HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-20 MVYC�►1 a1S'� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission Permit for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS I I3A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Permit Number 98-20 Issued to MWC Inc., PO Box 1415, Manteo, NC 27954 Authorizing development in Dare County at adi. to a man-made canal off Shallowbay Bay. at 300 Mother Vineyard Rd., in Manteo, as requested in the permittee's application dated 4/27/20, including attached workplan drawings (8), as referenced in Condition No. 1 below. This permit, issued on October 7, 2020 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation A these terms may be subject to tines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null ana voia. 1) Unless specifically altered herein, all development shall be carried out in accordance with the attached workplan drawings (8), Pages 1-7 of 7 all dated 5/10/20 and Boathouse Elevation View dated 9/14/20. Boathouse Elevation View dated 9/14/20 replaces all referenced elevation drawings of the boathouse depicted on Page 5 of 7 dated 5/10/20. Excavation 2) hi order to protect juvenile shrimp and finfish populations, no excavation or filling shall be permitted between April 1 and September 30 of any year without the prior approval of the Division of Coastal Management, in consultation with appropriate resource agencies. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2023 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chair of the Coastal Resources Commission. Braxton C. Davis, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature ofPermittee MVYC Inc. Permit No. 98-20 Page 2 of 5 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) No excavation shall take place outside of the area indicated on the workplan drawings. 4) Excavation shall not exceed -4 feet below the normal water level. In no case shall the depth of excavation exceed the depth of connecting waters. 5) The temporary placement or double handling of excavated or fill materials within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. 6) No excavation waterward of the limits of the authorized groin shall take place within 5 feet of any Coastal Wetlands. 7) The permittee is advised that submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat exists within and in close proximity to the authorized project. All available precautions shall be utilized to ensure that damage to SAV habitat outside the limits of the project area does not result from the construction of the authorized development, to the greatest extent practicable. 8) All mechanized equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or any other hazardous waste, the permittee shall immediately report it to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802 and provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act will be followed. Spoil Disposal 9) No spoil material shall be placed within 30 feet of the normal water line, except that which will be used to backfill the area behind the permitted bulkhead, once properly dried. 10) All excavated materials shall be confined above normal water line and landward of regularly or irregularly flooded marsh behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids into any marsh or surrounding waters. 11) Spoil from the authorized dredge footprint shall be dewatered before use as backfill. All remaining backfill material shall be obtained from a high ground source and confined behind the permitted bulkhead. 12) The permittee and/or his contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the spoil material is properly contained during transport to the disposal site, and that all the proper coordination has taken place with the local or state governments to ensure that any damage to public streets caused by transport of the spoil material has been addressed. MVYC Inc. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Maintenance Clause Permit No. 98-20 Page 3 of 5 13) The Division of Coastal Management shall be notified in writing at least two (2) weeks in advance of any maintenance excavation work authorized by this permit, and such notification shall include: A. The number of the original permit. B. A statement that no dimensional changes are proposed. C. A copy of the original permit plans with cross -hatching indicating the area to be maintained, the area to be used for spoil disposal, and the estimated amount of material to be removed. The location, design and holding capacity of the spoil disposal site shall be approved by a representative of the Division prior to the initiation of any maintenance dredging activities. D. The date of map revision and the permittee's signature shown anew on the original plan. Shoreline Stabilization - Bulkhead 14) The bulkhead shall be constructed in accordance with the alignment depicted on the attached workplan drawings. 15) Unless altered herein, no open water shall be excavated or filled, even temporarily, outside of the approved bulkhead alignment. 16) No vegetated wetlands shall be excavated or filled, even temporarily. 17) The bulkhead shall be solid and constructed of treated wood, concrete slabs, metal or vinyl sheet piles, or other suitable materials approved by Division personnel. 18) The bulkhead shall be constructed prior to any backfilling activities. 19) The bulkhead shall be structurally tight so as to prevent seepage of backfill materials through the structure. 20) The fill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 21) Unless altered herein, all backfill material shall be obtained from a high ground source and confined behind the permitted bulkhead. 22) No backfill material is to be placed within 30 feet of the normal water level, except that which will be used to backfill the area behind the permitted bulkhead. 23) All fill material to be placed below normal water level shall be confined behind the permitted bulkhead. Groin 24) The groin shall be constructed in accordance with the alignment depicted on the attached workplan drawings. 25) The permitted groins shall be constructed of treated wood, plastic lumber, metal or vinyl sheet piles or other suitable materials approved by Department personnel. MVYC Inc. ADDITIONAL Boathouse Permit No. 98-20 Page 4 of 5 26) This permit authorizes only the boathouse and platform, and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanent part of this docking facility without permit modification. No non - water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over Public Trust waters without permit modification. 27) The non -conforming second story shall not change in use, and continue to be utilized for storage only. 28) No sewage, whether treated or untreated, shall be discharged at any time from any boats using the docking facility. Any sewage discharge at the docking facility shall be considered a violation of this permit for which the permittee is responsible. This prohibition shall be applied and enforced throughout the entire existence of the permitted structure. 29) This permit authorizes a maximum of 2 formalized boat slips located within the boathouse. 30) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. 31) The authorized structure and associated activity shall not cause an unacceptable interference with navigation and shall not exceed the dimensions shown on the attached permit drawings. 32) In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, the parking lot originally proposed for this project is hereby deleted. Any and all reference to the originally proposed parking lot in the attached permit application or workplan drawings is hereby considered null and void. 33) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the grading and other land disturbing activities associated with the development of the above referenced property, including the deck and walkway, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 34) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. UplandDevelopment 35) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures shall be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses or properties. 36) A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided within 30 calendar days of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. At a minimum, a silt fence shall be properly installed immediately landward of the bulkhead cap immediately following completion of backfilling activities. MVYC Inc. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS General Permit No. 98-20 Page 5 of 5 37) The alignment of the authorized bulkhead and groin shall be staked by the permittee and verified by a representative of the Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of construction. 38) Should the Lot to the south be sold prior to the initiation of construction, the permittee shall obtain a written agreement from the new owner(s) waiving the 15-foot riparian corridor setback and submit it to the Division of Coastal Management prior to initiating construction of the docking facility. 39) This permit shall not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. 40) All debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development shall be contained within the authorized project area and removed to an appropriate upland location 41) The permittee and/or his or her contractor shall meet with a representative of the Division prior to project initiation. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the project by way of Programmatic General Permit 198000291 (Action ID SAW-2020-01008). NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources authorized the proposed project by way of General Water Quality Certification 4175 and assigned the project DWR Project No. 2020-0770. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (252) 264-3901 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non -water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal water level. NOTE: An application processing fee of $400 was received by DCM for this project. This fee also satisfied the Section 401 application processing fee requirements of the Division of Water Resources. 0 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Application Processing Notes Applicant: Type: (Check all that apply) New V _ Major Mod Permit# Permit Coordinator: Field Representative: Date Time Minor Mod _ Renewal 11 _ Transfer ���//I440 TDto�i� rr / �I,47a `JiSws��,,� "'� QC��ica,ri0f1� 4�4—ec(( LA bl(aCZc2 �ltilli� ON'�`�prtLvlbU�rl P-14 C LLCA(671111 14(7-1Q((1(11(14(18(115" a(zl°ltz.;COOkOk '`�s � r DCM Coordinator: Ike Permit #: 4 Zv 1MAELING DISTRIBUTION SHEET /Y(S !d/e k..Alc 279�21 Agents: tb�✓1 oQ ertC! .lmwt DCM Field Offices Elizabeth Ciq / � ,! Lw1�nA G ck Washington (with revised work plan drawings) Morehead City 111 Wilmington (OBJECTIONS ) US ACOE Offices: Washington: Raleigh Bland (Beaufort, Camden, Chowan, Craven, Hertford, Hyde, Perquimans, Tyrrell) }Josh Pelletier (Bertie, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Washington) Tom Steffans (NC DOT- Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Pamlico) Bill Biddlecome (NC DOT -Remainder ECity/Washington District) Wilmington: Greg Curry (Brunswick, New Hanover) Liz Hair (Carteret, Onslow, Pender) Brad Shaver (NCDOT-Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender) Cultural Resources: Public Water Supply: Marine Fisheries: NC DOT: Shellfish Sanitation: State Property: DEM LR/D W R: Washington: Renee Gledhill -Earley at Environmental.Review@ncdcc9,Z Heidi Cox (WIRO) Kim Harding David Harris Shannon Jenkins / Sharon Gupton Tim Walton / Mike Moser Sheri Montalvo / Shelton Sullivan Chris Pullinger - 401 Clif Whitfield (WARD) Jimmy Harrison Roger Thorpe-Stormwater Garcy Ward- (NCDOT-Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, Washington) Wilmington: Robb Mairs —401 (Brunswick, New Hanover) Holley Snider — 401 (Carteret, Onslow, Pender) Christine Hall - Stormwater Joanne Steenhuis - 401 (NCDOT-Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender) Wildlife Resources: Maria Dunn (WARD) (NCDOT) Travis Wilson Natural Heritage Program Rodney Butler LPO: �)04074 44k Received ocM Mr-� APPLICATION for ccn�-Ec Major Development Permit past revised 12/27/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. PrimaryApplicant/Landowner lnformation Business Name Project Name (if applicable) Mvyc, Inc. Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse Applicant 1: First Name MI Last Name John M. Robbins III M. Robbins III Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional apPlfcants, please attach an additional page(s) mlh names listed. Mailing Address PO Box City State MVYC, Inc, C/O John M. Robbins III 1415 Manteo NC Zip Country Phone No. FAX No. 27954 Dare 252.423-0516 ext. NA- M, Address (if (!%rent from above) City NA State ZIP Email Johnmanteo@gmaii.com 2. Agent/ContractorInformation Business Name NA Agent/ Contractor 1: Fret Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Boz City State ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 ext. - - ext. FAX No. Contractor # Street Address (if ditmnt from above) Email City <Form continues on back> State ZIP 252-808-2a08 .. 1-888-4RCOAST .. www,nc.coastolmanagemont.not JUN 0 9 2020 I CM-NIHD CITY Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of4) Received APPLICATION for MAY ! r: 21'C_'7 Major Development Permit t Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of eEtImactft.98' )2,500c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximof tract above NHW (normal high water) orNA, NWL (noel) (if many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) 2' Cg NWL e. Vegetation on tract The upland portion is a blend of lawn grasses and the dominant species in the wetlands is Black Needle Rush Quncus roemerianus). f. Man-made features and uses now on tract The Historic Tull Lennon Boathouse was removed due to storm damage in May 2018. The boathouse was located over over a man-made basin. Other improvments include a 'sand and drive' gravel measuring 239 sf and a concrete pad attached to the boathouse measuring 73 at. All of these man-made features are located within 30' CAMA Buffer. g. Identify and describe the existing land uses 51diacen to the proposed project site. The property is surrounded by low density single family residences. The immediate lots are undevelqarest permitted for any commercial uses. An adjacent property is owned by the Mother Vineyard Homeow has a boat ramp on it. The canal is lined with boat docks, boat houses and other structures. h. How does local government zone the tract? 1. Is the proposed project consistent with the aR-1 Low Density Residential (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if appli ®Yes ONO ❑NA J. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been time for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. Oyes ®No ❑NA If yes, by whom? I. Is the proposed prolect located in a National Registered Historic District Or does It Involve a National Register listed or eligible property? []Yes (:]No ®NA Form continues on next page> RECEIVED 252.808-2808 :: 1.888-4RCOAST :: www.necoastalmanngement.not JUN 0 9 2020 Y 0,A-NAND CITY Received Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for N'�'i 14 «: 7 Major Development Permit m. (1) Are tE�stal on the site? ®Yes ❑No (it) Are ttlands on the site? ®Yes ❑No (iii) If ye (it) above, has a delineation been conducted? ®Yes ❑No (Attaon, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilibm. NA o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. NA p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. NA 5. Activities and Impacts e. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ❑PublirvGovernment ®PrivatelCommurtiry b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. MWC, Inc. seeks to rebuild the historic boathouse that dates back to the 1930's. The historic maritime use of the site will continue unchanged. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it Is to be stored. One excavator shall be used for dredge and fill activities. One dumptruck to haul material to and from the site. One additional machine shall be used to install the bulkhead and pilings. Thereafter, the boathouse will be constructed with hand tools. d. List all development activities you propose. Malntenace dredging, install a bulkhead, backfill a portion of the bulhead, rebuild the boathouse, abandon the 'sand and gravel driveway, install a pervious concrete driveway, and wooden boardwalks. The activities shall result in a reduction of impervious lot coverage. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? new wod( I. What Is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 698 ®Sq.Ft or ❑Ayres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ❑Yes ®No ❑NA that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Existing: minimal surface runoff from concrete area and the sand and gravel drive. Proposed: The existing sand and gravel drive will be removed and a pervious concrete parking area is proposed to reduce discharge. There will be rainwater discharge from the boathouse roof. The site will be graded and vegetated to direct water away for the waters of the state. 1. Will wastewater ar stonnwater be discharged Into a wetiend? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the recelving water? ❑Yes []No ®NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. <Form continues on back> RECEIVED 252.808.2808 :: 1.888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.not JUN 09 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of4) Receivefl APPLICATION for Nvi lac._) Major Development Permit F1nslnu:X(1m itionallnformallon fo cohis completed s (a)atbn roan,flop") the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application o be complete. Items (a) — (tJ are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application booklet ar how to properly prepare the required items below. project narrative. - ---- b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, dearly indicate on maps, plate, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) a other Instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name Mother Vineyard Property Owners Association, Go Buddy McCown Phone No. NA Address PO Box 219, Marilee, NC 27954 Name Marcia Sawyer Bryant Phone No. NA Address NA966 US HWY, Manteo, NC 27954 Name Mr. William E. Jones Phone No. NA Address 162 Scuppernong RD, Marilee, NC 27954 U. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittes, and issuing dates. SAW-2019-00766 USACE Jurisdictional Determination 6113119 h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, If applicable. Wetland delineation, if necessary. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) I. A statement of compliance with the N,C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), gneceeeary. If the prgeq involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. i understand that any permit issued in response to I I la application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. i certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands In connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the Information provided in this application i ful to the best y knowledge. Date April 27, 2020 Print Name John M. R in I Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ®DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ®DCM MPI Upland Development ®DCM MP-4 Structures Information 252-808-2808 ,. 1-888.4RCOAST ., www.nccoaslalmanagemont.net ii IN 0 9 2020 r K;ivi-MHD CITY Received Form DCM MP-2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) DCM-EC Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given In feet. Access Chan el Other (NLWat Cl BoBasin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding NWL Breakwater shoreline stabilization Length 15' 26' Width 30' 17' Avg. Existing Depth -2.16' 2.25' NA NA Final Pro)ect Depth - 4.0' - 4.0' NA NA I. EXCAVATION ❑This section not applicable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b. Type of material to be excavated. cubic yards. Organics and fine/coarse sand 61 sMB (Access Channel: 32 Cubic Yards, Boat Basin: 29 Cubicis Yards) Varda) (1) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands/marsh d. High -ground excavation in cubic yards. (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), 5 Cubic Yards or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes ajja checked, provide the number of square feel affected, C fR ❑CW ®SAV qo.4fl; ❑SB _ OWL _ ❑None 01) Describe the purpose of the excavation In these areas: The purpose of the excavation is to maintain acess to the historic boathouse. Them is no alternative and ability to minimize the impact. The observed area of SAWS is 90 SF. 12. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ❑ This sect/on not applcable a. Location of disposal area. 110 Toler Road, Manteo NC 27954 (Cleared residential property) c. (I) Do you claim title to disposal area? ®Yes ONO ❑NA (It) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. e. (1) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked. provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB _ OWL ®None (if) Describe the purpose of disposal In these areas: Dimensions of disposal area. 25' x 25' (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ONO ®NA (ii) If yes, where? NA 1. (1) Does the disposal include any area in the water? Oyes ONO ❑NA (11) If yes, how much water area is affecled? R EIVED 252-808-2808 :: 1-888ARCOAST n www,i ceastaimanngemont.net revised: 12i26/06 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Form DCM MP-2 (Excavation and Fill, Page 2 of 3) Received NA 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION (It development is a wood groin, use MP-4 — Structures) a. Type of shoreline stabilization: ®Bulkhead ❑Riprap ❑Breakwater/Sill ❑Other: C. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: 3.5' 04Y 14 , ❑This section not applicable Width: 17' d. Maximum distance walerward of NHW or NWL: 5' e. Type of stabilization material: I. (I) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 Vinyl bulkhead sheathing and wood pile. The bulkhead adjacent to months? the wetlands will not have any tiebacks and will be pile supported. ❑yes ONO ❑NA All of the bulkhead adjacent to the wetlands shall be supported by deadmen and tiebacks. (ti) If yes, state amount of erasion and source of erosion amount information. g. Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level. Bulkhead backflll 97 SF Riprap Breakwater/Sill_ Other_ i. Source of fill material. Offsite fill supplied by contractor h. Type of fill material. Fine/coarse sand 4. OTHER PILL ACTIVITIES ®This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. (1) Will fill material be brought to the site? ❑Yes (:]No If yes, (II) Amount of material to be placed in the water (lit) Dimensions of fill area _ (iv) Purpose of fill Will All material be placed In coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV _ ❑SB _ OWL []None Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas: 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b. What type of wnstruction equipment will be used (e.g., dragline, controlled? backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? I propose that a silt curtain is put in the water to keep the Backhoe suspended sediment contained during dredging. In the upland _ areas we will Install silt fencing until the vegetation is stabilized. c. (I) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? ❑Yes d. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in Transporting equipment to project No ❑NA site? ❑yes ®No ❑NA (It) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. (ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize NA environmental impacts. RECEIVED 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: wvuvv nccoastalmanagement.not JUN 0 9 2020 revised: 12i26A6 DCM-MHD CITY Form DCM MP-2 (Excavation and Fill, Page 3 of 3) April 27, 2020 Date Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse Project Name MVYC, Inc; John M. Robbins III Appll t Na APPII Signature Received DCM-EC 252-808-2808 :: 1-888.411COAST :: www,nccoaRtalmanagemenGnet revised: 12126706 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY r: Form DCM MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT 6GiVl':(r (Construction andlor land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. GENERAL UPLAND DEVELOPMENT a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures b. Number of lots or parcels. proposed. Reath + Mod R d lk- + RervIOUQ Concrete 1 1 Driveway: 1 C. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per d. Size of area to be graded, filled, or disturbed Including roads, acre). ditches, etc. 1 1.345 SF (approximately 50% of the parcel is comprised of wetlands or a boat basin/canal, the remaining upland area will be disturbed with minimal grading to direct discharge and stormwater away from the surrounding waters) e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the f. List the materials (such as mad, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and to be used for impervious surfaces. sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land -disturbing activity begins. N , no f Impervious NA, no use of Impervious surfaces, only pervious concrete (i) If applicable has a sedimentation and erosion control Plan been used submitted to the Division of Land Resources? if I at t' a date sub ifted. NA yes, g. Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to In. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also be covered by impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as require a Stormwater Certification. pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. (i) Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of 10.9% (includes pervious concrete on parcel, does not Water Duality for review? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA include the boathouse) I. Give the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious (it) If yes, list the date submitted: October 12. 2018 andlor built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. 24.4% (Includes boathouse and pervious concrete) j. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. It. Have the facilities described in Item (i) received stale or local NA approval? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes, attach appropriate documentation. I. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the m. Does the proposed project include an innovative stormwater state (e.g., surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/ design? commercial effluent, 'Wash down' and residential discharges). []Yes ®No ❑NA — NA If yes, attach appropriate documentation. RECEIVED 252.808-28062::1.888-4RCDAST www,necpastalma"agement.nef revised: 12126/06 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-fV HD CITY Form DCM MP-3 (Upland Development, Paqe 2 of 2) m. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g.. well, n. (i) Will water be impounded? []Yes ®No ONA community, public system, etc.) (ii) If yes, how many acres? NA Dare County Public Water o. When was the lot(s) platted and recorded? p. If proposed development is a subdivision, will additional utilities be December 9, 1937 Installed for this upland development? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA Apr1127, 2020 Date Received Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse Project Name MVYC, Inc. c/o John M. Robbins III DCM-EC Appllca a Applwan ignal re RECEIVED 252-808.2808:: 1-888-4RCOAST:: wwvr.ncceastaIm nagement.net JUN 0 9 'Ntu revised: 12126!06 DCm-MHD CITY eceive(I Form DCM MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) D M-EC Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. (i) Is the docking facility/marina: ❑Commercial ❑PublictGovemment ®Private/Community c. (i) Dock(s) and/or plants) (II) Number 1 (ii) Length T (iv)Width 3_5' (v) Floating ❑Yes ONO e. (1) Are Platforms included? ❑Yes ®No If yes: (It) Number (III) Length (iv) Width _ (v) Floating ❑Yes ONO Note: Roofed areas are calculafed from drip/ine dimensions. g. (i) Number of slips proposed 2 (II) Number of slips existing 2 i. Check the proposed type of siting: ❑ Land cut and access channel ❑Open water; dredging for basin and/or channel t�❑Open water; no dredging required ry' R10ther; please describe: V Maintenance dredging is required k. Typical boat length: 18mM M. (I) WEI the facility have tie pilings? ®Yes ❑No (ii) If yes number of tie pilings? 4 ❑This section not applicable b. (1) Will the facility be open to the general public? Dyes ONO d. (i) Are Finger Piers included? ❑Yes ®No If yes: (11) Number (III) Length (iv) Width (v) Floating ❑Yes ❑No f. (i) AmBoatliftsincluded? ❑Yes ®No If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width h. Check all the types of services to be provided. ❑ Full service, including travel lift andlor rail, repair or maintenance service ❑ Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ❑ Dockage ('Wet slips') only, number of slips: ❑ Dry storage; number of boats: _ ❑ Boat ramp(s); number of boat ramps: ❑ Other, please describe: j. Describe the typical boats to be served (e.g., open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, mixed types). open runabout I. (1) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ®No REGOVED 252-808-2808 :: 1.888-414COAST :: www.nccoastalmana;(�Oment.net revised: 12/27/06 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHI03 CITY Received Form DCM MP-4 (Structures, Paye 2 of 4) 2. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA OPERATIONS is section not appNcable a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities that will be included in the proposed project. ❑ Office Toilets ❑ Toilets for patrons; Number: _; Location: ❑ Showers ❑ Boatholding tank pumpout; Give type and location: b. Describe treatment type and disposal location for all sanitary wastewater. c. Describe the disposal of solid waste, fish offal and trash. d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? e. (1) Give the location and number of 'No Sewage Discharge -signs proposed. (it) Give the location and number of "Pumpoul Available" signs proposed. f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste and petroleum products. g. More will residue from vessel maintenance be disposed of? h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. _ I. Give the location of fuel -handling facilities, and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. j. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live -aboard dockage? k. Describe design measures that promote boat basin gushing? I. If this project Is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? in Is the marina/docking facility proposed within a primary or secondary nursery area? ❑Yes ❑No :t:=,DEIVED 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.necoastalman@nemeM.net II;N 0 9 2020 revised: 12127/06 iJCrA_ AHD CITY Form DCM MP-4 (Structures, Page 3 of 4) Received n. Is the madna/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to any shellfish harvesting area? ❑Yes ❑No o. Is the madna/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic veg a io , S I bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None P. Is the proposed marina/docking facility located within or within close proximity to any shellfish leases? Dyes ❑No If yes, give the name and address of the leaseholder(s), and give the proximity to the lease. 3. BOATHOUSE (including covered lifts) ❑This section not app/h:able a. (i) Is the boathouse slructure(s): []Commercial ❑PublidGovemment ®Private/Community, (II) Number 1 (III) Length 28 2' (Footprint 26.2 plus ddoline) (Iv) Width 19.1' (Footprint 17 1' plus ddoline) Note: Roofed areas are calculated from ddpline dimensions. 4. GROIN (e.g., wood, sheetp/le, etc. Ifs rock groin, use MP-2, Excavation and Fill.) ®This section not applicable a. (I) Number (11) Length (if) Width S. BREAKWATER (e.g., wood, sheetpile, etc.) ®This section not applicable A . Length _ c. Maximum distance beyond NHW, NWL or wetlands 6. MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS a. Is the structure(s): ❑Commercial ❑PubiiorGovemment ❑Private/Communily, c. Distance to be placed beyond shoreline Note: This should be measured from marsh edge, if present. e. Arc of the swing _ 7. GENERAL b. Average distance from NH W, NWL, or wetlands 0This section not applicable b. Number d. Description of buoy (color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) RF['FI /FA 252-808.2808 :: 1-888.4RCOAST :: wwvv.npcaastalmanayemest.nel revised: 12/27106 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Form DCM MP-4 (Structures, Page 4 of 4) a. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent riparian property lines b. Proximity of stmcture(s) to adjacent docking facilities. Boathouse: 6.5' from south property line (hereafter'line'), 8' Approximately 80' - from st line, 23.5'(Fam neFth lkxf and 14 from east "Re Note: Fw buoy or mooring piling, use am of swing including length Of vessel. c. Width of water body 80, (I) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? []Yes ®No ❑NA (if) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. NA d. Water depth at watenvard end of structure at NLW or NWL Received ►.far t DMEC 8. OTHER ❑This section not applicable a. Give complete description: The Historic Tull Lennon Boathouse dates to the late 1930's as identified on the 1937 deed. MVYC is applying to rebuild the historic structure in the original footprint with the loft, as well 73 LF of new boardwalk rimming the boathouse and canal. The boathouse will be built in the original footprint of the structure. The measurements as shown on the survey do not include the dripline of the structure, only the footprint. The proposed structure will be constructed with the original overhangs adding two (2) feet to the length and width as shown on the surveys. The dock Is located under the footprint of the boathouse. April 27, 2020 Date Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse Project Nam MYYC, Inc clo John M. Robbins III Appll tit Ap ant Signature RECEIVED 252-008-2808 :i 1-888.4RCOAST :: www pccpaatalmanngementatot revised: 12/27/06 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY AIHMmu SITE LEGEND sawn ROAxa¢ - EX. 1" OPEN PIPE MAR11:0 souro - EX. 1/2" REBAR Q - CALCULATED POINT E - EX. CONIC. MON. ❑ - CONC. MON. SET - EX. MAG NAIL 0 - MAG NAIL SET IXMATAN )$( - EX. 1" PINCH PIPE s 010 ftlMNWE ® - WATER METER - PHONE PEDESTAL - C.A.T.V. - UTILITY POLE ZA GUY PARE rf- FIRE HYDRANT ®- ELECT. TRANS. AD - ABOVE GRADE •� BG - BELOW GRADE - EX. CONC. INSIDE 3' OPEN PIPE o°•�� CARD ... SEAL / NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. 2. AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION - 2,500 S.F. (TOTAL) 3. F.I.R.M. ZONE: AE; B.F.E.: 9.0' (PER F.I.R.M.) + 1' FREEBOARD 4. PIN NO.: 11 988011 67 7457 5. RECORDED REFERENCE: 08 102, PG 582; DB 81. PG 35; OB 2205. PG. 944. S. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES (MBL) IF SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE CURRENT LOCAL ZONING REGULATIONS. OTHER SETBACKS AND/OR RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. ELEVATIONS (NAVD 1988): N/A I, MANSON RAY MEEKINS, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK___2205_, PAGE_J4&__); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK_____, PAGE_-_—__); THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1/10,000+; THAT THIS PLAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLIN (21 NCAC 56.1600). THIS _2Q1g_-- DAY OF _, JANUARY____ 2019_, 'This certifbe that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the Jurisdietloa of Seation 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the underelgned on this date, Unless there Is a change in the law or our published regulations this detennlnotion of Section 404 Jurisdiction may be relied upon far a period not to exceed eve years from this date. This determination was made utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement tgethe"11087eparps ofeEngirs" VAetlands DMlneatlon Manual." L-2592 '• °♦ a Dote A_ UBACE Action on ID ).01c, �.♦♦ �s 9�lR .4 ,` SAw- aV c,-00766 Received i 1 • O I � e SAND At ° • 9 " e • ♦GRAVEL I d'• �. y 14 R243 d ec W • U v e RIVE° e ° •s. w 44' • a! d° d� �- DCM-EC 1.3' BJed - 37'00'00" W 50.00' • 0.3' BG I N/F / _ _ .. - `MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT ` /?BA L6 �..DONCRETE`.. � • (PC E, SL 507) /b/ <a ' / ' SAND &,� (DB 1931, PG 212) OBSOM WA LE1,FLnD/z iTin�J l�i �t ..., ��: (1.285 s°.Si.) GRAVEL D51VE �'—. _ _ CANAL FLUSH 1' BG j L3 A I WETLANDS (199 S.F.) 1 i w !r 1� j w 3j w CANAL 39.34' w N/F w WILLIAM E. JONES CINDY L. JONES & GEORGE W. SPICER (D.B. 1756, PG.72) (PARCEL 024395023) t ° 4 e 5/8 RREBW — — .Q • dW/ CAP -./ .• S37.00' 0"E o.3 BD 4 S37 00'00"E AG A; 124.50'• — - 300.00' !° w 4 • r 0.4' A( �° • SAND R °d 4� e e go .GRAVEL DRVEIt,y / °' d :♦.. 44 •111. / L5- S 37'00'00" E 50.00' OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (10/24/17) 1 w ( CANAL w LINE TABLE BEARING 50.00 5 "E 50.00 5 '00'0 "201.32 N37'00'00"W 10.00 N53'00'00"E EUNELENGTH 45.38 S45'02'13"E 8.39 N3C07'15"W 18.04 N63'31'57E 15.20 N5212'39"E 5.29 '45'52"E N/F MOTHER VINEYARD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. �PC D, 94 9R EJV 5/8" REBAR 0.1' BG d / a • s w fe b JUN 12 2020 0? 7V.4Z (I ICJ Y MAG NAIL O CL 91T MOTHER VINEYARD RD. k SCUPPERNONG RD. MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III DCM—MHD CITY Date: May 10, 2020 REV 01 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR Page 1 of 7 MVYC, INC. A PARCEL OF LAND ON MOTHER VINEYARD ROAD — ROANOKE ISLAND NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP — DARE COUNTY — NORTH CAROLINA zo 10 0 20 SEABOARD SURVEYING & PLANNING, INC. C-1536 1 inch 20 ft. 103E W. WOOD; HILL, DR.. P.O.. BOX 58, NAGS HEAD, NC 27959 _ OFFICE: (252) 480-9998 FAX: (252) 480-0571 LE: 1707845 SURVEYED.10/24/17 KT PUTTED. 10/27/17 MJ I @P1 90.00' .5" M.B.L. Received M4Y 14 K20 DCM-EC � d- m d- � o o m N o O o O O u7 u7 RECEIVED z JUN it 2�0 OCNr-►VIHR CITY 25' M.B.L. LOT 3 C9 MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III, Date: May 10, 2020 Page 6 of 7 95.00' 25' M.B.L. 110 TOLER ROAD AREA: 18,150 S.F. UPLANDS AREA: 16,733 SY PARCEL NO.: 025870004 25' x 25' DISPOSAL AREA 25' M.B.L. 37.00' 00 25' M.B.L. w CD o O 0 0 � LOT 5 34014'30" W 75.15' MVYC DISPOSAL AREA 1188 0 10 20 40 .0 :0 s � MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 7 of 7 This map Is prepared from data used for the imentory of the real property for ta purposes Pnmary information sources such as worded deedt plats, Wits, and other primary public records should be consulted for verification of the information 10 4 vat 110 Toler RD Owners: Marcus Midgett, Lic -Primary Y Tax District: Manteo Out Manteo NC, 27954 Owner 0 Z 3 Subdivision: Hayes Preserve S/d Parcel: 025870004 -Primary OwnU1 �z 0 Lot BUK-Sec: Lot: Lot 4 Wk., Sec: Pin: 978920814607 Land Value: $72,00 Cq ?property Use: Vacant Land (Private) Misc Value, $0 r-I 7 Building Type: Building Value: Year Built: Total Value: $72,55M Q 10 RAFTERS 5HALL RE5T ON PIATE5 ATTACHED TO 5TORAGE 5UBFLOOR (NO FRAMED WALL5 ON TOP OF SUBFLOOR) WOOD FRAMING BETWEEN PILE5 HORIZONTACLATTICE BOARD5 2XG 1 2' 5HOREGUARD 325 50LID VINYL SHEET PILE GROIN (SUPPORTED BY DOATHOU5E PILE NO TIEBACKS IMPACTING WETIAND5), MAX HT I' ABOVE : : I NWL (ROOF PITCH 5HALL NOT EXCEED 12:12) 12 121,/ Ix SUBFLOOR COLLARTIE5 X CEILING J015T (2) 2 x 12 GIRDER5 7'—l'— B"BUTT x 24' ROUND PILE TREATED TO 2.5 G. ON CENTER BOAT HOU5E PILE G' x 0 x 12- WALE 2.5 MARINE GRADE THROUGH BOLTED JN VLOUNDI5TUR5ED BOTTOM REDGE BOTTOM SECTION SCALE: 3/ 1 611 = P-011 HISTORIC LENNON MVYC, Inc. RIDGE HT 24' ABOVE NWL PLYWOOD 5HEATHING AND METAL ROOF LOFT 511EATHING: EXTENDS TO TOP OF BULKHEAD, AT EAST GABLE END EXTEND5 2' ABOVE NWL BOAT AREA B" TIP x 24' BOAT HOU5E PILE 12' 5HOREGUARD 325 50UD VINYL 5HEET PILE (CAPPED WITH PT 2X 10 AND 511EET5 BACKED WITH FABRIC CLOTH) TOP OF G" X G' X 12' WALE BULKHEAD 4' GRADED LAND T Cox G' x G VERTICAL DEADMEN q x I2' TIE BACK RODS, 3. OGEE WA5NER5 GCENTER Y ECEI v EL" SEP 1 7 2020 proor BOATHOUSE "� e% ION r 9. 14.20 Bodnar, Gregg From: John Robbins <johnmanteo@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 9:00 PM To: Jonathan Vernesoni; Bodnar, Gregg Subject: [External] Revised MVYC Section Attachments: MVYC CAMA Section 091420.pdf Categories: Important Jonathan and Gregg: Thank you for the discussion last week involving the MVYC Boathouse. Over the weekend I discussed the project with the co-owner of the property. Attached is the revised drawing with the following changes: 1. Groin Adjacent to the wetlands shall not extend greater than V in elevation above normal water level. 2. Y framed walls extending from the storage loft subfloor have been removed. No framed exterior walls shall be built on subfloor and rafters shall rest on bottom plates attached to subfloor. 3. Roof pitch shall not exceed 12:12. I appreciate your review of the project and your application of the rules. I would request that the permit is processed at this time, so that I can commence construction immediately. If the drawing does not capture the discussed terms from our conversation or if additional notes are required, please let me know and I will make the required revisions. John M. Robbins III johnmanteo@gmail.com 252.423.0516 'Y ��,dd f SEP 1 l 2020 MP SECTION MHD Bodnar, Gregg From: Pullinger, Robert C Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:53 AM To: Bodnar, Gregg; Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA) Subject: RE: MVYC Gregg, I'll be finishing my approval letter today for signature, hopefully to have it to you first thing tomorrow morning. The DWR Project # will be 2020-0770 v1 Chris Pullinger Environmental Specialist II Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Operations North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252 948 3918 office/desk phone 252-943-1036 state cell phone chris. oullinoer(ancderingov From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:49 AM To: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA)<Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil>; Pullinger, Robert C <chris.pullinger@ncdenr.gov> Subject: MVYC Hey all, I know I've sent some things recently about this one to you, but I forgot to mention that my 150 day is coming up on 10/15. So let me know if you have anything. I'll have to issue soon to meet my dates. Thanks, Gregg i i OffI Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major permits Coordinator DivWon of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 252 US 2888 e7R 215 (Office) G_gg.BodnarLlnncdear. ao_v EmaHconespondcma to and from this addmaIs subject to the North Carogno Pubik Records tow and may be disclosed to third parties. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION TRANSMITTAL AND PROCESSING RECORD APPLICANT: Myyc, Inc. COUNTY: Dare PROJECT NAME: Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse LOCATION OF PROJECT: 300 Mother Vineyard Road DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED COMPLETE BY FIELD: 5-14-20 FIELD RECOMMENDATION: Attached: No To Be Forwarded: Yes RECEIVED JUN 0 9, 2020 DCM-MHD CITY FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: Cynthia Rountree / RICT OFFICE: Elizabeth City DISTRICT MANAGER REVIEW: �/ 'k='% Date B) DATE RECEIVED BY MAJOR PERMITS UNIT. FEE REC'D: U00 (6W40) N III (D) APPLICATION ASSIGNED TO: Bodnar PUBLIC NOTICE REC'D: 6-10-20 END OF NOTICE DATE: 6-30-20 ADJ. RIP. PROP NOTICES REC'D: DEED REC'D: Yes C) 75 DAY DEADLINE: 7-28-20 150 DAY DEADLINE: HOLDS: EMAIL OUT DATE: 6-9-20 STATE DUE DATE: 6-30-20 PERMIT FINAL ACTION: ISSUE DENY AGENCY DATE COMMENTS RETURNED OBJECTIONS: YES NO NOTES DCM - Field Rep 70 x 1o.y DCM - LUP Consistency Determination Local Permit Officer Kl —> 0K Corps of Engineers - Regulatory Branch ZJZO —0 ( C05 DWR-401 Section 202 )-oiZO DWR - Public Water Supply DEMLR-Stormwater 117, 7,p SW-1 ZCr-6ot DEMLR - Sed and Erosion L (5 x DOA - State Property Office io i x Wildlife Resources Commission 7 11 o n l' 1 3U DMF- Shellfish Section (r ii In DMF- Habitat & Enhancement 11171 It,' DNCR- Archives &History 717,J70 'k DNCR - Natural Heritage Program NCDOT NC Dept of Commerce r ROY COOPER Covemair MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM NORTH CAROUNA Environmental Qualfty TO: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management, Morehead City THROUGH: Ron Renaldi, District Manager Northeastern District, Division of Coastal Management FROM: Cynthia Rountree, Field Representative d'N'(� DATE: July 23, 2020 SUBJECT: Mvyc, Inc.; 300 Mother Vineyard Road Major Permit Recommendations The applicant proposes to install 105 linear feet of bulkhead out an average of 3.5 feet out from Normal Water Level, construct a 28.2 foot by 19.1 foot boathouse with loft area and 9 foot by 3.5 foot dock along the back wall, dredge within an existing basin to.a depth of 4 feet, construct a 50.5 foot by 4 foot boardwalk with an 8 foot by 22 foot deck connecting to a 20 foot by 25 foot concrete parking area. The property is located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road, Manteo, Dare County adjacent to Shallowbag Bay. The development proposal involves the Public Trust Area (PTA), Estuarine Shorelines (ES), Public Trust Shorelines (PTS), and Estuarine Waters (EW) Areas of Environmental Concern. I have reviewed the Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) as they pertain to this project and my findings are as follows: 15A NCAC 07H .0208 USE STANDARDS (a) addresses General Use Standards, and subparagraph (1) requires that uses which are not water dependent shall not be permitted in coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, and public trust areas. Restaurants, residences, apartments, motels, hotels, trailer parks, private roads, factories, and parking lots are examples of uses that are not water dependent. Uses that are water dependent include: utility crossings, wind energy facilities, docks, wharves, boat ramps, dredging, bridges and bridge approaches, revetments, North Carogna Department of Environmental Quality l DMsinrrof Coastal Management Elizabeth CltyOfllie 1 40,South Girl RF&ItSi2e300 I Elizabeth City. North Carolina 27909 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management MEMORANDUM Page 2 of 6 October 25, 2019 bulkheads, culverts, groins, navigational aids, mooring pilings, navigational channels, access channels and drainage ditches. Inconsistent: The applicant proposes to construct a concrete parking area within the 30 foot buffer. (a)(2) (A) requires that the location, design, and need for development, as well as the construction activities involved shall be consistent with the management objective of the Estuarine and Ocean System AEC (Rule .0203 of this subchapter) and shall be sited and designed to avoid significant adverse impacts upon the productivity and biologic integrity of coastal wetlands, shellfish beds, submerged aquatic vegetation as defined by the Marine Fisheries Commission, and spawning and nursery areas. Possible Inconsistency: The development will result in the dredging of 90 square feet of submerged aquatic vegetation. (a)(2)(B) requires that the development shall comply with state and federal water and air quality Consistent: This development will not violate water and air quality. (a)(2)CC) requires that the development shall not cause irreversible damage to documented archaeological or historic resources as identified by the N.C. Department of Cultural resources. Consistent: There are no known archaeological or historic resources on the property. (a)(2)(D) requires that the development shall not increase siltation. Consistent: It does not appear that this development will measurably increase siltation. (a)(2) (E) requires that the development shall not create stagnant water bodies. Consistent: It does not appear that the development will create stagnant water bodies. (a)(2)(F) requires that the development shall be timed to avoid significant adverse impacts on life cycles of estuarine and ocean resources. Consistent: The development will have minimum adverse effects on life cycles or estuarine resources. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management MEMORANDUM Page 3 of 6 October 25, 2019 (a)(2)(G) requires that the development shall not jeopardize the use of the waters for navigation or for other public trust rights in public trust areas including estuarine waters. Consistent: The development proposal minimal effects on navigation. (b) Specific Use Standards (b)(1) requires that navigation channels, canals, and boat basins shall be aligned or located so as to avoid primary nursery areas, shellfish beds, beds of submerged aquatic vegetation as defined by the MFC, or areas of coastal wetlands except as otherwise allowed within this Subchapter. Possible Inconsistency: The development of the proposed boat basin will result in the dredging of 90 square feet of submerged aquatic vegetation. (b)(1)(B) requires that all dredged material shall be confined landward of regularly and irregularly flooded coastal wetlands and stabilized to prevent entry of sediments into the adjacent water bodies or coastal wetlands. Consistent: The development meets the intent of this rule. (b) (1)(E) requires that boat basin design shall maximize water exchange by having the widest possible opening and the shortest practical entrance canal. Depths of boat basins shall decrease from the waterward end inland. Inconsistent: The development proposes to dredge the boat basin to -4.0 throughout and not decrease from waterward end inland. (b)(1)(F) requires that any canal or boat basin shall be excavated no deeper than the depth of the connecting waters. Possible Inconsistency: The development proposes to dredge to a depth of -4 feet and the connecting depth is -3.83 feet which is .07 feet less. (b)(6) Addresses Piers and Docking Facilities. (b)(6)(B) requires that the total square footage of shaded impact for docks and mooring facilities (excluding the pier) allowed shall be eight square feet per linear foot of shoreline with a maximum of 2,000 square feet. In calculating the shaded impact, uncovered open water slips shall not be counted in the total..Projects requiring dimensions greater than those stated in this Rule shall be permitted only if the greater dimensions are necessary for safe use, to improve public access, or to support a water dependent use that cannot otherwise occur. Size restrictions shall not apply to marinas. Consistent: The proposed boathouse with dock will result in the shading of 538.62 square feet with a total allowed for the 98 foot of shoreline being 784 square feet. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM Division of Coastal Management Page 4 of 6 October 25, 2019 (b)(6)(D) requires that a boathouse shall not exceed 400 square feet except to accommodate a documented need for a larger boathouse and shall have sides extending no farther than one-half the height of the walls and covering only the top half of the walls. Measurements of square footage shall be taken of the greatest exterior dimensions. Boathouses shall not be allowed on lots with less than 75 linear feet of shoreline. Inconsistent: The proposed boathouse is 538.62 square feet which exceeds the 400 square foot limit. There is documentation of a prior existing 448.02 square foot boathouse that had been removed early in 2018.this square footage also exceeds this footprint. The walls on the proposed boathouse are to extend all the way into the water which is also inconsistent with this rule. (b)(6)(F) requires that piers and docking facilities shall be single story. They may be roofed but shall not be designed to allow second story use. Inconsistent: The proposed boathouse is to have a second story loft with a 7 foot ceiling and flooring. There is no documentation that this actually existed in the original structure. (b)(6) (G) requires that pier and docking facility lengths shall be limited by: (i) not extending beyond the established pier or docking facility length along the same i- shoreline for similar use; (This restriction does not apply to piers 100 feet or less in length unless necessary to avoid unreasonable interference with navigation or other uses of the waters by the public); Consistent: The proposed boathouse and dock will be 28.2 feet which is less than 100 feet. (ii) not extending into the channel portion of the water body; and Consistent: The proposed dock will not extend into the channel portion of the waterbody. (iii) not extending more than one-fourth the width of a natural water body, or human -made canal or basin. Measurements to determine widths of the water body, canals or basins shall be made from the waterward edge of any coastal wetland vegetation that borders the water body. The one-fourth length limitation does not apply in areas where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or a local government in consultation with the Corps of Engineers, has established an official pier head line. The one-fourth length limitation shall not apply when the proposed pier is located between longer piers or docking facilities within 200 feet of the applicant's property. However, the proposed pier or docking facility shall not be longer. than the pier head line established by the adjacent piers or docking facilities, nor longer than one-third the width of the water body. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management MEMORANDUM Page 5 of 6 October 25, 2019 Inconsistent: The proposed boathouse with dock will extend 28.2 feet which is exceeds the 1/4 width of the waterway which is 20 feet. (b)(6)(1) requires that piers and docking facilities shall not interfere with the access to any riparian property and shall have a minimum setback of 15 feet between any part of the pier or docking facility and the adjacent property owner's areas of riparian access. The line of division of areas of riparian access shall be established by drawing a line along the channel or deep water in front of the properties, then drawing a line perpendicular to the line of the channel so that it intersects with the shore at the point the upland property line meets the water's edge. Consistent: ,The proposed boathouse with dock will be within the 15 foot setback but waivers have been attained. (b)(7) Addresses Bulkheads. (b)(7)(A) requires that bulkhead alignment, for the purpose of shoreline stabilization, shall approximate the location of normal high water or normal water level. Possible Inconsistency: The proposed bulkhead is to be placed an average of 3.5 foot below Normal Water Level. (b)(7)(B) requires that bulkheads shall be constructed landward of coastal wetlands in order to avoid significant adverse impacts to the resources. Inconsistent: The propose bulkhead contains 34 feet of its proposed alignment that will be waterward of an existing wetland finger. (b)(7)(C) requires that bulkhead backfill material shall be obtained from an upland source approved by the Division of Coastal Management pursuant to this Section, or if the bulkhead is a part of a permitted project involving excavation from a non upland source, the material so obtained may be contained behind the bulkhead. Consistent: The applicant has indicated that the fill will contain fine/corse sand from an upland location. (b)(7)(D) requires that bulkheads shall be permitted below normal high water or normal water level only when the following standards are met: (i) the property to be bulkheaded has an identifiable erosion problem, whether it results from natural causes or adjacent bulkheads, or it has unusual geographic or geologic features, e.g. steep grade bank, which will cause the applicant unreasonable hardship under the other provisions of this Rule. Inconsistent: The property does not have a steep grade bank or identifiable erosion problems and has no other bulkheads adjacent to it. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management MEMORANDUM Page 6 of 6 October 25, 2019 (ii) the bulkhead alignment extends no further below normal high water or normal water level than necessary to allow recovery of the area eroded in the year prior to the date of application, to align with adjacent bulkheads, or to mitigate the unreasonable hardship resulting from the unusual geographic or geologic features. Inconsistent: There has been no recent erosion on this property. (iii) the bulkhead alignment will not adversely impact public trust rights or the property of adjacent riparian owners Possible Inconsistency: The proposed bulkhead may result in increased erosion on the adjacent riparian property owner's properties as neither currently have bulkheads. (iv) the need for a bulkhead below normal high water or normal water level is documented by the Division of Coastal Management; and Inconsistent: The need for a bulkhead that far below NWL is not documented by the Division of Coastal Management. (v) the property to be bulkheaded is in a non -oceanfront area. Consistent: The proposed bulkhead is in a non -oceanfront area. (b)(7)(E) requires that where possible, sloping rip rap, gabions, or vegetation shall be used rather than bulkheads. Possible Inconstancy: The proposed development of a bulkhead is to be placed in front of where there is currently not eroding with the present vegetation but located within a small canal so riprap would not be suitable. 15A NCAC 07J .0211 NON -CONFORMING DEVELOPMENT A non -conforming structure is any structure within an AEC other than Ocean Hazard and Inlet Hazard AECs that is inconsistent with current CRC rules, and, was built prior to the effective date(s) of the rule(s) with which it is inconsistent. Replacement of such structures shall be allowed when all of the following criteria are met: Possible Inconstancy: The proposed development of the non -conforming boathouse may not be the same as that of the existing structure seen in aerial photos as it was demolished and removed sometime before the initial site visit on June 26, 2018 so there is no evidence to support the second story use or complete enclosure of the . boathouse. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM Division of Coastal Management Page 7 of 6 October 25, 2019 (1) the structure will not be enlarged beyond its original dimensions; Inconsistent: The boathouse on the original survey plat shows the dimensions of 17.1 feet by 26.2' and the proposed dimensions are 19.1 feet by 28.2 feet which is larger than the original dimensions. (2) the structure will serve the same or similar use; Consistent: It appears that the structure will have a similar use as the original structure. (3) there are no practical alternatives for replacing the structure to provide the same or similar benefits in compliance with current rules; and Inconsistent: The proposed boathouse could be built within the current rules and still serve the purpose of a boathouse. (4) the structure will be rebuilt so as to comply with current rules to the maximum extent possible. Inconsistent: The proposed boathouse does not appear to be rebuilt as to comply with current rules to any extent. Based on my review of the applicable subsections of the North Carolina Administrative Code, the permit application, and plans, I recommend a Major Permit be denied to Mvyc, Inc. due to the impervious surfaces proposed within the buffer as well as the expansion and second story use proposed in the non -conforming structure. ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director June 9, 2020 r= NORTH CAROUNA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04.16-33) grego.bodnarCo)ncdenr.gov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Groan Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME SAP 1\Tz —DUW1 P2'0 AGENCY —'CAE4--lL� is SIGNATURE DATE -SW uA -�\6 W ' JUN 1 5 2020 North Carolina Department or Ewhonmcotal Quality I civisloo or Coastal Management Itlleabeth City Onieu l A01 Sump frl!(hn 5Vcel, Suite 7001 Elizabeth City. North Carolina �����®� ��� 252,26•1.3901 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. PECAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director June 9, 2020 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality ,FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-16.33) Qregg.bodnar(cD.ncdenr.cov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road In Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Gregg Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached** This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME Kacee C Zinn AGENCY NCDMF-Shellfish Sanitation SIGNATURE k� �ist for Shannon Jenkins DATE 6/11/2020 RECEIVED J U N 1 1 2020 MP SECTION MHD North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I DIvlslon of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 3001 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 252.2643901 _ ROY COOPER covenur MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director June 9,2020 MEMORANDUM: der a NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-18-33) g regg. bodnar(a) ncderin gov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road In Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Groaa Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. (a This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes (� are Incorporated. See attached. I This agency objects to the project for reasons described In the attached comments, PRINT NAME WCw%6tt Wkiii OW AGENCY Sinxv P.O+U 414� SIGNATURE _ �Oi�ul �0� La nn� DATE c>6-11.0-2-D North Carolina Department ofEnvlronntental Quality Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street. Suite 300 252.264.3901 ECEE a7 E® JUN 1 0 2020 ✓i.