HomeMy WebLinkAbout85492D - Teague e°�°``°"�'"� CAMA DREDGE & FILL N° 854 " A B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued New n Modification ❑Complete Reissue 1 Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: ISA NCAC 4 HI 1 V v '-1-Car k• a"°U�"`") ❑Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link:www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name k V C\le V �L`C r A Authorized Agent ;' 1 I A� j Address i.4- i.QV- 1o&ff c"�l �,� / Project Location(County): ;`�f A'� ..-o\(t.• . ( ('✓ City 1. `I Y 1(4S V 1\y L Geo(sk e N L. ZIP C �.,''t '4 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Phone#((ife%) 5�u-"' 4411 ':� f'\ :' '. _, Email /Oil eV c-1 /ahtiC"pILo• (try` Subdivision City ZIP Affected CW [EW 4 PTA 0 ES ❑PTS Adj.Wtr.Body(:),Cl t/s �S ci.k C 14 t` ,,a, (ttat/man/unk) AEC(s): ❑OEA El IHA III UW ❑SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body L1V-Qom\i( \k Q PSI' (Ai ,C` ORW:yes/no PNA:yesL Type of Project/Activity(1)0. c.T 0. \At tJ k s 1\ (1-6 4C) V WGr+"evW i- 0-c �K -i ►M c L e \j• 1 b w^w( j OV\ e;/I o ?o a\ . �' e ,\G(c. a 1- ls OcA-t v� 1°\(. 1r+1 G (,44 v IAA -1- p isc1.4v�5 ;' Shoreline Length t` :::-. Access Length / ;_ .._.._. I ...1.... - _) + ..Pier(dock)length / ( C.a _,,,./L, I ) : Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) C � I Finger pier(s) • \ � ]'. ./ t r I11 Total Platform area , 1110 I -. Groin length/# 3"'f BulkheacT)Riprap length IV--SO -- - Avg distance offshore'` � _._...... __ _.-�.. . .____..... Breakwater/Sill j � - > , i Max distance/length ttti i ► kWvit Basin,channel / —, — .:ji Cubic yards . I aNroll [ , ._, lier ill t , i Boat ramp z Ill '> Nuo Boathouse.Boatli '"/- I i X 1 / "A t".� diallillirr. _ _ Ili .! * i Beach Bulldoziing ',� C Al �b`� LO ,� - 1 Other (G rc.vvrn1d. i I +TA/ ke ,"11L41Qcct [(r.,. — - .i / , , .. i 1 4- 1 CwbX---W 1 SAV observed: yes no ti �1 \' " Moratorium: yes no �" k ���,, , `" Ei 4 4, 06 Site Photos: es �q i Riparian Waiver Attached: y��9► A CIU 1 I I I — I A building permit/zoning permit may be required by7-0V4" i `\. tn*S\\\1 A. C.c..1- Permit Conditions 1'.E(k 1 N . I'i UO "4' . �1 JOO d"(S'•`C<< tkO"1i G eeLi • I I -S -4f n TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) f'di yr, I 1 G+s,..ci `J( .1,1 Y(G u -.onS (, ‘.-Q ) i) { l (�1 Q/{ v ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules nSee additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC �r��LLRULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) ; t tTG-c-,i ,c rit -..-(- _+"Y1C V 1 kt\..9, L i } ).- I-5- 2.2-- Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's-PRINTED Name f Statement of Compliance and Consistency , This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 252-946-6481 (Serves:Carteret,Craven—south of the Neuse River,Onslow Fax: 252-948-0478 Counties) (Serves: Beaufort,Craven—north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S.Griffin St.Ste. 300 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax:910-395-3964 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan,Currituck, Dare,Gates, Hertford, (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties) ( \cSCAMA DREDGE & FILL N9 85492 A B C Q 4 1 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued *New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: ISA NCAC V* ` 110 0 A- • a olf)C) ❑Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link:www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name Q.t) 1 e(ity,A Authorized Agent Ni11"'rp A,,� 1-�,/p./ Address la- ^ e - S �� p�,� Project Location(County): NS/"' v,o -4 City�YIC,t'(kV1 l-L (sae N V ZIP alti a Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Phone#(e)iv) Sv- 44II cA IAA E- Email IOO 7 l fah• lrDk-�' Cam Subdivision J City `, ZIP Affected ❑CW EW [PTA �ES III PIS Adj.Wtr.Body C7C F Clei C I'I V`-Y / ,� (�nan/unk) AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑IHA ❑uw ❑SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body EiV 2e hvI 1 k2 CoLket ORW: - Q PNA:yes, Type of Project/Activity(WOW-CA- CIL YX-c-W h1 V--N-1-4 1` WiCilA ALt9 Of— N 14W vvicw-Le..d Ia.