HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 4 - Radio Island Beach Fill Survey Report Geodynamics, an NV5 Company 310 Greenfield Dr., Suite A, Newport NC 28570 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 i 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 Project Description ....................................................................................................... 1 Project Area ................................................................................................................. 1 Report Purpose ............................................................................................................ 3 2.0 Survey Approach ................................................................................................. 3 Equipment ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Vessel ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Hardware .............................................................................................................. 4 2.1.3 Software ............................................................................................................... 5 Geodesy ...................................................................................................................... 5 Project Schedule and Weather..................................................................................... 6 3.0 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 8 Acquisition ................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Navigation and Sensor Positioning ....................................................................... 8 3.1.2 Bathymetry ........................................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 Topographic Elevations ........................................................................................ 8 Processing ................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 Bathymetry ........................................................................................................... 9 3.2.2 Topographic Elevations ........................................................................................ 9 3.2.3 Digital Elevation Modelling .................................................................................... 9 Quality Assurance and Quality Control ........................................................................10 4.0 Results ............................................................................................................... 11 4.1.1 Bathymetry ..........................................................................................................11 4.1.2 Topographic Elevations .......................................................................................13 4.1.3 Digital Elevation Modeling ....................................................................................15 5.0 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 19 6.0 Appendix ............................................................................................................ 20 Multibeam Sonar – Patch Test ....................................................................................20 Survey Control ............................................................................................................22 Sediment Samples ......................................................................................................23 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................40 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 ii List of Figures Figure 1. Survey extents for the topographic and bathymetric elevations. .................................. 2 Figure 2. RV 4Points .................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 3. VDatum online settings for converting Geoid12b data to Geoid18. .............................. 5 Figure 4. Tides throughout the survey. ....................................................................................... 6 Figure 5. Barometric pressure throughout the survey. ................................................................ 6 Figure 6. Air temperature throughout the survey. ....................................................................... 7 Figure 7. Wind speed and direction throughout the survey. ........................................................ 7 Figure 8. Statistics of the difference values from the UAV LiDAR elevations subtracted from the 2m rod elevations across profiles. .............................................................................................10 Figure 9. Statistics of the difference values from the bathymetric surface elevations subtracted from the 2m rod elevations across profiles. ...............................................................................11 Figure 10. Statistics of the difference values from the bathymetric surface elevations subtracted USACE singlebeam soundings collected on 7/20/21. ................................................................11 Figure 11. Multibeam bathymetry survey extents and results. ...................................................12 Figure 12. Topo-bathy profile data developed from 2m rod RTK shot points and the bathymetric surface. .....................................................................................................................................14 Figure 13. Digital Elevation Model of the LiDAR, multibeam bathymetry, and alongshore XYZ shot points. .......................................................................................................................................16 Figure 14. Map of LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry extents and the XYZ shotpoints collected to aid the modeling process, highlighting the area of interpolation. ...............................................18 Figure 15. Statistics comparing 2m shot points on Profiles 1 – 4 within the interpolated area to the elevations from the digital elevation model. ...............................................................................19 List of Tables Table 1. General Vessel Specifications of the R/V 4-Points. ...................................................... 3 Table 2. A list of all hardware used for topographic and bathymetric data acquisition. ............... 