�.aYFnYYR[.YI�Cm,� pp'�}gy� (��,p �y r��L�p'� Division of Coastal ManXilrtht SECTION �t7 HBab Elizabeth City. North Carolina 27909 ROY COOPER co+r w MICHAELS.REGAN sriw1wV BRAXTON C. DAVIS ofrerae June 9, 2020 A fGTF,. Qrr,nJ, NORJtr CAROLINA Entaronmentul Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEO - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-16.33) groggbodnarAncdenr.gov SUBJECT: CAMA AppRcatlon Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Done County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an Inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please Indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Gregg Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: _ This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. X "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only If the recommended changes are Incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. Lee Padrick PRINT NAME NC Commerce AGENCY SIGNATURE —;((-Ik. DATE 6-10-20 IRECE IV ED J U N 1 0 2020 MP SECTION MUM Math Carotna Ueryvemrnt of l"nrnnn,rrnlal Oua(ny I Utwgm of Cns51a1Rtanss<reriu knrahrtli Cay 011kr I Jnt Snuh GltUn Serr<t. 8.01r I001 [itabc;h CaY. xinWC.+rdlna 7i7G7 F527LJdt�il M Bodnar, Gregg From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good afternoon Gregg, Harrison, James A Thursday, June 11, 2020 1:43 PM Bodnar, Gregg Deaton, Anne MWC Permit questions I've been reviewing the permit documents for the MVYC project (300 Mother Vineyard, Dare Co.), and just have a few questions. I don't yet have the site plans since they're being sent as hard copies, and those may help to answer at least some of the questions. In the meantime, though, I thought I'd at least send the questions I've got over to you as early as possible. First, when was the last time the canal was dredged? The narrative provided mentions that it's maintenance dredging, and I'm just wondering how long it's been since the last time it was done. The presence of SAV makes me wonder if the canal has "naturalized" since the last dredging event. Second (and this may be answered by the plans), why does the bulkhead need to be positioned so far from the NWL line? It was my understanding that 2 feet is the standard distance, but this project has the bulkhead "an average" of 3.5 feet from NWL, with a max of 5 feet. Third, why does the canal need to be dredged, particularly in SAV habitat? The MP-2 form indicates that the dredging is needed in order to access the boathouse, but there's no mention of whether or not this is circumstantial, or if it's because the vessels that will regularly utilize the boathouse require certain depths. Lastly, will an SAV survey be completed? The latest site visit was over a year ago, and there's mention of 90 square feet of SAV within the dredge footprint. Considering that SAV fluctuates naturally, I'm curious if the amount of SAV has changed since the site visit. Since comments aren't due until the 30th, I may be able to get out there to do the survey before the deadline, if that would be helpful. Any additional information that you know of that could be informative regarding this project is greatly appreciated. Thanks Gregg, and hope all is well! Jimmy Jimmy Harrison Ha6itat and Fn6ancement `jection NC Division of Marine risheries james.6arrison@ncdenr.gov 252-948-3855 Emad correspondence to and from this address Is mliteet to the ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director June 9, 2020 MEMORANDUM: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-16-33) areoa.bodnaraOncdenr.Gov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road In Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an Inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Gregg Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. /"Additional comments may be attached"" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are Incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached PRINT AGENC SIGNA7 DATE c, f J U N 1 g 2020 North Carollna Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1401 South Griffin Street. Suite 3001 Elizabeth City, North Carollna 27909 252.264.3901 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director June 9, 2020 MEMORANDUM: NORTI4 CAROLINA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-16.33) gregc.bodnarOncdenr.gov, SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an Inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Greun Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If youhave any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. / "`Additional comments may be attached"" ✓ This agency has no comment on the proposed project. _ This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. / td1 PRINT NAME Ci'11 I�tIR o AGENCY PU h - dfl'SL 09etv Se on RECEIVED SIGNATURE DATE I i1 r �ODI4 JUN 1 8 2020 MP SECTION MH® North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 3001 Elizabeth City. North Carolina 27909 252264.3901 ROY COOPER Govemor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Dlmctor G•'lv.bCv.IC>. i,ll June 9, 2020 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier04-96-33) glego.bodnarancdenr.00v SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County JUN 2020 e ab W Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Gregg Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, exL 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. �G This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME <nO AGENCY NARC RECEIVED SIGNATURE 4c .-77- DATE 3 -f5 -202D J U L 1 7 2020 NIP SECTION NRHD North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Managcment Elizabeth OtyOffice 1 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 3001 Elizabeth Cily.North Carolina 27909 2521643901 r To ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission P Gordon Myers, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Gregg Bodnar Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality FROM: Maria T. Dunn, Coastal Coordinator Habitat Conservation Division DATE: July 8, 2020 RECEIVED J U L ' 7 ?T0 MP SECTION MHD SUBJECT: CAMA Dredge(Fill Permit Application for MVYC, Inc., Dare County, North Carolina Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) reviewed the permit application with regard to impacts on fish and wildlife resources. The project site is located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road within a canal that drains to Shallowbag Bay near Nags Head, NC. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Coastal Area Management Act (G.S. 113A-100 through 113A-128), as amended, Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead with fill, boardwalk with deck area, boathouse with an inside dock, and parking lot adjacent to a canal that drains to Shallowbag Bay. To gain better water depths, the applicant proposes to dredge an 8921i area to a depth of -4' NWL placing dredge spoils at 110 Toler Road. The boathouse as proposed is to replicate a historical structure that recently fell and was removed. The design is not currently supported by NCDCM rule. The canal is classified SC by the Envirommental Management Commission and is closed to shellfish harvesting. The Shallowbag Bay in this area is recognized by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDCF) as being a Permanent Secondary Nursery Area. The NCWRC has reviewed the permit application and does not believe the construction of the boat house, bulkhead, or parking lot would have significant impacts to wildlife resources. To minimize impacts to aquatic resources and habitats within the canal and Shallowbag Bay, we support the April 1 — September 30 in -water moratorium requested by the NCDCF. We appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on this permit application. If you need further assistance or additional information, please contact me at (252) 948-3916 or at maria.dumt'dmc„ ildlife.ora Mailing Address: Habitat. Conservation • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN secretary STEPHEN W. MURPHEY Director MEMORANDUM: TO: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permit Coordinator FROM: James Harrison, NCDMF Fisheries Resource Specialist SUBJECT: Mother Vineyard Boathouse, Dare County DATE: July 10, 2020 A North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) Fisheries Resource Specialist has reviewed the CAMA Permit application for proposed actions that impact fish and fish habitats. The proposed project is located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road, Manteo, within Dare County. The applicant is proposing to dredge approximately 66 cubic yards within the existing basin, install 105 feet of bulkhead, replace the historic boathouse, install a 50' by 4' boardwalk with an 8' by 22' deck at the southern end of the structure and a 5' by 4' walkway near the northern end connecting to a 20' by 25' parking area, and adding a 9' by 3.5' dock along the back wall of the boathouse. The proposed project occurs within waters designated as Special Secondary Nursery Area (SNA). Waters that are classified as SNA are estuarine waters commonly used as a developmental transition zone, where later stages of juvenile development occur. Species found within these areas are typically a mixture of juveniles that have migrated upstream from the primary nursery areas (PNA), sub -adults, and adults. Shallow habitat, such as what is found at the project location, provide vulnerable juvenile species with protection from predators, an abundance of food, and water temperatures preferable to juvenile finfish and shellfish species. Taking this into consideration, DMF recommends that a moratorium of April 1 through September 30 be included for all in -water work in order to minimize impacts to species in this area. Thank you for consideration of our comments. Please contact Jimmy Harrison at (252) 948-3835 or at with any further questions or concerns. RZECEIVED JUL 1 7 2020 MP SECTION MHC State of North Carolina I Division of Marine Fisheries 3441 Arendell Street I P.O. Box 769 1 Morehead Chy, North Carolina 28557 252-726-7021 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRIAN WRENN Director Mvyc, Inc Attn: Mr. John M. Robbins, III PO Box 1415 Manteo, NC 27954 Dear Mr. Robbins: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental'Qualtty June 30, 2020 Subject: Stormwater Project No. SW7200602 CAMA Major -Mother Vineyard Project Redevelopment Type Project Dare County On June 9 2020, the Washington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources received a copy of your CAMA Major application for the subject project located at 300` Mother Vineyard Road in Manteo, NC. The proposed project involves the construction of a bulkhead and the reconstruction of an existing historical boathouse. An existing impervious parking area will be replaced with a permeable surface. Overall, the redevelopment of this project will result in less impervious area than the previous site conditions. Based on your application and the supporting documents, it has been determined that the project proposes activities that are excluded from State Stormwater permitting requirements as set forth in stormwater rules under Title 15A NCAC 211.1000. Therefore, the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources is hereby providing confirmation that the subject project is excluded from State Stormwater permitting requirements under the following conditions: 1) The project must be constructed as shown on the plans submitted to this Office; 2) The project proposes no net increase in impervious coverage; and 3) The proposed stormwater controls provide equal or better protection of surface waters than the existing stormwater control. Under Section .1003(b) of the stormwater rules, the entire common plan of development must be permitted. Therefore, any future development or changes to the proposed development, including but not limited to, the locations of the built -upon area and construction of additional built -upon area, may require approval or a Stormwater Management permit application and permit issuance from the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources prior to any construction. Any construction on the site prior to receipt of the required approval or permit will constitute a violation of Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and may result in the initiation of appropriate enforcement action. Please keep in mind that this determination does not affect your legal obligation to obtain other permits and approvals which may be required by Federal, State, or local government agency rules or laws. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact this office at (252) 946-6481. fl'..O Gregg,bodnarliftcdemr.go Sincerely, �4rr� Samir Dumpor, PE Regional Engineer J U L 2 2020 MP SECTION MHD North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy. Mineral and land Resources Washington Reglonal Office 1943 Washington Square Mall I Washington, North Carolina 27689 252.946.6481 ROY COOPER Qamnor MICHAELS.REGAN Sezreiary BRAXTON C. DAVIS, otrecror June 0, 2020 FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier(24•16-33) areoo.bodnar0nodenceov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review t Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a carial adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Greco Bodnerat the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: __ This agency has noobjection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may he attached" This agency has no. Comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached k � r�comments. PRINT NAME Gvr4O ` - ti .C� W o—�W r AGENCY 114atit!je — hc.w• DATE (►—r-e--Zo?� Q� Morth Ceroann Department of Envlrottmenml ytetlry I D>Hebn of Coos[al Manogement Elizabeth City Office 1401 South GriRlnStreet.Sulte 3001 Ellaabeth City, North Carolina 27909 =2G48901 J U L 2 0 2020 C, ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality RECEIVED J U L 2 0 2020 TO: Gregg Bodnar, Major Permits Processing Coordinator IMP SECTION MHD Division of Coastal Management FROM: Charlan OwenICP, NE District Planner Division of Coa tal Management SUBJECT: Major Permit Request by Myvc, Inc. to dredge an existing 1,036 sq. ft. basin/canal to a depth of 4 feet, install 105 linearIfeet of bulkhead, construct a 17 foot wide by 26 foot long boathouse, a 3.5 foot wide by 9 foot long platform, a 4 foot wide by 50.5 foot long boardwalk with an 8 foot wide by 22 foot long deck, and a 4 foot wide by 5 foot long walkway, on the property at 300 Mother Vineyard Road; and install a 20 foot wide by 25 foot long pervious concrete parking area on the subject property and an unaddressed adjacent property to the northeast, on Roanoke Island, in Dare County. DATE: June 26, 2020 Consistency. Determination: The request is consistent with/not in conflict with the Dare County 2009 Land Use Plan certified by the CRC on February 24, 2011. Overview: The vacant, .06 acre subject property has 98 linear feet of shoreline along a basin and canal that connects to Shallowbag Bay to the southeast. The 50 foot by 50 foot lot includes 199 sq. ft. of Section 404 wetlands and 1,265 sq. ft. of Uplands, with the remaining 1,036 sq. ft. consisting of open water basin connecting to the canal. Water depths range from 1.83 feet below Normal Water Level (NWL) at the innermost portion of the basin to 3.83 feet below NWL along the edge of the platted lot. The property is primarily vegetated with yard grasses. The property has an elevation of approximately 3 feet above NWL. An adjacent lot to the northeast at the terminus of the canal is owned by the Mother Vineyard Property Owners Association. Both lots are located within the AE (4) Floodzone. Existing site improvements consist of approximately 239 sq. ft. of sand/gravel drive that is used to access the site. Existing shoreline improvements consist of a 73 sq. ft. concrete pad located at the terminus of the basin. A 1930's boathouse was previously located above the basin, but was dismantled and removed in the summer of 2018. According to the applicant, the "Tull Lennon Boathouse" had local historic value but did not have a State historic designation. The adjacent property to the northeast includes a concrete boat ramp and, as pictured on the Dare County GIS, a dumpster. arm✓.o�..namery\ f� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1401 South Griffin Street. Suite 3001 Elizabeth City. North Carolina 27909 252-2643901 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM Division of Coastal Management Page 2 of 5 Dredging to a depth of 4 feet within the basin/canal, installation of 105 linear feet of bulkhead, construction of a 17 foot wide by 26 foot long boathouse, a 3.5 foot wide by 9 foot long platform, a 4 foot wide by 50.5 foot long boardwalk with an 8 foot wide by 22 foot long deck, and a 4 foot wide by 5 foot long walkway, and installation of a 20 foot wide by 25 foot long pervious concrete parking area are proposed. Dredge spoils will be trucked offsite to 110 Toler Road in Manteo for disposal. The bulkhead will be installed an average of 3.5 feet and a maximum of 5 feet from NWL. The 1.5 story boat house will have a pitched roof with a ridge height at 23 feet above the bulkhead. The boathouse will enclose two (2) boat slips and the platform that will connect to the outside deck. The .5 story loft will be 7 feet in height from the floor to the collar ties. Wastewater service is not proposed. The concrete pad and sand/gravel drive will be removed. The parking area will be installed at the northeast corner of the property and will extend onto the adjacent property owned by the Mother Vineyard Property Owners Association. The waters in this area are classified as SC waters and Coastal Waters and are closed to shellfish harvesting. Approximately 90 square feet of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) is located within the basin/canal. Anticipated Impacts resulting from this project are expected to include: the filling of 110 sq. ft. of Public Trust Area/Estuarine Waters Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) and 1,345 sq. ft. of Estuarine Shoreline AEC; the dredging of 892 sq. ft. of Public Trust Area/Estuarine Waters AEC and 28 sq. ft. of Estuarine Shoreline AEC, and; the shading of 538 sq. ft. of Public Trust Area/Estuarine Waters AEC. No wetland fill is proposed. Basis for Determination: The Dare County Land Classification Map identifies the subject property as "Community Residential'. As indicated on Page 217, the "Conservation" designation applies to all CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs). As indicated on Page 214 for the "Community Residential' sub -classification is used to identify areas predominantly developed with low density residential dwellings. Other land uses may include small businesses, governmental services, educational services, and passive recreational activities associated with natural, cultural, and historic resources and facilities." ..." This classification seeks to preserve the existing low density development and to prevent the introduction of land uses that are incompatible with the residential setting..." As indicated on Page 217 for the "Conservation" designation, "...development should be limited to residential development and traditional accessory uses permitted in the CAMA AECs such as but not limited to piers, docks, and crab -shedders." RECEIVED J U L 2 0 2020 MP SECTION MH® North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management The following LUP policies may be applicable to this request. Public Access: Policy PA#1, Page 142. "Dare County supports the preservation and protection of the public's right to access and use of the public trust areas and waters." Land Use Comoatibility: Policy LUC#1, Page 149. "Dare County recognizes the importance of our coastal village heritage and will continue to work toward the preservation of that heritage with appropriate land use guidelines and regulations." Archaeological/Historic Resources: Policy LUC #15, Page 159. MEMORANDUM Page 3 of 5 "The Dare County Board of Commissioners supports the protection of structures, lands and artifacts that have been identified by the NC Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History, as archaeologically or historically significant. On a case -by -case basis individual protection/management strategies should be implemented to ensure archaeological and/or historical resources are not destroyed." Natural Hazards: Policy NH#2, Page 180. "Estuarine shoreline development should continue to be managed to protect and preserve the natural resources of the estuarine waters and the estuarine shoreline. The appropriate tools for this are the existing CAMA permit program and the Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs) designed under the CAMA program..." RELIPOVED J U L 2 0 2020 UP SECTION MBE® North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management Implementation Strategy, Page 180. 1. Rely on existing CAMA AEC regulations to address development activities along the ocean beaches, estuarine shoreline, and other public trust areas in unincorporated Dare County... 2. Rely on the regulations of the Dare County Zoning Ordinance for development activities along estuarine shoreline areas." MEMORANDUM Page 4 of 5 Policy NH #3, Page 180 and Policy WQ#10, Page 192. j "Dare County supports the installation and maintenance of estuarine bulkheads. Offshore breakwaters, slopes, rip -rap, and voluntary setbacks are appropriate alternatives for property owners for addressing estuarine shoreline management in lieu of estuarine bulkheads where these other techniques may be equally effective in abating a shoreline erosion problem." Policy NH#5, Page 181. "Dare County supports, as minimum standards, the administration and enforcement of all applicable floodplain management regulations and the National Flood Insurance Program..." Policy NH #6, Page 182. "Dare County shall use construction standards, such as elevation of buildings and the wind zone requirements for mobile homes and zoning regulations, such as the setbacks from water bodies and erosion -prone areas to mitigate the effects of high winds, storm surge, flooding, wave action, and erosion." Water Quality: Policy WQ#2, Page 188. / "Development projects shall be designed and constructed to minimize detrimental impacts on surface water quality, groundwater quality, and air quality. Structures should be designed to fit the natural topographic conditions and vegetation versus modifications to natural conditions to accommodate RECEIVED®� structures." J U L 2 0 2020 MP SECTION FUIH® North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM Division of Coastal Management Page 5 of 5 Local Areas of Concern: Policy LAC#10, Page 202. "Dare County advocates the dredging and other associated maintenance of all existing navigable channels, canals, boat basins, marinas and waterways. Such activities are of vital importance to our local residents, fisherman and tourist economy." RECEIVED J U L 2 0 2020 PAP SECTION MHD h Bodnar, Gregg From: Donna Creef <donnac@darenc.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 2:35 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg Subject: Re: [External] Re: CAMA application for MVYC Inc. ►. If the structure is completed in the same footprint, I have no issue. On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 8:40 AM Bodnar, Gregg <greRR.bodnar@ncdenr.Rov> wrote: Morning Donna, I received the initial distribution email from staff in Elizabeth City (see above). So hopefully the oversized drawings made it to you. Please let me know if they arrived. Thanks, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 9:27 AM To: Donna Creef <donnac@darenc.com> Subject: RE: [External] Re: CAMA application for MVYC Inc. The oversized drawings should have been mailed out on 6/9/20. Gregg From: Donna Creef <donnac@darenc.com> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 8:43 AM To: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Re: CAMA application for MVYC Inc. 1 Received: 6/25/2020 Historic Preservation Office ROY COOPER covemor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Direcrar June.9, 2020 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality ER 20-1359 FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-16-33) areQQ. bodnarCdncdenr. oov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County Due: 7/6/2020 A --NC NCH 06/26/2020 S-- NC KBH 0712212020 Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to G►e(W Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, In- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" _ X This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME Renee Gledhill -Earley AGENCY Historic Preservation Office SIGNATURE _ (L YWLX-"— DATE 07/23/2020 4 C-1 J U L 2 3 2020 MP SECTION MHD North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Once 1 401 South GrifOn Street, Suite 3001 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 252.264.3901 Ti Bodnar, Gregg From: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA) <Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 2:32 PM To: Bodnar, Gregg Subject: [External] FW: [Non-DoD Source] Re: FW: MVYC, DCM Application Hey Gregg, Please see below .... just FYI From: Pace Wilber- NOAA Federal <pace.wilber@noaa.gov> Sent: Wednesday; July 29, 2020 2:25 PM To: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA)<Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: FW: MVYC, DCM Application Hi Josh. If you would like NMFS to review this notice, we'll need an additional 30 days. While we have staff at the NOAA Beaufort Lab, only one focuses on EFH reviews -- but that is only for 25% of the time. To help us respond in a timely manner, please include me on all consultation requests so we have a better chance of finding staff available to review the request within the time frame requested. Thanks, Pace On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 2:11 PM Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twvla.cheatwood@noaa.gov> wrote: ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA)<Josh.R.Pelletiert@usace.armv.mil> Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 7:27 AM Subject: FW: MVYC, DCM Application To: Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.eov> Hey Twyla, Just circling back on this one. Let me know your thoughts or if you need any more information. Thanks and have a great rest of the week! Josh From: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA) Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 7:32 AM To: Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.eov> Cc: Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn matthews@fws.gov> Subject: MVYC, DCM Application i All, Attached is a CAMA Major Permit application for a proposed activity at 300 Mother Vineyard Road, in Manteo, adjacent to Shallowbag Bay. According to the application there is some proposed dredging within the man-made canal with some SAV present. Please let me know if you have any comments or concerns. Thanks! Josh Pelletier' Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 W. 5th Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 Phone: (910) 251-4605 Email: josh.r.pelletierCausace.armv.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: Blockedhttp://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0 Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. Twyla H Cheatwood Fishery Biologist Southeast Region, Habitat Conservation Division NOAA Fisheries Beaufort, NC 28516 Office: (252) 728-8758 Twula.cheatwoodna noaa.gov 19 d Web Blockedwww.nmfs.noaa.aov Facebook Blockedwww.facebook.com/usnoaafisheriesgov Twitter Blockedwww.twitter.com/noaafisheries YouTube Blockedwww.youtube.com/usnoaafisheriesgov Pace Wilber, Ph.D. HCD Atlantic Branch Supervisor NOAA Fisheries Service 331 Ft Johnson Road< ---- New Number Charleston, SC 29412 843-460-9926 <---- Office Number 843-568-4184 <---- Office Cell Number Pate. W ilber(a) noaa.eov ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director MVYC, Inc. ATTN: John M. Robbins, III PO Box 1415 Manteo, North Carolina 27954 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality October 5, 2020 RECEIVED OCT 6 2020 rAP SECCTION YAK'") DW R Project a 2020-0770 vl Dare County Subject: APPROVAL OF 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3D0 Mother Vineyard Road (Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse) —construct a bulkhead/groin, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an Inside dock and dredge a portion of canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Dear Mr. Robbins: You have our approval for the impacts listed below for the purpose described in your application received by the Division of Water Resources (Division) on June 09, 2020 with additional information received on July 21, 2020 and September 17, 2020. These impacts are covered by the attached Water Quality General Certification Number 4175 and the conditions listed below. This certification is associated with the use of Regional General Permit Number 291 once it is Issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by (but not limited to) CAMA Major, Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the enclosed certification(s) or general permit and the following additional conditions: 1. The following impacts are hereby approved, provided that all the other specific and general conditions of the Certification are met. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. [35A NCAC 02B.0506(b)(c))] Type of Impact Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Plan location/ Reference Attached Open Waters owl -fill 0.03(acres) 0(acres) I Plan Sheetl 2. Water Quality Certification The proposed project must comply with all the conditions of the General Water Quality Certifcation(s) 4175. [15A NCAC 02B .0507(c)] Continuing Compliance 3. During construction of the proposed project, fueling, lubrication and general equipment maintenance should not take place within 50 feet of a waterbody or wetlands to prevent contamination by fuel and oils. 115A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3) and 15A NCAC 02B .0200 (3)(fll 4. The permittee shall report to the Washington Regional Office any noncompliance with this certification, any violation of stream or wetland standards [35A NCAC 02B .02001 including but not limited to sediment Impacts, and any violation of state regulated riparian buffer rules 115A NCAC 028.0200). Information shall be provided orally within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the applicant became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 business days of the time the applicant becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance, and Its causes; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time compliance is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The Division may waive the written submission requirement on a case -by -case basis. ig D_E W North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Washington Regional Office 1943 Washington Square Mall I Washington, North Carolina 27889 mmw/'� 252.946.6481 1 5. This approval and their conditions are final and binding unless contested. (G.S. 143-215.51 These Certifications can be contested as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of General Statute 1508 by filing a written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office of Administrative Hearings (hereby known as OAH). A petition form may be obtained from the OAH at h"p,//www.ncoah.com or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000 for information. Within sbdy (60) calendar days of receipt of this notice, a petition must be filed with the OAH. A petition Is considered filed when the original and one (1) copy along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received in the OAH during normal office hours (Monday through Friday between 8:00am and S:OOpm, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be fazed to the OAH at (919) 431-3100, provided the original and one copy of the petition along with any applicable OAH filing fee Is received by the OAH within five (5) business days following the fazed transmission. Mailing address for the OAH: if sending via US Postal Service: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served to DENR: William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3601 If sending via delivery service (UPS FedEx, etc.)., Office of Administrative Hearings 1711 New Hope Church Road Raleigh, NC 27609-6285 This letter completes the review of the Division under section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Please contact Chris Pullinger at 252-948-3918 or chris oullineerisincdem.aov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Robert Tankard, Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Enclosures: GC 4175 Certification of Completion cc: John M. Robbins, III (via e-mail: iohnmanteollilamail.coml Gregg Bodnar, DCM Morehead City (via e-mail) Cynthia Rountree, DCM WaRO (via email) Josh Pelletier, USACE Washington Regulatory Field Office (via e-mail) Laserfiche/DWR file copy RECEIVED IVIP SECTION MHD STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY GENERAL CERTIFICATION NO.4175 GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS • REGIONAL GENERAL PERMIT NUMBER 198000291 INC COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT), • REGIONAL GENERAL PERMIT NUMBER 201801536 (MARSH SILLS) • NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 48 (COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH AQUACULTURE ACTIVITIES), • NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 54 (LIVING SHORELINES) AND • WHEN APPLIED TO LAMA PERMITS, REGIONAL GENERAL PERMIT NUMBERS 198000048,198700056,197800080,197800125 AND 198200277 AND NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 3, 12, 13,14,18, 27, 29, 33, 35, 39, AND 54 Water Quality Certification Number 4175 is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Regulations in 15A NCAC 02H .0500 and 15A NCAC 028 .0200 for the discharge of fill material to surface waters and wetland areas as described in Regional General Permits 198000291, 198000048, 198700056, 197800080, 197800125, and 198200277 and in 33 CFR 300 Appendix A (B) (3, 12, 13, 14, 18, 27, 29, 33, 35, 39, 48, and 54) of the US Army Corps of Engineers Regulations. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Effective date: February 1, 2019 Signed this day: February 1, 2019 By RECEIVE® for Linda Culpepper, Director OCT 6 2020 MP SECTION MHD; Bodnar Gregg From: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA)<Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 8:27 AM To: Bodnar, Gregg o1(�015 Subject: [External] RE: MVYC Zo r l:zternal email:"Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Sen :i us i a 3 an attachme report span do v Greg, I know you have sent it but can you send me the latest plans/impact figures on MYVC. I know it went through some changes.... From: Bodnar, Gregg <gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:17 PM To: Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA) <Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil>; Pullinger, Robert C <ch ris. pu II i nger@ ncdenr.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] MVYC Hey all, You all have touched based with me about this one lately but I wanted to check in to see if you have anything official yet. My 150 is up this week so I will need to complete things soon. If you have anything let me know. Thanks, Gregg aMrrrMf�Y�YO�\ Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 252 808 2808 ext 215 (ONice) G reW,Bgdnar�ncdenr.gg_v Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and may he disclosed to third parties. r Regulatory Division SAW-2020-01008 Mr. Jonathan Howell Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 400 Commerce Avenue. Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-3421 Dear Mr. Howell: RECEIVED OCT 8 2020 MP SECTION MHD Please reference the application of Mr. John Robbins and MVYC, Inc for Department of the Army authorization to dredge approximately 892 square feet of a man-made boat basin, construct a 105 linear foot bulkhead and a 28x19 boathouse, in a unnamed tributary to Shallowbag Bay, at 300 Mothers Vineyard Road, Manteo, Dare County, North Carolina. The Federal agencies have completed review of the proposal as presented by the application and your field investigation report. It has been determined that the activities authorized do not impair the usefulness of the USACE Navigation project and are not injurious to the public interest. We recommend that the following conditions be included in the State authorization: 1. All work authorized by this permit must be performed in strict compliance with the attached plans, which are a part of this permit. Any modification to these plans must be approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) prior to implementation. 2. The permittee understands and agrees that, if future ope?ations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal, relocation, or alteration. The permittee shall notify NOAA/NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE Chief Source Data Unit N CS261, 1315 E West HWY- RM 7316, Silver Spring, MD 20910- 3282 at least two weeks prior to beginning work and upon completion of work. IN Elizabeth City Field Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management OCT 8 2020 IVIP SECTION MHD DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Mvyc, Inc 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 300 Mother Vineyard Road (SR 1120), Dare County, adjacent to Shallowbag Bay and Roanoke Sound Latitude: 35°55'23.13"N Longitude:-75039'59.74"W 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA & Dredge and Fill 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit — June 26, 2018 & May 6, 2019 Was Applicant Present — yes & no 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete — May 14, 2020 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: Office — Elizabeth City (A) Local Land Use Plan — Dare County Land Classification From LUP — R-1 Low Density Residential (B) AEC(s) Involved: Estuarine Shoreline, Public Trust Area and Estuarine Waters (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Private/Community (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - none Planned -none (F) Type of Structures: Existing — none Planned - boathouse, dredge, bulkhead, boardwalk, deck, dock and parking area (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: none Source - 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] nPPncGn r1l I rn (A) Shallow Bottom (EW, PTA) - ---- 892 sgft ��.. 110 sgft anrwru (B) Open Water (EW, PTA) 538 sgft (C) High Ground (ES) 28 sgft 1,345 sgft (D) Total Area Disturbed: 2,913 square feet (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SC Open to shellfishing: No RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM_MHD CITY Mvvc. Inc Field Investigation Report Page 2 PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes to construct a new bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, replace a previously existing non -conforming boathouse with a dock inside and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay. Project Setting The property proposed for development is located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County and consists of approximately 2500 square feet or 0.06 acres adjacent to the Shallowbag Bay and the Roanoke Sound. The property is currently a vacant lot with a remnant concrete pad near the shoreline. Per the applicant and submitted 2012 and 2017 surveys, a nonconforming boathouse with second story use and full sidewalls previously existed within the basin, this boathouse was demolished in the spring of 2018. The property to the northeast contains a community boat ramp and the property to the south is a vacant lot. Vegetation on the site includes, but is not limited to, indigenous yard grasses, black Needlerush (Juncus roemerianus), three square (Scirpus pungens), and other noncoastal wetland species. Soil Types include Baymeade Fine Sand (BaC) and Icaria Loamy Fine Sand (IcA). The property has an elevation of approximately 3 feet above normal water level (NWL) along the shoreline. The shoreline is 98 feet in length contains a wetland finger along the Southern portion of the property. The water classification for this area is Aquatic Life, Secondary Recreational, Salt Water (SC) and are coastal waters that are closed to shellfishing. The water depths range from 1.83 feet at the inner most portion of the basin area to 3.83 feet along the edge of the platted lot area. Development Proposal The applicant proposes to dredge within the existing basin out to the edge of the property boundary taking the water depths from an average depth of 2.16 feet to 4 feet in depth. The water depth at the end of the dredge area is 3.83 feet. There is approximately 90 square feet of submerged aquatic vegetation within the proposed dredge footprint. The spoils from the dredging is proposed to be trucked to 110 Toler Road in Manteo for disposal. The applicant then proposes to construct 105 feet of new bulkhead an average of 3.5 feet from normal water level with a maximum distance of 5 feet out along the upland portion of the property. Approximately 34 feet of this alignment extends out into the basin waterward of the wetland finger at the south end of the property. This portion does not propose to contain any tiebacks or wetland fill but is proposed to be anchored to the proposed 28.2 foot by 19.1 foot boathouse. The boathouse is proposed to have a loft area with a 7 foot ceiling and flooring. Along the upland area the applicant proposes to construct a 50.5 foot by 4 foot boardwalk with a 8 foot by 22 foot deck at the southern end of the structure and a 5 foot by 4 foot walkway near the northern end connecting to a 20 foot by 25 foot pervious concrete parking area. Beneath the roof of the boathouse the applicant also proposes to construct a 9 foot by 3.5 ��gDng the back wall. tRE JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Mvvc. Inc Field Investigation Report Page 3 Anticipated Impacts The proposed development will result in the shading of 538 square feet, dredging of 892 square feet and the filling of 110 square feet of Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Areas of Environmental Concern. The proposed development will also result in the dredging of 28 square feet and the filling of 1,345 square feet of Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental. Concern. Temporary turbidity will possibly occur during construction. Submitted by: Cynthia Rountree Date: 5/29/20 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 IDCM-RAPID CITY Received PAY 1 : ' i Narrative: Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse DMEC EXISTING STRUCTURE The Tull Lennon' Boathouse was situated at the terminus of the Mother Vineyard Canal, Roanoke Island. The weathered structure is detailed and shown on a 1963 deed and survey, and dates back to the 1930's. The structure was built as a large one to two -craft boathouse with storage loft. The footprint of the boathouse measures 28.2' x 19.1'. These measurements as shown on the survey and confirmed by the surveyor did not Include the'dripline' of the structure. Thus, we are proposing the footprint of the structure to measure 30.2' x 21.1' inclusive of the dripline. These 1' overhangs are consistent with the overhangs on the original structure and other similar structures and boathouses along the canal. The weathered rectangular frame, gable roofed structure rested on wooden piles. The gable end boat entrance faced east. The entrance was a simple framed opening with sliding doors to open and close, designed to allow for the broad beamed shad boats of the era. The west end gable included a service door, and a concrete pad that also served as a bulkhead. We are proposing to remove the existing concrete impervious pad and construct decking in its place. The exposed ceiling joists revealed a second story loft with planks butting one another nailed to the topsides of the joist to form a solid floor. The second floor was accessed by a simple 'ships ladder' attached to the exterior wall at the west gable. The building was built entirely over the canal's waters. The walls of the structure extended down to normal water level. Two recent surveys detail the structure one titled'MVYC, Inc' dated October 30, 2017, and the other titled 'Estate of Mary Bruce' dated September 10, 2012. The 1963 deed also has an attached survey that shows the boathouse. A late 2018 spring storm compromised the historic structure. With the second floor loft and roof collapsing, the structure was dismantled and removed in the summer of 2018. This emergency work prevented the building materials from littering the canal. MARITIME HISTORY CONTEXT AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The Tull Lennon' boathouse is a rare maritime and historical cultural artifact. Years of exposure to the harsh coastal atmosphere scoured the building to a faded, weathered gray making it seem a part of its natural surroundings, but it is significant historical structure from an earlier era. Robert Bruce Tull' Lennon was a Manteo builder, businessman, and sportsman. He built the Lone Cedar Hunt Club in the 1920's. It was a private hunt club for members, primarily from the northeast, and their guests. The Club was located amongst the fragmented marsh islands on what is today the Manteo-Nags Head Causeway. The site of the former building is adjacent to the present day location of the Lone Cedar Restaurant. The Club Introduced members and their guests not only to fine fishing and waterfowl hunts, but also offered luxurious accommodations as compared to the rugged camps built in the early part of the century (Khoury, pg 54)'. It operated from the '1920's until the mid-1940's, until Lennon's RECEIVED1 I p a g e JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Received wife insisted that they relocate to to high ground in Mother Vineyard 'after water started cominjlup through the floorboards during the 1940 hurricane.' (Khoury, Pg 92). D M-EC After acquiring the Mother Vineyard property formerly the'Griffin Farm' in the 1930's and moving to the property in the 1940's, the Lennon's began to transform the farm, expanding the existing vineyard. Thereafter, they established Mother Vineyard Inc., which was a winery and subsequent land holding company. During this period, Tull Lennon initiated several land improvements that shaped the later development of the vineyard property Into a residential community. These land projects included the excavation of a natural drainage ditch Into a wide canal sufficient for boat traffic on which the boathouse was constructed. At Baum Point, this canal connects to the Roanoke Sound. The area of land where the dredge spoils were deposited was later subdivided and now supports a row of residences bordered by the Roanoke Sound to the east and the canal to the west. At the far landward end of the canal, Tull Lennon constructed the subject boathouse that serves as a relic to the maritime history of the past. Lennon built the subject boathouse to serve as a landing and transfer point for supplies for his winery and to support his fishing and hunting operations. Longtime residents of Roanoke Island and Mother Vineyard remember that Mr. Lennon stored his seasonal equipment of nets, fishing gear, decoys, etc. In the second floor loft of the boathouse. Until its recent removal, the historic Tull Lennon Boathouse served as a visual reminder of early twentieth-century life on Roanoke Island, to the operations of the Mother Vineyard Winery, and the formation of the Mother Vineyard community. This boathouse was a relic that paid homage to the region's waterfront working heritage, and the net houses, fish shacks and oyster houses that once lined the shorelines of Roanoke Island. The present owner (MVYC, INC. hereafter 'MVYC) plans to rebuild this historic structure as a remembrance of the past history of the area. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT New Owner On November 20, 2017, MVYC, Inc. (MVYC) acquired title to the boathouse from the Lennon family. The boathouse is situated on a fifty by fifty foot (50'x50') parcel. Prior to closing on the property, a survey was performed in October 2017 by Seaboard Surveying. Seaboard Surveying also surveyed the property in 2012 for the Lennon Estate. The surveys show all improvements, natural features, and boundaries. From the survey, one will see that the swath around the boathouse structure includes a portion of the canal and uplands. The site only contains approximately 1,345 sf of uplands. All of this area will be impacted with minimal grading to direct stormwater away from the adjacent waters and wetlands. The development plans of MVYC are described herein and successfully address the permitting requirements for the replacement of the historic structure. The enclosed working drawing details the proposed development. In reconstructing the boathouse, we seek to minimize impacts to the environment: reducing lot coverage through the use of low -impact materials (porous concrete), grading the land to reduce RECEMD K e JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Received stormwater runoff and erosion, avoidance of impacts to wetlands, and not seeking to enlarge the original footprint of the structure. The project is shaped based on feedback from our July 2��� interagency scoping meeting where the project was favorably received with no negative comments, an from latter correspondence with DCM staff. Significant Coastal Historic Architectural Resource While the boathouse has not received historic designation by a North Carolina agency, it history is rich to the community and the fabric of coastal North Carolina. Establishing the Lone Cedar Hunt Club, the Mother Vineyard Winery, and the Mother Vineyard residential development, Robert Bruce Tull' Lennon is a notable historic figure to the history of the area and specifically Roanoke Island. As detailed in the above 'Maritime History Context and Historical Background' narrative, the Tull Lennon Boathouse is a significant coastal historic architectural structure. Dating to the 1930's, the structure yields Important Information to an era that Is no longer recognizable to the Mother Vineyard residential community, Roanoke Island, the Outer Banks or the State. Not only is it Important for the North Carolina Coastal Resource Commission (CRC) to 'conserve coastal historic architectural resources' (15A NCAC 07H.0510 Significant Coastal Historic Architectural Resources, a., c.), it is important to the current owner of the boathouse, MVYC, to rebuild this historic maritime architectural structure in alignment with the management objectives of the CRC. These include: the preservation of the structure as a living part of community life in order to give a sense of orientation to the people of the state; to Insure that the designated historic architectural resource be preserved, as a tangible element of our cultural heritage, for its educational, scientific, associative or aesthetic purposes; and to protect the values of the designated historic architectural resource as expressed by the local government and citizenry. Replacement of the Structure The structure was 'built prior to the effective date(s) of the rule(s) with which it is inconsistent'. It is a non -conforming structure on a non -conforming parcel. In accordance with '1SA NCAC 07J .0211 Non - Conforming Development', MVYC plans to rebuild the structure under the allowances: • the structure will not be enlarged beyond its original dimensions; • the structure will serve the same or similar use; • there are no practical alternatives for replacing the structure to provide the same or similar benefits in compliance with current rules; and • the structure will be rebuilt so as to comply with current rules to the maximum extent possible. Thus, the following Is true: the proposed structure will match the original footprint, the structure's use will be the same: a boathouse and loft and situated on a fifty by fifty foot (50'x5o') lot, the non -conforming structure cannot be rebuilt to provide the same or similar benefits in compliance with the current rules. RECEIVED 31Page JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Received mqI�. Described Additional Work In addition to the replacement of the historic boathouse, a 'Site Plan' attached herein AGM -EC proposed location of the vinyl bulkheading, decking, and porous concrete driveway. Dredging of the waters is also required and the extents of the dredging are shown in the 'Dredge and Fill' plan attached herein as well as a drawing showing the existing water depths. All of the water depths have recently been updated based on current observations. To perform the maintenance dredging of the boat basin, we propose to use a land based excavator and place the material directly into a sealed dump truck. The material will then be transported to a cleared vacant residential property that I own located at 110 Toler Road off of Skyco Road on Roanoke Island. The material only totals 66 cubic yards or approximately 6 truckloads. During the excavation of the basin, we propose to place a silt curtain in the water to contain any material that may become suspended in the water. As soon as the permit is issued we propose to commence the development activity. As shown on the'Project Drawing' and in the'Boathouse Section and Bulkhead Details Drawing', the bulkhead adjacent to the wetlands shall be pile supported with no tiebacks. This design was selected to minimize any Impacts to the wetlands. The remaining bulkhead shall be designed with tiebacks. There are no impacts to the neighboring wetlands. Showing support for the project, ail of the neighboring riparian property owners have signed the notification/waiver forms. All are enthusiastic about the project and have waived the 15' setback requirement. The signed forms are attached herein. Works Cited: Khoury, Angel Ellis. Manteo: A Roanoke Island Town. Virginia Beach: Donning Company, 1999. Print. RECEIVED 4 1 P a g e JUN 0 9 2020 OCM-MHD CITY RAFTER5 5HALL RE5T ON PLATES ATTACHED TO 5TORAGE SUBFLOOR (NO FRAMED WALL5 ON TOP OF 5UBFLOOR) WOOD FRAMING BETWEEN PILES HORIZONTAL LATTICE BOARD5 2XG 12' 5HOREGUARD 325 5OUD VINYL 5HEET PILE GROIN 1 (5UPPORTED BY BOATHOU5E FILE NO TIEBACKS IMPACTING WETLAND5), MAX HT P ABOVE i I NWL (ROOF PITCH 5HALL NOT EXCEED 12:12) 12 12 lK COLLAR TIE5 RIDGE HT 24' ABOVE NWT 5HEATHING AND METAL ROOF 5UBFLOOP LOFT 5HEATHING: DS TO TOP OF CEILING JOIST HEAD, AT EAST END EXTENDS NWL BOAT AREAOVE (2) 2 x 2 GIRDERS 24' OU5E PILE 5HOREGUARD 325 50LID LGRADED V'-P YL SHEET PILE (CAPPED WITH PI' 8° BUTT x 24' ROUND 1 O AND SHEETS BACKED V✓iTH PILE TREATED TO 2.5 2'-4' RIC CLOTH) G. ON CENTER BOAT HOU5E PILE TOP OF12' WALE BULKHEAD 4' RADE 5 r TMARINE HROUGH BOLTED2 - NWL0 - UND15TUR13ED BOTTOM DREDGE BOTTOM SECTION SCALE: 3/ 1 G" = 1 -0" HISTORIC LENNON MVYC, Inc. BOATHOUSE 9. 14.20 G' x G' x GVERTICAL DEADMEN q' x 12' TIE BACK ROD5, 'J" OGEE WA5HER5 G'LENTER Received tt:;7 1 C r:'; DCM-EC Surveys • MVYC, Inc dated October 30, 2017 • Estate of Mary Bruce Dowd dated September 10, 2012 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY iIS Print Page r?y` �r s 16 v r n Page 1 of 1 Rj " . ..► s - r� x Ir- ,on u u��e.w.wmrA,. gooMother wnershi Map LtgenJ ...ter. o..,..,.,.,r p Current Value w. a �B xetia Manteo. VC 27953 Mvyc Inc Land 6,200 Scale: 1:267 Parcel: 024392000 Pin:988011677457 1�• ti. �X Building 0 Basemap: Aerials(2012) ...s...ar...B..>.e,r:�� Tax District: Manteo Out N 5 E"�tA p!C Misc 0 Parcel Lines w..r..m�u.w.ls... � 1 l 9$g DARE COUNTY Subdivision: Subdivision - Now '� Total 6�00 —Property Lute RESPONSBiLrrYOFFOLR Lot-Blk-Sect: Lot: Blk: Scc: ❑Selected Parcel THEINFORMATIONIN THIS Property seecon Im ment CONTAINEDRMATIONertU: S�'rove P MAP. Building Type: Year Built: null Peu de lve U.'yIB tp://gis.darecountync.gov/report.html?parid=024392000&lat=35.923128655726316&ing=75.66657214618317&z21 &bas=2012&layers=P... 6/25/2018 This map is pWp from dan used for the N, OA mveritory of the real property for ux purposes. penury '�_� infUrma[M150Y1CK SUCK K remNCV deeds, plats Mk, and otter primary _ public reco,ds Sl uld be of Ne inform wn VtN tYq4D RD - w 300 Mother Vineyard RD Owners: Mvyc Inc -Primary Owner Manteo NC, 27954 Parcel' 02439200DZI Building Value: $0 Pin: 98801167745 - Land Value: $6,200 r ` Z Misc Value: $0 Total Value: $6,200 O Tax District: Manteo Out Subdivision: Subdivision - None Lot BLK-Sec: Lot Blic Sec: Property Use: Vacant Land (Private) Building Type: Year Built 4k 21jAYeN.WA`M 9n 0 LEGEND (- El PVE - EA. AEBAR 0 - I/2' REBAR SET HUSH - EA CONC, MUN. 4 - CCNC MC, SP EA PA NAA - MAD NAR SET - CALCULATED PANT - WATER ME'ER - P W PEDES'AL CA.•v - UTkT1Y Pe E G'3Y WK FETE .+ .NT ®- ELECT. MAN' 40 - AllowDRAOE BD - BELDW GRADE r, - ow INm 3' OPEFI FWE / r AFR ae4 �'\ t D'BO A F 8.4A OBIIRWD WATLTI�4 LEKI TDB/24/N) i CANAL i CPEX FRE DX Bo N WILUAM JO E. JDNES ET UX & GEORGE W. SPICER PER DARE CO. TAX MAP - PARCEL 024395023) NOTES I. TINS SAVEY :S 9111.ECl 10 A,Y FACTS MAT MAY K MSCLOSED BY A FULL FND ACCURATE PLC %E ft. 2. WA BY COOROWATE CCAIMTARDN . 2,500 Si. (TOTAL) 3. i LR Y. E A' 20,DILM: to IPER EIREEB M 1 I I- FRDAID MooNC.: 1. fl11988Oq 67 7157 5. RECORDED RDFCRENCC OS 102. °O 569 D4 A.I. PD 35 6. NAWJY WLONO LMS (NBC) W SWAN MREV, AR[ M R[ CMRENI LOCAL 20N'NO REGJLATCNS OTHER SETBACKS AE)/OR RESDIICTWS MAY FPPJ AND MUST BE KRTED U ELETO MAT:pS(NANAYRUCROT. we �. 4'AI 198l) N/1 / 9 /t</Ic \I N/F MSAWYERD, LLC (PC E. SL 507) (08 1878, PG 382) (DO 114. PG 533) .GPAKL 1 . yK a 1 \ � 1 \ 41 37*00.00 W 50.00' \ 1/r RUAR -CONCRETE \ WAKL \ I \ OpRRE t \ / 5/5' MAR E2]SfNG 6 - \ W/CAM \�J BaflwuzE 1 537W'00'E A 03 _ S37'00'00"E A I'IARI PR\ 124.50' —ire 300.0(Y _{r OY n• , // WAYEL sum W ORIK CANAL w.5r `: Iaas• or r. S 37T10'00" E 50.00' 450.42'(TIE) LCL4 (`o°enln2i/ 1 I ��PO NT Now wYA°RD k \..A / RID s sCOMPERNLwc MD / ollli-, Yy0 \..N;P / I �L(LQ''. Till CANAL MOTHER VINEYARD / I 40\` PROPERTY 0WERS ( ASSOC. ))e (PC D, SSGL 44) LINE TABLE UHEI LuNNT. BEANNG 2 40 L2 m1 ]2 x u a6253,00* SURVEY FOR ESTATE OF MARYBRUCE DOWD A PARCEL OF LAND ON MOTHER VINEYARD ROAD - ROANOKE ISLAND NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP - DARE COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA F 0 ° " SEABOARD SURVEYINC d PLANNING, INC. C-1636 20 1 Inch @. *31103F W. WOOD HILL DR., P.O. BOX 58. NAGS HEAD, NC 27959 u 1205912 %RKYED08114/12 MA PLTIrn..1TAlll 11 OFFICE: (252) 480-9998 FAX: (252) 480-0571 ived {DECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 rKA-hAHD CITY LEGEND - EX. r OPEN PPE - EX. 1/2• MOM O ' CALCUTAWO PONT ■ - EX CONIC. MCA. ❑ - CONC. NON. SET A. - EX NAG NJJL IN - NAG NAIL SET - EX 1• PMCH PIPE ® - WATER METER - PHONE PEZ-AL C.AI.V - UTILITY POLE GUY WE FIRE NYDRANI ®- ELECT. TRANS. AG - ABOVE GRADE BC - BELOW GRADE r _ FE W+E_ PION 3' �:N �P: NOTES• 1. MIS SURVEY IS SIJB,ECT TO ANY FACTS MAT MAY GE DSCLOSEO BY A WILL AND ACCURATE TIRE SEARCH, 2. AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION . 2.300 S.F. (TOTAL) 3, CI.R.M. ZONE. M; OIL: pP (PIR E1RM) r I' {AQ6pNq r. PIH NO.: II 966011 67 7457 5 RECOROED REFERENCES J6 107. PG 569; DO 61, PC 35. 0. MINMUM BOLDING UNES (NR.) IF MONK HEREON APE PEA THE CURRENT LOCAL LAMING REGJLAACTY OTNER SE -BACKS ANDIEN RESTRICTIONS NAY APPLY AND MUST BE MIAMI) PWOR TO CONSTRUCTM 7. ELEVAPWS (NAVO ION). N/A / NTH N/F MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT (PC E. SL 507) C \-2592 pti (DB 1931, PG 212) GRAVEL \ K 1X R 37'00-6F W 50.00' 1 flA' w CANAL w �w CANAL UI '"I btecelmod � \ 7 l� a / RAVEL AVEL •� `— / s/e• 1 W/ EAP — J S37'00'00`� _ 5371007O0`E AD \ 124.50' J00.00' sum GRAVEL \ f DRIVE � EnE) _L1 ).(.I, 1 / 1... ; v S 37'00'00' E S0.00' Plufx /a` xEBUL 5MI V'244E _�___T„____. —_ 450.42' . aT Bc � (TIE) / I• IWLLIAM E. JONESw CINDY L. JONES k GEORGE W. SPICER sEa(VID AMR/, LEVE O• �.