HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB_20-08_ Redinger (2) • Issued by WiRO TB20-08 Topsail Beach Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" 4 Issued to Gary and Janet Redinger authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at. 50 Catherine Avenue, in Topsail Beach, Pender County as requested in the permittee's application, dated January 3, 2020, and received as complete by DCM on February 7, 2020. This permit, issued on February 21, 2020, is subject to compliance with the application and drawing dated and received by DCM on February 7, 2020 (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of a single family residence,with stormwater system. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received by DCM on February 7, 2020. (2) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (3) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at(910) 766-7221 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) U Q j 0 N This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons 0 c within twenty(20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for Jason Dail ) compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL this permit,require further written permit approval.All work must cease when this Q permit expires on: 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 December 31,2023 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal PERMITTEE Name: Gary and Janet Redinger Minor Permit#TB20-08 Date: February 21, 2020 Page 2 of 3 (4) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetated and stabilized (planted and mulched)within 14 days of construction completion. (5) Any proposed for grading within the 30' Coastal Shoreline buffer (as measured from the Normal High Water level) must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh and/or canal. This area shall be immediately vegetated and stabilized and must remain in a vegetated state. (6) With exception of 200 sq. ft. or less of elevated, slatted uncovered wood decking, all other development shall be located at least 30' landward of the normal/mean high water line. No impervious coverage/built upon area, including but not limited to the house (including eaves), foundation pad, covered decking, etc. shall extend into the 30-foot coastal shoreline buffer. (7) This permit does not authorize the excavation or filling of any wetlands, even temporarily. (8) Shall the plan of development exceed 30% impervious coverage within 75' of the normal highwater line, the applicant shall effectively demonstrate, through innovative construction and design that the amount of impervious surfaces exceeding 30% impervious coverage within the 75' Coastal Shoreline AEC shall be managed and the AEC protected. All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with a credible innovative design plan, sealed and sealed by a professional engineer. (9) Upon completion of construction and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy(CO), a letter of certification must be received from the designer of the innovative system installed, certifying that the permitted system has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and his design specifications. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification and a permit modification may be required prior to receiving a CO. (10)All structures shall comply with the NC Building Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Building Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. If any provisions of the building code or a flood damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards,the more restrictive provision shall control. (11)Pursuant to 15A NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third-party. SIGNATURE. TE: /\ 2 ' 27 • 20 2-0 PERMITT RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 2 2020 0 z LI 0 CC- 1 > 0 I-- C....j'=' 40 yCitiki\ VX,1110 0 111 lib U '''''. 0 8 m _ CC) OILIER PERMITS MAI BE R.F.Q1.11(FLL Che itch,ity';on are Mann*.may irquoiv perm:is inbas than ilia C es ty141.1 I-1-1 . ..._,..__ nitina deechipti:cnt INItrItt,inalliatins,hut npt hinitcs1 to 1:hatilonp Wino Wv11 Septa Tank i.ot Act snit lary Past, CC .. 1-1— acianiatil s's shah i Elan Wing,Elitticii.it ilnnthine I bwilig itild Air('inidilitaiint,Insalathin Phi i:/soap:Conitmap l.'s's:lit:lat./DT Sand 1.hann StAtneIlt etattlrol.Sttbdi,,imon Apprittni.Miihiln I hinsi:('irk Appriital.I I inliasay l'.onncstion.8 :Akan Chece retch eerie Local Pannit°Ricci-hot more inform:4nm f;EitbEl AI INFORNI%HON STATF.NIENTIIF OV%tit:W.:11W: LAND OWN:FR-11,5,11,1Mi NDDRFSS the inn,kusinot:,all applicant to..1 i AMA Itmot di...Opp/lion pain,/being either Pip ii.stia;.i ' perts.in ItAftst; cla .1.3a(iek PI(d.41(.4,67 ,..„...„,,,itadvi;/aad in.zia,',.ts tilt itg,t+.1(KrpittEttaStIS of apiilyitin tor 3 CAMA minor tics doornail..p.....,int ;an:ht..0,, lreed;is latittitsallet(in thee application has.sinnifitAat iataucni in Ph;ictil reaper IN dascribed lhence t II.N IP:P,::.st I.ele Ill. 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( i c - e,el,.eneei,erSIgeleil.,l:telle5,ildi'lle.e.:thai thy land ii‘vii.;.;:mai,:ling°h.tataninsca;,l,,,,j..pinLat i a iatattnIzci tor an in,.saloail 'AltY lb:sit tb;,Plii:ls:h:tsoston and:or thiaslinp tad:not/we that ilic t Peal Pcsinit-i'Rlicni ten s asplamoi iii nit,Ow ha:hi:a- rs.; !:'::ll.b.:lli 2:01:lastin la,Pslithat..th 61.,10t 11,1,,\lial*:ii.00 a,an at-comp:nand be N...(tint ..It.LP.ol.IIIII.AintAI:nolle leteillelii, SIZE OF LOI(PiiliCt I. ..4 ..)k iejleill,10,-; 4'i 0 ,..:,,, 1-'" . 'reel anti Plandloophiht linehilignas PROPOSED I SE:P....aida•Ittat 64 ,.,,,,, l,t,,,,,,iy[-.01.?,1..,111-ramiiy D I curie ere ial lath:Shalt 0 t anni D /itillticanore malty dirt I inn 0L,11101tnit tftg/Alt.anal Aka in Etna'giant,pen-mired to Division of Coil-Poi Maft0gCtit,Ilt stall. Pic 1.0i.td Itt;ritatOflicia•int d II: If anents to einca inn It ahirclitaInttoneat:ands in pureter n with nil/I:ming infisni-iiiini) ctokiptyru,LIIIIER(II Oft fi>10ELOW 4 Coodia1 your Theta Phratit Wirer lip*are hal WV'which.1E(applies i thge,,t ti.,this petmi t apPilcall 1. itt t a yaw property): This thc tiav of l ,2it 1.0 l t l(It E VS HAY ARI)ALC:c Li)FAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED S 110(Ililib,:_ ii.liiiat feat undatki it lie(onititaarital I/sang qiace.padong ali/vatad afic/vi:seduad leva non-Liatibtionad vac,:eke-rued above ground lava/bat __ .10' il . —.