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86006D - Hill
°'t0A""' rOCAMA DREDGE & FILL N9 86006 A B { GENE AL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued New ['Modification ['Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue • As authorize the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I 5A NCAC 0"7-1\ r2 00 O' -k <'C)C) ❑Rules attached.0. (— General Permit Rules available at the following link:www•deq.nc.gov/CAMArules t Applicant Name �, t\\ Authorized Agent Address 123 062-e.'‘ k Ste.<.•), 41 V A `, Project Location(County): .\J r.,.►S c AC---'City O(24 . . \.SL.t.\I c4\ State IJ C. ZIP 72 i t (1 Street Address/State Road/Lot# ) /(h �Ct.(w 41 C.('1 Of Phone#(2SBILI s7 2'i 'I (10(- 6 Email GCOC't0.V,Ck co C/.ti c.,(. (° -it. Subdivision lA&I1 1.1 (G(:Q� City (9C,(."Ct,. \L`•c.. tc.tk ZIP '2 ,'ti(o(k Affected ❑cw rat EW PTA ❑ES III PIS Adj.Wtr.Body /e:t_i , - 1 an/unk) AEC(s): ❑OEA �IHA LUW ❑SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body .A"\kfJw ORW:yes t` o,' PNttno Type of Protect/Activity ((/�ca.c< ML,A4.�7.••ur.cy . (\_‘(eA q •t)_ cam- \•`.e.1/4s. C .c._.t £sr k(.•.•. cC..c►I►it (Scale:�is) Shoreline Length A l0-1' (v•- 6•xt �--;, Access Length tr 110N t 10.4.4.., 1Y.S •ti t� 1 , , Pier(dock)length (0 ' �t C/ / V / G? v�` (.Jv Fixed Platform(s) (ta x i1P J(:.7u,pO / v; ' 1 << tcL4ek to �,. ..-.:— Floating Platforms) RIriI ( lrp;t.Qsilk -3, NLW Fingerpier(s) �.n.)1/y'�(t�r�\PPr'n}- \\ 5'2fo- J Total Platform area _„ � Groin length/0 C,,,shs PtG(.tKnc-POO " . ^ 4•-•d - i �_ Bulkhead/Riprap length Cu.n.ewr t1grkit., I U I Avg distance offshore J7 �• Q1<.V2- ft 411 SCVS Breakwater/Sill thoft�M"- t•tiri,, ski-Lt.-NWT' G ' Max distance/length (�I�G y C �/•* 1 ' ` It Basin,channel 3� A'"3,O �� r a Cubic yards z`(1 C V. '"(L`i 41,ram'`.",v.' L0( I. I Boat ramp .`` Boathouse/Boatlift, 1 L KI S t , v. t 111� Beach Bulldozing_ P L e L Other SNP/C- FL e t..A- tuo5 t Inc t•� KAk er°e c ikAk-c. (\ , SAV observed: s o _ A l ki (\ ..j Moratorium: n/a yes ll� ` 1Jt"'��''r��C'�, l 0 Site Photos: s no ,LV\-- i3 Riparian Waiver Attached: Lno t n A building permit/zoning perm ay be required by: 0 L,L(•A. `s`C- ( e..t-(:4 � `` n TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) PermitConditfor �1✓C Aq..•, Mu(�- rc.,.•.� c..,\'� ,.c11ln _tcc_Ao Cric�•nk' 0.,.. � tw.S'k (IA\ot., nC(,‘L'1. 1'1f.�0J (Shu(r�,.ec(,v �� bcfe�y��% t.'t_�� be (.o-,.\utc ,�! n See note on back regarding River Basin rules Or tJ! V) t•,SLtt kWIt1\ (-G \\cli�1•.•r AUdr. J�•l(.V,C•c U 1)<Y(t� '-' I 1 Jr`� See additional notes/conditions on back nouC e�tt(ru.I+ fy•,,,a1� of t.,,<.�s.ebt y ()ft 6rea3e S(er(5A.-Ja( bt ia•.16,,tc� c.ACt _ef Ici• bo .r I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEtdfE OMPLIANCE STATE(p1 NT. (Please Initial) p,ii v_, , t) t.•i' ,/-I/ L Z AC4,1 tbL.K 2-.