HomeMy WebLinkAboutPNEX15-04B - Brockway AC PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary Environmental Quality November 4,2015 Q Exemption Number—PNEX15-04 Y William Brockway,Jr. 357 Dogwood Lane Hampstead,NC 28443 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT(MINORS)—ACCESSORY USE(s)WITHIN THE-ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN(15A NCAC 07K.0208). PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS—357 Dogwood Lane,Hampstead,NC Dear Mr.Brockway: I have reviewed the information you submitted to our office concerning the necessary filing of an application for a CAMA Minor Development Permit under the Coastal Area Management Act for development at 357 Dogwood Lane,Hampstead, NC. I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a CAMA Minor Development Permit as long as it remains consistent with your project drawings and paperwork,dated received by the Division of Coastal Management on November 2,2015,and it also meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions,please contact me before proceeding. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE(S) 1. The development specifically authorizes the work detailed in the site plan dated received by the Division of Coastal Management on 11/2/15,to include an 8' x 24' platform(deck)along the water side of the existing residence.No other development activities are authorized under this exemption.Additional development will require re-evaluation by the Division of Coastal Management. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage,or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune. 5. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 6. The proposed development shall remain consistent with the attached work plan drawings. 7. This permit does not authorize expansion of the existing structure. 8. This exemption does not authorize the creation of any habitable living space. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires one(1)year from the date of the letter. Sincerely, r/ - f L_.— r Jos Dail,LP Cc: DCM WIRO Megan O'hare—Pender County N.C.Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.,Wilmington,NC 28405 Phone:91 0-796-721 5 1 FAX:910-395-3964 Internet:www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative'Action Employer Receipts for Certified Mail /0//3 0//i (Staple Here) Date Adjacent Property Owner 3 s/ �o dive Mailing Addr�ss�� , //vc, 28/�3 City, State,Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: y This letter is to inform you that I, /RirocA N/,4�7 s have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at 357 ' °4'4 "c L.¢y✓� , in Property Address Pender County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at —6/7 — 6o S S',or by Applicant's Telephone mail at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the Pender County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Andy Christy Local Permit Officer for Pender County PO Box 1519 805 South Walker Street Burgaw, NC 28425 Sincerely, /� Property Owner we-c,.o Mailing Address TT�1,,.f Tom" it/C City, State,Zip Code z8 y3 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 0 2 2015 I. . •os a ervice CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT 0 Domestic Mail Only I 4 For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.com . HAMPSTEAD OC!,211.44 r 3 Certified Mail Fee O $3.45 0443 a $ 04 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add feet8188ate) D Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ J .—, u Return Receipt(electronic) $ $0_00 Postmark _ 3 u Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ $0.00 Here 3 Eike&Stgnature Required $ $0.00 D Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage i $0.71 $ 11/02/2015 a Total Postage and Fees $4.16 $ 1 Sent To/ 4 0 4—'ll 41" /4401/..reiVil/ ZC-- 3 Street4nd Apt No,bilstnioi No. 2 5 / r,06 iiio.on --J— ,,,_.." City,State IP ' 2 A/c 2eciV--? IC,LIIICLI ryrau acl VILA=Nr vyruca Inc rvuvyvu ry vcncnao. A receipt(this portion of the Certified Mail label). for an electronic return receipt,see a retail A unique identifier for your mailpiece. associate for assistance.To receive a duplicate Electronic verification of delivery or attempted return receipt for no additional fee,present this delivery. LISPS®-postmarked Certified Mail receipt to tin A record of delivery(including the recipient's retail associate. signature)that is retained by the Postal Service'" -Restricted delivery service,which provides for a specified period. • delivery to the addressee specified by name,or to ttre addressee's authorized agent. 