HomeMy WebLinkAbout85406D - Bowman I),CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 85406 A B C d) GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit 9437 b Date previous permit issued j345(21 ❑New ❑Modification y Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue • As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC a--a. I ZOO ❑Rules attached. C General Permit Rules available at the following link:wtww.dea.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name -•rNce,12. --rn ►KFO� Authorized Agent ( � ' iN.L Address ?n IS S 1 "Pn` t34 an ��4'• Project Location(County): • [ I*.a t Z0_C-C U\ City CO-41 fr 3beOtLLState( (QC. ZIP 2_�2F Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) �j/1'M.YT Phone#(qlb) / f--3 '"t Email Subdivision PLe es..r]Vtt °Z l /V City L (1'ti� Floo L k / ZIP 264292, Affected n CW V EW N PTA El ES ElPTS Adj.Wtr.Body T A ►UYt Cs+`( `-Ihh4`Cn (nat/ unk) AEC(s): te�rr❑OEA ❑IHA ElUW ❑SPIMA El PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body C.:6 Wkf tatics ORW:yes/G) PNA:yes/e) Type of Project/Activity 1S4 Q rUMi Qc`,c et —t-c dt—I - 1 (Scale:k.7t<) Shoreline Length ' i Access Length .s..5, N Pier(dock)length I)(S Fixed Platform(s) ,c�.r- { ( (SJLQ Floating Platform(s) jrX � � (k-, 30r Finger pier(s) ...... Total Platform area C 'SF l�` Groin le th/# 1^C �� 3 Bulkhead rap length 1 Avg distance o hore �v..3_ ` ,p� Breakwater/Sill Pi( "r 1 y w �� r• 2714 4 Max distance/length I/iy„Zt WI T „...............</ Basin,channel l / Cubic yards 1 1 �K' �� � Boat ramp i - Q` lev...,,,,;_, Boathouse ::. Beach Bulldozing 1`s�i t - s + + = Y OtherN �T r SAV observed: yes a 1 Moratorium: n/a yes 6 ',LAN- Site Photos: yes �di ' ✓ Riparian Waiver Attached R no Z'' � k$1 \, r A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: `1�c &s `' C.Q 'v- h� �QCiC41 2 ❑TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) Permit nditio �= ram_ ruck .s1�C ekkit I1ZQc . n See note on back regarding River Basin rules �+ "" n See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWQ 9MPLIANCE STATcr NT. (Please r(Z) C eNicholas Cavarocchi )?...� "C t-�- 2-15-22- ���A e or pplicant PRINTED Name Permit Offtce' TE ame �cc �a- cc . (c_IS•Z? Si np�ure"Please read compliance statement on back of ermit" Signature I g�i•�, �. p J '4s -7 I. I-,--z (i!ICi -77 AtstN I AU I I1LJKIL.A I ION I-OK UAIVIA 1'tK"'" I ION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: DRdli 8.../ /34,(,,J M'a4 Mailing Address: / S �' '�h,h St4(of 1 r, V- c.- - 1 r-r''Qf 1.4chJ Phone Number: -- 7'7 7 Email Address: bdoi,vra4.5pand a/ "mall , cam I certify that I have authorized 41/' 1p1-, Mae i 71; in 6 Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: - c /I StriG/700 /9,4/k j7i.iad at my property located at iC. r1;11 C• (a 06.Ve j GL,i , in ties, 141.0. County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: re f 4tni t' / 0,i41 4 h �� Print`` or Type Name 14C,/ /IicY Title l l f j Date RECEIVED This certification is valid through / / iCAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 79937 A B C • GGENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality d the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Rules attached. )plicant Name , ¢.f-, `�.1.1 ,_,_:\'_y Project Location: County idress Street Address/State Road/ Lot #(s) ty ' State_H ZIP -_ lone # ( ) _-___-_ E-Mail _.