HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaylor, Nelson 80471C/trDREDGE&FILL NER/AL PERMIT --EModification f Complete Relssue f Partlal Reissue As by the State bf Norttr Carollna, Department of Envlronmental Quality and thE Coastal Resources Commlsslon ln an area of concern pursuant to I 5A N9 80471 AB Prevlous permit # Date issued D Appllcant Phone # Authorlzed Affeaed AEC(s): ocw trOEA DHHF OIH EES NPTS trUBA f]N/A C Proiect Locatlon: County Street Address/ Phone # Adl.Wtr. Closest Mai. Wtr. Bod Lot Mr*{*o o ORW: yes /PNA yes I or ( tt I I(Scale:,l River Basin rules. 1}pc of Projcct/ Actlvlty Pler (dock) Flxod Platform(s) g Fln8.r pler(3)_ Groln numbar avg dl3tancr ollthorc -,m!r( dlttance offshor€"- Barln, channel cublc prds- , Boat ramp Boathouee/ Beach Other Shorellne Lcngth SAV; not sure Moratorlum: nla Photos; WatverAttadtgd: ye3 yes yes yes A bulldlng permit may be requlrcd by: ( Note Local Planning Noter/ Special Condltlonr Appllcatlon Fee(s) read statement backof Check# I ) ,- i /IDREDGE&FILL NER/AL PERMIT N9 80471 Previous permit #, AB D - EModification ECompleteReissue EPartialReissue the State 6f North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC Date Project Location: Counry Street Address/Lot Subdivision permit issued tu by Applicant Address Name Phone # ffib Authorized Agent ztP )c Affected AEC(s): ORW: yes I !cw trOEA trHHF trIH tr PNA yes / Name M.t {*o Phone # Adl. Wtr Closest Mai. Wtr. Body Permit trES N UBA tr PTS t] N/A LUt Agent or *flease read compliance statement(i.)ter( Itt I at I --r I \ r^r I )I ar \, n(I \(\t I I I t I I I(Scale:,) I I /\\ I I V A\ I I I I L-Y t' I Z.l*\\./\=-.=. tlCL{lt --(\#a 7;1 -*u{lttt/.[; \ I I I 4 -1 Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) len4h Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) - r-rnger Pier(s)_ Groin number Bulkhead/ Riprap lengh <. avg distance offshore-. max distance offshore _ Basin, channel cubic yards_ Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift-..,,_) Beach Other Shoreline Length t SAV: not sure Moratorium: nla Photos: Waiver Attached: yes yes yes yes A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local PlanningJ River Basin rules. Application Fee(s) of Check # -j- no Notes/ Special Conditions ,I River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other,- ll Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your project is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-5481) or the Wilmington RegionalOffice (910-796-7215)for more information on howto complywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Oflices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ | -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Sewes: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste.300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Server: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank aid Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washin4on Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufon, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and WashinSton Counties) Wilmington District I 27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 9 l0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) hnp://poral.