HomeMy WebLinkAbout86468A - Kean, Eric._t' rj`wrq [�CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL 9 86468 Q B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous p Date previous permit issued [dNew ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorizedbythe State of Noah Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 7 15A NCAC 14 - I Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dgq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name F ' G r~ Authorized Agent -_ Al J STov` e Mot 1'k. G Address I rp PO.'n Project Location (County): rL ► C : 4 Cp City A2c rJ 4- N5W S State %%A ZIP a3Co c Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) 10 19I' Phone # (2g_T-) 4411 - o 46 9 L11'+ 1-4 Email e(rC ®1 4r. rrf� Cores Subdivision CCatr�1G L City _C fc:"liC_ ZIP Affected ❑ CW [?�EEW PTA Es El PTS Adj. Wtr. Body a(P..*k .6 k_ r _ cl nat nan/unk) AEC(s): OEA 0 IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body C,,, ;. L..ok Sct.� ORW: yes/0 PNA: yes to Type of Project/ Activity AUP_r.J rx Fi ,f ert / SO' OtJ,--,- c...�_-4'lC+r G�f f.' Jet IC'. r PlC �"�Cr r 4, (Scaler 1 S Shoreline Length 33 Access Length SSC 7� x ( L 6i 1v p Pier (dock) length 504'-Cl z l_.L.l t ���(,nL'...✓� y 5b - `f 1 - -1- Fixed Platform(s) 1 C ' -k ) C r . � J (� "r .. P� r Floating Platform(s) Finger piers) 14 j( III W roQ Q -c� U 1, •�� (. al Platform area 1?C S4Pi-1 •-1Mi—Sj' SS( Qo Groin length/p � d / �N /ii Ao' ni. si iry ri/ i/41 i.ii in iij -lee Bulkhead/ Riprap length , Q� Avg distance offshore l � � Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length �— �J Basin, channel tCf r/ U . L o a kv Cubic yards f [� , Boat ramp �% . j�� �, "'� (✓B� L J Boathouse/ Boatlift y�! —�— Beach Bulldozing :. Other Y t( < SAV observed:�a yes Q Moratorium: no �I; L L w✓ :.� Site Photos: �no, Riparian Waiver Attached: yes V A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: (2( tr.'i �.L k- ca'.4 C/ Permit Conditions � TAWPAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) See note on back regarding River Basin rules See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND C J 0 - NDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) 1 e,+- Cot 6,ef fl Agent or Appli ame rmit Office 's PRI ED Name X Signature' ease read co s atement on back of permit" Signature (xy 1120l-;�s_a.;L- S--2s a� Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date te-� g6k7-0A, -t 'W01 A; DocuSign Envelope io: 76D75D38-3D99-4FEE-BEET-C2B367428494 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit. Eric Mailing Address: 160 Point Heron Drive Phone Number: Email Address: Newport News Virginia 23606 757-449-0269 eric@leegroupsearch.com I certify that I have authorized Millstone Marine Construction, Inc. , Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: To construct a new pier at my property located at 1016 Cruz Bay Lane Corolla N.C. , in Currituck County. I furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: �iDoocuSignied by:: Ste* y�f}(C` &.— xe�ss9 Signature Eric Kean Owner Print or Type Name Title 1/12/2022 ! 1/14/2022 Date This certification is valid through 7 1 31 / 2022 Revised Mar. 2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DOE 8604-2C68-4742-9486-3B231F416D6C DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to SF Corolla Bay LLC s (Name of Property Owner) property located at 1016 Cruz Bay Lane (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on CurnLUCK Sound in Corolla (Waterbody) Agents Name #: Millstone Marine Agent's phone #: 252-202-2678 N.G. (City/Town andlor County) Mailing Address: 201-A Etheridge Road Manteo N.C. 27954 He/She has described to me as shown below the development he/she is proposing at that location, and I have no objections to the proposal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Construct a New Pier If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at www.nccoastalmangement.neticontact dcm.htrn or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have bean notified by Certified Mail `Owner Information) �rgna ure gees SF Corolla Bay LLC Print or Type Name P.O. Box 90 Mailing Address Kill Devil Hills N.C. 27948 71tylState2ip Telephone Number 3/1/2021 Rafe (Ri arian Property Owner Information) i Sig Lure Lehr Sound Realty