2488 and ASTM D 2487. One composite sample was collected to a depth of -11.5' MLLW from each core. Furthermore, discrete samples were collected from targeted sediment intervals in each core. The composite and discrete samples were submitted to Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) in Jacksonville, Florida, for analysis. Terracon is a USACE-accredited geotechnical laboratory. All samples were analyzed for grain size distribution in accordance with ASTM D 6913 using the following sieve sizes: 3/4", 5/8", 7/16", 5/16", No. 3.5, No. 4, No. 5, No 7, No. 10, No.14, No. 18, No. 25, No. 35, No. 45, No. 60, No. 80, No. 120, No. 170, No. 200, and No. 230. The laboratory also conducted visual percent shell determination for each sample using the Terry and Chilingar method (1955). The composite samples were analyzed for carbonate content in accordance with the Twenhofel and Tyler acid digestion method (1941). A summary of laboratory results is presented in Table 3. Core photographs and logs have been included as Appendix A, and laboratory analytical reports have been included as Appendix B. RECEIVED APR p 1 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 A!WHE (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES. I" - w .athenatechnologies.com 17 TABLE 2 GEOTECHNICAL VIBRACORE SUMMARY ATLANTIC HARBOR Coordinates Tide Tide Sediment Bottom Elevation of Boring ID Collection Time Elevation m Water Depth Surface Recovered penetration Recovery Nobs Dab East North (it MLLVY) (ft) Elevation Core (ft) (ft) (x) (�) (1t MLLW) it MLL AH-01 3/27/2018 7:59 2,799,429.58 422,746.27 7.8 1.7 -6.1 -13.0 7.5 6.9 AH-02 3/27/2018 9:18 2,799,681.27 423,143.13 4.2 1.4 -2.8 -11.7 10.0 8.9 AH-03 3/27/2018 9:47 2,799,934.31 423,513.57 4.3 1.4 -2.9 .13.4 12.0 10.5 AH-04 3/27/2018 10:15 2,799,954.70 423,977.08 5.0 1.3 -3.7 -10.9 8.5 7.3 AH-05 3/27/2018 10:54 2,799,405.96 424,263.90 7.1 1.3 -5.8 -16.8 12.5 11.0 AH-06 3/27/2018 8:52 2,799,398.50 423,197.85 3.2 1.5 -1.7 -13.8 12.5 12.1 AH-07 3/27/2018 8:18 2,799,984.56 422,844.07 5.1 1.7 -3.4 -12.3 10.0 8.9 pl = Coordinates were recorded in North Amencan Datum of 1983. State Plane Coordinate System, North Carolina (Zone 3200), US Survey Feet Notes IM = Elevation data were recorded in the field!using a Champion TKO Global Navigation Satellite System unit interfaced with the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Network. rt=feet MLLW = Mean Lower Low Water 1 m n o m = � < o N m n o v 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McCkllanvlle, South Camfine 29458 TECHHOLOGIC3. INC.www.alhenatechnolo9iea.tom 1 o to Q D 2 D 2 D 0 D 2 D x ➢ 2 s � 0 610Z1 Q3 zmo a < O V Gl J m Ce + r d + n < G O O T m N N U N N y N U N U N N y n a lUil N N (yif N W fN�l fUJ m O 'O O O U m {II N C O U V U O U m O U N O O U U r/Pi O V d 3 a m L V L N N b m +O A N O O W s 0 6 b J S O in 4. m O m L W ro O m + p W 3 GI 1 ? m m o D OD Co m D ° ago c m 03 A3 D A O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 W 0 O 0 O 0 O o O b O o O io J 0 O 0 O o O a m o O a O S p S S S W N O + o O O O o O O fm m F. �m -n ia A m at m m J A m W m V m f0 + a at m d m m + m W A W A m W a U m U m O w U w n O! IV iD i p� � pq N O tJ m A U ;O A � m > m m C. W A p fp p H n.. + .(J W G p A 0 N S m ia =m 6 ei A W c m y m c m O O O m O O N O O O � O O O N O O N N A 'Q O f� 3038 19 Boring ID Top of Core Elevation (ft MLLW) Sample ID Sample Interval (k bss) (ft MLL91) Laboratory USCS Classification Percent Gravel -Sized Fraction Itl Percent Sand -Sized Fraction m Percent Fine -Grained Fraction PI Percent Carbonate/ Visual Percent Shell l6l C2 0-8.1 3.4 to-11.5 SM 0.67 85.74 13.59 0.6 AH-07 S1 0.5 3.9 Sp 0.00 99.50 0.50 0 -3.4 S2 3.0 -6.4 SP 0.00 96.49 3.51 2 S3 7.5 -10.9 SP-SM 0.00 93.87 6.13 0 It MLLW = %at reletive tc mean borer low water a bss = feet below sediment surface USCS = Unified Sod Classification System Notes 0I = Defined as the sample fraction wni is retained on the Number 4 sieve (i.e., greater than 4.75 millimeters). DI = Defined as the sample traction that is retained on various sieves between Me Number 4 end Number 200 sieves (i.e., sae between 4.75 and 0.074 millimeters, respectively). RI = Defined as the sample fraction which passes the Number 200 sieve (i.e., less Man 0.074 millimeters). I41=Percent carbonate determined using the Twenholel and Tyler acid digestion method (1941). Visual percent shell determined using the Terry and Chi ingar method (1965). v � n � m 0 x o m v n � 0 < m � � v 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McCledenville, South Carolina 29458 �../K (843)887-3800 BN t INwww.athenalechnologies.com Page 110 Section 3: References ASTM Standard D2487, 2006e1. "Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)", ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2011. ASTM Standard D2488, 2000. "Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual -Manual Procedure)", ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2000. ASTM Standard D6913, 2004. "Standard Test Methods for Particle -Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis", ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2004. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 HE (843)887-3800 e HN r iN w .athenatechnologies.com Appendix A: Core Photographs and Logs RECEIVED APP 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 HE (843) 887-3800 NN r o w .athenatechnologies.com n z K3 0 5 5 7 0 N RECEIVED ePR 01 2019 ,ON DOW-MIiD CITY AH-01 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image AWHENA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnolog;es.com (843)887-3800 Boring Designation AH-01 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OMER SHEET 1 Moffatt 8 Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina OF 1 SHEETS �• PROJECT 9. SIiE AND TYPE OP BIT 3.0 In. Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM i HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 MLLW Z RORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURERS DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER AH-01 i X = 2,799,430 Y = 422,746 0 MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY I CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UO) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 3 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 1a WATER DEPTH 1.7 Ft. S. DIRECTION OF BORING , DEG. FROM i BEARING :STARTED (COMPLETED ®VERTICAL 'VERTICAL � INCLINED 15. DATE BORING i 03-27-18 07:59 i 03-27-18 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -6.1 FL 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 6.9 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR a. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 7.5 Ft. A. Freeze D BID Oa ELM. Ill) SCALE (Rl W ri CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depth, and elevation, be,ed on measured values % REC. CQ R[1 ARM -6.1 0.0 DD Sample 1116-1, Depth = 0.5' Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.41 Shell: 1 %, Fines (#200) - 14.65 (SM) Silty SAND; mostly fine quartz sand, little inorganic silt in burrows, matrix and layers, Sample #C1, Depth = 0 - 5.4' trace fine gravel -sized shell (primarily Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.64 between 2.0-2.4'), soft/loose, bioturbated, Carbonate: 0.5%, Fines (#200) -15.54 (SM) very dark gray (5Y-3/1), ISM). Sample #S-2, Depth = 3.0' a ro Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.51 -10.1 4.0 Shell: I%, Fines (#200) -19.66 ISM) Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, trace inorganic silt in burrows Sample #S-3, Depth = 5.0' and as rip -ups, trace medium to coarse Mean (mm): 0.30, Phi Sorg: 0.95 m -11.6 5.5 .' sand -sized shell, loose, gray (6Y-5/1), (SP). Shell: 1 %, Fines (#200) - 3.00 (SP) • Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine grading (at -65) to medium quartz sand, trace inorganic silt in burrows, loose to medium dense, olive -12.8 6.7 5YA , SP . Clayey AND; mos medium quartz sand, little inorganic day, medium still/medium dense dark olive brown 2.5Y-3/3 (SC). End of Boring RECEIVED APR 01 2019 M-MHD CITY SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 0 5 10 15 0 1 2 K `7 5 5 Co 7 DOO E 10 AH=02 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image A46FHEMAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843)887-3800 Boring Designation AH-02 DRILLING LOG CLIENT I PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Moffatt & Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina or 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF SIT 3.0 In. Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 MLLW 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER AH-02 1 X = 2,799,681 Y = 423,143 [3 MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED ' UNDISTURBED IUD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 3 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 1.4 Ft. S. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL ' VERTICAL INCLINED (] 18. DATE BORING � 03-27-18 09:18 03-27-18 S. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -2.8 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 8.9 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10.0 Ft. A. Freeze ELEV. 0 SCALE W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % KW OA REMARKS (R) (R), W Deptas and elevations based on measured values ABC. GM -2.8 0.0 83 Poorly graded with sit; mostly fine to Sample #S-1, Depth = 0.5' medium quartz sand, few inorganic and Mean 0.25, Phi Sorting: 0.63 � y -3.6 0.8 organic silt in burrows and laminations, softAoose, biolurbated, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (mm): Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 6.56 (SP-SM) SP-SM . -q 6 1.8 Silty SAND; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, little inorganic and organic silt in Sample #S-2, Depth = 1.5' Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.51 N N burrows and laminations, sofVloose, Shell: 1 %, Fines (#200) - 15.02 ISM) bioturbatetl olive gray (5Y-4/2),ISM). Sample #C2, Depth = 0 - 8.7' N Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.80 Carbonate: 1.2%, Fines (#200) - 53.78 (MI-1) Fat CLAY; mostly inorganic Gay, trace fine quartz sand in laminations and burrows, trace organic silt in occasional lamination, medium to high plasticity, soft to medium stiff, very dark gray (5Y-3/1), (CH). Sample #S-3, Depth = 7.0' N Mean (mm): 0.14, Phi Sorting: 0.79 Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 95.87 (MH) -11.711 8.9 End of Boring RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -10 15 I 2 3 n Pi 5 0 N C`J W 10 11 12 i9? 15 AH =03 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <J� AW"E HA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. RECEIVED Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road APR 01 2019 McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies com DCM-MHD CI?' (843) 887-3800 Borinq Desiqnation AH-03 DRILLING LOG '"EMT PROJECT OWNER I SHEET I. Moffatt & Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina of , SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF SIT 3.0 In. Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM :HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 MLLW 2 BORING DESIGNATION I LOCATION COORDWATH 11. MANUFACTURERS DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q�-I AUTO HAMMER AH-03 i X = 2,799,934 Y = 423,514 [3 MANUAL HAMMER S. DRILLING AGENCY I CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED I UNDISTURBED (UO) Athena Technologies, Inc. ; 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 3 4• NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 1q, WATER DEPTH 1.4 Ft. S. DIRECTION OF BORING , DEG. FROM i EMAININO :STARTED (COMPLETED ®VERTICAL VERTICAL i Q INCLINED i i 15. DATE BORING 03-27-18 09:47 i 03-27-18 B. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -2.9 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 10.5 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.0 Ft. A. Freeze ELEV. IN) D SCALE W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS IH) h EW OG REMARKS w DPpMN And elevetlons Desed on measuretl values REC. C` -2.9 0.0 Rw Sample MS-1, Depth = 0.5' N Fat CLAY; mostly inorganic day, trace fine Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 0.80 quartz sand in occasional lamination and in Shell: 0%, Fines (0200) - 88.07 (MH) layers from 2.2-2.5', trace organic sift in occasional lamination, soft, medium to high plasticity, very dark gray (5Y-3/1 ), (CH). -5.8 2.9 Sample tS-2, Depth = 3.0' Mean (mm): 0.28, Phi Sorting: 0.66 Poorly graded SAND with silt; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, few inorganic silt in N Shell: 0%, Fines (f200) - 10.45 (SPSM) -6.8 3.9 burrows and as rip -ups, coarse gravel -sized oyster shell at 3.5% loose, gray (5Y-6/1), SP-SM . Sample •C1, Depth = 0 - 8.6' Fat CLAY; mostly inorganic day, trace fine to Mean (mm): 0.30, Phi Sorting: 0.69 medium quartz sand in layers from 4.9-5.3', Carbonate: 0.5%, Fines (1200) - 36.47 ISM) soft, medium to high plasticity, Very dark gray (5Y-3/1), (CH). .7 6.8 Sample YS-3, Depth = 7.5' Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine to medium U) quartz sand, trace inorganic silt in laminations, burrows, and as rip -ups, loose, Mean (mm): 0.29, Phi Sorting: 0.51 gray (5Y-6/1), (SP). Shell: 0%, Fines (0200) - 1.51 (SP) -11.5 8.6 Poorly graded SAND with day; mostly medium quartz sand, few inorganic day in matrix throughout interval, medium stiff/medium dense, borderline USCS = SC, color grades to olive brown (2.5Y 4/3) from -13.4 10.5 grayish olive, (10Y-52), (SP-SC). RECEIVED End of Boring APE 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 -5 -10 -15 u 1 K K? n 5 5 0 7 �69 AH=04 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. Notes: Scale in Feet 9 Photo Mosaic Image RECEIVED 101 APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www athenatechnologies com (843)887-3800 Boring Designation AH-04 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER I SNEET 1 Moffatt & Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina of 1 SNEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In, Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 I MLLW 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER AH-04 X = 2,799,955 Y = 423,977 (] MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 3 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 1.3 R. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING :DEG FROM i BLARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL � INCLINED 1S. OAT! BORING 03-27-18 10:15 : 03-27-18 S. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3.7 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 7.3 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 8.5 Ft. A. Freeze ELEV. SCALE D W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % MW OA XX REMARKS IN) IN) m DeptD* end elevation* Defeo on meesuM value* REC. -3.7 0.0 R� Sample #S-1, Depth = 0.5' Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.70 N Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 88.66 (MH) Fat CLAY; mostly inorganic Gay, little inorganic silt in matrix, trace medium sand in lamination at 0.7% trace organic silt in matrix, wood fragment at 4.0', soft to medium stiff, Sample #S-2, Depth = 3.0' 3.0' low to medium plasticity, very dark gray Mean mm : 0.21, Phi 0.71 ( ) g (5Y-3/1), (CH). rh Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 78.93 (MH) Sample #C2, Depth = 0 - 7.3' Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 0.98 -8.9 5.2 Carbonate: 0.6%, Fines (#200) - 50.63 (MH) -9.3 5.6 Silty SAND; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, little inorganic silt in burrows and laminations soft1loosegray 5Y-6/1 ISM). Sample #S-3, Depth = 6.0' Poorly graded SAND with clay; mostly fine y Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.49 quartz sand, few inorganic clay in matrix and Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 0.44 (SP) in layers at 6.f! and 6.7-7.3', trace organic silt -11.0 7.3 in burrows between 5.6-6.5', loose, olive 5Y-5/3). (SP-SC). End of Boring RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 5AJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 0 15 U E 2 3 5 �41 lei 7 E ll'J IF 11 12 13 m 15 AH =05 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image E IyA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. RECEIVEO 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com APR 01 P.019 (843) 887-3800 ,)CM Boring Designation AH-05 DRILLING LOG CLIlNT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Moffatt &Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF SIT 3.0 In. Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 MLLW 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER AH-05 i X = 2,799,406 Y = 424,264 0 MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (U I) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 ; 2 C NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 1.3 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING OEG. FROM BEARING 'STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL ] INCLINED 15. DATE BORING 1 03-27-18 10:54 03-27-18 S. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -5.8 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 FL 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 11 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.5 Ft. A. Freeze O BW OA ELEV. IN) SCALE IN) W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS NovatlonF % REC. REMARKS W O"U,. And CBFW on moaaurR4 vNuoF GS -5.8 0.0 B� Sample #S-1, Depth = 0.5' Fat CLAY; mostly inorganic clay, little N Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.85 inorganic silt in matrix, trace organic silt in Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 96.92 (MH) laminations, very soft, low plasticity, very dark gray (5Y-3/1 ), (CH). _g,q 2,g Sample #C2, Depth = 0 - 5.7' Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 1.10 PEAT with silt; mostly peat, little organic and Carbonate: 0.2%, Fines (#200) - 47.39 (SM) inorganic silt in matrix, very soft, black -9.6 3.8 (5Y-2.511), (PT). Elastic SILT; mostly inorganic silt, little -10.1 4.3 organic sift in matrix, few fine quartz sand in matrix, very soft, low plasticity, very dark gray 5Y-3/1 MH . Sample #S-2, Depth = 5.0' Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.51 Poorly graded SAND with silt; mostly fine quartz sand, few organic silt in matrix and in rn Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 2.33 (SP) layers, soft/loose, black (5Y-2.5/1), (SP-SM). -12.0 6.2 Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine quartz sand, trace organic silt in burrows and laminations, large wood/root fragments from 6.5-8.0', loose. gray (2.5Y-6/1), (SP). -13.6 7.8 Clayey SAND; mostly fine grading to medium quartz sand, little inorganic Gay in matrix, trace organic material (as roots), trace coarse sand -sized quartz between 9.0-97, dense/stiff, dark greenish gray (5GY4/1), (SC). -15.8 10.0 Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine quartz sand, trace organic material (as roots), loose, -16.8 11.0 •• light gray (5Y-7/1 ), (SP). RECEIVED End of Boring APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 act -5 10 •15 0 1 E 3 E 5 5 7 E 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 AH =06 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image f�a> ,A" H E IyA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. RECEIVED Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road �NR 0 1 2��9 McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843)887-3800 DCM-MHD CITE Boring Designation AH-06 DRILLING LOG GUERT PROJECT OVMER SHEET 1 Moffatt 8 Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 I MLLW z. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION OOURDMATO It. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL O AUTO HAMMER AH-06 i X=2,799,399 Y=423,198 QMANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY I CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (Up) Athena Technologies, Inc. 1z. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 3 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 1.$ F(. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING , DEC. FROM BEARING :STARTED ICOGPLETID ®VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED i i 15. DATE BORING ; 03-27-18 08:52 i 03-27-18 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -1.7 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 12.1 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR a. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.5 Ft. A. Freeze ELEV. SCALE D w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % IR Ka REMARKS III (NI W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. OQ -1 7 0.0 mM Sample #S-1, Depth = 0.5' Silty SAND; mostly fine to medium quartz Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.72 sand, little inorganic sift in matrix and in Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 25.09 ISM) burrows, trace fine to coarse sand -sized shell, medium dense/medium stiff, bioturbated, dark gray (SY4/1), ISM). a.4 2.7 Sample #C2, Depth = 0 - 9.8' ' U Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.72 Carbonate: 0.8%, Fines (#200) - 6.85 (SP-SM) Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine quartz sand, trace inorganic and organic silt in occasional burrow, trace medium to coarse Sample #S-2, Depth = 5.0' quartz sand, medium dense, gray (5Y-6/1), di Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.44 (SP). Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 1.75 (SP) 8 7.1 V] Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, trace inorganic silt in occasional burrow, trace coarse quartz sand, medium -10.0 8.3 dense light yellowish brown 2.5Y-6/3 (SP), Poorly graded SAND with sift; mostly medium quartz sand, few inorganic sift in matrix and Sample AS-3, Depth = 9.0' y burrows, trace coarse quartz sand, medium Mean (mm): 0.27, Phi Sorting: 0.74 dense, light yellowish brown (10YR-6/4), Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 3.31 (SP) (SP-SM). -11.9 10.2 •• -12.2 10.5 Silty SAND; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, little inorganic silt in matrix, little fine sand to fine gravel -size shell, medium dense/medium stiff, light brownish gray 2.5Y-6/2 SM . Poody graded SAND; mostly fine grading to 1 12 1 medium quartz sand, trace inorganic sift and RECEIVED clay in matrix and in burrows, trace coarse quartz sand, medium dense, color grades to yellowish yelowshrbrvown (0YR-W4)o(SP). APR 01 2019 End of Boring DCM-MHD CITY SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 0 5 0 5 111 I 2 K? 2 61 E 0 7 rJ 10 AH=07 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc. RECEIVED APR 01 Z019 DCM-MHD CITY Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image Ao&THENA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843)887-3800 Boring Designation AH-07 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OYMER SHEET 1 Moffatt & Nichol Carteret County, North Carolina OF 1 SHEETS t. PROJECT B. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Carteret County Navigation Project 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Carteret County, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 MLLW 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11, MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER AH-07 i X = 2,799,985 Y = 422,844 O MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 1z. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 3 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DERV 1.7 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING ;DEG. FROM i BRAKING STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL INCLINED 0� 15. DATE BORING 03-27-18 08:18 : 03-27-18 5. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3.4 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 FL 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 8.9 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10.0 Ft. A. Freeze D Z BM 0y ELEV. IN) SCALE (N) In W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS DepMs and •levallons sued on measured values % REC. GR REMARKS -3.4 0.0 09 Poorly graded SAND; mostly fine to medium Sample #S-1, Depth = 0.5' quartz sand, trace inorganic silt in occasional rn burrow, trace fine to coarse sand -sized shell, Mean (mm): 0.28, Phi Sorting: 0.48 .4.7 1.3 .' loose, light olive gray (5Y-6/2), (SP). Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 0.50 (SP) Poorly graded SAND with silt; mostly fine to medium quartz sand, few inorganic silt in matrix and burrows, trace fine to coarse Sample #S-2, Depth = 3.0' sand -sized shell, medium dense, Mean (mm): 0.23, Phi Sorting: 0.67 ry bioturbated, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP-SM). y Shell: 2%, Fines (#200) - 3.52 (SP) N -7.3 3.9 ' Sample #C2, Depth = 0 - 8.1' Silty SAND; mostly medium quartz sand, little inorganic silt in matrix, trace coarse quartz U Mean (mm): 0.30, Phi Sorting: 0.93 sand throughout interval, trace fine sand to Carbonate: 0.6%, Fines (#200) - 13.59 (SM) fine gravel -sized shell, medium dense, bioturbated, color grades to olive (5Y 5/3) from, dark gray (5Y-4/1), (SM). -9.8 6.4 Poorly graded SAND with silt; mostly medium quartz sand, few inorganic silt in matrix, trace Sample #S-3, Depth = 7.5' coarse quartz sand, medium dense, olive Mean (mm): 0.34, Phi Sorting: 0.74 e (5Y-5/3), (SP-SM). -11.7 8.3 Shell: 0%, Fines (#200) - 6.12 (SP-SM) Silty GRAVEL; mostly fine gravel -sized shell, -12.3 8.9 little inorganic silt in matrix, little fine quartz sand in matrix, loose, light olive gray 5Y-6/2 GM. End of Boring RECEIVED APR U 1 2019 DCM-MHD CITY SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 0 5 10 [F: Appendix B: Laboratory Analytical Reports RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanWle, South Carolina 29458 Htff (843)887-3800 iN ' w .athenatechnologies.com farracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists Carbonate Content Data Project Name: Carteret County Navigation Project Project Number: EQ18SO47 Date: 4/2412018 Station No. Sample No. Depth Range, Feet Tare No. Beaker No. Dry Sample M. percent Carbonate Before After AH-01-0318-Cl AH-01 0-5.4 301 11 103.03 102.50 0.5 AH-02-0318-C2 AH-02 0-8.7 167 10 48.86 48.27 1.2 AH-03-0318-Cl AH-03 0-8.6 405 6 60.90 60.60 0.5 AH-04-0318-C2 AH-04 0-7.3 433 1 41.70 41.45 0.6 AH-05-0318-C2 AH-05 0-5.7 131 8 27.63 27.58 0.2 AH-06-0318-C2 AH-06 0-9.8 303 16 102.61 101.77 0.8 AH-07-0318-C2 AH-07 0-8.1 449 40 114.71 114.07 0.6 Tested By: CRM Sr. Reviewed By: TES RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: t Count Project No.: 47 rAH-Ol-0318-Cl Boring No.: Sample No.: Depth: 0-5.4 Date: 4/23/2018 Description: I SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand - size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2 Tare Weight, (g): 1 51.67 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): (with tare) 189.10 Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4"' 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.01 99.99 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.08 99.93 0 0.00 #10 2,000 0.16 99.82 10 0.02 #14 1.400 0.29 99.61 10 0.03 #18 1.000 0.50 99.24 1 0.01 #25 0.710 1.33 98.28 20 0.27 #35 0.500 2.70 96.31 10 0.27 #45 0.355 4.61 92.96 2 0.09 #60 0.250 7.51 87.49 1 0.08 #80 0.180 35.45 61.70 0 0.00 #120 0.125 56.09 20.88 0 0.00 #170 0.090 6.25 16.34 0 0.00 #200 1 0.075 1.10 15.541 01 0.00 #230 1 0.063 0.651 15.061 01 RECB Total Shell Content: 1 ED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY - IIIII�■■■Illli�■■■IIIII�■■�iii:��■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■ ., IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIII1�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■II111�■�l■IIIII�■■■IIII1�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■� IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ .. 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II111�■■■I1111�■■■I1111�■■■II111�■■■II111�■■■I1111�■■■ , Project Carteret County Navigation Pmject GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 MAY 63 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificaton Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: RECEIVED ECEIVED 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West APR 01 2019 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT 85047 Depth: 0.5 Date: 6l6/2018 SAND, silty, mostly fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand -size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5l2 Tare Weight, (g Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Dry Weight After Washing (g): 172.83 (with tare) (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) /o Passing Approx.o Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7,938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.09 99.93 100 0.09 #18 1.000 0.13 99.82 100 0.13 #25 0.710 0.23 99.63 100 0.23 #35 0.500 0.32 99.36 100 0.32 #45 0.355 0.74 98.75 10 0.07 #60 0.250 3.60 95.78 5 0.18 #80 0.180 42.85 60.36 1 0.43 #120 0.125 50.62 18.52 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.94 15.26 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.74 14.651 01 0.00 #230 0.063 0.56 14.18 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 1 % „ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■�Ill��i�y■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ . IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■�1■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■�1■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■�I■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■�I■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■�■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ �' ' IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■I�IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■1�11111!