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may sublect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and ma/ cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant cenifies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undenaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this prolect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certifythat this proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. AGEI{T AUTHORIZATION FOR CAiIA PERMIT APPLICATION Nam€ of Property Ownsr Requosting Psrmit: Mailing Address:SO Phone Number: Email Address: ?_<z-1?-S'lqaq I certiry that I have authorize a Csrltrel Agent / to acl on my b€halt for lhe purpose of applying for and obtaining a CAMA permib necossary for tho follo'ying proposed development: e irrat pil inq &,-i -----l L lec.{t r z S{+,rn / Plcl+q r^ at my property located at 6 Carkrql I fuihemo,e 6dW that I am authotizad to gnnt and do in fsct gnnt petmission to DMston ol Coastal Managemont stafr, the L@al permit Ofrcer and their agents to enter on the aforcmentionad lands in connedion wilh evaluatlng information releted to this permit or fype Name Co oha,u64* c {,'re)'e ol ,3o Tiils 2021 Date This certification is valid through , / il"|<or, -Tiu 1or inM P,UC 8ryfr . Comdot€ [€me 1 . 2. a$d 3.r Prinl your-n.mo alrd add€ls or1 lhe l€v.rs€ 3o ihat wo csl nilnn tha cdd to you. . Attlch thl! caln to lh€ tiack o, ths r8lhl€c.. x tqt c. 5 z o. b.,.lrry..ld,a drrtomt tqn lts. 1? llYES, {rr.Hivry..br@ b.lor ENO l. Ardcl LldEqr lo: -/Ual soa I *t',lo& 15or, 5-otti 1,+rr{n1 tl)otcleil C,:fu,ilc . 2vss') llrffi[flufinillIlIrllllilililtillllt 9590 9402 5585 S274 4671 12 i.i i.-b..d o.ftry o o.id d nrri 8..tbd D.lEy 70e0 0050 0000 6'{3rt Lo?L , PS Form 381 1 , July 2015 trsN 76alx)2{@{oi3 tl 9590 9,t02 5585 9274 4671 50 . Compble t'lB i, 2, dld S.I Pi.rt your namo ard addrrs on lie rwrlo & llul w6cah llt n lh. crd to you.x CV -tq w6- to ttl3 b.ck ot ths malhhc6. ENo E tTl ,c.L*-JSo Ansa':- D. k r,.lilsy..ldGt dilrrt nm h€rn 1? l, YES, .nr drtEy lddB b.l* lSov &oils; ilflfiil ?Eeo 0030 0800 gq3q L0L3 o c..ot6 o.r;bt s oa,i, E2, Arocb Nunbd frel*rM Ps Flm 381 1 . Juh HttualdDl'Ey O a Compl€t ltcrB 1,2, and &! Print you. Dam€ and addEss so tial yvo can €t m Al€t Attaoh thb cad ro ft6 O rast c. CaAtrrttmt ntffiYES.6t . dcryrbrE r.br. f]No xCv t7,6 ur ru*"e D),Itt,o t, tle,td-., lQo3'c /uLlous. }ent:E€./1-z*A. cr*v -' /U,C - )*c- t lil]il][xililIltilIil tilililt iiltfl llt 9590 9402 5585 9274 4671 29 3_ re0 [0r0 DII0D A{3q E0q5 , PS Fo.m 381 1. Jut 2ol5 P9{ Tsio-o2{Boosti Bsffildxri..tjd- B. fudrd bv rDhnd^l,rrcN. (q ^6' SENOER: COITPIEIE lHlS sEcr/orv \ SENOERi CollrPrErE rHlS sECI/o/v SENDER: CoMPTEIE 7,/S SEcI/O,v co^.lPLErE fHlS SECftaN ON DEUVERI COI,'PLETE TIIIS SECIION O DELIVER, ADJACENT RIPARIAT{ PROPERTY OWNER STATE ENT I hereby certifo that I own proporty adJacent to /Wcrb€( property