�Ip NNL � (PA CEL756021 95023) CANAL MOTHER VINEYARD PROPERTY OWNER c2l . ASSOC, 0� ( (PC D. SL 44) LINE TABLE , LURE LENGTH BEARING LI 50.00 U SO. 00 J 20T.02 u IaoG s.3e / MYYC, INC. RECEIVED A PARCEL OF LAND ON MOTHER VINEYARD ROAD — ROANOKE ISLAND NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP — DARE COUNTY — NORTH CAROLINA 6 m o JUN 0 9 2020 2m SEABOARD SURVEYING B PLANNING, INC. C-15M I Inch - 20 ft. 103F W. WOOD HILL DR., P.O. BOX 58, NAGS HEAD. NC 27959 y�LF1�E H5 SURVEYCa10/24N7 Rt PLAITLO:TO/27/17NJ *0 OFFICE: (252) 480-9998 FAX: (252) 480-0571 CryE�y -191D CI TY ,:. .ILI- =w _ 1 f y r � y � a � I�� :�� l � I x �' q •� y�.�•Q J�� it �r l�-I n ryk 1 Tm U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2019-00766 County: Dare Count v U.S.G.S. Quad: Man eo NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner/Applicant: MVYC.Inc.@C@IV@(i c/o John M. Robbins III R Address: P.O. Box 28 Nags Head, NC 27959 Telephone Number: (252) 423-0516 Size (acres) 0.057 Nearest Waterway Atlantic Ocean USGS HUC 03010205 Location description: The review area fa Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination DCM-EC Nearest Town Manleo River Basin Albemarle-Chowan Coordinates Latitude:35.92312 Longitude:-75.6666, There are waters, including wetlands, on the above described project area, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters, including wetlands, have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in anyway by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. There are wetlands on the above described property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWAx33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands, have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters, including wetlands, at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination X There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWAx33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S., including wetlands, on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the late or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed rive years from the date of this notification. _ We recommend you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. Page 1 of 2 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Keceiued SAW-2019-00766 II. I - I _ The waters of the U.S., including wetlanll;�groyrtur�foject area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly, suggest you ha Ile n surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your properly which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The waters of the U.S., including wetlands, have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on . Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Elizabeth City, NC, at (252) 264-3901 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US, including wetlands, without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Billy Standridee at (910) 251-4595 or Billy. W.Standridge(4usace.armv.mil. C. Basis For Determination: The wetlands within the property were delineated using the Corps of Engineers 1987 Sound, a Traditonal Navigable Water. D. Remarks: The waters of the U.S.. including wetlands are accurately depicted on the attached plat entitled Wet/ands Survey for MVYC. INC. dated 28 January 2019 E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information for Approved Jurisdiction Determinations (as indicated in Section B. above) If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and Request for Appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room I OM15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by N/A. it is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. kCorps Regulatory Official: Date: June 13,201 Expiration Date: June 13, 2024 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to MVYC, Inc. (Lennon Boathouse) Is property located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road (Name of Property Owner) Mother Vineyard Canal connecting to (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Shallowbag Bay in Manteo (Dare County) N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. X I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) MVYC, Inc (the'applicant') is proposing to rebuild the historic Tull Lennon Boathouse in its original footprint as shown on the attached working drawing revised on 01 /28/2020. Access to the boathouse is shown from the NCDOT Mother Vineyard Road right-of-way. Aside from this access no work is proposed beyond the boundaries of the parcel. Associated with the boathouse is maintenance dredging of the waters within the parcel boundary, and wooden walkways. Received MAY 1 � iuf) DCM-EC WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must Initial the appropriate blank below.) rt) rj� I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Owner John M. Robbins III Print or Type Name PO Box 1415 Mailing Address Manteo, NC 27954 city/Stater ip 252.423.0516 / johnmanteo@gmail.com Telephone Number/email address April 28, 2020 Date `Valid for one calendar year after signature' (Adjacent Property Owner Information) ignalure• k William E. Jones Print or Type Name 162 Scuppernong Road Mailing Address Manteo, NC 27954 citylstate2ip 252.47349188 Telephone Number/email address 2S'1-/173.SY/ off Dare* (Revised Aug. 2014) RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 0CM-MHD CITY ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to MVYC, Inc. (Lennon Boathouse) s Vineyard Road (Name of Property Owner) 300 Mother Vine property located at y Mother Vineyard Canal connecting to (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Shallowbag Bay , in Manteo (Dare County) , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above IocaGor>, _�� I have no objection to this proposal. 1 have objections to this proposal. utscrnr I ION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) MVYC, Inc (the'applicant') is proposing to rebuild the historic Tull Lennon Boathouse in its original footprint as shown on the attached working drawing revised on 01 /28/2020. Access to the boathouse is shown from the NCDOT Mother Vineyard Road right-of-way. Aside from this access no work is proposed beyond the boundaries of the parcel. Associated with the boathouse is maintenance dredging of the waters within the parcel boundary, and wooden walkways. Received DCM-EC WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. John M. Robbins III Print or Type Name PO Box 1415 Marling Address Manteo, NC 27954 City/statazp 252.423.0516 / johnmanteo@gmail.com Telephone Number/email address April 28, 2020 Dale *Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature" Marcia Sawyer Bryant Print or Type Name 966 US HWY 64/264 Mailing Address Manteo, NC 27954 city/state/zip Telephone Number/email address Dale* (Revised Aug. 2014,RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 I')CM-MHQ CITY ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT hereby certify that I own property adjacent to MVYC, Inc. (Lennon Boathouse) 's property located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road (Name of Property Owner) Mother Vineyard Canal connecting to (Addrr on Shallowbag Bay (Waterbody) ss, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) in Manteo (Dare County) N.C. (CitylTown and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. X I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) MVYC, Inc (the 'applicant') is proposing to rebuild the historic Tull Lennon Boathouse in its original footprint as shown on the attached working drawing revised on 01/28/2020. Access to the boathouse is shown from the NCDOT Mother Vineyard Road right-of-way. Aside from this access no work is proposed beyond the boundaries of the parcel. Associated with the boathouse is maintenance dredging of the waters within the parcel boundary, and wooden walkways. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) Al I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Pro y Owner I Rion ignature John M. Robbins III Pr nt or Type Name PO Box 1415 Mailing Address Manteo, NC 27954 City/Statelzip 252.423.0516 / johnmanteo@gmail.com Telephone Number / email address April 28, 2020 Date *Valid for one calendar year after signature' (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature* Alother Vinyard Property Owners Association do Buddy McCown Print or Type Name PO Box 219 Mailing Address Manteo, NC 27954 City/State/Zip 1 c1,�2 �3GS3aeiG ,A DIf rcMn.•..l. Ceaw Telephone Number/email address" SYi/7AI P. Dare* (Revised Aug. 201910EIVEC ,JUN 0 9 2020 0CM-MHD CITY SOSID: 1092743 Date Filed: 4/16/2009 7:11:00 AM Elaine F. Marshall North C'atvlinn Srcrelary of State C200908201267 State of North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Received of MARCUS MIDGETT, LLC (Limited Liability Company)/y'M/ Pursuant to §57C-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: Marcus Midgett, LLC 2. There shall he no limit on the duration of the company. 3. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: Michael C. Casey, Esq., Organizer, Post Office Box 28, Nags Head, NC 27959. 4. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is: 799 State Road 345, Manteo, Dare County, North Carolina 27954. 5. The mailing address of the initial registered office is Post office Box 1180, Manteo, NC 27954. 6. The name of the initial registered agent is: John M. Robbins, Ill. 7. The limited liability company does not have a principal office. 8. The limited liability company is a manager -managed, LLC. 9. There is no other provision which the limited liability company elects. 10. These articles will be effective upon tiling. This the 17 day of March, 2009. MARCUS MIDGETT, LLC VVl E_ Michael C. Casey, Esq., Organizer RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 nctA-MHD CITY Received County of Dare, North Carolina 'Owner and Parcel information is based on current data on file and was last upd-'-' Primary (100%) Owner Information: MARCUS MIDGETT, LLC a ^' PO BOX 398 MANTEO NC 27954 Parcel Information: Parcel: 025870004 PIN: 978920814607 District: 11- MANTEO OUT Subdivision: HAYES PRESERVE S/D LotBlkSect: LOT: LOT 4 BLK: SEC: Multiple Lots: - PlatCabSilde: PL: I SL: 395 Units: 0 Deed Date: 09/05/2017 BkPg:2190/0395 Parcel Status: ACTIVE Property Use: VACANT LAND (PRIVATE) 110 TOLER RD BUILDING USE & FEATURES Tax Year Bldg Value: $0 Building Use: Exterior Walls: Actual Year Built: Full Baths: Half Baths: Bedrooms: Heat -Fuel: Heat -Type: Finished sgft for building 1: Air Conditioning: Total Finished SgFt for all bldgs: 0 Disclaimer: In instances where a dwelling contains unfinished living area, the square footage of that area Is included in the total finished sgft on this record. However, the assessed value for finish has been removed. MISCELLANEOUS USE Tax Year Misc Value: $0 LAND USE Tax Year Land Value: $2140 Land Description : 11-Residential Subdivision Land Description b:: 11-Marsh Acreage TOTAL LAND AREA: 18400 square feet Tax Year Total Value: $53,600 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Received P" is � I M Gmail D M-EG Parcel 024392000 John Robbins <johnmanteo@gmail.com> To: Donna Creef <donnac@darenc.com> Donna: John Robbins <johnmanteo@gmail.com> Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:24 AM I am assisting a buyer of Parcel No. 024392000. It is located at the end of the canal in Mother Vineyard. It is a 50'x50' parcel. It appears from the data sheet that it was platted in 1940. There is a boathouse on the property. It is approximately 20'x36'. It appears from GIS that the boat barn is 5' or less from the south property line, 27' from the northern property line, 11' from the landward/rear property line, and 8' from the property line in the canal. I am working to collect a survey or have a new survey done. I have spoken with Frank Jennings and we have discussed the permits needed to replace the boat house. According to CAMA it is a non -conforming structure. However, the parcel and structure pre -date CAMA regulations. The replacement of the structure will require a CAMA Major Permit. The replacement is permittable. With this stated, I have the following questions related to Dare County Regulations: 1. What are the development regulations for the parcel governing setbacks, and lot coverage? 2. Would Dare County regulations aside from CAMA regulations allow for the replacement of the structure? Thank you for your assistance. John M. Robbins III 252.423.0516 'RecENEo SUN 0 9 2020 OCM_MHp CffY M Gmail Parcel 02439200O Donna Creef <donnac@darenc.com> To: John Robbins <johnmanteo@gmail.com> John Robbins <johnmanteo@gmall.com> Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:36 AM We will allow the replacement of the structure at the same size, will honor whatever setbacks the major permit reflects. I think some of it is over the water. [Quoted text hidden] Received Donna Creef Planning Director tear t Planning Department P.O. Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 DCM-EG 252.475.5873 phone www.darenc.com Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director EMAIL MEMORANDUM NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality TO: Susan Simpson The Coastland Times Manteo, NC 27954 Iegals(a)-thecoastlandtimes net FROM: Ella Godfrey DATE: June 5, 2020 SUBJECT: Public Notice: Mvyc, Inc. Please publish the attached Notice in the Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 2020 issue of The Coastland Times. The State Office of Budget and Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the affidavit, an original copy of the published notice, and an original invoice to Ellie Davis, NC Division of Coastal Management, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557, (Telephone 252-808-2808). Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at our Elizabeth City office (252) 264-3901. Attachment cc: Jonathan Howell, Major Permits Coordinator, DCM, Morehead City Christy Simmons, PIC, DCM, Morehead City Ellie Davis, Accounts Payable, DCM, Morehead City File Q� Y• �MYYAYIy North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City office 1 401 South Griffin Street. Suite 3001 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 252.264.3901 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The NC Department of Environmental Quality hereby gives public notice as required by NCGS 113A-119(b) that application for a development permit in an AEC as designated under the CAMA was received on 05/14/20. Mvyc, Inc. proposes to construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with a dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay located at 300 Mother Vineyard Road, in Dare County. A copy of the entire application may be reviewed at the office of the Division of Coastal Management, located at 401 S Griffin St, Ste 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 252-264- 3901 during normal business hours. Comments mailed to Braxton Davis, Director, DCM, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557, prior to 06/30/20, will be considered in making the permit decision. Later comments will be considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modification may occur based on review & comment by the public, state & federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. PLEASE PUBLISH ON: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 �a-. F�Q� RECEIVED North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street. Suite 3001 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 JUN 012020 252.264,3901 DCM-MHD CITY ROY COOPER Governor MICHAELS.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director Mvyc, Inc. John M. Robbins, III P.O. Box 1415 Manteo, NC 27954 Dear Mr. Robbins: e SIAft, NORTH CAROLINA En Nronmenta7Qua(fty June 8,2020 The NC Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for State approval to construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, replace boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal at 200 Mother Vineyard Road adjacent to Shallowbag Bay in Dare County. It was received complete on May 14, 2020 and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is July 28, 2020. An additional 75-day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review. If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above, you should consider the review period extended. Under those circumstances, this letter will serve as your notice of an extended review. However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day. If this agency does not render a permit decision within 70 days from May 14, 2020, you may request a meeting with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management and permit staff to discuss the status of your project. Such a meeting will be held within five working days from the receipt of your written request and shall include the property owner, developer, and project designer/consultant. NCGS I I3A-119(b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: Nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting your Property, or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one into your Property, Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. Q� RECEIVED North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street Suite 300 1 Elizabeth City. North Carolina 27909 252.264,3901 JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY John M. Robbins, III June 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 An onsite inspection will be made, and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate State or Federal agency. Please contact Cynthia Rountree, Field Representative, if you have any questions and or if you wish to receive a copy of her field report. Sincerel , Ron Re i District Manager, Northeastern District NC Division of Coastal Management RR/eg Enclosure cc: Jonathan Howell, Major Permits Coordinator, DCM, Morehead City, NC Cynthia Rountree DCM, Elizabeth City, NC RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY 0 0 NOTI(0*0 W� CAMA PERMIT APPLIED FOR PROJECT: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bayy Road EPTED THROUGH rune 30, 2020 APPLICANT: FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT Mvyc, Inc. THE LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER BELOW: � Cynthia Rountree P.O. Box 1415 John Robbins, I11 401 S. Griffin Street, Suite 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Manteo, NC 27954 252-423-0516 252-264-3901, ext. 234 ri. i� 0 U a DARE REAL ESTATE COUNTY TRANSFER TAX LT 6 Og- LTe394S1I % $350.00 m This Instrument was Brief Description for the W. Casey 6 Robbins, PC Recorded: 11120/2017 04:48:32 PM BY: CLAUDIA HARRINGTON Vanress MCMUM. Rapider of Deeda Dare County, NC Fee Amt 428.00 NC Excise Tex 4Tc00 BOOK 2205 PAGE 944 (3) 7"0228 1111111111111111111 Excise Tax $70.Cn NORTH COOLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED GRANTOR GRANTEE Kerry Lannon Dowd and husband, ��% MVYC, Inc. John R. Barrow O PO Box 28 503 S.W. W Place Nags Head, NC 27960 Gainesville, FL 32501 Received DCM-EC Tha dnignatlon Grantor and Grant" as used herein shalli�WAide said parties, their helm, successors, and assigns, and shall Include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or n5t,,uter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents don grant, bargain, soppIl convey unto the Grandee in fee simple, all that certain lotor parcel of landsituated on Roanoke bland, Nags He nship, Dare County, North Carolina and mom particularly described as follows: 1 O Sea attached Exhibit A Incorporated herein by reference All or a portion of the property herein convoyed don not Include the prhlirrry residence of the Grantors. d O RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 "101w-mHo CITY Book 2205 Page 944 ;d property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by Instrument recorded in Deed Book 1940, Page 501, L-',�Jare County Registry. l�r�p showing the above described property Is recorded in Map Book , Page . TOIU� Ft AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the G It In fee simple. And the 06ntor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the promises In fee simple, has the right to convey th0ams In fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all sncumbnnces, and that Grantorwlll warrant and4ifond lhetttie againatthe lawhdclalrnsofaa persons whwrsoeverexcepl forthe exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the proper y heralnabuve described Is subject to the following excspllone: Easements, reatricggne and zoning regulations. IN WITNESS WHEF the Grantor has hereunto get his hand and seal, or If corporate, has caused this Instrument to be eig In fta corporate name by Its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Directors, the day and year first above written. v} Kerry L Dowd lAN ,k. (SEAL) a [�[, John R. B state of Flcr�f Citylcountyof_Alii( 1(7 \r I, a Notary Public oil the County and Stale aforesaid, certify that Kerry Lennon Dowd SEAL -STAMP and John R. Barrow Rd onolly appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the to Instrument Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this ��fay o(�"'t�"qy (SEAL) ublic My commission expires oxw 1 q "o, „•• •�. Anlai he L. Tatum o • State of Florida MY COMMISSION # Ff 52134 ry Fxplree January 9, 2019 d 0 n� Received '."I' i � 2:_j D M-EC RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 01CM-MHO CITY Book 2205 Page 945 EXHIBIT A O i ning at a rebar not at the Northwest comer of that parcel now or formerly owned by the Mother Vineyard Property Owners Association (reference Wire made to Map Book 2, Page 94 and Plat Cabinet D, Slide M of the Dare Counlif Public Regstry) and also the Southern edge of the fight of way of Mother Vineyard Road (S.R. 1120), said mbar bitill& also located South 36 deg. 19 min. 24 sec. East 450A2 feel from a map nail set at the centedlns of the IntenecWn of Mother Vineyard Road and Scuppernong Road; then, commencing from said point and place of beginning*i th 37 deg. 00 min. 00 sac. East 50 fast to a calculated point located in a canal; thence cornering end procoedingl9buth 53 dap. 00 min. 00 sac. Weat So feet to a 1 Inch open pipe located 1 foot below grade, said pipe being located alT g the South line of Marcia Sawyer Denchlseirsfersnce being madeto Deed Book 1931, psge212of the Dan CountiPublic Registry(; thence cornering and proceoding North 37 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. Wasl 6o feet toa Inch rebar locsts&.3 foot below grade; Menu cornering proceeding North 63 clog. 00 min. 00 sec. Fast 6o feet to the point and place o(Beglnning. Reference Is made to#at certain map or plat entitled "Survey for MVYC, Inc. -A Parcel of Land on Mather Vineya rd Rood -Roanoke lsian(4 Naga Head Township- Dam County - North Carolina" prepared by Seaboard Surveying d Planning, Inc. under do" October 24, 2017. rx 0 �XAN w� d 0 Received RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 €JCM-MHD CITY Book 2205 Page 946 1963 DEED, MVYC Inc. CAMA APPLICATION -... _ ---..._..---_...fir_ .....--..... . EonK 114 P4033 Received "411 I r. Ll:) NORTH CAROLINA DCM-EC C DARE COUNTY •1 This deed, made this 26th day of July L063, by and between R. B. LMNON and wife, GERTRUDE Q. LENNON, as GRANTORS; to ROIAND DOCK SAWYER SR., and Wife, IRMA PINNER SAWYER, of Manisa, North Carolina, ae GRANTEES, WITNRSSETHt That the GRANTMS, for end In consideration of the sun of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and other good end valuable considerations to them In head paid by the GRANTEES, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and bythese presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the GIN1111 , their helix and assigns, all that certain parcel of lend sdtuste on Roanoke Island, Nags Head Township, Dare County North Carolina, adjoining others lands of Ur.'W. E.-Lannon, portions of the subdivlglon of Mother vineyard Section One, and more particularly described as follows, Beginning at an iron pipe situated in and on the Western margin of the right of way of a 60 font J>`3�' road shown on a map or plat attached hereto by David ry t ' Cox Jr, and others, Surveyors, dated June to, 1963 1' ,f `'\. said beginning point being in the Southwest corner (. �l.fr of Lot 8 of Mother vineyard Section One, shown on ��,�, the plat attached hereto, and being ti feet westward _j; rt?.)' from the corner of said lot •a shown on the Mother _ e-�,: Vineyard Section One subdivision plat, recorder in "'1�l0`'` Ma Daok 2 at 'age 9a{ Said beginnin g •1----?i: p 8 g point hein ___ flat from South 37 dig, ilest • Northeast ce corner 7of feel from an iron pipe In the show on corner of Lot No, b er nnid subdivision also it shown on LM1e plat at Nohed other 9, and also It the point of intersection of Saud Moth r other vineyard Ro.A with the southern no rg in of Scuppernong Road; and running thence from said begin ng point South 53 deg, West along the south i line of said Lot No. 9 a distance of 335 feet to an Iron pipe at the Southwest corner of said Lot No, 8, _. and running thence NOrtb 37 deg. West atonq the west line of Lots 8, 7, 6, and a portion of l.at 5, a distance of 330.11 feet to an iron pipe al tun led In the soutAc to margin of the right of way of Scuppernong Road, spawn on the attached plat, and on u plat attached to a deed from Mother Vineyard, Inc, y �_\ to Kellogg- Cuthrell, inc., dated March 1, 1961, and l.; duty recorded in Book 99 Page 070, of tie Public Registry r �l of Dare County, N',C.1 and running thence along the Routhurn morgt of the right of way of said Acupper- .%!4"yl, nong Road the following cour are and distances: scorn S2 deg• 45 min, West SO.0 feet South 53 deg. 55 min. West 232.9 (rat South 52 deg, 3S min. West 11b.5 feet i nu to an iron pipe{ and ru nning thence South 37 deg, 25 nin, East and at fight angle. to said. road a distance DECEIVED JUN © 9 2020 0CM-NldHD CITY BORK 114 a4434 of 709.4 feet to a stake; and running thence North DCM-EC 33 deg. Bast, and along a line which is an extension in a westward direction of the southern line of [.or 15 of said Mother vineyard Section One, subdivision, a distance of 754.2 feet to an iron pipe situated on the Western margin of a Private Canal; and thence running along the ahore line of slid Canal, North 37 deg. Went A distance of 201.3 feet to an iron pipe in the Southeast corner of the R. B. Lennon. boat house Boathouse lot; and running thence South 33 deg. West a distance Of 50 feet to en iron pipe{ and running thence Notch reference 37 deg. Went s distance of 30 (eet, and running thence North 53 deg, Best a distance of 25.6 feet along saki beat house lot north line to a point, which said point is intersected by an extension in a southerly direction from the point or beginningg of the Western margin of the 60 foot right of way of Mother Vineyard Road; end running thence North 3T deg. West a distance of ..5 feet to the Iron pipe at the eo.thwcat corner of Lot No. B as shown on the plot attached, the point or place of beginning. Being a portion of the land$ conveyed to the Grantors hetei0 by the following deeasl Mother Vineyard Inc.! dated Auggust 6 395fl, recorded In Book gi Page 35, of the Public Registry of Date County, N.C, deed of 2 Mother Vineyard Inc., dated November , 1961, recorded In Book 102 Page 589; and deed of W. B_ Lennon at is dated May 3, 1962, and recorded in Book 106 Page 6, of the Public Registry of Dare County, N.C.. Together with perpetual easements, which easements shall be held in common with these Greeters, and other owners In the aforesaid Mother Vineyard Subdlvislon, of ingress, egress, use and enjoyment thereof in and to the Private Roadsshown on the plots herein referred to, and to a canal, said canal extending through the of oveeaid subdivision to Shallow 049 Bay, and canal area designated on the Mother Vineyard subdivision plat a "Private Canal- and 'Private Canal Ares'. These easement$ fire privllcRes and appurtenances of owner. with to the withh the property above described and shall run land by whomsoever owned. TO HAVE ANO TO MID the aforesaid parcel of land, together With all the privileges• and appurtenances thereunto belonging onto the Slid GRANTEES, their heirs and assigns, forever in fee simple. And the GRANTORS for themselves, their executors, heirs and administreturs, covenant to and with the GRANTEES, their heirs and %$signs, that they ate seized of said premises in fee, and have the right to convey the same in fee simple, that the some are free and clear of all encumbrances, and that they do hereby warrant and will forever defend the title to the same against the claims of all persona Whomsoever. RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 ")CM-1AHD CITY gaff 114 m6Z ,., Received IN TESTIMONY NNRRROP the GRANTORS hede hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above ell it en. �y a .___. _•rtwti Y�Cy�(.e-.�S' �SNAL) (SRAL) oec trade ri, n1ion — NORTII CAROLINA DARE COUNTY I, C. S. Meekins, Clerk of Superior Court of Dare County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that R, G, Lennon and wife, Gertrude Q. Lannon personally appeared before me this day and arknowledgtd the due execution of the foregoing deed. Let the instrument with this certificate be registered. Nitneen my hand this. IS day of 1063. 1 `_ CLERK SUPERIOR =Iu . UARL' WU, N.C. I WOlw wan.nM aM1 IFa]�.Y el ,,. 1l�M. nil,fe/., M__.�_:.. Xtil{ry, o1 M,a ,n NNxw aelaa, d (Mwa U RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Received wii 114,�ig�g IIhAYAnY �fw.vf C0.vyYl0 /M•. A'GYANO 4 IRMA A. SAW12WR MAT wtwMVA�' /SL.NP •N.e/ FVAO r'.vA-A+A! cn hn+i m, isss Iasw . .sae• t N• �_a y I>' Howls BOF /I /f J.y A 'H..s IrI' . M.I.V• r. •tMY.r..Y.i. �Y .1 Mt ..4M y Iw1 i /y. II .Mrn I 1 1 1 e � a 1 I rfAY i �- b: DCM-EC f0= ro M..M .try A.e .M .w i....r hnr. • fn N. n< .. ten.. .... ....-. • e..dt1(... RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITy M Receives; .