HomeMy WebLinkAbout83926_Ricky & Penny Clough_20210920El DREDGE & FILL EN _ RAL PERMIT � � i (83 6 CA)B C D w [ 1P`ia?tfiFication 7Complete Reissue [DPardal Reissue Previous permit # Gate previous permit issued As autharixed by the State of North [.. Carolina, department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmentalconcern pursuant to 15A NCAC r 2 v Applicant Nance "l [, /'. 'f--.-c(- f ,t � 4c m attached. .. ----....!! y� Project Location: County_._.._ Address All Street Address/ State Road/ Lot Stateg� ZIF 2':`7 Phone # �) _ �'_ %Ct "' Subdivision a C' • r' Authorized Agent City—ct �Ll. A��_ ZIP �, I ._.. Affected O cw IkEw TA 0l:S n Prs Phone # (" ) River Basin s AEC(s): L 1 qEA s I HHF 7 lH CJ UBA EJ N/A _ LA PWS; Adj. Wtr. Body '�:., u +'a, i�-+s.•�,,, '•"� ,,..�., ,.,...*,....._ na an..-,funkn 09w: yes /� d PNA yes no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body-s C-." Type of Project/ Activity, Pier(dock)length__ Xm , (Scale: / // 3 t/ Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger Groin length d number Bulkhead/en gtlX R P length distance g offshore I � max distance offshore Basin, channel a cubic yards 10 Boat ramp Boatho e/ Boatli _,.. -� N Beach Bulldozing Other 6 Shoreline Length_1I V V.�'?���1 0A � re _ I�KhE. �.._ SAW: not sure yes n' f ✓Fmk" Moratorium: `►.lv3 yes no CA Photos: yex Waiver Attached: yes A building permit nin ur sdictired by: � � t^�_ � y L] See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction Notes/ Special Conditions Ca s . 7. 11 y ` , p _�,d"y q,-�t...iL',�1.�T.�� 1VM� Wr� t��y fWl.-.lam_-.W+. 1 4 ...____ ent or plkantPrinted Name d� St a re "Please read compliance statenn nt on ck of permit es Application Fee(s) Check Ror itOFficer`s Printed Flame Sig cure Issuing ate Expiration Date N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date 8131 tName of Property Owner Applying for Permit: f11,44 01 px-on!j fJiil Mailing Address: I certify that I have authorized (agent) to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity) at (my property located at) 91 ,tea This certification is valid thru (date) Z/ Property Ownef Signature Date to v •y ry i4 y..� � VEL ul tA rf ;G2J08J'2; Gi�CI ? AP E% . � :Sx N.7.S Pi{ WASI � � LEGEND wM. 7 - EXISTING IRON PIPE ✓ PK/MAG NAk ' a _ CALCULATED POINT o (i} - TOTAL DISTANCE ROPOC ,5 � EN EOP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT ADDtFCfv Y -, `�•�� BL�c s cum-UTI�TYOPOLE "� aN. M,R4- -- MINIMUM BUILDING LINE I e2-STpR - DARE COUNTY REQSIER - 107 NUMBER W✓ ENCL. aC ram.Vf* PROP, coYERAGE: � $ BUILDING, DECK, PORCH CONC; ORNE do STEPS + 1.852 of. n i57 of.FIG TOTAL, = 2,054 of. / 9.73?C 52Af1A '�.a` A,1 � _ r �ZA, NO TES Mj FEE: PROPERTY ADDRESS: $3 y SKYCO RP' IS SITE PLAN WAS OERIM FROM A SURVEY PROPERTY PIN; B78919817250 E AdASDN RAY RUARNS, , S. Sl D i BRUARY a 4, 2012 AREA - 21,105 �, ft. = 0.*,87 acres u v AREA CALCULATED BY COORDINATE METHOD. A,V 4 sk-SliR g° W. C Off' R'�S' LOT SUBJECT To EASEMENTS & COVENANTS OF RECO . UCINALD 'SURVEY : OR PROPERTY SUSZOT TO A FULL. AND A=RATE TI"1.I SEARCt+, UDNAts L SKIOMORE AND DGhifida J. SKIC7MDRE. LOT MAY BE IN AN AREA OF EN"M'RWMENTAL CONCERx -C-T 4 ASWdw 4ARROW, WDIVIDUAL PERMITS MAY 9E REQUIRED. ZNGtAc �N ^iOr; <. ;890 SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN P.C, C', SL. ?3A, D.M.R. PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN F.I.R.M- ZONE "AE" (Et_ R21 PCPQ .,.5.;. MAP NQ 372D978900,, iNDEX DATED: 09/20/2" SUBJECT TO CHANGE 8Y F.E.161.A, GRAPHIC SCAT a SITE g LA�RA ArA�^J1EL5 '�/ t r a LO.' 4 ! i ti ASHB ' HARBOR SAGS tea' NSF DARE COUNTY NORTI, CAROLINA ..:cture S tio,,4 Tom; 5 re Devel¢prrreof Cori oal 1423 CRQKTAN XNY i.�it'dN t u Gf 8l6&Vk:vw,-. ;iit .stl:.. N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICAIIONIWAIVER FORM QEUE1g12 MA_IL - 13gjURN agpEIRT RgQUE,§1EQ or JJ6ND —DELIVEBY (Top portion to be, completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner. Address of Property: Mailing Address of Owns ou I q L� 1- 0 LA VJ ( Ownees email: Owner's Phone#- q9-- Agent's Name: CLY, le - .. 3 (013 -Q Agent Phone*. 66-c� Agent's Ernai� i ec&- ne- r 1151110111 1:11soll III 111s; 111111111pisig 11211111pi 1111111 a ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (0212M-0-0dion 12 k2 Q2MRIA10 hy ft 6918 at Miami Qvau) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. 6 descrintion or drawi with dimensions. must be o, i d Vfth thig JQ r yyN Zo 9k pt) ss; k 61 C_ I DO NOT h a objection g to this proposal, __ I DO have objections to this proposal. If you gave objections to what is being proposed, you must noiffy- die N.C. DAdslon of Coastal Management (DCM) In writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Conwpondence should be mailed to 401 S. Gdffln St. Ste. 300, Elizabeth Cilly, NC, 27909. DCU representatives can also be contacted at (262) 2"3901. No response Is considered the same as no objection if you have been notiffod by CartMed Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprep revetments), (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive sometall of the 15setback C -OR- *Signsturs n A scent parian Property Owner ;CL607— I do not wish to waive the I 5'sellback requirement (initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: Typed/Printed name of ARPO, . North Carolina Depatment of Transportation C/O Steve Trowell Mailing Address of ARPO: 113 Airport Road Suite 100, Edenton, North Carolina 27932 ARPO's email: s Ltrqwe1L@nc"o .9,2y_ ARPO's Phoned: Rate: At USt18, 2021 _—*waiver Is valid for up to one year from ARPs O'Signature* Revised May 2021 V2 311 nma "C 'L -u tzz z Vi ph biq in iIA 14 X Ir rq LL u- N Xa E3 C3 Ir C3 C3 ru C3 93 ,4L o M Z Ifo M C4 40 0% C44 co m' "I CPb ESE .;-11sqi4, —7 A "A rn 27 Cr, OA C) Mi Lo 0 (M wgh, 635 Skyco Rd, Manteo (: iugh, 635 Skyco Rd, Manteo ( )Ugh, 635 Skyco Rd, Manteo ( ough, 635 Skyco Rd, Manteo (