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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHowell (2) i. CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. 6e.f..-E Applicant Name61,1..L.)1 14CUJr L1, % NEAT 1{£� CoWa0 Phone Numb J ) 3q'l. -.'S s .) Address 4Q(07 Ni ifharm c....1_ (4:),2. City ktJ rt c-[ ‘it V t eic h State NJ Zip 224116 Project Lodation Pounty, State Road,Water Body, etc.) CAj I 'T;/-Lt r sTo e C .. f- A- j ACo N-r =t&\. -T c C .��EL. �i ,2 r� IJG tr.� I--iPa A Nr� LJJ Type and Dimensions of Project PR:1 Vc1-1'-E -F 1 ca The proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance.Following expiration, quirement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. SKETCH (SCALE: f 2 0 ) V \...., •- • C ,-..`" --- v hlics'1'‘) L-E,T1 5 —1 e xi 4 1111 ,--�� V a --� . GIs% � �--`- + I-lot -` Any person who proceeds with a development without the con- f . : 7"."1,.. L. (._,t..Z-n__. i sent of a CAMA official under the mistaken assumption that the Applicant's signat11 development is exempted,will be in violation of the CAMA if there 7,1— is a subsequent determination that a permit was required for the 111 development. CAMA Official's signature -- The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that (1)the ap- Issuing date plicant has read and will abide by the conditions of this exemp- _ -7_9 cl tinn and Ill a written statement has been obtained from adjacent T� L-- i 1 S is I \\V • k 4 .7, go pa? iii 1..),; 114‘ . ........_y .....j/ -\V i \ I ....4) c- ,Y V , VI I i , 1 ,•, — 4/ • i ; . . 1 _ i I NI/ V , . : ^-17 I—' , .? .,,2,,, I I i i p i -t."2,- c.A i 'c• AAAa- rei—It') 1 1 1 1-- , . IS I -------- -- cia'19';-) `7ETBP'ci ' p, . . ,,,,,..-, - :-,:.,- .•'-%-..,-.-.';,..:; ,-,,,:',,,, t-:',4L--,' -. - --;-7: ,.;4,', , '• --..;,,„_' --7.--,:;--1-,,,*,;-, ,‘'.'; -.-: , .,), .., :. '- '' '''-''. ''''t.7':'11:;''''.*--'_*'f.::'y,1:4.,.;;-A:VW-. '- . . :.-,'''4.:Viiitii,,..- .. ,- ,%:,.:.•Askt,,&-i:Atikettsixtzw,...L.t..?1,,,_ 4 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name Of Individual Applying For Perriit: ris e� •1401„,_,L LC_, Address Of Property: Le+ S (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above- referenced property. The individual applying for this pernit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed , please write the pivision of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension. Wilmington, North Carolina, 28405 or call 910 395-3900 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same s no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house, lift or sandbags must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you ;rust initial the appropriate blank below. ) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement . Signature Dates Print Name —— � ( o -nCiu - 51( IL) [--INR Telephone Number With Area Code 1:\XON m 11.4I\i :!)\, .(. QQ1 , 19/05:97 fN! IU: 14 FAN 9104522Z5' 9;i�£�3r liTN P- F'2 LEA:-"o4-97 ri4 :25, FM TOM 4, K.IM WAT rERS Yl. 3o.N .off MAan>,�T „SAC NT RILWtIAI1 PRo_P TY c:w311-EPTIFICATIOWfWl�;'7Eit FOjY Nat, CL Individual Applying For Per, . . c- 4C2L J Aeon ss 01 Property: f ._. `-? -f.ttZ/ . :c/Qt_.. (Lot or Street #, Street or Foe C2*y & i: _eLy cirtity that I own property adjacent to the above- referenced property. The individual applying for this pPr•mit has desc c:'aed to :*e as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this. 1ette.T . y//y h6ve no objections to this pray-al . wfa.I,.1-_Mti cl-P1.9ocse4L. o.Pas.1.w>d4te _the pivili2n, of Coas`_a;W - 9_�R ?ti�_ a3?_S dinal ,►e Extensionolina. 211.4.25_ or call 9_1,o_ 5-.3 0 .fithin 10 c_t:p.iS . e;..gt_.a_f_khis ncttic�: Nc ng_.�C�=�.p i�_cot�43deled th e sar_e D.S L,.c u��ez San__lam y,ou_hay q_be not key by_.c'e t;L.f i i M?i_, a.-. -!a :r__."M ,V:.? tY._.. l -._.y. +�M....... ... ...a. .% 4w: i.... �Y•-_:.1,:-.'ti_.::. -��. ... ... y - WF.T_F�r.R. . `z`IQK that a piCr, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat ho'.:se, lift or sandbags must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from m_ area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to wai%,a the setback, you initial tl a apprepr. iatc- blank below, ) +' wish to waive the 15' s. tbacl. reluirement V _ _ wish to waive the 15' Setback rtnu . 2re,It. r2r '97 _ _ signature LcCz , • • M m a \\\ /Z. OLINC.01 all \% -<0. \ / / HEY/LETTS CREEK \ 0/ rr 4 m 1I \ MARSH �` / �,, -Si'�+c / ', 1 / / 3116 ,my _ w —� N "'` /4 ii1. LOCATION MAP lr m ----mow o• ''4 o+ 11 "z ao;- y 6° W iv♦y�- 1 n D/63. -_ 75• y ,AL - MARSH UNE +/- L. I1 7o tee,• to l \ 4 a l n Aa1 f- /ti —1 ~\�` \\n H \ w 5611 26" w Q X opED/ ' • �� // 2� m.o.. 3 t \ P• ,•iaY ei7�w\ P 56'206: w IN ` IY. Ia6e' it X I POND I �� ),. N� N. 6. ta I • 6R ! ' e'etr , 0•a3 At.*/- fy1. F 1100 VENT FE000 UNE•] ,[,ua •rt e T.O. ,, .. • I / y' 6c wv»w n� a \'Py / V P PR /V �. . . e• VVV E �� '1. / 0.40 Ac.,/- .4 ` �` a s n'0634 w YN 61730'0e ri- \ 4. Ly6 / - 4.63' 157.00' ' \�S`,} ^I/'a�l/ / • \ /. /J/.*IN6 33 ,$'\' M 69']O'OO� YI -d L. 1..t1' 1� r 576's1'}Yx43' - o , ,• ,y e l 1 16.1B 1 8 I 1 �w wir.a.. 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