( 'IbW ) o+� 13/(0 / o ‘ . Rcplt�(� �lv�-1-�h� dac.k w� 4l, wiIn +hitglie r Shoreline Length So Access Length / NI Pier(dock)length ..�I�LreAN�LS �/Z�- t�cl5t1vlc Fixed Platforms) •• G N14 N C-- L / duc 1=tNf} et.), fcu I l Floating Platform(s) �•Y.C.VA e Finger pier(s) /r '�cPlac .. I 1 / A bOc' N 0 a Total Platform area Groin length/If l Riprap lenjth+/-St,r 1' 1 390� V Avg distance offshorei 1 ' 6:14 Y/ '� Breakwater/Sill ' \ I I, / N ' J_1,4 t 1 Max distance/length {L et V ID Basin,channel — — - - — -- — Cubic yards Nill 4 Boat ramp i / 7d Boathouse Boati ,+�-i a x (a' Yt Y ao �.„ _ - _ - . -, a�, .‘ . BeachnBulk�ioz ng 1 i t OtherOt° IQ 1� Lob t e 1 . SAV observed: yes no S ilp`Uat t i+. re V �1 S `�'" Moratorium: 411/1" yes no ► �,�- Site Photos: es o ' - C sx-L cr�r�& 1 t Riparian Waiver Attached: yes n V A building permit/zoning permit may be required byTC' Ot ♦W_r1 . III L Permit1-1 /� Conditions 1 14 •,t VD 'r • 4,00 C C►Ndt 1W'1 .of M • Al piT4-t J n TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) TrfaeVrAti AL I01,RI' yeyklixlsi . ? p1VLS'iQ/i oc- ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules •coo-hwt tx-k• or �nX Z S tan i fn�D ..t-1,.c 1 11 N() {a' lck FAv i%w• cL -6ce. .- ❑See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC RULES ANb CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Att.- •kt4C�V t V�.c E ( 1(—,— Agent or an�RIN�Ea Name Permit O cer' INR TED Name t d . Signal re••Pleese read com lance statement on back of permit** Signitore N.C.DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: —Roam- D. I EhGu. Address of Property: ( L g e.. r S i -.b . i LJ EA c`i , / lir ?-$q(80 Mailing Address of Owner: ( JAn e Owner's emailTcteTEc .bxt @-- O«Ti..4:00 .'.Owners Phone#: 9 10/5?-o —99 i GI Agent's Name: Agent Phone#: Agent's Email: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property.The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing,with dimensions,must be provided with this letter. I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management(DCM) In writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive EXT,Wilmington,NC 28405.DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 798-7215. No response Is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier,dock,mooring pilings,boat ramp,breakwater,boathouse,lift,or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me(this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments).(If you wish to waive the setback,you must sign,the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15'setback Signature of Adjacent Riparian Properly Owner -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement(initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner �^7/ TypedlPrinted name of ARPO:-c.4,.sa cF W GHTsU,LLL Belfke t Mailing Address of ARPO: 3Xl CAa5CwA4 'IA)tip ARPO's email: TwILca..) e re436. cl=e. ARPO's Phone#: 1 ID(2.S(.—`79OG Date:/2Z9,I0lJ "waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Slgnaturek Revised May 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) +t::mx; 01 Properly C,r.ner. oo C7... •1), l -a '---E (- AddresscfProperty- I� vc'_C:i" Jj Ll Akc;,.0-..v:LL. - i 1"� <ti•I8 : / \ lair r.dd-ess of Carer: / ti;c�) 1 C•:;�er's email. 11<r.r_--r k,rs,'.