� Inn day or November. A.D. .1937, Laura L.Powell, N.P. (SEAL) My coma-exp-00t.let,1936 Y North Carolina Paequotank County; P�l'�Mq-�[ 1, Mary S,Wright, do hereby certify that ✓ GM (,,, A.C.Deum end ;sure Bapm his wife, personally appeared before me•thia day and aoknowledged the due execution of the foregoing (or Amazed) instrument end the said Laura Baum being by me privately examined, separate and &pert from her said husband, touching bar voluntary execution of the ease, doth State that she signed the same freely end voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband, or. any other person, and that she loth still voluntarily assent thereto. Witnese my hand and notarial Seal, this 30tb day of October, 1937, Nary S.Wright, N.P. (SEAL) JOY Coro®-exp- Dec. 5, 1937. North Carolina Dare County; 8g fore of Data Oounty,State of North sCarollne,gW.J.JCertificates rvis, ea Notary Publics Notary Princess Anne County,Stete of Virginia, &.Paul Moaok, s Notaryy Public of State of of Columbia Laura L, Powell, a Notary Public of Rookingham County, State of Norte Carolina, end Mary S.Wright1 0 Notary hblio, of Paequotank Cmaty,8tete of North "arollm, each attested by their notarial seal, are adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificates, be reg- istered. Witness my hand thin 4th day of Deoember,1937. Filed for record December 4th, 1937. C.S.Meeklns, C.S.C. Recorded December DEh, 1937, Q. Me� an a s, ag a ter. (Deed G.H.Lennon, at al To Mother Vineyard,Inc:) ____________________________________e• North Carolina Dare County; 1937 by Guy Hcember .Lemon and wife ilGladys �LSmOn,nW.Sin LLemou anhe 4th d wifof eSRobeoce Lennon, R.H. Lennon end wife Gertrude Ltomm, R.Brmh Etheridge and wife mrl"i. Etheridge, parties of the first part, to Mother Vineyard, Ino, a I." of duly organized created and existing under and by virtue of the Mews of the eeState 'of North Carollm. party of the second part; NITNESSETH That the sold Guy H.Lemon and wife Gladys Lennon, W.E.Lemion and wife Rebeoca Lennon, R,B.Lemon and wife Gertrude Lennon, R.Bruos Etheridge and wife Lizzie Etheridge, for and in 000sideration of the am of =IOC.00 and other good and valuable oonsidxratlone paid to them by the said Mother Vineyard, Incorporated, the receipt of which Se hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, Bell and convey unto the said Mother Vineyard, Incorporated, its smoeseors and assigns, ell those certain tracts of lend lying and being IS Dare COunty,North Carolina and more particularly described es follows; All those certain tracts of land lying and being on the Zest Bids of Roanoke Inland, Nags Head Town- ehlp,Dare COunty,NOrth Carolina, adjoining the lends of R,Bruce Ethoridge, 11. B.Ward, S.A.Griffln and others and boundbd as follows; let Trabt;Beginning oil Roanoke Sound At the Southeast corner of the lends of the Into B,F.Meekins and fuming thence a Southwesterly course with the land of the said Meeklns to the lands of H,D.Ward and S.A.Griffin, running thence with the line of -the said mentioned lands to Dough's Creek; thence the various Bourses of Dough's Creak to Shallow Bag Bay; thence a -Northerly course along the shore of Shallow Bag Bel following the meunderinge of the Marsh and highland to place of bog m►ng, with the following exceptions; Thirty (30) feet square tar a grave yard, reference made in Book eSe,page 30, dated October 12th, 191E from J.E.Ward and wife to W.H.Basnight, also from W.H.Basnight to R.C.Evens dated February nth, 1903,Book J" page '8 oleo from W.H.Basnight to Ieans lietobtm dated May 7th,19.07 Book 'Me page 553, also from W.H.Beenight to R.C.EVaIs and T.S.Meeklne, dated October Sth,1907 Book eNe Page 372; elan frOX�W.H.Basnigbt and W.D.Prtden to R.W.3mith, dated Marnh 9ths 1904 Book eJ^ page 557. all the above registered in the hegistrar of Deeds offl6e,Dare County; End Treot; Begiming at an oak, the Berner between the tract herein conveyed and the W.H.Heanight tractl thence South 51e Went 3709 feet to the Old Mein Road leading from Wanchaee to the North and of Roanoke Island; thence North 11, West 400 feet; thence North 27- West EDO feet RECEIVED thence North 7• West 240 feet; thence North SO- Bast 3320 fact to Roanoke Sound; thence South 42- lgeat 998 feat to the point of beginning, !' I/ %�` JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-IMHD CITY Received DMcontaining 70 acres. Excepting h C voyance the old Iason Neekine bu fast square. Together with all r rtemnt to the tract herein dean lease Meekins Home Plana. A MAP Sstered Engineer, on November 6t In Book 13, paegge 542,Dere County conveyed to said w,p.lennon, at and duly recorded November 23rd, Registry, And 0100 in dead from 1 Sn Bouk 13,page 541, Dare County above description the following 1 r from the operation or this con - ground Mich is one hundred m rights belonging to or appu- This tract is known as the Old is tract mado by David Cox,Reg- 31, marked Exhibit 'A" Is recorded a try. Rase being the injnrost f deed dated November 19th, 1931 In Book 13, page-541, Dare County 3nring at al dated April Sth, 1931 etry. Excepting, however from the let Lot;Oeglnning at a Stake on the shore of Roanoke Sound in the South corner of the R.Bruoe Etheridge property and share the South line Of the said R.Bruoe Etheridge property contacts the sold Roanoke Sound; thence running in a Southerly direction along the sold Roanoke Sound ROO feet to a Stake; thence 1n a Westerly direction parallel with the R.Bruoe Etheridge South "us 510 fast to the Southeast corner of the Old Meekins Crave yard; thence in a Northerly direction 200 feet to a l enaltuatedIn S510 footth iIn ane fWeaterlythe rdirectionuce ifromdge ptheebertylmjnoh oinks oi on Roanoke Sound; thence in an Easterly direction along the R.Brueent Etheridge South line 510 feet to the point of bagincing, containing 3 acres more or koanoke Sound and aext nss dibeing ng1510 feet rback between act of laud 2parallel linesaand beibeing thealotlOf with landand conveyedito Guy H.LennonEtheridge by W.P.Lerproperty. o a of al by deed dated May 30th, 1930 and duly recodded June 'kith, 1936,in Book 17, Page 240,Dare County Registry, reference to which is hereby nude. Bad lot; Beginning at a stake on the shore of Ruanoke Sound in the South corner of Guy H.Lennon lot and where the South line of the Said Guy H.Lemon lot oontacto the said Roanoke Sound, the said point being also 200 test In a Southerly direction from the South line of the R, Bruce Etheridge property and running thence In a Southerly direction along the shore of the said Roanoke Sound 150 feet to a stake; thence in a Westerly direction parallel with the South ,no of the Said buy It. Lennon 510 feet to a stake at a point 150 feet in a southerly direction from the Southwest corner of the Guy H.Lemon bob; thence In a Northerly directlon 15oplfeet to the Southwest corner, of the said Guy H.Lemon lot;,tthenoo in an Easterly direction along the Guy H.Lemon South line 510 feet to the point of beginning. Sadie being a tract of land 150 feet wide on Roanoke Sound and extending 510 feet In a westerly direction between parallel linos and being parallel with and adjoining: the Guy.H. Lennon property. Same being the lot of land convoyed to H,B.�amon by Guy R,Lennon at al by deed dated the 29th day of November 1937 and duly 'recorded In the office of the «egietrar of Deeds of Bare County, N.C. in Book 19, page 350. and Tothe above died of lend and Promises with allTtheave privl3 gsaltoldand, appurtenancesecrtheretotbe-to longing unto the said Mother vineyard, Inoorporated, its successors and assigns, to its and their only use and bohoof in foe simple forever. In Testimony whereof, the sold Guy H,Lennon and wife Gladys Lemon., W.N. Lennon and wife Robeson Lennon, R.H.Lumon and wife Gertrude Lennon, R, Bruce Etheridge and wife Lizzie Etheridge have hereunto Bet their hands and seals the day mid year first above written, 4uy H.Lennon,'(SEAL) Gladys Lennon, (SEAL) W.E,Lennon, (SEAL) Rebecon G,Lonnoa,(GEAL) R.B.Lemon, (SEAL) Gertrude anion, (SEAL) R,Bruce Etheridge, (SEAL) Llzzle Etheridge, (SEAL) North Caroline Dare County; for the State of North carol Rennie O.Williemaon, a Notary Public in and erol Ina, County of "are, do hereby oartify that Guy H,Lemon Bud wife Gladys Lannon, R.B.Lonnon and wire Gertrude Lemon, Personally appeared bafore me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed; and the said Gladys Lemon wife of Guy H.Lemon and Gertrude Leman xdfe of R.S.Lamon, being by me privately oxemd,ned,eeparate and Apart from tl,oit• sold hUmmuds, touching their voluntary oxecutlon of the same, doth state that they elgood the same freely and voluntarily and without fnAr or compulsion of thcs Said husbands or of any other parson and that they doth eEd 11 voluntarily 6eBentt.therat0, Witness my hand and notarial Deal this the 4th day of ➢ouember,1937. Rennie G,Htlllmraon, N,P, (SEAL) My Comm-exp yeb.1,1939 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHID CITY nr Count - - �"F(ort��CerolenDare ie Notary Public in and for the Louat of Daro,Stete of North Carolina do hereby certify that N Eruoe Etheridge and wife LizzienEtheridgei personally appeared before me g p deceived , this day and acknowledged the due axe auLiou of -the foregoing Sustrumnnt for or the purposes therein expressed; and the sold L zzie Etheridge, wife of R. Bruce Etheridge, being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching rear voluntary execution of the sees doth state that she signed the some freely and voluntarily and without fear or compel shin of her said husband or any other parson and that she Both still volun- tarily assent thereto. WStnoss lay hand and notarial soul, this the 4th day ACM EC of Deoember,1937. narrate G.Williemson, N.P. (SEAL) My come-exD-Feb.l, 1939. State of North Corollas, County of Dare; I, Bennie eon, a Notary public In and for the State of North Ceroleof Dare, of Dnredo hereby certify that W.E.LWioon and wife Rebecca Lennon personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Snstrumaut for the purpouuu therein ex- pressed; and the said nabeo¢a Lannon, wife of W,E,Lennon, being by me priv- stely examined, separate abd apart from her Said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same doth state that she Signed the some freely and voluntarily and without fear ar compulsion of her sold husband or any other person and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and notarial seal this the 4th day, of "eoomber,1937, Rennie G.Willl.emsoh, N.P. (SEAL) My comm-exp- Feb. 1, 1930. Forth Carolina Dare County; The foregoing certificates of Rennie G,Willemeon a Notary Public in and for the County of Dare,State of North Carolina, duly attested bynher noterlal eealelareddddgdpodotbabeonhsceot andccording to law. Let the instrument with the certificates be registered. Witness my hand this the 4th day of booembor,1937. C.S.Yeakfas,CyB. C. ecord for Record December 4th, 1937. Re¢ordad December 9th 1937. MalylrT? , an a s, eg atrer, (Deed -Susan M.Sutton To 311znbeth &.Watkins) -"_____________ ------------------------ --- North Carol Sna Dare County; is 1937, between Susan M,Suttonn(unmarried),dheralnae this fter 7calleth d the Or "odor, party of the first pert, and Elizabeth A,Watkins, of Greensboro, Guilford, County State of North Carollua, hereinafter called the vendee, party of the second part; "WITHSSSETH" the on of One and 00/100 Dollars and othertvaluabledand d suffic entIiil deraticonsiderations paidto Hundred her by the vendee, the receipt of which is hereby eoknowludged, has targai- ned end $olds and by these presents does bargain, sell end convey to the avid vendee, and heir hairs and assigns the following real estate,TO WIT: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Dare County,Nortb Carolina, known and delineated on the "AMENDED MAP", portion of Saotton No.1,Plat of Kitty Hawk Shores, 1•e910tered in gook 17, at page 500,in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dare County, North Carolina, no Lots numbered one, two, three and four, in ➢look No,b. reference to vo joh is hereby made for a more parti- ouler description of the property, o Have and TO 116ldtbounforea real estate and all the privileges and appurtenances thereontoubelongingaid to the said Vondeas her heirs and assigns, Eo their only use and buhoof forever, subjeot however to the following re striations, which $hell be deemed to be covenants running with the land and binding upon the Vendor the Vendee and all other purchaser& of the lots shorn on said plat, and shall be applicable to all of said lots, viz; "RESTRICTIONS" No.l-The said premises shall not be conveyed to or occupied by any oolorei person, or persona of African descent, except each person when actually employed as a domestic servant may be permitted to occupy portions of said premises. Na,2-No dwelling, Including porches or projeutions (exceyreteps), garages or other out buildings shall to erected or constructed on said promisee within twenty five (25) feet Of the last margin of the Borth Caro- line State Highway, known as the Virginia Dare Trail as now constituted, (bee rear line being understood to be the line of said Sate or.blook adjoin- ing the North Carolina State Highway known as the Virginia Dare Trail) nor closer than five feet to any other adjoining property line. No dwelling shall be erected or cunstructod oil my building unit apeou of less ttmn RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY MAJOR nPERMIT FEE MATRIX APPlicant: 44,Y�' %N L Selection Development Type Fee DCM % DWO % (143001601 435100093 1625 6263) (243001602 435100095 2341) I. Private, non-commercial development that does not $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands r open water areas: Public or commercial that does not $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) rIE]development volve the filling or xcavation of any wetlands open water areas: ❑ Major Modification to a $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) CAMA Major ermit III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A, B, C, or D below applies: III(A). Private, non- commercial development, if $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) General Water Quality Certification No. 4097 (See attached) can be applied: III(B). Public or commercial development, if General $400 100%($400) 0% ($0) Water Quality Certification No. 4097 (See attached) can be applied: lll(C). If General Water ❑ Quality Certification No. $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) 4097 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: If General Water F 71 Certification No. $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) 5� see attached) cannot lied: development that s the filling and/or $475 60%($285) 40%($190) tion of more thanre of wetlands and/orater areas: JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY NC Division of Coastal Management Cashier's Official Receipt Received From: E �Q / Nl v y C I n c. Permit No.: u" I c'r' 6m - Applicant's Name: I `U \� �- I ae Project Address: 7683 (&B C D Date: m ' 20 19 $ `x Check No.: U l County: DaR Please retain receipt for your records as proof of payment for permit issued. Signature of Agent or Applicant: 56e YC Signature of Field Representative: C��1 •� Date: 3 If `i Date: 'V3 I G RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY S m } &([�� `ijj ' I , l 1 ti ` tt.• 0 "`q �" Y7 Attu �" A. K .` !; ��. j. � V ers Tn RFcF- F-D -- - 3UN 0 9 2020 _ DCAN-MHD CI LEGEND - EX. 1" OPEN PIPE - EX. 1/2" REBAR O - CALCULATED POINT - EX. CONC. MON. i— CONC. MON. SET EX. MAG NAIL — MAG NAIL SET j$( — EX. 1' PINCH PIPE ® — WATER METER PHONE PEDESTAL — C.A.T.V. UTILITY POLE GUY WIRE — FIRE HYDRANT ®— ELECT. TRANS. AG — ABOVE GRADE B`yG — BELOW GRADE F — EX. CONC. INSIDE 3' OPEN PIPE FQ SEAL L-2592 NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. 2. AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION - 2,500 S.F. (TOTAL) 3. F.I.R.M. ZONE: AE; B.F.E.: 9.0' (PER F1R.M.) + 1' FREEBOARD 4. PIN NO.: 11 988011 67 7457 5. RECORDED REFERENCE: DB 102. PG 589; DB 81, PG 35; DB 2205, PG. 944. 6. MINIMUM BUILDING UNES (MBL) IF SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE CURRENT LOCAL ZONING REGULATIONS, OTHER SETBACKS AND/OR RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. ELEVATIONS (NAVD 1988): N/A I, MANSON RAY MEEKINS, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK-_22m — PAGE 9a4 THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK__— PAGE ) THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1/10,000+; THAT THIS PLAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROUN (21 NCAC 56.1600). THIS--?BTH__- DAY OF -+� _ - UARY -_- 2019_ t-- L-2592-- 'Mi. certifla. that this copy of plat accurately dgkts the bound y of the Pri.distlon of Section 404 of the Goan Water Aot as determined by the under.1,fel on this dale. Unless Nero Is a change In the law or our published rogulatione this determinatlon of Section 404 jwhdiction may be rolled upon how a period not to exceed flue tears from this date. Thle detarminatlon was made atflfting the approprl.t. Regional Supplement tg-Me.T887.Corps of Engine ns Vktlands Delineation Manual." "-r v r`e"ir�' Y ice % '; C•9 , ( ' USAGE Action ID 4 SAw- a.01cl-v0766 "I'll M��,k•°.•' /,. '•A.ee.se.seeeee• ° i" s� Received , V. f ( � � 60 SAND k • • I � ,d • . . .GRAVEL d' IA.aY I A (ULJ ° - DRIVE'•I 1.3' BG 6A a0 L6 w - �I i LEO VEL VED (10 �7) J. ( CANAL FLUSH W i i w m Ir 1 w j� 0.1' BC i I w L9.� � n w �^� w N/F WILLIAM E. JONES CINDY L. JONES & GEORGE W. SPICER (D.B. 1756, PG.72) (PARCEL 024395023) .� d _ \' ®CM -EC e ♦� \ I 37'00'00" W 50.00' • 0.S BG I N/F ° `MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT /" •aj +� \ \ (PC E, SL 507) LINE 1 \ \ �� ' �sAND a,� (DB 1931, PG 212)404 �a ) 5 H GRAVEL w w •1 (L 52E FS .) �' VE — p a i 5/8" R�9Alt — •.� 'd • W/ CAP J vulDs (199 S.F.) ' J S37'00' 0-E ° 0 3 ec 4 S37 00'00"E AG \ . , 124.50'• " • ` 300.00' . p T ° till• SAND & k- • , -GRAvEL DRIVE 8 y '° •. G a CANAL 1`7 L5 00 S 37'00'00" E OBSERVED WAD LEVEL (10/24/1 CANAL w LINE TABLE LINE I LENGTH I BEARING L1 50.00 53 ' L2 50.00 53'00'00"W L3 201.32 N3 '00.00'W L4 10.00 N53'00'00"E 45.38S45V2'1 YE LB 8.39 4 '" L7 18.04 NB ' 1'5 L8 15.20 N5 2' 9'E L9 5.29 3'45'52'E N/F MOTHER VINEYARD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. �MB 2, PG 94 PC D, SL 4 ........ _. 53619'24_E 5 8-RecAR / �'° — 450.42'(TIE) Y e w I MAG NAIL 0 CL /f QrT' YY .'INT M07HER VINEYARD RD. •$ nOQ`. '+R� & SCUPPERNONG RD. ' Y- p.. D MVYC, Inc. Boat House JUN 12 2020 Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III DCM-MHD CITY Date: May 10, 2020 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR Page 1 of 7 MVYC, INC. A PARCEL OF LAND ON MOTHER VINEYARD ROAD — ROANOKE ISLAND NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP — DARE COUNTY — ;NORTH CAROLINA zo 10 0 20SEABOARD SURVEYING & PLANNING, INC. C-1536 1 inch = 20 ft. 103F W. WOOD: HILL. DR., P.O.. BOX 58, NAGS HEAD, NC 27959 OFFICE: (252) 480-9998 FAX: (252) 480-0571 i C. 11MGA5 C11C\RK -M/9l/11 VT PI AT -tn/97/17 WI ki I MW 19 5' M.B.L. Received Wy 14 2G20 D(01M-EC J m d- 0-) o RECEIVED � W J N JUN 12 2020 O IDCM-MHD CITY O o O O a L0 Ln Z 25' M.B.L. LOT 3 C9 MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 6 of 7 95.0037.00' 00 �011 25' M.B.L. 25' M.B.L. rn 110 TOLER ROAD LIJ AREA: 18,150 S.F. o UPLANDS AREA: 16,733 S.F. o PARCEL NO.: 025870004 O n \�I J 25' x 25' ap DISPOSAL AREA J p m O r 25' M.B.L. LOT 5 34014'30" W 75.15' MVYC DISPOSAL AREA S: R. 1188 0 10 20 40 60 80 MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 7 of 7 r ' RMF . K This map is prepared from data used for the inventory of the real property for tax purposes Primary information �... sources such as recorded deeds, plats vdliz, and other primary public records should be kytl t',l'-s tt consulted for venrcabon of the information ♦�•VA. � "Ai.. 3y9 .' 4 1. -`it F an 110 Toler RD Owners: Marcus Midgett, Llc&imaryf,' V Tax District: Manteo Out Manteo NC, 27954 Owner L11 "' Wivision: Hayes Preserve S/d Parcel: 025870004 -Primary Owner 7 c" 0 BLK-Sec: Lot: Lot 4 Blk Sec: Pin: 978920814607 Land Value: $72,500 U Prra¢' erty use: Vacant Land (Private) Misc Value: $0 1& 7 Building Type: Building Value: $0 ® Year Built: Total Value: $72,500 0 vi o `= z N n m m � o v NJ ;A; 4"- AVO m 2ND FLOOR LOFT/STORAGE DECK BOARDS .%W%& JOIST MpK I 14 Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse Table of Contents: • .25 Narrative • .5 Parcel Data Sheet • .75 Vicinity Map • 1 Survey • 1.5 Deed 1963 • 2-2.1 Photos • 3 Bulkhead • 4 Dredge and Fill • 5 Impervious vs. Pervious • 6 Site Plan (Blackline) • 6.5 Site Plan (Aerial Photo Overlay) • 7 Architectural Drawings .5 Narrative: Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse EXISTING STRUCTURE The Tull Lennon' boathouse is located at the terminus of the unnamed canal in Mother Vineyard, Roanoke Island. The weathered structure is detailed and shown on a 1963 deed and survey. The structure was built as a large one to two -craft boathouse with storage loft. The weathered rectangular frame, gable roofed structure rests on wooden piles. The gable end boat entrance faces east. The entrance is a simple framed opening, designed to allow for the broad beamed shad boats of the era with sliding doors to close the opening. The rusting hardware of the door tracks is still visible. The west end gable included a door opening, and a concrete pad that also served as a bulkhead. The exposed ceiling joist and rafters reveal a second story storage loft presently consisting of boards nailed to the topsides of the joist. The structure measures eighteen by twenty-six feet (18'x26'). The building is built entirely over the waters of the adjacent canal. The walls of the structure extend down to apparent normal water level. The boathouse is in disrepair due to neglect. The second floor storage loft and the roof are collapsing in on the structure. The Tull Lennon' boathouse was surveyed on October 24, 2017 by Seaboard Surveying. MARITIME HISTORY CONTEXT AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The Tull Lennon' boathouse is a rare maritime and historical cultural artifact. Years of exposure to the harsh coastal atmosphere has scoured the building to a faded, weathered gray making it seem a part of its natural surroundings, but it is significant historical structure from an earlier era. Robert Bruce Tull' Lennon was a Manteo builder, businessman, and sportsman. He built the Lone Cedar Hunt Club in the 1920's. It was a private hunt club for members, primarily from the northeast, and their guests. The Club was located amongst the fragmented marsh islands on what is today the Manteo-Nags Head Causeway. The site of the former building is adjacent to the present day location of the Lone Cedar Restaurant. The Club introduced members and their guests not only to fine fishing and shootings, but also offered luxurious accommodations as compared to the rugged camps built in the early part of the century (Khoury, pg 54)'. It operated from the '1920's until the mid-40's, when Lennon's wife insisted it was time to move to high ground in Mother Vineyard 'after water started coming up through the floorboards during the 1940 hurricane.' (Khoury, Pg 92). After acquiring the Mother Vineyard property in the 1930's and moving to the property in the 1940's, the Lennon's began to transform the Griffin farm and expand the existing vineyard. Thereafter, they established Mother Vineyard Inc., which was a winery and subsequent landholding company. During this period, Tull Lennon built a cottage for his family that remains in use today as a single-family residence. He also initiated several land improvements that shaped the later development of the vineyards and surrounding land into a residential community. These land projects included the excavation of a natural drainage ditch into a wide canal sufficient for boat traffic. At Baum Point this canal connects to the Roanoke Sound. The area of land where the dredge spoils were deposited was later subdivided and now supports a row of residences bordered by the Roanoke Sound to the east and the canal to the west. At the far landward end of the canal, Tull Lennon constructed the subject boathouse that serves as a relic to the maritime history of the past. Lennon built the subject boathouse to serve as a landing and transfer point for supplies for his winery and to support his hunting and fishing operations. Longtime residents of Roanoke Island remember that Mr. Lennon stored his seasonal equipment of nets, fishing gear, decoys, etc. in the second floor storage area. Today, the historic Tull Lennon boathouse serves as a visual reminder of early twentieth-century life on Roanoke Island, to the operations of the Mother Vineyard Winery, and the formation of the Mother Vineyard community. This boathouse is a relic that pays homage to the region's waterfront working heritage, and the net houses, fish shacks and oyster houses that once lined the shorelines of Roanoke Island. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT New Owner On November 20, 2017, MVYC, Inc. (MVYC) acquired title to the boathouse from the Lennon family. The boathouse is situated on a fifty by fifty foot (50'x5O') parcel. Prior to closing on the property, a survey was performed in October 2017 by Seaboard Surveying. It shows all improvements, natural features, and boundaries. From the survey, one will see that the swath around the boathouse includes a portion of the canal and uplands. The parcel provides an appropriate setting for the boathouse. The development plans of MVYC are described herein and successfully address the permitting requirements for the replacement of the structure. Significant Coastal Historic Architectural Resource Robert Bruce'Tull' Lennon through the establishment of the Lone Cedar Hunt Club, the Mother Vineyard Winery, and the later Mother Vineyard residential development is a notable historic figure to the history of the area. As detailed in the above 'Maritime History Context and Historical Background' narrative, the Tull Lennon Boathouse is a significant coastal historic architectural structure. Dating to the 1930's, the structure yields important information to an era that is no longer recognizable to with the Mother Vineyard community, the Outer Banks or the State. Not only is it important for the CRC to 'conserve coastal historic architectural resources' (15A NCAC 07H .0510 Significant Coastal Historic Architectural Resources, a., c.), it is important to the current owner of the boathouse, MVYC, to rebuild and conserve this historic architectural resources in alignment with the management objectives of the CRC. These include: • the preservation of the structure as a living part of community life in order to give a sense of orientation to the people of the state; • to insure that the designated historic architectural resource be preserved, as a tangible element of our cultural heritage, for its educational, scientific, associative or aesthetic purposes; and • to protect the values of the designated historic architectural resource as expressed by the local government and citizenry. Replacement of the Structure The structure was 'built prior to the effective date(s) of the rule(s) with which it is inconsistent'. It is a non -conforming structure on a non -conforming parcel in accordance with'15A NCAC07J .0211 Non - Conforming Development'. The regulations allow for the replacement of the structure because it meets all of the required criteria: • the structure will not be enlarged beyond its original dimensions; • the structure will serve the same or similar use; • there are no practical alternatives for replacing the structure to provide the same or similar benefits in compliance with current rules; and • the structure will be rebuilt so as to comply with current rules to the maximum extent possible. Thus, the following is true: • the existing structure is eighteen by twenty-six feet (18'x2 fl. The attached plans for the replacement structure measure eighteen by twenty-six feet (18'x2 fl; • the structure's use will be the same: a boathouse with storage loft; and • Situated on a fifty by fifty foot (50'x50') lot, the non -conforming structure cannot be rebuilt to provide the same of similar benefits in compliance with the current rules. Further, the structure will be rebuilt as to comply with current rules to the maximum extent possible, but it is important in the rebuilding of the structure that MVYC not deviate from the historical architecture of the original Tull Lennon boathouse. Described Additional Work In addition to the replacement of the boathouse, a 'Site Plan' attached herein shows the proposed location of the vinyl bulkheading, and required vehicular parking to meet local regulations. Dredging of the waters is also required and the extents of the dredging are shown in the 'Dredge and Fill' plan attached herein. 7/25/2018 Parcel Data Sheet County of Dare, North Carolina -Owner and Parcel information Is based on current data on file and was last updated on July 10 2018 Primary (100%) Owner Information: MVYC INC P. 0. BOX 28 NAGS HEAD NC 27959 Parcel Information: Parcel:024392000 PIN:988011677457 District: 11- MANTEO OUT Subdivision: SUBDIVISION - NONE LOtBIkSect: LOT: BLK: SEC: Multiple Lots: - PlatCabSlide: PL: SL: Units: 0 Deed Date:11/20/2017 BkPg:2205/0944 Parcel Status: ACTIVE Property Use: SECONDARY IMPROVEMENT BUILDING USE & FEATURES Tax Year Bldg Value: $0 Building Use: Exterior Walls: Full Baths: Half Baths: Bedrooms: Heat -Fuel: Heat -Type: Air Conditioning: 024392-000 11-988011-RT-008 0 MOTHER VINEYARD RD Next Year Bldg Value: $0 Actual Year Built: Finished sgft for building 1: Total Finished SgFt for all bldgs: 0 Disclaimer: In instances where a dwelling contains unfinished living area, the square footage of that area is included in the total finished sqft on this record. However, the assessed value for finish has been removed. MISCELLANEOUS USE Tax Year Misc Value: $Q LAND USE Tax Year Land Value: $Q,200 Land Description : 11-Residential Subdivision TOTAL LAND AREA: 2500 square feet Tax Year Total Value: $6,200 *Values shown are on file as of July 10 2018 Next Year Misc Value: $Q Next Year Land Value: $¢,20 Next Year Total Value: $6,200 https://tax.darecountync.gov/parcelwrd.php?parcel=024392000 1/1 c -TULL LENNON BOATHOUSE \. Google earth '2018 Google. ROANOKE SOUND BAUM POINT SHALLOWBAG BAY 800 e .4D NiE LEGEND NOTES: E%. PIPE 1. THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE - A FULL AND ACRIRATE TILE SEARCH. 2. AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION - 2,500 S.F. (TOTAL) Q - 1/2- ROAR SET FLUSH 3. F.I.R.M. ZONE: 'A' (B.F.E.: 9.0') (PER FIR.M.) . V FREEBOARD - EA CONC. WON. 4. PIN NO.: 11 988011 67 7457 CONC. M04 SET 5. RECORDED REFERENCE: DB 102, PG 515% OB 81. PG 35. 