HomeMy WebLinkAbout83920A_Parrish, Mark_20210824DREDGE & FILL N083920 GA B C D # Gi'CCENERAL PERMIT Previous permit ed Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issu As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NC_AC Rules attached . . ..... iLA Applicant Name Project Location. County J� k Address Street Addressi State Road/ Lot #(s) 10 CVY&I— State zip 2_7K4 57 Al p- 0 act - L City Subdivision Phone # ((ol 0 E-Mail city zip Authorized Agent F�-Aa*iv.46c%lt Affected Cw AEw )(PTA ES PTS Phone River Basin AEC(sy OEA HHF IN USA N(A Adj. Wtr. Body -Teawl CAA,",V, Cyv.,at _ an 1/unkn) Pws� Closest Maj. Wtr, Body 1, QUVV- +IkCf-, ORW. Yes 1 PHA 115 O> no 4 Type of Project/ Activity L LANte I (Scale. a-- Pier Oor-k) length — 14-V, Fixed Platformts l )� OvA Floating Platfortn(s) Aoc*o40' Finger pier(si Groin length nun-tber 44*4 YA Bulkhead! Riprar, length in distance offshore oe -ria)i distance offshore Basin channel —0 cubic. yards Seal :.11 np tit ­0 Beach Bulidozing ways shorelifle i engul t 102, lk 14 W-491 SAV not sure Cn ". __* lip, X 6 Mo� Itorawn: la yes Mo .­* Photo-,: (2�0 no \a Y_ Vlaj,ar Attached: yes G A building permit may be required by: See note on back regarding River Basin rules. i Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) tt Notesi Special Conditions r: Jjj,6�e cl 1VL& l;_AkA-t &-w 16W &AN f142&Vfi1n_A1LLv_t)L! (A CN Lc Pei--nttofricer'sPrt,nted,,N e. Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of pernut — Signature" .1, 1 11260 - C ( 1(-- 4 i ID i ILL 1) 1 1 a, --/- Appli,�atiool`eeis I Check # Issuing ate Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit Mailing Address. Phone Number: 6- Email Address: 'IV 14 ap, 5 i certify that I have authorized 4- Agent Contradar to ad an my behalf, for the purpose. of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: I/--- '�/V4- at my property located at In County, I furftnwm cenffy bW I am authorized to grant, and do m fact grant permission to DMSjon of Coastal Management SW the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the eforemen6oned lands in connection with, evaluating information related to this Permit apptication- Propwty Owner 1"formabon: Signature PWW or Type Name TWO Date This certification is valid through -1 1 r, m ru Emanuelson & Dad, Inc. M1 PO Box 448 M1 Nags Head, NC 27959 a Phone: 252-261-2212 c Fax: 252-261-1115 Email: emanuelsonAembaramail.com C3 emanuelson67050outlook.com - n1 a 05/21/2021 ■o a C3 r` Marc and Linda Hellman, 2001 Creek Road, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Re: 1057 Creek Road — new owner — Mark Parrish We have been requested by the above property owner to do the following work. 1) Demo existing boatlift, jet ski lift and stairs to water. 2) Install new 8K boaM with 4-8' x 25' piles 3) Install lower 8x16' platform with kayak rack underneath. In order for us to obtain the Cama permit for this project, Cama (Coastal Area Management) requires each adjacent property owner to be notified. We would ask that you sign the attached form and return to us as soon as you can. You may scan and email, fax or simply mail. We are also attaching a sketch of the - proposed project If you have any questions, pease do not hesitate to contact us. N you do have any objections to the proposed work, you may contact Cama at 252-264-3901. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, • Complete items 1, 2, an ■ Print your name and IjZi the reverse Jacqueline Lewis so that we can return the card to you. Ermanuelson & Dad Inc. • Attach #6 card to the back of the madpiece, or on the N spy mits per. 1. Arftb ta: N . U NU, Helms atee- 9-4 IIN�IIh� Illfli�llfl'�I� I�Ililil 9590 9402 6133 0209 1057 70 2. Arttde rhrrder 1pe�br from sieryir.e �6r,¢ 7018 1130 0001 7767 1237 P3 Form 3811,1*2ots m 7 D. Is dedvery address d %rent tan Item ff O3 fbs If YES, a -AK d"vay adti ss bobv,; [I No 3. servloe Type D Ad44 SWWUM ❑ CatUProo hW RobieWd DWmy 0 Coftot on D*," ,ed NW Re RECEIVED 06/04/2021 02:05PM 3;.: i ? FM Victory r domotive F9 N)? CERT1FIEb M UL •RETURN RECE1p�ESTEb DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTYYnWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner. r " k 1� Address of Property: _ 1 C �5 % (Lot or Strew # Street or Road, C�ity18_ly- Agents Name* ri /l �4 s � Mailing Address; Agents phone tUG 7 ,. � � Cam'•' I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached draWnng a development 9 ttescrtation or tlraw nn uri+i, „ r t'0 ensions with thL4 ietter. Most provided I have no objections to this proposal I have objections to this Proposal• 1(you hav* oblecEfons 10 what's baingproppaed, you must notify the Diwsicn of CoasW tv� In wri5�g9 wfHtin 10 days of r ipt of managarmw this notice. Contact intOrrrmtiion offlcw is avar7nbraet�pJlwwwrrecoasta[ anaaOrree.++.+orA 'crwstmfflistfnorbcsfl i o No resnonSB rs aonstdared N.a a....a'�':`:�,__ .� Y ilk 4I8&4RCQAST. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, moo be set back a minimum distance of ring clings. boat ramp' breakwater, boathouse, or lift must you wish to waive the setback, You Must Initial the of riparian ass unless watered by me. (!f appropriate te blank below.) �I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. 1 do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (RI a party Ovmer Information) Signature e Prat or Type Name Cc Mailing Address (� � ,� � • Ham- 1 k�tyisrate2:p IPWhonr, Number/E'madAddress /n V-'C--- f4e(U-A&-a Print or Type Ivem e `2� 1 cruk A 0 1 C...- �'� TalePhone Number/ Emeff Ad Dafe 0,64e(rrev/sedAug. 2014) 4 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY ER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: � �'r Q,1 r �j j_!' ) , 1 Address of Prof / 7 `^ ICG� (1 ' A �Q GJK • !J G- ?--17� 4 0 (Lot or Strew #+,�►Street or Road, Cdu�y Agents Name #:r} l 0 " ��� Agent's phone #: - [7`° J _ 6 /' 1� -- t V s 1 rue Z ! 5 J � . l hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the. development they e�5 pro Posing. A deacri ton or grawina VAlh dt winsiogs. muat be rsravkle ; w3th this dam. t have no objections to this proposal' _ _ I have objtctions to this proposal. # you have aq jections to wtW is being proposod, you mual noft use Dfvhmw of Consort U&rlagwnent (DC" in writ V widVa fp days of rece/pt of this notice. Contact hth"ranbn for DCAF opfCas is ava//abli at bAnallm ffNttL4V4ftfiwor by ca9ft 1.88$4MpAST. No rasPavrae is tt» aarrse as no oWeedon tit tnorr to*baea naldtted fW & r tC wA a M WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must to set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me, (if /you wish to waive the setback, you Most initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. 1 do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) Signature 1 Y art-+ ,, � Q�M, S Pnht or Type Name ;�''? Lf 6 Marring Addmn , • �a i., _�� t Teiephtxte Number Email Address (Riparian Property Owner information) f .Signaium ? Vq,ar•e.,(tldf vtS Prrnt or Type Name -a* 82AY41KIs Ti t1-i �Zoi +aau Address ; c I f9 Qty r TeiephoftNumberlEmaOAddress _ (tievrsed Aug. 2014) I �_ERTIFIM ML 3.=e9lic Ma Only For delivery .nfomiahon. also our cve�srte at K'Wt%tISpACOc• Emanuelson & Dad, Inc, M1 Po Box 448 r` Nags Head, NC 27959 Phone: 252-261-2212 0 Fax_.252-261-1115 0 Email: emanuelson(Membaromail com 0 emanuelson67050outlook com - rn 05/21/2021 0 Daniel & Oksana Evans. r` 309 Bums Drive, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27W Re: 1057 Creek Road — new owner — Mark Parrish We have been requested by the above property owner to do the following work: 1) Demo existing boatlift, jet ski lift and stairs to water. 2) Install new 8K boatlift with 4-8' x 25' piles 3) Install lower 8x16' platform with kayak rack underneath In order for us to obtain the Cam permit for this project, Cama (Coastal Area Management) requires each adjacent property owner to be notified. We would ask that you sign the attached form and return to us as soon as you can. You may scan and email, fax or simply mail. We are also attaching a sketch of the proposed project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to co;ttact us. If you do have any objections to the proposed work, you may contact Cam at 252-264-3901. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Jacqueline Lewis` in Complete items 1,2, and 3. ""0""'"" Q figent Emanuelson & Dad Inc. a Print your name and add— - fife rerlom x D Addrim So that 'we Can return the C'd tD yant. ; . B. C. mate Defy ■ Attach thus card to the hack of maRpiece, to on o front N space nits. 1, ktiieAddbeaeedto. �/ �y. 11 Gi t r o` �fl. 4_ ( V A 1�� MIsd*MVMOM e/rentbem#emt? 5 K YES, . "my ac+dress hakrk: G vo 30 �+J(`^S "'Or ijj +j ` 3. SeMCe Typo 0 (!! ({w (y2(4pp {j I I&II ikN MIT III�t11ilit1�it�lllllllAIII1I�I1'111���1� o: PM&WW OWKWY 9590 9402 6133 0209 1057 87 n Q ` ��+��Y 9 Artide Number (Rancher hum service taN 00 Onoelreyiteatrsccen n 7018 1130 0001 7767 1220 "°dam � PS form 3811, Jody 2015 PSN 7630-M S 1. �' TOP BEAMS: 12' f" OUTSIDE -TO -OUTSIDE OF PILINGS 0 0 ^-,ice,-�-`..,..-+��lr;" �'�1P�► .> � h VV as 4 y x: r ttr" �% 6 t1 ` 1R �. . i w. l A. 'M S � v This map is prepared from data used for the 1057 Creek RD Owners: Parrish, Mark -Primary Owner Tax District: Martin's Point �✓N Nk, {) f. inventory of the real Martins Point NC, 27949 Spiecker, Caren -Primary Owner Subdivision: Martin's Point Section 4 property for tax Parcel: 027757074 Building Value: $738,500 Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 15 Blk: 1 Sec: 4 /A r, purposes. Primary Pin: 986718208894 Land Value: $252,800 Property Use: Residential information sources such as recorded deeds, plats, MisC Value: $163,700 Building Type: Traditional wills, and other primary Total Value: $1,155,000 Year Built: 2001 t public records should consulted for verification of the information contained in this map. AW