'nportant Reminders: -Adult signature service,which requires the You may purchase Certified Mail service with signee to be at least 21 years of age(not First-Class Mail',First-Class Package Service, ill available at retail). or Priority Mail'service. ,it I.,.no.Adult signature restricted delivery service,whic' Certified Mail service is not available for .- requires the signee to be at least 21 years of ar international mail. and provides delivery to the addressee specifies Insurance coverage is not available for purchase by name,or to the addressee's authorized agen with Certified Mail service.However,the purchase , (not available at retail). of Certified Mail service does not change the •To ensure that your Certified Mail receipt is insurance coverage automatically included with accepted as legal proof of mailing,it should bear certain Priority Mail items. LISPS postmark If you would like a postmark on For an additional fee,and with a proper this Certified Mail receipt,please present your endorsement on the mailpiece,you may request Certified Mail item at a Post Office—for the following services: postmarking:ff you don't need a postmark on this -Return receipt service,which provides a record Certified Mail receipt,detach the barcoded portior of delivery(including the recipient's signature). of this label,affix it to the mailpiece,apply You can request a hardcopy return receipt or an appropriate postage,and deposit the mailpiece. electronic version.Fora hardcopy return receipt, complete PS Form 3811,Domestic Return Receipt;attach PS Form 3811 to your mailpiece; IMPORTANT:Save this receipt for your records. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to /1 L1-0(44 if 77/ F1 ' ' 9 c4 cJ4 y (Name of Property Owner) property located at 3 5-7 D O ooJ .✓E /�/,' 4 Ge;÷f L Address,s,Lot,Block,Road,etc.) on Gt/4 rz 1✓AI/ , in_ �% 1,"./T2r44c) , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s),the development he is proposing at that location,and, I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) • Signature Print or Type Name 9/o — %V ? — 57o7 Telephone Number Date RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 0 2 2015 • Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane, Deck Addition Description of Project: This project involves increasing the size of existing deck at 357 Dogwood Lane. Portions of the existing deck will be reused. The existing stairs to grade will be permanently removed. Project involves removal of existing handrails, balusters, 5/4 decking boards and stairs to grade from existing deck. The bulk of the existing support structure (posts, beams and joists) will remain and will be incorporated in the new deck addition. The existing decking and stairs covers an area of 160 square feet. Of this, approximately 50 square feet will be permanently removed (the existing stairs). The existing area disturbed by removal of the stairs will be re- soded. Installation of the added decking will require adding six new 6"x6" support posts and two new 4"x4" posts. The total land area covered by this new deck is approximately 245 square feet. The area disturbed by this addition will be approximately 135 square feet (245 — (160 — 50)) for a total land disturbance of 185 square feet. The project will not remove damage or destroy any threatened or endangered animal or plant species. The project will not alter existing site drainage. Plan views of the project, both site wide and decking specific, are attached to this description. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 02 2015 Intracoastal Waterway North water ► A NHW Line 3 2' yard 49' Sample Sample Property I Property (N.T.S) (N.T.S.) stairs decking — ♦ T 3' 24' ► . House N.T.S. 114 20' ►� Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane — deck addition: site w/existing deck, plan view RECEIVED �r n�A!! MINGTON,NC Scale: 1/8„= 1 Dogwood Lane (N.7S.