HomeMy WebLinkAbout10153-AH-Geotechnical_Analysis-0830191293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com July 19, 2018 Mr. Robert Neal Moffatt & Nichol 272 N. Front Street, Suite 204 Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Geotechnical Vibracore Report Atlantic Harbor Carteret County Navigation Project North Carolina Dear Mr. Neal, Athena Technologies, Inc. is pleased to submit this Geotechnical Vibracore Report for Atlantic Harbor. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the attached report, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the information below. Respectfully, J. Adam Freeze Vice President / Geologist 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com GEOTECHNICAL VIBRACORE REPORT ATLANTIC HARBOR CARTERET COUNTY NAVIGATION PROJECT NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 2018 Prepared for: Moffatt & Nichol 4700 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27609 And Carteret County 302 Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516 Prepared by: Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, SC 29458 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com GEOTECHNICAL VIBRACORE REPORT ATLANTIC HARBOR CARTERET COUNTY NAVIGATION PROJECT NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Methodology Section 3: References TABLES Table 1: Horizontal and Vertical Data Conversion Summary Table 2: Geotechnical Vibracore Summary Table 3: Grain Size Data Summary APPENDICES Appendix A: Core Photographs and Logs Appendix B: Laboratory Analytical Reports Page |1 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com Section 1: Introduction Athena Technologies, Inc. (Athena) was contracted by Moffatt and Nichol (M&N) in March 2018 to conduct environmental and geotechnical sampling in support of the Carteret County Shallow Draft Navigation Waterways project. The Scope of Work (SOW) for the abovementioned project included sample collection at the following project sites in Carteret County: Atlantic Harbor, Bulkhead Channel and Morgan Creek (treated as one project area, due to the close proximity between the two sample areas), East Taylor Creek, Wainwright Slough, and Bogue Inlet. This geotechnical report summarizes sampling activities that were conducted at Atlantic Harbor (Figure 1); separate reports have been prepared for the other project sites. The SOW for Atlantic Harbor included the following tasks: 1) Collection of 7 geotechnical vibracore samples to a depth of -11.5 feet relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). 2) Collection of 5 environmental vibracore samples to a depth of -9.5 feet MLLW to allow for chemical analyses. 3) Geological logging, core photography, sub-sampling, contracting laboratory analyses, and geotechnical reporting. Chemical analytical results for Atlantic Harbor were submitted to M&N in the form of a environmental data summary on May 2, 2018 and are not discussed herein. Findings of the geotechnical evaluation are presented below. Athena Technologies, Inc.PO Box 68McClellanville, SC 29458843-887-3800Miles402FIGURE 1: VIBRACORE STUDY AREAATLANTIC HARBORCARTERET COUNTY NAVIGATION PROJECT, NCTECHNOLOGIES, INC.www.athenatechnologies.comATLANTIC OCEANPAMLICO SOUNDVIBRACORESTUDY AREAIMAGE SOURCE:Google EarthMARCH2018AtlanticHarborBEAUFORTCAPE LOOKOUTNEUSE RIVER Page |3 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com Section 2: Methodology Athena utilized our 35-foot research vessel,Artemis (Figure 2), to act as the sampling platform for this project.Artemis was equipped with all required United States Coast Guard (USCG) safety gear and was operated by a USCG-certified 100 Ton Master Captain. A Trimble Differential Global Positioning System (capable of sub-meter accuracy) interfaced with HYPACK was utilized for primary navigation. Horizontal coordinates were recorded in North American Datum of 1983 State Plane Coordinate System, North Carolina (Zone 3200), U.S. Survey Feet. Real-time tide elevation data were obtained using a Champion TKO Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver interfaced with the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station Network, which served as the base station. Figure 2: Research vessel Artemis offshore of Mobile Bay, Alabama. During field operations, Artemis was immobilized over the desired sample sites using spuds. Once on station, the coordinates at the vessel location were compared with the coordinates for the desired sample location to ensure accurate vessel positioning. A vibracore location map has been included as Figure 3. Upon satisfactory positioning, a water depth was collected via lead line. Subsequently, the tide elevation was recorded in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) at each sample location and was converted to MLLW using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Vertical Datum Transformation (VDatum) software program (Version 3.6.1). The converted data, in conjunction with the recorded water depth, were then