--2..1-k1,- Alirck.iritpplicant PRINTkD!largePerm er's PRI T Nam 4 t/� 24 21 Slenature**Please read _ecadd compliance statement on back of permit** Slenature lV ,3ce''''4 CAMA Ti DREDGE & FILL No 86006 A B c rvy GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit /% J Date previous permit issued i New n Modification n Complete Reissue I I Partial Reissue As authorized by thee State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: ISA NCAC ` .2 1"1� 1 l 00 0 3 tk \SQ 0 n Rules attached. r.1 General Permit Rules available at the following link:www.dea.nc.gov/CAMArulei Applicant Nam)e kii, r`�' V"A R i Authorized Agent '"'" Address 1a 7 OC. .e '\ y1 C- • 1J`V c+ (� Project Location(County): i-".n, 6 k4 City n Crt._O.-. kSJ ...Sc�C‘ C State N ZIP 7 b A k. 1 Street Address/State/Road/Lot# 167 '•lC4.w 41 C 41 :: Phone#(2Itj rI 2`lc CC-1 [[��� v E E Email ECV cko.. c'e y,--. .4. (4 A\ Subdivision /` G1, h e le.Lz. City 0 Crc.4,, \SL'c. i C,..c`1 ZIP ? '(‘'k VA Affected n CW EW PTA IIIES PTS Adj.Wtr.Body `�,c+.11/4{ - ' Cry an/unl. AEC(s): illOEA �IHA �UW nBody SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj.Wtr. A \.�JJW*`'^.i ORW:yes/no,• PN /nov e Type of Project/Activity ''LA<-1�•c't tYk_\r.�a�• ••em v e (' q J't�a cr.. . ._\k t\-e, J Ao kc ." i r "rA.c+ It l (Scale:N ) Shoreline Length -F (a ),, Access Length 1, )( 1QI\ i , , ,. 7- -a . _ _.r --t 1 xra ,. brJ A Pier(dock)length (0 ii✓ / ',` s• rt l /qc Fixed Platform(s) 1112 XI to C ca.w.JO' " t .� ` , J d A' - (� etc fro • Floating Platform(s) XI i ka "`t i y,, µ/ , ( i .«.. i t 1.:' t 1 i't i: \ ttv tA-100`- r ,�. Finger pier(s) I . { + I n S Zb l' '- .. _.. Total Platform area S Groin length/# CI- ' ' • t'"t 1 -` ,. Bulkhead/Riprap length .. t___.. _ I }. _ . .._ . . Avg distance offshore iL ` Breakwater/Sill ^t. •.`, •• •t. • •- ' 't� .. Max distance/length {_LC- ? \. , Basin,channel tin '''1 1 X"3.0 i Cubic yards 3 '2I CO. "4. S .-.--a • .' 9 i Boat ramp '. +, • 1 Boathouse/Boatlift +z>><1 S f} ' ,..- Beach Bulldozing i X »...,. _. _,.— +; r Other ? C Ck 0 1 W 4 17 it_ IU-1-1S y 4_4_ , , i ‘, , ' .._ I1a 1 aka SAV observed: s o t Moratorium: n/a yes ('1,1, C s �•� �� Site Photos: no; $ I Riparian Waiver Attached: e no t T� A building permit/zoning perk.mit may be required by: 0(ram \S <- L I.C i/1 Permit Conditions 1)1,•+N .'� tr.v.L4 l« N c�''� v.ri+sh^. �+L '3P .Ir• n TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) to. ., r tniAr!,i.., Pl�+, -;�o.j is 1•.•ur,t ,1,„..cil �t4C.%, 4., S c IN \o tcy.•r1y1 .(. n See note on back regarding River Basin rule: qr K., �'. Ak tLx+,41+`1(` F,.�. !t,C,i,,,+:1 Aoc\C, S�f..tIrJ c. U bock. .,.......Ak �/ L `` L ((�� ` (4 See additional notes/conditions on back ;•l)\` -k '4;VJ-- Yt1 ',-..•NV.- c l '..1 r^'le( V \4\ ?OA C1,.\[-e c 01 i 4 or.,,,l r( (}<. rn-.�'..a r 2. r..CC,Lill i, U I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWEDl LOMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) t rnctcn Uru.. k Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit'iffi er's pRIfiTdp Name" tatement of Compliance and Consistency his permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may ubject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. his permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for ompliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this ermit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the )cal