__ caccluding nota-1”ad-hcarai::aim space' I arida.aka.,..t.i),130r tlibel nerd to at at-,htElba ngallI jot parixisc of filing,0 CAltilA mak application (2)(14ASTAI,S114:1KELINE AFL's:Stir.OP BOLTING Fi a)TPRIN r AND Oil:FR IMPFRVIO::S OR BUD T This application lailatles:,,,aia,ral afkrathath ith,Mat a Ire ilhawaist ai des,ribeti al the hal iy this appiatnipa die I:PON St.M.l'At.:FS 424P:qua%leo iirichides:he zatia-ire Ow tinindation pi all tanidinga,Litivaways,nos clad decks. /iwairainta‘taW.W-r,d the i.h.eilh Ifinaal,4Tt',kaa.a hhih•hch,..,,,,aty a i Ih-de tat S ith)oo marl,pinta*la the hh,ohit,athi i.,04kIVie or Illawnly laitta:s_cia that hie aa itilla the a.iilicabialiE('Attach your(alculations iatth the pow/a/av,aaaL (FnifOXTA. i i Co4.5) an)tnittpotthi.oz aza tnol,h,.papviiicti orall4 by tht,4 ipplk,..N.il 1,et•.1.1.14 qtheleewpiltrVih,,i,tboittainallt3 ibi:13..1.7,111..ell eele sTATF,STORNtwxrue MANACENIEN f ri.it MI I:is it,,ptovict located is aa,turn subject hi a Starr incorporated irdi.vai:ity.allifs ill 4.Itti.(Verna ark,II otial hc',Nay,1)(14,11.ffir,fri;Ili filt,e rieffiliN WM rOHNIliNte II imiahun nil aat•/wow litv tVrion derittrtIV m an.SE("ardvaarke71:::11 ttihmi le t71-1;(.111,14tte'mum,il,illin.,,taliNe aai901 Stienivoite:Mann:17w l'actld vzgaad by the l'.,1.Di,isioa ot t,ialm... iiiiit/at 4nd xuf Rasp/lie:1!ilAMLR r eels are) it len,liar the total built maxi U5ra,tirpr,rti.niti,11114,:,jjkw,d .or 1,oil'let or paRvl .:ii.lar.z.ftct AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: G VIA d- 1 l .. - VIQCt1 Y Mailing Address: In c,ass thgn 0\,,UFE IIr . \-\a\Y1 1 c '2°, . Phone Number: (ItL, sL2` 4C&G3 Email Address: 13'' s OaE NW J- (C t ,Ctiln I certify that I have authorized .�;QStt o 11 a L� 'N i PL5;PL1.C , Agent Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: Pil-; `5,si la S"n4 51:00k' famkt QSidtirKs; cn pi co. at my property located at 4 ) Clit flM. fkiQ.- 14 1 i c, , in çdQX County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: y Signatu --3 T i C•• . n 'l am V Print or Type Name o V1-Y Title Date RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC This certification is valid through 1 / f 1 2b7.0 FEB 0 7 2020 ROY COOPER Governor 4- r MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrelary BRAXTON DAVIS I)recmr February 21, 2020 Gary and Janet Redinger 117 East High Bluff Drive Hampstead, NC 28443 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Redinger, Attached is CAMA Minor Development Permit TB 20-08 for work to be done at 450 Catherine Ave in Topsail Beach, Pender County. An electronic copy has been sent to the Topsail Beach Inspections Department and to you Agent. To validate this permit, please sign both copies as indicated for our records. Retain the orange copy for your files, and return the white copy to us within 20 days of receipt in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope This is not a valid permit until it is signed and returned to our office. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Tanya K. Pietila Permit Support Technician N.C. Division of Coastal Management Enclosures Cc: WiRO files TB Inspection Dept. Weston Lyall -Agent State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.,Wilmington,NC 28405 - p IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: LOT AREA-4,406 SF(0.10 AC) ♦. I/: EXISTING BUILDING-1,200 SF EXISTING SHED-46 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE:1,248 SF (PERCENT IMPERVIOUS-28.3%) e, st 1' AREA OF LOT WITHIN AEC-2,349 SF 4, IMPERVIOUS WITHIN AEC-837 SF(35.6%) OWNif41' SITE TOPSAIL SOUND NORMAL HIGH WATER MOM TARP P11VI EXISTING STAKED PER JAD 1-13-20 NOTES: DOCK —1:mts PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO RESIRICINE _ -— COVENANTS, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES.IF ANY. y1.AB EIR 2.NO TITLE SEARCH BY SURVEYOR. 1442.24461 3.AREA BY COORDINATE METHOD. E0isii 4.THIS SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED PI FLOOD ZONE AE(SEE PLAN. COMMUNITY PANEL CA *37 300-J EFFECTIVE DATE:2-16.2007 'e p�104. 0.4E P4 S.REFERENCES:08 4122,PG 63:MiB 4,PG 103 6.ZONE:R-2 TOPSAL BEACH a[�K SETBACKS PER TOWN: 090K LOCATED - IS SE"Ac EXISTING FRONT-7.5',SIDE-S.REAR-32' NIP FROM + 1:. 6'X 8'SHED SETBACK aa. ,.0i. -^ 7-FLOOD ZONES SCALED FROM fil8 ENCROODHES REAR SETBACK PROPOSED B' :,° 8. SEPTIC SYSTEM BY OTHERS AS PER t 3.9 OPEN DECK PERMIT 6615693XIS PROPOSED 9. ALL ETING CONCRETE ON LOT SHALL BE 2.51,x 419 x set 52 REMOVED PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION sroRMWATER t„ • TRENCH(SHOWN 1 4 ::w HATCHED).RED �i4 i Z PROPOSED 2 gi To.�. c Z.Z•, 4 30'X SIEVES SMITH LEGEND- PLAN. 4 `-- SIR-1 Y Set Nan Hod PATRICIA ii 4 RESIDES - D699D,PG 11 E Iron Pipe CRAWFORD ��I: Rod EIPD-Existing Iron Disturbed DB 4696,PG 153 o 41 I CP-Calculated Pant 4 .�lc. RN/ Right-ot-Way �r4 MBL-Minimum Building line U.GM CONTROL,CORNET 08-Deed Book I tan - , --'5.4^-- N-296187.94 MB-Map Book •• " B -� -, 7.5'MBL - E-2422710.16 PG-Page E.2 226#16 FLNV-First Line of Natural Vegetation Fr2422l6D04 I y PP Existing Powerboat ECM t1 856'38'45•W 40.94' ECU —'— _ -Property Lino Surveyed EXISTING — Property tine NotSrrveyed 20'X 15' ( - -Minimum Bu+atr+g Line SEPTIC ( 0 . /131 SYSTEM I C7 c A� A ( PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: I m i OWNER:GARY REDINGER to I _ MAILING ADDRESS: I M Z ' EIR 117E HIGH BLUFF DR I I m I HAMPSTEAD.NC 28443 PROPERTY ADDRESS: I ( 450 CATHERINE AVE BR G-———-, A 1 TOPSAIL BEACH,NC 26445 I I MB 4,PG 103,DB 4122.PG 63 NORM CAIM7LN/A PIN I#422326-6253-0000 PINDER COS GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET zo no 0 zo 40 I,WEO �TON LYALL,N10lIONAL LAND OURVEYOIN ' MAIL L-44110.CRIMPY TWAT TINS PLOT PLAIN WAS ORAMN UNDER MY SUPERVISION PROM AN ACTUAL OPS SURVEY WOE URGER MY SUPERVISION PITON(DUD GOOK 4,PASS 103)AND TM POLLOMUINO P11tLJMINMY PLOT PLAN EON UIPORAATION WAS USED TO PE PONM TOE SUWEY, CLASS OP SURVEY,$q POSITIONAL ACCURACY,SOO NNW TYPE OP DATUM NAM VOW,R GARY & JANET REDINGER h CCNSWISO WWI PACTOIN US LOT I I,PB., SKIDS SURVEYNE AVENUE PST. 114Q ''. a ,r e'tiy' . TOPSAILT +, „PTOPSML B COUNTY EACH NC �,,WI IS.