HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB_21-20_ Enyedi (2) _ Y Issued by WiRO RECEIVED TB21-20 Topsail Beach Permit Number OCI 47 2021 CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMEIM WILMINGTON, Al* PERMITlop/ NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Mark Enyedi authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 308 Bridgers Ave, in Topsail Beach, Pender County as requested in the permittee's application, dated August 23, 2021, and received by DCM on September 3, 2021. This permit, issued on September 20, 2021, is subject to compliance with the application and drawing dated and received by DCM on September 3, 2021 (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Addition to existing residential dwelling. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received by DCM on September 3, 2021. (2) Any change or changes in the plans for development,construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (3) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at(910) 766-7221 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20)days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for Jason Dail compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under C A LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL this permit,require further written permit approval.All work must cease when this permit expires on: 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 8405-384 December 31,2024 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal PERMITTEE Management. ill Name: Mark Enyedi Minor Permit#TB21.20 Date: September 20, 2021 Page 2 of 2 (4) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetated and stabilized (planted and mulched)within 14 days of construction completion. (5) Any proposed for grading within the 30' Coastal Shoreline buffer(as measured from the Normal High Water level) must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh and/or canal. This area shall be immediately vegetated and stabilized,and must remain in a vegetated state. (6) No impervious coverage/built upon area, including but not limited to the house (including eaves), foundation pad, covered decking,etc.shall extend into the 30-foot coastal shoreline buffer. (7) This permit does not authorize the excavation or filling of wetlands or open water areas,even temporarily. (8) Based on information provided with the application, the applicant shall effectively demonstrate, through innovative construction and design that the amount of impervious surfaces exceeding 30% impervious coverage within the 75' Coastal Shoreline AEC shall be managed and the AEC protected. All proposed development and associated construction must be completed in accordance with the approved "Stormwater Plan", signed and sealed by Weston Lyall, P.E. on 8/25/2021. (9) Upon completion of construction and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy(CO), a letter of certification must be received from the designer of the innovative system installed,certifying that the permitted system has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and his design specifications. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification and a permit modification may be required prior to receiving a CO. (10)All structures shall comply with the NC Building Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Building Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. If any provisions of the building code or a flood damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards,the more restrictive provision shall control. (11)Pursuant to 15A NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third-party. SIGNATURE. DATER 1-X)/1" PERMITTEE .---- Locality opsc4,--P. ..?-c'4^'C Perrin Number ( ✓ L 1•LU C)THER FFRttITS MAT BE REQUIRED:The actisits you are planning may require permits other than the LAMA �/ minor development permit,including but not limited to:Drinking Water Well,Septic Tank for other sanitary waste Ocean Hazard�....,,_..sii:arone.Shoreline €)Rt5.Shoreline t'i bt.; t`r.at Shoteinme Other treatment system),Building.Electrical,Plumbing,Heating and Air Conditioning..Insulation and Energy('arsersation.PtA (tctul use ('edaicarinn Sand thine.Sedunent Control.Sutndis!st in Appros al.Mobile thun�e Park Apprns,at.Highway Cs:nneetiorr.and others Clack with same Local Permit Officer lie nine rnfrrmatiim GENERAL INFORMATION STATEMENT OE OWNERSHIP: LAND OWNER-%I;AILING �(,j }( CC���' h.. ADDRESS I.the undersigned,an applicant tor a(.AMA tumor development permit being Cipher the sinner of property in an AEC:,fa Name Ln[V k fir• \ pet to:Authorized to act ':ui agent for purposes ('f applying for a CA MA Cfnnor development perniir,ccrtnf that the person . 'y _ listed as landowner on this applications has a significant interest in the real property described therein. this interest can be tddtess ... .fc .__. �. NQ_ described as (check oriel CM, C,11411tttfi l... Stare tAL tip41c1 Ph,,,1, '1 8o t ae an tourer nr� (ecoi tide y,�Tit.e is vested in name of _�ft� hmaE€ �'�.t ._�V1C ii^ Deed. .id Rook 1445 [eve ISA& in the rLLY Counts'Registry of Deed ._ *cam AL-IIIORIZEI)(CENT . _..an owner in<irtue Of inhc'ttrarcc.Apphcanr is an tsar n'the estate i __.._..__ rr bate ss as in Counts air .._we.StIcl_._..Wall.