land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) as been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). he State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available iformation and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. ,iver Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: lease ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized roject area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. ivision of Coastal Management Offices forehead City Headquarters Washington District DO Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 52-808-2808/1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 252-946-6481 serves:Carteret,Craven—south of the Neuse River,Onslow Fax: 252-948-0478 ounties) (Serves: Beaufort,Craven—north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) lizabeth City District Wilmington District D1 S.Griffin St.Ste.300 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 lizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 52-264-3901 Fax:910-395-3964 serves: Bertie,Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Dare,Gates, Hertford, (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties) 1 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: b Ilk V r el '1 ' 01 (--(-- Mailing Address: /A 3 0 eza n T.:S k -t c i fly of 0L' ea ,1 Isle Z�ke. C‘ r1 C 2J-y4 q Phone Number: -LC 2 -7 f 1 -7 t q 1 Email Address: r� k rig I t ,a & evvrt : ( , e Yv1 I certify that I have authorized )aV e Ci • N , t-'t' Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: at my property located at / ' 6 Aty EA, A,1 c4, lb CC., , in0114.4 yt4,,-a County. zS t( 4 t I furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Prope O wner Information: a Signature Dalit a f.i ,'s-e-- Print or Type Name t,w rt�r.'L Title ( LI ( I 2_ / Date RECEIVED DEC 13 2021 This certification is valid through / 2- / 7 ( / 2 Z-- DCM WILMINGTON, NC N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: D RV I Q 111. OM ff Q b�j Address of Property: 10 .BP \WAVL� 0(eC.n 1 L. g_kc-k, jPC d10 Mailing Address of Owner: 12-3 O( c&n )5`Q (1.)3W .lv cl_ XeCill I.02 5-e ,o ,K.,L 4\IL1 Owner's email: G•CUDt'ful DggfpII,C°Yh Owner's Phone#: d50 'IN - 7ay•-f ,---- Agent's Name: -__--- Agent Phone#: ....----- Agent's Email: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property.The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A de tion or drawing,with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. scrif I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive EXT, Wilmington,NC 28405.DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15'setback Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner(ARPO) -OR- RECEIVED I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement(initial the blank) 04C- FEB 01 2022 Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: 0_10-t:AAV-1) 01A-0-4{)-0-1-0--12 DCM WILMINGTON, N( Typed/Printed name of ARPO: CNN(C' C---)WQW Mailing Address of ARPO: Q.'o • ---- oAF 0V .W1/4-4 D 1-PJ j W- ZDik.OG ARPO's email: Q a ' /1 C Q,wvoi\.Corn ARPO's Phone#: 9 t D-Ste- 5.)t Date: \\a3.