HomeMy WebLinkAbout35-20 MM 2022 Carteret County December 2, 2021 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Gregg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557 Fax: 252-247-3330 (Courier 11-12-09) gregg.bodnar@NCDENR.gov SUBJECT: CAMA / Dredge and Fill Application Review Applicant: Carteret County Project Location: East Taylors Creek Proposed Project: Major Modification to Major #35-20 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Gregg Bodnar at the address above by December 30, 2021. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Heather Styron 252-808-2808. when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: _____ This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. **Additional comments may be attached** _____ This agency has no comment on the proposed project. _____ This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. _____ This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME______________________________________ AGENCY _____________________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________________ DATE _________________________ hdhq October 7, 2021 N.C. Division of Coastal Management Heather Styron 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Ms. Styron: moffatt & nfchol Carteret County wishes to modify CAMA Permit No. 35-20, which authorized maintenance dredging activities within East Taylors Creek along the Town of Beaufort waterfront. The County now wishes to alter the spoil location resulting from the maintenance dredging. As depicted in the attached permit application package, the County now wishes to beneficially utilize the material to renourish a public recreational beach along the Radio Island shoreline. With this information in mind, Moffatt and Nichol, on behalf of the County, respectfully submits this request for permit modification from the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. Should you have any questions about this submission., or if we can provide any additional information to facilitate your review of our findings, please feel free to contact me at (919) 645-0649. Sincerely, Doug Huggett ;;ScF-NSD 0c, 0 S ZVI N ORTH CAROLINA P 0 R T S Oo!�j7 �--0011110— October 8, 2021 Eugene Foxworth Assistant County Manager Carteret County 402 Broad Street Beaufort, NC 28516 Subject: Letter of Authorization for the Use of Radio Island Property in Support of the Radio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Protection Project Dear Mr. Foxworth, On. behalf of the North Carolina State Ports Authority (NCSPA), please use this letter to serve as official authorization for Carteret County to utilize property on the southern. portion of Radio Island to be utilized as a dredged material containment area (DMCA). It is the understanding of the NCSPA that a DMCA will only be necessary if hydraulic dredging is the selected construction methodology for the project. A DMCA will be required to be able to control hydraulically dredged material on the recipient beach. The DMCA to be constructed will be comprised of two areas- the primary material containment area and, the water clarification area. It is the understanding of the NCSPA that Carteret County and its agent, Moffatt & Nichol, will coordinate with the NCSPA prior to construction and once . a construction methodology is determined. The NCSPA will coordinate with Carteret County and its selected contractor for full access to the site during the timeframe of construction, anticipated to be December 1, 2021 - May 1, 2022. This timeframe includes the time for demobilization of equipment and restoration of the area to original condition. to match grades and vegetation. Sincerely, .1 4J. Doug Vogt Chief Operating Officer DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY JOINT EXPEDITIONARY BASE LITTLE CREEK -FORT STORY 2600 TARAWA COURT, SUITE 100 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23459-3297 11000 Ser N4;1 591 oubcb= 20, 2021 Ms. Dawn York Senior Coastal Planner Moffat & Nichol 238 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms. York, SUBJECT: MARINE ROAD ACCESS AUTHORIZATION Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek -Fort Story (JEBLCFS) is pleased that Carteret County is moving forward with its permit application for Radio Island's shoreline and infrastructure protection project. We are in receipt of your request for the County's selected contractor to use Marine Road for access, movement, and placement of heavy equipment to construct related improvements. Please be advised that a section of Marine Road, approximately 630 feet in length, has been undermined by erosion and programmed for repair. As a result, concrete jersey barriers have been installed to divert traffic from these undermined pavement sections and onto a bypass road. Therefore, the County's selected contractor will be required to work around the damaged sections, as well as provide cribbing and pallets to protect existing pavement froin further damage. In closing, all construction activity will need to be coordinated with the installation's Port Operations Department to ensure continuity of access to the road and avoid disruptions to its training requirements. Authorization of the County's selected contractor to use Marine Road as requested is therefore contingent upon its recognition of and compliance with the herein stated conditions. Please contact niy Community Planning and Liaison Officer, Mr. Earnest McDonald, AICP, at caniest,iiiedonald('ii,',tiavy.miI with questions or other concerns relating to this authorization. Sincerely, 01k Copy to: Mr. Eugene Foxworth, Assistant County Manager CDR Robert Fredriksen, Public Works Officer Mr. Hector.Arellano, Deputy Public Works Officer LCDR Gregory Herrod, Port Operations Officer Mr. Lee Pennypacker, Civil Engineer/Project Manager DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Carteret County Radio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Protection project 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Located along the entrance channel for the east end of Taylors Creek in Beaufort Longitude: 76°40'51, 76°41'02 Latitude: 34°42'45, 34°42'40 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit—11/30/2021 Was Applicant Present — No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received—10/8/2021 Application Complete- 10/25/2021 Office — Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan — Town of Morehead City dated 9/28/2007 Land Classification from LUP — port mixed-use/conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW, PTA (C) Water Dependent: (yes) (D) Intended Use: public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing — N/A Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing — existing channel Planned — Beach nourishment and new DMCA location (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source — N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Beach nourishment N/A 35200sf N/A (B) High ground (DMCA) N/A 550,000 N/A (D) Total Area Disturbed: 902,800ft2 (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: HQW Open: No within Taylors Creek or west side of Radio Island 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing a major modification to major permit 35-20 issued on 3/27/2020. The applicant wants to reuse the previously permitted dredge material that would be removed from the east end of Taylors Creek for beach nourishment along the eastern shoreline of Radio Island and would also like to locate the spoil disposal site on the property along the southwest portion of Marine Drive for the DMCA. All original depths, channel location and dredge calculations would remain as previously permitted. 