■■■IIIII!■■■ - IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■1�11111!■■■IIIII!■ IIIII!!■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■l�IIIII!■■■IIIII!■ ' IIIII!■■■IIIII!!■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■��IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■��IIIII!■■■IIIII!■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■��IIIII!■■■IIIII!■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■��IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ ' IIIII!■■�lllill!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ tllll!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■��IIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ ' ' IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ . ' IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■IIIII!■■■ „ Piroject Carteret Coun"avigation Project ®� M�o��� GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 RECEIVED MAY 63 APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification Terracon RECEIVED 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West APR 01 2019 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Project No.: Boring No.: rAH-01 Sample No.: Depth:1 3.0 Date: 6/6/2018 Description: I SAND, silty, mostly fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand -size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/2 Tare Weight, (g): 50.18 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 171.43 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Name Sieve Size mm ( ) Weight Retained (g) o �� Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.07 99.94 50 0.04 #14 1.400 0.16 99.81 70 0.11 #18 1.000 0.23 99.62 100 0.23 #25 0.710 0.45 99.25 100 0.45 #35 0.500 0.66 98.71 100 0.66 #45 0.355 1.16 97.75 10 0.12 #60 0.250 3.65 94.74 0 0.00 #80 0.180 22.88 75.87 0 0.00 #120 0.125 56.75 29.06 0 0.00 #170 0.090 9.49 21.24 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1 1.921 19.651 01 0.00 #230 0.063 1.13 18.72 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 1 % . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ Illui�y■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII\■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■\\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■�1■11111�■■■illll�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■11111�■■■11111�■■■ , IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■l�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■� ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ �' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII\■� IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIIi�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ '' 11111�■■■Ilill�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■t�lllll�■■■11111�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Iilll�■■��IIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Il�ill�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ „ P,oject Carteret County Na�gation Project ����■■ Boring AH:01 Date 6/612018 GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 I?ECEIVEr, MAY 63 APR 01 2019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT 85047 Depth: 5.0 Date: 6/6/2018 SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to fine sand -sized shell fragments (SP) 5Y 6/2 Tare Weight, (g): Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Dry Weight After Washing (g): l (with tare) (with tare) Sieve Size Name (Name) Sieve Size mm ( ) Weight Retained (g) ° /° Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.01 99.99 100 0.01 #5 4.000 0.23 99.82 100 0.23 #7 2.800 0.11 99.74 100 0.11 #10 2.000 0.53 99.34 100 0.53 #14 1.400 1.56 98.18 10 0.16 #18 1.000 3.92 95.24 5 0.20 #25 0.710 8.26 89.07 5 0.41 #35 0.500 14.05 78.56 1 0.14 #45 0.355 17.82 65.23 1 0.18 #60 0.250 18.89 51.11 0 0.00 #80 0.180 32.06 27.13 0 0.00 #120 0.125 30.02 4.68 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.88 3.28 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.331 3.031 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.181 2.891 0 0.00 I otal shellcontent: 1 1 % I RECEIVED APR 01 ZU19 DCM-MHD CITY " IIIII�■■■11111�■■�11111�■■`11111\■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■1►111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■Iliil�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' �' ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII\■■■IIIII�■�■11111�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' �' IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\1■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' „ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■Iilll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■� ; �' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■11■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■l�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' Illll�i■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�Ilill�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�\_IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' 11111�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��a�l�■■■IIIII�■■■ ..ES E NG FORM 2087 ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 RECEIVED qPR 01 Z019 RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mininq Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) - (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Carteret County Navigation Project Depth: 0-8.7 Project No.: E0185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: AH-02-0318-C2 Sample No.: AH-02 Description: Sandy elastic silt, some medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 3/1 Tare Weight, (g): Dry Wt. Before Washing (g):[_=jN0:9?65 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11 A 12 0.04 99.96 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.11 99.84 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.12 99.72 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.04 99.68 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.03 99.65 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.06 99.59 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.04 99.54 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.03 99.51 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.10 99.41 20 0.02 #25 0.710 0.21 99.19 10 0.02 #35 0,500 0.73 98.44 2 0.01 #45 0.355 2.35 96.01 1 0.02 #60 0.250 5.87 89.94 0 0.00 #80 0.180 12.50 77.01 0 0.00 #120 0.125 18.10 58.29 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.34 54.84 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.02 53.78 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.79 52.96 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % Jill " IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIII��■■■Illli.y■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' . IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�\�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■1�I1111�■■■IIIII�■■■ , ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ .. ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ .. IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ : IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■II��I�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . 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V ill • The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and Visual classification MAY 63 APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mininq Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Carteret County Navigation Project Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-02 Sample No.: S-1 Description: SAND, poorly -graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace medium to fine sand -size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 4/2 Tare Weight, (g): 1 50.01 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 1 166.55 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): I (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell o/o Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.13 99.89 100 0.13 #18 1.000 0.53 99.43 10 0.05 #25 0.710 1.44 98.20 5 0.07 #35 0.500 4.74 94.13 0 0.00 #45 0.355 13.81 82.28 1 0.14 #60 0.250 28.44 57.88 0 0.00 #80 0.180 37.00 26.13 0 0.00 #120 0.125 20.86 8.23 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.63 6.83 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.31 6.56 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.24 6.361 01 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % iiiiiiiiiiji Illlli■■■Illllf■■■Illlli■■�Iii:1i■■■Illlli■■■Illlli■■ . 11111�■■■Illlli■■■IIIII■■■IIIII\■■■IIIIi�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII\■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII��I■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII�II■■IIIII■■■IIIII■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII\'■■Ilill�■■■IIIII■ IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■►�■IIIII■■■11111�■ ' IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■1�■IIIII■■■11111�■■ Illlli■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■\�■11111�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■�1■11111�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■1■IIIII■■■11111�■■■ , illll�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■�I■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■Illlli■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■illll�■■■IIIII■■�■IIIII■■■11111�■■ IIIII■■■IIIIi�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■l�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■�::!"!li■■■IIIII■■■ ' Illlli■■■IIIII■■■Illlli■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■Illlli■■■ „ �� �mmmmm Carteret County Navigation Project ®� mmommmProject GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Carteret Coun Navigation Project Depth: 1.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-02 Sample No.: S-2 Description: SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand - size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/1 Tare Weight, (g): 1 51.56 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 174.93 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.13 99.89 100 0.13 #14 1.400 0.28 99.67 100 0.28 #18 1.000 0.12 99.57 100 0.12 #25 0.710 0.25 99.37 100 0.25 #35 0.500 0.59 98.89 10 0.06 #45 0.355 2.72 96.68 1 0.03 #60 0.250 12.51 86.54 1 0.13 #80 0.180 39.66 54.40 0 0.00 #120 0.125 43.24 19.35 0 0.00 #170 0.090 4.88 15.39 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.44 15.04 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 0.051 15.00 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 1 % IIIII�■■■Ilill�■■�11111�■■�Illli�y■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�� l■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■�I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�'■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■�illlll�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■`!1111�■■■IIIII�■■■ -' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■ �� �mmmmm Project Carteret County Navigation Project size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/1 Boring hlo�AH-02 GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 RECEIVED MAY 63 A°R 01 2019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville. Florida 32257 RECEIVED AP R 01 2019 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Carteret Coun Navigation Project Depth: 7.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-02 Sample No.: S-3 Description: Elastic silt, trace fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.511 I are vvelgnt, (g): I bI.bti Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 1 93.72 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): I (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) /o Passing Approx.o Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.03 99.93 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.03 99.86 1 0.00 #45 0.355 0.10 99.62 1 0.00 #60 0.250 0.11 99.36 0 0.00 #80 0.180 0.26 98.74 0 0.00 #120 0.125 0.65 97.20 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.35 96.37 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.21 95.871 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.22 95.351 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % IIIII�■■■Illli�■■■11111�■■�IIIII�■r�!!M11�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �, IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Ilill�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' • IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' Ilill�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ Project Carteret County Navigation Project GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 RECEIVED ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 APR 01 2019 DCM_MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: rAH teret C Project No.: 185047 Boring No.: -03-031 Sample No.: -03 APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Depth: 0-8.6 Date: 4/23/2018 Description: I SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, some silt, trace medium to fine size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 3/1 Tare Weight, (g): 1 50.18 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): (with tare) 144.06 Dry Weight After Washing (g): P(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7,938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.04 99.96 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.02 99.94 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.01 99.93 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.06 99.86 10 0.01 #10 2.000 0.01 99.85 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.16 99.68 40 0.06 #18 1.000 0.42 99.23 10 0.04 #25 0.710 1.61 97.52 30 0.48 #35 0.500 4.70 92.51 5 0.24 #45 0.355 11.75 80.00 0 0.00 #60 0.250 19.40 59.33 0 0.00 #80 0.180 14.72 43.65 0 0.00 #120 0.125 5.80 37.47 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.74 36.69 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.20 36.471 0 0.00 #230 0.063 1 0.181 36.281 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 1 % • • IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�Ili�l�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■111111 ■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ ■ ' 1 IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�I ■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ 1 ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■��■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ .. 