\ .02,-'1 *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* Revised May 2021 • '- .• * • ;..;klCOM N C DIVISION Of COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM (Top portion to be oompAstod by owner or INN soot) Nein*0/Poven,'Ofiew r; Ai tiv (_ moms* 4 il of Proven, 14 ZIA °At " aefe'A- 17"tj/t-t7:4P:etc 2- thC.--114 Womb /wows of 04~ /AJ e"Ce' i -r-S '441"fr I. t v • 1 Owners derwit EC 44d4 -41:ArNers Ptveol, çt Awns*Nan Abort Polonof sows Ents4 4•••......1.••••••••••••••• ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION tfollem owlion to Is eosnollsadlv IN Adam*Prosody Oiffeet, feeer we*me oon proossly scIpsoont to tno*tom roIsionokl prOCertos The buy apptylev14x rls frd IS 14el re, as sovoil on the attached*awn. me ant Vvry foe VIDC4041000 A Wmo0010kOr¢IIINFELiertatyminscas cnifiLP/rep:12004P Ess liner _lawil CO NOT have(*aliens to meonvosat „I DO now otsoctons to Ibis proposal N you Re CO4PC00011 to %WIN being proposed. you Roust not* INN N.C. &vision a" CoifsS4J Nanegoonont(DCI) ofting WOO 10(lays al recotpt of Wes (Wks Compapondence shot*, to /*need to 121 Cardinal Ortv,EXT,WANNIMINon,NC MOS D011 rsonosnOsttsios can also di consorted at (71101 Tt.-72.111. No rowans* Is coneidurod the same se no oityncbon if you haw boon nottflud by ObrOlkod OWL WAVER SECTION undfroserd me Ant Pk.OPOSOCt orar.Oak moorrg pine,tic.rwy.breakwater, boalflowas. ti or;from rivet be sog booa wwwswnessbanbod 15 *ern my NOS at 01)W1110=OM%rem.Ws by ire doll not INN I 0 N*hi**at amp froperwits) !al wish to watt***IWIeeek.you MUM" appeopnats bar*Wow • 00*IOW sow sonmova o/too 1$settecii. • amigo Aciocont Rosman Row?,Ovieef(ARPO) I do not mete to me I Imesa roxitatottent(I Irks Monk) 11 Ilignatore at Allsoar*Moaners Proosay Ow21.,107.1 Typsd Pvntod name of' A flit RPO: rf 1. liming cfc(Els% ARP° II. 7 tisi kt) '%" '44-Le_10 4' Lit ‘iq tss"'i ARPO s 1 ARPO's Ptt000, L 01 " 3773 .vo3,r4tf file114 fof up to on ysa( from ARPO's 51matuW RititviSed May 202 1 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: Q'U e6C) Address of Property: 1 ' f a _ t-oac-L ' f\ Q Mailing Address of Owner: / 1-3 0.0 4 ti' 7 GJ e 1O a-Q-04 Owner's email: ?C-1-(0/C1-u� CIE. `vim. 4 t wher's Phone#: aS2 .7 I `r '0--`1 Agent's Name: Agent Phone#: Agent's Email: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. J I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive EXT, Wilmington, NC 28405.DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback Signature o djacent Riparian Property Owner(ARPPO�G�I�E� -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement(initial the blank) FEB 0 1 2022 Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: DCM WILMINGTON, NC Typed/Printed name of ARPO: L,elyd cY\ Mailing Address of ARPO: L(1Orink,vr3 S-i- 0 ..Qo+1'1 IS\j2 '? `J-) t .r ot /t ARPO's email: lgl N0(-CO ARPO's Phone#: 9161 604—Y5 11 Date: I Z 2- *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* Revised May 2021 ��1�\/ ..1 :.—- .i Vim•• a W �o r:o• - .. D �VYa �� '�. v t -Q 1 d40g�� •.Qp ,4a Q' p uk .eoo..._a� a r 41'L �r��� a •D�'�',�ti�•.avvi/�'QAa10o Zv�'., :aaa. c�o�a �p Q v/ p� •e���Oq�:''��a.s- Q ,�•v :�Q.a41► 1� y;• Q:Q� • � 001±p� .