� NuV 02 Z015 • North water A NHW Line 41' yard 49' A 24' ► 8' �— decking • House 6' N.T.S. 14 20' ► 7' stairs Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane deck addition:site w/deck addition, plan view RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC Scale: 1/8"= 1' NOV 0 2 2015 • r SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please make sure your site drawing includes the following information required for a CAMA minor development permit. ad The Local Permit Officer will help you,if requested. r"0 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS COARgidtrecAPPLICATION FOR _Label roads Label highways right-of-ways CAMA MINOR • Label local setback lines DEVELOPMENT Label any and all structures and driveways currently existing on property Label adjacent waterbody PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS PERMIT _Draw and label normal high water line(contact LPO for assistance) In 1974,the North Carolina General Assembly assed the Coastal Area Management Act Draw location of on-site wastewater system (CAMA)and set the stage for guiding development in fragile and productive areas that If you will be working in the ocean hazard area: border the state's sounds and oceanfront.Along with requiring special care by those who Draw and label dune ridges(include spot elevations) build and develop,the General Assembly directed the Coastal Resources Commission Draw and label toe of dunes (CRC)to implement clear regulations that minimize the burden on the applicant. Identify and locate first line of stable vegetation(contact LPO for assistance) Draw and label erosion setback line(contact LPO for assistance) This application for a minor development permit under CAMA is part of the _Draw and label topographical features(optional) Commission's effort to meet the spirit and intent of the General Assembly.It has been designed to be straightforward and require no more time or effort than necessary from If you will be working in a coastal shoreline area: the applicant.Please go over this folder with the Local Permit Officer(LPO)for the Show the roof overhang as a dotted line around the structure locality in which you plan to build to be certain that you understand what information he Draw and label landward limit of AEC or she needs before you apply. Draw and label all wetland lines(contact LPO for assistance) r Draw and label the 30-foot buffer line Under CAMA regulations,the minor permit is to be issued within 25 days once a DEVELOPMENT PLANS complete application is in hand.Often less time is needed if the project is simple.The process generally takes about 18 days.You can speed the approval process by making Draw and label all proposed structures certain that your application is complete and signed,that your drawing meets the Draw and label areas that will be disturbed and/or landscaped specifications given inside and that your application fee is attached. Note size of piling and depth to be placed in ground _Draw and label all areas to be paved or graveled _Show all areas to be disturbed Other permits are sometimes required for development in the coastal area.While these Show landscaping are not CAMA-related,we urge you to check with the Local Permit Officer to determine which of these you may need.A list is included on page two of this folder. NOTE TO APPLICANT We appreciate your cooperation with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program Have you: and your willingness to build in a way that protects the resources of our beautiful and • completed all blanks and/or indicated if not applicable? productive coast. • notified and listed adjacent property owners? • included your site drawing? Coastal Resources Commission • signed and dated the application? Division of Coastal Management • enclosed the$100.00 fee? • completed an AEC Hazard Notice,if necessary?