�... SEAL t WWII ->a' MI a aea. 1 id I t,L t i WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC - ITN NIONNEM 1TN SUITE I :' '� ` Nei* ,MOLLY RUIM.NO sSus WIISTON LYALL �a SION i. �i0, PROMMHO.iM4SS1 MN LICENSE*P45ST a R i TRAT,ON NUMBER 1.44aU te...., ..5N` a1RIJCTURAL a CIVIL ENGWEERING&LAND SURVEYING TOPSAIL SOUND STORMWATER CONTROL CALCULATIONS EXISTING DOCCKK FOR 1.5" OF RAINFALL IN 24 HOURS APPROXIMATE G WATE N62.2445 5'' EIR EIR NEW IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE= 1,200 SF ONE AEe F1000 ZONE♦�A F`p00Z .a owK '� = 0 30.CAMA VOLUME 1.5" RAIN IN 24 HOURS y= i ,M�- i: 'X'SHED 1,200 SF/8= 150 CF rROPOSEDB' r i. PROPOSED 2.5'DX4.0'WX38'L m ��� OPEN DECK BED VOLUME STORMWATER TRENCH ON LEFT g ���::: m 52. SIDE OF RESIDENCE. :::: 150 CF/40%VOID SPACE IN STONE = 375 CF CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE A `4 55 MIN.5'CLEARANCE FROM 4 ,E -:r. SEO:•C ' FOUNDATION :4,:;..a •:::::3D'x:431t::::m BED SIZES I Fi000SCE:, ' (1)2.5'Dx4.0'Wx38'L=380CF1:::::::::::•Gr::::..:. CONTROL CORNER n - �1. .'-.4'r 'N�2]'s)CWWER 380 CF PROVIDED N=23"'Oe6 7.5'MEL W E=RI22,0)' E=2G2200B Oa y 375 CF REQUIRED E� CM •aa•asW Leal EXISTING 20'X 15' ]—T I ,9" • 6 ffl EIR 1D EIR0 m NOTE: STORMWATER TO BE COLLECTED BY GUTTER R LM9VED FROM ROOF WATER ON DWELLING, ROUTE TO DRAIN @CM WILMINGTON, NC BED AT NEAREST POINT. PROVIDE SOLID PIPE UNDER FEB 0 7 2020 ANY DRIVEWAY CROSS-OVER AREAS A=4'-0" DRAINBED SECTION B=2'-0 C= NOT TO SCALE 3-0' D=6" DOWN SPOUT DETAIL SELECT FILL MATERIAL L=38'TOTAL 3" DOWN SPOUT 6" DIA. HDPE ALLOW CORRUGATED PERFORATED PIPE PIPE TO OVERLAP CORRUGATED 1lll�l/ lll : .. DOWN SPOUT 6„ PIPE C ""' y= � LINE BED WITH ALL DOWN SPOUTS =-_ ••.._ : ...- CONNECTED ___ .:� '.;- : D TO 6" --= ;:,7-- _. SOIL FABRIC "—" CORRUGATED =__ - PLASTIC PIPE #57 STONE BED . A IiIiIiIiItliIiIiII' WESTON LYALL, P.E. ottillillits,e, A O' WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC : 4 • 4 E' •%''•�� REDINGER RESIDENCE . _- ti':2 450 CATHERINE AVE 214 HIGHWAY 17 N. SUITE 1 i , -- HOLLY RIDGE, NC 28445 TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 910-329-9961 FIRM# P-0937 27 �: �••,cs` •,1,Q ,,, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING �',,,6%):.............. STORMWATER PLAN CIVIL ENGINEERING ••• ON 1-1,,,, LAND SURVEYING S�E �""� 1 OF 1 I SCALE: DRAWN RY• I FILENAME: SENDER; COMPLETE THIS SECtION comp/F71 THIS SECTION ON DEL/1://i,i • Complete items 1,2,arid 3. awe 1( • Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. DMirreesee „ Received by P th rinted Name) II Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, C. 1,t1:7f Delivery or on e front if space permits. -12) 1. Article Addressed to: 0 Is delivery address different from Item 1? Yee jav It YES,enter delivery address below. 9-e/6 Cfc)v6-1 -I- - 3 1 L-, [12)2 , - (1. 2-11(r 3. Service Type Li Pdority Mall Ewen. I 11111111111111111111 III III 11111 I CC.3)AdAdulitt SCigir:jatt4i.;:Fiestricted Delivery CC]Rnecis tterrleacid Mmti'R•s bicted (Novae, 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 34 U Certified Mail Restricted DeSuary 0 Return Receipt for o Collect on Deivery merchencese 2. ArticJet NI=hoe/Tirane/a,‘,..,..,-..,...4.,I..,—to ''''''"'' Deaver),Remitted Desymy Li Signature ContermatIon"0 7016 1370 0002 2608 3774 aol tr.,Signature Centarmatico Restricted lliiiivery el Restricted Deliirery I PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9435-3 . ,,,"' ' '''' '" ''' '''''``'" '- Return Receipt r ., , .ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION;_i.. uELWERY II Complete items 1,2,and 3. A, Signet .- . ) , • Print your name and address on the reverse r 0 Agent x _. . ) so that we can return the card to you. 111.- ..mailPAAA-dbuieb. 0 Addressee • Attach this card to N. B. Received by Wed Nta799) C. Dale of Delivery the back of the mailpiece, e,, 7 or on the front if space permits. e t :2.1 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? D Yes ksQi(1 S _ If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No , ‘sea\\‘'ll Y-1-4L6 liNLY\ ki ' c..„. 1Y3ch, K '76114S—'- 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mali Expresala 111111111111111111 It III I I III 1111 11 Adult Signature ED Registered Mail'. Li Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted D Certified made iverwery 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 41 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt or 0 Collect on Delivery Merehanoise , . — ''"-"--"YI Dekvery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation'. 7016 1370 0002 2608 3781 viail Aail Restricted Deq NItly IA S9nature Confirmation Rastncted Daiivery I toyer$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt STORMVAJER CONTROL CALCULATIONS FOR 15'OF RAINFALL|N24HOURS NEW IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE= 12OOSF -~—~--- VOLUME 5� "RAIN IN 24 Hou*s � « 1.200SF/8= 150CF -'Rw~CSc 2.5�DX47~wn ^ BED VOLUME eTOpuWATcp TRENCH ow LEFT y 15OCF/4OY6VO(DS��CE |NSTONE=375CF am��p�ma�cs�e^ / ' mw«CLEARANCE FROM nmwomvN BED SIZES (1)25Dx4U'VVx38L=38OCIF `A —z���—' 380CFPROV|DED 375CFREQUIREDwx ^~ SYSTEM 0 � y c~ �° � NOTE: STDRmVVATERTQBE COLLECTED BYGUTTER FROM ROOF WATER ON DWELLING, ROUTE TODRAIN BED AT NEAREST POINT. PROVIDE SOLID PIPE UNDER ANY DRIVEWAY CROSS-OVER AREAS A=4''O" ������������ ����7-1���J B=2'�' ��/ x^�x,����_�� SECTION^��'� NOT TO SCALE C=J'-O^ D=6 DOWN ��O DETAIL �T��� SELECT FILL MATERV\L L=38'TOTAL — — 3~DOWN SPOUT G^D|A. HOPE ALLOW CORRUGATED PERFORATED PIPE PIPE TOOVERLAP CORRUGATED � DOWN SPOUT 6^P|PE , ' ALL DOWN SPOUTS LINEBED WITH CONNECTED TO 6" `A --SOIL FABRIC CORRUGATED n. PLASTIC PIPE W���������� | ���� � ! P.E. __ _ _ -- '__--' . —~ VVESTON LYALL pE PL8 PLLC RED|N{�EF� ��S|OEN�E ' ' ' 214H|GHVVAY17N SUITE 1 450 CATHER|y4EAVE HOLLY R{DQE, NC 2844527 TOPSAIL BEACH. NC 910-329-9961 F|RM# P-0837 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING � ' CIVIL ENGINEERING ST(}F�K8VVATER PLAN ' ^^^v. LAND SURVEYING "' '���'' 1OF1 SCALE: DRAWN By. FILENAME. DATE, 1/3/2020 NOT TOSCALE VVE8 RED|NGER.DVV6 4 IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS , .. LOT AREA-4,406 SF(0.10 AC) .