used to determine the sediment surface elevation in relation to MLLW at each sample location. Vertical (and horizontal) data conversions are summarized in Table 1. FIGURE 3: VIBRACORE LOCATION MAP ATLANTIC HARBOR CARTERET COUNTY NAVIGATION PROJECT, NC Athena Technologies, Inc. PO Box 68 McClellanville, SC 29458 843-887-3800 Feet 0400200 VIBRACORE LOCATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www.athenatechnologies.com MARCH 2018 IMAGE SOURCE: USDA WHITE POINT VIBRACORE COORDINATES HORIZOTAL DATUM: NC STATE PLANE ZONE 3200 NAD83 US SURVEY FEET STATION ID EAST NORTH AH-01 2,799,429.58 422,746.27 AH-02 2,799,681.27 423,143.13 AH-03 2,799,934.31 423,513.57 AH-04 2,799,954.70 423,977.08 AH-05 2,799,405.96 424,263.90 AH-06 2,799,398.50 423,197.85 AH-07 2,799,984.56 422,844.07 AH-01 AH-02 AH-07 AH-06 AH-03 AH-04 AH-05 3DJH_(DVW [ 1RUWK \ /DWLWXGH /RQJLWXGH$+      $+      $+      $+      $+      $+      $+      7$%/(+25,=217$/$1'9(57,&$/'$7$&219(56,216800$5<$7/$17,&+$5%25%RULQJ,''DWD&RQYHUVLRQ,QSXW3DUDPHWHUV>@'DWD&RQYHUVLRQ2XWSXW3DUDPHWHUV>@ +RUL]RQWDOFRRUGLQDWHVZHUHUHFRUGHGLQWKHILHOGDQGDUHUHIHUHQFHGWR1RUWK$PHULFDQ'DWXPRI6WDWH3ODQH&RRUGLQDWH6\VWHP1RUWK&DUROLQD =RQH 866XUYH\)HHWNotes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age |6 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com A custom-designed and fabricated vibracore system was utilized to collect the geotechnical vibracores. The vibracore system consists of a generator with a mechanical vibrator attached via cable to a 3-inch diameter, galvanized sample barrel. The sample barrel was lowered until the bottom of the barrel was directly above the sediment surface. The vibracore machine was turned on and the sample barrel was allowed to penetrate until the bottom of the sample barrel reached project depth. Once the sample barrel reached project depth, the machine was turned off and the sample barrel was retrieved using an electric winch. The cores were then capped, labeled, and cut into 5-foot sections. A summary table containing final location coordinates, elevation data, and penetration and recovery lengths has been included as Table 2. The completed cores were opened longitudinally at Athena's core processing facility in McClellanville, South Carolina. The cores were photographed after opening and were logged in accordance with protocol outlined in ASTM D 2488 and ASTM D 2487. One composite sample was collected to a depth of -11.5’ MLLW from each core. Furthermore, discrete samples were collected from targeted sediment intervals in each core. The composite and discrete samples were submitted to Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) in Jacksonville, Florida, for analysis. Terracon is a USACE-accredited geotechnical laboratory. All samples were analyzed for grain size distribution in accordance with ASTM D 6913 using the following sieve sizes: 3/4”, 5/8”, 7/16”, 5/16”, No. 3.5, No. 4, No. 5, No 7, No. 10, No.14, No. 18, No. 25, No. 35, No. 45, No. 60, No. 80, No. 120, No. 170, No. 200, and No. 230. The laboratory also conducted visual percent shell determination for each sample using the Terry and Chilingar method (1955). The composite samples were analyzed for carbonate content in accordance with the Twenhofel and Tyler acid digestion method (1941). A summary of laboratory results is presented in Table 3. Core photographs and logs have been included as Appendix A, and laboratory analytical reports have been included as Appendix B. 3DJH_(DVW [ 1RUWK \ $+          $+          $+          $+          $+          $+          $+          7$%/(*(27(&+1,&$/9,%5$&25(6800$5<$7/$17,&+$5%25Notes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otes*UDKDP)DUP5RDG32%R[0F&OHOODQYLOOH6RXWK&DUROLQD  ZZZDWKHQDWHFKQRORJLHVFRP Page |10 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com Section 3: References ASTM Standard D2487, 2006e1. “Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)”, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2011. ASTM Standard D2488, 2000. “Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)”, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2000. ASTM Standard D6913, 2004. “Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis”, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2004. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 (843) 887-3800 www.athenatechnologies.com Appendix A: Core Photographs and Logs TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 AH-01 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc.           !"#  $%& '# (" #  %$ )!"*+,   &' -.#/#& &"# ) " 0$ + 1 /.#+2. 3 $ """  !"# % $%& ' " ,,# %"%  "!"*##$ + 1 /.#+3. 3 $ ""$ "$+ 4 -." !"# % $% & '#""#) + 1 / .#+3. 5" !"#  $%%#"/" "#" 0)& '+ 1 / .#+5. 6"7 $5 ,8#,*9 - 2+.:#3* $:  *:;#<+8.  +2. ,85#,*9  - 2+.: #3* $:  5 &: ;#<+8.  +2. ,8#,*9 - 2+.:#3* $:  *:;#<+8. +2. ,8 #,*9 - 2+.: #3* $: *:;#<+8. +3. <             : 5  5# *5    2==>             53  <        <                ?9# # 19 #      3 2%5                                        < !                                  