4 - E% P/X NAIL 6. WNMUM WILLING UNES (MBL) P SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE Q - NAG HILL SET DIRRENT LOCAL ZONING REGULATIONS OTHER SETBACKS awTN, 5°AD %ov,Ox[ - CADILATED PUNT AND/OR RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY AND MUST BE VERIRED 9u0 Al. ® - WATER METER PRIDE TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. ELEVATIONS (NAW 1988): NIA PHON({j - PEDESTAL CA-T. C UTILITY `�l�Cly''- DiMTr POLE ". 4AN5]M1 RAY MEENWS, Pr i, CERiv/ LSAT Tn5 PLAT WAS DRAM 2 _ ,GUY YInE 'JNOER Vr SUPERN90N UPERM INOER NY THAT THIS AN ACTUAL STED THAT TE - FOE HYDRANT g9ON AS CALCULATED 15 I f0pp0+� OSO JS =_:- _:=F-PARED IN ACCORDANCE Wi SECTION .LEDs OF LSE STATE ®- ELECT. TRANS. RE�US�TR/A/1/IJ��.P�ULES�iTANDAARDSS OF PRACTICE'. R •///'/�J SO - BELOW GAME I V`_L=v9f 2 - DATE ---- - OONC. INSDE T OPEN PIPE VICINITY MAP NTS N/F ,............ MSAWYERD, , LLC ,•' N CA�,D� •, / (PC E. SL 507) :�04-;.cE / (DB 1878, PG 382)Tr .9 (DB 114, PG 633) S�'L 1 L-2592 • .... • Sc RAY M(-••,,. ' _��r�• SSAtD N' 1 4i-� :WIL 141 It \...A.-/ OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (08/24/12) CANAL \A CONCRETE EXISTING BOATHOUSE P OP01 PPE i ( all \...h_l B0 ' \—A CANAL V 50.00' 'I mm0'r so /.. ° r W/ CAP 537'00'00_ E A °a�� S37'00'00 I' RN91 PPE\ • . 124.500'- i/'T- 300.00' a �( 0.1' AO 0.4* AG 5'T Room GOR! -_ V .. S 37'00'00' E 50.00' 14 / . 450.42'(TIE) V YAWAM E.NJONES ET UX OBSERVED WATER /.1MS�Eo��A0w �. HEM (08/24/12) GEOP CO. TA 01 MAP - PARCEL \_A_J Ijl / / I•a. QLryO `. 10"G RID. \...N;F / I g fie` IY CANAL MOTHER VINEYARD 11E, PROPERTY OWNER ASSOC. (MB 2. PG 94) PC D, St. 44 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING Lt I MOO L2 50.00 LJ 1 201.32 10.00 I N SURVEY FOR ESTATE OF MARYBRUCE DOWD A PARCEL OF LAND ON MOTHER VINEYARD ROAD — ROANOKE ISLAND NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP — DARE COUNTY — NORTH CAROLINA SEABOARD SURVEYING d PLANNING, III. C-1536 1 inch = 20 ft. 103E W. W000 HILL DR., P.O. BOX 58. NAGS HEAD. NC 27959 __ _ ._- __ __ \ OFFICE: (252) 480-9998 FAX: (252) 480-D571 Bong 114 faa= NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY r Thin deed, made this 26th day of July 1963, by and between R. B. LENNON and wife GHRTRUDH ' ,, Q. LHNNON, as GRANTORS; to ROLAND DOCK SAWYER SR., and wife, IRMA PINNER SAWYER, of Mastro, North Carolina, as GRANTEES; WITNESSETHt That'the GRANTORS, for and in,cogsideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars (f100.00) and other good and valuable considerations to them in land paid by ,the GRANTEES, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by•tbeae presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the GRANTEES, their heirs and assigns, all that certain parcel of land situate on Roanoke Island, Nags Read Township, Dare County North Carolina, adjoining other& lands of 0r7!W. E.-Lennon, ., portions of the subdivigion of Mother Vineyard Section One, and more particularly described as followa,3 •Deginning at an iron pipe situated in and on theWestern margin of the right of way of a 60 foot road shown on a map or plat attached hereto by David Cox Jr. and others, Surveyors, dated June 10, 1963 'said beginning point being in the Southwest corner i t•5�vff r; of Lot 8 of Mother Vineyard Section One, shown on the plat attached hereto, and, being 15 feet westward from the corner of said Lot as shownon the Mother +•^e' Vineyard Section One subdivision plat, recorder in Map Book 2 at Page 94; said beginning point being _ also located South 37 deg. Hest a distance of 300 "— feet from an iron pipe in the Northeast corner of Lot No, 6 of said subdivision shown on the plat attached her, and also at the point of intersection of said Mother Vineyard Road with the southern margin of Scuppernong Road; and running thence from said ���•� beginning point South 53 deg. West along the south line of said Lot No. 8 a distance of 335 feet to an n' iron pipe at the Southwest corner of said Lot No:.8, and running thence North 37 deg. West along the . west line -of Lots 89 7, 6, and a portion of Lot 5, a distance of 330.9 feet to an iron pipe situated in the southern margin of the right of way of. Scuppernong Road, shown on the attached plat, and on a plat attached to a deed from Mother Vineyard,.Ine. to Kellogg- Cuthrell, Inc., dated March 1, 1961, and duly recorded in Book 99 Page 470, of tbe'Publie Registry of Dare County, N.C.; and running thence along the Southern margin of the right of way of said %copper- - i`_,•:� nong Road the following courses and distances: South 52 deg. 45 min. West 50.6 feet .• South 53 deg. SS min. West 232.9 feet L South 52 deg. 35 min. West 116.5 feet to an iron pipe; and running -thence South 37.deg. ;i 25 min. East, and at right angles to, said,,:oad i distance BBBN 114�PABtfj of 709.4 feet to a stake; and running.thence North 53 deg. Bast, and along a line which is an extension in a westward direction of the southern line of Lot 15 of said Mother Vineyard Section One, subdivision, a distance of 754.2 fee t'to an iron pipe -situated on the Western margin of a Private Canals and thence running along the shore line of said Canal, North 37' deg, Went a distance of 201.3 feet to an'iron pipe in the Southeast corner of the R. B. Lennon- boat house , lot; and running thence South 53 deg, West a distance of 50 feet to an iron pipe; and.running thence.Notth 37 deg. West a distance of 50 feet= and running thence North 53 deg. East a distance bf 25.6 feet along said boat house lot north line to a point, which amid -point is intersected by an extension in a southerly direction from the point of beginning of the western margin of the 60 foot right of way of Mother Vineyard Road; ' and running thence North 37 deg. West a distance of 124.5 feet to the iron pipe at the southwest corner of Lot No. 8 as shown on the plat attached, the point or place of beginning. Being a portion of the lands conveyed to the Grantors herein by .the following deeds: Mother Vineyard Inc.,. dated August 6 1958, recorded in Book 81 Page 35i of the Public Registry of Dare County, N.C., deed of Mother Vineyard Inc„ dated November 2i 1961, recorded In Book 102 Page 589; and deed'of W, E. Lennon at sls dated May 3, 1962, and recorded in Book 108 Page 6, of the Public Registry of Dare County, N.C.. Together with perpetual easements, which easements shall be held I. common with these Grantors, and other owners in the aforesaid Mother. Vineyard Subdivision, Of ingress, egress, use and enjoyment thereof in and to the Private Roads' shown on the plats herein referred to, and to a canal said canal extending through the aforesaid subdivision to Shallow gag Bay, and canal area designated on the Mother Vineyard.subdivision plat as "Private Canal" and "Private Canal Areas. These easements are privileges and appurtenances of owner- ship in the property above described and shall run with the land by whomsoever owned. TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the aforesaid parcel ,of land, together with .411 tpe .privileges'amd appurtenances thereunto belonging unto 'the.sa d GRANTEES, their heirs and assigns, forever in,fee simple. And the GRANT03j.4 for themselves, their executors, heirs and administnatars, covenant to and with the GRANTEES, their heirs and assigns, that they are seized of'said premises in fee, and have the right to convey the same in fee simple, that the name are free and clear of all encumbrances, and that they do hereby warrant and. will forever defend the title to the same against the, claims of all persons whomsoever. 01 mew 114 n> W,: IN TESTIMONY NNBRROP the GRAtfI 'hki2 hereunto Bet Their hands and wale this day and year first above written. - (SEAL) �Gertrud� _(.SEAL) as 'Q. n-- NORTH MOLINA DARE COUNTY ,I, C. S. Meekins, Clerk of Superior Court of Dare County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that R. B. Lennon and wife, Gertrude Q. Lennon personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing deed. Let the instrument with this certificate be registered.' ///''''''��� Witness my hand thi-_ day of QA& 1963.7 !T ��CWA'.fr UAABw�m_i, N.C. o 1YN forwwwwtnM lhl-cy of..:Ple,a--Mck.[,,, AuOt.v Aerpw of nae� L R P}R1Pc'✓i av rw.V P�V.ur�a�� rN Ju) /br-f Mo.YY^J La 7 � :la RW �i� EePryre. a.nl � J Wi .i., �J. ;^` ar= X : aeaiaV %fin e�i • +/ . a Me eeenn e.dd c'Yl l^Vi .. apea:iq+sj —09 Ot+OL' C7aeWC9N//1 . 2/8H106✓—.— I I I 1 1 I I I i I I I I I w�arsd +o I I I I y 1 1 � � I I. 1 i I � !i .m+rnc iri ie .'.oI eeW �r 1 -- 4..• �.wreo .ro .i �i nm<Eec a srwCm•,e:es •,�..�,n,.� �:o� to Jr,O-bw c. `0✓i3Y /Ouv- mM'YaY �i%WYWg , b'r 2s�.fiHvs `as Ywbl � v OM?'7;bai A'CYI OIAl1.vb� ONYJ/I ,ftYAaD:yn• Tj Y w ■■ y w \. ��cia • ...,9 4 .ii,6.. 'fig: �.. 1• HISTORIC MOTHER VINEYARD BOATHOUSE 2ol VIEW LOOKING SOUTH VIEW LOOKING EAST - INTERIOR ROANOKE ISLAND PROPOSED BULKHEAD -d HISTORIC MOTHER VINEYARD BOATHOUSE •ROANOKE ISLAND Notes: SANa •.• � :' 1. Total Proposed Bulkheading: 82.24' d • 1.3' BG 0.3' BG N/F .. 'd. .•� ':• •� MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT d (PC E, SL 507) •e N \_ f" •~SANDGKtAVEL� ♦ �♦• LEVEL (10/24/t7)OBSOM WATER IQ P11�04D VMYL .D . ♦ 6, . "S BOMOUSE , ...e • . • W/ CAP ,' ..♦ CANAL �, rsolAaNn °0.3' 13f d. w 0.1'AG.• • ..,w.. 0.1'BG 1ii 7. 7,, • .•.'- SAND ���.1 A�..'d • ... PROP06fD VNri DRIVE .d i •d w BULKHEAD2 '•' ..< w B.00' ' •' ♦ • CANAL e o EBAR .: ' ' MAG NAIL O CL . OBSERVED WATER Qr d ..' offYOTM %Xy m Im. CANAL LEVEL c,o/z4r» SCUPPERNONG RD. 0 5 10 20 40 �O ' 1 "=20'-0 b. DREDGE AND FILL PMPMFU HISTORIC MOTHER VINEYARD BOATHOUSE ROANOKE ISLAND M0 o PROPOSED OUT 00 a.. .' e • Notes: 1. Dredging of the waters to the SAND surrounding depth of approx. -4.5'. 14 • • .. �CgAVEL ... . • e DRIVE•. 1.3' Bc 0.3' BG N/F MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT 4 (PC E, SL 507) .e w n . - 4 �sANO (DB 1931, PG 212) • .-' m w O .: GRAVEL . •. OBSERVED WATER °1 O D91VE ,'*'., LEVEL (10/24/11) 0 . • , OQ d '...e • . 5/ / CAP ..• .. CANAL oo PROPOSDFIL °os'104 SF Bc a.• . ' 0o •/ O t, • . SAND. �.�^ 'a • w 0.1' BG o o ~ PROPOSED OJT o f OPoA ? .' '•' '� a .a -A ' n ]�❑ 295E w w 'd� • ..�•a' w CANAL PR05�LVT d 39.34' 10.88' ..• . • . . 1 FLUSH 5/B• RAR • . 0® .1 Bc e w •' � OBSERVED WATER •. :• M Y011fR NONAG NAL O CL . . LEVEL (10/24/1» 'h .. CANAL �' pP�. $, s SCUPPERNONGONGG RD. w w � „`: AX 0 5 10 20 40 �O ' r a 1"=20'-0 h.. . DIMMRM S, PERVIOUS vs. IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE COVERRA6E TO BE MUM 240 SFHISTORIC MOTHER VINEYARD BOATHOUSE 1MAL ; ROANOKE ISLAND ovum" LOT COVERAGE N 70' CAMA BW R 352 SF a ®PROPOSED 1D % 20 CONCRETE PAN= SPADE • SqAtND R ' • ' . i �� •..• .. AVEL te,i •' � . a .. . • ORIVE• . 1.3, eG : BG N/F w OBSERVED 10/24/ CANAL 0.1' Bc w w MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT (PC E, SL 507) .e Po 30' CAMA BU • ' :' •. w ,%,.AND ORA O • 4.� i •..d' ' . 5/8' ..• .. W/ CAP w COVERS 0.1 AC a QJ' ' '.• . :R w CANAL Wm 0 5 10 20 40 1 "=20'-0 rwan 5 REBAR Z. BC w OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (10/24/17) w / t `BIFFER , ..• r 1YO SF. p •. Y •.a Noh� , 0.4' AG. . .+G .ei •e. MAC NAIL O CL ) r tt . q� ' NT M00ER M EYARD R0. SCUPPERNONG RD.. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 6 HISTORIC MOTHER VINEYARD BOATHOUSE ROANOKE ISLAND N/F a .. MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT (PC E, SL 507) (DB 1931, PG 212) .: • •. .'• ': SANS, .°.y . r . • N/F MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT 1.3' BG *..or (PC E, SL 507) e' ' •' • ' (DB 1931, PG 212) 'e OBSERVED RATER `� o' LAMA BU SAND d' 1(10/24/17) ' ORA E1E1 • 6. ' : i •DIIOYE..e ' : 5 w/ CANAL FLUSH AG ' • .. 'ram , OPoVE . . , '. .• d i' CANAL REBAR n • . I w _ 0.1' BG NSF ... NAW AM E. JONES OBSERVED WATER Qr ' NT MOTHERMAO UVNEYARD RD. LEVEL (10/24/17) e ' CINDY L. JONES a SM"ERNONO RD. do GEORGE W. SPICER w �� (D.B. 1756, PG.72) Q� (PARCEL 024395023) w • �Q Q w N/F CANAL MOTHER VINEYARD �• , a PROPERTY OWNERS 0 5 10 20 40 ASSOC. MB 2, PG 94 M 1"=20-0 D. SL 44) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT HISTORIC MOTHER VINEYARD = BOATHOUSE • ROANOKE ISLAND N/F MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT ip .• 419 . (PC E, SL 507) , r (DB 1931, PG 212) SAND & •,� a .`AVEL dRIVE .a N/F • MAF SHA SAAYER BRYANT 1.r Bc ec (PC E, SL 507) (DB 1931, PG 212) �I +a W 4:.0 •. m i 084AYE6 MA1ER D1 CAMA eu, SAND S ` 1EMm (10/'14%I7) 5/ �ORAVEL • d, i 1 CANAL �Iw� \.. aDH14E .a� w/� °dr BG I. .. " . •. w JONES JONES N. SPICER PG.72) 4395023) w w CANAL 39.34' .USH TT. Q1 REBAR w OBSERVED "! w ;F G MOTHER VINEYARD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. (MB 2, PG 94) PC D, SL 44) .4 . ..DVEL ♦ 0.4' AG. a' .DRIVE . •. 44 i Y MAG NAIL O CL - 9rt MOTHER VINEYARD RD. 3 SCUPPERNONG RD. FRONT ELEVATION �1 MORIN PAGNG. V W PROM MOTNER VINEYARD ROAD) eizm.,•=I-a REAR ELEVATION PACING) amSCALE: } • = P-9 uITYPa*il_tiI:[oil,w4 JULY 20, 2018 RIGHT ELEVATION M'EST FACING. IANDWARD FAZING) U scaE: ; . = 1 �_o. LEFT ELEVATION (EAST FACING. CANAL E Y) E BOAT AREA STORAGE LOFT SCALE: } • = I'-0• Bodnar, Gregg From: John Robbins <johnmanteo@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 8:51 AM To: Bodnar, Gregg; Davis, Braxton C Subject: [External] MWC Response to Mr. Bodnar's Call Attachments: Picture 3.pdf; Picture 2.pdf; Picture 1.pdf; Scoping MTG Historic Mother Vineyard Boathouse.pdf Director Davis and Mr. Bodnar: I thank Mr. Bodnarfor his call on the morning of August 20 to discuss my CAMA application for the reconstruction of the Tull -Lennon Boathouse. Process to Date Prior to the Scoping Meeting held on July 26, 2018, 1 submitted detailed information of the proposed project which I have attached herein. At the time of submission the boathouse was still standing. I submitted my application on January 2, 2020, and received a request for additional information from Ms. Cynthia Rountree, DCM Field Representative, on January 16, 2020. After contacting Mr. Ron Renaldi, DCM District Manager, I received a letter dated February 5, 2020 which clarified the earlier letter from DCM. On June 8, 2020 after my submission of additional information as requested, I received a letter from Mr. Renaldi notifying me of DCM's acknowledgment of my'complete' application on May 14, 2020. What has remained consistent in my narrative and my submitted material was the reconstruction of the second floor of the boathouse under 7J.0211 Non Conforming Development. In all of the correspondence to date, until now in the extension period of the application process, DCM has not commented on this proposed activity. Telephone Conversation August 20, 2020 During our conversation Mr. Bodnar requested additional information concerning the following: • Justification for the boathouse greater than 400 SF Justification for the reconstruction of the second floor loft In addition to these items, we discussed the proposed parking area and the limitation of the groin height adjacent to the wetlands. Greater that 400 SF Justification: Direction provided by DCM has been consistent that the rebuilding of the boathouse could be permitted under 7J.0211 Non -Conforming Development. The dimensions on the surveys of the boathouse (26.2' x 17.1') do not include the dripline of the roof. One may confirm this fact with the surveyor, Mr. Ray Meekins (Seaboard Surveying). The proposed 28.2' x 19.1' boathouse as detailed in the application (DCM MP-4, 3. Boathouse, (iii) Length, and (iv) Width) encompanses the dripline. When a larger footprint was proposedn beyond that detailed herein, DCM responded in a letter dated February 5, 2020, 'the boathouse as proposed will not qualify for 7J.0211 Non -Conforming Development since it is being enlarged.' I was told that the application would be denied if the revision were not made. The purpose of the footprint which is greater than 400 sf is to satisfy 7J.0211 as directed by DCM and to accommodate the beam width of the two boats as shown in the project drawing. My wife and I own the boathouse with my wife's law partner's family, and we both seek to store our vessels in the boathouse. Two boats were shown in the original drawings shared in the July 28, 2018 scoping meeting. Justification for the Reconstruction of the Second Floor Loft: At the time of the scoping meeting the boathouse was still standing. In the information packet presented in the Scoping Meeting and attached herein the following language was included: •'The second floor storage loft and roof are collapsing in on the structure' •'Mr. Lennon stored his seasonal equipment of nets, fishing gear, decoys, etc. in the second floor loft' *'The structure's use will be the same, a boathouse with a storage loft' Further on the third page of the narrative, 15A NCAC 07J.0211 Non -Conforming Development is discussed and how it impacts the project. From the get go, direction from DCM was that this was the route for the reconstruction of the boathouse. With this stated, my conversation with Mr. Bodnar today was the first time that additional information has been requested in regards to the second floor storage loft or any issue raised concerning the storage loft. In response I have attached the packet presented at the Scoping Meeting. There are two pages in this packet that include four (4) pictures of the boathouse. I have taken two of these pictures and another and blown them up detailing the framing components and floor for the second floor storage loft. If additional information is required, I can search my phone for more photos. Proposed Parking Area In conversation with Mr. Bodnar, he stated that the parking as shown on the proposed plan is not allowed within the 30' CAMA Buffer as it is not considered a water dependent use. The entirety of the site is within the 30' CAMA Buffer, thus there is no alternative that minimizes this impact other than my proposing a porous paving material. The parking proposed was pervious concrete, but regardless, I have agreed to 'condition out' the improved parking area as shown. Thus, no additional paved surfaces are proposed in the 30' CAMA Buffer. Please note that the proposed plan reduced the impervious lot coverage within the 30' CAMA Buffer. Groin Height Adjacent to the Wetlands In conversation with Mr. Bodnar, I have agreed that the'groin' shall not extend more than 1' above NWL. In closing, I look forward to the approval of my project. Mr. Bodnar did state that he would get back to me prior to a final decision regarding the second floor storage loft if additional information is needed for the justification of the second floor storage loft. It is unfortunate that DCM only now has raised concerns regarding the second floor storage loft. I want to be clear that I will provide additional information as needed to further support the fact that the boathouse that I am seeking to rebuild under 15A NCAC 07J.0211 had a second floor storage loft. This storage loft is critical to this project. Further, the fact that the entire site is within the 30' CAMA Buffer further prevents the use of the second floor from non -water dependent uses principally the site does not support septic; thus it could not be habitable. Typically, a boathouse is a secondary structure to a primary structure serving as a residence on the property. This is not the case with our unique 50'x50' property. It is the intent that the second floor storage loft will be used for the storage of boat cushions, fishing equipment, recreational equipment, and other items. It is unfortunate, but thievery has occurred in the neighborhood and the 2nd floor loft will provide us with a secure place to secure our water related items, just as Mr. Lennon originally stored his water related items. Lastly, if DCM had raised this concern earlier in the permitting process including at the Scoping Meeting, I could have revised the project to better suite our needs. I have been consistent in my presentation of my development plan. At this time, I have vested both time and money and request the approval to reconstruct the second floor storage loft under 7J.0211. Again, I thank Mr. Bodnar for his phone call. I look forward to continuing this conversation after your review of the attached and hope that we can reach a favorable resolution to this matter. John M. Robbins III 6ohnmanteo@email.com 252.423.0516 Bodnar, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 10:19 AM To: Pullinger, Robert C; Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA) Subject: MVYC Hey all, Spoke with John Robbins of MVYC today and we have some changes and some TBD parts of the project... The "bulkhead" that parallels the CW finger has been changed to a groin to fit our rules. The groin will be conditioned to 1 foot above NWL. The parking lot buffer will be conditioned out. Inconsistent with our rules for only water dependent structures within the 30 foot CAMA buffer. The applicant is providing DCM information to justify the 2nd story that is currently inconsistent with our rules, the god story use may be conditioned out or allowable depending on our determination. There is a potential for the boathouse to increase in size along the uplands at the head of the canal. If this is requested the workplans will be revised, the doors and walls down to the NWL would need to be removed for the boathouse to be enlarged. So this is a departure from the potential denial we were trending towards earlier. Let me know if you need anything from me and if anything else changes I will let you know. Thanks, Gregg Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management f Department of Environmental Quality 252 US 2$08 ext 215 (Office) _ GreMI30tInarOnodeor aov EMO correspondence to orad jrwm this address Is subject to the North CaMNrra pubffo Records Low and may be dfsdosad to third pordes. ROY COOPER Govemor MICHAEL S. RECAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality July 28, 2020 John Robbins III Qohnmanteo@gmail.com) Dear Mr. Robbins, This letter is in reference to the application submitted for a Coastal Area Management Act Major Permit to undertake development activities to construct a boathouse and bulkhead at 300 Mother Vineyard Road, in Dare County. Although processing of the application is nearing completion, additional time is needed for this office to complete the review and make a decision on your request. Therefore, it is necessary that the standard review time be extended. An additional 75 days is provided by G.S. I I3A-122(c) which would make October 11, 2020 the new deadline for reaching a decision on your request. However, we expect to take action prior to that time and will do so as soon as possible. In the interim, should you have any question on the status of your application, do not hesitate to contact me by phone (252-808-2808 ext. 215) or e-mail (gregg.bodnar@ncdenr.gov). Sincerely, Gregory W. Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Cc: DCM Elizabeth City North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1 400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City. North Carolina 28557 252,8082808 Bodnar, Gregg From: Bodnar, Gregg Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1:38 PM To: John Robbins Cc: Cynthia Rountree Subject: MVYC extension Attachments: MVYC EXT.pdf Afternoon Mr. Robbins, Please see above for the extension for your CAMA project. Currently I am waiting on USACE, DWR and the Town. If any concerns arise I will pass along. Regards, Gregg DEQ� : Gregg Bodnar Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 252 808 2808 ext 215 (Office) Greim.89dnar0ncdem.gov Email correspondence to and from this address Is subjcct to the North Carolina public Records low and may be dhcdbsed to third parties, SITE LEGEND NOTES: R I0 - EX. 1" OPEN PIPE 1. THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE unulEa0 - EX. 1/2" REBAR DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. 0 - CALCULATED POINT 2. AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION - 2.500 S.F. (TOTAL) 3. F.I.R.M. ZONE: AE; B.FE: 9.0' (PER F.I.R.M.) + 1' FREEBOARD - EX. CONC. MON. 4. PIN NO.: 11 988011 67 7457 CONC. MON. SET 5. RECORDED REFERENCE: DB 102. PG 589; DS 81, PG 35; DB 2205, PG. 944. - EX. MAC NAIL 6. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES (MBL) IF SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE 0 - MAD NAIL SET CURRENT LOCAL ZONING REGULATIONS. OTHER SETBACKS atwrAN )$(- EX. 1" PINCH PIPE AND/OR RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED S011ND gre ®- WATER METER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. ELEVATIONS (NAVD 1988): N/A - PHONE PEDESTAL - C.A.T.V. 1• MANSON RAY MEEKINS, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER - UTIUTY POLE MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION Z - GUY WIRE (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK__-=5.-, PAGE - FIRE HYDRANT THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM ®- ELECT. TRANS. (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK_-_- PAGE____); THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CAL LATED IS 1/10,000+; THAT THIS AG - ABOVE GRADE PLAT MEETS THE REGUIREMENTS OF STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR rM1oEg 80 - BELOW GRADE LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLIN (21 NCAC 56.1600). { - EX. OONC. INSIDE 3' OPEN PIPE THIS _�41E1- DAY OF JANUARY 2019. VICINITY MAP NTS RVEYOR L-2592 ee.pu.....eee �,PN CA R... "Thiscartifle. Nat We aapy o/ plot acwmlay depicts the bound«Y of Me Q,I,11* �i Jum.dietion of Seat[ on /0+ of Me daon Wat« A<t as determined by Ma um1sr.I .d1 on this dale. Unless than I. a change In Me law or our this ,,,.., 9 "ESS wwi published regulation., determination Station ,� O • °QFq, y •� / of *04 juHedlcllon may be relNd upon fara period not to exceed Ow lean from this dale. This determination was made utlIzing the appropriate .d Regional Supplement t Me 87 arpe of n Ine a land. Dellneaeon Manual.' - a SEAL E / R *qulae«y afnald TI8a L-2592 • •. Oat* A IF AY Received - Jai • / SO y--.r '• SAND At • 1 1•• I � d.V ° I � i', .d ° • • °GRAVEL I I'IAY 14 R2,3 • 4 DRIVE• • I J • ° d • ` ` ° °. N 1.S BG /1 OBSERVED WATER lV LEVE]. (10/24/17) 1 CANAL FLUSH 1 w I 0.1' BG J � i L3 A 37'00'GO" W 50.00' • \ 0.3' BG I N/F T �. .. d �MARSHA SAWYER BRYANT .a \ (PC E, SL 507) "1 \ m •''SAND ap-1 (DB 1931, PG 212)404 LINEN GRAVEL \ \� _ _ •� IIPUNDS DRIVE _/ 4W/ CAP 7 .• f YETLANDS (199 S.F.) .) J S37'3-0 00"E o.3 B.G d S3 *0.\ ,0'a • w j 0.1' AG 124.5G'• • "300.00' w • ° itr w 1 :d d v •. . 0.4' A ° SAND & •.� d i a 'GRAVEL d'. d ..Jt • CANAL 1`7 / `d L5 (TIE) e , / d 39.34' 1. _ 10.88' ^� N/F w MLLIAM E. JONES CINDY L JONES & GEORGE W. SPICER (D.B. 1756, PG.72) (PARCEL 024395023) S 37'00'00" E 50.00' OBSERVED WATER/ .1 LEVEL (10/24/17) ri CANAL �1 w LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 50.00 53'00'00"E L2 50.00 S53'00'00"W L3 201.32 N3 '00'00"W L4 10.00 0100' 45.38 2'1 " LB 8.39 N34'07'15"W L7 18.04 N 3'31'57"E LB 15.20 N5 '12' 9"E L9 5.29 S33'45'52" 5/0.1RBGAR ld w I - /I•b v I N/F MOTHER VINEYARD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. (MB 2, PG 94 PC D, SL 44 EIVED 1924 E__J�j 450.42'(T1E) MAG NAIL 0 CL erg INT MOTHER MNEYAAD RD. & SCUPPERNONG RD. MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats JUN 1,2 2020 Drawer: John M. Robbins III DCM-MHD CITY Date: May 10, 2020 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR Page 1 of MVYC, INC. A PARCEL OF LAND ON MOTHER VINEYARD ROAD - ROANOKE ISLAND NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP - DARE COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA 20 10 o zo SEABOARD SURVEYING dt PLANNING, INC. C-1536 1 inch as 20 ft. 103F W. WOOD: HILL, DR., P.O.. BOX 58, NAGS HEAD, NC 27959 LE 1707845 SURVEl KT PLATTED: 10 27 17 MJ Pi OFFICE: (252) 480-9998 FAX: (252) 480-( ED:10 24 17 M.B.L. Received Ky 14 K20 DCM-EC m 0 RECEIVED JUN 12 2020 J)CM-MHD WY 25' M.B.L. LOT 3 C9 MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 6 of 7 95.0037.00' 00 25' M.B.L. 25' M.B.L. Cn 110 TOLER ROAD AREA: 18,150 S.F. o UPLANDS AREA: 16,733 S.F. o PARCEL NO.: 025870004 O �n \\I►, In = 25' x 25' pp DISPOSAL AREA J 6 m 25' M.B.L. 34014'30" W 75.15' MVYC DISPOSAL AREA LOT 5 0 10 20 40 60 80 MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 7 of 7 C t % t 4 � r - y4�? • .� � µ '1y a '`+Y :., yC✓�. { � 6; 1� T. � a� This map is prepared from data used forthe 110 Toler RD' Owners: Marcus Midgett, Llc -Primary Tax District: Manteo Out �,1' t)/.. immtcry of the real Manteo NC, 27954 ®^ Owner Subdivision: Hayes Preserve S/d J` •1l property for tax purposes " L f Parcel: 025870004 3 C Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: Lot 4 Blk Sec r Primary information Owner a m sourcessuchasrecorded Pin: 978920814607 Z ("land Value: $72,500 Property Use: Vacant Land (Private) deeds, plau. wills. and = �' M_ Misc Value: $0 Building Type: other primary public _ N w records should be O ilding Value: f0 year Built: ry14 , .IVA\ consulted for verification N dotal Value: f72,500 w. ofthelnfom,ation C 7 —This is a word processing form to be completed in Microsoft Word'"' NC Division of Coastal Management Major Penult Application Computer Sheet (111012012) Applicant: Mvyc, Inc. Date: 6/1/2019 Project Site County Dare Staff., Cynthia Rountree District: 0EAzaboth City Washington ❑Morehead City ❑Wilmington Project Name: Boathouse Rover File: Date of In/dal application submittal (EX: 1/WO07): 4/102019 Date application "received as complete" in the Field office (EX., 142007): 5/142020 Permit Authorization: CAMA ODredge & Fill SBoth SITE DESCRIPTION/PERMIT INFORMATION PNA: Yes SNo Photos Taken: Yes 0 No Setback Required (riparian): MYes No Critical Habitat: U Yes DgNo Not Sure 15 foot waiver obtained: 0 Yes No Hazard Notification Returned., []Yes NNo SAV. Yes No ONotSure Shell Bottom: ElYes RN6 ONotSum Temporary Impacts: Yes No Sandbags: UYes 2gNo LJNotSure Did the land use classification come from county LUP.