+P.2,1,PleS2._PtAeL Lt4 tt l_ ti\t i} pt i st I„0,,,( n%re,4 such t`is Mien ,tnitaet or ease plant helot, E use is sep.A:it beet st..attach t'.)tills ahplici lion t tth` •t tl _j$° LLLY'4� !_v �__ .... ( '' i fit e+..._ :epee r"`"• .__._.. tinZ2�l'h,)ne .10•3 -41 (CPI/1 it NOTIFICATION RS: _ _. I: rtiwt,:,11, !i..alai tEt sk i p i it arc ine+` i propels att Intl+ his rSpert I atin) E I have elvenFi1 t 1 1i_e 16K►Xf►. Rtt.'co�). UT)•}t.NOV I(F to each oh them( ne-e,tnne ray orient to(t_sch,p)lin,rri,pertt and to apply t:o a':-.AMA prima iNaive1 A 1 '.< 1< i C�(��ION OE P�� I.i rid li sirei:1 11.1Pie:)nk r directions hi cite.Marne lit the:dfja:en€spa cthott 't U�Ct/ �y'f,�(/��V t[ o v1}dt P)4 t 0, .L♦♦♦p`Rr i y�i� . -r '•t' {i�.)�M./ ..__._�.lf..Y[\a?G"4J ��f.i� \���1((-��_ S_-.1��SN Q.t.l S_Z.! �L���sJ *a I _ _.Nt Tia it 1 oc VAS tkro�..{ t 132;2A _ ,_strr_na�nnwsxx _ t 1a �q , Nc._z1coc 13-4 42.12--S.- 3St0(0-0CA)) Dist'RIPTION OE PROD i•I el e,5nstr,E.€:ear,and.and disturbance.) 1)13 v44aS__ _ .0 K ISONI .F,DGE,MEVTS: Yblaik c i1ctt'1 on lb £V 1 C l..yr\( kreS err c,/1 e 1 (b j g/t 1�h,fait t th t ac knowledge thin the t 3ua that the proposed de (I pu i nt i, planned for r awn which "�"'��^ [� M 3( !i i r�/Ci tJt t t'` t�el�iPo i •Vi I oEa ` ec, J t_tt era<i.n;metor ti etd_nl 1 t.Sdi,m1cdge that the 1°cal Permit Officer cer has explained€o me it:e name Li- ��}}, l nr t a i€r i rot i associated n nth this tot Ibis esp?Iamniss wasacc+xn accompanied by nee.mrtantiahemS concerning siabiliza- SIZE OE LOT PARCEL: ),{�44(ipt • ��.�� ..r j . are kin 6,34 acres m and fl h)ctpr:,ohng techat,tnnn PROPOSED I'SF':Rssedennat me ,:„, ke-parents imul,,-:,nude 0 E Commercial Industrial ri Cutler ID 1 iE Eft:.more Its;that I am authsirno:d to grant and Eton Met grant,pertta,sttn to Division of CExastat Management;tali, the i_oc.ti Peril Er f itfieer and their agents to enter on the athrrmentionent lands in srumectiont with esatuating information (OtiPI,EE El FHER(1 OR(21 HEi.O,%(Contanr rune Linral Permit Officerl vmaareuorsurewhich IEC" her lima lied to this Recruit ttppticati' to your property): This tire 23 dal,of 20 ..1 tit O(I AN HAZARD LC IOIsAI.EI.COOR AREA O PROPONED STRUCTURE: square feet(includes w mg conittioned I sins,space,parking etesated alive ground€ese!,ne n-c,in(irtrened space elevated;those ground/rise!but 10,1 ,,ege e .i. .... ex<tudrng non-biped-hearing attic space Landowner or person authorized act as his her agent far purpose of tiling a CAMiA permit application (2) (.O,%ST1t.SH((tt'`"'NE AEC*:SIZE OF Rlftl.DiNC F(K)TPRINTAND(tFIIER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT I,P(}'V i(�1ZI�A(L a' 1Z$aplIarr fort 12nCin(Ie.i the area of the iixindatlott of all buildings.df?l'C'tVift`s,COt'elEd decks, application rnclrrdes':general tnft)Ytnat!on'thou(meant,a:;ttt'droning,ax less rfhert an the hack f oaf this Li lo::twat.(tie concrete or masonry patios,etc.that are within the apt nc�at;le ALL Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) mastership rship st;tlelltebli the(h.ean 1'/q_Ctttf�tt;r i:'4)fits'wheren"e.e8sar.,, C.ire';:it'toes tf/t)flit mode1%Ctr'tillit'to the la,.alit'.and . am tlfcnrtnaoo r ins star he re-netdt'tl t>raltt-hi,the ippliettrt The dr'urt,of Iles'crab, at rn!as ter.u in!'eJ by tl or'+riot.,I un'e STATE STORMW%TER AIAN,t('EMENT PERMIT:Is the project located in an area subject to a State i "air;nt•tr rrtrrl a ttht r t:+.Toren !t nuit Inc;,idiot!.h'vnatn rt/roan these'detail;Kill ronstntm•„violation of Strain rater Management Permit issued by the r.<Division()1 Energy.h+t'.ne'at and Land Resources tp)I:IvILRC airy/" nn7.'re,-p.+Plan a i'c'l f�,�r-, ,- 1 retina of,tth1E?.'t 1ft '(v.(.+;rIS tilli1 and Crtsatin!)'t10111 at,l)n. YES-'_ vO_✓• RECEIVED If!i cs,list the total built upon area imperz ieus surface allowed Mr twin lot of parcel srptare feet A I VI G 2 4 2021 SEP 03 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC A ' t DCM WILMINGTON, NC Locality Permit Number OTtIFR PERMITS ki.w.BE REQUIRED- he actinic you are planning ItlaV require permit.;(Abel than the C.AMA mime development permit.including:but not limited to thinking Water Watt.Septic'lank tor other.;artitars waste (wean ttozard---Putitninie Shoreline ,OKIN Shoreline • Public YrImt Shoreline Other ireatimint 5sstem t Building.Electrical,Pliunbing,ticating and Air Conditioning Instil:4ton and Hung:(,:ortiersation,PIA For aificial are Ccrijficarion Sant Daly,Sediment COMML SI:Nil%Icion Approval,Mobile I tome Park Armin\al flighway Connecr!on and i onfri other; (leek with!tom Local Permit Officer lot more informatritn GENERAL IN FORNIATION STATEMENT OF OM NERSHIP: ' LAND OWNER-MAILING ADDRESS I.Ow 4unit:1.5;g:test an applicant for a CA MA minor development pecinit Kane MIK,the:HS Ilt1 RIllpHiHttl'I,III:NI Art €.ritAR60 . iVISMI it buried It.Sitt:IS an agent ter purpose.eit applying fnt a CA N-1,.minor dasstiopmendpairrtia c.orr,f,that the pet 4,,,, lined as landowner an Iles application has a SIgNI1114(11.11111.1CS1 in thf: eat IV Matt Iy&St:1:NA tHeren, t ha;!Mt:leg can he Address 110Ci pinehort- Dysvg, daiertheit at (chalk neat • t (.'it. ClltilPti tfill SIMI, INAL 1:21C1719Illll- qt./.8(0,oii80 . ,,,,an owner or rest.iii tit,,..le Foie is vested in name ot IncVels.. clett,i ____ _' ...................: Email _..tylme.,cti e en%-Inc .coyn `C,1.X.'"