(Must be signed by the property owner) FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted _ Final Inspection Fee Received 4 rn Site Inspections rn zno <� o4y cl Date of Act m Issued Exempted Denied _Appeal Deadline(20 days from permit action) DCM Form EB1952d010/Revi,edApril 2010 n tv 0 o —1m Cal O 0 Z Z t7 . OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED:The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA Locality Permit Number minor development permit,including,but not limited to:Drinking Water Well,Septic Tank(or other sanitary waste treatment system),Building,Electrical,Plumbing,Heating and Air Conditioning,Insulation and Energy Conservation,FIA Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other Certification,Sand Dune,Sediment Control,Subdivision Approval,Mobile Home Park Approval,Highway Connection,and (For qffirial use only) others.Check with your Local Permit Officer for more information. GEJVERAI,INFORMATION STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I,the undersigned,an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit,being either the owner of property in an AEC or a LAND OWNER person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development pennit,certify that the person Name William&Theresa Brockway listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein.This interest can be described as:(check one) Address 357 Dogwood Lane Flan owner or record title,Title is vested in Theresa&William Brockway ,see Deed Book 1363 City Hampstead State NC Zip 28443 Phone 910-617-6085 page 050 in the Pander County Registry of Deeds. Email tbrockway@ec.rr.com Flan owner by virtue of inheritance.Applicant is an heir to the estate of AUTHORIZED AGENT probate was in County. Name N/A Of other interest,such as written contract or lease,explain below or use a separate sheet&attach to this application. Address NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: City State Zip Phone i furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property.I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. Email (Name) (Address) LOCATION OF PROJECT:(Address,street name and/or directions to site.If not oceanfront,what is the name of the (1) Pam&Gary Sample 351 Dogwood Lane, Hampstead, NC 28443 adjacent waterbody.)357 Dogwood Lane i Intracoastal Waterway (2) (3) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:(List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) attached (4) SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: square feet 0.28 acres ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I,the undersigned,acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which PROPOSED USE:Residential Q (Single-family Multi-family Q) Commercial/industrial D Other EI may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding.I acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu- lar hazard problems associated with this lot.This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilize- COMPLETE EITHER(1)OR(2)BELOW(Contact your Local Permit Officer(jyou are not sure which AEC applies tion and floodproofing techniques. to year property): I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant,and do in fact grant,permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, (I)OCEAN HAZARD AECs:TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE:N/A square feet(includes the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information air conditioned living space,parking elevated above ground level,non-conditioned space elevated above ground level but related to this permit application. excluding non-load-bearing attic space) This the 30th day of October 20 15 (2)COASTAL SHORELINE AECs:SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES:2,545 square feet(includes the area of the root/drip line of all buildings,driveways,covered decks, /✓�. /`.,«._ concrete or masonry patios,etc.that are within the applicable AEC.Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) ( rt(/ Landowner or person authorized to act as his/her age for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT:Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater This application includes:general information(this form),a site drawing as described on the hack of this application,the MansgemediPemd issuedmi i by the NC Division of Water Quality? ownership statement,the Ocean hazard AEC Notice where necessary,a check for$100.00 made payable to the locality,and any inJbrmation as may be provided orally by the applicant.The details of the application as described by these sources are If is list t total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet. incorporated without reference in any permit which may he issued,Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of' C = r-m any permit.Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil,criminal and administrative action. = gC) » z T. o -I Z Z C) Pender County Planning and Community Development C,�uNTYO,i, Planning Division 805 S. Walker Street Phone: 910-259-1202 PO Box 1519 Fax: 910-259-1295 Burgaw, NC 28425 "fNUEP www.pendercountync.gov July 24, 2015 Exemption 2015-03 William Brockway,Jr. 763 Timber Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT-ACCESSORY USES—[15A NCAC 7K .0209(b)] AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN—Estuarine Shoreline(ORW) PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS—357 Dogwood Lane, Hampstead, NC Dear Mr. Brockway, I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on November 21, 2014, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on July 14, 2015, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Accessory Uses that are directly related to the existing dominant use and require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out below. 1. The project consists of the addition of an 8x24(192 square feet)slatted wood deck as shown on the attached drawing. 2. The development must not disturb a land area greater than 200 square feet. 3. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 4. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 5. The development must not alter the landform or vegetation of a frontal dune. 6. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal high water level. 7. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 02 2015 This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State,Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits. This exemption expires one year from the date of the letter. Sincerely, ,, / 1 ( Andy Christy,LPO Pender County PO Box 1519 Burgaw, NC 28425 Cc: Jason Dail, NC Division of Coastal Management Field Officer Megan O'Hare, Pender County LPO Pat O'Mahony, Pender County LPO RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 0 2 2015 LOCATION MAP L (NOT TO SCALE) cv GI MI V 9t 15OZ gig sar -,r W1 g ...4 ' ‘&41# i h7 r- \Q, r `'y vx I4" 4. Q! N 14'28'43"E 578"83 TO AN $ N )4•,/ a. IRON AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WESTERN RIGHT OF WAY OF DOCMD00 g o ���G �.i'000 . EAST AND DOCWD00 LANE 4 ATE 6 p a 4.r R T 6 O A/, 7cF COT , h 2402 SF 0, OPC J) o Bp QOSS A[ p^ *g S 74•, • Q 4;. S 74.IT - = h 'Y QPAI,E-L ti T•�-E- 1�j r Q h F`Q N 3Q pp 1 1;,,,,, ti 00 0 4: 7/ . ., J9008ScIIt* q ? `I RECEIVED `. + ; ti * ' JUL 14 20i5 h " 74.T,. jr\ o"1 g`: PENDBR PLANNING DEPT. EA •. 4fAL I;y ivyT• 1 z LEGEND a E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE O Ac = ACRE t` SF = SQUARE FEET NOTES 1. AREA COMPUTED BY D.M.O. METHOD 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL nttttr 3 FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED `tttottt gate ttt THIS PLAT REPRESENTS AN ACTUAL SURVEY THAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS Z` f 4* D S. THE REQUIREMENTS OF A CLASS 9 SURVEY IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE s SEAL '� STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CA•ROLINA `/ ° _ �L-339i�� THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED=7S NOT LOCATED_WITHIN A ` Z: SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE p 9jy ........• Q��� RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL / 370334 0529 C EFFECTIVE DATE 9-3-92 elytt qh ` `1�a'. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDARON r16 7�'/(Y/& i/gle/;;;AdMAP FOR JONATHAN L WA RLS L-3391 BILL & TERESA 40" • 0 40' BRICK WA Y SCALE IN FEET 40 LOT TRACT A TOWNSHIP TOPSAIL HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. SECTION NU COUNTY FENDER LAND SURVEYORS ENQNEERS & LAND PLANNERS BLOCK N1A NORTH CAROLINA Re-ENENCE MB 20 PC 85 DATE SLIRYE`•ED 7-15-98 319 WALNUT STREET HB14hPECEIVED AGTDIM, N.C.N.C. 25401 Jcm WILMINGTON, NC SVEIDINSION N\A PHONE (910)343-8002 7SO7.DI LW NOV 02 2015 Z Z L1 oo J u..i-I G• 03kt 'f:""41 ` + ' 3 co v M roe` e tz 0 4 nkCEIVED elsk ";*" 060444 , , POWER P6JUMwsci�. - PIN' 3281-83-9432-0000 Sale Price: $255,000 Acres:0.28 Pender County Owner: BROCKWAY WILLIAM RAYMOND JR et al Sale Date: 1998-07-15 Land Value:$243,950 763 TIMBER LANE Plat: 00070037 Building Value: $113,805 Account No: 60476 Total value:$357,755 1'800 WILMINGTON,NC 28405 0 0.00425 0.0085 0.017 in