-t n' 3r.v s'°hc-ew- 9 i c/5 1 "L`!Cr Agent's Name.. Agent Phone>7., Agent's Entail: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) hereby certify that I cvm property adbxxnt to the above referenced property_The individual Applying for this permit has described to me. as shown on the attached drawing,the develofnment they are proposing A description or drawing,vrith dimensions.must be provided with this letter. x I DO NOT havc objections to this proposal. I DO have objecYons to this proposal. if you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notif, the N.C. Division of Coastal iwanagement(DCM)in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailodto 127 Cardinal Drive EXT,Wilmington,NC 28405.00M representatives can also be contacted at r910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified mail. WAIVER SECTION I tatdcrstand that any proposed pier,dock, mooring pangs.boat ramp,broakwafe. boathouse.Ia.or groin must be set back a mir mum distance of 15'from my ante of riparian artecsS unless waived by me(this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments).(If you wish to waive the setback,you must sign the appropriate blank below,) 100 wish to waive some/all of the 1S setback Signature of Adjacent Riparian Properly Owner -OR- !do not'rriah to waive the 15'setback reg tirement(iryfial the Wank) /� I /\) Signature of Acta cent Rce:er,An Proper`.y Owner- lC>r"(Q�J� Typed/Printed name of ARPO: g%a .1�'t D• ✓� Lt-C__. 1 Mailing Address of ARPO: (P5(.t� �2-tioCt+ l c. li vl c;L.-A-r t ikL•��r ;).�5aL ARPO's email: R .Clio-SANG, P;Z .&°-.ARPO's Phonc#: 6f 14`816-(1-51.1? Date' —t2.29►2o2t *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* RPV.sE • ?2 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION ) CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERED December 27, 2021 Date Randy Dickens.LLC Name o;Adjacent Riparian Property Owner 10 Corbett Street Address Wrightsville Beach.NC 2S4$0 City.State Zip — - To Whom It May Concern: T?tis correspondence is to notify you as a riparian property owner that I am applying for a CAMA Minor permit to install a bulkhead on my property at :2 Cort tt Street.Wrichtsville Beach.NC 2&t80 :n New Hanover Cour.t>. Ccent ,which is adjacent to your property_ A cops of the application and project drawing is attached/enclosed for your resiew. If you have no objections to the proposed activity,please mark the appropriate statement bekn+and return to me as soon as possible" If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice.it will be considered that you have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments,please mark=x appropratc statement below and send your correspondence to: (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER.NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT,VI All.ING ADDRESS CITY,STATE.ZIP CODEt If you have any questions about the project.please do not hesitate to cuntact me at my addreasfnumber listed below,or contact(LOCAL PERMIT OI'FICER)at(PHONE NUMBER).or by email at:(LPO EMAIL). Sincerely; _ _ — 910'5_0-4419 sN Telephone Number Address City State Zip 'VI I have no ubjri:tiuo to the project described in this correspondence. I have objection(s)to the project described in this unrespondence. retnel /0. 43,2 / _Adi4 nt Riparian Signature Dtttewe Randy Dickens.Manager (.6)/e) Print or T••ac Name Telephone Number :'2 /7�i`1 ./`✓ rz.ew- ramie e,� w''Address State Zip Revised July 2021 Location of bulkhead will be I' waterward of the "NtHWI. (noted by W.13. official 12/1 Q/2021" ,i e EBB BANKS CHANNEL FLOOD �, d i:, �� a ,{!(� w. _p 9 WWE(BY W.BEACH CAMA A2011 V' .ems:. _ eRrsrow Mw zDls� A i1 I Site EZt NM.