•ti it'ok 4141,10 pag., AAA iii ihe - _t ourir.!Riivi-nt,or .— . At 1110R11411 kt;FN T . tilt sine I,: k;11u,..•,,i pihcrlogo-.. A DPI',no I.at:hf.',I l"ill:,t'lsi'll'-.''' .--• ----------........- Naiaa_v4estor imat...tpfei psi PI,L.C... . .. ..._ _ __ .. fIrt,hat:l WIrt5 al Vid,l,'ll 2.14. tti. yivvaki 11 1\1, VO-c.• t ,,„,1„,,,,,,,,.:1.,,:f ;wit a,-Ai iitai,t.oialau ii icasc ,„-tptt:it nelots..1 not:a straiar:,I.,....ti A:Waal IH:las MIO:CiiIi:HI t I t etN14 n I 01, Q. , 1,3C- itri 22#151titria 1.10,' '.2.5?•Iqui i ' NOT1h1(ATION t 11;Mkt At TV! RIP ARI AN PROP,.14 tA UM'SF I.I . l i!!!Theint..re:tat!!\Malfollow rmt pin;ow:ine ittcnei- . :- . al..... los inintect, I atlittlt thl.lt gait e vverNri Wait•cool I,:to each of them CHM VIIIIH:l I,r.Mit,,,1' .,': I,Oa'.HtHasA:AtItt I,,ipo. I-,...,i mo-\ _ . ,.... . , ,tid11,:St I.Or.1,1 l i"Of P ROdtar v;,,,,..c.1,,:‘• ,1Z-vt llama;Ind(,1 th!,:01IIIS ha We :Ltw,,A Hlt aLf3Hcfq Katt:10.f; 6a/4-S I ttiO Plakalq_VI(NC 6 2:-/VOS ....... ....WakeYs__.Ne....,71-0:10s3AL_Beg,h.L_P_c_ ....... _......._...__„....___ ' (3 - 1v-s-b• 42t2.-s-a-zsuy4-ow()) ,_,, Leyout rtot-trifon I s2/,‘ .Srturomliock f4k ,.., Di Sr RIP R.):.,in,pRoJEt.r,!i.i,,,;,...,,T.,,,,,I,,,,,ot,! ,t;and and ilismiltinicc I NPOICt t 6.le r... V.KNOWLEDGEMENTS: stbytA addition tb eustit)s_v-Q•Siictio on okt founclah 60 ,, ah:,lodeo,g,o,1 :u t t Ltiowlv,ko tt,a§IK lo,d,,ATIO I.:IAA A10 that lil,'prolI,S,II fits il:Wril.:Ha plaimeiia u i,filch elm. i,-.•‘iiiikepiihle ii,'2f0,:011,Iilst t,1 tka qf mg l.c kilo!,!erfee!hill the 1.0,iii Pei in ii l Iftec!tins asnla inl t a me il xic parm ti- Ia!h,41.3,0.fN'':01;',1,,Si,tant...,(1,tth!hi:tot t h!.,csplaninimi war arconitimicil!,..!!..:!aiiiininictlions ciiiiiiii nine stain:h....A- sir/I,OF I OT/P ARCEI.: 144(Pti) ,.11:t.re 1:•ei 0' 54 - hoe and floodpritottng litehniime; PROPOSED I SI:Itrigiidentint 1 Stitglediit eN.Iiiliiditirilt ri i e,.oinniercialloringrial r-i ,'Mei 0 i ho th;tita ore:a...oils.ihat I an authorized io giant and do;a f:ttil giant pc/ma:a:ion to r).,..,4,,II lit COA,laf MaliaiMilIM'4t.41 the`iii al I'M:WIT t'Cl -in and the!t agent;to enter an 1,4e mireat,--,a;:a.-..,f Llud,a`c..q)lis,aitat'St h;:!,31tiltine int iiinatien (ONIPI.F VI Ft 1.IIFR t 0 OR(i)RE!.CAN t<aatact yone Loral Permit Officer if you are Itaa Yuen which.1E(applies 1!:latcti to that permit apple.it re,yOltr property): ,).2144 f Ave) ' . 7.01,- 4-0 LW,O • II) of1.-. ,..N I I ZA R D:t.ECI:*IOTAI:Fl.00R.AttE A OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE! square hart(includes 1111 iteair conditioned living space,parking ditties!ahy:,o grolt n Ilft as el no -combilinied mince elevated above ground level hut .- - • ---- - excluding nim-load-hearing attic•;pacei I.arnints net or person anthoi wed act li his htt az.tctl:It',purpose of filing a tl:A MA remit:WOK:MIMI al CO AS kid St10"""NF AECx:SIlli:OF filyrumsic;FOOTPRINT AND 0111FR IMPFRV1(g.5i tip KITT nit application incladm...:fv.,ty.,rfil vfh,,TYLIttoti(tht,1,TnI,a:Pe tinta f::::::HS tics(ttht.. on ll?4-ba,, -',a,,frrh::mt.) It tIOb,St!RFAt.I.S3612.!;quare tact,;nebula;the area al it'd:foundatirin of all building:4.tins C.'H.tl t It decks ,' ,mue,,,,ut,qrut-,ai..:ti thi•r•A can tloarni AP, Vatr;I,a herr aci issorl a:if:,i-tor,,,100 fW In,,,i, ts,,,,., ti,/nal:,,i/:t! and coaciet:or ransoms pelt/S.etc Ihitt inc‘Nithul the moths...able Alt::. Attach 3.onr CHICIllatitHIS with the project drawing t - ,401.1?ItfOrMari.i)(,,,3,7t,,,,.ron'efiCci'"tilt ht-'fitt•apalwaal in:-,i0r,i. -';,1:orr,h,iiii:111 r,,.1 : ,,,..:',-,,,- ,ei STATE STORMWATER MANAGENIENT PERMET:is the project 10Cakti in an area subject to a State i,,,,,,,,,,,,rtrif on/unit,..!It.e.n Storrmi ate:Management remit atsued is the!:( f'./rx ision of Itiscrgy.,.Mineral mid/...and Resources DI-.MLR I' YES NO v RECEIVED its as fist the final built upon area impervious mcface allowed tier sons tot in parcel opt-ne feet '\.11(-i- 2 4 202i DINGC1kANC., i . SEP 0 3 2021CM WILMT . . .... .. , ,.. otia STATE o��ti 1 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality September 20, 2021 Mark Enyedi 1109 Pinehurst Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Dear Mr. Enyedi, Attached is CAMA Minor Development Permit TB 21-20 for work to be done at 308 Bridgers Avenue in Topsail Beach, Pender County. An electronic copy has been sent to the Topsail Beach Inspections Department and your Agent. To validate this permit, please sign both copies as indicated for our records. Retain the gold copy for your files, and return the white copy to us within 20 days of receipt in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope This is not a valid permit until it is signed and returned to our office. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, 66 62i6,4„, Anita M. Webb Permit Support Technician N.C. Division of Coastal Management Enclosures Cc:WIRO files TB Inspection Dept. Weston Lyall. PE, PLS, PLLC-Agent STORMWATER CONTROL CALCULATIONS TA, y L FOR 1.5" OF RAINFALL IN 24 HOURS SOL E O 1,3; LOT AREA WITHIN 75'AEC= 5,370 SF N43433015,-/ T:., " TOTAL IMPERVIOUS WITHIN AEC=' 1,987 SF (37.0%) 340' R EIR ''65 itryG BUUWFM CON TRCI CORNER \ STORMWATER DESIGN FOR AREA EXCEEDING 30% = 376 SF E z;, :, ,,, oEw�; ' _ E,: VOLUME 1.5" RAIN IN 24 HOURS 7. '!RO° U 376 SF/8 = 47CF 7 � p A �a,c4 BED VOLUME n s ` �\ 47 CF/40%VOID SPACE IN STONE = 118 CF / NN 1 ; ro \ I—6'2' BED SIZE v �� I (1) 2'D x 3'W x 20'L = 120 CF a RE AMjN 5 Ct AR �+��,� ��STORMWATER TRENCH 120 CF PROVIDED ' ;` ENSURE ADIN S CLEARANCE '.2.0 `:`:r;:; a FROM RESIDENCE 8 ADDITION 118 CF REQUIRED ■''.