HomeMy WebLinkAbout85444D - Morrison ,�o��`°�'k 0 CAMA DREDGE & FILL Na 85444 A B C o, Previous permit GENERAL PERMIT Date previous permit issued 'New Modification ['Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the CoasjatResources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC 0 7 1-1. 1 1 i b ❑Rules attached. ✓General Permit Rules available at the following link:www.deq.nc.gov/CAMPwles Applicant Name ;,:1 , `1 Nr I'e 4401i. '.r L--) Authorized Agent ' -A - Address . 4i f:r-vl r,r,c (a„✓t Project Location(County): 13'/;%,`iLt City S11.1 f f/' p 1 State i J. ZIP ;Z`'4 6g Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Phone#( `17� )6A(✓�/r'7 ` 1:�: nit, r / t' R-, ti' Email(1'(J7 S4(fr A, j.!,(a Subdivision A �p,n /,WWW City /Jr(d./�'( n k ZIP , � �h Affected ❑CW n EW ®PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Adj.Wtr.Body (4<1l,Ln� el/h.) ' ,/ (nat/frian)unk) AEC(s): n OEA I I IHA n UW ❑SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body t 'I N/t t,I ORW:yes/no PNA:yes/no type of Project/Activity r1'(/ 7 Q (OrIStI-/4'Ci I 1t i'v�: ;',k r=, '�y7 `; - ��-2 d rf''/� 1 r/ /i- v (Scale:J=39 ) Shoreline Length 50' _ Access Length €k6 I'/cl _.. ,_._ Pier(dock)length ;'-tL5111, F Fixed Platforms) CL / ¢k IA erxt�TI.er Floating Platform(s) Gkr5-6 _._.. __ ,y } Finger pier(s) """ I i 1 Total Platform area C3( .-ce ftL (,)(/ *_. ._ Groin length/ti -" 1 I . Bulkhead r 5fi) r' --4- 1 ---------- j Avg distance offshore — t....._..._ .�_.- I'-' . ... j ._.. Breakwater/Sill i �W 'A ,/G © 1 } > e IKc �j��t) �'r Srn`J � t`7 j Max distance/length - '�" -,- "' "t e' r {Ii,,,�,, ' Basin,channel ---�'^ ms..1 p 1.1',1` clerk, Cubic yards """� by _ Boat ramp Boathouse/B,atlift P.k1 Si i rIG i - Beach-Bulldozing Q Other `.era5/lr ._IniLlic►ae �_ { irt-► t SAV observed: yes 69 /( I r^1� t '4 Moratorium: n/a yes ' tJ;p,1 1)tf rw`IA✓ .1-\ f r� t F, 1111/t„ !! (4h Site Photos: yes q�y i P'tik t ' ' Riparian Waiver Attached: C5 . no 0 . 1 ($qa Pim..12. l A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: To4/#' �j f 6 144 fee, Permit Conditions , A (;t 311,E. /aZ C D n TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) ' nSee note on back regarding River Basin rules nSee additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES,CRC RULES AND CON TI NS THAT PLY TOT IS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT.'lease Initial) 's .'%� -i.Y-r C. LANE.g 0 11¢4-zz agent or Applicant PRINT N Permi cer,'s RINTED Name PhltnrT 5 �y zZ .,an�r„ro**Dlnom ro�.i rmm�ionro cr�to.,,o..r nn L.o�4 of..or.,,lr** cto..or„ro - Statement of Compliance and Consistency • This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 252-946-6481 (Serves:Carteret,Craven—south of the Neuse River,Onslow Fax: 252-948-0478 Counties) (Serves: Beaufort,Craven—north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S.Griffin St.Ste. 300 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax:910-395-3964 (Serves: Bertie,Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Dare,Gates, Hertford, (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties) 1,..—-ItlxcAmA DREDGE & FILL No 8C444 A 8 c49 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit ill Date previous permit issued (y!g1ew Modification Complete Reissue [_)Partial Reissue As 3.4Nw ord by Ilw Stair of North Carolina Depaotn,ent of Environmental Quality and the Cos •rcn Cnrnmets.on rr an area of environmental concern pursuant to 1 SA NCA( 0 714.12 QII._. _ _ (I1 Rules altarJxrl [ ( CwneraJ Permit Rtdn avaA;rhle at Mt ttsRovwq link !t[Ti!!wdlD^Sl'T'Y1CM'1MVkf Appktant Na.n.. Lost 5 e Si (l,S r,e� � Arnhortied Agent PI ha .- Addtest a2F4k Cott 6rirtr.✓ 1 �l5141 ik i` Protect L«:va,Icou.�:,, On SI(pft1 State is ili' 2P,462 Street Add,es..Starr Road lot HIS)__ --------- --- Ph"^P•( VD 100 6 3131 1$B._P? X 1, J'z v't ____Envi( S 1t4 itliI I.(OY &bd... f ✓ Crty lb-Mtn i� lii �8*44 . ... Affected l_.�cw )(TEN' );PTA ( IS 1PTS AI Wu Body__- -- _____ fnaegr .nki AECta) r OF INA OWI /r 4 Wj_ / SPIMA URNS Closest Mal Wtr Body (/� (/j f ORW ye:C) �< a PNA Type of Project/Activity PI LE _2 pr- !�>li�/ Lhibm 11 nitShoreline length °Vi _..___ (Scale (;j0 Access length_(. &M Pier(dock)length_f T1fy Fired Ptattorml•,)1 IC LA W Howley Plattorm(tl __. Singer pent%) Tout Platform area .....t. .L.