2@%* < A 5  5)$3 B% 5  5# *5       < C *D%*$#C%       <       7 $$A               <=EFC63FE2@5F6F6D5EGD1HCIDCE3FEJ65D5I3J<=63FEID / / TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 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Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 11 12 13 14 15 10 AH-05 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc.                  <5=1 $%%#  $% (# % $% #) #',%#)  " 0$ + 1 /.#+5A. 36D'*,# $%"  $% (#) #&%0 + 1 /.#+3D. 6%C=D $%#  $% (#' !"  (#) #',%#) " 0 $ + 1 /.#+2A. 3 $ ""'*  !"#' $% ("  #/#&%0+ 1 /.#+32. 3 $ "" ! "# % $%& '" # $'"/  $   -##$ + 1/.#+3. 5$ "$"  !"# $%% (#  % $% + .# % % "!" !&'   -# "/#" 0$ *$ + I1 /.# +5. 3 $ "" ! 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Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 AH-07 Atlantic Harbor, Carteret County Navigation Project, North Carolina Moffatt & Nichol, Inc.              3 $ """  !"# % $%%% & '# %% "!"*# #$*)$ + 1/.#+3. 3 $ ""'* " !"#' $%  ("& '# %%  "!"*#""# & &"#$ + 1 /.#+32. " !"#  $% (# %%  ! "* $* )# %" $ )!"*#""# & &"#% $ ")+ 1 / .  #" 0$ + 1 /.#+2. 3 $ ""'*"  !"#' $% (# % %  !"#""#) + 1 / .#+32. IFH6=$ )!"*#  $% (# ! 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Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.01 99.99 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.08 99.93 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.16 99.82 10 0.02 #14 1.400 0.29 99.61 10 0.03 #18 1.000 0.50 99.24 1 0.01 #25 0.710 1.33 98.28 20 0.27 #35 0.500 2.70 96.31 10 0.27 #45 0.355 4.61 92.96 2 0.09 #60 0.250 7.51 87.49 1 0.08 #80 0.180 35.45 61.70 0 0.00 #120 0.125 56.09 20.88 0 0.00 #170 0.090 6.25 16.34 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.10 15.54 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.65 15.06 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-01-0318-C1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand- size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2 Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.51Sample No.GRADATION CURVES4/23/2018DateElev. Or DepthClassificationSAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/20-5.4* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationProjectAH-01Carteret County Navigation ProjectAreaAH-01-0318-C1Boring No.ENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.85 172.83 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.09 99.93 100 0.09 #18 1.000 0.13 99.82 100 0.13 #25 0.710 0.23 99.63 100 0.23 #35 0.500 0.32 99.36 100 0.32 #45 0.355 0.74 98.75 10 0.07 #60 0.250 3.60 95.78 5 0.18 #80 0.180 42.85 60.36 1 0.43 #120 0.125 50.62 18.52 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.94 15.26 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.74 14.65 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.56 14.18 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-01 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): SAND, silty, mostly fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2 Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI1Sample No.GRADATION CURVES6/6/2018DateElev. Or DepthClassificationSAND, silty, mostly fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/20.5* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationProjectS-1Carteret County Navigation ProjectAreaAH-01Boring No.ENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 3.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.18 171.43 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.07 99.94 50 0.04 #14 1.400 0.16 99.81 70 0.11 #18 1.000 0.23 99.62 100 0.23 #25 0.710 0.45 99.25 100 0.45 #35 0.500 0.66 98.71 100 0.66 #45 0.355 1.16 97.75 10 0.12 #60 0.250 3.65 94.74 0 0.00 #80 0.180 22.88 75.87 0 0.00 #120 0.125 56.75 29.06 0 0.00 #170 0.090 9.49 21.24 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.92 19.65 0 0.00 #230 0.063 1.13 18.72 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-01 SAND, silty, mostly fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI1Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-23SAND, silty, mostly fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/2AreaBoring No.AH-01* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 5.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-3 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.10 184.82 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.01 99.99 100 0.01 #5 4.000 0.23 99.82 100 0.23 #7 2.800 0.11 99.74 100 0.11 #10 2.000 0.53 99.34 100 0.53 #14 1.400 1.56 98.18 10 0.16 #18 1.000 3.92 95.24 5 0.20 #25 0.710 8.26 89.07 5 0.41 #35 0.500 14.05 78.56 1 0.14 #45 0.355 17.82 65.23 1 0.18 #60 0.250 18.89 51.11 0 0.00 #80 0.180 32.06 27.13 0 0.00 #120 0.125 30.02 4.68 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.88 3.28 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.33 3.03 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.18 2.89 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-01 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to