located at o Scolk t qao(r (a{ame of Propgrty Owner) on (Addres.,tock, Road in ci(Wetsrbody)(Clv/Town County) s N.C. The apptigr6t locatory,__/E has dosoribed to me, as shown below, the dov€lopm8nt proposed at the abovo I havo no ob.iection to this proposal. I hav6 obj€€tions to this proposel. DESCRIPTION AND'OR DRAUNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT(lndlvtduat ptoposlng developn ont must tlll ln descrlpllon balow or atl,,ch . atao dnvtng) SiqU gittl {., r t^;ra{l..r Stnho4 I do wish to waive th6 lS,setback requlromsnt. I do not wbh to walve the I 5, setback r€quiroment. lnformatlon)(Adracent Proporty Owner lnfonnalion) try'Signqture. 5oo e657 Clty/Slatealp / enBil Tehphone Nunbei/ email ly:g:T*ng.,*j " pi"r, oo"r, ,oorrngmffi, breahnater, boathouss, rifr, or sroinmust be ser back a mrnimum distance-oi 15'trr- ,vr# "ii-il',r-"'"'"."J""'i,'nr""" ,rriruo uyme. (lf you wish to watve the s€tback, you mucr rnftiir trelip;p;;t ilff;J; ) h Date 1/alld br ong oalendar year 6ter signalure.(Revtfi.t Aug. 2014) ;,-;yw;Ct.o-- iii,,s;od,Bss..-- I hereby cgrtify that I own property adjacent to Property localed at of Owner) on fuej^, (Addres8, Lot,Road, 's in c The€pplicant h8s doscribod to mg, 8s 6hown below, tho development proposed at tho abovelocato,|^ t - q I h8ve no obrEction to thtE proposal. I havo ob.iec{ions lo this proposal. DESCRIPTION AT{D/OR(lndMdt .l ptolDslng davetopmont (Watorbody) 5 i,',gt eit,'rtX Srr u>eclt+r f{'"tior'r I do wish to waive the ,lS, setback requlrement. I do not wish to waiv€ the .15' setback lgqutremenr. lnturmatlon) Signatwe+ 4l L'n*ot TW Neme 5l Maltry Address a ,oa Wsbte/Zip emall 8dd'E.sa Tetephoni Datcl Vslid for ono calondar year aft€r signsIuae, N.C. (Ctty,i'r and/or Countlr) DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPI'ENT musa f,lt lr, doscrlpgon D€low w atbch a Etto dnwtng) wAmBscllox I understrand that e pier. dock. moorini-iiiiiliffiffip, breakwater, boatiouse, tm, or groinmust be ser bac{ a minimum drstanco;i 1srfro, ;y;il ;;;;;;; a#el"'i'"unress *airea uyme. (tryou wish to waive rh6 s6rback, you must hftlilirreippdfr;j; ;;"il;*.) Proporty Own€I lnformEtion) (Revised Aug.2014) 2''72 Dob hlntt, C ADJACENT RIPARI/AN PROPERTY OWNER STATE]IIENT 1506 Scotts Landi t -t a --.'j D 't \ ! t a {., ,+ 2 \ ), ,1 . .\.- ,,31 ,:,' 1506 Scotts Landi 'L l_ :\ , a' _. -/ :..'+ \ ,i+/F . - ...\- ,js ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STAIEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adiecent to property locaiod at of Owner) on lUei^,r+ (Addrs$, Lot,etc.) tn c (Watorbody)8nd/or County) - | do wish to watue the 15' setback rgqulrement. I do no( wlsh to walve lie 1 S, sstback requlremont, lniormation)Property Ouvnor lltiorm!0on) Signatute. 4l //L Pn otTw Nane 5'MdlnS Addtsss t4 o ,or, / email sddt?