Township: TOPSAIL Deferred Value:$0 l ,' , , { , ' , ', r ' Deed Ref: 1363/50 Subdivision: Exempt Amount: 0 0.005 0.01 0 02 km Tax Codes: GO1 F29 R40 S64 PCL Class:R 1 inch = 50 feet • Property Address: 357 DOGWOOD LN Heated Sq Feet:1832:: v., , & I July 24, 2015 Description: ON SOUND S/HAMPSTEAD PL 7/37 SEE PB 30/115 Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane, Deck Addition Description of Project: This project involves increasing the size of existing deck at 357 Dogwood Lane. Portions of the existing deck will be reused. The existing stairs to grade will be permanently removed. Project involves removal of existing handrails, balusters, 5/4 decking boards and stairs to grade from existing deck. The bulk of the existing support structure (posts, beams and joists) will remain and will be incorporated in the new deck addition. The existing decking and stairs covers an area of — 160 square feet. Of this, approximately 50 square feet will be permanently removed (the existing stairs). The existing area disturbed by removal of the stairs will be re- soded. Installation of the added decking will require adding six new 6"x6" support posts and two new 4"x4" posts. The total land area covered by this new deck is approximately 245 square feet. The area disturbed by this addition will be approximately 135 square feet (245 — (160 — 50)) for a total land disturbance of 185 square feet. The project will not remove damage or destroy any threatened or endangered animal or plant species. The project will not alter existing site drainage. Plan views of the project, both site wide and decking specific, are attached to this description. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 0 2 2015 LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) V 2o yt T502 03 _ R ,e=io ilo- '44 e/11-70-z— \ l A, e'r7ACc-" _ C7i4-,ytc�t..- b-'// y 0 / X Z/ L. Q N 1�' T THE E 578.83 TO AN /�� A'f L N 2 IRON A7 THE MTERSECTION OF THE ` M' #"---G-- 4 1• aWESTERNRIGHTOFWAYOFDOGNV00$ o°-6Y +u EAST AND DOGWOOD LANEmac, v�y�may_o an1 � _`� �a11!C= R * 4 LINE o c4 •4,.4.>. R T Cr•cot ���� -/ ',c/G' 2 G�,i A. ,- 0) • 2402 SF $ 37 a C�f���i6 0.055 Ac � P 0, BO V. g 5 24. J V. S )4.1 j[70 h h CS h 11 OO-E- v1 CST 'E 4 �Z A yi,E. 17j� O Q ••OO Q2.4.1 ' 9040 SF /, ,Q q �`IR �0.2G8 Ac,� G 4 `i • m l Ak�L.EwC� o. OF4C -vo g '� N74'11` _ iIH h �1i c,l4 /T cC /�J ry -* tzs 8 9 m /,h was Q•74 I \ (/t7 /7cTL "N v ,� o LEGEND 1' -/3 v� EJ.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE ✓��/ 4- 0. Ac = ACRE ti0 SF = SQUARE FEET NOTES I_ AREA COMPUTED BY O.M.D. METHOD 2 ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED ,`�dsst+4tyt r l CARO(/yE\ffgC�G\STf 10ee; III:THIS PLAT REPRESENTS AN ACIUAL SURVEY THAT Mttls OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF A CLASS SSURVEY IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE SEAL _ STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA = ot�L-3391�; THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED=IS NOT LOCATED_WITHIN A y�'�ff S������Z���= SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE 4'Ql 1.,....... Q,�S RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL / 370334 0529 C tFttCTIVE DATE 9-3-92 %Iy�y' N \.- *►,`� THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION 7-lb ,1;liele;:k/ MAP FOR JONATHAN L WAYN RLS L-3391 BILL & TERESA 40' 20' 0 40' BROCKWA Y SCALE IN FEET 1- a 40 LOT TRACT A TOWNSHIP TOPSAIL HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. SECTION N\A COUNTY PENDER LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS &LAND PLANNERS BLOCK N\A NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED RV-tWENCE MB 20 PG 85 DATE SURVE'EO 7-15-98 319 WALNUT STREET eCIV WILMINGTON, NC INDMINGTON, N.C. 28401 SUBDIVISION N\A PHONE (910).343-8002pII\pV 0 2 2015 Main Rle No.776261 Page#181 • Building Sketch Client Guaranteed Rate,Inc. Properly Address 357 Dogwood Ln City Hampstead County Pender State NC bp Cade 28443 Cleat Guaranteed Rate,Inc. old Deck 200' eTo liei,g Room ee 5I' Bedroom loUr 2B CMoo Room Bede 112 Bedroommm Mader Bedroom Kitchen iJ Bah A1asWf Bee, 54' 91' 216 o Pooch 1.42 Stem by 2cmkf. Commends: AREA CALCULATIONS SUMMARY LIVING AREA BREAKDOWN Code oea.