-,,::x ‘ `-`:: NOTE: STORMWATER TO BE COLLECTED BY GUTTER AS r `'ST" : =c .iRAVL u EXISTING CONCRETE `d. ROOF WATER ON DWELLING, ROUTE TO DRAIN BED AT RWMOFROMCO NUMENT FOUND I07 r, Q'IVEWAV o • RNE RNEAREST POINT. PROVIDE SOLID PIPE UNDER ANY o DRIVEWAY CROSS-OVER AREAS. DRAINBED SHALL NOT E,R" BE LOCATED WITHIN 5' OF STRUCTURE. STORMBED CAN CONTRA 90 CORNERBE RELOCATED WITH PRIOR APPROVAL BY ENGINEER. y �`,s40 ®' E=242 S7 SI „ER A=3' eR/DGFRS DRAINBED SECTION B=1'-6 f �I,F NOT TO SCALE C=2'-6" DOWN SPOUT DETAIL . SELECT FILL D=6" 3" DOWN SPOUT L=20' TOTAL 6" DIA. HDPE ALLOW CORRUGATED PERFORATED PIPE PIPE TO OVERLAP DO N CORRUGATED •!%//////////////%//%/%///////////// — SPOUT 6 PIPE ' ,„C�: �y './. LINE BED WITH ALL DOWN SPOUTS =__ � '4' =1:35 '` - ., FILTER FABRIC CONNECTED TO 6" _ca—__ CORRUGATED === PLASTIC PIPE #57 STONE BED • . . ,... ., , .. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIk` WESTON LYALL, P.E. "..„,, • • .. ...'10•°0 ENYEDI RESIDENCE WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC �:. 'F 4 0,'Si1,•.� t 214 HIGHWAY 17 N. SUITE 1 : I i.L. Tr 1 308 BRIDGERS AVE. HOLLY RIDGE, NC 28445 7 1 TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 910-329-9961 FIRM# P-0937 = F I L(,= %:��� S Ca/NEE.. \` STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ''#,TON L`IP•`'11. ` STORMWATER PLAN CIVIL ENGINEERING """'��, LAND SURVEYING SHEET: 1 OF 1 DATE: I SCALE: DRAWN BY: I FILENAME: -41!„ . WESTON LYALL l -lIIII Structural&Civil Engineering Land Surveying Serving La>tern North Carolina ..,,.. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 214 Highway 17 N Suite 1 Holly Ridge,NC 28445 910-329-9961 Office Firm License 4 P-0937 www.WestonLyall.net August 23, 2021 To: North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject: 308 Bridgers Ave. Topsail Beach,NC 28460 The purpose of this letter is to notify the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management of the proposed single-family residence addition to be built at 308 Bridgers Ave. (PIN#4212-59- 3566-0000), Topsail Beach, Pender County. The property owner is Mark Enyedi who can be reached at 919-810-0880. Please see the enclosed CAMA Minor Permit Application as well as the preliminary plot plan for the proposed dimensions and location of the project. Thank you, 1144-1,044/ RECEIVED Weston Lyall, PE, PLS, PLLC SEP 0 3 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC RECEIVED AUG 2 4 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Pile Plans,Foundation Designs,Structural Designs,Structural Analysis, Stormwater Designs,Commercial and Residential Properties Subdivision Designs,Land Surveys,Plot Plans, Elevation Certificates All Your Engineering and Surveying Needs Licensed Engineer in NC,SC,VA,AL,MS Licensed Land Surveyor in NC \ , d '7 i 6 li, 7°2- l' _ .. _.�_ _.... . ,,t.., --2rwr M - • _ iIIIIIIi „, „ --i-- _ .,,, .._ e. MA OLY:607: _ _. „. „. ,_ . t0 /7 0 _ ______„,„ _._.._____._. RECEIVED RECEIVED _ _._� _ AUG 2 4 2021 ,.__ SEP 2021 _ _ ^ .. _.._.__.. M-WILMINGTON;NC _ DCM WILMINGTON t 1C U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OMB No. 1660-0008 Federal Emergency Management Agency Expiration Date: November 30, 2022 National Flood Insurance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Follow the instructions on pages 1-9. Copy all pages of this Elevation Certificate and all attachments for(1)community official, (2)insurance agent/company, and (3)building owner. SECTION A—PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Al. Building Owner's Name Policy Number: MARK ENYEDI A2. Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Company NAIC Number Box No. 308 BRIDGERS AVE City State ZIP Code Topsail Beach North Carolina 28445 A3. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) PIN# 4212-59-3566-0000 A4. Building Use(e.g., Residential, Non-Residential, Addition, Accessory, etc.) Residential A5. Latitude/Longitude: Lat.34-22-22.24 Long.-77-37-24.33 Horizontal Datum: ❑ NAD 1927 ❑x NAD 1983 A6. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number 5 A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or enclosure(s)within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade 0 c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b 0.00 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? ❑ Yes E1 No A9. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of attached garage sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b sq in d) Engineered flood openings? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION B—FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFIP Community Name&Community Number B2. County Name B3. State Town Of Topsail Beach 370187 Pender North Carolina B4. Map/Panel B5. Suffix B6. FIRM Index B7, FIRM Panel 88. Flood B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) Number Date Effective/ Zone(s) (Zone AO, use gte6ggd DEepth) Revised Date f�tC Q 3720421200 J 02-16-2007 02-16-2007 AE 10 SEP 0 3 2021 B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE)data or base flood depth entered in Item B9: ❑ FIS Profile 0 FIRM ❑ Community Determined ❑ Other/Source: DCM WILMINGTON, NC B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ NGVD 1929 [j NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/SoLECEIVED B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS)area or Otherwise Protected Aria(ePt)� E2Yes ❑ No Designation Date: ❑ CBRS ❑ OPA U DCM WILMINGTON, NC OMB No18$0-OOO8 ELEVATION CERTU������ _ ,, Expiration Dm�� November3O 2022 ' IMPORTANT:In these spacos,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt, Unit, Suite,and/or Bldg. No.)or P.0, Route and Box No, Policy Number: 308BR|0GER8AVE City State --' ZIP Code - -CompmnyWA|C Number . Topsail Beach North Carolina 28445 ° SECTION C-BWVLDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on� FxJ Construction Drawings* Fl Building Under Construction* FlFinished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be'required when construction of the building is complete, C2. Elevations-Zones A1-A3O.AE.AH.A(with BFE> VE. V1-V3U.V(with BFE).AR,ARIA,ARAAE.AR/A1-A30. AR/AH.AR/AO, Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in Item A7, In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: N/A Vertiva|Datum:GOOD 12BVRQRTK GPS Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations|n items a)through h}below, n NGVD1G29 �� NAVD1Q88 FlOther/Sourum: Datum used for building elevations must ue the same uo that used for the !F| , Check the measurement used. e} Top nfbo#om floor(including basement, mew!wpecw. or enclosure floor) 13.3 nx #eet nmetmxx b) Top of the next higher floor 1254 Z feet meters * Bottom nf the lowest horizontal structural member(V Zones only) N/A Fl feet meters d) Attached garage(top w(sleb) N/A Fl feet nmeterm ' a) Lowest elevation cf machinery uvequipment servicing the building (Describe type uY equipment and location mComments) - 7'0 nx feet Flmetum f) Lowest adjacent(finished)grade next tn building(LAG) _ Ib Z feet [] meters g) Highest adjacent(hninhed)grade next to building(MAG) 4.2 �� feet E] metes .~ h) Lnvwwt adjacent gradem*lowest elevation nf deck o/stairs, including structural support , F� feet [] metem , SECTION 0-SURVEYOR, ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION � This to on. I certify that the information on this Cedificate represents my best efforts to interpret the date available, I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Imprisonment under 18 U.S, Code, Section 1001, Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided bym licensed land surveyor? Yes No FlCheck here ifattachments. Dertifiwr'wmoma License Number ' VVmotonLym|| L~4438Title , � OwnwrIPLG Company Name -- Weston LyeU. PE, PL8.PLLC Address 214HVVY17N city State ZIP Code' ' HollyRidge North 8844� `,rw.v"^- Signature Date - Telephone Ext. ��p �� � yf�'� ` 08-23-2021 (910)329-9%1 ' Copy all pages p/this Ete ��n vlemhcmtm and all attachments yo,(1)community official,(%)insurance aQan "i Comments(including type cf equipment and location,pmrC2(e). |fupp|icoble) ' � This elevation certificate is preliminary for a proposed addition to an existing residence. Elevations noted are ���� - byo SwchonA7&AB: The addition does not have an enclosure and ism diagram 5 The existing residence imm sf of enclosure and 0 flood vmn�, S��onC2m:The�mv�ionc�exmUnggmund floor am�wauein4�, �uu � � ^"^' Sections B8&Bg: Noted ia the effective flood zone. The flood zone shall change ooAE12 per preliminary FEMAmaps. Section C2e: The elevation pfwood stand for A/C Unit [)CMW|LK8|NGTON, NC OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date: November 30, 2022 IMPORTANT: In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 308 BRIDGERS AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Topsail Beach North Carolina 28445 SECTION E—BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A(without BEE), complete Items El—E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, B,and C. For Items El—E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. El. Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade(HAG)and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9(see pages 1-2 of Instructions), the next higher floor(elevation C2.b in the diagrams)of the building is ❑feet ❑meters ['above or ❑below the HAG. E3. Attached garage(top of slab)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F—PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE)or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments RECEIVED SEP 0 3 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC RECEIVED AUG 2 4 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC ❑Check here if attachments. OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date: November 30, 2022 IMPORTANT: In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 308 BRIDGERS AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Topsail Beach North Carolina 28445 SECTION G—COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s)and sign below. Check the measurement used in Items G8—G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. G1. ❑ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2 ❑ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. ❑ The following information(Items G4—G10)is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy Issued G7. This permit has been issued for: ❑ New Construction ❑ Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as-built lowest floor(including basement) of the building: ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum G9. BFE or(in Zone AO)depth of flooding at the building site: ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum G10. Community's design flood elevation: ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone Signature Date Comments(including type of equipment and location, per C2(e), if applicable) RECEIVED RECEIVED AUG 2 4 2021 SEP 0 3 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC DCM WILMINGTON, NC ❑ Check here if attachments. BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE See Instructions for Item A6. Expiration Date November 30, 2022 IMPORTANT: In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 308 BRIDGERS AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Topsail Beach North Carolina 28445 If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with date taken, "Front View"and"Rear View", and, if required, "Right Side View"and "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents, as indicated in Section A8. If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page. e : '! a. . -'", ..--,4*,,,. . „. ,, -...,...ulliyilt ; y g LI N f 4 g;; ys f4 71u, . :S rroti11. S 5?,. p F' r' , a ss w: :i x s ,o '2, s , 7ruw r * 1.'f,g'l;.-':" mot'#'';1: 'i ' �'_ Yam'', ''' ,. . -.^s r `� t�4 f� Photo One Photo One Caption Clear Photo One RECEIVED SEP 0 3 2021 WILMINGTON, NC ECEIVED ,„ , AUG 2 4 %1 . ILMIN GTON NC Photo Two Photo Two Caption Clear Photo Two BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Continuation Page Expiration Date: November 30, 2022 IMPORTANT: In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 308 BRIDGERS AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Topsail Beach North Carolina 28445 If submitting more photographs than will fit on the preceding page, affix the additional photographs below. Identify all photographs with: date taken: "Front View" and "Rear View': and, if required, "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents, as indicated in Section A8. � r Photo Three Photo Three Caption Clear Photo Three RECEIVED SEP 0 3 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC RECEIVED AUG 2 4 2021 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Photo Four Clear Photo Four Photo Four Caption N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION (MINOR PERMIT) CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERED Date Name of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Addres City, State Zip To Whom It May Concern; This correspondence is to notify you as a riparian property owner that I am applying for a CAMA Minor permit to _... w ' ...._ o:. �tt�1 addts1lD_, __,ey1, �rtth.x al. + fist1rK° on my property at -4 .... dv . t22eri _....._._ in _ County, which is adjacent to your property. A copy of the application and project drawing is attached/enclosed for your review. If you have no objections to the proposed activity, please mark the appropriate statement below and return to me as soon as possible. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will be considered that you have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments, please mark the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to: • (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER,NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) r If you have any questions about the project,please do not hesitate to contact me at my address/number listed below,or contact(LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER)at(PHONE NUMBER),or by email at: (LP°EMAIL). Sincerely, fYVA, bl _ ._. ��a� $ro. Abo Property Owner's Name Telephone Number Address City State Li 12 RtcEIVED I have no objection to the project described in this correspondence. I have objection(s)to the project described in this correspondence. SEP .0 3 ?n21 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Adjacent Riparian Signature Date RECEIVED Print or Type Name Telephone Numl--b4UG 2 4 2021 Address City Stale i i h .ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ! COMPLETE THIS SECTION'ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature , • Print your name and address on the reverse x Vu\N (k nt so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Retied b if' ted Name) "pi l en or on the front if space permits. r V-3 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? WA Yes If YES,enter delivery address below; ❑No tiSkikk. GrcWeS l�o� J `S t S i • 42) III IIII'I I II I'I I IIII 111111 II II I 11111 I I 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express® ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MailTM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict ❑Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402 5799 0034 4373 60 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for )elivery Merchandise 2. Article Ni imhc.T-- 0 8 6 5 )elivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation, rt 3160o o o 1 5 2 8 2 ❑Signature Confirmation 7 U 2 0 ❑Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery (over$500) PR Farm AR1 1 .luly 9R15 PSN 7Ann_n9-nnn-nnsa Domestic Return Recei USPS TRACKING# 111111 First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid PEPS Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 5799 0034 4373 60 United States •Sender:Please print your name,address,and ZIP+4®in this box Postal Service W6 tr \ .kO I Pat 2(4- i(Pw 11 IS, CicUik 1 $30 P\idk<82, c 13d4c i"IIIIIII1I1li1Illl.Iillll'l11i111i1I'l1IIiIi"I)"IIIII,II1I111 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT'RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION (MINOR PERMIT) CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERED - 319_1 Date _to wrIfyyjrpo Naridja;nt Riparian Pro erty Owner biirlamtalL Address hh1 . 