fine sand-sized shell fragments (SP) 5Y 6/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI1Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-35SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to fine sand-sized shell fragments (SP) 5Y 6/2AreaBoring No.AH-01* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0-8.7 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: AH-02 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.26 146.95 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.04 99.96 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.11 99.84 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.12 99.72 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.04 99.68 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.03 99.65 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.06 99.59 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.04 99.54 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.03 99.51 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.10 99.41 20 0.02 #25 0.710 0.21 99.19 10 0.02 #35 0.500 0.73 98.44 2 0.01 #45 0.355 2.35 96.01 1 0.02 #60 0.250 5.87 89.94 0 0.00 #80 0.180 12.50 77.01 0 0.00 #120 0.125 18.10 58.29 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.34 54.84 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.02 53.78 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.79 52.96 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-02-0318-C2 Sandy elastic silt, some medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 3/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI1.20Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectAH-020-8.7Sandy elastic silt, some medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 3/1AreaBoring No.AH-02-0318-C2* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate4/23/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.01 166.55 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.13 99.89 100 0.13 #18 1.000 0.53 99.43 10 0.05 #25 0.710 1.44 98.20 5 0.07 #35 0.500 4.74 94.13 0 0.00 #45 0.355 13.81 82.28 1 0.14 #60 0.250 28.44 57.88 0 0.00 #80 0.180 37.00 26.13 0 0.00 #120 0.125 20.86 8.23 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.63 6.83 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.31 6.56 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.24 6.36 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-02 SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 4/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-10.5SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 4/2AreaBoring No.AH-02* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 1.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.56 174.93 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.13 99.89 100 0.13 #14 1.400 0.28 99.67 100 0.28 #18 1.000 0.12 99.57 100 0.12 #25 0.710 0.25 99.37 100 0.25 #35 0.500 0.59 98.89 10 0.06 #45 0.355 2.72 96.68 1 0.03 #60 0.250 12.51 86.54 1 0.13 #80 0.180 39.66 54.40 0 0.00 #120 0.125 43.24 19.35 0 0.00 #170 0.090 4.88 15.39 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.44 15.04 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.05 15.00 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-02 SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand- size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI1Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-21.5SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 4/1AreaBoring No.AH-02* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 7.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-3 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.56 93.72 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.03 99.93 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.03 99.86 1 0.00 #45 0.355 0.10 99.62 1 0.00 #60 0.250 0.11 99.36 0 0.00 #80 0.180 0.26 98.74 0 0.00 #120 0.125 0.65 97.20 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.35 96.37 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.21 95.87 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.22 95.35 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-02 Elastic silt, trace fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-37Elastic silt, trace fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1AreaBoring No.AH-02* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0-8.6 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: AH-03 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.18 144.06 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.04 99.96 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.02 99.94 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.01 99.93 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.06 99.86 10 0.01 #10 2.000 0.01 99.85 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.16 99.68 40 0.06 #18 1.000 0.42 99.23 10 0.04 #25 0.710 1.61 97.52 30 0.48 #35 0.500 4.70 92.51 5 0.24 #45 0.355 11.75 80.00 0 0.00 #60 0.250 19.40 59.33 0 0.00 #80 0.180 14.72 43.65 0 0.00 #120 0.125 5.80 37.47 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.74 36.69 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.20 36.47 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.18 36.28 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-03-0318-C1 SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, some silt, trace medium to fine sand- size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 3/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.51Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectAH-030-8.6SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, some silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 3/1AreaBoring No.AH-03-0318-C1* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate4/23/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.60 107.32 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.11 99.80 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.26 99.34 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.82 97.86 0 0.00 #60 0.250 1.39 95.37 0 0.00 #80 0.180 1.71 92.30 0 0.00 #120 0.125 1.72 89.21 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.37 88.55 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.27 88.07 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.38 87.38 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-03 Elastic silt with sand, little fine-grained quartz (MH) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-10.5Elastic silt with sand, little fine-grained quartz (MH) 5Y 2.5/1AreaBoring No.AH-03* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 3.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 49.76 176.02 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.07 99.95 100 0.07 #14 1.400 0.36 99.66 100 0.36 #18 1.000 0.68 99.12 10 0.07 #25 0.710 1.90 97.62 1 0.02 #35 0.500 6.91 92.15 1 0.07 #45 0.355 22.99 73.94 0 0.00 #60 0.250 36.80 44.79 0 0.00 #80 0.180 26.45 23.84 0 0.00 #120 0.125 15.29 11.73 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.34 10.67 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.28 10.45 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.27 10.24 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-03 SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-23SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2AreaBoring No.AH-03* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 7.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-3 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.50 183.25 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.32 99.76 5 0.02 #25 0.710 1.45 98.66 5 0.07 #35 0.500 5.95 94.14 1 0.06 #45 0.355 21.48 77.84 1 0.21 #60 0.250 52.22 38.20 0 0.00 #80 0.180 41.39 6.79 0 0.00 #120 0.125 6.64 1.75 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.24 1.56 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.07 1.51 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.02 1.50 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-03 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.3Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-37.5SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/1AreaBoring No.AH-03* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0-7.3 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: AH-04 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.76 134.60 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.36 99.57 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 99.57 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.04 99.52 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.01 99.51 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 99.51 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.07 99.42 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.01 99.41 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.02 99.38 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.10 99.26 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.22 99.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.52 98.37 1 0.01 #35 0.500 1.55 96.50 1 0.02 #45 0.355 3.73 92.00 0 0.00 #60 0.250 5.67 85.15 0 0.00 #80 0.180 8.69 74.66 0 0.00 #120 0.125 16.03 55.31 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.43 51.17 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.45 50.63 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.29 50.28 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-04-0318-C2 Sandy elastic silt, some medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.60Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectAH-040-7.3Sandy elastic silt, some medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1AreaBoring No.AH-04-0318-C2* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate4/23/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 49.64 94.23 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.01 99.98 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.01 99.96 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.19 99.53 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.52 98.36 0 0.00 #60 0.250 1.27 95.51 0 0.00 #80 0.180 1.50 92.15 0 0.00 #120 0.125 1.17 89.53 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.25 88.97 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.14 88.65 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.14 88.34 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-04 Elastic silt, few medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-10.5Elastic silt, few medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1AreaBoring No.AH-04* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 3.