9. Narrative Description The Carteret County Radio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Protection Project is located along the eastern shoreline of Radio Island and on the property located at the Field Investigation Report: Carteret County Radio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Porject Page 02 southwest side of Marine Drive in Beaufort, Carteret County. The eastern shoreline of Radio Island is leased by Carteret County from The NC State Ports Authority and is 2,775' in length. This area of Radio Island serves the public as a recreational beach. The NC State Ports Authority has also given permission to use their south west property for the DMCA. The us government owns a 3.9-acre portion at the south end of Marine Drive that supports the US Navy/Marine Corps Landing Craft Utility operations. There are private properties located along the north portion of Radio Island. The Town of Morehead City's Land Use Plan classifies this area as Port Mixed -use and Conservation. This section of Taylors Creek and the west side of Radio Island (Newport river) is not designated as Primary Nursery Area, is closed to the taking of shellfish and carries a water classification of HQW. Riparian corridors were not determined. 10. Project Description: The current proposal is for the reuse of beach compatible dredge material permitted through CAMA major permit 35-20 through beach nourishment as well as construction of a new location for spoil disposal with the creation of a DMCA on the south western property along Marine Drive that is owned by the NC State Ports Authority. Marine Drive is heavily utilized by the public and the US military for training therefore according to the applicant this project would promote compatible land use by preserving the established public access beach area on the island, restore natural habitat and serve as a barrier to protect critical infrastructure that provides accessibility to the US Navy's LCU ramp and utility service. Carteret County would like to reuse beach compatible dredge material from the East Taylors Creek dredge project to nourish the 2,820 southeast section of Radio Island. The design template for restoring and stabilizing the shoreline consists of placing 10 cubic yards per linear foot of material along the shoreline. The placement geometry consists of a dune system (8' above existing grade) of varying top width (20 to 35') that transitions to a beach berm that varies between 20' to 60' . Per the applicant the beach berm transitions to existing grade between +3' NAVD88 and -5' NAVD88. The design template would vary as placement progresses continuously along the beach, with changes to the top width of the dunes and beach berm to match existing grades and nearshore slopes. The county believes this project would help improve and ensure the protection to the county infrastructure that supports public access to the beach along the northern extent of the project. There would be two primary methods of dredging and transporting the material for placement on the beach. Hydraulic dredging with mechanical placement or mechanical dredging with mechanical placement. The county is proposing both methods in order to present both of the options to the selected dredge contractor, who would then select the most advantageous option based upon equipment needs, availability, schedule and cost. The mechanical dredging would consist of a clamshell or excavator type that would remove the spoil material from East Taylors Creek for placement at Radio Island. The spoil would be placed on a barge for transport and dewatered during transport. Once the spoils are at the site they would be placed along the beach strand via an excavator or clamshell within the beach fill template and final shaping would occur using an excavator Field Investigation Report: Carteret County Radio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Porject Page 03 or bulldozer on the beach. There would be four main aspects to the hydraulic construction methodology; dredged material containment area (DMCA), pipeline conveyance, hydraulic dredging and beach fill placement. a. DMCA In order to stabilize the material on Radio Island and be able to control the dredged material the applicant is proposing a DMCA. There would be two areas for the DMCA; the primary containment area and the water clarification area. The primary containment area would be constructed utilizing a series of dikes that would be built to have a crest elevation of + 28' NAVD88. The material used to construct the dikes would be excavated from the proposed DMCA site. The hydraulically pumped spoil material would be placed into the primary containment area, in slurry form, where it would remain while the material settles. The effluent would run off through a fixed elevation water control structure into the water clarification area. The material in the primary placement area would be stockpiled to a maximum elevation of +34' NAVD88 however the level of any ponded area would only be allowed to pond at a maximum elevation of +26' NAVD88 in order to maintain 2' of freeboard within the primary placement containment dikes. Pipe lines would be used that would adjust the ponding elevation through the use of weir boards to maximize the ponding elevation needed for clarification of the effluent. Due to the existing topography, in order to maintain 2' of freeboard the maximum elevation of the water would be allowed to be ponded at +10' NAVD88, which per the applicant should allow for over 24 hours of retention time prior to discharge of the effluent. After removal the dredge material from the primary placement area dikes would be shaped as close as possible to pre-existing conditions and the clarification area would be drained of any freestanding water. b. Pipeline Conveyance The material dredged from East Taylors Creek would be hydraulically pumped in a slurry from through a pipeline that would be placed between Carrot Island and the Taylors Creek navigation channel. The contractor would determine the best location for pipeline crossing the Bulkhead channel based on pipeline size and surrounding bathymetry to help ensure the pipeline does not impede on advertised navigation depths. The pipeline would come ashore within the project area and then would be laid beneath Marine Drive by open cut and cover placement to reach the DMCA. Once dredging is concluded the pipeline would be removed. c. Hydraulic Dredging A hydraulic dredge would excavate the material from East Taylors Creek using a rotating cutter head that would loosen the material and then would be suctioned into the pipeline in slurry from. The material would be transported to the DMCA Field Investigation Report: Carteret County Radio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Project Page 04 site through the pipeline. d. Beach fill Placement After the material is placed within the DMCA has sufficiently dewatered it would be excavated from within the dike area with excavators or front end loaders and loaded into off road trucks which would transport the material to the beach nourishment site and down to the beach area. The material would be dumped within the beach profile with the final profile and grading occurring with bulldozers and excavators on the beach. 11. Anticipated Impacts: The beach nourishment would fill 352,800 sf of estuarine shoreline with the DMCA filling 550,000 sf of high ground for spoil containment. Depending on the dredging method, the spoils would be contained within a transfer barge or at an upland area., Future beach nourishment would be anticipated. Name: Heather Styron Date: 12/2/2021 Morehead City