♦ EXISTING BUILDING-1,200 SF ,IS EXISTING SHED 48 SF F`' TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 1,248 SF (PERCENT IMPERVIOUS-28.3%) "Orir ��AREA OF LOT WITHIN AEC-2,349 SF IMPERVIOUS WITHIN AEC-837 SF(35.6%) ^ MEN. �, SITE TOPSAIL SOUND NORMAL HIGH WATER EXISTING STAKEDNOTES: PER JAD 1-13-20 VICMm MAP(I1tf1 DOCK 1.THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE _ COVENANTS, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,IF ANY. •fig EIR 51 2.NO TITLE SEARCH BY SURVEYOR. A 3.AREA BY COORDINATE METHOD. EIR 4.THIS SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN -/ FLOOD ZONE AE(SEE PLAN. COMMUNITY PANEL PE$ /� 63720422300•J EFFECTIVE DATE:2-16-2007 ota r fLOOQ'LOSE pa-9 5.REFERENCES:DB 4122,PG 83.MB 4,PG 103 8.ZONE:R-2 TOPSAIL BEACH SE (`( _ SETBACKS PER TOWN: DECK LOCATED • EXISTING FRONT•75,SIDE-5',REAR-32' ±5'FROM CAMA, Orli, ewe�_ -- Q X 8'SHED SETBACK& r = -l 7 FLOOD ZONES SCALED FROM GIB. REARENCROACHES gETgACK ---"----PROPOSED 8' 8. SEPTIC SYSTEM BY OTHERS AS PER ±3.9' �4$ OPEN DECK c��t�yj PERMIT 6515893 PROPOSED ^4 : Sri 9. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE ON LOT SHALL BE 2.5D x 4W x 39L �', :.: • 32 REMOVED PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER C.! I' :�:•pis, • • • • TRENCH(SHOWN c2 �,+ ap= • • • . HATCHED).REFER,E+ .4 . ': PROPOSED '8 SI TO o '2P• • ��4 3. •LEGEND • q0 •01 STEVEN SMITH PLAN. 'i w� �7V X'rV SIR-112"Set iron Rod t.1 ��4 u DB 980,PG 11 EIP-Existing Iron Pipe PATRICIA •. : RESIDEN • CRAWFORD .�41. EIR-Existing Iron Rod • Epp.ExistingIron Disturbed DB 4595,PG 153 00 6 . Calculated CP- Point ��,: • ie• RAN-Right-of-Way �k4 MBL Minimum Building Une 24'OAKVI:r - -`` l CONTROL CORNET D8-Deed Book CONTROL rr �- *+w ifir-- -1 : .:• F -• A"— N=238187.94 MB-Map Boon N=238180.48 . 74 79 MM. V /B.4 422710.78 PG-FLNV Page Una of Natural Vegetation E-2422888.04 f ,'4 PP-Elating Powerpole 1 I' -1 a� .Property Una Surveyed ECM • 48.9E I — — — — EXISTING I — -Property Una Na Surveyed 20.X 15' I Minimum Budding Lme SEPTIC ,I . 1 &- SYSTEM l 02I (, I 40 ( 2 -4 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: tfi i mj. , I OWNER.GARY REDINGER Ie MAILING ADDRESS: rt� Z — —EIR _— 117 E HIGH BLUFF OR m PROPERTY ADDRESS. D I 450 CATHERINE AVE EIR — 1 m I TOPSAIL BEACH.NC 28445 MB 4,PG 103,DB 4122,PG 63 NO CAROLINA I RTH PIN#4223-26-6253-0000 M71DER COUNTY GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 b I,WESTON LYALL,PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR I �� I mmin NUMBER 440S,CERTIFY THAT THIS PLOT PLAN WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL OM SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM(DEED BOOK 4,PAGE 103)MO THE POLLOWINU INPORYATNIN WAS USED TO PIO/WORM THE SURVEY; PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN FOR CLASS OF SURVEY;11;POSMONAL ACCURACY;Soo o TUM, ,.2oor I""`""`a10,D GARY & JANET REDINGER 03;COMBINED GRID FACTOR' US 460 CATHERINE AVENUE �i• LOT 11,PS 4,PG 103A NIXON BEACH SUBDIVISION SURVEY FEET. Il4 ,�2) 4ES °4`/Z'�� TOPSAL TOWNSHIP,PENDER COUNTY �< '. TOPSAIL BEACH NC ■t,JAM/I,IOW SEAL = fcALf;I..f0 JAN>ti aelo i�� ._" WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC i� t�. 3UR 0 �" 1/4 RwHWAY ITN SUITS I �jy. p,,• �� HOLLY RtDOf,NO fM41{ WESTON LYALL ,, "/ON\.�`.%% moms n mama*PLOW REGISTRATION NUMBER L-M3..NIsu.nts... STRUCTURAL&CIVIL ENGINEERING&LAND SURVEYING January 3,2020 To: North Carolina:Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject 450 Catherine Ave, Topsail Beach NC 28445 The purpose of this letter is to notify the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management of the proposed construction of a single.family one-story residence to be constructed at 450 Catherine Ave,Topsail Beach,?ender County. The property owners are Gary&Janet Redinger,who can he contacted at 910-512-4063. Please see the enclosed CA.M.A Minor Permit Application as well as the preliminary plot plan for the proposed dimensions and location of the project. Thank i yt U. Weston Lyall,PE, ITS, Mk RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 i -- \ 1 / ......_/ i / -....., -1 .------' IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: ..- • I \ \ LOT AREA• 4,406 SP(0,10 AC) EXISTING BUILDING- 1,2(X)SF --ti i 'N 4... $ \ EXISTING SHED •48 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE: 1,248 SF \ 1, t•S' .d'(PERCENT IMPERVIOUS-28.3%) r Or' e AREA OF LOT WITHIN AEC•2,349 SF, IMPERVIOUS WITHIN AEC-837 SF(35 6%) 1 , 1 \ / _ /10 SITE ATLANTIC OCEAN TOPSAIL SOUND NORMAL HIGH WATER EXISTING ,,—STAKED PER JAD 1-13-20 VICINITY NAP INT%DOCK / NOTES. ,__• -- - 1 THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE ,,,...- — EIR -- - — COVENANTS, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,IF ANY. 2.NO TITLE SEARCH BY SURVEYOR. 1 3.AREA BY COORDINATE METHOD. EIR , 4.THIS SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN, ,L,,,,,-- ------ ,.. FLOOD ZONE AE(SEE PLAN. COMMUNITY PANEL ,_-,-- -6 ..,----- #3720-422300-J EFFECTIVE DATE:2-18-2007 ,...,-t014:4---- 00'1 --E e-9 5.REFERENCES:DB 4122,PG 83:MB 4,PG 103 ----r3C/ Am, 6.ZONE:R-2 TOPSAIL BEACH 0)-- lir SETBAkir‘ -. . SETBACKS PER TOWN: DECK LOCATED -I OAK ',' ". EXISTING FRONT-7.5',SIDE-5,REAR-32' 1-5'FROM C „IA,___ 1. ;:.• 8'X 9 SHED SETBACK& -:-----:.-- ci3 V-r- 7,FLOOD ZONES SCALED FROM GIS. ENCROACHES ...„„„ [...„ __.„. REAR SETBACK ------PROPOSED 8' EL SEPTIC SYSTEM BY OTHERS AS PER .......- i -±-,3,9' - '- 'N. OPEN DECK g PERMIT IF515893 PROPOSED 4„, '.. ' . . „,,,,, 2.5D x 4W x 3EIL : : .: ; ' • ' A.2. 9. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE ON LOT SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION - STORMWATER ., :•.'