LLC Print or Type Name 2515 Old Orchard Road Mailing Address Lancaster Pa, 17601 CttylStatelzip III qq 1352 Te/ephone Number (�5 J L Date DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Ly 9t htT R1PAfitANEiDI'ERTY �_..._ '" M 611 _ RFTURN RECEIPT REQ41E SF Corona Sa i LC'g k Y c9ftifi that 1 own Property adjacant 2C� ' ._ (Name of Property Ovmstl Plv,"'I5e"',,at'10tC crul,— x: (cldre3+s l.4t Block, Road atc.) N.O. - Corolla rolla �- — �tfrrituvk pound "I}= {wlaearGr=iiYi tCityiPown andlior County) �gen4 t�ai#ls�rurtrrossridge .201-AEth gill toneMarne ZorRs�ac} 252 2Q'�-26� � Manteb N.G_ �795d AgBnfi Phan �,' _ p. .:. . at Met tocat4an, He+$tle has ties ,r bc,d to Me as shown below the desetoPrmnt heiShe is ProP051n� and E have nu niajgCftttn8 to ih%* proPu:€el. _ __ `.• DESGd iPTti}tJ ANDfOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT # a tMd p-ing development most till to description below or attach a site drawing) €E z` Construct a New € ier tf you have objections to , irat f8 beirrp propt�sad yarn n+uat noe"ty thn Dtvfsfvn od Do€rsta! dfanagemefit t(OCAV in writ rig within 10 mays of receipt of this notiap, Contact information for DCM offices is avaifatie at wwm:ncocrusielcaarrgementneG oniacf dorn.khrr or by catl[ey 1•8884RCOASr. No --sgnnsn is caarsufnrnd the sana¢ us nP, rttrir on ff you have beetr naLffkad b CCarfitted A�falt, _ (Paa y wneriaz€crma4iot (Riparian Property Owner information) 3�#na 3rd ' Sryn�triro � _ SF CQtt"illRobert SiUak Prittt-Typo N'W..e+ Print pr Ty�xa Nerna �. P.Q• 80K go 27048 Post Time court Kit V4 Hille N C. 27 38 Chart ll `Jtrgtny, 20152 ,afvuftsta(<'1p � ,.� _ ��.. CffiylfdKerZip �C �� �aeahaedd rta ±rWKInefautrr er Date ai1iui1u 11111W Doc No: 325547 Recorded: 12/02/2016 01:23:27 PM Fee Amt: $26.00 Page 1 of 3 Currituck Countv North Carolina Denise A. Hall, Register of Deeds etc 1389 PG 367 - 369 (3) Prepared by and return to: E. Crouse Gray, Jr., Attorney at Law 3120 N. Croatan Hwy., Ste. 101 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 My File No. 11323-075 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR COROLLA BAY NORTH CAROLINA CURRITUCK COUNTY THIS AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF OVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR COROLLA BAY made this the _ day of vtV ho r 2016 by Corolla Bay Homeowners' Association, Inc., allorth Carolina corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the "Association') and Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, (hereinafter referred to as "LLC"). RECITALS: A. Corolla Bay, LLC, as Declarant of the Corolla Bay Subdivision, heretofore executed and recorded aDeclaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Corolla Bay as recorded in Deed Book 101 a, u _ page 689`'in the Office"of the Register of Deeds of Currituck County, said Declaration7is referred to herein as the -- "Declaration". B. Corolla Bay, LLC heretofore executed a certain Deed of Trust recorded in Book 820 at Page 815 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Currituck County, as modified and amended, (the "Deed of Trust"). C. LLC acquired a portion of the property secured by the Deed of Trust by a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure recorded in Deed Book 1295 at Page 79 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Currituck County, D. Pursuant to that certain Assignment of Declaration Rights recorded in Deed Book 1295 at Page 74, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Currituck County {"Assignment of Declarant Rights"), and as an appurtenance to the property acquired by said Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure as recorded in Deed Book 1295, at Page 79, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Currituck County, LLC acquired certain special declarant rights and development rights described in the Declaration, said declarant rights being collectively referred to herein as the "Declarant Rights". E. LLC is not an affiliate of the original Declarant described in the Declaration. M Y IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Corolla Bay has been executed, by authority duly given, the day and year first above written. Corolla Bay Homeowners' Association, Inc. By:(SEAL) Herbert