�Q.(�► �.aD���,,� pj Q D AD �;.�_4�+��rNi r�O-Qn1 ji Q .a� re,: •.1 ,ri D'Pc ' aa�aP�ac q"'°0IC='a •C>a0G7 0 0° 441va�.• 0.'rt.*.a���,10 .��o' d a V . P Selfiftn .Alb i:/1i,;QQ1L�,nti\wo a ate; `a .�4 ° ire 'a r 3D 4 _o taut Q 1 i / �A� , ao � Oo .o do0 Qeo�� ry �.!„e 1`�, .c.'N. Ao 0u�de'��QQ,o d�a aQD� •�N'el!-/2;,A 3 rd k D . n•an.n._. ..n:n� �. n� • ��1r 1 RECEIVED r urea 1 1ltARW�� M�1 1 1 p � 1.. s ft, °� xvtt, FEB 1 f 202E l 4441,10\ % I �� e:1 ► f T I ti DCM WIL INGTON, NC �L_1. -, ..ram+ A p. r e);P:ft j•R 1 Vi ' f, it •4. ....................T ?-\9- &gam FOUP tifirC61" 't 1\ ) I '`...,... WON PQR %LX�0 a \ • 2 us .� '—'"1 t1ARrrl1 LW de �— . . 11 ►Jew ' 1 1 VFW IC Y*TEA 111E {� Att.' 4 L' — 1 4 a .\ RUTS a UUUOlCM t'' f1n .41' " lea. 0�+1°` s f ar osw�-, ' quo \ MOMx,lD11• / NIT 5840 7tl c_jt Sr\\ . )07 / -2 5A21 SCFf. Gi S[ l 810150FT Ji 1 • _ atz 3rs 0.12 KRfS .: �15 1 ' • fit' Y �1 _. g � 4Y. S' �®N V it , I PI M g /'\ ' •`d /I I. xa / l 1 e S ' • `y. // \ t IlII... a A A ' ' ' un srt ®s I 2 n,, \` o �� r I 0 WPM Mon --- 1 m, . ■ r 1 v p �: 11i".' 1— o • —sm. .- - -- o a�iw0 spur'�•_'° • --- niv w N 1::-.1 .•.m 11 114111:ME41E IN 2 `J I! 81 P E A pril qM 8 -T-,-, ~f P i 1�� GE 31EOT1MlS 1 i A i 11 1 A Illd it 62 il I ; woo um rn go A i i ! ill! 1 A pi {Z I ��mupgi 4 Am Pr \ f 1 . t �.. Ili.-, Ni e1 ,...... I illleil I MARITIME PLACE PROPERLY OWNERS ASSOCIATION A is DEED BOO(2544,PACE 22 x x g : J TAX PARCEL+2441E00223 i t 8 LOT OS x-�,w \T 1l.fis 7er'''''''' --RA \ _ NIO' = A>� L ��=.830'.°f R • i to r \ x \ x t t^ ✓ �yp i -6 11'Ad 3" a 08'OE E0.67' $ — 3 siro. 18 1 _B _-lita p � oN o —,5. Ir -- IW ��� \ I x I / x v�f �p1d 0� �, ��dW • '� �TM10 o.il Imo—MIti \\ \ST @S g gl $ N1Y/d'r 1 \ w 99 \ ,BL'9�A7T1 BV1S a p / \ DNI011f18 1N3OYfOY� id 4 \\ /MORRIS & EUZABETH LITTLEFIELD r5/ 3 - I / DEED BOOK 3409,PAGE 750 I / \ TAX PARCEL 12444E03207 ' 1 \\ `�_ __J : 1 � RECEIVED =1 m —— / DEC 13 2021 j I _o s g°, °i s.i ` v / DCM WILMINGTON. NC ��,,,r aY1I/1t � / A .r.aa°°>o• I1lirIiili1 Ali vQ,y ,aon Sn51� / i ai liII1Io1e IMP IIi V ME 12430, —!▪ PROJECT/: 2110-03 BOUNDARY&TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR: 1E - ?; ,° P: DATE: 10-19-2021 ? TOWNSF4 54441011E COUNTY: BROWNY:1c 0 STATE: NC j : 1 Plonked Adak.:5041-3 Win Stmt.Sn.b1r..NC 28470 SEA BREEZE CUSTOM BUILDERS Consent for Use of General Permit 711.1200 Lot Number tddress: tP \ A �\ck tj'• (Lo} 0 UCt," kS(t, Dc1-6h County: 'J r�•\s �`, ti L— Subdivision: ' C1 M-a. l c.t . b A Criteria: (check all that apply) Primary Nursery Areas. ti Less than 2.0ft deep. O Greater than 2.0ft but less than 3.0ft. O Submerged Aquatic Vegetation. O Bottr habitat. Comments: AnkAC.(4....k k S R'N 1 L V n C7 r `0- S"�1 te- \jt' A, . l,pn(L(cJt. ‘,..a^\� 6 k( i�nnJ-C., oftioet.. 1 r `T "Mt G-txt ds ( 102.'� S't -10') o•C S 4.