*4eon Nat S= Net roars Breakdown sunmars G7ea1 First Floor 1809.0 1809.0 First Floor P/P Porch 111.5 9.4 z 19.6 184.2 Deck 200.0 20.0 z 29.0 580.0 Deck 67.2 378.7 18.0 z 34.9 628.2 5.4 z 43.5 234.9 1.8 z 15.4 27.7 1.8 z 35.1 63.2 4.2 z 21.6 90.7 Net LIVABLE Area (Rounded) 1809 7 Items (Rounded) 1809 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC Form SKTAIdSId-WWnTOTA!appraisal software by a la mode,inc.-1-800-ALAMODE N O V 0 2 2015 • • Intracoastal Waterway North water • NHW Line 32' yard 49' Sample Sample Property Property (N.T.S) (N.T.S.) ♦ f stairs I decking _ T 3' 24' ► ♦ ♦ House N.T.S. i 14 20' • Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane RECEIVED deck addition: site w/existing deck, plan view DCM WILMINGTON, NC Scale: 1/8"= 1' Dogwood Lane (N.T.S.) NOV 0 2 2015 • North water NHW Line 41' yard 49' • • 4 24' --► S' decking • House 6' N.T.S. 14 20' T stairs - Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane ' RECEIVED deck addition: site w/deck addition, plan view DCM WILMINGTON, NC Scale: 1/8"= 1' NOV 0 2 2015 A Overall outline of new deck,landing and stairs to grade 2x10 96" 2x6 joists on 16"centers(typical). Length as required&only one shown for clarity. 2x10 typical T '! A A A 12" 26" 41" 43„ 31" A 1 14" 6" V W v Ledger not shown for clarity WIII 101 V 20' >< 4' One 2x12 70" each side Landing Two 2x12 Continuous thru Two 2x12 house piers. Continuous thru (top 16"below top of deck,typ) house piers V n Existing deck , overall plan (N.T.$) stairs 0 Stairs to grade (8 steps over 60"drop) 84 m decking IN, 2 m 3' 24' G m Legend: o a O 0 ■ = Existing 8"x 8"Post 27 Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane ■ = Existing 6"x 6"Post V deck addition: existing post, beam &joist layout plan Scale: 1 inch =3 feet ® =Exist 2"x (sizes shown) A A 16" 2x10(typ) New posts 8'overall length,3'below grade • NM — EM . . >< 80"(typical of 3) 2x6 joists on 16"centers(typ). 2x6 joists on 16"centers(typ). 2x10 Overlap and tie into existing joists. Overlap and tie into existing joists. 96" 54" 2x6 joists on 16"centers(typical). Length as required&only one shown for clarity. / 2x10 typical u I v v v Ledger not shown for clarity ' V l WI. V X 20' 4' - I i j. One 2x12 \-„ ' 70 each side Landing Two 2x12 \2x10 typ. Continuous thru Two 2x12 24"spacing house piers. Continuous thru (top 16"below top of deck,typ) house piers V / A 2x10 ledger/beam n Legend: Stairs to grade O.< ■ = Existing 8"x 8"Post (8 steps over 60"drop) 84 70 r—m b., Z fill ■ = Existing 6"x 6"Post N.Q.. OCm'J II = New 6"x6"Post 111 Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane III = New 4"x 4"Post 12' deck addition:additional posts& beam plan ism. = New 2"x 10"Beam V Scale:1 inch =3 feet I ' New 2"x 6"Joist A • ■ ■ ■ ■ 4' --1 . . 96" Typical spacing V Ledger not shown for clarity A 20' 4' i i 70" Landing Typical handrail post to joist attachment (maximum post spacing =5') two bolts thru post, .Joist&blocking board X 2x8 rim joist C)C 4x4 handrail post Z K Stairs to grade .< *m blocking board Legend: (8 steps over 60"drop) 84" O C) l; Z IT! N ■ = Existing 8"x 8"Post o -1 m 2x6 joist W 0 ■ = Existing 6"x 6"Post Z Brockway, 357 Dogwood Lane ■ = New 6"x 6"Post ■ • deck addition: handrail post plan ■ = New 4"x 4"Post V . . . Scale: 1 inch =3 feet DENR CAMA Daily Check Log for WIRO Date Date Deposite' Check Check Receipt or . , Received d Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Number amount Permit Number/Comments Refund/Reallocated 10/20/2015 10/21/15 Dr.Jeff Morrison _same First Citizens Bank 10494' $400.00 GP 66164D PH rct.1148D 10/20/2015 10/23/15 Antinori Construction Inc Roger Lewis I B of A 3890 $400.00 GP 64767D+GP 66165D@$200 JD rct.0303D 10/20/2015 10/21/15 Custom Island Homes by Ken Kiser LLC Ken Kiser CresCom Bank 3844 $400.00 major fee,7404 E.Beach Dr.01 BrCo PH rct. 1134D • 10/20/2015 10/21/15 Custom Island Homes by Ken Kiser LLC Ken Kiser _ CresCom Bank _ 3845 $400.00 major fee,7406 E.Beach Dr.01 BrCo PH rct.1135D 10/20/2015 10/21/15 Custom Island Homes byKen Kiser LLC Ken Kiser CresCom Bank 3846 $400.00 major fee,7408 E.Beach Dr.01 BrCo PH rct.1136D 10/20/2015' 10/21/15 Custom Island Homes by Ken Kiser LLC Ken Kiser CresCom Bank 3847 $400.00,major fee,7410 E.Beach Dr.01 BrCo PH rct.1137D 10/21/2015 10/23/15 MO for Brandon Grimes Scott Pindell Wells Fargo Bank 59183420318. $400.00 GP 66167D @$600 JD