(NOTED BY f I -a HI1L(BY E1EVAn N BO --'•,• "'. .: 01604(lY I /WV) I I N. df'S SPEC BY USACE-DATUM R ,:.) —7 1 4 k yas' I 1 •, � I SW1UtRN' __A n. 25.2. �.fiN�D a ••PER DECK 23.1' pc S6EEL cl I NTS LOCATION MAP -V TnJIMII j VIEW x o•a f • . o I0) Iin S Z N/F I I— RANDY DICKENS LLC I IJ_I D.B. 4070 PG. 130 W IY I / I— (, 50.00' (n N35.05'00'E II-- — _ i/ , I-I I ww CD U mom '' CL 0 0 rJ • (_) N N/F RANDY DICKENS LLC I D.B. 4070 PC. 130 I in OF) lT Ien . 1N I N in F THIS LOT IS IN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA ACCORDING TO COMMUNITY-PANEL NO. 372I0316600K I ZONE: AE 11.0' DATE: E/213/2018 LE END: N/F IP.S. I.R.S. 0 PPE OR ROO SET E.I.P. UR. • SRNG IRON PIPE OR R00 STEPHEN L WEAVER cm. 0 CRETE MONUMENT BETH A WEA VER C/L CE CENTER UNE R/W WONT OF WAY D.B. 3105 PG. 374 P.N. A P:i,SURVEY'NNL NON-MONUMENIED CORNER I L._ SUhVEY _ - EXCLUSIVELY FOR MS PUT REPRESDITS MI ACTUAL SURVEY THAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REOLRREMEMTS ROGER • D T EA G U E OF DIE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR UND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROIINA(21NCAC 00.1000). COPYRIGHT oCAPE FEAR AIRVEYING.PC,ALL RIGHTS RES7:RVED, REPR000C IONS OR USE OF TN & £CONTENTS OF THIS pOWMEHT,OR ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO 6 DOCUMENT. t N WHOLE OR PART,MITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSDIT OF THE LAND SURVEYDR 5 PROHIBITED. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY LEGAL IDLE TO THE LAND ITSELF,NOR 10 THE BOUNDARIES P A M E LA 1 Y TEA G U E MOWN.IUSTRS OF�TPLAT SHOVED BOUNDARIES OWN OAST. LEGAL TITLE OPINION AS TOCNNER 12 CORBETT STREET WITNESS MY ORK,TIAL AGNAULE UCENSE NUMBER AID SEAL. PART OF RUSSELL;MOOD LOT AT SEAFORTH TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH �op1HCAN[EW HANOVER COONTY, NORTH CAROLINA 6, _ DEED BOOK�15665 PAGE 2223 MAP BU{)K 4 PAGE 9 �x DECEM 20, 2021 i L2070 C.1/4, �r G SCALE NO L-207_ �n'17r,Be` r CAPE FEAR SURVEYING. PC • wmaI ONIs_bicarrm RE Is RI' TR1 VINTa'MT4 WV 0 AAA i I _.0 IL (010) 782-9498 FAX: (910) 782-6949 11 [NAIL oDp.2...,.-p1n41•e.h ..00m CALond Projects R2VLSTEAGUEI2CENBETT.dVg I 1.2/20/R021 12124,51 PM EST Location of bulkhead will be 1' waterward of the "NI1WI. (noted by W.R. official 12/10/2021" EBB BANKS II +k Zei CHANNEL • (D9YD N.BEACH tE a COMA AC •e h � C HAP 2M6 Q�. 4 HMV((MO1ED BY Site pp NIIt(BY aEVAn g{O7 D, /.. 41�. .. t ,r:.tT) f P -DATUM' ) —� i A. 1 3LW_1° a�"ii:r ':� i 34.I. sEv6En r e •PER DE.�^ II�T' uz' Cr.v*IE I ::_ I NTS -i -- " dOCATION MAP � / IS "I yr I I �o 1 v 1..ri Xi, API I z 1 N/E I I— -ANDY DICKENS LLC I W D.B. 4070 PG. 130 WI • CC I t— 50.00' /41 (J) N35'O5'00'E ,` W ce m.m a •. OEl. A p►' IU " N RANDY DICKENS LLC I D.B. 4070 PG. 130 I W- 1 IT). ) I NF TIPS LOT IS IN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA ACCORDING TO COMMUNITY-PANEL NO. 37�0316600K I ZONE: AE 11.0' DATE; 28/2018 S I LE END: N LP.S. LRA 0 PIPE OR ROD SET CEP. EAR. • IRON PIPE OR ROD STEP HEN L WEAVER cu. o MaaA¢NT BETH A WEAVER c/L Q okr.tol LIME .otiNTD.B. 3105 PG. 374 P.K. A P*.nmm NAIL INON-$ROAAOt1ED CORNER 1 L___ _ _ 1 1 SUVEY EXCLU DVELY FOR E � HEFTS OR 9«�OF MT a �OVET INORR� ( Boo). ROGER D TEAGUE COPYRIGHT •CAFE FEAR S11RACY1NA PC.ALL RIG/15 RfSFRYFD. REPRODUCTIONS OR USE Of & THE N 01 TY NTENTS L5 DOCUMENT.OR ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO MS 0DCAMENT. R 11110LE OR PART.WITHOUT THE WITTEN CONSENT Of THE LAND STRYEYOR IS PROHIBITED.MsP A M E LA Y T EA G U E S SURVEY ODES NOT CSATfI'LEGAL nor TO ME LAND ITSPlf.NOR To TIE UM NOO*R1E5 SHORN. USERS OF THIS PLAT SHOULD GET AN ACCURATE LEAN IT1IF OPINION AS TO 12 CORE TT STREET 01662919 Of TIE BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON MIS PT. Re1NL55 MY OMGNAL s%%NATtRE UCON E LAUNDER ANO SEAL. PART OF RUSSELL WOOD LOT AT SEAFORTH TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH • yiNu W HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA C-_ 1V4'''L>. IT DEED B00 5665 PAGE 2223 au'L'f 3 MAP B K 4 PAGE 9 1. E DECEM ER 2D, 2021 4b GI SCALEND L-s74 : CAPE FEAR SURVEYING. PC •OM NORTH IRK ITT WTI MYNO•TYIN Mr AAAH11 IB�1w (RIo) 792-9496 PAX: (910) 762-6949 mug.RwyaT...wu^p1q011,f.Em..om Mond Project.RPLLSTEAGUEI2CERBETTIAD{71I 12/P0/P021 1P8401 PM EST i r- Google Maps 12/22/21, 710 PM, • GoAle Maps 1... /414,1kk,,,,,,,,, ".1. , # 4 „. '}s.ry j� 4 ... tw4�• Green boundary �,�`' - . . _, ...., -, Pill,approx. location of existing BH of 108 ,� ' Water Street. • Ni. /-.„,4,10.4 f....„.44, /-, , / , , , A, . •/` ,s: Red boundary marks •• �y frf � ���': ,e .f A / �' approx. location of �'• '' f \ Dickens &Teague '1! . BHs to be installed. • /4/14 ..vs:, ../- ISSN /711jLNLIIIII, . ' 11:1.. . '. %! ✓ it ; a • lit � '. ,' / ..=''', '.i. , ' . . • 4%•111-1-1-11'N,"11 ' .. . .. ? - ,4,. , ' Google `'iliAllitk ' ,N 4. "*"-*/ / 4. Dickens' BH starts 6" inside his property line with the landward wing running parallel to existing BH wing of Colonna (108 Water Street), leaving 12-18"void between the wings of the 2 BHs. On waterline, Dickens/Teague BHs will run on same line of Colonna BH up to Teague's pier then make a slight landward turn and run to end of Teague property waterline, then turn ge 1 of 1 90 degrees for the wing going landward along Teague's property line. Ile Maps 12/22/21,7:10 PM Go gle Maps b441,,,,,, ,.... . ..... ^' A., . ,, 4f /' Jr y.•. r, *. . - ,• ti3 - "- . „„...44:" ,,, . , , rip, Green boundary ,g`° � � ', , *, .......... .• ,�' approx. location of ,, ;,: --, r _ , existing BH of 108 ,:4 : / ° ' ,,,• - /...,,, „, . i , , �. Water Street. > „Iff",,,, ir / ,,- 4 V c- .., 04, ni _ e y 4. 4, g„....• -,--...." - ri-- , d" Red boundary marks f./. . j... ' di ` • l'`` ;' i approx. location of t Dickens &Teague `, ." . BHs to be installed. `•,,,,,', , irtt * •-',' "`� ti i, ,-, t I' f - ° t ,' y:. • • ,' 4 , 1 7 A srN S ,c . Google imi.I�r- `i. 4.''N::•--- '-''''1'.'''''''''.7"':!':*.''' 7 . * -'` 4' , I i r , **''''..):::-7 Dickens' BH starts 6" inside his property line with the landward wing running parallel to existing BH wing of Colonna (108 Water Street), leaving 12-18" void between the wings of the 2 BHs. On waterline, Dickens/Teague BHs will run on same line of Colonna BH up to Teague's pier then make a slight landward turn and run to end of Teague property waterline, then turn ge 1 of 1 90 degrees for the wing going landward along Teague's property line. rit,:zitil ,',0I g ill i gyp) - i ;' 1 \, o 0 I '� 0 �?l ��i Ali AR qM air i!iIL "13 NNE TORMINITI II 0 0 Check Date Received Date Deposited Cheek From(Phan) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Roalloc, Column.? Column2 Column., Column4 Calumn6 Column. Coklmn7 Columns Column9 1/7/2022 Logan Marine,LLC David Fitzpatrick BB&T 7797 $200.00 GP#85461D JD Rat.16113 1f7/2022 Roger Teague same Wells Fargo 1618 $600.00 GP#85491 D KE rct.16243 1f7/2022 Southern NC Marine LLC Zach Bacon First Bank 1497 $200.00 GP#85484D KE rct.16244 1/7/2022 Coastal Dock Builders LLC Frank Hobart Bank of America 1013 $200.00 GP#85389D JD rct.16024 1/7/2022 Harbor Marine Wes Eagles TD Bank 552 $200.00 GP#85356D _ JD rct.15591 1/7/2022 Grice Construction Eileen and Louis Mazzullo Truist 10747 $400.00 GP#85354D BB rct.16041 1/7/2022 _ Carolina Bluewater Construction,Inc.Greg&Julie Perkins BB&T 24341 $400.00 GP#85426D BB rct.16039 1/7/2022 Sea Dog Marine Construction Steve Nagel First Bank 1586 $200.00 GP#85486D BB rct.16040 1f7/2022 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc Adam Hawley Coastal Bank and Trust 4102 $200.00 GP#85381 D JD rct.16806 1f7/2022 Kevin Ennis same BB&T 2047 $200.00 GP#85385D JD rct.18807 1/7/2022 E.Pickett milo and emily pickett State Employees CU 2543 $200.00 GP#854600 JD rct.18111