R. Hamlet, President Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC By: (SEAL) Herbert R. Hamlet, Manager STATE OF CITY/COUNTY OF 1, �.. s.r d a Notary Public of the City/County and State aforesaid, certify that Hebert R. Hamlet, of Corolla Bay Homeowners' Association, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is President of Corolla Bay Homeowners' Association, Inc., and that he, as President, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing on behalf ♦♦♦♦sw0#48%o it, a corporation. • �,•`�♦� P �yWitness my hand and official stamp or seal, th' day of2016. t4*1 •� Nay r 21 Notary Pub tc 13,,�,.,� i�EAL/STAMP My Commission Expires: a,0'•,.apU�`' INK Registration Number: .4 STATE OF G�'•%t�� CITY/COUNTY OF _ a ✓Aram_ a Notary..,°ublic, hereby.certify that Herbert R. Hamlet personally came before me this day, and acknowledged the execution cif the foregoing instrument, all'in his capacity as a manager in, and in the name and for and on behalf of Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina. .•�, � P O-V •Z/ 6 Witness my hand and official seal this the ! day of �,�ri� ,,.f.► r' , 2016. �0�''4.•pU�`�~ X41 (SEAUSTAMP) O / r( Notary Public My Commission Expires:_`��' Registration Number: -7 3 7i,t ,T/ N:\WORD\Ctknts\T\TOWNEBANK (ka Bank of CWHTUCk\11323.073 Corolla Bay (Op. 09.07.16)\Amondment to DCCiaration- 0 E-RECORDED atmpW Clete: ��' 1� .'i+ 'Eme:` i� t LAND TRANSFER NUMBER 1 ° a LAND TRANSFER FEE: $0.00 EXCISE TAX: $0.00 PARCEL NO. 0115000003R0000 REAL ESTATE TAXES PAID: Prepared by and rerun to: E. Crouse Gray, Jr. Cray & Lloyd, L.L.P. 3120 N. Croatan Hwy., Ste. 101 Kul Devil Hills, NC 27948 www.gra�andlloyd corn File No. 10589-067 NORTH CAROLINA CLRRITUCK COUNTY EASEMENT AGREE]MNT This Easement Agreement made and entered into this the day of .. -- �S and between the County of Currituck, a body politic and a political subdivision of the S of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" and Eric B. Kean of 160 Point Heron D e, Newport News, WA 23606, hereinafter referred to as "Grantees". RECITALS: A. Grantor is the owner of a certain tract or parcel of land conveyed to Grantor byCorolla Bay, LLC by deed recorded in Deed Book 716, Page 76, Currituck County Public Registry. B. The deed recorded in Deed Book 716. Page 76, Currituck County Public Registry provided in part that: "All owners of lots in Corolla .Bay Subdivision who share their Western boundary with that area designated as "Reserved Area" on the Conveyance Plat (the " CB Lots Pier Access") shall have an easement appurtenant to their lot to construct within that portion of the Reserved MM 'l b 1 J HU 843 - 845 (3) DOC# 372388 Area which is situated within an extensions of the Northern, and Southern lines of the CB hots with Pier Access a 4 foot uncovered walkway to the Eastern margin of the Cuzrituck Sound for purposes of access to the Currituck Sound. The appurtenant easenm nt reserved herein for the benefit of the Owners of CB Lots with Pier Aecessshall include the right to apply for all ne cessarypermits with the Coastal Act Management Authority. 'Elie appurtenant easements resgerve d herein are designated as 4 lYoot Pier Access Easements for Individual Sound Front Lots CITP'j on the Conveyance plat" C. Grantor has agreed to increase the width of the casenew right granted herein to the benefit of Lot 17, Corolla Bay Subdivision. NOW,TRMF-FORE, the Grantor, iu consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), to them in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and or other good and valuable consideration, has and by these: presents does grant, bargain, sail and convey unto Guauutee an easement which shall be Public Registry, the easement for ingress, egress appurternant bn Lot 17, Ccrolta Bay Subdivision as recorded in plat Cabinet 1, Slide 199, Currituck County , and access for placement of a wand walkway and, an ea-"mncnt granting riparian rights, for purposes of constructing a pier. Said easement being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being located the following calls and distancedrom the Southwest corner of Lot 17, Corolla Bay as shown on map or plat recorded in Plat Cabinet J, Slide 199, Curritnek County Public Registry: North 22 deg. 04 min, 01 see. West 48.40 feet