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.21 100.79 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.01 99.98 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.01 99.96 50 0.01 #25 0.710 0.05 99.86 50 0.03 #35 0.500 0.35 99.17 0 0.00 #45 0.355 1.30 96.60 1 0.01 #60 0.250 2.29 92.07 0 0.00 #80 0.180 2.88 86.38 0 0.00 #120 0.125 2.86 80.72 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.58 79.58 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.33 78.92 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.22 78.49 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-04 Elastic silt with sand, little medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-23Elastic silt with sand, little medium to fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 2.5/1AreaBoring No.AH-04* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 6.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-3 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 52.30 164.40 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.13 99.88 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.31 99.61 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.36 99.29 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.31 99.01 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.44 98.62 0 0.00 #45 0.355 1.05 97.68 0 0.00 #60 0.250 8.07 90.48 0 0.00 #80 0.180 36.53 57.89 0 0.00 #120 0.125 57.69 6.43 0 0.00 #170 0.090 6.20 0.90 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.50 0.45 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.12 0.35 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-04 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 5Y 7/4 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-36SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 5Y 7/4AreaBoring No.AH-04* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0-5.7 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: AH-05 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 49.77 97.35 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.22 99.54 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.12 99.29 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.11 99.05 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.01 99.03 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.10 98.82 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.02 98.78 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.20 98.36 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.09 98.17 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.14 97.88 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.20 97.46 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.61 96.17 1 0.01 #45 0.355 1.03 94.01 0 0.00 #60 0.250 2.43 88.90 0 0.00 #80 0.180 6.86 74.49 0 0.00 #120 0.125 10.77 51.85 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.76 48.15 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.36 47.39 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.25 46.87 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-05-0318-C2 SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, some silt, trace fine gravel-size rock fragments (SM) 5Y 2.5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.20Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectAH-050-5.7SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, some silt, trace fine gravel-size rock fragments (SM) 5Y 2.5/1AreaBoring No.AH-05-0318-C2* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate4/23/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 49.27 75.17 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.01 99.96 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.01 99.92 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.08 99.61 0 0.00 #60 0.250 0.12 99.15 0 0.00 #80 0.180 0.19 98.42 0 0.00 #120 0.125 0.22 97.57 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.12 97.10 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.05 96.91 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.14 96.37 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-05 Elastic silt, trace fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 3/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-10.5Elastic silt, trace fine-grained quartz sand (MH) 5Y 3/1AreaBoring No.AH-05* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 5.