• ''.. , TRENCH(SHOWN 1 ::co'0 • . ' • HATCHED).REFER ,..AT, ..-i1.:- ,-,.: PROPOSED : al TO ENGINEER * " 'ir 53-,,: , PLAN. .. k4. -:c4,. ,, 30 X 40' .• . c w STEVEN SMITH -LEGEND- , PATRICIA P -.2 . : RESIDENQE---- DB 980,PG 11 SiR-112"Set Iron Rod EIP-Existing Iron Pipe • EIR-Existing Iron Rod CRAWFORD • -,:_,, :— „ , EIPD-Existing Iron Disturbed DB 4595,PG 153 * :15 :: • • • • ' • - - : CP-Calculated Point 4 , pe0 '16 . • - ' R,'W•Right-of-Way 24 MBL-Minimum Building Line I. : ' A CONTROL CORNEF DB•Deed Book I M .• t• " • ' • • ' • -Y4 I - CONTROL CORNERi 1111 -'. .. : • ' — T :u's N.23,8187,94 MB-Map Book N236180,48 . •' . : -4 7.5'MBL -....4 i E=2422710.78 PG, Page E...2422860.04—\ ' • -': • ':\:4 0/ / FLNV-First Line of Natural Vegetation ,,,.. . — -1 F-1. ' .. ,ECM ,z)tt;) PP-Existing Powerpole •. -,,, . . c•il'A 1 ..:, ' '. 558°38'46W 49.94' / 1 - Property Line Surveyed ''''' FASTING I L I . : 4cr. — — — — -Property Line M Surveyed . . . I i 20'X 15' 1 -.'. . , .,- ::•., I / ••z• ,.. 1 SYSTEM • ••° '''' : '.: . , , ' '- 0 ',','•• . . `-','' '•' •rn ' ') / W 0 `CI , I c" I— c•-•.1 > a PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: -0 — z t•-•m 1 .. '•:•'•'-' I :• ' ' ' • ' : .:: . $I Lli — 2 o It OWNER:GARY REDINGER 0 _I co MAILING ADDRESS: Tiii_I 1 • • • M Z EIR 117 E HIGH BLUE .1R-- 1-1- ;-t ; m ! 1HAMPSTEAD,NC PROPERTY > ADDRESS: I 450 CATHERINE AVE NoRTH oaRoLEIR:3-NA---- -- --11 M DINM1111110"ets t&run. TOPSAIL BEACH,NC 28445 MB 4,PG 103,DB 4122,PG 63 PIN#4223-26-6253-0000 January]\ 3O20 To: Steven Smith 448 Catherine Avenue Topsail Beach, N[Z8445 Dear Mr. Smith, We, Gary&Janet Redin8er have applied for a[AMA Minor Permit onmypoo at45O CathennoAve,Topoai! Beach, N[2O44S, inOndnwCounty.Thisp»ope�yis |o' �ted approximately 30' away from the mean high water line of the Intracoastal Waterway.As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of MY Ploposed project. No action is required from you,or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. |f you have any questions or comments about nny proposed project, please contact meby mail at the address listed below. {f you wish tofile written comments or objections vviththeLoca|GuvernmentCAKAAW1inorProgram' yuucan submit them to: Jason Dail l27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC2O4O5 Sincerely, Gary&Janet Redin8er 117 East High Bluff Drive Topsail Beach, N[J8445 z �� �� ~~W Z c~ /� "� = =4 W Lu M~ -- LL- cz y ► 1 • : C• v• . E THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. SignaturJ • Print your name and address on the reverse S/ J I ❑Agent X so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by nted Re) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1 C ii. I 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 44L CSDa'YtYCY 'I—N14- ' OZOt L 0 83d —oU ' - ( QX)(l, N(-J��� ON `NOIJNIWIIM V'OQ 3. Service Type . D D Priority Mail Express® Inn IIII III I)I I II III III III I I I I II III 0 Adult Signature 0 Registered 0 Adult d Mail® ®Restricted Delivery ❑Registered MailTRestricte ❑Certifie 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 41 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise •• -- • • • • •• -"--,-,n Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation*" Signature 7 016 13 7 D 0002 2608 3781 vlail Bail Restricted Delivery O Delivery Confirmation Restricted I (over$500) De r,....,4Ai 1 I.a.,oni C'oeu 7c'n nn nnn_nnc,' n..,.,00t,..aot„.n P ink USWIRACkAdif First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 41 United States •Sender: Please print your name,address,and ZIP+4®in this box' Postal Service 54� VACkk VI ?LISI4LLC k\k I (`SL I'IIIflllIII'1"I'll'l a ll'ii'1III �illliiillll�ll��ll'll'III'11 . , CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: C31-;,:Wl-i <fr Address of Property: 46Z C4aWilirtk, ,PQLsitvCo (Lot or Street#, Street or Road,City&County5' Agent's Name#: fj,IQVIYA UJOJt. cctile.1 Mailing Address: 2,14 *Wail Agent's phone IP \A-L-AtH 6(4, mc, 2,641,4-S- I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property, The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing.Adescription or draWirn.with-dimensions. must be'eravided.wit I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at htto://www.nccoastalinanagement.net/web/mnistaff-listing or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION understand that a pier, dock. mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15 from my area of riparian access unless waived by me, (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature • Print or Type Name Print or Type Name Ifl . cAt itgo Noif Dr , 146 Ccitqvifu. Rol Mailing Address Mailing Address 1A(1Mcf*Md I la, 43 2Wi-S City/State/Zip City/ taterZip lb 5i 2- Telephone Numbei 1 Email Address Telephone Number Email Address ?62.'0 hate Date RECEIVr (Revised Aug.2014)' DCM FEB 0 7 212-t WILMINGTCN, NC January 3,2020 To: Patricia Crawford 5110 Teer Road Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Dear Ms. Crawford, We,Gary&Janet Redinger,have applied for a CAMA Minor Permit on my property at 450 Catherine Ave.Topsail Beach, NC 28445, in Onslow County.This property is located approximately 30'away from the mean high water line of the Intracoastal Waterway.As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s)as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you,or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the local Government LAMA Minor Program, you can submit them to: Jason Dail 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Sincerely, Gary&Janet Redinger 117 East High Bluff Drive Topsail Beach, NC 28445 0 Z 0 0 N ILI f a CCI L`LI 0 0 .ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3. i tare j( • Print your name and address on the reverse • X 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 131' c dresses • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, :. Received by(Printed Name) C. Dgte of Delivery or on the front if space permits. r�l�C.c i L.L,/ 1 4 i 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes Cry UY�a If YES,enter delivery address below: El-Ns 5\16 -FOX El - QatL004 C ei 11111 I NC, 2 M tp oN`Nolo r' ►il: 3. Service Type C /�t`" ❑Priority Mall Express® III III III Ell I II III IIII III I (IIII I I O Adult Signature Certified Mail®Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricts ❑ 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 34 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt e ept for ❑Collect on Delivery 2. Article Ni imhar ITranefar srn...........:..-:-d- ^^- 1 Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation,' ail 0 Signature Confirmation 7 016 1370 0002 2608 3774 ail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I (over$500) no r.......45311 I,.i.,nni c non.,cnn nn nnn nnt. flmm.afir Rah vn Ranaint UST.;.`TF U- .G# 111111 First-Class Mail F Postage&Fees Paid USPS � + Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 34 United States •Sender: Please print your name,address,and ZIP+4u in this box• Postal Service � a1� / 1\961 pti c D4 ,,l11 -1-6v1 y ,(y, c 2t44-7- 11I►,lil' ,11:"I.IIIII'1,I1,►I,II;ilfJIIJII,11lIl1IJIJI,I,1J!III CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: �..."ig; i J.0( ItArstgv..1" Address of Property: A Ik Q _..�L ' "l Q(k1f I '. tj ,V . (Lot or Street#, Street or Road,City&County) Agent's Name#: 1, 0,! Mailing Address: W k. Agent's phone#:,�1 r . q %I it'OU niaCyi t\JC 2� . .t47 I hereby certify that 1 own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the deveto•ment they are proposing.A description-or drawinct,With fftmensions,must f :r ovi w t I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. _.. j p 1 If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http://www,nccoastalmanarrement-netiweb/cm/staff listing or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST- No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse,or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. Of you wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below.) l do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. i do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (PropertyOwner Information) (Riparian Property Owner Information) .`� Signature ‘,- Sig nature Pent or Type Namea Print or Type Name in `tact t;t i u ' D . 110 —reef' v Mailing Address�� Mailing Address it 1 JI`� I Jt . ,�� C r t� ++C 17 OP City/State/Zip City/State/Zip • Telephone Number/Email Address Telephone Number/Email Address RECEIVED Ad DCM WILMINGTON, NC (Revised Aug.2014) FEB 0 7 2020 U.S DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OMB No. 1660-0008 ' • Federal Emergency Management Agency Expiration Date November 30,2018 I National Flood Insurance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important:Follow the instructions on pages 1-9 Copy all pages of this Elevation Certificate and all attachments for(1)community official,(2)insurance agent/company,and(3)building owner. SECTION A-PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Al. Building Owners Name Policy Number REDINGER.GARY W AY Building Street Address(including Apt.,Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O Route and Company NAIC Number: Box No. 450 CATHERINE AVE City State ZIP Code TOPSAIL BEACH North Carolina 28445 - A3. Property Description(Lot and 13lock Numbers,Tax Parcel Number,Legal Description.etc.) PINe 4223-26-6253-0000 A4. Building Use(e.g.,Residential,Non-Residential.Addition,Accessory,etc.) RESIDENTIAL A5. Latitude/Longitude Let 34.-23-27.20tong.-.77-33-56.84 Horizontal Datum: fl NAD 1927 Ej NAD 1983 A6 Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number 6 A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s) a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) 86 sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or enclosure(s)within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade 2 c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b 256 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? i___)17 Yes L No A9. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of attached garage 0 sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade 0 c) Total net area of flood openings in A9 b 0 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? E]Yes [] No SECTION B-FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM)INFORMATION 81.NFiP Community Name&Community Number I 82 County Name 83. State Town of Topsail Beach 370187 i Perrier North Carolina , B4 Map/Panel 65. Suffix B6 FIRM Index B7. FIRM Panel 88.Flood Zone(s) f39.Base Flood Elevation(s) Number Date Effective/ (Zone AO use Base Revised Date Flood Depth) 3720422300 I J 02/16/2007 02/16/2007 AE 9.0 B10. Indicate the source of the Base Hood Elevation(BFE)data or base flood depth entered in Itern 89: fl FIS Profile Eq FIRM 0 Community Determined fl Other/Source: B11 Indicate elevation datum used for 8FE in Item B9. 0 NOVO 1929 Lsi NAVD 1988 ri Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System(CBRS)area or Otherwise Protected Area(OPA)? Yes J No Designation Date. fl CBRS j OPA RECEIVED FEMA Form 066-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. INGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No. 1660-0008 Expiration Date.November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt.,Unit,Suite.and/or Bldg.No.)or P.O.Route and Box No. Policy Number: 450 CATHERINE AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number TOPSAIL BEACH North Carolina 28445 SECTION C-BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY REQUIRED) Cl, Building elevations are based on: ❑ Construction Drawings.* 0 Building Under Construction` ❑Finished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Elevations-Zones Al-A30,AE,AH.A(with BFE),VE,V1-V30,V(with BFE),AR.AR/A,AR/AE,AR/A1 A30,AR/AH.AR/AO. Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in Item A7.In Puerto Rico only,enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: N/A Vertical Datum:Geoid 12A VRS RTK GPS Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in items a)through h)below. 