\s See. QQ,�ac`. Condition: in-water-work moratorium from�1 Ap to 30 Septe ber Decision: Xissue General Permit 0 Elevate to Major Permit / ux6 '� 62, 2/10/2022 NC Division of Marine Fisheries Representative Date NC Wildlife Resources Commission Representative Date i . _ _ _ ATFA LC /Vf oJKtiiiii am5on lA sfe0= 7f3 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Dexter R.Matthews,Director Division of Waste Management Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary December 19,2006 Ike Williamson Clearing&Grading P.O.Box 1602 Shallotte,NC 28459 Re: Land Clearing&Inert Debris Notification for Site Less than 2 Acres in Size Ike Williamson Dump Site SR 1154 Shallotte,Brunswick County Recordation:Book 2519 Pages 0093 File ID No.N0713 Dear Mr. Williamson: The Solid Waste Section reviewed your Land Clearing and Inert Debris(LCID)landfill notification for the above referenced address received December 15,2006. Based on the information submitted in the notification,approval for operation of a LCID landfill is hereby granted for disposal activities at the referenced property as long as the facility does not exceed 2 acres in size. Please be aware that you will be in violation of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule.0563(1)and subject to enforcement action should your LCID disposal facility exceed 2 acres in size. Facilities larger than 2 acres must comply with more stringent requirements for an individual permit. The Notification process does not satisfy the conditions for an individual LCID permit greater than 2 acres in size. The authorization for a LCID disposal facility less than 2 acres in size is issued under the conditions summarized below and specifically contained in North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B Sections .0563, .0564 and.0566. 1) When the property is sold,leased,conveyed or transferred,the deed or other instrument of transfer shall contain in the description section a statement that clearly states the property was used as a Land Clearing and Inert Debris landfill. The statement shall be in type that is no smaller than the size used in the body of the deed or instrument. 2) Amendments or revisions to the Solid Waste Management Rules or the violation of groundwater standards may necessitate modification of the construction,operation or closure of this facility. RECEIVED 3) This authorization is not transferable. FEB 01 202C DCM WILMINGTON,NC 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Telephone 919-508-8400',FAX 919-733-48101 Internet http://wastenotnc.org ion EQual O000rrtunir;I AYi^native Acton Employer—Printed on Dual Purpose Paper Land Clearing&Inert Debris Notification for Site Less than 2 Acres in Size Ike Williamson Dump Site File ID No.N0713 December 19,2006 Page 2 of 2 4) A land clearing and inert debris landfill as defined in Rule.0101(54)means a facility for the land disposal of land clearing waste, concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, gravel and rock, untreated and unpainted wood and yard trash. a) Land Clearing Waste as defined in Rule .0101(53) as solid waste which is generated solely from land- clearing activities, limited to stumps,trees, limbs,brush, grass, and other naturally occurring vegetative material. b) Yard Trash, as defined in Rule .0101(55) means solid waste resulting from landscaping and yard maintenance such as brush,grass,tree limbs and similar vegetative materials c) As provided under North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.09B(a)(1),used asphalt or used asphalt mixed with dirt,sand,gravel,rock,and concrete may also be accepted for disposal. 