HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlexander, Benjanmin 79685CCAMA/DDREDGE I FIII ENERAL PERMIT t N9 79685 Ag Prg\rbu3 Fft{t # N6v, At br'fu Se oa No.dr nd thr C-alrl Rorcg CoirtiElotr lnrluol Ocrrplctr RrEoc trPertrl Rdso c.rothr, D+rtnoilorg,r#t r or.rty pcrfirt lssu:d t'ot Bash Fr$.nt tolSA Str8t Photr* A4.lvr. Clo6d i4.1. Wb. Phonc ORlry: trBorll z? I ztP 7TA o 7tl qrc T\ 'NA no J )At.I f(III/ = t ) at I )tt I Jrli7a I I tI I 'll. t 2I ,,, II III\a u )ttttIIIIarl!t li*rC( , I l-n Itp. ot Prol.d/ A.rhtt, fbdf fi6.ri(t !-.--cr pr.{rl -- dondl*sr - -bt,ff5- o,tut A- g.dr Bc arp Grdr L.{6 8ull6-d/ RlFp n,l lrd&ro hr(dcd) Ltdl ftdrqrtt{t) I I J lr I4I /EPt(lt t r\ I L=(.1 ^a f]s-an H rr3erdq Rhrr Bdn ruL; F F F $or.tt A M(ht pGrmh ntry ( i{otll-ld Phrntrr Il{oad Sf.d{ Colldlttq! .D& ,C trModtlladon Prolctt.odon: t- Oate ^PdEm 1 L L gVL tt IL t'{ FI ItI I I rl I I I I I I ll.ltl l1 r I I ft Ittt I I b. iqdrGd q|. sAr4 i"r.. lldEfrE di tlG WUtcA!.dlrA L <.; , CAMA/TDREDGE&FILL ENER/AL PERMIT New EModification EComplete Reissue EPartial Reissue As by the State of North Carolina, Department of En'lironmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of N9 79685 AB Previous permit # Date permit issued Applicant Name Address Phone ORW: pursuant to, l5A NCAC Project Location: County Street a Phone # Adl. Wtr. Closest Maj. Wtr. Lot PTA nES trUBA ztP tr PTS :] N/A M ztP Basin PNA no + )C i It+o ) ;) H- E s"" l Type of ProjecU Activity I--L I J- Beach Bulldozi F J cubic yards Boat ramp Groin length Bulkhead/ Riprap length I building permit may Note Local Planning A be required by, risdJu -,J*-j* Basin, channel Finger Shoreline Length Notes/ Special Conditions Floating Pladorm(s)L --l*--1,--.i....i.--1i:l..".& n-n- TI iyes yes yes yes SAV: not sure Moratorium: nla Photos: Waiver Attachgd: . Iav8 orstance ollshore max distance off hoa" - Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) AII I on back regarding River Basin rules -L-,,L l --]----]. -*-t"*t-{*t**f*t*t*-1------t- Printed Application Fee(s) read compliance statementon back #Date l _l- --r- +I *+ I-rT# -,lT_i- -r-II I I+ + t- l- I+ I-t r*r I -ffi I -- II+-t-f--f- l I r -..] _i J --1---l _1_ l__-l -1-'J- {- -L-]-l*-1, tl f-t, ( I t Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected forcompliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that l) prior to undertakinS any activities authorized by this Permit, the aPPlicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plah and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permlt under the best available information and beliei certifythat this proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basih RulesApplicable ToYour Proiect: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rtiles lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is s'tbiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Olfice (252-946-6481) or the Wilmin6on RegionalOffice (9 l0-795-7215) for more information on howto comPlywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices E o,h"r,- Elizabeth Citv District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax: 752-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fzx: )52-948-M'78 (Serves: Beaufort, Benie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District I 27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-7215 Fax: 9 l0-395-3954 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://ponal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 D Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ | -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) AGENT THORIZATION CAMA PERMIT APP LICATION T.AName