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Before Washing (g) Dry Weight After Washing (g): 107.32 (with tare) (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.11 99.80 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.26 99.34 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.82 97.86 0 0.00 #60 0.250 1.39 95.37 0 0.00 #80 0.180 1.71 92.30 0 0.00 #120 0.125 1.72 89.21 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.37 88.55 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.27 88.071 01 0.00 #230 0.063 0.381 87.381 01 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�11111�■■�IIII���■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIIi�■■`��r�l�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' , 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ , Iilll�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIIIt■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ �' " IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ., IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIIi�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■II111�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ., 111111■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ „ Project Carteret County Navigation Project ®� Boring No. AH-03 GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 RECEIVED MAY 63 APR 01 2019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mininq Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) - (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Carteret County Navigation Project Depth: 3.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-03 Sample No.: S-2 Description: SAND, poorly -graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace medium to fine sand -size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2 Tare Weight, (g): 1 49,76 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g) I 176.02 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): I I (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm ) Weight Retained (g) % Passing Approx.Approx. Visual Shell % Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.07 99.95 100 0.07 #14 1.400 0.36 99.66 100 0.36 #18 1.000 0.68 99.12 10 0.07 #25 0.710 1.90 97.62 1 0.02 #35 0.500 6.91 92.15 1 0.07 #45 0.355 22.99 73.94 0 0.00 #60 0.250 36.80 44.79 0 0.00 #80 0.180 26.45 23.84 0 0.00 #120 0.125 15.29 11.73 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.34 10.67 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.281 10.451 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.271 10.241 01 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 " IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■�Iii�1�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIIIII■■■IIIII�■■■IIIIIO■■ , ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII\■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■ IIIII�■■■Ilill�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�►\■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Illll�ii■■IIIII�■■■IIIIINN IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��I■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��'■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■11111�■■■IIIII�■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■It■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■��■11111�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIIi�■■►�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■l�lllll�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' ' IIIII�■■illlll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�!1�11�■■■11111�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ Project Carteret County Navigation Project ®a (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2 Boring No. AH-03 GRADATIONfragments CURVES ENG FORM 2087 w�w"l v c1J MAY 67 APR 01 2019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mininq Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) - (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Carteret County Navigation Project Depth: 7.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-03 Sample No.: S-3 Description: SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace medium to fine sand -size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/1 Tare Weight, (g) 51.50 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): (with tare) Pq(withtare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/81, 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1,400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.32 99.76 5 0.02 #25 0.710 1.45 98.66 5 0.07 #35 0.500 5.95 94.14 1 0.06 #45 0.355 21.48 77.84 1 0.21 #60 0.250 52.22 38.20 0 0.00 #80 0.180 41.39 6.79 0 0.00 #120 0.125 6.64 1.75 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.24 1.56 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.071 1.51 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.021 1.501 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�11111�■■■IIu1�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Illlli■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■■■1111111■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ •' , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Illll�li■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�11■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��I■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��'■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ • ., IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■It■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' ' IIIIIo■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■It■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ ■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■� ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■i■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIII;■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■� �IIA� Carteret County Navigation Project GRADATIONProject ENG FORM 2087 rr ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 RECEIVEa- JVJ 1 p 1 -W9 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon APR 01 2019 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 DCM-MHD CITY (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: rAH-04 t Count Project No.: 47 Boring No.: 318-C2 Sample No.: Depth: 0-7.3 Date:4/23/2018 Description: I Sandy elastic silt, some medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.511 Tare Weight, (g): 1 51.76 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 134.60 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.36 99.57 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 99.57 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.04 99.52 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.01 99.51 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 99.51 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.07 99.42 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.01 99.41 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.02 99.38 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.10 99.26 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.22 99.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.52 98.37 1 0.01 #35 0.500 1.55 96.50 1 0.02 #45 0.355 3.73 92.00 0 0.00 #60 0.250 5.67 85.15 0 0.00 #80 0.180 8.69 74.66 0 0.00 #120 0.125 16.03 55.31 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.43 51.17 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.45 50.63 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.29 50.28 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■II■�IIII�■■riiii:�r��lllll�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�7■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■11111�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ .. IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �' , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�!!��I�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ • IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■III11�■■■IIIII�■■■IIII1�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ " IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ • • �mmmmm mmommmProject Date 4/23/2018 GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 " the USG classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and MAY 63 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 RECEIVED Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Cou APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Depth: 0.5 Date: 6/6/2018 Elastic silt, few medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.511 Tare Weight, (g): Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Dry Weight After Washing (g): ith tare) ith tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) /o Passing Approx.0 Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 Ol 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.01 99.98 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.01 99.96 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.19 99.53 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.52 98.36 0 0.00 #60 0.250 1.27 95.51 0 0.00 #80 0.180 1.50 92.15 0 0.00 #120 0.125 1.17 89.53 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.25 88.97 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.14 88.65 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.14 88.34 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % . II111�■■rlllll�■■�11111�■■�IIIIIi�y�lllll�■■■11111�■v . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Ilill�■■■IIIII�■\711111�■■■IIIII�■� IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■`ii��l�■■■IIIII�■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIiI�■■illlll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■� IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■� ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■A ' IIIII�■■iIIIII�■■■IIIII�■■illlll�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■® IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■A IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■� IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■illlll�■■i ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■11111�■i■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■i IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■i■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■III III■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIIi�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIIl�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■i . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■illlll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ Carteret County Navigation Project Elastic silt, few medium to fine-grained ���MIMM'projw GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 RECEIVED ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West APR 01 2019 Jacksonville Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) - (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Carteret C EQ185047 AH-04 S-2 Depth: 3.0 Date: 6/6/2018 Elastic silt with sand, little medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): I 100.79 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.01 99.98 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.01 99.96 50 0.01 #25 0.710 0.05 99.86 50 0.03 #35 0.500 0.35 99.17 0 0.00 #45 0.355 1.30 96.60 1 0.01 #60 0.250 2.29 92.07 0 0.00 #80 0.180 2.88 86.38 0 0.00 #120 0.125 2.86 80.72 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.58 79.58 0 0.00 #200 1 0.075 1 0.331 78.92 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.221 78.49 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % • IIIII�■■■IIi11�■■�IIIII�■■�IIIII�y■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . • IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■7■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■�711111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■t\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Il�ill�■■■IIIII�■■■ , • IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII!■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Illlli■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Iilll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' �' , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■ -' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �� �mmmmm Project Carteret County Navi ation Project ENG FORM 2087 I�Ef E1 V .D MAY 63 APR 0 1 2019 The U C classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West APR 0 1 2019 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT EQ185047 S-3 Depth:1 6.0 Date: 6/6/2018 SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 5Y 714 Tare Weight, (g): Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Dry Weight After Washing (g): 52.30 164.40 (with tare) (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o /o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.13 99.88 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.31 99.61 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.36 99.29 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.31 99.01 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.44 98.62 0 0.00 #45 0.355 1.05 97.68 0 0.00 #60 0.250 8.07 90.48 0 0.00 #80 0.180 36.53 57.89 0 0.00 #120 0.125 57.69 6.43 0 0.00 #170 0.090 6.20 0.90 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.50 0.45 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.12 0.35 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % Illlle■■■Illlle■■■lllll�r■�Iliiii�!■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ . Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■1■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■��■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ ' Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■�1■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ IIIIIe■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■�I■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ ' Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■��■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ Illlle■■■Illlle■■■IIIIIe■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ ' Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■I�Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ Illlle■■■IIIIIe■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■I�Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ ' � ' Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■1■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■I�Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ ' .Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■e�llllle■■■Illlle■■■ . Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■��Illlle■■■Illlle■■■ .. 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Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■■Illlle■■��1_��le■■■Illlle■■■ Project Carteret County Navigation Pro _ject GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 " The USQ classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 RECEIVED APR 0 1 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Terracon RECEIVED 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West APR p 1 2019 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) r1TY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Carteret Coun Navigation Project Depth: 0-5.7 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: AH-05-0318-C2 Sample No.: AH-05 Description: SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, some silt, trace fine gravel -size fragments (SM) 5Y 2.5/1 Tare Weight, (g): 1 49.77 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): (with tare) 97.35 Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) /o Passing Approx.o Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.22 99.54 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.12 99.29 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.11 99.05 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.01 99.03 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.10 98.82 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.02 98.78 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.20 98.36 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.09 98.17 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.14 97.88 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.20 97.46 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.61 96.17 1 0.01 #45 0.355 1.03 94.01 0 0.00 #60 0.250 2.43 88.90 0 0.00 #80 0.180 6.86 74.49 0 0.00 #120 0.125 10.77 51.85 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.76 48.15 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1 0.361 47.39 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.251 46.87 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % iiiiijillillillillillillillillillililI IIIII�■■rlllll�■■�IIIIIIr■�ii i� :!11■■�IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■e\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Ilill�■■■Iilll�■■�urrl�■■■IIIII�■■■ . 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Before Washing (g): 75.17 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) /o Passing Approx.o Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.01 99.96 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.01 99.92 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.08 99.61 0 0.00 #60 0.250 0.12 99.15 0 0.00 #80 0,180 0.19 98.42 0 0.00 #120 0.125 0.22 97.57 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.12 97.10 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.051 96.911 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.141 96.371 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % III11�■■■Illli�■■�11111�■■■IIIII��r�::�!1�■■■I1111�■■■ ' . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ � IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �' , IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ „ �� �mmmmm t Carteret County Navigation Project ®� mmommmProje No. AH-05 GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 MAY 63 APR 0 1 2019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Carteret County Navigation Project Depth: 5.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-05 Sample No.: S-2 Description: SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) SY 5/1 Tare Weight, (g) 1 51.07 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): 173.13 (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) ° �° Passing Approx. Visual Shell Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.29 99.76 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.26 99.55 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.93 98.79 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.40 98.46 0 0.00 #45 0.355 2.06 96.77 0 0.00 #60 0.250 8.47 89.83 0 0.00 #80 0.180 44.97 52.99 0 0.00 #120 0.125 53.78 8.93 0 0.00 #170 0.090 6.90 3.28 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.16 2.33 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.64 1.80 0 0.00 I otal Shell Content: 1 0 % Illlli■■rllllli■■�Illlli■■�IiiiGiy■■Illlli■■■Illlli■ . Illlli■■■Illlli■■■Illlli■■■Illlli\\■Illlli■■■Illlli■� IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■��■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■i■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■I�IIIIIi■■■IIIII�■■■ ' Illlli■■■Illlli■■■Illlli■■■Illlli■■i�llllli■■■Illlli■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■��11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■LIIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIIi�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■1��!1�■■■illll�■■■ ,, �� �mmmmm Carteret County NaAgaton Project ®a ..a...Project No. AH-05 GRADATION-CURVESBoring ENG FORM 2087 RECEIVED MAY 63 APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITy The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and RECEIVED APk 01 ZU19 Terracon DCM-MHD CITY 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: rAH-06 t C Project No.: 47 Boring No.: 31 Sample No.: Depth: 0-9.8 Date:4/23/2018 Description: I SAND, poorly -graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace fine sand -size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2 Tare Weight, (g): 1 49.83 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 179.33 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size Name (Name) Sieve Size mm ( ) Weight Retained (g) o �� Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.30 99.77 30 0.09 #14 1.400 0.56 99.34 10 0.06 #18 1.000 0.97 98.59 10 0.10 #25 0.710 1.82 97.18 15 0.27 #35 0.500 3.23 94.69 10 0.32 #45 0.355 6.87 89.38 1 0.07 #60 0.250 12.34 79.85 0 0.00 #80 0.180 27.54 58.59 0 0.00 #120 0.125 57.84 13.92 0 0.00 #170 0.090 8.62 7.27 0 0.00 #200 0.675 0.541 6.851 0 0.00 #230 0.063 1 0.211 6.691 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 1 % . • IIIII1■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■�iiC�l�■■■IIIII♦■■■IIIII■■■ . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII►�■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII\■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■�■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ illll�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■��■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■��■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■�■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ ,. IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■►�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■iilllll�■■■IIIII■■■ �' , IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■1■IIIII■■■IIIII■ IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■1■IIIII■■■IIIII■� . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■��IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII■■■Illli�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■��11111�■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■Lil��ll�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■�.rl�■■■IIIII■■■ . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■ prject Carteret County Navigation Project SAND, poorly -graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 �iEUHVEU MAY 63 APR 01 2019 The USG classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY Terracon 9655 Florida Mininq Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) - (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Carteret County Navigation Project Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-06 Sample No.: S-1 Description: SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 511 Tare Weight, (g) 1 50.27 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): I 177.13 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): I 1(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) Passing Approx.Approx. Visual Shell% Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16:000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.23 99.82 100 0.23 #18 1.000 0.53 99.40 0 0.00 #25 0.710 1.90 97.90 1 0.02 #35 0.500 3.72 94.97 1 0.04 #45 0.355 7.17 89.32 1 0.07 #60 0.250 17.66 75.40 0 0.00 #80 0.180 30.61 51.27 0 0.00 #120 0.125 27.59 29.52 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.96 26.40 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.66 25.09 0 0.00 #230 0.063 1,371 24.011 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % IIIII�■■■11111�■■�11111�■■�Iliilr■■■II1111■■■111111■■■ . • IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII►`�■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Illll�li■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■��■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■��■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■l�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■�\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■i`:!111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■III�I�■■■IIIII�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ -' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■®IIIII�■■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �� mmmmmm ®� mmmmmm Boring No. AH-06 Date 616/2018 GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 MAY 63 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 . The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West AFH 01 Z019 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT 85047 Depth: 5.0 Date: 6/6/2018 SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to fine sand -size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7l2 Tare Weight, (g): 51.21 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 182.28 Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) ° /° Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.29 99.78 50 0.15 #10 2.000 0.11 99.69 100 0.11 #14 1.400 0.18 99.56 100 0.18 #18 1.000 0.22 99.39 100 0.22 #25 0.710 0.18 99.25 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.20 99.10 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.33 98.85 0 0.00 #60 0.250 1.64 97.60 0 0.00 #80 0.180 17.35 84.36 0 0.00 #120 0.125 92.41 13.86 0 0.00 #170 0.090 15.35 2.14 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.531 1.741 0 0.06 #230 0.063 0.13 1.64 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 • IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■�■■iunn�:11■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■\1■Illli�■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■■ ' • IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■i■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■1■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■ ' IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■1■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■1■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■ , IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■11111�■■■ �' ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■■IIIII■■■■11111�■■■ ' IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■■Ilill�■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■ ' ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■ ' ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■tilllll■■■■Iilll�■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■ . ' IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■1:"�1■■■■11111�■■■ „ GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 oCEIVED MAY 63 APR 01 2019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT ANH 01 Z019 DCM-MHD CITY GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Carteret Coun Navigation Project Depth: 9.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-06 Sample No.: S-3 Description: SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 2.5Y 6l8 Tare Weight, (g): 1 51.75 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): (with tare) P��I(with Dry Weight After Washing (g): tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm Weight g Retained (g) o �� Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.17 99.88 0 0.00 #18 1.000 1.19 99.03 0 0.00 #25 0.710 4.14 96.08 0 0.00 #35 0.500 10.35 88.70 0 0.00 #45 0.355 25.05 70.85 0 0.00 #60 0.250 30.63 49.01 0 0.00 #80 0.180 32.10 26.13 0 0.00 #120 0.125 28.45 5.85 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.27 3.52 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.301 3.311 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.151 3.201 0 0.00 I otal Shen Content: 1 0 % IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�Illlli■■�iC�l1�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII\■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■1111111■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII\\■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�l�■■11111�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�11■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ " IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■►�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ _ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ii■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■Ilill�■■■IIIII�■��■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■l�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1�11111�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■L\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�li��l�■■■IIIII�■■■ Pmjact rained uartz, II sill Sp 2.5Y 61 Baring No. AH-06 GRADATIONfine ENG FORM 2087 The USC classification is based on laboratorygrain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED a Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West APR 0 1 2019 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) DCM-MHD CITY VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: rAH-07-031 rteret C Project No.: 185047 Boring No.: Sample No.: -07 Depth: 0-8.1 Date: 4/23/2018 Description: I SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace coarse to fine sand - size rock fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2 Tare Weight, (g): 1 50.04 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): P=Iwithtare) with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) /o Passing Approx.o Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.81 99.33 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 99.33 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 99.33 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 99.33 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.40 98.99 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.48 98.59 10 0.05 #14 1.400 1.18 97.61 30 0.35 #18 1.000 1.90 96.03 15 0.29 #25 0.710 3.72 92.94 20 0.74 #35 0.500 6.49 87.54 30 1.95 #45 0.355 14.34 75.61 5 0.72 #60 0.250 31.44 49.45 1 0.31 #80 0.180 24.20 29.32 0 0.00 #120 0.125 17.50 14.76 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.24 13.73 0 0.00 #200 1 0.075 1 0.171 13.591 0 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.101 13.501 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 4 % .. ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■Iliil�iii�iilll��r�ll�ll�■■■IIIII■■■■ . . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■Ili+1�■■■11111�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ ' .. IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII\■■■IIIII■■■11111�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■11111�1■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■ , 11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII�II■■IIIII■■■\IIIII■■■ . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII���■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ .. , IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■�■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ . . IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■It■IIIII■■■IIIII■■ � , IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■1�■IIIII■■■IIIII■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■ii■Ilill�■■■IIIII■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■\I■IIIII■■■IIIII■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■�■IIIII■■■IIIII■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■►�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■l�lllll�■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■Ilill�■■■11111�■■�\IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ ' IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■�iii�l�■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■11111�■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■■IIIII■■■IIIII■■■ �� �mmmom �� little slit, trace coarse to fine send- mmommmProject s ize rock fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2 Boring No. AH-07-0318-C2 Date 4/23/2018 GRADATIONquartz, ENG FORM 2087 ^tea j Vj -u MAY 63 APR 01 Z019 The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT APR 01 Z019 DCM-MHD CITY Project: Carteret Coun Navigation Project Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-07 Sample No.: S-1 Description: SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to medium sand -size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/1 Tare Weight, (g): Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) o �o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.20 99.84 100 0.20 #10 2.000 0.02 99.83 100 0.02 #14 1.400 0.09 99.75 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.12 99.66 100 0.12 #25 0.710 0.49 99.27 1 0.00 #35 0.500 2.95 96.93 0 0.00 #45 0.355 19.27 81.63 0 0.00 #60 0.250 57.80 35.76 0 0.00 #80 0.180 36.81 6.55 0 0.00 #120 0.125 7.36 0.71 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.21 0.54 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.05 0.501 01 0.00 #230 0.063 0.051 0.461 01 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 0 % ing • IIIII�■■■Ililif■■■11111�■■�IIIiC�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■111111\■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�\■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�11■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�11■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�11■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��I■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ - IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �' , IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■It■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■It■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ " IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■�I■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■illll�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■l�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■\�II�II�■■■11111�■■■ „ �� �mmmmm Carteret County Navigation Project ®� mmmmmmProject Boring No. AH-07 Date 616/2018 GRADATION E NG FORM 2087 ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification MAY 63 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 r)CM-MHD CITY Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) RECEIVED APR 01 2019 VISUAL SHELL CONTENT CITY GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Carteret Coun Navigation Project Depth: 3.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: AH-07 Sample No.: S-2 Description: SAND, poorly -graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace medium to fine sand -size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 611 I are vveignt, (g): I ') 1.4u Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 187.01 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): I (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Name Sieve Size mm ( ) Weight Retained (g) o �o Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 01 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.10 99.93 100 0.10 #7 2.800 0.34 99.68 100 0.34 #10 2.000 0.35 99.42 50 0.18 #14 1.400 0.65 98.94 50 0.33 #18 1.000 1.07 98.15 50 0.54 #25 0.710 1.79 96.83 10 0.18 #35 0.500 3.11 94.54 10 0.31 #45 0.355 7.27 89.17 1 0.07 #60 0.250 28.03 68.51 1 0.28 #80 0.180 55.14 27.84 0 0.00 #120 0.125 31.52 4.60 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.30 3.64 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.181 3.511 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.131 3.411 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 2 % W, " ' IIIII�■■rllill�■■�IIIII�■�`n:�Ir■e■�IIIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ - ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111►■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■illll�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�1i■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■III III■■■IIIII�\�■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ -' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1\■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■i1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' -' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ �' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■1■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' � ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�I■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�l■11111�■■■IIIII�■■e ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■I�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■e■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■i�lllll�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■\�IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . .' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■��IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■�\IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ . ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■�ii��1�■■■IIIII�■■■ Project Carteret County NaAgation Project GRADATION - ENG FORM 2087 MAY 63 RECEIVED The USO classification Is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification APR 01 2019 DCM-MNn Project: Project No.: Boring No.: Sample No.: Description: Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT EQ185047 AH-07 Depth: 7.5 Date: 6/6/2018 SAND, poorly -graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt (SP-SM) 5Y 5/3 Tare Weight, (g): Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Dry Weight After Washing (g): 48.10 (with tare) 164.18 (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) ° /° Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.11 99.91 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.30 99.65 0 0.00 #14 1.400 1.04 98.75 0 0.00 #18 1.000 2.03 97.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 5.58 92.20 0 0.00 #35 0.500 11.27 82.49 0 0.00 #45 0.355 24.96 60.98 0 0.00 #60 0.250 36.95 29.15 0 0.00 #80 0.180 17.81 13.81 0 0.00 #120 0.125 7.83 7.06 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.96 6.24 0 0.00 #200 1 0.075 1 0.13 6.131 Oi 0.00 #230 1 0.063 1 0.051 6.081 01 0.00 Total Shell Content: U APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY IIIII�■■rlllll�■■�11111�■■r!1111�■e■■111111�■■elllll�■ . IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IICl1�■■■IIIII�■■elllll�■� IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■e■1111��■■■Ilill�■■elllll�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■1111111■■■11111�■■■IIIIi�■■■ ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�■IIIII�■��IIIII�\■�IIIII�■�■IIIII�■�� ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�!!■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ 11111�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■elllll�ll■■IIIII�■■elllllO■E= " , 11111�■e■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��I■■Ilill�■eelllll�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII��■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■e■ ' ' IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■elllll�■�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■I�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ ., IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■1�■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ IIIII�■■eIIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■�i■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■\1�11111�■■■IIIII�■■ Illil�■e■11111�■■■IIIII�■■elllll�■e�lllll�■■■IIIII�■■ II111�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■■■II111�■■1�11111�■e■IIIII�■■ IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■11111�■■■IIIII�■e�!!!!1�■■■IIIII�■e IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■eIIIII�■■■IIIII�■■■IIIII�■■elllll�■■■ „ �� mmmmmm Projea Carteret County Navigation Project GRADATION ENG FORM 2087 MAY 63 RFCC,veo ' The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classification APR 01 2019 Carteret County Shallow Draft Navigation Waterways Atlantic Harbor Maintenance Dredging CAMA Major Permit Application Tab F: Chemical Analysis R��ENSID pPR 1 J�N9 DCM,MNo �\YY �HEIy� TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2 May 2018 Mr. Robert Neal Moffatt & Nichol 272 N. Front Street, Suite 204 Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Chemical Data Summary Atlantic Harbor Carteret County Navigation Project North Carolina Dear Mr. Neal, Athena Technologies, Inc. is pleased to submit this Chemical Data Summary for Atlantic Harbor. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the attached data summary, please don't hesitate to contact me via the information below. Respectfully, J. Adam Freeze Vice President / Geologist RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Fann Road, PO Box 68 McClellanwile, South Carolina 29458 HE (843) 887-3800 HN r 1 n . w .athenatechnologies.com TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CHEMICAL DATA SUMMARY ATLANTIC HARBOR CARTERET COUNTY NAVIGATION PROJECT NORTH CAROLINA TABLE OF CONTENTS Table 1: Summary of Analytical Detections — Volatile Organic Compounds, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, and Petroleum Hydrocarbons Table 2: Summary of Analytical Detections — Metals and Pesticides APPENDICES Appendix A: Laboratory Analytical Reports — Chemical Analyses RECEIVED APR 01 Z019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Fame Road, PO Box 68 McClellanwile, South Carolina 29458 t( HE (843) �N i i iN www.athenatechnolhnologiee.com Appendix A: Laboratory Analytical Reports - Chemical Analyses RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanAlle, South Carolina 29458 HE (843)887-3800 r rN w .athenatechnologies.com TestAmerica ° THE LEADER IN ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Pittsburgh 301 Alpha Drive RIDC Park Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Tel: (412)963-7058 TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Client Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project For: Athena Technologies, Inc 1293 Graham Farm Road PO BOX 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 Attn: Adam Freeze Authorized for release by: 411812018 1:31:35 PM Carrie Gamber, Senior Project Manager (412)963-2428 carrie.gamber@testamericainc.com This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is ntended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the samples) as received by the laboratory. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Table of Contents TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Cover Page .............................................. Table of Contents ......................................... Case Narrative ........................................... Definitions/Glossary ....................................... Certification Summary ...................................... Sample Summary ......................................... Method Summary ......................................... Lab Chronicle ............................................ Client Sample Results ...................................... QC Sample Results ........................................ QC Association Summary ................................... Chain of Custody .......................................... Receipt Checklists ......................................... 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 22 58 87 95 104 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 2 of 106 4/18/2018 Case Narrative Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Job ID: 180-76196-1 Laboratory: TestAmerica Pittsburgh Nmrative CASE NARRATIVE TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 RECEIVED Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project: North Carolina Sediment Project APR 01 2019 Report Number: 180-76196-1 DCM-MHD CITY With the exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. In addition all laboratory quality control samples were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted below. Each sample was analyzed to achieve the lowest possible reporting limit within the constraints of the method. In some cases, due to interference or analytes present at high concentrations, samples were diluted. For diluted samples, the reporting limits are adjusted relative to the dilution required. Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results. All holding times were met and proper preservation noted for the methods performed on these samples, unless otherwise detailed in the individual sections below. RECEIPT The samples were received on 03/28/2018 and 03/28/2018; the samples arrived in good condition, properly preserved and on ice. The temperatures of the 3 coolers at receipt time were 3.40 C, 4.80 C and 5.80 C. The following samples were listed on the Chain of Custody (COC); however, no samples were received as there was a cooler delayed in shipment. These samples were received on March 29, 2018 within temperature: AH-07-0318-Gl (180-76196-1). AH-07-0318-G2 (180-76196-2), AH-07-0318-G3 (180-76196-3), AH-07-0318-C (180-76196-4) and AH-06-0318-Gl (180-76196-5). The container label for the following sample did not match the information listed on the Chain -of -Custody (COC): AH-04-0318-G3 If 80-76196-15). The container labels list AH-04-0318-G2, while the COC lists AH-04-0318-G3. The id on the COC was used. The Chain -of -Custody (COC) was incomplete as received and/or improperly completed. The COC lists three containers for the following sample; however two were received. The vials received for the TOC analysis were preserved at the laboratory per the notation on the COC: EB-02-0318 (180-76196-24) The following samples were received outside of the holding time for freezing the volatile terracores. The terra core vials were frozen as soon as possible after receipt. The samples have had the H qualifier applied: AH-07-0318-Gl (180-76196-1), AH-07-0318-G2 (180-76196-2), AH-07-0318-G3 (180-76196-3) and AH-07-0318-C It 80-76196-4). VOLATILES Methylene Chloride was detected in method blank MB 180-24089617 at a level that was above the method detection limit but below the reporting limit. The value should be considered an estimate, and has been flagged. If the associated sample reported a result above the MDL and/or RL, the result has been flagged. Methylene Chloride was detected in method blank MB 180-241049/6 at a level that was above the method detection limit but below the reporting limit. The value should be considered an estimate, and has been flagged. If the associated sample reported a result above the MDL and/or RL, the result has been flagged. The following analyte recovered outside control limits for the LCS associated with analytical batch 180-240736: Chloroethane. This is not indicative of a systematic control problem because these were random marginal exceedances. Qualified results have been reported. The continuing calibration verification (CCV) associated with batch 180-240660 recovered above the upper control limit for Dichlorodifluoro-methane. The samples associated with this CCV were non -detects for the affected analytes; therefore, the data have TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 3 of 106 4/18/2098 Case Narrative Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Job ID: 180-76196-1 (Continued) Laboratory: TestAmerica Pinsburgh (Continued) been reported. The following sample is impacted: (CCVIS 180-240660/2). TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 The continuing calibration verification (CCV) associated with batch 180-240865 recovered above the upper control limit for Carbon Tetrachloride. The samples associated with this CCV were non -detects for the affected analytes; therefore, the data have been reported The following sample is impacted: (CCVIS 180-240865/2). SEMIVOLATILES An incorrect volume of surrogate spiking solution was inadvertently added the following samples: AH-02-0318-C (180-76196-12). Percent recoveries are based on the amount spiked. The following samples were diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix: AH-07-0318-C (180-76196-4), AH-06-0318-C (180-76196-8), AH-02-0318-C (180-76196-12), AH-04-0318-C (180-76196-16), AH-05-0318-C (180-76196-21), AH-05-0318-C-DUP (180-76196-22), (180-76196-A4-B MS) and (180-76196-A4-C MSD). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. The continuing calibration verification (CCV) analyzed in batch 180-241401 was outside the method criteria for the following analyte: Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) was >20% high. As indicated in the reference method, sample analysis may proceed; however, any detection for the affected analyte is considered estimated. PESTICIDES The following samples were diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix: AH-02-0318-C (180-76196-12), AH-04-0318-C (180-76196-16), AH-05-0318-C (180-76196-21) and AH-05-0318-C-DUP (180-76196-22). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. The sample extracts were a medium yellow color after GPC clean-up. Surrogate DCB Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) recovery for the following sample was outside control limits on the confirmation column: EB-02-0318 (180-76196-24). Evidence of matrix interference is present due to preceding sample analyzed; therefore, re -extraction and/or re -analysis was not performed. Surrogate recovery was outside acceptance limits for the following sample: (180-76196-A-8-1 MSD). The parent sample and MS surrogates recovery was within limits. The MSD sample has been qualified and reported. Several analytes failed the recovery criteria low for the MS/MSD of sample AH-06-0318-C (180-76196-8) in batch 180-242257. The continuing calibration verification (CCV) associated with batch 242257 recovered outside acceptance criteria, low biased, for delta-BHC and Endosulfan sulfate. A reporting limit (RL) standard was analyzed, and the target analyte was detected. Since the associated samples were non -detect for this analyte, the data have been reported. The continuing calibration verification (CCV) associated with batch 241080 recovered outside acceptance criteria, low biased, for delta-BHC and Endosulfan sulfate on MR-1 column and Endosulfan sulfate and Endrin ketone on MR-2 column. A reporting limit (RL) standard was analyzed, and the target analyte was detected. Since the associated samples were non -detect for this analyte, the data have been reported. Detections of these compounds were taken from their passing column, where applicable. METALS No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GENERAL CHEMSITRY The sample post -digestion spike (PDS) recoveries were outside criteria. Acceptable laboratory control sample (LCS) soluble and insoluble analysis data demonstrate that the analytical system was operating in control; therefore, this condition is most likely due to a matrix effect. The reporting limit for Lloyd Kahn TOC analysis is a nominal value and does not reflect adjustments in sample mass processed on an individual basis. RECEIVED APR 01 2019 TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 4 of 106 DCM-MHD CIT' 4/18/2018 Definitions/Glossary Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Qualifiers GCIMS VOA TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Qualifier Quallfler Description H Sample was prepped or analyzed beyond the specified holding time J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. LCS or LCSD is outside acceptance limits. GC/MS Semi VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. GC Semi VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. p The °/RPD between the primary and confirmation column/detector is >40%. The lower value has been reported. X Surrogate is outside control limits Fi MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. Metals Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. General Chemistry Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Glossary Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present In this report a Listed under five "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Reanalysis, Re -extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RECEIVED QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) APR 01 2019 RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEO Toxicity Equivalent Quotient(Dioxin) DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 5 of 106 4/18/2018 Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: Athena Technologies, Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Laboratory: TestAmerica Pittsburgh Unless otherwise noted, all analytes for this laboratory were covered under each accreditation/certification below. Authority Program EPA Region IdentlFlcatlon Number Expliatlon Dab North Carolina (WW/S) Stale Program 4 434 12-31-18 The following analytes are included in this report, but are not accredited/certified under this accreditation/certification: Analysis Method Prep Method Matrix Anayte Lloyd Kahn Sediment Total Organic Carbon - Duplicates The following analytes are included in this report, but accreditation/certification is not offered by the governing authority: Analysis Method Prep Method Matrix Analyte 2540G Sediment Percent Moisture 254OG Sediment Percent Solids Laboratory: TestAmerica Pensacola The acoreditations/certifiestions listed below are app8rable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region IdentNlentlon Number Expiration Date North Carolina (yW nivh State Program 4 314 12-31-18 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 6 of 106 4/18/2018 Sample Summary Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Collected Received 180-76196-1 AH-07-0318-Gt Sediment 0327/1808:40 032811811:36 180-76196-2 AH-07-0318-G2 Sediment 0327/1808:42 0328/1811:36 180-76196-3 AH-07.0318-G3 Sediment 0327/1808:45 0328/1811:36 180-761964 AH-07-0318-C Sediment 0327/1808:50 0328/1811:36 180-76196-5 AH-06-0318-G1 Sediment 0327/1809:20 0328/1811:36 180-76196-6 AH-06-0318-G2 Sediment 0327/18 09:22 0328/18 11:36 ' 180-76196-7 AH-06-0318-G3 Sediment 0327/18 09:25 03/28/18 11:36 180-76196-8 AH-06-0318-C Sediment 0327/18 09:30 0328/18 11:36 180-76196-9 AH-02-0318-GI Sediment 0327/1809:55 0328/1811:36 180.76196-10 AH-02-0318-G2 Sediment 0327/18 09:57 0328/18 11:36 180-76196-11 AH-02-0318-G3 Sediment 0327/1810:00 0328/1811:36 180-76196-12 AH-02-0318-C Sediment 0327/1810:05 0328/1811:36 180-76196-13 AH-04-0318-GI Sediment 0327/1810:40 0328/1809:30 180-76196-14 AH-04-0318-G2 Sediment 0327/1810:42 0328/1809:30 180-76196-15 AH-04.0318-G3 Sediment 0327/1810:45 032811809:30 180-76196-16 AH-04-0318-C Sediment 0327/1810:50 032&1809:30 180-76196-17 AH-05-0318-G1 Sediment 0327/1811:35 0328/1809:30 180-76196-18 AH-05-0318-Gl-DUP Sediment 0327/1811:37 032811809:30 180-76196-19 AH-05-0318-G2 Sediment 0327/1811:40 0328/18 09:30 180-76196-20 AH-05-0318-G3 Sediment 0327/18 11:45 0328/18 09:30 180-76196-21 AH-05-0318-C Sediment 0327/1811:55 0328/1809:30.`,� 180-76196-22 AH-05-0318-C-DUP Sediment 0327/1811:58 0328/1809:30 180-76196-23 TB-02-0318 Water 0327/1812:30 0328/1809:30 180-76196-24 EB-02-0318 Water 0327/18 12:50 03/28/18 09:30 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 7 of 106 4/18/2018 Method Summary Client: Athena Technologies, Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Method Method Description Protocol Laboratory EPA 8260E Volatile Organic Compounds (GCIMS) SWB46 TAL PIT 8270D LL Semivolable Organic Compounds by GCIMS - Low Level SW846 TAL PIT EPA 8270D LL Semivolalile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Low Level SW846 TAL PIT 8081B_LL Organochlorme Pesticides (GC) SW846 TAL PIT EPA 8081B LL Organochlorine Pesticides (GC) SW846 TAL PIT 6020B Metals (ICP/MS) SW946 TAL PIT 7471B Mercury (CVAA) SV4846 TAL PIT EPA 6020E Metals (ICP/MS) SW846 TAL PIT EPA 7470A Mercury (CVAA) SW546 TAL PIT 1664E HEM and SGT-HEM 1664E TAL PEN 254OG SM 254OG SM22 TAL PIT 7196A Chromium, Trivalent (Colorimetric) SW846 TAL PIT EPA 7196A Chromium, Hexavalent SW846 TAL PIT EPA 9071E HEM and SGT-HEM SW846 TAL PIT Lloyd Kahn Organic Carbon, Total (TOC) EPA TAL PIT SM 5310C Total Organic Carbon SM TAL PIT Protocol References: 1664B = 1664B EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency SM = "Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water And Wastewatee', SM22 = SM22 SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: TAL PEN = TestAmerica Pensacola, 3355 McLemone Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL PIT = TestAmenca Pittsburgh, 301 Alpha Drive, RIDC Park, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, TEL (412)963-7058 RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 8 of 106 4/18/2018 Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G1 Date Collected: 03/27118 08:40 Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-1 Matrix: Sediment Batch Batch oil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 254OG 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-1 Date Collected: 03/27118 08:40 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Percent Solids: 77.6 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.1985 g 5 mL 240903 03129/18 09:21 KLG TAL PIT TotaVNA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03130/18 15:26 KLG TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-2 Date Collected: 03/27/18 08:42 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab TotaVNA Analysis 2540G 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-2 Date Collected: 03127118 08:42 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Percent Solids: 77.4 Batch Batch oil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.0621 g 5 mL 240903 0329118 09:21 KLG TAL PIT TotaVNA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03/30/18 17:23 KLG TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-3 Date Collected: 03/27/18 08:46 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03128/18 11:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab TotaVNA Analysis 254OG 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-3 Date Collected: 03127/18 08:45 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28118 11:36 Percent Solids: 83.8 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab [TotaVNA Prep 5035 1 �D 5.1219 g 5 mL 240 003 33/29/18 09:21 KLG TAL PIT Fi r TestAmerica Pittsburgh APR 01 2019 Page 9 of 106 4/18/2018 DCM-MHD CITY Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-3 Data Collected: 03/27118 08:45 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 Percent Solids: 83.8 Batch Batch oil Initial Final Batch Prepared�b--t Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Labr- Total/NA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 241049 04/02/18 09:40 KLG TAL PR Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-4 Date Collected: 03/27/18 08:50 Matrbc: Sediment Date Received: 03/28118 11:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 2540G 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP TotaI/NA Analysis 7196A 1 241989 04/12/18 11:38 MM1 TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-07-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-761964 Data Collected: 03/27/18 08:50 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/1811:36 Percent Solids: 81.0 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 3541 30.1 g 0.5 mL 