____ Subdivision - rthorized Agent City ZIP 2-cr CW _-,EW II;PTA ES PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin " f k fected 7 OEA HHF ❑IH UBA N/A , =C(s): Adj.Wtr. Body r`<tSv^ . A 7 L""-,f- (nat /man /un _] PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body h' , kt EL0 ii ove t.-,,mod RW: yes / no PNA yes % no ype of Project/Activity (Scale: iIV.1'• � S Pier(dock)length 5 Fixed Platform(s) i 1 . Floating Platform(s) I • i Finger pier(s) I Groin length i �{; 1 l — J � 1,k_. number { Fh f ` }_ i Bulkhead/Riprap length -----_ , + -1 !,_ -- — I avg distance offshore 1 } 1 • r t r max distance offshore — i •_ j T 1 i I Basin,channel 7- w. t 1� _ 4r + r-- cubic yards • �� i Boat ramp _ '1 ' 4 { ,/ } Boathouse/Boatlift },., ..^ --. 1 0., �J r Fv,.```'`� r Beach Bulldozing Other 1 _ _ tr 1 Shoreline Length _ I _ _ ' '` � i iN'}( SAV: not sure yes no J.;e�1`(� i { ' �l � ' t. } Moratorium: n/a yes no t*. 1 Photos: yes no i . , ( -1 4 \Pv,(1A.j ,,.r" , , i t � i , , Waiver Attached: yes no --- I,_ G- } _ A building permit may be required by: . j ,See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) / Notes/Special Conditions '"1,. f ( .1 ' -,- • �t ` •H• �t ' , ,,"t-r I"r~ • ,1 / ,4r,(r,., D � .. ► <A vo ci9 "SAY ., -4-A l L-- i i ZCAMA/ tDREDGE & FILL NU 7�9�,i B C d GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # 1I4New Modification 'Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality ^ eel f! i the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC Lj 6-4 I. 100 (.zdd ' 1 ❑Rules attached. piicant Name j �ll� � ---` l/atyt_0.''1 ----_ _ ----- Project Location: County Lks-.) vo,x- - , dress .15_Yev,t-m_5Vla. b f Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) CA•i y r L1 State - ZIP 2.4392/3 >ne#(110 ) 1-41--3164 E-mail ___ Subdivision thorized Agent 5cx.Att Col" — City 6a(4 k ZIP Z1442$ acted D CV/ SEW PTA 0 ES =)PTS Phone # - G 2 ( )�—J,., -�_ River Basinn C s : D OEA ❑HHF ❑I O USA 0 N/A ( Body�_I SLV"� �✓ C O n PWS- Adj.Wtr. �/�C Oft / un4 ry. Closest Maj. Wtr. Body_ 11.0 c yes J� PNA yes /�7 ` pe of Project/Activity `�1 = r1Q.W but o i IAJZ,u3 dtx A nt (-��,�'itj J ( er(dock)length Q _ _ xed Platform(s) _ �. $-r F oating Platform(s) 1:3)g _f r- nger piers) , rain length ) ) l f ' ' number i. - , I _ - / f I . _ �1-1— number --i~�, �'7Ow' ...� , i ? " ' i l iiid Riprap length --AO' t ..__.__. i r avg distance offshore 1' • i l 4 max distance offshore 1 min,channel y j _- '�.. i 1 cubic yards , t ` t I , J t rat ramp rathouse/ i i /d?i/Z/ Pi 114 wok�••- 4 ii, ----":, l i : ,. ! I. i ! ch Bulldozing_ _ __ _ 'ex. , ier� l ni^ _ _ .._.. 'I 1. . orehne Length L- _ \V: not sure yes _ i ( L. l . • t �c", ratorium ®n/a yes �ty, `dr 64.Jmr`r" J I otos: yes A � I t ottKilt4 V i � � ' � (t � i r; I L i river Attached:Ly� & no ` • ._.._�. �.�___ ._.._ _ __:_ -L.- _ : �(� _ wilding permit may be required by: ,LJ$.,'( 6 � `�('-v See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Jose Local Planning Jurisdiction) I ��,y� tes/Special Conditions D Y riQr` C_] y H tottilk uanill f' f 7...., 044 5�TC. A l l o 1100, 1 zO&, lcz f 9 c fec r ' )6a 5 ' •( 1 ,f4& &terrGNC 44/ -k1fi-v` 4i-vi L JACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNcn STATEMENT I hereby certify that ! own property adjacent to nl C/ , 1 ? ,s property located at 1:5 � .�J,r?5,,, { (Name of Property Owner)v e-/ 1. , ..›+14I')r /lit i./ lGTL7 on (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etch, (Waterbody) , in (�crya l r✓'4 �d<-4') :-)9+ia?