4 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 1 Project Description Geodynamics was contracted by Moffatt and Nichol to perform a shoreline hydrographic and topographic survey of approximately 2,850 ft of shoreline along Radio Island next to Gallants Channel, Beaufort, NC. This survey included recording elevation data across 5 profiles, multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry nearshore, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and orthoimagery data collected by a UAV for topographic elevations, and XYZ scatter data along the lower extents of the shoreface in between the extents of the LiDAR and bathymetry. The datasets were ultimately combined to generate a comprehensive topo-bathy digital elevation model (DEM). Additionally, 4 – 5 sediment samples were collected across morphologic zones along the profiles for sediment analysis. Project Area The survey area is oriented north-south along 2,850 ft of the Gallants Channel bounding shoreline of Radio Island in Beaufort, NC. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 2 Figure 1. Survey extents for the topographic and bathymetric elevations. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 3 Report Purpose This report provides a description of survey conditions, equipment, acquisition and processing methodologies, and an overview of survey results. Equipment The RV 4Points was used for acquiring MBES data. Figure 2. RV 4Points Table 1. General Vessel Specifications of the R/V 4-Points. General Vessel Specifications Vessel name R/V 4Points Owner Geodynamics Dimensions: 25' x 10' x 1.2’ USCG: Designated Research Vessel Flag: U.S. Registry: North Carolina Reg No: NC 5443 WV Tonnage: 4.5 Lab space: 2 Operator Stations Lavatory: Bucket Max Speed: 30 knots Min. Survey Speed: 2.5 knots Propulsion: 2 x 150 HP Yamaha Outboard Motors Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 4 Auxiliary Power: 5kW Fischer Panda Generator Fuel Cap.: 120 gallons GPS: 2 x Simrad NSS Series Magnetic Compass: Richie Radar: Lowrance Broadband Autopilot: Simrad AP-28 VHF: ICOM 504 Internet: Verizon 4G LTE JetPack The following equipment was used for acquiring topographic and bathymetric elevations. Table 2. A list of all hardware used for topographic and bathymetric data acquisition. Hardware Equipment Function Manufacturer Model Navigation & Attitude Primary GNSS Receiver - Positioning and Orientation System for Marine Vessels (POS MV) Position/Attitude/Heading Applanix 320 v5 Primary GNSS Antenna (port) Position/Attitude/Heading Trimble/ Aeroantenna 540AP Secondary GPS-GNSS Antenna (starboard) Position/Attitude/Heading Trimble/ Aeroantenna 540AP Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) Position/Attitude/Heading Applanix IMU-38 2 GPS Cables (20 m) Position/Attitude/Heading Trimble n/a IMU Cable (30 m) Position/Attitude/Heading Applanix IP68 Cellular Internet Mobile Internet Verizon Jetpack Leica Smartnet RTK Corrections Leica RTCM 3 Topography Receiver XYZ Trimble R10 Survey Rod Fixed height measurement Trimble 2m w/flat base on land and point base for benchmarks Controller Recording Receiver data Trimble TSC3 MBES Sonar Processing Unit (PU) Bathymetry Kongsberg 2040C PU 2 15m Sonar Cables Bathymetry Kongsberg EM2040 Surface Sound Velocimeter Bathymetry Applied Microsystems Micro Sound Velocity (SV) Sound Profile Velocimeter Bathymetry Applied Microsystems Base X2 2 Sonar Heads Bathymetry Kongsberg 2040C-Dual Head Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 5 Geodesy All survey data received corrections and/or was referenced with the NC Real Time Network correction service, and either recorded in NAD83(2011) NC State Plane Feet using Geoid18 or post-processed using Geoid18 and converted to NC State Plane Feet. Vdatum online was used to convert topographic elevations from Geoid12b to Geoid18. Figure 3. VDatum online settings for converting Geoid12b data to Geoid18. Software Function Version Manufacturer Qinsy Navigation 9.3.1 QPS SIS Recording, plotting, and controlling multibeam echosounder 4.3.2 Kongsberg SeaCast Recording sound velocity profile data 4.2 AML POSView Recording vessel/sensor attitude and positioning 10.5 Applanix Surfer Gridding XYZ datasets 9 Golden Software Hypack Planning and merging topo-bathy datasets 2019 Xylem ArcGIS Pro Plan and develop deliverable products 2.8.0 ESRI Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 6 Project Schedule and Weather All survey activities took place on 7/20/21. Topographic data, including UAV flight was collected in the morning during low tide. However, rain and mist prevented the UAV flight from being performed at the lowest tide possible. Bathymetry data were collected in the afternoon during peak high tide to maximize shoreward coverage. The following figures illustrate tide and meteorological conditions for the duration of the survey. Figure 4. Tides throughout the survey. Figure 5. Barometric pressure throughout the survey. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 7 Figure 6. Air temperature throughout the survey. Figure 7. Wind speed and direction throughout the survey. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 8 Acquisition All spatial data were collected using DGNSS corrections from the North Carolina Real Time Network (NC RTN) service. This service provides differential corrections over the internet to obtain survey-grade accuracies using the NAD83(2011) ellipsoid. Although the data were recorded with Geoid12b to reduce ellipsoid elevations to NAVD88, the data were post-processed with Geoid18 or converted using VDatum as necessary. Multibeam soundings were precisely positioned using the Applanix POS MV v5 Inertial-aided navigation system for position, heading, attitude, heave and velocity in realtime and post- processing. Attitude and navigation data for a mutual location near the transducers were provided to the acquisition software, SIS, to be precisely co-referenced in terms of position and orientation so that each transducer in SIS would appropriately record heave, pitch, and roll corrected soundings with DGNSS quality positions with respect to the vessel reference frame defined in the POS MV configuration. This information was also recorded through POSView, the POS MV controller