241037 04/02/18 03:39 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 82700 LL 2 1 mL 1 mL 241401 04/05/18 15:20 DLF TAL PR Instrument ID: CH71 Total/NA Prep 3541 30.3 g 10.0 mL 241038 04/02/18 03:41 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Cleanup 3640A 5.0 mL 0.5 mL 241931 04/12/18 06:12 BAP TAL PR Total/NA Analysis 8081 B_LL 1 242257 04/16/1813:54 DFE TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHGC15 Total/NA Prep 30508 2.00 g 100 mL 241695 04/09/18 16:04 KA TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 60208 1 241911 04/11/18 02:00 WTR TAL PR Instrument ID: M Total/NA Prep 7471 B 1.32 g 100 mL 241273 04/04/18 08:35 RJR TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 7471E 1 241400 04/05/18 09:30 RJR TAL PR Instrument ID: K Total/NA Prep 3060A 2.47 g 100 mL 240858 0329/18 14:32 SES TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 7196A 1 25 mL 25 mL 240949 03/30/18 13:18 SES TAL PR Instrument ID: GENESYS10S Total/NA Prep 9071 B 30.0 g 30.0 g 241004 03/31/18 06:25 CBY TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 9071B 1 241091 04/03/18 08:15 JAS TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis Lloyd Kahn 1 241158 04/02/18 14:55 JBF TAL PR Instrument ID: FLASHEA RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 10 of 106 4/18/2018 Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-5 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:20 Matrix: Sediment Date Received:03128118 11:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst lab TotaVNA Analysis 254OG 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-5 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:20 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Percent Solids: 78.9 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.3981 g 5 mL 240903 0329/18 09:21 KLG TAL PR TotaVNA Analysis EPA 8260B 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03/30/18 16:13 KLG TAL PR Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-761964 Date Collected: 03127/18 09:22 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28118 11:36 Batch Batch DII InMel Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 254OG 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-6 Date Collected: 03/27118 09:22 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 Percent Solids: 75.6 Batch Batch DII Inhlal Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 4.9669 g 5 mL 240903 0329118 09:21 KLG TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 8260B 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03/30/18 16:36 KLG TAL PR Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-7 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:25 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Batch Batch oil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab TotaVNA Analysis 2540G 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-7 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:25 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Percent Solids: 79.3 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 4.9743 g 5 mL 240903 0329/18 09:21 KLG TAL PIT RECEIVED TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 11 of 106 APR 01 Z019 4/18/2018 DCM-MHD CITY Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 ProjecUSite: North Carolina Sediment Project Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-7 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:25 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03128/1811:36 Percent Solids: 79.3 Batch Batch DII InRlal Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab.': Total/NA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03/30/18 17:00 KLG TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-8 Date Collected: 03/27118 09:30 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 11:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 254OG 1 2408 33 03/29/18 11:32 CLL TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEQUIP , Total/NA Analysis 7196A 1 241989 04/12/18 11:38 MMi TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-06-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-8 Date Collected: 03127/18 09:30 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 Percent Solids: 81.5 Batch Batch DII InWal Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 3541 30.39 0.5 mL 241037 04/02/18 03:39 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 8270D LL 2 1 mL i mL 241401 04/05/18 18:34 DLF TAL PIT Instrument ID: CH71 Total/NA Prep 3541 30.4 g 10.0 mL 241038 04/02/18 03:41 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Cleanup 3640A 5.0 mL 0.5 mL 241931 04/12/18 06:12 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 8081 B—ILL 1 242257 0411611814:10 DFE TAL PR Instrument ID: CHGC15 Total/NA Prep 3050E 2.00 g 100 mL 241695 04/09/18 16:04 KA TAL PR Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 241911 04/11118 02:05 WTR TAL PIT Instrument ID: M Total/NA Prep 7471B 1.28 g 100 mL 241273 04/04/18 08:35 RJR TAL PR Total/NA Analysis 7471B 1 241400 04/05/18 09:32 RJR TAL PIT Instrument ID: K Total/NA Prep 3060A 2.53 g 100 mL 240858 03129/18 14:32 SES TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 7196A 1 25 mL 25 mL 240949 03/30/18 13:19 SES TAL PR Instrument ID: GENESYSIOS Total/NA Prep 9071 B 30.0 g 30.0 g 241004 03/31/18 06:25 CBY TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 9071E 1 241091 04/03/18 08:15 JAS TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis Lloyd Kahn 1 241158 04/02/18 15:05 JBF TAL PR Instrument ID: FLASHFA RECEIVED APR 01 2019 TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 12 of 106 DCM-MHD CITY 4/18/2018 Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-9 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:55 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 2540G 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEOUIP Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-9 Date Collected: 03/27/18 09:55 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28118 11:36 Percent Solids: 78.4 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.1779 g 5 mL 240W3 0329118 09:21 KLG TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03/30/18 17:47 KLG TAL PR Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G2 Date Collected: 03127/18 09:67 Date Received: 03128/18 11:36 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-10 Matrix: Sediment Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 254OG 1 240823 0329/18 11:32 CLL TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEOUIP Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-10 Date Collected: 03127118 09:67 Matrix: Sediment Data Received: 0312811811:36 Percent Solids: 59.7 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.3332 g 5 mL 240903 03/29/18 09:21 KLG TAL PR TotaVNA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 240896 03/30/18 18:10 KLG TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-11 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:00 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/2811811:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 25404T1 240823 03129/18 11:32 GILL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEOUIP Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-11 Date Collected: 03/27118 10:00 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 _ Percent Solids: 46.6 Batch Batch oil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.1891 g 5 mL 240903 0329/18 09:21 KLG TAL PR RECEIVED TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 13 of 106 4/18/2018 APR 0 1 Z019 T1rNA_KAl-in rITY Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-11 Date Collected: 03/27M810:00 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 Percent Solids: 46.5 Batch Batch oil Initial Final Batch Prepared ti°"ry Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis EPA 82608 1 5 mL 5 mL 241049 04Po2118 10:27 KLG TAL PR Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-12 Date Collected: 03127/18 10:05 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28118 11:36 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 254OG 1 240823 03/29/18 11:32 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis 7196A 1 241989 04/12/18 11:38 MMt TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-02-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-12 Date Collected: 03/2711810:06 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 0312811811:36 Percent Solids: 57.2 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 3641 30.29 0.5 mL 241037 04/02/18 03:39 BAP TAL PR Total/NA Analysis 8270D LL 4 1 mL 1 mL 241401 04/05118 19:02 DLF TAL PIT Instrument ID: CH71 Total/NA Prep 3541 30.19 10.0 mL 241038 04/02/18 03:41 BAP TAL PIT TotaVNA Cleanup 3640A 5.0 mL 0.5 mL 241931 04/12/18 06:12 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 80816 LL 5 242257 04/16/18 14:56 DFE TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHGC15 Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.95 g 100 mL 241695 04/09118 16:04 KA TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 241911 04111/1802:09 WFR TAL PIT Instrument ID: M Total/NA Prep 74718 1.31 g 100 mL 241273 04/04118 08:35 RJR TAL PR TotaI1NA Analysis 74718 1 241400 04/05/18 09:34 RJR TAL PIT Instrument ID: K Total/NA Prep 3060A 2.55 g 100 mL 240858 03/29/18 14:32 SES TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 7196A 1 25 mL 25 mL 240949 03/30/18 13:23 SES TAL PR Instrument ID: GENESYSIOS Total/NA Prep 9071E 30.19 30.0 g 241004 03/31/18 06:25 CBY TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 9071B 1 241091 04/03/18 08:15 JAS TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis Lloyd Kahn 1 241158 04/02/18 15:15 JBF TAL PIT Instrument ID: FLASHEA RECEIVED APR 01 Z019 TestAmerica Pittsburgh DCM-MHD CITY Page 14 of 106 4/18/2018 Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc ProjectlSite: North Carolina Sediment Project TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Client Sample ID: AH4)4-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-13 Date Collected: 03127I1810:40 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 09:30 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 2540G 1 240793 0329/18 08:42 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEOUIP Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-G1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-13 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:40 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03128/18 09:30 Percent Solids: 39.2 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.0511 g 5 mL 240706 0328/1812:15 KLG TAL PR Total/NA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 ml. 5 mL 240660 0328/18 14:17 KLG TAL PR Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-14 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:42 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 09:30 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab TotaVNA Analysis 254OG 1 240793 0329/1808:42 CLL TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEGUIP Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-G2 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-14 Date Collected: 03127/18 10:42 Matrix: Sediment Data Received: 03/28/18 09:30 Percent Solids: 39.1 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab ToWNA Prep 5035 5.0915 g 5 mL 240706 03/28/18 12:15 KLG TAL PIT TotellNA Analysis EPA 8260E 1 5 mL 5 mL 240660 0328/18 14:41 KLG TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-15 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:45 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 09:30 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 254OG 1 2407 33 0329/18 08:42 CLL TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEOUIP Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-G3 Lab Sample ID: 180-7619645 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:45 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28118 09:30 Percent Solids: 46.9 Balch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035 5.0875 g 5 mL 240706 0328/18 12:15 KLG TAL PR RECEIVED TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 15 of 106 APR 01 2019 4/18/2018 DCM-MHD CITY Lab Chronicle Client: Athena Technologies, Inc Project/Site: North Carolina Sediment Project Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-G3 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:45 Data Received:03/28/18 09:30 TestAmerica Job ID: 180-76196-1 Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-15 Matrix: Sediment Percent Solids: 46.9 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab TotaVNA Analysis EPA 8260B 1 5 mL 5 mL 2406 00 03/28/18 15:04 KLG TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHHP3 Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-16 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:50 Matrix: Sediment Date Received:03/28118 09:30 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 2540G 1 240793 03/29/18 08:42 CLL TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis 7196A 1 241989 04/12/1811:38 MMI TAL PIT Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: AH-04-0318-C Lab Sample ID: 180-76196-16 Date Collected: 03/27/18 10:50 Matrix: Sediment Date Received: 03/28/18 09:30 Percent Solids: 41.2 Batch Batch DII Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 3541 30.29 0.5 mL 241037 D4/02/18 03:39 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 8270D LL 5 1 mL 1 mL 241401 D4/05/18 19:30 DLF TAL PIT Instrument ID: CH71 Total/NA Prep 3541 30.1 g 10.0 mL 241038 04/02/18 03:41 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Cleanup 3640A 5.0 mL 0.5 mL 241931 04/12/18 06:12 BAP TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 8081B_LL 5 242257 04/16/1815:11 DFE TAL PIT Instrument ID: CHGC15 Total/NA Prep 3050E 2.00 g 100 mL 241695 04/09/18 16:04 KA TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 241911 04/11/1802:14 W!R TAL PIT Instrument ID: M Total/NA Prep 7471 B 1.33 g 100 mL 241273 04/04/18 08:35 RJR TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis 7471B 1 241400 04/0511609:36 RJR TAL PIT Instrument ID: K Total/NA Prep 3060A 2.53 g 100 mL 240858 03/29/18 14:32 SES TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 7196A 1 25 mL 25 mL 240949 03/30/18 13:24 SES TAL PIT Instmment ID: GENESYSIOS Total/NA Prep 90718 30.2 g 30.0 g 241004 03/31/16 06:25 CBY TAL PIT Total/NA Analysis EPA 9071E 1 241091 04/03/18 08:15 JAS TAL PR Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis Lloyd Kahn 1 240909 03/29/18 16:39 JBF TAL PIT Instrument ID: FLASHEA RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM-MHD CITY TestAmerica Pittsburgh Page 16 of 106 4/18/2018