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.07 173.13 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.29 99.76 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.26 99.55 0 0.00 #25 0.710 0.93 98.79 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.40 98.46 0 0.00 #45 0.355 2.06 96.77 0 0.00 #60 0.250 8.47 89.83 0 0.00 #80 0.180 44.97 52.99 0 0.00 #120 0.125 53.78 8.93 0 0.00 #170 0.090 6.90 3.28 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.16 2.33 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.64 1.80 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-05 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 5Y 5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-25SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 5Y 5/1AreaBoring No.AH-05* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0-9.8 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: AH-06 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 49.83 179.33 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.30 99.77 30 0.09 #14 1.400 0.56 99.34 10 0.06 #18 1.000 0.97 98.59 10 0.10 #25 0.710 1.82 97.18 15 0.27 #35 0.500 3.23 94.69 10 0.32 #45 0.355 6.87 89.38 1 0.07 #60 0.250 12.34 79.85 0 0.00 #80 0.180 27.54 58.59 0 0.00 #120 0.125 57.84 13.92 0 0.00 #170 0.090 8.62 7.27 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.54 6.85 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.21 6.69 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 1 % AH-06-0318-C2 SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace fine sand-size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.81Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectAH-060-9.8SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt, trace fine sand-size shell fragments (SP-SM) 5Y 5/2AreaBoring No.AH-06-0318-C2* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate4/23/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.27 177.13 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.23 99.82 100 0.23 #18 1.000 0.53 99.40 0 0.00 #25 0.710 1.90 97.90 1 0.02 #35 0.500 3.72 94.97 1 0.04 #45 0.355 7.17 89.32 1 0.07 #60 0.250 17.66 75.40 0 0.00 #80 0.180 30.61 51.27 0 0.00 #120 0.125 27.59 29.52 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.96 26.40 0 0.00 #200 0.075 1.66 25.09 0 0.00 #230 0.063 1.37 24.01 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-06 SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand- size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.3Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-10.5SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SM) 5Y 5/1AreaBoring No.AH-06* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 5.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.21 182.28 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.29 99.78 50 0.15 #10 2.000 0.11 99.69 100 0.11 #14 1.400 0.18 99.56 100 0.18 #18 1.000 0.22 99.39 100 0.22 #25 0.710 0.18 99.25 0 0.00 #35 0.500 0.20 99.10 0 0.00 #45 0.355 0.33 98.85 0 0.00 #60 0.250 1.64 97.60 0 0.00 #80 0.180 17.35 84.36 0 0.00 #120 0.125 92.41 13.86 0 0.00 #170 0.090 15.35 2.14 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.53 1.74 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.13 1.64 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-06 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.5Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-25SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/2AreaBoring No.AH-06* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 9.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-3 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.75 192.04 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #14 1.400 0.17 99.88 0 0.00 #18 1.000 1.19 99.03 0 0.00 #25 0.710 4.14 96.08 0 0.00 #35 0.500 10.35 88.70 0 0.00 #45 0.355 25.05 70.85 0 0.00 #60 0.250 30.63 49.01 0 0.00 #80 0.180 32.10 26.13 0 0.00 #120 0.125 28.45 5.85 0 0.00 #170 0.090 3.27 3.52 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.30 3.31 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.15 3.20 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-06 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 2.5Y 6/8 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-39SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt (SP) 2.5Y 6/8AreaBoring No.AH-06* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0-8.1 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 4/23/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: AH-07 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 50.04 170.24 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.81 99.33 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 99.33 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 99.33 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 99.33 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.40 98.99 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.48 98.59 10 0.05 #14 1.400 1.18 97.61 30 0.35 #18 1.000 1.90 96.03 15 0.29 #25 0.710 3.72 92.94 20 0.74 #35 0.500 6.49 