0 11W1 City. State Zip To Whom It May Concern: This correspondence is to notify you as a riparian property owner that am applying for a CAMA Minor permit to LAXIAALt.._.Vil,W44A afACtilitYL aflpias reactimp_ SYN paltitc161 on my property at_as.1fickey AvQ • 1051it Nay) in P211/3" County. which is adjacent to your property. A.,copy of the application and project drawing is attached/enclosed for your review. If you have no objections to the proposed activity, please mark the appropriate statement below and return to me as soon as possible. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will be considered that you have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments, please mark the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to: (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER,NAME OF t..00AL CiOVERNMENT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE.ZIP CODE) If you have any questions about the project. please do not hesitate to contact me at my address/number listed below,or contact(LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER) at (PHONE NUMBER), or by email at: (LPO EMAIL). Sincerely, ivvit belgeti Property Owner's Name c ephone Number 1 272 • Address City • State I have no objection to the project described in this correspondonce. RSE.70 3 EV I have objection(s)to the project described in this correspondence. DCM WILMINGTON, NC't ....— Adjacent Riparian Signature Date RECEIVED Print or Type Name Telephone Number AUG 24 2021 DCM WILMINMMNC Address Zip Revised July 2021 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION CO/bPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature • Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addresser • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver) or on the front if space permits. le"? 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes p�� � If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No ?;' .4 h maYo LO Pct. lQ4g\I tsC 21(P0 1 111111111 III' I1I 1111111111111 IIIIIIII'llI I I II I I 11111 IIII 3. Service Type❑Adult Signature 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mar' ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict( 9590 9402 5799 0034 4375 06 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Retu Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise n r tract on Delivery Restricted Delivery 7020 316 ❑Signature ConfiConfirmation.'"0001 5282 0872 ❑Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 'S Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt USPS TRACKING# 111111 MINFirst-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid R 11 USPS 1I1I, ir 1 3 L Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 5799 0034 4375 06 United States •Sender:Please print your name,address,and ZIP+4®in this box Postal Service N2S\ Hatt , PE, PLs,PLic lii o\w 11 N . S1. I I Hauk hcage, N4- 2 d-C ttt'I1�1iiIi�tnllttttl'''tnittnIIIIIIittniltt.tlii�lttltllut Dail, Jason From: Dail, Jason Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 8:52 AM To: Weston Lyall Cc: 'Gina Polanco' (gina@westonlyall.com) Subject: CAMA minor permit application - 308 Bridgers - Enyedi - Incomplete Application RE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATION—Mark Enyedi -ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED APPLICATION NUMBER— N/A PROJECT ADDRESS— 308 Bridgers Ave,Topsail Beach, NC Mr. Lyall, The Division of Coastal Management's Wilmington Regional office received a CAMA Minor Permit application from you on August 24, 2021, requesting approval for development activities at 308 Bridgers Ave.,Topsail Beach, Pender Co., NC. In reviewing your application,we have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: The site plan drawings/survey submitted with the application package depicts a development plan that appears to exceeds the 30% built upon allowance for development projects located within the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). According to 15A NCAC 07H.0209(d)(2)-Specific Use Standards for ORW Coastal Shorelines-"All development projects,proposals, and designs shall limit the construction of impervious surfaces and areas not allowing natural drainage to only so much as is necessary to service the primary purpose or use for which the lot is to be developed. Impervious surfaces shall not exceed 30 percent of the AEC area of the lot, unless the applicant can demonstrate, through innovative design, that the protection provided by the design would be equal to or exceed the protection by the 30 percent limitation." As a result of your proposal, a stormwater design plan would be required as part of the CAMA minor permit application. Your calculation for the lot area within the 75' AEC appears to include