/ss o Dale (RadrFd Aug. m14) WATVER SECNON lulg9rstaf ha] a pier, dock modnAliifu;E-ffi4, br6akrvater, boathouse, tifr, or groinmust b€ set back a mintmum distance of 1 S,-!1 1V- qnii * Ap"riin idis -unress walreO Uyme- (lt you rvish to watu6 the setbacj( you must tnttdt fre alprJpri"t" U-L"-iiit"*.f 's N.C The.applicant has dsscdbed to me, as shown below, the devolopm€nt proposod at the above YE r have no objection to rhis proposar. J^lbLheA ,- ts --ek I baw obj€ctiono b rhis pmpo'al - jez n'+"t- ": ' -r-- - <,.'i', ? t!2Ltan> *' tlev'tal t^cqlesl o**" 5i,.5r<- P't,i1 {-'rr "rcnr'L"r (k*r'r'r ;i"fu a I 6 'l/ElH ftr onr catord€r yoa. aii6r signaftlrrr @e- @frunFTen.rrieass CffrCuftd a. ,xsl Zoom To gu Psldy R@d Ca6 6n@ thilr Owns Drdotr Googb StB&ia Carteret Countl, GIS crw *06! PB I 4ra hilo.q.Tr . E!!I !-,t it, / t fload Map ldrntn ' Photoqr4nt t Iii{re ire 8 lot ot ptaoes on thig Oap vory olose to lhe ptcpcaed lOcaliorr lhal *quid nol:nledere r.,ilh eyones reardgnco or fr{ure dev;iopmcnl (marsh areJl (t tuc@w m E 450. r tSagi.i Tdl LryEnr :oom To CLrt P&986y R@d Cad Sow srill& O*nffi \ ED atlt Aolorn* omdana Qeo![0 Slts&lsw \ Carteret County GIS co{vlhbt9tEfu tT a.c'*$i I -1 @ Ol "r1 f*r:.2 I Fo30 r,1aD lo,r,n P.r'oq.rpfi .a A Measure /\ 0 I ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEIIENT I hereby certfy thal I orn property adjacent to lVli'chqo[ Sohrro^ (Name of Property Ownerl property locatod on ile,.loor* l,;,,rr 's The applffit'%) ,in c N.C. (Waterbody)(Clty/Town County) has deeorlbod to me, as slro,n below, the devdopmont propoeed at the above I have no objedion to lhis proposal. I have oliectione to thh proposal. I do not wish to waive lhe 18 cetback requir€menl. lniorma0on)(Adlaocnt Propcrly Ownor lnformatlon) Signadoet PtintuTWe Nema Malling cvsffitzbt04L T@unNumbrlemall a&oss Datct (RevtsrdAllg,.2014) DESCRIPTION AND'OR DRATVING OF PROPOsEO DEVELOPTENT (rot Wtd ',"plfitg &,c/{f,m.{/ilflarrtlfr h t*qrwt ,.tow q.t,|ch t elb tffiryl Q"r r^r.A{ "'/ Stehon{in5[r ?trrYl r WATVER SESTION I understand.that a pter, doctq nonruJjifiEilEiEffii, brear$ator, boathouse, rifl, or groin muat be sot back a minimum di"talge of 15'from my araa of riparian access unloss waiveo by rne, (lf )tou ruish b waive the selbock, you murt lnl0rt the appmpriate blank bolow.) _ I do wish to waive the 15'selback requlrcmont. I 1/afid br onc calcnder yer du Cgmfu!. glo {c sf**se {/l ,"1*/ *,t */ { 5}zr'*-- 7Jo h*sn' t Tax Parcel lnformation: PrintedAugust 3,2o2rr in=6o ft Oruner: TAYLOR,NELSONW fV ETUX KAREN Current PIN: 638Z1563o82oooo Site Address: 15o6 SCOTTS I/,NDING MOREHEAD CITY Mailing Address: 15o6 SCOTTS I/.NDING MOREHEAD CITY NC 28557 Legal Description: L4 SCOT'I LANDING Prior PIN: gorooo5o4 City Liinits: Rescue District: MITCHELL VILLAGE RES Fire District: MITCHELL VILGE FIRE Tax District: 13 Township: MOREHEAD Use: RESIDENTIAL Landvalue: $zgr,og7 NBHD: 13oo76 Bldg Htd Sq Ft: 43o9BldgValues $357,228 Bldg Tot Sq Ft: 3,415 other value: $37,zgo year Built: zoo6 Total Value: 969r,615 Noise Level: Sale Price: $55o,ooo NCVZT,onez DeededAcres: o.56 GIS Acres: o.S78 Plat Ref: zt / 4o Roll Tlpe: R Deed Reft 146o / rr9 Deed Date: zo13o916 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3.5 Carteret County, N.C. $[ ti Tr,I\! l! l* i/( & / -a ),;l / 2 ry ,l H ,l /t 7 r.tms u "5 .@,,