of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Mailing Address:€708 Atm NC NBZZ (2:52)qB - oB80 ra istic.Covrt DaVrd e Agent /ContractornLn^ic. lva-rine Co-vtsha.let? ofzt II to act on my behall for the of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development:d,o CK at my property located at 4 tz Sa{L rYlk. in County. Signa.ture f)T Pint or Type Name l-fudhermore ceftfu that I am authoized to gnnt, and do in fact gnnt permission to Division of coastal Management staff, the Loca! permit otricer and iheh agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information retatea to this ;permit application. Property Owner lnbrmation: d'tAJ Title 2DZI Date This certification is valid through Phone Number: Email Address: I certifl/ that I have authorized \). Il SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Plmsc mako sue your ritc drarving ircludes lhe follorviug infomration rcquircd for a CAMA rninor dcvcloprnent pcmit. The Local Pcrnrit Of6cer rvilt help you, ifrcquesaed. PHYSICAI. DIMPNSIONS l.abcl rcsds Label higlirvays right.of+vnys _ tabel local sotbaclt lines .- Iabclany ond sll shrctults and drivervoys cunently exisling on pr.operty _ kbel adJrcent lvatcrbody PB YSICAL CHARACTERISTICS _ Drarv and labol normal high rvater [ino (contact LPO for rosistaoco) _ Drarv locrliott ofon-sile wsslcrv0ter syslem lfyou rvill bo rvorking iu the ocean hazard arca: - Draw and label dune ridgos (include spot olovulions) -. Draw and labcl toe ofdunes _ Idonti$ oud locato ffrs3 line ofstablc vcg.lotion (contact LPO for oesistance) _ Drarv and label erosion sctbaek litrc (cootacl LPO for assi$tanco) -- Drarv ond labcl topognphical fohrrcs (oplional) lfyou rvill be rvorking in a cmstat ehoreline arca: _ Shorv tlrc roofoverhong os a dottcd lino arouud tlrc strrrcture - Draw and label landward limit ofA-EC -. Drnrv and labcl all rvetlaud lincr (contact LPO for assistauco) - Draw and labcl the 30-fmt hrfrer linc DEVELOPITIENT PLANS _ Drarv and labol all proposed sEucturcs - Drarv ud lobel areas that rvifi bc distubed and/q landsmped _ Notc size ofpiling aod dcpth ro be phced in ground _ Dntv and label oll areas to be prved or gravcled _ Shorv all arcas to be disrurbed Shorv laudscaoinp NOTEToAPPI.ICANT Hove you: . oonplctcd oll bltrnts and/or indicated ifnot applicuble?. notifcd and lisled adjaceat ppperty orvnelx?. included yorrrsite drarving? . siSrled nnd doted the application? . enclosed the $100.00 fes? . complctcd an AEC Hazard Noticc, if necersary? (Mus be signed by the proporty orn€r) Itt 1974, the North Ccrollna Geueral Asscnrbly passed the Coartsl A-ysa Itlarsglment Act (CAMA) nod scl the rtogo for $rldlng dev€lopnlent ln fraglle ond produ.tlvc Rress lhnt border llte rtale's souods and ocennfrona. Along rylth requlrlng spcctf,t carc by thotc ryho bulltl rnd develop, lhe Gcnorel Asrenrbly dh'ectcd lhe Conctnl Rcsourcrg Cotttrnlstlon (CRC) to lnrplcmetrt cleor regulotioo3 that mlolmlze lhe burd€n on thc rppllcfltrt. 'fltls npplicntion for a mlnor dcvclopmcnt pcrtr{t utrder CAn,IA h part of llle Conrmis:lon's cf[or( t6 meet lhe rph.lt slld lnacnt of(he Genernl Asserrbll., It hss lrccn dtslgned to be shllghlforn'ard and rcquire no more tlnrc or cfforl th0n necBsary from lhc np[licotlt, Plerse go over thk foldcr rrlth lho Locnl Pormit Otlicer.(LPO) tor lhe loenllty in rvbich you [lnn lo bullal to bc cerlflln lhot ):ou uuderstRnd rvhel i,lfornrotloo hc or slre needr before you rpply. \ Undcr CAIIIA regulstlonr, thc mlnot.pcrmlt li lo bc lssncd rvllhln 25 days oncc a conrpletc rppllcnllon is ln hond. Often lers tlme ls needed lf the proJect ls slnrple. 'fhe prorcss generally lekei rlrout lE days, You cu spccd ahc spprovrl procs3 by Dr$klng ccrtoln lhot yout cpplicrdoil ls contpletc strd slgncd, th6t )'our d!lrvhlg ruccfs lhe specltcntlons glven lnslde nnd that your appllcttlon fec ls altachcd. Other pernrits aro somellilca fc(lulred for derclopment ln lh€ cosstnl &rea. lYtile thesr are not CAMA-rclsl€d, rye urge you ao checl( ryltt lhe Locel Pcrmit Offfc€r to dctcrmlne rvhlch of (here you may nccd. A litt ls lncludcd on psge hyo ofthls folder, We apprcclate your coopcratlor Mth ttre North Crmllna Coastnl Mnnogemen( Progrem rnd your rvilllngncrr (o bulld ln r ryny that prolecls the r$ources oJ our lreeutiful and producllve cos3t. Coaslal Resourcer Cotunrlsslo[ Divislon of Courlnl lutllroEemena Coastal Monagement CNVINONMENTAL OUALITY APPLICATION T'OR CAMAMINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT tr o F * 0ilx ".Hgtr,F5V' C:nfiB -tdeXH-ouztn -o3h JdZ DCll Fonn BBl952-201 YR€vi6cd 'tt I Date ofAglion:.lssued GEN.trRALINTORMATION LAND OIVI\ER. MAILING ADDRESS Nanre Addrcss srur" -NC-, Eorail c AUTHORIZEDAGONT Narne Address City Slate -- Zip_Phono Email LOCATION OF PROJECTI (Arldrcss, strecl nama and/or dircctions to silc; namc of tha adjrccnt oTIIER PERI\flTS IVIAY BE REQUIRED: Thc stlivity you arc plannirrg rnoy require lxonirs otls thu$ the CAMA lrinol development pennit, iDchrding, but lot litnitcd to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tani (or otbcr srnitary rvastc ueatmeot systcm), Building. IJlccticnl, Plumbing, Heating aod Air conditioning, Iosnlation and l]uergy Corrscwation, FIA Ccraificrtiotr, sand Durc, Scrlimcn( Conlrol, Subrlivision Approvrl, Ivlobilc Homc Pa* Approvrl, liihrvoy Conrrcction, anrl olher6. Check rvitb your Locol pcrmit Officer for nrore iufomraliorr STATEIIIENT ON OWITIERSHIP: l, thc ttuderoigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor developmenl pennit, being eithor the orvner ofpq)crty jo tttr AEC or a person authodxd to sot as ao ogctra for purposes ofal4rlying for a CAlvtA miuor dcvolopmclt gcmrit, ccairy that tt e penon listed as luttdonmcr on this applicotion [u a significrnt iutcrcst in lltc rcrl propcrty.lcs"rib",t tli.rei,,,l1hi, i rt"*,t *n b" dcscribed as: (check one) /on o*.., o. r*or,(rit!,Title is vcstcd s*DecdBook LC4 Penni( Nurnber City T. -if otlcr iltcrcst, such &q \wittcn contract or lase, explain belorv or usc e scps.ote shec( & attrdr to lhis application, NOTTFICATION OF N)JACENT RIPARIAN PROPDTI'IY OIYNERII: I fudhennort ccrti! lhot tho follolving p€rsons are owuers ofproporties adjoining this propcrty, I afnnn lhal I havo given ACTUAL NoflCE to ench of lhco cotlccrniDg my intcrt to dcvclop this prop"rty aui ro appiy ror a CAMApermil f,lq,arYlerIDof PoSe Coufiy Itegislry of Deeds. _rn orvner by virtuo of iuherirooco. Applicort is an holr ro rhG csiarifr_-_ ln east- kn twr DESCRJPTION OF PROJECT: (LIsl all proposed construction and lond disrurbance.)T)oc sIzE oF LoT/PA.RCEL: -- squaro fcct O-flt(7 PROPOSED USE: Residcntiat pl/ lSingtc'family I Mulrl-farnily [ ) Cornorcrcial/Indushial E other f:l COMPLETE EITEER (l) OR (2) BELO\Y lContnct yoar Local Pcnnil O!ficet ifl,ol ue tro! snro uhich AEC applies lo Jow propcil!,)'! (l) OCAAIII{AZARDAECT:TOTALFLOORAREAOI'PROPOSEDSTRUCTURE:_squurefc:ct(ilchrdes air conditioned living spnce, parklng clevated abovo ground lcvcl, non-conditioflcd 6pace elevtted above grcund tovol but cxcluding nonJoad.besring attic sprce) (2) COASTALSHOIOLINEAECTISIZEOFBUILDINGFOOTPRINTANDOTHERIMPERvIoUsoRBUILT UPONSUR-FACES ?80 sqrarafcet(inoludcsthesreaofthefoundationofallbuildings,drivcrvays,covsrcdd€cks, concr6te or nEsonry patios, elc. thel or€ within the spplicable AEC Attach you cotculatious rvith lhe project drswing.) srrtTE sroRluwATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT, k theprojecl locared in oo areu subjecr to s stsre Stormrvatcr Mnnngeme;Jt?crmit issucd by thc NC Division of Encrgy, Mincral and Lmd Resourccs (DEMLRIYES_ No_tZ lfycs,Jist tlre total built npoo arca/impervious surfacc allowed ftr your lot or pircel: -._--=_ square feel. Dr^ ACKNOIVLEDGEITIENTS: I, thc und€rsigled, sclarowlcdgo thot lhc tsnd ornrcr il arvarc lhal the pmposed developruart ie plarrrod for rn area rvhich mly be strse€pliblc to crosion and/or llooding, I acknorvledge thst the lrcal pemit Oftccr har ixploined to me th6 parricF lor lrozud problems ossociEted rvith tbJs lot. TbIs explanation wos occonrpanied by recomrnendrtionr concemiog stabitiza. tion arrd f,oodproofing lcchniqucs, I furthentore certifr that I [rll trrrthorized to grsnl, and do in fact grant, pennission to Division ofCoostal Msnqgemdt slsft tho Lmal Pcrmit Ofliecr aod their agcnts lo enler on thc aforcuputioncd lanrls in conoc.ction witlr crahuting informalion rolrted to this pcrmit npplication. rhi.tb, 4 *r*A@,^Ll (Narne) Landorlncr or pcrson aulhorized lo act as his/her agent for purpose of ffling n CAMA pcrmlt npplication Lyf (l) (2't (3) (4)) Tltis tppllcaioil hrchtrlcs: gercral h{otnation (lhis[orut), o site.lrowhtg a$ described ot thc back oflhis appllcation, theotucrship stntenett, lhe Ocan Hazord AEC Nolice v'\rcrc trccanmry a chec*fot.tl00.00 natfe pqible to the lrcality, antlffi)' i"Iotntatlot os Dtoy he Ptot'idei o/.tll1' by thc uppllcant. The deraits ofthe oppliqtiot os ctescribet! b1, thcse sonrces ore incot?olatcd tttthou! rcJbrcuce h ouy pennit vhich nq' be lssiled. Detlnlion lronr lhese deralls tplll coilstttr,te a iloluilon of arty penill. Att)'person <levelophtg iu an iDC rtlhout pentit ts subjact to.ivl!, crhnhol awl atlilnisttflrh,e actiott. 2957, :(Fgr.ofrctal qe onb) . ILLY l)C.A).Y L ADJACENT RIPARTAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby cerlifftH I orn prope$ adFcent b of PropertfiOrne$ 41 Lld Atr on property located at Lot, Block,R€d' N.C. He has <tessDed to me 6 sho$,n in the attacfprt appliraton an<l gr{ext drarir6$}, the <latelcprnent he'rs propos'ng d tH locatoa and. I lmve no obiedionsb his proposd. Nute,r \o.ct'rg\s PrintorThelkme A5a-SA1- O\e\o Tdephone i.Iumberq-.lA-&S Dde ff-^" \s^*\., SbrdnqJ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS i hereby certiry that I own property adiacent to +12,W-(Name of Prop€rty Owner) property located at on A*tn Address, Log Block,etc.) Cfown County) PMENT S Print or Name Telephone Number &<a2-72 /46/ N-C. Waterbody) He has desdibed to me as shown in the attached application and projecl drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. OFo ED 4 {-tt- zu Date I \\N i I 1 .t I t J I i I tl I ltq I ;!l r ;':::. -i'i{,Ht I r-li'r tl Carteret CountY, N.C.stTax Parcel Inforrnation: Printed May4, 2021 r in=6o ft Orrner: ALEXANDER,BENJAMIN ETLIX ALI SON Current PIN: 5395o4825728ooo Site Address: 4rz SAFE HARBOUR DR NEWPORT Prior PIN: City Limits: Rescue District: BR/GALES CK RESCUE Flre District: BROAD/GALES CK FIRE Tax District: rors Township: WHITE OAK Use: VACANT r,andvclue: gez6,6r8 NBHD: $oo7o Bldg Htd Sq Ft: BldgValue $o. Bldg Tot Sq Ft: o Other Value: $o year Built: Total Value: gzz6,618 Noise LeveL 8o Sale Price: $r45,ooo AJCIJZZorret CUZ-I DeededAcr6,o.4T3 GISAcres: 0.488 Plat Ref: 29 / 73r RoIl Tlpe: R Deed Ref: 1688 I z7z Deed Date: 2o2oog2z Bedrooms: Bathrooms: MailingAddress: gzoS THORNWALL COURT ELM CITYNC z78zz Legal Description: Lq+PHICEDAR KEY r:lm tLE] \E! fqe-61 \o a ! \-\I {qid la e@ s n \I @ f! ? .&,, of r€l fMd