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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTGTN 4( CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. J�m L,(2;t �-,I 1 }�or• l�n�t Applicant Name T&T t•3 LT b (C p z{ S V(e tr"\i it)I . Phone Number Address 11 (.r (Y1 fi \ 1 , d City J kt 1` State NU Zipa 6-707 Project Location(County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) 45 r S kA,' ot- n+\ 3( LI 1 360 Zee u' , 310 r.r. <t-r C)r ma's f L ?er L,, IUC�_1, ' F1 fi I -r.-f,v C3C P,A n Type and Dimensions of Project f' A,(- Pry hn c) S-f-ru cf-u r J The proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expiration, quirement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. your obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. SKETCH (SCALE: duisE 4 1._07- 51.9y-,d 6r) sad boo' of b r S +v hi re-? r -tom Co' hi , re) �x a o' w‘cl C-_. 5f c 4-u r- C / - t10 fn o r e... l iJ Fl w'A r '--Ur-, f v u r on i*J, I i r\c\5 or kou Sr �. Any person who proceeds with a development without the con- ciPf (, 0(i(,Ok sent of a CAMA official under the mistaken assumption that the Applicant's signature development is exempted,will be in violation of the CAMA if there fl'"^ is a subsequent determination that a permit was required for the development. CA A fficial's signature The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that (1)the ap- Issuing date plicant has read and will abide by the conditions of this exemp- tion,and(2)a written statement has been obtained from adjacent f .L VUU • d lr' . }^ ., f ':k if , t. SANDBAG RE ! A . '�'(-A C ' t C pF. S.+ t v ' 4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ' T6 • r n. Ne.yhbsahood r • I, a 'r s (awe) i 'aal-wrety- ss ``` ' ilor (irI� tFeaS ✓ �AT2e t to act as my agent .- iA �� r �� �V , g a CAMA erterak Permit to '' i y place sandbags as a temporary ero 1 r�:If -,;;10, re- rn 'Iron o€ myproperty at sr :.� P P rty 3 6(0 : , / PT, C .6414 � E° e ."'.f L I, T s Q L.fAut(!f- r ' have read the specifications in 15A NCAC 7H.1700 and understand that the sand bags may remain in place for up to years after the date of permit approval. I understand that I will be responsible for removing the sandbags within 30 days after that period or at any time that they are determined by DCM staff or its agent to be unnecessary due to relocation or removal of the structure. I will also be responsible for removing any damaged sandbags during the period they are authorized Y 'to be in place. also understand that the removal of the sandbags shall I not be required if at the specified date for removal they are determined by DCM staff to b• e covered by dunes with . , vegetation sufficient to be considered stable and natural. ` ` AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ot/7,,4— DATE: 1 k '',A: a � � « t w r 0 as ;s p T• kM e 4 .A x - Y f�� ;q>s 1�, f; y ;) u �i v it t f•: . !' i4 *-` :-Vier" _ I SANDBAG REMOVAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY ONCERN: I, , give permission to J. P to act as my agent in my behalf in obtaining a CAMA General,.Permit to place sandbags as a temporary erosion control structure in front of my property at 36o I J I, , have read the specifications in 15A NCAC • 7H.1700 and understand that the sand bags may remain in place for up to al years after the date of permit approval. I understand that I will be responsible for removing the sandbags within 30 days after that period or at any time that they are determined by DCM staff or its agent to be unnecessary due to relocation or removal of the structure. I will also be responsible for removing any damaged sandbags during the period they are authorized to be in place. • I also understand that the removal of the sandbags shall not be required if at the specified date for removal they are determined by DCM staff to be covered by dunes with vegetation sufficient to be considered stable and natural. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: d - / 0 —0 6 ...„ ,--:.,•f•f•q::.-:....i:71;:.-1.4C'' '.‘ '• .. 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FEB 03 2000 10 02 FR BANKOFAMERICA COMMRL 7043866668 TO 914239289625 P.03/04 r a . . .1,, ) , - A . .t... • • - ' ..1.,,,, , -1. . .,.. • - .. .. „.... . . . .. • TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:. u • w...r�k. :'. :, 1' 1 Y I0 r' /Ia/1/ ea. .f r '1' ,,.Mawr...• •�ir"} • 1l� -1 • • r A/a _ c20�rQ4 CO /Ft/tQ T r ,� • _ `_ , - it act as my = �1J��� =ilc it�l�t�t•?��:1f;f�lQB a ►,• en P@RNtto • place sandbagsas a .�w�; M' r.. ; , '- .,,,, ,«:w��ri��l :;c;rr� ` Ain' fron` . / sr 5 � ,•>~:, ,_ tec,- . I, .43-,..> Li, elea, • t 1e have read the specifications in 15A NCAC •-TH_1700 and understand that :; ' •the sand may amain In place for up to ' a2' years after the date of permit appfoval. I understand that I will be responsible for removing the sandbags within 30 days after that period or at any**that they are determined by DCM • staff or its agent to be unnecessary dub to relocat<on�or removaf of the structure: I w�also ' • be responsible for removing any damaged cgs. ,,' , to be in they are authorized. ., place. .. ' . . 1,....:4. also that the removal moval ofthe sandbags shall not berequired L ;r :r;,,F• as Sh;1. ;<x-, • the specified date for removal they are deteimmadd DC staff to be cov rad by dunes •with • .•• vegetation sufficient to be considered stable and natural:• . -yam_tr -4.4;s '`Y� 11 a,. - +,(i,,• ,1% lN� �7 A� F1T A►UTHORI a,{: =2�: ;;,;: . ZED S10NATURE: ! f, '. DATE:_xt.2431. f.L..--- 3 4,g.7:Th` ----, .„(4,,te' .. • .....•••••,..... -.t,,f..,.,.t. .. fr`. ')4' ,-,' P i S: ... .1. • � ;• .,' rattai • .1 Illy: s • •. :. i.. �.r a. r 1 •'.+e!t R,4iPe A tDGtRs 5#4e&ar'E �iQDSIOK coN7RCL_ 3 74 EASr f/Rsr sr, OWN .zszc :r3�,9crff AI C, ALPr P ROGC PS 2, � �fr2o4D /9/1/7,e9-3,e4 FEB 03 2000 10:01 FR BANKOFAMER I CA COMMRL 7043866668 TO 914239289625 P.01/04 Bank of America Fax Cover Sheet • • To: fin• 5+4,4144 VE.Rm r i l l on] 3 ro F F Telephone Number Fax Number 'f 2 3 — L g t(,Z'S Date 3(/03/cJ0 F1From: �..�'r 1..r�. DepartmentMetrolina Commercial Region Telephone Number. 704 3 r(a'S 1 k 7 Fax Number 7Q4/386-6668 Number of pages including this carer sheet If transmission ssion problems occur,please cal Message: A07 ✓ sa TAn.10r.0 ift,e/.4 Ap. 5v% aQ�:44 � /, Gov 4.-J ,a•c.�L.,vt e.<. S Oti^+� 14.,4-va-L v��► .G K- �n 1� u.►<.LC. �. ,,,� O,N•f,,,ll� /r-- a—- r4647. ..12...Sot 4. 1...,r The Information contained in this FAX message is Intended only for the confidential use of the designated recipient named above. This message may contain contractual and proprietary information and as such is privileged and confidential. kf the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responstie for delivering ft to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error, and that any review,dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please notify us immediately by telephone and return the message to us by mall.