� , N.C. (CitylTown and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below the development proposed at the above location. I nave no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) / I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature Signature p Print or Type Name Print or Type Name.975 fentrIxtIct L'✓7Ye, iZr.7 9eK1111.4. [CZ tc2 Mailing Address Mailing Address C wry it jch City tate/Zip e, Lc in_ IV /is c — 177 — 375q City rarerzi�, Telephone Number `�,� r � ` /'2" / Telephone Number W/ /5/ l L%t7 /-2/ Date ! Date (Revised 6/RECEIVED72 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to i<„0 01 i4‘C 1 's f �' me of Property Owner) property located at 'I �> C �1 r?5.,(ci(Na s t ;; (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) Air,� on , in N C. (Waterbody) (City/Town andlor County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I nave no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings. breakwater, boathouse. lift. or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below ) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner formation) Si e S,i azure Iry 4,744,2 Prin or Type Name Print orTe Name (� rt' 2.1.1 "'�� .. S ✓ f'=c ✓ r Mailing Address Mailing Address City/State/Zip� City/State/Zip '? - , / -`l 70`f - 2-v i —1 5`/ Telephone Number Telephone Number Date Date (Revv+ , tEI) O�j N�C9� Oat", u�"�C., 0,stDaiii, E' Client: i/d 10 Sci€€ea edft $ ` •`►:rah°� Dater - . -La\ Office I (910) 284-7647 O >tip > <N ' -,.1• Address: SouthCapeManne@Gmail.com �- .0.01,� 6222 Greenville Sound Rd I Wilmington N.C. MARINE P.O. #: _ BOAT LIFTS.D(x:x.S,SERVICE AND ILL PAIRS CD C. A..),,e). ZO L40 fin CA n % S- VeIVI, hstl0\ Cif • et1 -. Vra (ays.trilCc"10 r1 k t6C.o%cL t t%i C_ Zty 2b Sd c, ^ t �, , F ' s40 I / C S S eCA"gf't '16141 Dravwcifn ''1 - S M1yt vJ.... ...... ..... .... ro. Arm/�/ ,-- I (Au a v,r1 ' la- C. p — G ....1 i la % I VN 1 I V \ eacwit (Cki l '516, 1 (J\ 1 P. 3 ' :-� I _ , t i 0 bar! I41 - ,n. . 01 , � r 7 , I cs a i2r 6 I ,' -) 10 a de ,Ix1 - I fl (:).- I t .0.. :74 I i ‘L' 1 Check old Dab Dapmlbd Check From(Nemo) Noma of Permit Holder Vendor Chock number amount Prim!NmmbdCommanb Rocolpt or Refund/Reallocated a Column2 Column? Column, Columns Column, Colunn7 ColunM Column9 122 David Grice Money Order Robert Roy USPS 2.64E+10 $400.00 GP#85579D BB rct. 16986 )22 David Grice Money Order Robert Roy USPS 2.64E+10 $200.00 GP#85566D BB rot.16990 )22 Alexander Torello Jr. same BB&T 5923 $400.00 GP#85598D IKE rot.16590 )02 Jerry Ennett Edna Lockamy Coastal Bank and Trust 4489 $200.00 GP#85591 D JD rct.16565 )22 Carolina Bluewater Construction,Inc.David Aucello BB&T 24517 $200.00 GP#85568D BB rot.16991 )22 I Carolina Bluewater Construction,Inc.Ashley&Jackson Trent BB&T 24516 $200.00 GP#85567D BB rct.16992 )22 South Cape Maritime,LLC Marsh Harbour HOA Wells Fargo 1148 $400.00 GP#85571 D KE rct.16588 )22 i Richard Penny Construction,LLC Eagle Point HOA Navy Federal CU 2658 $200.00 GP#85570D _ KE rct.16587 122 bennett Boys,LLC Matt Bennett First Citizens Bank 1128 $200.00 GP#85559D JD rct.16811 )22 Sea Dog Marine Construction Edgar Garber II First Bank 1629 $200.00 GP#85373D BB rct.16989 )22 'Meadowbrook Investments LLC Debell BB&T 1396 $200.00 GP#85581 D BB rct.16988 )22 Rhonda McCall Tony Alexander Bank of America 1131, $200.00 GP#80195D PA rct.16541 122 Roy Smart Same Wells Fargo 57837$400.00 !GP#85450D PA rct.16502 )22i South Cape Maritime,LLC Daniel Bowman Wells Fargo 1358 $200.00 I GP#85406D BH rot.16260