HomeMy WebLinkAbout85553D - Schofield ��`p""k & CAMA .6REDGE FILL ° 85553 A B c ,tip 3!) GENERAL PER1' IT Previous permit ► Date previous permit issued --New I 1 Modification _Complete Reissue I I Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC . 1)/4. 1':`h7 C I I Rules attached. I'k I General Permit Rules available at the following link:www.deo.nc.gov/CAMArules t • � Applicant Name `>d r'�/'�{t-e (l qm iii Ii1A$1 (to /skte lj r r"'ViOlq Authorized Agent C 'f C A,1A.-[_ /�'` C ZIT Address aC'i 30 !"((N stv C �F-G' }`i f L C Project Location(County): :' �''4-+(L '� Sc ZIP Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) / City ��,'':,�°�C 2State 2���� j � j 1 Phone#( AO(3 D 2/(�D 7 A br'1 i',. 'i h i'tr't . Email ((SkL tolivh4 C .1to'v)A''2eM,(r Subdivision J�- �r _ (City It 161 / ZIP 2 ,y6c Affected Dipv EW PTA n ES I I PTS Adj.Wtr.Body f 4 4-tCL4i4 i OC(i '1 gaatlman/unk) AEC(s): OEA IHA UW SPIMA I IPWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body A. ttwtiic Va A-- ORW:yes/19 PNA:yes/ fL� /f r AC Noe of Project/Activity ek etfv f C riV /l/ O�t-I ir • rr`t- C v (Scale: Altr; ) Shoreline Length Access Length , } I i Pier(dock)length I Fixed Platform(s) �_._! I j House -- __ Floating Platform(s) { r , Illi/> Finger pier(s) I ` •+.__. V L. C I i j Approximate distance to S it [ ? ' house structure/pilings Total Platform area 1 Groin length/tt , - P/L u N P/L Bulkhead/Riprap lengt)h . ._ Landward extent of beach bulldozing/dune alignment Avg distance offshore Width of � Breakwater/Sill • property: Max distance/length 1 [ Basin,channel Cubic yards 1-1 l r Boat ramp I I Approx distance to NLW 1 11111 Boat o Boatlift N-W 9 1464, `Beach Bulldozin - 1111 Other SAV observed: yes Igo i • Atlantic Ocean - i I Moratorium: n/a yes to I' i 1 }# Site Photos: yes �0 _.[_. .._.I .... _._ i II. i7 1 Riparian Waiver Attached: yes '0 I I I A building permit/zoning permit Tay be required by: (.iL" / fr '' l Ay(( I I TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) Permit Conditions 'i(Jf'V1 S ( /FIZ%. - y 4c fc `t L', 'I' a ,, i}y -y“ t i 4/ �tczi. . r, ' . ' 'Z.2t vVIN i,,) L ' ii/g P%- I I See note on back regarding River Basin rules Wi �' °t 4 .��/i�4' Y ( �+ +Ur J/ ' i ' t l See additional notes/conditions on back ?�Pe P vt-6' "1- ;r r"e ,1 K, 1( it/'7 j i,P042,,4 C'5 .i lit•kt . I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. L ease Initial) i"f, t\/' . f1L1'(0 l,-2 zZ Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Perms� cer's RINT Name f4 f?,I(A/Z- ' Z-27 22 f _ r AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit. hiers- (& Icae. iwr Mailing Address: c .'1,3� YVAC.C)`�J �.� Phone Number: ` -6 - 011 5 Email Address: Mhl lv h a r b irr-) a..k2 ha rb►n , Cbm I certify that I have authorized 1 v Cil Q M - tk r Ir a-LA Act I Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: at my property located at 1o1pY1 ta 6e , Da.L ® L oine/, NC- 4 10S- in fy6JCk County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application Property Owner Information: ac->f9 Sig ure /4 4h - 6. F rb i r1 Print or Type Name Title I Date This certification is valid through I / 1, / Zoho Sign Document ID:MYBAWBJ76CFRW8-UHIRZA3TI7ZYMHOKMOYCBH6NCQEQ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER STATEMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH CAMA REGULATION 15A NCAC 7J.0204(b)(5) Pursuant to the North Carolina Division of Coast Management, including