•NYes []No Mitigation Required (optional): []Yes NNo Moratorium Conditions: UYes Milo ❑NA Environmental Assessment Done: []Yes NNo ❑NA SECONDARY WATER CLASSIFICATION — OPTIONAL (choose MAX of 4) WETLANDS IMPACTED (404) Corp. of Engineers (Jurisdictional 0 (LS) Sea lavender (Limonium sp.) (SS) Glasswort ( Salicomia sp.) wetlands) (CJ) Saw grass (C/adium jamaicense) 0 (SA) Salt marsh cordgmss (Spartina El (SY) Sell reed grass (Spartina altemiffora) cynosuroides) (DS) Salt or spike grass (Distichlis El (SC) Bullnrsh or three square (Schpus (TY) Ca/tail (Typha Sp.) spicata) SO El (JR) Black needierush (Juncus El (SP) Saltdneadow grass (Spartina roemedanus) patens) APPLICATION FEE No tee required - $0.00 0 III(A) Private w/ D&F up to 1 acre; 3490 9 III(D) Priv. public or Comm w/D&F to 1 can be applied - $250 acre; 3490 can? be applied - $400 El Minor Modification to a CAMA Major Major Modification to a CAMA Major LJ IV Any development involving D&F of permit - $100 permit - $250 more than 1 acre - $475 Permit Transter- $100 111(B) Public or commercial w/D&F to 1 El Express Permit - $2000 acre; 3490 can be applied - $400 Major development extension request - 0 It. Public or commercial/no dredge $100 and/or fill - $400 ❑ L Private no dredge and/or fill - $250 ❑ 111(C) Pdv. public or comm wiD&F to 1 acre; 3490 can be applied, DCM needs DWQ agreement - $400 252-808-2808 :: 1.888.4RCOAST :: www.nccoaetalmenagoMgpt.n®t DCM-MHD CITY NC Division of Coastal Mat. Application Computer Sheet, wage 2 of 3) Applicant: Mvyc, Inc. Date: June 1, 2020 Describe below the ACTIVITIES that have been applied for. All values should match the dimension order, and units of measurement found In yourActiv/ties code sheet. TYPE REPLACE Activity Name Number Choose Choose Dimension f Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 One One Access Canal 1 New worn Replace 15 ft 30 ft 2 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y ® N Boat Basin 1 New Work N Replace 26 ft 17 ft 2 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y H N Boathouse 1 New work Replace 28.2 ft 19.1 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y ® N Bulkhead 1 New wont Replace 105 ft I ft 6 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y ® N Boardwalk 1 New work Replace 27 ft 4 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y ® N Deck 1 NowW01* Replace 8 ft 22 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y ® N Platform 1 New work Replace 9 ft 3.5 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y ® N Fill (below 1 Now work Replace 24 cubic H2O Maint ❑ ❑ Y ®N ds Fill (general) 1 New wont Replace 20 ft 50 ft 1 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y IRN Parking Lot 1 NewWom Replete 20 ft 25 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y N N Spoil Area 1 New wont 0 Replace 25 ft 25 ft Maint ❑ ❑ Y CO N New Wont 0 Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Wont 0 Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Wont Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Wont Replace Maint❑ ❑Y❑N New Work 0 Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Wont Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work 0 Replete Metal ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New W6t Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work 0 Replace Maint I ❑ Y [IN New WontU Replace Maint ❑ 1 ❑ Y ❑ N RECEIVED revised Nov. 2012 'IN 0 9 2020 DCM-MWD CIT NC Division of Coastal Mgt. Application Computer Sheet, rage 3 of 3) Applicant: Mvyc, Inc. Date: June 1, 2020 Describe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match the name, and units of measurement found in your Habitat code sheet. TOTAL Sq. Ft. FINAL Sq. Ft. TOTAL Feet FINAL Feet (Applied for. (Anticipated final (Applied for (Anticipated final DISTURB TYPE Disturbance total disturbance. Disturbance disturbance. Habitat Name Choose One includes any Excludes any total includes Excludes any anticipated restoration any anticipated restoration and/or restoration or and/or temp restoration or temp impact temp inpacts) impact amount) Impacis amours High Ground Dredge ❑ ROM Both ❑ Other ❑ 1,345 sqft 1,345 sqft High Ground Dredge ® FN ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ 28 sqft 28 sqft Open Water Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ® 538 sqft 538 sgft Shallow Bottom Dredge ® Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ 892 sqft 892 sqft Shallow Bottom Dredge ❑ Fill ® Both ❑ Other ❑ 110 sqft 110 sgft Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ FR ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ FIB ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge Fig [3 Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fig ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ FIB ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fig ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ FBI ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ FM ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ RECEIVED 252-808-2808 :: 1.888-4RCOAST :: www.ngcoostetmanngs_mst,lLet revised: Nov. 2012 DCM-MHD CITY DCM Coordinator: Greg Bodnar Distributed Yes® No ❑ Applicant: Mvvc. Inc. Distribution Date: 6/9/2020 AGENCY ECRO Community Development/LPO Donna Creef DCM Planner Charlan Owens EnzCity US COE: Josh Pelletier Community Assistance Lee Padrlck (Beaufort, Carteret Craven, EllzClty, Pamlico, Washington) Cultural Resources Renee Gledhill -Earley Div. of Water Infrastructure (No longer public water Supply( Clif Whitfield Marine Fisheries Anne Deaton WARO/ECRO James Harrison NC DOT David Harris Shannon Jenkins Shellfish Sanitation Sharon Gupton Tim Walton State Property Mike Moser Wanda Hillard DEMLR/DWR: Sheri Montalvo DEMLR Sediment & Erosion- Samir Dumpor Storm water- Roger Thorpe DWR 401- Anthony Scarbraugh WRC Maria Dunn (WARD) National Heritage Program Rodney Butler RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2020 DCM-MHD CITY C:\Users\emgodfrey\Documents\Major Permits\Mvvc, Inc\Mai Comment Distribution Sheet - Mvyc, Inc..docx Revised: 6/29/2018 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director June 9, 2020 MEMORANDUM: 6AM NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 04-16.33) greoo.bodnaridncdAmr Dov SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Mvyc, Inc Project Location: 300 Mother Vineyard Road in Dare County Proposed Project: Construct a bulkhead, boardwalk with deck area, parking lot, boathouse with an inside dock and dredge a portion of a canal adjacent to Shallowbag Bay Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Greaa Bodnar at the address above by June 30, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Cynthia Rountree (252-264-3901, ext. 234) when appropriate, in- depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME AGENCY SIGNATURE DATE RECEIVED 5 D 9� JUN 0 9 2020 North Carollna Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Offke 1401 South Griffin Sleet. Suite 390001 Elizabeth City. North Carolina 27909 pCM-MHD CITY 1 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN SecNiary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director John M. Robins III P.O. Box1415 Manteo, NC 27954 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Re: NIVYC, INC. Major Permit Application Dear Mr. Robins: February 5, 2020 On January 2, 2020 the NC Division of Coastal Management acknowledged receipt of your application located in Manteo, Dare County. An initial screening of the submittal package was conducted by CAMA Field Representative Cynthia Rountree, which revealed certain deficiencies that required your attention. On January 16, 2020, a letter detailing the deficiencies was mailed to you. On January 24, 2020, you contacted me at our office via phone in regard to the letter detailing the deficiencies and concerns you had. I set an appointment with you to meet at the project site on January 29, 2020 to review the request and evaluate the site. Unfortunately, you missed this meeting due to a timing conflict, but I still had the opportunity to evaluate the project site to better understand the situation. Based on my site visit, a review of the application file and Cynthia Rountree's letter, I found that additional information will be required to be submitted in addition to the deficiencies found in the January 16, 2020 letter for the application packet to be considered complete. Our office must receive the following revised information before the Major Permit Application can be accepted as complete: 1. Not all questions on the application have been answered, or indicated as "not applicable." Please address the following items: • Form DCM-MP-1: - Number 3, about street address, Dare County has the address listed as 300 Mother Vineyard Road - Number 4(t)., add the existing concrete located on the landward side of the basin. Also, nine areas were augured within the indicated 237 sf gravel area to verify the presence of gravel. The material from these borings were comprised primarily of sand with —7 pieces of gravel. (R.A.R) - Number 5.h, about location and type of existing structures. I do not recall or see in my photographs and gravel area on the lot. See above (R.A.R) Form DCM-MP-2: - Number 1.c.ii, about describing purpose of excavation, if Rat Read In he filled in. It appears that Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAW is present within the basin dredge area, please list the approximate square footage. (R.A.R) - Number 34 about maximum distance waterward, the plat shows 5 feet please correct so they reflect the same thing. - Number 4, about Other Fill Activities (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization). This section does not need to be filled out unless this is for other purposes besides shoreline stabilization. R ECEAVED D_EQ� FEB 6 2020 North Carolina Department of Eliz be h City Office 1 .101 South Griffin Street ental SW¢tee 3011 Elizabeth Cuality I Division ofity. North Caroll aoastal Manent 279NA A— S E CTI O N MI 252.264,3901 John M. Robins III February 5, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Form DCM-MP-3: - Letter a., about type and number of buildings and structures. Please list all buildings and structures and how many there will be, not square footage. - Letter d., about area to be graded. I do not see a proposed area to be graded (i.e. Limits of Disturbance) on plat. The area listed appears to be the size of the entire land area, this should not include area that will not be filled or graded, such as wetland areas. - Letter F, List all materials to be used for impervious surfaces, this includes pervious concrete. You must also submit documentation supporting the percentage of perviousness the concrete will have. (R.A.R) Form DCM-MP4: - Number 1.all, about Docking facilities. This section needs to be filled out in its entirety for the 3ft by 10ft dock under the boathouse. - Number 2.all, About docking facility operations. This needs to be filled out in its entirety with the shower and toilet listed in section a. - Number 3.a.ii and ili., about length and width of boathouse, you have 30ft and 22ft and on the plat it shows 26.5ft and 18ft, please correct so they reflect the same number. `This dimension should be the dripline of the roof. Please note that the submitted Previous surveys of the boathouse indicate dimensions - Number 8. List all boardwalks and platforms on land, including dimensions. (R.A.R) 2. Adequate Work Plans or Drawings have not been submitted. Please address the following items: • All submitted Plats and drawings must be to scale and not greater than 1 inch to 200 feet. • A Plan View must be submitted that: (on all submitted drawings) - Indicates the Shoreline - Indicates Coastal Wetlands Indicates Excavated Areas, needs to be to scale Indicates Disposal Areas, needs to show dimensions Indicates Adjacent Property Owner's boundaries clearly (including within the canal) and showing the correct owners Indicates exact location of Fill Retention Indicates the presence of any 404 or Coastal Wetland Marsh in area of proposed work. Indicated exact area and dimensions of proposed excavation, to scale Indicates Areas of Environmental Concern, 75 foot AEC limit needs to be shown Indicates water depths relative to NWL that are current (2020) Plat size may need to be larger in order to accurately show all missing and hard to determine information. If needed to clearly understand everything proposed, more than one plat should be submitted, i.e. one for existing conditions, one for dredging and one for proposed development. (R.A.R) Drawings need to be numbered as,1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc. • A Cross -Section Drawing must be submitted that: Depicts the required information; specifically, bulkhead construction and dredge contours as well as side and front views of boathouse showing dimensions and where NWL falls on these areas, and height of loft area. Shows the proposed shower. (R.A.R.) Shows the proposed bulkhead adjacent to the wetland area. Are there tie -backs proposed? Is rill in the wetland area proposed? Is the bulkhead solid orslotted? (R.A.R) REC I' p E • The Plat must locate project area wetlands including Coastal Wetlands and identify the agency or consultant making the determination, along with the date the determination was made. F E B 6 2020 P SECTION MHD i John M. Robins III February 5, 2020 Page 3 of 3 3. Documentation of Notification of Riparian Property Owners must be provided. Please submit Certified Mail -Return Receipts and original Signed Green Cards for this notification, along with a copy of the notification letter provided to these owners and any comments received in reply. A signed certified mail return green card was not submitted for the notification to Marcia Sawyer Bryant. 4. An EasemenUencroachment agreement is needed from NC Dot for the proposed concrete parking area to extend into the right of way outside of the property lines. 5. You must obtain an easement to dredge from William and Cindy Jones/George W Spicer, or have Jones/Spicer as co -applicants for the application in order to dredge the area outside of the project sites property line. 6. The project narrative describes what the boat house structure looked like; however, it would be good to submit any photos that may exist as part of the narrative reinforcing the description. (R.A.R.) 7. The project narrative indicates that the boathouse was designated as a historic architectural resource. Please submit documentation of this designation. (R.A.R) B. Within the Project Narrative, please go into more detail about the bulkhead adjacent to the wetland area (tiebacks, fill, slotted, solid wall). l should note that the return wall of this section is proposed to cut into the coastal wetlands and the southern comer of this section is within coastal wetlands. These impacts need to be detailed within the application and include ajustilication & need. An altemative is to shift the basin northward eliminating the impacts. (R.A.R) 9. It was indicated that spoils will be stored offsite. Details must be provided as to how the spoils will be loaded and transported to that site. (Le., are the spoils being stockpiled to dewater first then loaded onto a dump truck(must be shown on site plans), are they being loaded straight into a dump truck, and if so, is the dump truck sealed to prevent spoils from leaking onto the roadways?) (R.A.R) 10. Specific information is required to be submitted for the proposed temporary toilet and/or tank and pump. I would advise you to pick one or the other. 1 will further advise you that the shower and proposed temporary toilet and/or tank and pump are not exceptions to the 30' CAMA Buffer and more than likely will result in permit denial. (R.A.R) Please understand that the subsequent detailed review may reveal additional areas where further information or documentation is required to demonstrate compliance with the rules directly applicable to the proposed development. If this occurs, you will be notified of such issues separately. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence or the permit process, please don't hesitate to contact me or Cynthia Rountree. Sincerely, RECEI V ED Ron Renaldi A.R) District Manager, Northeastern District F E B 6 2020 cc: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator, DCM, Morehead City MP SECTION MHD Cynthia Rountree, DCM Field Representafive, Elizabeth City ROY COOPER Govemor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director John M. Robins III P.O. Box 1415 Manteo, NC 27954 Dear Mr. Robins: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality May 3, 2019 Re: Boathouse and dredging at 0 Mother Vineyard Rd, Manteo, Dare County The NC Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application on April 10, 2019, for State approval for the development of the referenced project. An initial screening of the submittal package has been conducted as per 15A NCAC 07J.0203(copies enclosed). This revealed certain deficiencies, which must be corrected before the application package can be accepted as complete. To assist you in expediting the permitting process as much as possible, I am notifying you of these deficiencies immediately so that they can be quickly corrected to facilitate my detailed review. Because the deficiencies are easily correctable, I am not returning the original application package. Please make the needed changes, and submit the appropriate documentation. With the retained copy of the application, I can commence the detailed review. Please understand that the subsequent detailed review may reveal additional areas where further information or documentation is required to demonstrate compliance with the rules directly applicable to the proposed development. If this occurs, you will be notified of such issues separately. Our initial screening has identified the following deficiencies: 1. Not all questions on the application have been answered, or indicated as "not applicable." Please address the following items: Form DCM-MP-1: - Number 4.a, about shoreline length I am not seeing 98 feet only 75 feet. - Number 5.e, about proposed activities in relation to existing project, new work provide proof of the existing project that it is a part of. CIEFUITZIVITIVUSUVA Number 3.b, about length of Bulkhead, there is not 107 feet of shoreline does this include returns? RECEIVED QDMAY 10 2019 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management DCM-MHD CITY Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 300 1 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 2S22643901 or 4 - Number 3.fg, about square feet leave space between backfill and riprap and add ft. — _-- - - Number 4.a, about fill brought to the site all sections need to be -filled out. ■ Form DCM-MP-3: - Letter 1, about discharge the shower mentioned here is not shown in the plat either remove or put on plat. ■ Form DCM-MP-4: - Number 7.a, about adjacent riparian property lines please list all properties distances. 2. Adequate Work Plans or Drawings have not been submitted. Please address the following items: ■ Plats must be to scale and not greater than 1 inch to 200 feet the copy sent did not print out to scale for measurement. ■ A Plan View must be submitted that: - Distinguishes between existing and proposed features; specifically does not show all proposed features and not all features are labeled proposed or existing. - Indicates the Shoreline - Indicates Current Ebb and Flow directions with arrows - Indicates Wetlands - Indicates Excavated Areas - Indicates Disposal Areas - Indicates Type and Location of Sewage Treatment - Indicates Adjacent Property Owners' clear boundaries - Indicates exact location of Fill Retention - Indicates approximate location of Normal Water Level, - Indicates the presence of any 404 or Coastal Wetland Marsh in area of proposed work. - Indicates Water Bodies exp. To Roanoke Sound - Indicates width of Adjacent Water Body - Indicated exact area and dimensions of proposed excavation - Indicates Riparian Corridors - Indicates Areas of Environmental Concern - Indicates water depths relative to NWL ■ A Cross -Section Drawing must be submitted that: - Depicts the required information; specifically, bulkhead construction and dredge contours. ■ The Plat must locate project area wetlands and identify the agency or consultant making the determination, along with the date the determination was made. ■ A Drawing reflecting other regulatory requirement for Storm Water Management may be required; or, you may include on the submitted plat any structures or grading that will take place within the Area of Environmental Concern (AEC), and any stormwater management structures located outside of the AEC that could convey sediment or runoff products to waters of the State. 3. A copy of a Deed or other Title Indicating Document must be provided for the proposed spoil area. Please submit the needed documentation. 4. Documentation of Notification of Riparian Property Owners must be provided. Please submit Certified Mail -Return Receipts and Signed Green Cards for this notification, along with a copy of the notification letter provided to these owners and any comments received in reply. To expedite our response to your permitting request, we will commence the detailed review of your application for a permit pending the receipt of the additional information requested above. However, the statutorily provided 75/150 days allowed for review cannot commence until such time as we have received a complete application package. Once your application has been accepted as complete, you will receive a separate notification letter. If it is not possible to render a permit decision within 70 days of the date when your application is received complete, you may request a meeting with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management and permit staff to discuss the status of your project. Such a meeting will be held within five working days from the receipt of your written request and shall include the property owner, developer, and project designer/consultant. Please do not hesitate to contact me at our Elizabeth City office (252 264 3901) if you have any questions regarding this letter or the permitting process. SincerYA l & Cynthia Rountree Field Representative Division of Coastal Management cc: Doug Huggett, Major Permits Coordinator, DCM, Morehead City Vacant, District Manager, DCM, Elizabeth City RECEIVED MAY 10 2019 DCM-MHD CITY �. EX.. �ONCRE UPLANDS 1 MVYC PROPERTY B NO U.S.A.C.O.E. 404 LINE\ d ad d (O6/13/19) C.A.M.A. COASTAL WELTAND LINE 1 (01/29/20) _.. o l al , 1 X X T +.\ A d ° e a 9 e a a � . d ad. - EX.. SAND &: GRAVEL d d d 1 < d m -1.83 -1.83 33 d AV ° a ;. 001 ^0m1 I 1 X X X I f` -2.83 -2.83 -1.3� WATER DEPTHS WERE N ��., - UPLANDS ORIGINALLY MEASURED ON \ 10/06/2018. WATER LEVELS J v all 1 1 1 WERE 0.33' BELOW NWL AS m I OBSERVED ON ADJACENT A I I X-2.83 X-2.83 X-1.331 PILINGS. ADJUSTMENTS CALCULATED ON 1 I MEASUREMENTS SHOWN.ALL I I MEASUREMENTS N FEET. CANAL jl X X-2.83 X-1.3 MEA UREME TS WERE 1.83 RECONFIRMED ON 4/28/20. X X X \ MEASUREMENTS WERE -2.83 -2.83 -1.33 \ RECORDED FROM A KAYAK \ �� USING A GRADE ROD ALONG A \ m a r STATIC STRING LINE. >C783 oo� 2.83 � r 7� X-4.33 X-3.83 X-1.33 X \1.16 1 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-1.83 I 1 X-1.313 1 X-6.33 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-2.33 1 X-1.8I x -5.83 k-5.58 k / -5.33 k-5.83 � X -5.33 X X X 1 -4.33 -2.33 -2!33 1 1 X-5.58 X-3.33 X-2.33 I X4I 1.33 TO SHALLOWBAG BAY 1 & ROANOKE SOUND X X X j -6.58 -2.33 -1.33 / EBB & FLO � X-3.83 X-2.33 X-1.1i, CANAL / X-2.33 X-1.83 / X �J -1.33 EX ST SIG WATER DEPTHS MVYC, Inc. Boat House OPO RO� '4e y' ��Ii11 Received N W .• o _ DCM-EC W.9 GRAPHIC SCALE Major Permit plats 1 10 0 s 10 20 Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 3 of 7 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 10 ft. . EX. j ONCRETE c a UPLANDS - d e\ 7 . 1 MVYC PROPERTY BOUNDA ° �- U.S.A.C.O.E. 404 LINE\ ad'- iX.. SAND.&. GRAVEL C.A.M.A. COASTAL \ a' WELTAND LINE (01/29/20)•- „ - - 1� i U3 v i dll, vv °vv mA � N I v v v v v r � pI voo 0, Z j \G-0 C d�li avvv Z o v v v PROPOSED DREDGING DEPTHS v w ARE BASED ON II, j a DREDGE TO -4 v`v°o` vv ° o°voo MEASUREMENTS TAKEN ON > - m °°°vv v 10/06/2018. WATER LEVELS A ( I v0000° WERE 0 33' BELOW NWL AS ovvv vv vvv OBSERVED ON ADJACENT PILINGS. ADJUSTMENTS CALCULATED ON MEASUREMENTS SHOWN. ALL MEASUREMENTS IN FEET. MEASUREMENTS WERE RECONFIRMED ON 4/28/20 LIMITS OF DREDGE AREA TO -4 NWL x-6.33 k-5.83 k-5.58 CANAL X -5.33 TO SHALLOWBAG BAY & ROANOKE SOUND EBB & FLO CANAL EX. CANAL AREA TO BE FILLED UPLANDS (110 S.F.) UPLANDS 0 ovvv II vvvvv ovvv } I vv°° ovvv Q BOATHOUSE avvv EX. UPLANDS ? o. I111, BASIN/CHANNEL TO BE REMOVED O I I (27 S.F.) m ci DREDGE TO -4 I \ �G CO 0 DREDGE TO -4 T 0 L PROP. VINYL BULKHEAD M LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DREDGE AND MVYC, Inc. Boat House 30' X-4.33 X-3.83 X-1.33 X \1.16 1 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-1.83 X-1.33 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-2.33 X-1.8� x-5.83 j X-5.33 X-4.33 X-2.33 X- 2/33 X-5.58 X-3.33 X-2.33 X41.33 1 X-6.58 X-2.33 X-1.33 / X-3.83 X-2.33 X-1.1 d X-2.33 X-1.83 X �J -1.33 E EL AREAS GRAPHIC SCALE Major Permit plats 10 n s to 20 Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 4 of 7 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. Q v Receivel yW r+ � � V DCM-EC d � ° A ° - d\ p ° EX., )CONCRETE a UPLANDS , °°. - --\ MVYC PROPERTY B NDA - U.S.A.C.O.E. 404 LINE\ e' os/ta/1s) L , C.A.M.A. COASTA WELTAND LINE 1 - (01/29/20) " " " " m I 'II , I X-1.83 x-1.83 33 A I all, I d ° d L EX.. SAND & GRAVEL d e° n goo► I I ► I I =oml I 1 I I x-2.83 x-2.83 x-1.3t WATER DEPTHS WERE N y ml UPLANDS ORIGINALLY MEASURED ON 1 10/06/2018. WATER LEVELS a all, I = I 1 WERE 0.33' BELOW NWL AS 1 OBSERVED ON ADJACENT I I x-2.83 x-2.83 x-1.331 PILINGS. ADJUSTMENTS all, I I CALCULATED ON = I MEASUREMENTS SHOWN. a ALL MEASUREMENTS IN FEET. CANAL I I X X X o MEASUREMENTS WERE I -1.83 -2.83 -1.3 RECONFIRMED ON 4/28/20. 1I'di, I m \ a MEASUREMENTS WERE X -2.83 X -2.83 X m -1.33 \ M RECORDED FROM A KAYAK \ m �3 USING A GRADE ROD ALONG A \ a i > STATIC STRING LINE. \ o x-3.83 -2.83 'Y` n r x-4.33 x-3.83 x-1.33 x \1.16 1 x-5.08 x-4.83 x-1.83 1 1 x-1.A3 I x-6.33 x x-5.08 x-4.83 x-2.33 1 x-1.8 I -5.83 k -5.58 k I -5.33 x-5.83 I x -5.33 x-4.33 x-2.33 I x-2!33 I x-5.58 x-3.33 x-2.33 I x4I 1.33 TO SHALLOWBAG BAY 1 & ROANOKE SOUND x -6.58 x -2.33 X -1.33 j / EBB & FLO � x-3.83 x-2.33 x-1.1d CANAL / x-2.33 X 1 83 1 X -1.33 �J N V W >y EX ST NG WATER DEPTHS Cr MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 3 of 7 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 n 5 10 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. APO O� 11qp1�� !t•0���� 5�6� Received D M-EC r, 4 .. d _ E) PON. CRETE a UPLANDS _ <' n ° _ ` a• ° . ° __--1 MVYC PROPERTY BOUNDA -�� - ° U.S.A.C.O.E. 404 LINE\ a°. L,X,. SAND. &: GRAVEL C.A.M.A. COASTAL WELTAND LINE 1 ° ° ° c ° (01/29/20) ° a dili l vvv r 0 JZA1ovv m I I o o°v EX. CANAL AREA I a 0 A r_ del, ° v ° ° TO BE FILLED PROPOSED DREDGING DEPTHS N ➢ ml � w o o V° UPLANDS ARE BASED ON J `i1i j z DREDGE TO -4 °°vv°vvv° v v (110 S.F.) MEASUREMENTS TAKEN ON y = m °°°°° °°°°° 10/06/2018. WATER LEVELS m I vvvvv WERE 0.33' BELOW NWL AS v j Ln v °°°° vvvvv UPLANDS OBSERVED ON ADJACENT PILINGS. ADJUSTMENTS CALCULATED ON MEASUREMENTS SHOWN. ALL MEASUREMENTS IN FEET. MEASUREMENTS WERE RECONFIRMED ON 4/28/20 LIMITS OF DREDGE AREA TO -4 NWL k-6.33 X-5.83 k-5.58 CANAL X -5.33 TO SHALLOWBAG BAY & ROANOKE SOUND EBB & FLO CANAL 0 vvvv I 0 vvvvv vvvv I I z vvvv } I ` I, vvvv II vvvv < BOATHOUSE vvvv EX. UPLANDS 0 z o. Id�1, BASIN CHANNEL TO REMOVED m l I (27 0 DREDGE TO)-4 ��\ I �c m 0 DREDGE TO -4 d L PROP. VINYL i BULKHEAD M LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 30' X-4.33 X-3.83 X-1.33 X -\1.16 1 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-1.83 X-1.3�3 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-2.33 X-14 x-5.83 X -5.33 X -4.33 X -2.33 X -2133 X-5.58 X-3.33 X-2.33 X41.33 1 / X-6.58 X-2.33 X-1.33 / X-3.83 X-2.33 X-1.1d X-2.33 X-1.83 / X-1.33 J ���� CIJ OpO 99 14) yP p vr U DREDGE AND F EL AREAS o Received f:AY MVYC, Inc. Boat House GRAPHIC SCALE DCM-EC Major Permit plats t<� 10 0 5 10 20 Drawer: John M. Robbins III ( ) Date: May 10, 2020 IN FEET1 inch = 10 ft. Page 4 of 7 40 ad �AEX., CONCRETE' UPLANDS MVYC PROPERTY 8 NDA U.S.A.C.O.E. 404 LINE\ a-' (O6/13/19) ° C.A.M.A. COASTAL WELTAND LINE 1 (01/29/20) and I X-1.83 X-1.83 1.33 a a d' ° d •d jk SAND .& GRAVEL d e 4 ° m 1 all, I 1 OI I 1 Z� I I I 0 I all, I X-2 83 X-2 83 X-1 3$ WATER DEPTHS WERE N m UPLANDS ORIGINALLY MEASURED ON 10/06/2018. WATER LEVELS ➢ all, 1 WERE 0.33' BELOW NWL AS m z I X-2.83 X-2.83 OBSERVED ON ADJACENT 1 X-1.331 PILINGS. ADJUSTMENTS I all, CALCULATED ON MEASUREMENTS SHOWN. ALL MEASUREMENTS IN FEET. CANAL II I X X X MEASUREMENTS WERE i 111 i -1.83 -2.83 -1.3 RECONFIRMED ON 4/28/20. -J X X X U3 MEASUREMENTS WERE -2.83 -2.83 RECORDED FROM A KAYAK A i USING A GRADE ROD ALONG A m STATIC STRING LINE. y$A 'o0G_ X-3.83 X-1.16 �1�^ 2.83 ✓ v X-4.33 X-3.83 X-1.33 X -\1.16 1 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-1.83 1 1 X-1.313 I x-6.33 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-2.33 I X-1.q x -5.83 X-5.58 I k I -5.33 k I -5.83 X -5.33 X -4.33 X -2.33 X I -2133 1 I X-5.58 X-3.33 X-2.33 1 X41.33 TO SHALLOWBAG BAY I & ROANOKE SOUND X X X j -6.58 -2.33 -1.33 / EBB & FLO � X-3.83 X-2.33 X-1.16' / CANAL / X-2.33 X-1.83 / / DECEIVED X-1.33 �J -�� JUN 12 2020 DCM-MHD CITY Received EX ST NG WATER DEPTHS -1 DCM-EC MVYC, Inc. Boat House GRAPHIC SCALE Major Permit plats t{ 10 0 6 10 20 Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 ( IN FEET 1 inch = 10 ft. Page 3 of 7 N 9. . d .. . a: A . �EX �-ONCRETE UPLANDS d° _ ---\ MVYC PROPERTY BOUNDARY- ° °a45 U.S.A.C.O.E. 404 LINE\ o° �X,. SAND. &: GRAVEL C.A.M.A. COASTAL \ q' WELTAND LINE (01/29/20) 03 iN+'1 R1 � I - vvvvv <mlf1 I I V v ro pl I vvvv Z m� I I v°vvvvv EX. CANAL AREA I .d o 0 v v v v TO BE FILLED PROPOSED DREDGING DEPTHS \ v ml w vvvvvvvv UPLANDS ARE BASED ON J II I z DREDGE TO -4 vvvv v (110 S.F.) vvvvv MEASUREMENTS TAKEN ON v / m vvvvv I I j vovvo 10/06/2018. WATER LEVELS WERE 0.33' BELOW NWL AS A I I o vvvvv UPLANDS vvvvv OBSERVED ON ADJACENT I o vovvo I vvvv PILINGS. ADJUSTMENTS j z vvvvv > CALCULATED ON I I II, I v v v v < vvvv Q MEASUREMENTS SHOWN. CANAL I eoATHousE vvvv EX. UPLANDS ? o, ALL MEASUREMENTS IN FEET. I i1i I BASIN/CHANNEL TO BE REMOVED m MEASUREMENTS WERE - (27 S.F.) v RECONFIRMED ON 4/28/20. 11, i s��� DREDGE TO -4 \ � v m DREDGE TO -4 a T PROP. VINYL > BULKHEAD s LIMITS OF DREDGE AREA TO -4 NWL X-6.33 k-5.83 X -5.58 X -5.33 TO SHALLOWBAG BAY & ROANOKE SOUND EBB & FLO CANAL DREDGE AND MVYC, Inc. Boat House Major Permit plats Drawer: John M. Robbins III Date: May 10, 2020 Page 4 of 7 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 30, - r X-4.33 X-3.83 X-1.33 X \1.16 1 X-5.08 X-4.83 X-1.83 I X-1.313 �\ / I I / X-5.08 X-4.83 X-2.33 X-1.8 X-5.83 I I X -5.33 X -4.33 X -2.33 X I -2133 1 I X-5.58 X-3.33 X-2.33 I X41 1.33 / X-6.58 X-2.33 X-1.33 / X-3.83 X-2.33 X-1.1d / � X-2.33 X-1.83 / J�FyP����llll S `60 / X -1.33 �J Received E EE AREAS LA 1 tr„a DCM-EC GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft.