HomeMy WebLinkAbout79340A_Rowe, Edith & Haas, David_20210709AAMA DREDGE & FILL A B C D ENERAL PERMIT Previouspermrt # New Modik,atiort Compiete Reissue Partial Reissue: Late previous L rmit As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Depirtment of Environmental Quality and the Coastil in an ztrea .~)f envmonnvnral i eoncern pumtont to l SA NCAC„ tfles Applicant Name r�,k� �t^jC 4 I UV.s Plans Profect Location: County , ' Address ?J (�;>e Street Addressf State Roars, L.ot #is) L t ee Clty`,�c..•} ,er, 51,.-Cy StatWC, Zip Q..-H41 bc-a r Phone # {�)t> ,�6,�i E-Mai{ Subdivision Authorized Agent _ � f �' ��� City `'JDe..+k e r •.._ ghat e 7 Zip �1 716t 1 Affected �Cw EW ✓PTA ES AM Phone # { } River Basin FO3gG,,,p AO- �( AEC (s): OEA HNf lH USA NIA. Wtr Body (Ti ^?+• 1' it 1;010—oat , /urtk+rj ORW: yes rwS PMA i,�, Closest Mai, Wtr. Body *' t f T - Type of Protect' Activity __hEW_... , x ` //' ----f ... ..._Lx_��� .'� __'_�..'`�r '� _lr^.. _._.___--- ..___.. _ _ ___._._...... ..... ........ . ............. ....... . — {Scales IJI C > Pier (dock_} Length M I tie .S r t J Fixed Piat{ttrmtsi �rac.`:J` �~ ["icaang Platfornv(s) ' Finger pterfsl j it Groat length T number Buikhea& Rrpt:ap raYgth • ;� tL.Ly e > r cft) 1 nvg stance offshore max dKtanre offstore ��E. Y 1 ►yq� `_- J, ii sin, _hannel f cufait: yams Boat r amu t "`— Boathouses ftaati'tt Bcach Bulldozing {,�Cilf?r L1i / ij. CreelL Shareiine tern ih SA;v; not >ure yes r'o Y it j Y t Moratorium: rVaa yes ,10- t_ �:f "'�.t �:. _.,. , PhotG5: y@5 " ta0 ,Y ti!r AttachedA bldiog permit may be by: _ _..._...._..__ Stye note on }pack regarding River Basin rules, (( i'�iq e Lc< Planning urirequired Motes/ Special Conditions till k6. _vl aQ : + OX40.1_'.lie k a ,.,.lair eJ /:& two L s i:ors L. A S' nnu i'c ..ef/,..J ti.• s4s.:4v R1 e kR r 1ft.+r,, e j ,t^" 1 ` Agent or Als Cant P+ sated Na, r_ x signa of e r°cad .omphan e statetnert n'Nick of pei-111, Alzpiicaxion fekls) Check # kI rc It per;2 "t O fl(e "s Prsttted N'Inw ')1goatu r e lst.i�tt� C�atr 1i - 1 JjL� Ex"xi,auo'n Date DocuSign Envelope ID: EBDCC88E-C436-4C2E-9AE3-31FA046885C9 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date —7/ G / 2 1 Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: am I✓QYId �AAS ��I-� Y.O�G Bailing Address: 1/ L G o Aer n 5%orC5, N G 27914 l RECEIVED JUL 0 9 1011 DCMwEC I certify that I have authorized (agent) 1-46e,-/ frlo� to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all LAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity) /1lCW Fier, at (my property located at) 7,00 This certification is valid thru (date) I Z 13 /2 t V 4g P4 wlk . N G 7/6/2021 Property Owner Signature Date DocuSign Envelope IDS 451SF421-6E56-4841-848E-6D9540230670 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Owl C) rtMS + ey 1-f Vt 'Row E s (Name of Property Owner) property located at 2(>001 CeleBK 90ACID (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on CtNGu1TE C¢»Bu in %(illY HAW)<� NC N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. ''�i�ikVJ_, � I have no objection to this proposal, I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Consfv-uc}" new woods" r1 er Cx4­tnd i H� a pprog. 140 feet 4foer, dry around +�rov8}i e 5+;ng r,'arSg 3Y4sS grid Au »Ot- i.6 fee4 to �0 G*r` w +e CrtGk. flee Wri) be5 feet w1d� aha will have are �otr!' b7 $ F� p)q}�o•'m 0#1 +N t cr•t . To-�aal ��a1r d;,Y,trsior will bt if of I0A ;r elvdi Y 5 Marsvi G,-,K.s � = CRwkk ' 5)(e+c )1 IJ64 `to SC'40 yet r y V,v .4..►6tn3v,4 CrCCk',t 200q Crre}_ JZJ, j.O f 4- QropoStt} �ict WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. -'M �'V t�J I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) tl& r6m, Sign899E31S,14ee 50rr14 r&w1k1 DAr10 NM3 Pant or Type Name P.a • Box 204z Mailing Address SOvYME¢'V 5AOIV54 , N c t74N 9 Cirylstatelzip USX) 305-388W Telephone Number/ email address ___S%17i20'�I Date *Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Adj cent Property O�w.n,gr Information) . /.V1 . In a u cL a k'1i1 Signature* Print or Type Name Mailing Address 0ta4%t)r41 Z&4c;A t, 1 -2345/ GitylState/Zip 60fW#4"'Oc4e1- Tele(p,,hoonee �NumberI i mailer address ...__ f •.L=r. ... Date' (Revised Aug. 2014) DocuSign Envelope ID: 451aF421.6E56-4841-848E-6D8540230670 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to QA+/ID HMd, + �-Vt14{'Row s property located at 20001 citleyC 90A0 (Name of Property Owner) (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on GtNGu'T5 CBt:EK , in_ 1611Y RAW IC # NC N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Construo+' new wooden Pity Cx4-erldj" approtc. (N© -rtG+ _ �rorn dry round +l+raug�t t°xis}�nc� ir+ar5k+ oJra6S and anO cr •Fet'i ;n �o 0;nau;+f CreC)c. QiG✓ Will bit 5 >Feci WiC)G qnd will leave GrT �CSJJ,rac>f by $Far} plaiFor,r Oh f%t thd. Tofal 1G,- �;fv,�t,sion5 will be tlot7.Feo+ ron [' q;hclvdi. plq461,.1. 5« 696d' hclouY N T 5 _ Ir►ars*1 6rnss lt�� �,M�ov�1, 5)(ektl, Ua+ 70 5calt� V w �~', e^ Gig u1�-c Crcc 21001 Crec), IZa. Lo+ F�?r`P°r'td Per s WAIVER SECTION w `` I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) �I (�0-.S ."ey: "E79 4yt, T I Sign eeaEc,�,,..as Si rurture . _ g " _ ForTN (la1WrF I Da1r[D ISMS Me-c�r: }i OD Q �__J--- Print or Type Name Print or TyPf�, Name ^� P o • Box 2oyZ �ih�� �� � �.c5, Mailing Address — M 7i Address Sov-rrt>rrtu SA001514, to c Z7q'4 R f-1 C.. CitylState/Zip cm) 105-3SIH CitylState/Zip Telephone Number l email address 5f 17/20�1 Telephone PTlemafl address Date Da[e (Revised Aug. 2014) 'Valid for one calendar year after signature" I—,Jaypermit Number Cheap Hazard _ "wing Slkaclinc_ ORW Shoreline __ Public Trust Shoreline— Other Win q(/ic'ial are u,tfo LAND OWNER - MAILING ADDRESS Name OAVIo NMS -� V-vtTtrt..kow1C Addrrra..__.- 1141, AYtt. tJtgi _ �.-- Cay5-0!.ern S&Qcz stare NcziplIMM— ,.=-_30S- HAM &"&if keft� P z b"2; 1. c A IYI AUTHORIZED AGENT Name 12o,? S r MoQ r�.__`'�._`CQ4P cola comsTa Ad4read_ P.0•. 'P.{{S,�Ox.. 1W.._( __._. ._..._._.._..�._ .Vt�f.�_ C'itY I Ar r ... i'�•�.,: QC LipZMgilPPone Z 3' N fit �. __... LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Addraa, aucct nwne wuYdu directions W sae; noes of the adjacent watorboWy. ) >:K C. CalifiduvTt: cQfl6k �y► teir-6ody DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. (I.aw ail proposed em atnaiimn and land disf biwncc) C h4-1+hQ&1— Ibo. 1.nc by 5 a w;caG vier SIZE OF LOTMARCEL:=F-s—"'e--, ayuare face _ ., acres PROPOSED USE: Residewwl$ (Smsk•fomlly 0 Mugi-Comfy 0 i Commc-Wriefudd-1 CRher El COMPLEEf E EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (C"Wc/ysar