5) Site preparation and construction shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B.0564,Siting Criteria for Land Clearing and Inert Debris(LCID)Landfills. 6) The facility must be operated in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B.0566,Operational Requirements for Land Clearing and Inert Debris(LCID)Landfills. 7) The approved facility must comply with the sedimentation and erosion control requirements contained in 15A NCAC 4, Sedimentation Control. Construction and operations involving sedimentation and erosion control activities greater than 1 acre typically require approval from the Land Quality Section. You should contact the Land Quality Section at(919)733-4574 to determine whether your disposal activities require approval. 8) Ground water quality at this facility is subject to the classification and remedial action provisions of 15A NCAC 2L,Classifications and Water Quality Standards. Please contact the Water Quality Section(1-877-623-6748) for additional information. 9) Closure of the facility shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B.0566(5). The closure requirements stipulate that at least 1 feet of suitable soil cover be applied within 120 calendar days after completion of any phase of disposal operations or upon revocation of the authorization. The soil cover must be slored to allow surface water runoff in a controlled manner. Please note that the regulations give the Solid Waste Section the authority to require further actions if needed to correct any adverse condition. Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact either me at 919.508.8498 or Ray Williams,Waste Management Specialist for the Brunswick County region,at 910.796.7388. Sincerely, Geoffrey H. Little Permit Engineer c: Paul Crissman,DWM Ray Williams,DWM Amy Annechino,DWM �ECEIVED Ed Mussler,DWM John Crowder FEB 01 2022 1-1:1Permitting\LCiDlNot cation_Temp!ate:Notification_Template.GHL.doc DCM WILMINGTON, NC T I $ `19 NOTE:ELEVATION5 RELATIVE TO NORMAL LOW WATER. Site J T94 oC r No OR 16651 ONS-14.V4 __ r �eeaca sTet pSlANTCNT •JE.p..l _ — ATLANTIC .,T.a.1 _ OCEAN _ _ - LEGEND VICINITY MAP __ - PA.--n— - OOSTMC SPOT EINATtON NOT TO SCALE ... 404 AND COASTAL N2f W1O5 i •441r V OUWIEAD ;00 OPEN SPACE LJ ^ PROPOSED MDR AREA PROPOSED DREDGE AREA MI aT.2ss xi 0 E. 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SCALE: I•-CO N0R•m1ITAL %;'Rec A.N°�.` °°°1"� 'G"O _ DDOICAL DCM WILMINGTON, NC f"i1 it"' Compass Engineering, PROPOSED DREDGE PLAN ` z f' Pointe PA I 1 ll,.� I ICI IgI_IP I I� xr .: 1 � ' ( r wavy con na w . •.4 w aw�rr/ma a+.c.,u amtT t I 1 z .r U®oxbows wean M OW My,n eT.e yr' Z�'„ll1;•'r— -.. „a. ,u,:N,nr Ku ,E�a• t t RECEIVED r1 ,!/, J5 I OI141 MO ammo M mac Paz_:1EIn nr;of 4114frM■ 1 t Pim 1 ( ki 1 { MCA tab Its Ms strum G or!N rt9rw'4101 0 1� w 40 %I t` 11 z....o rpm=roe w0 NSW MM/1 nc,n11 CO Cr CVO"fit. p 1 �11-, 4 FEB 1 1 2022 rr�� �a 14 t Is . 