software, and used in post-processing to recompute GPS heights and positions in the event that accuracies were degraded. All offsets, orientations and settings were defined or verified prior to survey operations. A patch test was performed prior to the survey to define and verify any potential biases in the comprehensive integration between the vessel reference frame and the transducers’ orientations. A patch test document can be found in the Appendix. Multibeam bathymetry was recorded in SIS software. The EM-2040c DH system was operated at 300 kHz, equidistant beam spacing and angles between 72 - 80̊ to maximize coverage over adjacent slopes or features when necessary. Qinsy software was used for navigation and verification of coverage across the survey extents. A sound velocity cast was performed on site before any acquisition and integrated in realtime for accurate beamforming through the water column. A MicroSV sensor mounted at the transducers allowed monitoring of realtime surface sound velocities with respect to the profile values at that depth (~0.8 m). Sound velocities remained constant, and one cast was used for the survey. Survey speeds were maintained around 3-4 kts to safely navigate the vessel traffic, current, jetties, and potential shoreline features that complicate navigation. This also allowed for excellent data density across the jetties and bedform features throughout the channel. Topographic elevations were collected using a TSC3 and a Trimble R10 on a 2m survey rod with a flat base to accommodate the sand. Prior to data acquisition, this system was used with a point base to verify the alignment of the NC RTN correction service with a nearby NC Geological Survey (NCGS) benchmark, “Betty” (see Survey Control Report in Appendix). Across the profiles, data were collected at ~3 ft intervals or at breaks in morphology from either the start of the profile or to the extents of access. Given the weather conditions that had prevented the UAV from acquiring LiDAR data at peak low tide, a series of XYZ shot points were collected Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 9 along the shoreline at a lower depth to fill in gaps in coverage between the UAV and bathymetry data. Processing Bathymetry data were processed using CARIS HIPS software and POSPac software. POSPac provided a platform to post-process the attitude and navigation data for a few instances of dropouts in the NC RTN service and compute a smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) to override the realtime records in HIPS. This process used the same nearby CORS station that provided realtime DGNSS corrections to reintegrate the recorded raw satellite and ephemeris data with the raw vessel navigation and attitude stored in the POSPac file. HIPS integrated the positions and attitude correctors and the GPS Height from the SBET to reduce the soundings from the NAD83(2011) ellipsoid to NAVD88 orthometric elevations using Geoid18, and finally compute a projected surface in NC State Plane coordinate reference system. The surface and swath data were reviewed in 2D and 3D subsets where erroneous soundings or artifacts were removed from the dataset. The final surface was computed at 3 ft resolution and exported for further development in ArcGIS software. One-foot contours were generated and used to further review the dataset for logical consistency of the contours and any potential misalignments of the overlapping swath dataset. The XYZ points were extracted in ArcPro to produce an XYZ dataset item to integrate into a digital elevation modeling (DEM). Hypack was used to merge the gridded cell values to the planned profile lines in Hypack software to generate points with a “distance from baseline” (DBL) value; a distance interval computed from the start of the planned survey line. Profile data were converted to a shapefile and ASCII file, including the following fields: Profile Location, Profile Number, X, Y, Z_NAVD88, and Method (Topo vs. Hydro). Topographic data were set to only record when RTK accuracies were met in the TSC3. All data were exported as an XYZ dataset and converted from NAD83(2011) NC SPF using Geoid12b to elevations with Geoid18 using VDatum Online. Profile data were merged onto the profile lines in Hypack software to generate DBL values. Profile data were then converted to a shapefile and ASCII file, including the following fields: Profile Location, Profile Number, X, Y, Z_NAVD88, Distance from Baseline (DBL) and Method. Scatter XYZ data collected alongshore were exported as an XYZ dataset to integrate in the DEM process and provided as a point shapefile. To remove any false depths below the water level at the time of the UAV survey, orthoimagery recorded during the flight was used to clip the LiDAR grid at the water line alongshore. The grid was exported to provide as an XYZ dataset and for integration into a comprehensive DEM. Development of the model included XYZ data from the clipped LiDAR grid, the bathymetry surface, and the nearshore scatter data collected alongshore. The dataset was gridded at 3 ft using a Kriging algorithm and clipped based on the extents of combined extents of the individual datasets. Contours were developed at 1ft intervals and provided as a shapefile. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 10 Quality Assurance and Quality Control In addition to pre-survey QAQC measures, individual datasets were reviewed and compared to each other and third-party datasets. The first step was verifying the NC RTN service with published benchmarks to ensure proper configuration and operation of the network service (see Survey Control Report). With this verified, we compared all other datasets to the 2m rod heights. Considering the 2m rod collected XYZ points over sand with a flat base, both the LiDAR and bathymetry datasets computed mean differences of less than 0.1 ft. Figure 8. Statistics of the difference values from the UAV LiDAR elevations subtracted from the 2m rod elevations across profiles. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 11 Figure 9. Statistics of the difference values from the bathymetric surface elevations subtracted from the 2m rod elevations across profiles. Additionally, the USACE performed a singlebeam echosounder survey of the Bulkhead Channel Ranges 1-2A on the same day. This data overlapped with the bathymetry survey to provide a verification of the recorded data. Statistics of the 3 ft bathymetric surface compared to the individual singlebeam soundings reveal a mean of less than 0.1 ft. Figure 10. Statistics of the difference values from the bathymetric surface elevations subtracted USACE singlebeam soundings collected on 7/20/21. Computing Total Propagated Uncertainties is a valuable metric to theoretically assess accuracies. Additional methods include using ground-truthed datasets, such as that from the 2m rod and comparing to validated, third-party datasets from vendors such as USACE. The series of statistics computed herein using data results and comparisons across multiple data types, vendors and platforms indicates the accuracy of the survey data meets and exceeds the accuracy of the survey requirements in accordance to EM 1110-2-1003 standards. The multibeam bathymetry survey spanned depths from -39’ to -1.9’ nearshore. The surface captures the nearshore berm, sand waves, and the jetty structure. Data were not collected behind the jetty between the structure and the shoreline due to safety. The 3 ft bathymetric surface compared well to the topographic profile data and USACE singlebeam soundings to a mean of less than 0.1 ft. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 12 Figure 11. Multibeam bathymetry survey extents and results. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 13 Topographic profile data captured the breaks in morphology and overlap with both the LiDAR and bathymetry data with excellent agreement with a mean value less than 0.1 ft. The alongshore XYZ dataset provides elevations that assisted in the DEM development. To extend the depth of the profiles, elevations from the bathymetric surface were extracted for the seaward extents. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 14 Figure 12. Topo-bathy profile data developed from 2m rod RTK shot points and the bathymetric surface. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 15 The comprehensive DEM is a combination of the LiDAR, multibeam bathymetry, and alongshore XYZ shot points. Contours do not cross each other and gaps between the datasets interpolated well. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 16 Figure 13. Digital Elevation Model of the LiDAR, multibeam bathymetry, and alongshore XYZ shot points. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 17 Due to safety concerns, the RV 4Points was not able to access the area between the jetty and the shoreline. XYZ shot points were collected to assist in gridding. The interpolated area appears natural with no crossing contours but does show deviations from the elevations recorded on Profile 5 from 0.5 to -2 ft and should be considered as a “best interpolation” area. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 18 Figure 14. Map of LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry extents and the XYZ shot points collected to aid the modeling process, highlighting the area of interpolation. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 19 Elsewhere alongshore where the interpolated gap between the two datasets is smaller, the elevations from the topo data on Profiles 1 – 4 is more consistent with the modeled elevations, showing a standard deviation of 0.23 ft and a mean less than 0.1 ft for the elevation differences from within this gap. A polygon of this interpolated region as seen in Figure 14 is provided in the deliverables for guidance on usage of the comprehensive DEM. Another potential source of these deviations is the DEM resolution of 3 ft will not reproduce the same resolution of single shot points, especially when taken across breaks in morphology. Figure 15. Statistics comparing 2m shot points on Profiles 1 – 4 within the interpolated area to the elevations from the digital elevation model. These individual datasets provided meet or exceed the standards set forth in the EM 1110-2-1003 and CETN II-38 documents and satisfy the requirements listed in the Technical Standards for Beach Fill Projects document 15A NCAC07H.0312. The comprehensive DEM accurately displays elevations for all areas of data coverage and interpolated areas match closely to ground-truthed elevations with the exception of the larger gap between the jetty and shoreline where access was a safety concern. Analysis of sediment samples can be found in the Appendix. The information regarding methodology and quality control for the LiDAR and orthoimagery collected by the UAV will be provided in a separate report. Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 20 Multibeam Sonar – Patch Test Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 21 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 22 Survey Control Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 23 Sediment Samples Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 24 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 25 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 26 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 27 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 28 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 29 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 30 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 31 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 32 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 33 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 34 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 35 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 36 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 37 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 38 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 39 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 40 Scope of Work Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 41 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 42 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 43 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 44 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 45 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 46 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 47 Radio Island Beach Fill Survey; July 2021 48