rct.0320D 10/21/2015 10/23/15•MO for Brandon Grimes Scott Pindell !Wells Fargo Bank 59183420329 $200.00 GP 66167D @$600 JD rct.0320D '10/21/2015 10/23/15 Clements Marine Construction Inc Vern Hawkins 'First Citizens Bank 3933 $250.00 major fee,202 Kings Lnding Ct.Hamp PN PH rct.1138D 10/21/2015 10/23/15 Ocean's Edge Ventures LLC Margaret Ann Maida,LT BB&T 6777 $600.00 GP 66131D HS rct.0980D 10/22/2015, 10/23/151TRCK same BB&T 1529', $100.00 renewal fee,MP 67-07 RM rct.0370D 10/22/2015 10/23/15 Town of North Topsail Beach same First Citizens Bank 401511 $400.00 GP 66110D JD rct.0322D 10/22/2015 10/23/15 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Becky Olbrych B of A 7923 t $400.00 GP 64772D JD rct.0321 D 10/23/2015 10/28/15 Grice Construction Barry Wishon BB&T 10616 $400.00 GP 66132D HS rct.0981D 10/23/2015 10/28/15 Holden Docks and Bulkheads John Kozak CresCom Bank 2286! $200.00 GP 66135D _ HS rct.0983D 10/23/2015 10/28/15 JRW/RDW Inc Rick West First Bank 1180 $200.00 GP 66133D HS rct.0982D 10/23/2015 10/28/15 Live Oak Enterprises Inc(Future Homes) Larry Norris BB&T 35653 $100.00 minor fee,SC 15-21 PNCo JD rct.0323D 10/26/2015 10/28/15 HDI Holdings,LLC Robert Huff First South Bank 1017 $400.00 major fee,402 N.Lake,CB NHCo PH rct.1143D 10/26/2015 10/28/15 Clements Marine Construction Inc Jam Properties First Citizens Bank 3938 $400,00'GP 66180D+GP 66161D @$200 ea. RM rct.0371D 10/26/2015 10/28/15'Live Oak Enterprises Inc(Future Homes) Dowell Gray Jr BB&T 35652�_$100.00 minor fee,8708 3rd St.NTB Ons PH rct.1139D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 ANA Builders Inc Karen Hartman First South Bank 8324 $100.00 minor fee,3693 Island Dr,NTB Ons PH rct.1140D 10/27/2015' 10/28/15 Charles Riggs&Assoc. Charles F.Riggs First Citizens Bank 14231 $100.00 minor fee,111 Topsail Rd,NTB Ons PH rct.1141 D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 David Lee Builders,Inc Warren Bell B of A 20389 $100.00 minor fee,410 Evelyn Ln.TB PN PH rct.1142D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 CLB Custom Homes Inc. Deborah Showalter South State Bank 4785 $100.00 minor fee,Lot 18 The Peninsula,SC Pn PH rct. 1144D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Island Contracting Inc Lillian Carter Branch Banking&Trust 27864 $200.00 GP 66151D TM rct.0438D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Island Contracting Inc Wiliam&Roberta Hardaker Branch Banking&Trust 27879 $200.00 GP 66152D 'TM rct.0437D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Island Contracting Inc David Farr Branch Banking&Trust 27878 $400.00 GP 66150D TM rct.0436D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Island Contracting Inc Alex Paine Branch Banking&Trust 27877 $400.00 GP 64658D TM rot.0434D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Island Contracting Inc Julia McIver Branch Banking&Trust 27875 $400.00 GP 64659D TM rct.0433D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Island Contracting Inc Village of Bald Head Branch Banking&Trust 27876 $400.00 GP 63214D TM rct.0432D 10/27/2015 10/30/15'Eagle Island LTD Michael McCarley PNC Bank 1007 $100.00 renewal fee,MP 97-12 _ PH rct.1145D 10/27/2015 10/30/15 Riverman LLC Michael McCarley PNC Bank 1111 $100.00 renewal fee,MP 132-12 PH rct.1146D 10/27/2015 10/28/15 Antinori Construction Inc B of A 3955 $400.00 GP for 270 Atkinson,SC PN 10/29/2015 10/30/15 Lea's Waterfront MHP Bert Lea Wells Fargo Bank 8010 $200.00 minor fee,PN 15-15,Wtrfnt.Cir.Hamp. JD rct.0324D 1C/28/2015 10/30/15 Coastal Marine Piers and Bulkheads LLC _ Rebecca Huntzinger Wells Fargo Bank 20471 $200.00 GP 66155D JD rct.0316D 10/29/2015 10/30/15 H5 Construction LLC Randy Stiltner BB&T 1321 $200.00,GP 66134D HS rct.0984D 10/29/2015 10/30/15 Helen B.Pate same NC State Employees Credit U 2203 $400.00 GP 66136D HS rct.0985D 10/29/2015 10/30/15 Wellman's Construction Inc same BB&T 13232 $100.00 minor fee,1713 Ocean Blvd,TB,PN PH rct.1147D 10/30/2015 ICT Home Design LLC Qi Chen BB&T 1042 $100.00 minor fee,Lot 8,Peninsula@Topsail SC PN PH rct. 1149D 11/2/2015 'Mark Lewis Crew Boats Inc 'Mark Lewis PNC Bank 2149 $400.00 major fee,822 Carolina Blvd,TB PN 'PH rct.1150D 11/2/2015 William Brockway Jr. same BB&T 10692 $100.00 minor fee,357 Dogwood Ln,Hamp.PN PH rct.1151 D Vii. ge iRgrthL) e: Pei- Pi