0 NGVD 1929 xQ NAVD 1988 ❑Other/Source' Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement used. a) Top of bottom floor(including basement,crawlspace,or enclosure floor) 5. 1 0 feet ❑ meters b) Top of the next higher floor , __J, .2 feet 0 meters c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member(V Zones only) -__.N/A. El feet ❑meters d) Attached garage(top of slab) N/A. [ feet ❑ meters e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building 11 0 . 0 feet 0 meters (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) f) Lowest adjacent(finished)grade next to building(LAG) 3. v u feet ❑ meters g) Highest adjacent(finished)grade next to building(HAG) 5. 1 [J feet [] meters h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs,including N/A _ Q feet ❑ meters structural support SECTION D-SURVEYOR,ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor,engineer,or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information on this Certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available.1 understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U S. Code, Section 1001. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a licensed land surveyor? {J Yes ❑No ❑Check here if attachments. Certifiers Name License Number Weston Lyall L-4438 Title ,,�ts�►ussias44' Owner/PLS `v'�'t�tN.C'� C7��+'ir w Company Name _ I '�eQ Place 7r"..Y't Weston Lyall,PE,PLS,PLLC - . Address _ - t Sr 8 Q 214 Highway 17 N. Suite 1 ,"% t7City "" State ZIP Code ''r s7'ON\-"re• Holly Ridge North Carolina 28445 'e'rrramiti *--% Signature Date Telephone -� 12/20/2019 (910)329-9961 Copy all pages of this evati Certificate and all attachments for(1)community official,(2)insurance agent/company,and(3)building owner. Comments(including type of equipment and location,per C2(e),if applicable) This elevation is preliminary only for a proposed residence, Elevations noted are per construction drawings. Section A8:The estimated enclosure area is determined from preliminary construction drawings.The flood vent openings are assumed to be 8"x16".Final calculations are determined with the finished construction elevation certificate. Sections 88 8 B9:Information noted is the effective flood zone.The flood zone shall change to AE 11(to be confirmed)per preliminary FEMA flood map Section C2e:The proposed elevation of the wood stand for the AC Unit. RECEIVED FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. DOMMItslutINGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No 16e Expiration Date'N N08 ovember 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt,Unit,Suite.andior Bldg.No)or P.O Route and Box No. Policy Number 450 CATHERINE AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number TOPSAIL BEACH North Carolina 28445 SECTION E—BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A(without BFE),complete Items E1-E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a t.OMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A,B,and C.For Items E1-E4,use natural grade.if available,Check the measurement used.In Puerto Rico only, enter meters, El Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade(HAG)and the lowest adjacent grade(LAG). a) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawispace,or enclosure)is __. .__ ❑feet (;.,1 meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawispace,or enclosure)is ❑feet Ifl meters ❑above or d below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9(see pages 1-2 of Instructions), the next higher floor(elevation C2.b in the diagrams)of the building is �l feet Li meters ❑above or 0 below the HAG, E3 Attached garage(top of slab)is []feet ❑meters ❑above or C below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is _]feet 0 meters ❑above or L below the HAG. E5 Zone AO only If no flood depth number is available,is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? Cl Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F-PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)CERTIFICATION The property owner or owners authorized representative wno completes Sections A,B,and E for Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued EWE)or Zone AO must sign here.The statements in Sections A,B.and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. _............__.._.__. _....._.._.__ .._......------ Property Owner Jr Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments L Check here if attachments, FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. For tt y 2' V ED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No 1660-0008 Expiration Date:November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt..Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg. No)or P.O.Route and Box No Policy Number: 450 CATHERINE AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number TOPSAIL BEACH North Carolina 28445 SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATION(OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A,B,C(or E),and G of this Elevation Certificate.Complete the applicable item(s)and sign below.Check the measurement used in Items G8-G10.in Puerto Rico only,enter meters. G1 ❑ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer.or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) 62 J A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. ❑ The following information(Items G4-G10)is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy Issued G% This permit has been issued for. ❑New Construction❑ Substantial Improvement GE. Elevation of as-built lowest floor(including basement) of the building: ❑feet ❑ meters Datum G9. BEE or(in Zone AO)depth of flooding at the building site: 0 feet ❑ meters Datum G10. Community's design flood elevation: ❑feet ❑meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone Signature. _ Date Comments(including type of equipment and location per C2(e), if applicable) ❑ Check here if attachments, FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions_ I V E D DCM WILLM NGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE See Instructions for Item A6, Expiration Date:November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt,Unit. Suite and/or Bldg.No)or P.O. Route and Box No Policy Number 450 CATHERINE AVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number TOPSAIL BEACH North Carolina 28445 If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with date taken;"Front View"and"Rear View";and,if required,"Right Side View"and "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents,as indicated in Section A8.If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page,use the Continuation Page. One rrvn Photo One Caption ----- RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 Prme Tarp Photo Two Caption ___ __...._ _..,.... FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 5 of 6 BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Continuation Page Expiration Date November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt.. Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg. No)or P O.Route and Box No. Policy Number 450 CATHERINE AVE . . City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number TOPSAIL BEACH North Carolina 2E3445 If submitting more photographs than will fit on the preceding page, affix the additional photographs below. Identify all photographs with date taken, "Front View" and "Rear View": and, if required. "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents,as indicated in Section AS. Photo One Photo One Caption Photo Two RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 0 7 2020 • phot.,wo Photo Two Caption FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 6 of 6 TOPSAIL SOU 4 STORMWATER CONTROL CALCULATIONS FOR 1.5"OF RAINFALL IN 24 HOURS „G°WM EN 2. NEW IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE= 1 200 SF occiosr£g 4.0 VOLUME 1.5"RAIN IN 24 HOURS a f- f_."t ' '" 1.200 SF/8= 150 CF PROPOSED 25'OX4.,Ws381 z :'�- i BED VOLUME STORMWATER TRENCH ON LEFT ' ,z SIDE OF RESIDENCE. —� : • > �' '`•' 150 CF/40%VOID SPACE IN STONE =375 CF :ONTRACTOR SHALL_ENSURE A MIN S CLEARANCE FROM •. _ i FOUNDATION : - '::• IG# '. BED SIZES ti THESE (1)2.5'Dx4.0'Wx38'L=380CF • �� 4 I Icy`. .. 380 CF PROVIDED ;tea j y ''$ 4 fib: 375 CF REQUIRED eC>wXIV Cw / ins.s sErx • .i.ii g -m'fln atAi am *D NOTE: STORMWATER TO BE COLLECTED BY GUTTER FROM ROOF WATER ON DWELLING, ROUTE TO DRAIN BED AT NEAREST POINT. PROVIDE SOLID PIPE UNDER ANY DRIVEWAY CROSS-OVER AREAS A=4.-0" DRAINBED SECTION B=2'-0" C=3'-0" NOT TO SCALE D=6" DOWN SPOUT DETAIL SELECT FILL MATERIAL L=38'TOTAL 3"DOWN SPOUT r-6"DIA. HDPE ALLOW CORRUGATED " PERFORATED PIPE PIPE TO OVERLAP /CORRUGATED pr• � f� < DOWN SPOUT 6"PIPE C' k : :•- ALL DOWN SPOUTS ;.^ ;t W- i'''{ 1.'1,Z-y ' LINE BED WITH ``� === '. t4;1;„..,vn.„tr. '` CONNECTED TO 6" = �,- ,� ;�;�:.; �"�`��'"PS• :�:���� �. SOIL FABRIC -=- CORRUGATED --- ,, s;'� PLASTIC PIPE — `,#57 STONE BED A. !. '- '• :``: ,; 11111111111111111I WESTON LYALL, P.E. ,,,,,���"'�"'- A O REDINGER RESIDENCE WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC ;=0P F %�s.- 450 CATHERINE AVE 214 HIGHWAY 17 N. SUITE 1 L 9r HOLLY RIDGE, NC 28445 ' TOPSAIL BEACH. NC 27 910 329-9961 FIRM# P 0937 ' STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING %%,;'s .(P.,.,` STORMWATER PLAN CIVIL ENGINEERING �S ON \- '.. LAND SURVEYING SHE"'�� 1 OF 1 SCALE. DRAWN BY FILENAME. DATE. 1/3/2020 NOT TO SCALE WES REDINGER.DWG SENDER:COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. • :.v ttue ■ Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 137 resseg-- • Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, Received by(Printed amme) C. D to.f Delivery or on the front if space permits. *<.�.r.i aitae..kNd 4 7....e) 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes w,---R ,3 cs i> -1 If YES,enter delivery address below [3-PoE C j-fit'I .it u1 r f (-- 2 r l( t3. Service Type o Priority Ma,t Express* iRegistenxt w;' 1111111111111111111111111111111 , potO Restricted Delivery fJ PIN/stored Mail Restricted Certified Man 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 34 o Cort111•0 Mall Restricted Delivery C RetMrnRe Merchandise for on w ❑Cabot Iwy rn n�r�._�t�eMeer4 Restricted Delivery Signature 2. Artir!a Ntimt,nr?ronah.r...n,......+....�..a .. _.,_.. G ure rrtaticrt 7016 1370 0002 2608 3774 GRetri Delivery .�Restrcted Delivery Restricted Delivery I rover Sfe00) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000.9053 Domestic Return Receipt •ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signe ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X "�J/ 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee • Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, B. Rece' by rated Play C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 21 frk. I I`1 1. Article Addressed to: D, Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes It YES,enter delivery address below: 0 Na -2644 111111 ■i■■ ti1 11)11 {11I1t Ill 111 I I 1{I11t3.Adult Signature 0 Registered Service Type 0 Priority Mai Expresvie 1III I f!ill I IttI iI■,V I'�)I 111111 0 AdultCertified Mail*Restricted Delivery ❑Relive Mail Restricted ry 9590 9402 4781 8344 4907 41 El Certified Mau Restricted Delivery o Return Receipt for ❑Cotkct tvi Delivery Merchandise • :—"'—'— - - --'^n Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation"` Con 7016 1370 0002 2608 3781 Aa Rest noted Delivery ,SigRestricted Del erytlon 1 rover$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt ii1:1:1 NC Division of Coastal Management 10 9 61 A B • D Cashier's Official Receipt Date: 20 'n Received From `14 . r " 624 $ (t54 Permit No.. i Check No.: / ' Applicant's Name: County: . 4're 7------br . ;t-e c.4 Project Address: L Please retain receipt for your records as proof of payment for permit issued. Signature of Agent or Applicant: Date: .2 (61 ,., /Signature of Field Representative: Date: ` !//(`/• )ate Date Check From Name of ! Vendor Check Check Permit Rct. # ceived Deposited Permit Holder Number amount Number/Comments )/2020 Weston Lyall PE Gary and Janet Coastal 2110 $50.00 minor fee,450 Catherine's Ave, JD rct. PLS PLLC Redinger Bank and Topsail Beach PnCo (has$50 credit 10961 Trust remaining from 8/29/19)