to a point, South 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. West 24M feet to a point, being the point and place of beginning; from said beginning point turning and running South 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. West 37&06 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 16 deg. 30 min. 47 sec. East 16.05 feet to a point; thence taming and running South 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec.West 90.61 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 16 deg. 30 min. 47 see:. West 31.55 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 73 deg. 29 win. 13 sec. East 80.61 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 16 deg. 30 min, 47 sec. List 9.50 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. East 378.27 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 14 deg. 28 min. 42 sec. East 6.0 feet to a point, being the point and place of beginning. Reference is hereby .made to that certain neap or plat entitled in part 'Tier Fatsemeat ExbMt - Corrituek County, Lot 17, Section 1, Corolla Bay, Poplar Branch Township, Curriiu ck County, North Carolina" by Quible & Associates, P.C., which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for a more complete and concise description of the lands being herein described. Area which is situated within an extension of the Northem and Southern lines of the CB Lots with Pier Access a 4 foot uncovered walkway to the Eastern margin of the Currituck Sound for purposes of access to the Currituck Sound. The appurtenant easement reserved herein for the benefit of the Owners of CB Lots with Pier Acccssshall include the right to apply for all necessarypermits with the Coastal Act Management Authority. The appurtenant easements reserved herein are designated as "4 Foot Pier Access Easements for Individual Sound Front Lots ("TYP") on the Conveyance Plat." C. Grantor has agreed to increase the width of the easement right granted herein to the benefit of Lot 17, Corolla Bay Subdivision. NOW,THBREFORE, the Grantor, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), to them in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for other good and valuable consideration, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee an easement which shall be appurtenant to Lot 17, Corolla Bay Subdivision as recorded in Plat Cabinet J, Slide 199, Currituck County Public Registry, the easement for ingress, egress, and access for placement of a wood walkway and, an easement granting riparian rights, for purposes of constructing a pier. Said easement being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being located the following calls and distancesfrom the Southwest corner of Lot 17, Corolla Bay as shown on map or plat recorded in Plat Cabinet J, Slide 199, Currituck County Public Registry: North 22 deg. 04 min. 01 sec. West 48.40 feet to a point, South 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. West 24.95 feet to a point, being the point and place of beginning; from said beginning point turning and running South 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. West 378.06 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 16 deg. 30 min. 47 sec. East 16.05 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec.West 80.61 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 16 deg. 30 min. 47 sec. West 31.55 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. East 80.61 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 16 deg. 30 Hain. 47 sec. East 9.50 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 73 deg. 29 min. 13 sec. East 379.27 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 14 deg. 28 min. 42 see. East 6.0 feet to a point, being the point and place of beginning. .Reference is hereby made to that certain map ar plat entitled in part "Pier Easement Exhibit - Currituck County, Lot 17, Section 1, Corolla Bay, Poplar Branch Township, Currituck County, North Carolina" by Quible & Associates, P.C., which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for a more complete and concise description of the lands being herein described. �K I b IJ PG 843 - 845 (3) DOC# 372388 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid easement as an appurtenance