1.°.\\.�5li ! ( . I _`_ "" p�1 �Q��4�'� �� tl, t 7CM WIL INGTON. NC III?! l 1 t��i I I„s' I` � = 3 ��a � y`, '',f 1 ,,', P 6•p Cr it �. } II �111 . 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(ruv.o-1750) sGLr_1^=LI'�^ F�}tir G}. t , F-_ ,e ` --- o :a io• 40 w,--, W r•M A1�I 0550,MOr prr w K•�•�••.M AG �i�ci MSC RECEIVED DEC 13 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC etz_e_ et dot to s.< s r—t tt A e_, z t-k , p; 1.✓�'t �• d�.J tt A —e_utch " rit 5 Lk_ 4- yP rt_ I L- 1 r ep,, G[ vv. , f? ! f t P fir r‘ yt_ /1 :self v2t_t LC-4 heOL k'vx. tti, 6) 1�° ` 1 • - e Check od Dote Deooslted Check From(Name) Named Prmk Holder Vendor Check number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated Coumn2 Column3 ColumM Colunn5 Columns Column? Column8 Column9 in 1 John McClure Linda Warren Truist 837 $ 400.00 GP#86003D _ BB rct.16902 122 Sea Dog Marine Construction Steven&Melanie Otwell First Bank 1647 $ 200.00 GP#86007D BB rct.17000 122 Hill Properties-1 of 2 David Hill First Citizens Bank 1387 $ 400.00 GP#86006D BB rct.16999 122 Hill Properties-2 of 2 David Hills First Citizens Bank 1807 S 200.00 GP#86006D BB rct.16999 122 Jill Kenley James and Jill Kenley State Employees CU 7873 $ 200.00 GP#85575D BB rct.16993 122' Allen Murray Patricia and Edmund Murray _ Benchmark Community bank 1036 $ 200.00 GP#16997D BB act.16997 122 ,Tent'Hollingsworth same Bank of America 4167 $ 200.00 GP#85596D JD rct.14883 122 David Once Money Order David Vandenberg USPS -'2.6393E+10 $ 200.00 GP#85576D BB act.16994 122 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc Gerald Rhodes Coastal Bank and Trust 4157 $ 200.00 GP#855840 JD rct.16813 _ 1221 Charles Fox Homes,LTD Callicutt Banch Banking&Trust _ 29073 $ 200.00 GP#85577D BB rct.16995 1221 Benjamin Elliott same TD Bank _ 1261$ 200.00 GP#85550D Tmac rct.16280 __ 1221 DC Morse Inc. CMT3,LLC BB&T 6580 $ 200.00 BB rct.16903 P14GE' SER��NEi°°DE`- ��', GEN_� _ DL K- -- 4 5 .0000 lotFP�: _--^..----- \.1--tuk"—c0/611‘,,,i' wrrisit4 \ __...----"".."........ .._......,„.... ...._,.-......:‘.%_,_'"-:.:-."--" r' .•'�•� ORE)GE 13.24 `�,/I'.4-,!1.10 r `I/A(tIZv V � .FROM SOE O — -1-13.10 �NTRAOC s.20 +_211-7' (--j 00'SEt — — :' MC�NNka -- �.-,r �,i. ,_;. ].(; imO • —i— 1171".11/i ‘1% " 2� 3.6oX�, _` ~ ,- 182' t 9O 1 . .�. _. =_' �^ , `_ ti , Re.'IAN CORRIDOR LINE AO 1 1 1 1 , 1 / r'--+ % .// ... / , , , X030, % , / 0.17/ y /J '� 1% 1i 1' '� % / , ' �, /1.37' 1 XI" ; ' i ', i''w ' .. 15' 7-ARIAN CORRIDOR X40i 1' 'i • X 156 , i .ETB CF.LINE :RIDOR LINE\ I , ,, ,'r r +0.78' 4 i i I ��, -�� X2.10`'1 �i vlrr 0.56% +1..1' EDGE OF'SAND BAR ' hi :.:%'� 4.4.1k, A• AT LOW TIDE �Y % ,„"\1 41 y10,� X•1.%4 +0.8,�',/ , CORRIDOR 4 '110 -` ,: , ..sif • ', , �, �& .6.01 , / , o• / 4017 i,L.% \ \\221e % ', h i ' , 1.13 X -' , ,, i � +0.4b' ' , ' 225' , 09? % i,viE% '� k!p.Rt ,, , �!: ( X0.39 .5— , i ,, ,y`. • .i.+055' 0.14 ;ARA X • I\ XO , i, X007 ', :1 I ...-- `�, — i EDGE OF�, ,1 ', + 0.1 r ', ','//' 1. r,.-- -^"" ►Rt)LM4IT()f MARSH GRASS i , Y // MAMBO XI164 \ , , +-O.17'XOJ60 6.02'+ ,,, .s "— - 1 0.04 11 XO.N f1_ 'X ' / , 41//' �4 T DSJ E