terror Permit OJjicrr ib— an air same swat" ANC yrpff ra m yos- p-parry): (1) OCEAN HAZARD ABCs; TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: squwe feel(awludea sic auditioned living space, poking elevated above ground kvct, nmt—viditkned spue elevated &how ground lewl but excluding na.4-d-Incarinl. at. space) 12) COASTAL SHOjWNE AECc SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT'AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR HURX UPON SUICRACYS. ja%- cquwe fell (fetches the anus ofthe fb frith tion of all buiklurgs, driveways, covered decks, concrete w maturity patios, wc. that we within the applicable AEC. Attach yaw calculations with the pro)cel dewing.) STATE ST'ORMW'ATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: IS the prop:t lanced to an wen subject to a Sate Stuemwater Management Permit Issued by the NC Division of Energy. Mineral and eared kcwom:es IDt.Mi.R)Y YE5_ NO it ya, law the total built upaa arewimperviwn surface allowed fro your kit or parcel; __,­ square feet. OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you arc Planning may require permits other than the CAMA mmut development permit, including, but not limited to Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste lreamieri system). Building, Ekcuival. Plumbing, Hewing and Air Conditioning, ha ulaticm and Energy C'olawisatko, FIA Cerifkanon, Sant Dune, Sediment Control, Subdtvrsum Approval, Mobile Hone Park Approval. Highway Connection. action. and others. Cheek with your Local Permit Officer for mono mfeumata aa, STATEMENT OF O WNEkSHIP: L the undersigned, an a(ynccant far a CAMA minor dovclopmem permit, being either the owner of proptxty in an ARC or a person audwriwJ to tit as an aXam for pwsez poof applying fit mend a CAMA u eveloprtknt permit, eenify thw the pets on listed as landowner on this application Pas a ciolf c-1 merest in the real pnnpory dcxribcd therein, The tow -mat can be dewribed as; (ehwck one) am owner en record Pile Tilk kt vaatad in IIamv of pq V i, 1�wAS )+ 1F O W G tie Deed Book 2 it? page iss_ m the codaC uesay Registry of Do W6 __an owner by vine of mhetalarrae. Appikwx u an heir to the estate of - : probate rw.0 in County, if other interest, Asch ua wraten contract or least:, eaphttn below or use a . 4nodte shcct At attach to thhr apphvmaon NOTIFICATION OFAWAC.ENTRIPARIAN Pkt)PKRTY OWNERS: I furthermore enmity thw the following persuta are owner, of propordw odjolnklg this prolwry. I affirm that 1 hand given ACTUAI. NOTICE to each of them concerning uty intent to devalnts this proporly and In apply for a CAMA partial, (Nature) CAddmsa) (h) 2 (2) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1, tha undersigned, achnowkdge that the IwW ow— is awns that the proposed development b pktiuted for an wen which nay be—Ttilil, a, erosion waLur floolmg, 1 acknowkndge that the Local Permit OBker has explained In ma: the pa in- ter haraW pruhkna asae v ovd with thou Ind. This cxpanioum was Yompaniad by —otmnxWti ns auwwnng wahiliza- t on and floodprnrflrng techniques I furthermore v-lil'y that t am authoraud to grant, and de in fact grant, pormisaon to Division of Coaiai Managemtont ataN; the Lain Perrot Officer and them agenb to enter on the afourns ntioned lands in connection with evaluating information catr d W this permit application. �Pl Otis flit ��day al' . 