land submerged below the normal high water line. Please be advised,only the land above the normal high water line shall be included in the lot area for upland development purposes. In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations,we note that the application, as received in our office on August 24, 2021, is incomplete for processing. Upon resubmission of a complete application,to include an engineered stormwater design plan capable of meeting the criteria outlined in 15A NCAC 07H .0209 (d)(2), a local decision will be made in 25 days, provided this period is not extended as provided by law. Please contact me at 910-796-7221 if you have any questions. I am returning your application package in full due to the significance of the discrepancies. Thank you, Jason Dail Jason Dail Field Representative RECEIVED NC Department of Environmental Quality NC Division of Coastal Management SEP 03 2021 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 DCM WILMINGTON, NC ,-/-------1 (.7 ------1 SITE -r- / 4f, 1 I TOPSAIL A SOUND I c. P 1 IF, sc, c'.. , , ----— BR vi . 4(118.7, 111 - NOTES - i. THIS SURVEY IS OE AN EXISTING PARCEL OF ).3.,40, N4343ONV---4e' LAND 2 SUBJECT'TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. 34,91' IR EASEMENTS OF RECORD.ZONING ORDINANCE & UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,IF ANY. ......„,...„,, ....„ .„, EIR)..) EX/Si/Ai \ ....._ .., 3.NO TITLE SEARCH BY SURVEYOR. CONTROL CORNER ' '- '• , G kli.joitAb 4 REFERENCES:DB 990.PG 314;MB 3,PG 102 ...Y ' 6434225i- "' , 5 FLOOD ZONE.AE 10.COMMUNITY PANEL N=22962I.58 -... C)EIR 20.41' ...., • E=2415266.47 'Ai,- '3 Z24-421200-J,EFFECTIVE DATE 2/16/07 ELOO'D ZONES SCALED FROM FIRM MAPS ----, 6.ZONE:TOPSAIL BEACH 8-2 STAIRS 7' SETBACKS.FRONT-7 S.,SIDE-5,REAR-33') 1 7. ----- .''E. 7.FIELD DATA COLLECTED 12-30-20 ,,,,,,.:(...,,..„.;;:. '..r.i---„,, `‘ 1" ------ EreAck• 'a I ,,,„\,,r-rm,, - :I.'...,>,, ;1 . 7'SECTION OF ",. ADDITION - LEGEND ,,,,,„,,„,,,,.\ --;,-%,,i•'•'''EXI'--STING RESIDENCE # P ,NNN:„:::::,-T,,,,ss,,T..,.-,-i-,, -,,,,K.,,,A,., TO BE REMOVED FOR SIR-1/2'•Set Iron Rod EIP- Existing Iron Pipe / EIR-Existing Iron Rod CP-Calculated Point Ns% -LI .. . - - i-1- V --. 1,.). 1,...— CO-Sewer Cleanout d'401 ti4 ------1:1--?A AEC WM-Water Meter ca 4 g4 ,9 1, ES-Electric Box -Right-of-Way t EXISTING R/W giA RESIDENCEir- " 9 1 DB-Deed Book MS-Map Book 063 . 1 im „ PG-Page LESUE GRAVES ---12.01— 0. g 171 .... . . ER-Existing Electric Box DB 4645,PG 2042 it OoCtiFtEt- tir ul LEROY HOFFMAN CI— DB 750,PG 882 LP. Existing Lightpole ..., MBL- Minimum Building Line at ------__ -Property Line E Surveyed A EXISTING \ PI r:. \ 'm — — — Property Line '14%) GRAVEL . ic Not Surveyed EXISTING CONCRE I E ivj/ DRIVEWAY 1— RAN MONUMENT FOUND 1.or u) i 7 IMP___ERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: FROM CORNER— '''''\ Lc'r AREA-14.680 SF((,57"-CA—a)DEEDED LOT AREA . 13,251 SF(0.30 AC)TO NHWL --— — — — — . P?V-I-- LOT AREA WITHIN 75 AEC-5,370 SF a - CONTROL CORNE- EXISTING BUILDING TO REMAIN 1.950 SF PROPOSED SUILDIN____G ADDITIONSF §il I 1 / 1b6lie>,. ' E=2415457.5I 'TO l'AL IMPERVIOUS COVERAG—E75:5729 2%) °,10,I EIR ,,,... IMPERVIOUS WITHIN 75'AEC. 1.987 SF (37.0%) 6tbt; ..., SEE ENGINEERED STORMWATER PLAN FOR I fr VI. • ; " .43'. A )t'''' s --..,.. ,.. BR - (86,,N1 °11/ .. --0 ------ EIR PROPERTY INFORMATION: OWNER:ANIIA ROWND 2705 SMOKEY RIDGE COURT RALEIGH.NC 27613 M8 3,PG 102 NORM CANOUNA _ 2 o = CD = i 1.4) F4 C,2.• 6 ;.-..: . . , . i c i(7, CD > a. S 8_ of :. -Ti :alit), Peintit Number (miER PFRMITS kii F. ° o_ Z Fe a) 3 minor devehipment perrl -ri > cf, tiro Hazard, F.'s/uterine Shoreline ORW Shot dine Public Intst Shoreline Other tre.,Itine.nt 5. .rttern).Flutist D2 Certification Sand Dull Et. = CD _ \ -"P ,I.,,,,lifielai MVP onlyr othera Check wtth Nom I T 33 0 a:, -, , , ...„..s.ERA I ESFINZMATION 1:3 - sTATFAIENT(1F()%ti (.1) 1::$ VI)(AVNER-t I t II,ING ADDRESS I..the ondersigned an ay( CD13 .1 _ lc r(1,14et, -Ent.,ke(1\ ' person authorized nA act 4 tirted a,bildOWlier la S if, a) ci) _ ort ...) !lc's iloct pt-roo(si- Dn-vQ, d„„rthed aq {chck ee Z. rt fr? . cD ---` i CY\49tt tfitt. ,,,A,„ ti.t., ii„MTI,„„, ct lei.8 to,OB80 van;Attu:trot tecorll t 0. 7 ; \ Z ill pnexiclecti e en -inc .cowl ;ec Deed Root: '41 Fi [ , • .. 0 17. o ,- .an<ti%Ilti k ,il MC+, 0. I ill)RifTIL kliTNT •1 = , 0 3 —. 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L 1 ---,1 ,,,,,,,lafrInc:41 Mc(Al r t1,2 or unmoor),patios.etc that are t1ithin the=100ficahle At Attach your eaten/awns wall the project dray.ing t a) :.: 1 f- .. CT) ant oniarirlation f 1,,144,1,...pi C ' 1/r/14 inr.', , ,1.,, 7 STOR%MATER!SIAN AtLF.N.IENT PERMIT:Is the project[tweak:Ai in an area subject to a St3ie Tar wed wirhoro ipt - v r v eSon,i,,,,,I, [ ›. =ri mer hitetitagernent Permit3SI/iCti IY.,the=X'f>n ision or Foragy.Mineral ad L an multi Re,=oureeshtu-1 tD1.Rr' y romp*, q , ..._... NO_.ite. VI n) o list the total built upon areaomperr.Ions,airface allowed ha vim lot ot parcel = <apart:Ic•et $ FL,.:1 r) DCM V st , '''.% ).. ..‘ Date Date Check From Name of Vendor Check Check Permit Rc1 Received Deposited Permit Holder Number amount Number/Comments 9/8/2021 Weston Lyall PE Mark Enyedi Coastal 2418 $100.00 Minor Fee, 308 Bridgers,Topsail JD rc1 PLS PLLC Bank and Beach PnCo 15571 Trust