to Lot 17, Corolla Bay. The aforereferenced easement is conveyed subject to the following rights, duties, and obligations: (a) Grantorshall have no obligation to maintain, repair or replace any improvements made to the easement and/or pier. Grantee shall be solely responsible to maintain, repair and replace any components of any improvements made to the easement, including &ny pier. (b) The owner of Lot 17, Corolla Bay agrees that they will hold harmp lass indemnify Grantor from any and all liability, dam , rotect andage. expenses and charges, including but not limited to, attomeys' fees and expenses of litigation, which arise out of the use of the easement by any person whomsoever. IN WPPNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this easement agreement the day and year fast,. above written. County of cteti"Ck BySEA�,j Paul Bea 1 *iQ % Vice Chairman of the Board ofCommissioncrs " Secretary STATE OF NO TH C� O A COLNTY OF �' I, a Notary Public of the State aforesaid, certify that �t) 6Ci�ttthte►1-i` personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument, Witness y hand and official stamp or seal this the Aday of^ g� l PIK L- 8-10 "%L uy Commission Expires. NOTARY qW_-% SEAL/STAMP STATE OF NO TH CAROLINA CObWTY OF ! I, a Notary Public of the State aforesaidvice fy that j% h C, Personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the exec on o e foregoing instrument WitnW and offiQiai st mp or seal this the day of }��; _ �Ll NO Y P 1.jOTAy. `,i Co Y mmrssrOil Expires: (A-f lowerr STAMP Wwoo. . i�' Pier for Lot 17 Corolla Bay NOTES, 'I. OINNER; ERIC KEAN w)TE; THIS 0"IUML41 J'- 160 POINT HERON DRIVE CORDATION, SALES OR CONVEYANCES THIS DOCUMENT IS Fl- NEWPORT NEWS. VA 23606 DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLYI EXISTING INFORMATION SHOWN ON TWS DOCUMENT IS BASED 014 BEST AVAILASLE DATA AND IS NOT A CERTIFIED SURVEY, s. 2 PIN�0936-43-0257/'PIMIISEOO00017DOOD E crtAy 3 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 101$ CRUZ 13AY LN An�. ALI INFORMATION SHOWN ON TWS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO ANY REGUI#Emrk'.'�� 4. LOT AREA - 19.284.3 SF / 0.44 AC. (AREAS BY COORDINATE METHOD,) et PY ANY REGULATORY AQEMCY, ENTITY OR AUTHORITY. 5. SUBJECT REFERENCES: 08 1808, PC 471; PC J. SL ift 6. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NADa3(2011). VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVID 19ft aWftg * ASSOCIATES, P,C. DOES NOT CUARANTIEE THE ACCURACY OR Tiff ALL DISTANCES ARE US SURVEY FEET AND HORIZONTAL GROUND. ANY MFOR61ATWN W T4W DOCUMITNT AND 1.5 NOT RWC-Ni3�U DERIVED FROM NCGS MOH. HERBERT. 7. A 'OR ANY IMNSM 04 .ANY LOSSES 00 CAMA"S RESUCTINO FROM T -8. BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOW BASED ON PC J, SL 108 AND FIELD 3F OF FIR' '��A715N E SURVEYS BY QUIBLE & ASSOCIATES. RC-02/25/2020-03/03/2020) il�j "I. m �NG CONCRETE MONUMENT. WWI EXISTING IRON FMPF- EiP EXISTING IRON ROD, EiR MAGAIL SETN IRC*4 ROO, SWaaearx THIS MAP IS NOT A ¢ALCULATED POINT som AND HASD NOT BEEN CERTIFIESURVEY TOTAL DISTANCE REVIEWED By A LOCAL GOYCRNWENT F AGENCY FOR 061N1 rY MAP-- COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE PER WAA LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS_ X INN OFEN 64'ACE -6 Qu 66W-U A BA r -W r10Y t 21* E M6 5L 146) Alflwx A� LF N 22* PI' a'kt S /-CF 573 29' 12' W 5 aC ?7` E S 7 05' X 29' 13' W r- 71, f 10T 7 6.03, Z=7' ir 16' :5�) .31 55' �N 73' 29' 13" E r, FT YAD AW 80.51' EASEMENT 6a;1W OVER MARSH 6OIPLXIA DAY PROPOSED •'Vti N 9210 EASEMENT L4'r PE`�� AREA LOA-R WATER PTR HEAL TkIX W. Pt wo a#" TAff-E aeAv Leaf" ��Lffo7m cwwoAm 1016 A Currituck County GIS Data Viewer Currituck County GIS Phone: (252) 232-2034 E-mail: gis@currituckcountync.gov Addresses Communities AydkHt BatCO Cokyock Corolla Currituck Gtbbc Woods Grandy HarbhW Jarvisburp Knott Island Moyock Point Harbor Poplar Branch Powalb Point shawtivo SVD Water* County Boundary —state --county Streets Major Streets ArtWALPrineipal --Arterial MaW —Colketor_Ms,pr Parcel Land Hooks Parcels Currituck County Aerial Photography (2011 ■Rsd: Band_I Green: Band_2 MBW*: Sand-3 This map should be used for general reference purposes only. Currituck County assumes no legal liability for the information shown on this map.