---Taatzati Gran ire gthla — 8ulkheadf a..v a --. - • r .'G1,—. L////� .... r,ifftd Ant distance oft horn ( r� � Breakwater-NO r r rtt.l Ll f•PteC �� Maa dt5t.n:ei length�"' — esei STh1 -kills{(r't,.L C.UV(r O 1 rloettnnck l Basin,theme, ono Cubic,arot QXLj v brLLf ,• Boat ramp�.._....._ .. .. f O t,f} P iiikOrease'Goat?ftft Lao Vice _ 7 Other / r/yy11 'Lk"'CacAlns i.tiky,`.,1 P� , fvnc SAV C'bservrd yt; 6 30/y Mar at()Ilvm . p.t`. ... C) I N 1 rlar I Sete Photo, r..• t 0 "_"' I i / In N�0.�l av `t. tat, �t Rrpanaa .rrr Attacked �'� �;, Nicer,t4,i W.� ` A butId,ng permrtlron �}-iv be requved t,. 1alittl � ' ��'e t__Perm.'Condition' ` tAJ e•7H __-- TAR:PAM,NEUSE,BUFFER icircle ones Ste note en bark rrgardmg Finer Bd.,n rues 0 See addRtonal rwteticondtttons on back 1 AM AWARE Of STATUTES,CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT- lease Imnal) -�4- . _�G(.I t.i�1 o r ri�a, ..rem or nl PRINTED Nam. - - --�_-' "j� !_��_— — Pt•rnu fhE.-r• 'RINr tt,�,N In...� ---_"'_ _ t�"yLJ S t6nalurr••Freese read compliance statement ore back of perntA" -- QI (b Ssanatctr ----_emu, '1 -----------_.___--- ,,, I L4 a_a 5 Check II/Money Order Issuing Dale Faprra on Date ADJACENTf PMiAN PJUPkR . QWNER STATEMENT f I hereby certify that I own y to '4 r/S / 'i; "/'i - 's property located at . ) fr (Name of Property Owner) on C 1i•1 4 I (Address, Lot,B ) in t,,i a.. ‘ /54?,({,- N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above 'Z on. lvi .i I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fain In description below or attach a site drawing) 4-13A I b I'I 11}Fur,, CO re'e- l'AIC, +,-\\ i Rel-AiT 6,4 f-�,,. (0(4 r(0 Aer t,/ po<60-44 k:irr cy:.,,ett • /1)-2 t tt tr��� ykre WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring dings. boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set bads a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) h !/' 1-4 do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement (Pro Owner Information) (A n caner nformation) • ,g /$! ' /�7C cc,s gl 1 P>ri or Ty'pe N�e / Print or Type Name Mar A cliielss A, 6. " 1619/4ddnp�ssitAl i, 0SC, -7A S Telephone bet/email address N /email address it c , z 4 1 ///i/ Dare* Dose (Revised Aug 2014) Valid for one calendar year after signature' ADJACENT RIPARIAN PR OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 1"]rJ Pt 's I (Name of Property Owner) property located .71 1--)Ct, 01 Y I I J\, (Adding'',L nt,rloct Road, atc..) on CtAv\ rL in �� ` , Nf: (Waterbody) (CitylTown and/or County) The applic,ant has described to me. as shown below, the development proposed at the above location„ --,--- ,) I have no objection to this proposal. _- I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing daroiopneem must MI in descripikai bei+vrr or attach a site drawing) S? /4) cow riiort_. , r0A. IA'v-z. Retvop U II x ((o �10 0-e(_ K4 11 PCM- 61SNAA t Cq le 4.4,,-- ./�/ k Rome iCcA'v"e144, --- ---- Plat k\elA WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, M. or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by m� ✓ to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below.) ( r/ I do wish to'manse the 15 setback requirement I do not wish to waive he 15 setback requirement (Pro Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner infrm oation) _• t Type .Tr VJ''4L',c C.i i AL a /t-.. 1�y�JjP ,v( .1 - Telephone N / Telephone /emari eddrass 1 Oil (` \aWSId°a 1 Date (Revised Aug 2014) `Valid for one calendar year after sgnature' 0 v , g x,i°I qiso,( 1,:x a \ $fat 0) OK\ f �V Check mind Date Deposited Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check number aneMN Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated n1 Column2 Column] Column4 Column5 Column! Cokanm7 Column!' CdumnD 2022 Burl Sniff Money Order Libby Simpson BOKF,NA 2.0977E+10 $ 200.00 GP#85386D _ JD rct.16119 2022 Sea Dog Marine Construction JR Huntley Homes LLC First Bank 1587 $ 200.00 GP#854750 TP rct.13484 2022 _ `Sea Dog Marine Construction Scott 8 Krlsta Blankenship First Bank 1603 $ 200.00'GP#85448D PA rct.16529 2022 I Sea Dog Marine Construction Mary Holmes First Bank 1580 $ 200.00 GP#85455D PA rct.15675 2022 Vance Morgan Money Order Mark Ward BOKF,NA 2.0981E+10 $ 400.00'GP#85457D PA rct.13482 2022 Christopher Morrison Const.Inc. same 'First National Bank 1978 $ 200.00 GP#85444D PA rct.15670 2022 Allied Marine Contractors,LLC _Mark Wallace First Citizens Bank 10627 $ 600.00 OP#85445D 'PA rct.16526 2022 Sea Dog Marine Construction Jewel&Christa Owens First Bank 1585 $ 400.00 GP#85448D PA rct.16527 2022 Brent Shive same F&M Bank 6340 $ 400.00 GP#85692D PA rct.15672