2U'>C( n audon, act as Inviter regent f"er purpose of filing a CAM penmd apPlicaUun 7kis rgydiradsn /nr/adea: gruerri inJaavuau fdir fiwwU, o mind drawing w rkrcrrhenf nn the Ixui oJthis rrpplicnriarr. eke owrrrrahrp .rrutemrnr, ter (hvvrn I /axon! AF.0 Notice udxn+aat:eua:n n cheek for :l fq.(ID prude payable w the lrxatfry, anti! tiny infurwuhrut an wpv he pervaded —Mv by the w4irunl. The deNd, of The ow"W1on ar dmaribrd by tkras -renter ore rncropo, OW mithomt rujrrrurr tit any pt+weir which .may M Worst. Ueviarion Jinn test demiis will. —unit. a wnintinn el' any prrwuc Any prraon irwloinag in an 46C wilhunt parmir is %*a t a. a ivil, ceimmol and adainistrative du1u NITES, Address: 2009 Creek Road Lot Area - 53,9452 Sq. Ft. Flood Zones are subject to change Setbacks shorn are as per the Suod. Plat and as per Zoningf they do not reflect any Restrictive Covenants that nay exist. This survey sas based on the existing property corners found In—Junctlon with the recorded reference given. Certifier hereon is not responsible for utilities and/or features that are not visible at the tine of the survey, nor any additional setbacks that GRAPHIC SCALE f IN MT ) I I-h - 4a tt are not shorn. \ There is a 15' Utility Easement across all 1191 \ J front tot lines along the street R/V. `I owns There is a 5' Utility Easement along all MA Ir Pa a. g�7 65 #/ side tot lines. 1 t 1 p77-p305 40 .\ 10,10 1 47� i 25, "� fi�TIGi55 " nirsw '. � 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 ion 6 t4 P 19` 5 l` tab J h t � t 1 4 M,m 1, Al. DOUGLIS SMNS, JR., P.LS., certify that this plot was drown from an actual fetid land ..,.y i that the ena, of cI—e as calculated by lal@I.des and departures is at least 1:10,000; Witness my day of A6 A.D. 20 Q i s- c a k t O" is VICINITY MAP N.T.S. attx SOLING �\ Ao¢Ax so men, SHOWS M T� SITE - as. vla�T� lam Mn11x. 'bH♦ pW4-,tn EoeECIF CIF *11 r��~' r AS M SiUlm A er.r* \ . �.-jil{'�. (�toP05E.D i1�ooDEN f,E(�'• IEMV- Set ♦ $a " x Wae,r st • w,er Met.. ♦ CAN El E. CM ■ Tr9.0—r 40 6mew Bea lime so 2�N�Qootae Nry� NC. 278 7 P1wn.: (252) 441-1415 Fox: (252) 4W-1182 LOT 18, BLOCK 1, SECTION 4, MARTIN'S POINT SCAL1- _�4V DAVID P. HAAS -2,2 and EDITH V. ROWE MC tn- NA 2o21N ow coum nORlM chlba . 2]QPPGC- QW "- 334 SIEEe .M1E: . SEEPIDT-----.. a This map is prepared from data used for the inventory of the real �j property for tax purposes. Primary information sources such 4 as recorded deeds, plats, wills, and other primary public records should be consulted for verification of the information 00.8q *a� 2009 Creek RD Martins Point NC, 27949 Parcel: 027757056 Pin: 986718217172 Owners: Rowe, Edith V -Primary Owner Haas, David P -Primary Owner Building Value: $0 Land Value: $214,300 Misc Value: $0 Total Value: $214,300 Tax District: Martin's Point Subdivision: Martin's Point Section 4 Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 18 Blk: 1 Sec: 4 Property Use: Vacant Land (Private) Building Type: Year Built: ••,*,". Ste. A� � _,� � r a T I F•a; ,�. f i , .4 � �s�`��. 1. ` ,f � �. ', •.•_ � it is ., •�.'i' � ." py '` �'`j!y"F..' ' .. .�,�,A �'. • � � � +ia. '4 y n � l�y� � Ap 40, ,.e. •r!' �" .-'� ' of a, yrr. yy •' 14 imp �di, .i r� �..• y � t • �� .r r r 3