but not limited to the Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification/Waiver requirement, by signing below I agree that, effective January 14, 2022: (1) I am a property owner on West Beach in Oak Island, NC and am seeking a permit to push sand in the January/February 2022 timeframe and have applied for a permit with DCM to do same; and/or(2) I am on notice of one or both adjacent riparian property owner(s) seeking to obtain a permit to push sand in the January/February 2022 timeframe; I understand the scope of the permit request and work to be done; and I have no objection to this . proposal or work being done. The effective date of this document is January 18, 2022. Skip Smart 6335 West Beach Drive I0+ mbeP\PQekl Bill Hancock 6341 West Beach Drive MG Ir e� Mark Engel 6601 West Beach Drive Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification/Waiver Statement West Beach Properties 1 Zoho Sign Document ID:MYBAWBJ76CFRW8-UHIRZA3TI7ZYMHOKMOYCBH6NCQEQ John Stewart 6605 West Beach Drive Nancy McMurray 6607 West Beach Drive Ashley Harbin 6609 West Beach Drive ( kc,rin.e Lve\vU Cathy Lovejoy (LCI Properties) 6613 West Beach Drive .r) Barry/Shari Golob 6615 West Beach Drive Mark Davenport 6617 West Beach Drive IG.r\CL . . T rtDtc Bianca Briola 6621 West Beach Drive Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification/Waiver Statement West Beach Properties 2 Zoho Sign Document ID:MYBAWBJ76CFRW8-UHIRZA3TI7ZYMHOKMOYCBH6NCQEQ Mike Ouimet 6623 West Beach Drive Jeff Powell 6701 West Beach Drive Bob Bomholt 6703 West Beach Drive ILYwCAS Thomas Garcia 6705 West Beach Drive Barry/Seena Gudelsky 6713 West Beach Drive m t - Q Morty Sjoquist 6715 West Beach Drive e-`-t4 C1• 6 7 t q Kelly Coy Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification/Waiver Statement West Beach Properties 3 Zoho Sign Document ID:MYBAWBJ76CFRW8-UHIRZA3TI7ZYMHOKMOYCBH6NCQEQ 6719 West Beach Drive Mary Ann Cost 6721 West Beach Drive �Yti�IAY D. � 51,o-vouios Arthur Anastopoulos 6901 West Beach Drive Chip Oury 6903 West Beach Drive Robert Hurst 6909 West Beach Drive Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification/Waiver Statement West Beach Properties 4 Check e.d Date Deposited Check From(Nam.) Nsma of Permit Holder Vendor Check number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Rerund/Rea(bcarid s I Corumn2 Column.' Cotumn4 CokanM Column. Cc*xnn7 Column, Cawing 022 J.Scott McMurray Nancy Ray McMurray Coastal Federal CU 4219 $ 400.00 GP f85514D PA rd.16540 022 J.Scott McMurray John Stewart Coastal Federal CU 4220 $ 400.00 GP f85613D PA rct.16539 022 Ashley Harbin same Bank of America 251 $ 400.00 GP f85553D PA rct 16538 022 ;Michael Ouimet LCI Properties/Kathy Lovejoy Wells Fargo 2264 $ 400.00 GP f85513D PA rct.16537 022' ;Barry Golob same Layfayette Federal CU 191 $ 400.00 GP f85518D PA rct.16536 022 'Barry Golob Mark Davenport Layfayette Federal CU 192 $ 400.00 GP f85610D PA rd.16535 022 Bianca Briola same State Employees CU 192 $ 400.00 GP f856140 PA rct.16534 022 Michael Ouimet same Wells Fargo 2263 $ 400.00 GPf85515D PA rct.16533 022 Cohen Construction,Inc. Joe Callahan Uwhanie Bank 21669 $ 200.00 GP f85348D PA rd.15671 022 John McClure Lorick Atkinson Truist 755 $ 400.00 GP 185454D PA rct.16532 022 'Michael Shannon same Wells Fargo 1634 $ 200.00 GP f85556D JD rct.16810 022 G Bradley Fields same Truist 1247 $ 200.00 GP f85562D KE rct.16586