87.54 30 1.95 #45 0.355 14.34 75.61 5 0.72 #60 0.250 31.44 49.45 1 0.31 #80 0.180 24.20 29.32 0 0.00 #120 0.125 17.50 14.76 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.24 13.73 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.17 13.59 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.10 13.50 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 4 % AH-07-0318-C2 SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace coarse to fine sand- size rock fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.64Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectAH-070-8.1SAND, silty, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, little silt, trace coarse to fine sand-size rock fragments (SM) 5Y 5/2AreaBoring No.AH-07-0318-C2* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate4/23/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 0.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-1 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 49.80 175.80 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.20 99.84 100 0.20 #10 2.000 0.02 99.83 100 0.02 #14 1.400 0.09 99.75 0 0.00 #18 1.000 0.12 99.66 100 0.12 #25 0.710 0.49 99.27 1 0.00 #35 0.500 2.95 96.93 0 0.00 #45 0.355 19.27 81.63 0 0.00 #60 0.250 57.80 35.76 0 0.00 #80 0.180 36.81 6.55 0 0.00 #120 0.125 7.36 0.71 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.21 0.54 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.05 0.50 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.05 0.46 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-07 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to medium sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0.3Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-10.5SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace coarse to medium sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 7/1AreaBoring No.AH-07* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 3.0 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-2 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 51.40 187.01 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.10 99.93 100 0.10 #7 2.800 0.34 99.68 100 0.34 #10 2.000 0.35 99.42 50 0.18 #14 1.400 0.65 98.94 50 0.33 #18 1.000 1.07 98.15 50 0.54 #25 0.710 1.79 96.83 10 0.18 #35 0.500 3.11 94.54 10 0.31 #45 0.355 7.27 89.17 1 0.07 #60 0.250 28.03 68.51 1 0.28 #80 0.180 55.14 27.84 0 0.00 #120 0.125 31.52 4.60 0 0.00 #170 0.090 1.30 3.64 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.18 3.51 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.13 3.41 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 2 % AH-07 SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 6/1 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI2Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-23SAND, poorly-graded, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, trace silt, trace medium to fine sand-size shell fragments (SP) 5Y 6/1AreaBoring No.AH-07* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Terracon 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) · (904) 268-5255 (Fax) VISUAL SHELL CONTENT GRAIN SIZE AND VISUAL SHELL CONTENT Project: Depth: 7.5 Project No.: EQ185047 Date: 6/6/2018 Boring No.: Sample No.: S-3 Description: Tare Weight, (g): 48.10 164.18 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g):(with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g)% Passing Approx. Visual Shell % Approx. Visual Shell Wt. (g) 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 7/16 11.112 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 5/16 7.938 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 #7 2.800 0.11 99.91 0 0.00 #10 2.000 0.30 99.65 0 0.00 #14 1.400 1.04 98.75 0 0.00 #18 1.000 2.03 97.00 0 0.00 #25 0.710 5.58 92.20 0 0.00 #35 0.500 11.27 82.49 0 0.00 #45 0.355 24.96 60.98 0 0.00 #60 0.250 36.95 29.15 0 0.00 #80 0.180 17.81 13.81 0 0.00 #120 0.125 7.83 7.06 0 0.00 #170 0.090 0.96 6.24 0 0.00 #200 0.075 0.13 6.13 0 0.00 #230 0.063 0.05 6.08 0 0.00 Total Shell Content: 0 % AH-07 SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt (SP-SM) 5Y 5/3 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): Carteret County Navigation Project % CO3GsShell LL PL PI0Sample No.Elev. Or DepthClassificationProjectCarteret County Navigation ProjectS-37.5SAND, poorly-graded with silt, mostly medium to fine-grained quartz, few silt (SP-SM) 5Y 5/3AreaBoring No.AH-07* The USC classification is based on laboratory grain size distribution and visual classificationDate6/6/2018GRADATION CURVESENG FORM 2087MAY 6301020304050607080901000001101001000COBBLESSILT OR CLAYGRAVEL SANDFINEMEDIUMCOARSE FINE COARSE1009080706050403020100PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHTPERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTU.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER6 4 3 2 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 2000.0010.010.111010010005005050.50.050.005GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS