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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGardner -- CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. Applicant Name 1 �‘" .,... `4 =�A 1 v I („ r i%«',1/4..0 r( Phone Number `r -) 2 • `1 `� `/ Address j< W City State A '( Zip - 7. )/j Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) ( H i , c. I 'yt 4 .A� .,a-r J` ,n, t Type and Dimensions of Project i K J !� (� D C74k4% i!4 A S i sc j' / e i H , log u /21 y 1 nT-r /A A,i'- iA.A f 66 or you/ m.i.F7 z 4 r.1 c c The proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expiration, quirement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. your obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. SKETCH (SCALE: / '_ 3` ) k ' --4‘, \ - at -* --- .1.• ) ) I-n '1::, \-;; Any • person whoproceeds with a development without the con- ,, g �, P / sent of a CAMA official under the mistaken assumption that the Applicant's signature / development is exempted,will be in violation of the CAMA if there is a subsequent determination that a permit was required for the /// n 7 --) development. CAMA Official' 'ss signature The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that (1)the ap- fU �J Issuing date plicant has read and will abide by the conditions of this exemp- tion,and(2)a written statement has been obtained from adjacent _ / J — / K— W t - CTP'(N /N6 (Ajlf • ADJACENT RIF DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT pRTA-N PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER- FORM OT FICAION/TvAI EFORiK .-.- Name Of Individual Applying For Permit; TOhn Address Of Property; SQ 1(et/ G"'fd�� li d w� , 64- i s Zt Lo d-l • • s ea c F�r f 0!�'S /ow � . (Lot or Street ;, treat or Road, City & County) I hereby certify y that property. The own property adjacent to described to individual applying the above- referenced as shown on the attached for this development has shotheal are Proposing. A description or drawing d be. provided with drawing, with dimensions �OR 12cTa�N �N � ��(� � • 1 tv,r1a(l.'• I have no ob • c ctpltce src-r- FW,.D� W�� ce-���/ objections to this proposal. wE- ,,," AWpir7ena,( t1lr� • P ced0 , prop..,, If you have objections See •Q �c� Division to what is bei cl/Qwr,2 of Coastal Management, 127c pr°pOSed .Division pleaseivwrite North Carolina Cardinal Drive th n . days n receipt of Ca 284. 05 or call 9 Extenin 1 as no f receipt s notice. No response 10 considered 00 within 10 -tion if you have is co been notified by nsiQered the same • Certified Mail • WAIVER SECTION I understand that hound,understand a pier, dock, mooring frommy _ -r riparian must be set r ng plm,ni bsate,-, boat area o_ ; to waive the ian access unless a minimum distance . below. ) setback, you must ; s waived by me. (If of 15i initial the appropriate bunk —�-- I do wish to waive the 15'setback recu t ram:an' �_ °° not wishto waive �. ve the l S' t-i- Se iZCk reaui?-eTslf'_nt. _gnature C' lb 0O .A L to j.....__.-......-....41r xPrint Name C • phone Number With A ��. -=a Code �NiPI r ' 4,y�' . LEGEND: R4,4. EIS = EXISTING IRON STAKE EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE / NIS a NEW IRON STAKE VLQi /**/ R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAYY�O rh~P g = CENTERLINE SI o03! PROPERTY LINE / �3e ti _ VICINITY SKETCH �ti INIRACOgSTAL WATERA ( Hor To scALE ) OINTS -1-- --�.. NI2636.1Q• "APPROXIMATEE- AN HIGH 2.00' W 9318, WATER UNE. (ACTUAL HIGH EIS ON EDGE WATSZLINIS Q) ic, WATER 0 CANAL_ m 0 T , LOT 1 \ REVISION OF PORTION OF PAGE'S GOLDEN ACRE 1, z WETLANDS Z P.B.HASE15.1 PG. lit F. c.Es O N ti s t M THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS 4.: ,, PLAT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE BOUNDARY'OF 4= THE JURISDICTION OF SECTION 404 OF THE N o 404 WETLANDS �al-NT ACOAsTA, CLEAN WATER ACT PURSUANT TO THE 1987 • 0 CORPS OF ENGINEERS N£TLANDS DELINEATION r PER M.B.�WA CR 234 R/W MANUAL AS DETERMINED BY THE UNDERSIGNED ON THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE O �' REF: IN THE LAW OR OUR PUBLISHED REGULATIONS, • THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION 404 N(' LOT 1 JURIPERIOD OF FlV YEARSSFFRR�OOM�jED 1HIISNDATTE.OR '` /�axv`v , - M.B. �, PG. 234 SIGNATURE OF U.S. RIJY CABS OF ENGINEERS OFFICIAL G�•�` k 1 NY 0.58+/—I ACRES ES�,,� C-(54:8 / LA O�" . y.QJ�1 �114(1ykT `1�1 DATE OF SIGNATURE ! J ID 7 (act,sL(a'Frie -1 83 BED RM 0)1(\ rR-� -I 2 BATH NOTES: 0 �( i{(>- (nRopeSEO) �� P LOT 2 r 1) SEWER SERVICE BY NORTH TOPSAIL ,A WATER AND SEWER INC. AVAILABILITY 24.0' EASEMENT ��Y : A 4.'Es OF SEWER TO BE VERIFIED BY OWNER. Q M In 2) WETLANDS DELINEATION BY Y / '• WAYNE RAGLAND, SOIL SCIENTIST, /a • JACKSONVILLE, N.C. WATER PROVIDED BY _ — _ — ' 59,94' *s B0.'0' 2) ONSLOW COUNTY WATER O`' N61'14'31"E 90.04' •�' DEPT. UNE TABLE I 3) ANY NECESSARY PERMITS TO BE OBTAINED BY OWNER UNE LENGTH BEARING LOT 3 I INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CAMA, L1 13.63 S51 I ,A SEPTIC, BUILDING, ZONING. THIS c0'2237"E PLOT PLAN IS INVALID UNTIL ALL L2 41.41 N00-14'17"W 30' EASEMENT I +I PERMITS ARE OBTAINED, AND L3 47.61 N26'50'42"E QUADRANT SURVEYING IS INSTRUCTED L4 22.09 m TO REVISE THIS PLAN TO CONFORM TC N48'59'38"E — — — — — 4_ — — ANY PERMITS. L5 49.69 S33'27'17"E 4) CAMA UNE HAS NOT YET BEEN MARKEC LOT 4 I u IF ANY CONSTRUCTION WORK IS DONE WI WITHIN CAMA AEC, A CAMA PERMIT OR 2 10/19/99 UPDATE SURVEY CHANGE NAME EAw I EXEMPTION IS REQUIRED. 1 06/06/96 CHANGE 404 WETLANDS UNE PER EAW EIS WA 7r.W wccs �R� 6p•AY OR/vs NO. DAZE REVISION DESCRIPTION BY _R/W PHYSICAL SURVEY & PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN ,T,,,,I. I, DOMINICK S. BUTCH, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, CERTIFY ,,, ,.. THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM LOT 1 ,``�A.�1�CARO��,/1,�' ANMACCTUALED SURVEYO 1 PERFFORMEDFUNDUNDER REMERENCES AS SUPERVISION HOvm CHADWICK ACRES NO. II ��Qs,,' f-SS/0,,,..4/ HEREON; THAT BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE NOTED AS y. SUCH AND PLOTTED FROM REFERENCES AS SHOWN HEREON; �1 QQ 'C•-. % THAT THE CALCULATED ERROR OF CLOSURE EXCEEDS SEAL 1 :6000+• THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP •-.ANCE WITH SECTION . OF THE BOARD RULES; " L-2713 AND T T THIS MAP WAS T P PARED FOR 0 ING. ON SLOW COUNTY, N.0 :a���9 oe`Z; J SURVEY FOR JOHN L GARDNER JR. '�.y�'� .............suAv • '<<;� � '- a�/ '9 A'JD WIFE. SALLEY G. GARDNER J�.� DOMINICK S. BUTCH, R.L.S., L-27 3 %;N, `%`% QUADRANT SURVEYING, INC.,P.A. SCALE 1"-50' DATE 02/17/9e HnR c u Actinic Pi‘m ,,. F P um(' .07!Y PC: 11-14 106 Kilt Way Durham,NC 27712-9650 Mr. &Mrs. Donald Schwahn 6248 Still Pond Lane Rocky Mount,NC 27803 Dear Don and Kathy: As Salley mentioned to Kathy by telephone today, we're wishing to add 5feet of dirt to the existing base of dirt on our property on Waterway Drive(Lot 1, Chadwick Acres II). In so doing, we will also need to have in place a retaining wall to hold the dirt in place. Attached are two CAMA permits which we respectfully request that you sign. One permit is for the retaining wall and the other is for the dirt. A drawing of where the retaining wall will be placed is attached—essentially, it will just replace the silt fencing. As Salley explained to Kathy, she'll be coming down Thursday night, June 15`h. We have an appointment with CAMA on Friday, and it'd be very helpful to us to have approval receipt in hand. Many thanks for your help. Sincerely, John L. Gardner,Jr. w �`4 Cc(�1n� w ( • • DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WP-IvER_ FOR M Name Of Individual Appl in For P�_y g 'snit: / q ST Address Of Proper rx �� ��'� p� Property: l i ( Ct )c:11 cic cK c� 7' (Lot or Street z, Street /1 acis r�l;,� ( or Road, City & County) 6 0 I hereby certify - I her above- referenced r fy that I own property adjacent property. The individual applyingto the it has described to me as shown on the attached for this Permit has they are Proposing. A description or drawing, the development Should be provided with this �- with dimensions, le�ter.-- Re-�4KA--c� t n c, W -�o :44_ I have no objections to this proposal. Se { u l�ucl`c`(`p� r • If you have objections to what i Division Coastal Mtoace is beinc proposed , pleas Wilmington . North Carolina . ment. 127 Cardinal please write the days of - 28405 or cal Drive Extension . receipt of this notice. No response is 3nside 0 Within 10 as no objection if you have been is consider • _n notified by Certifies considered the Same --° Mail WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier,I ulift pier , dock mooring _ • house, of must be set ba Pilings, d1Stvct2r, boat tofrom waive the pa iaccess unless waived Tm distance you of s myarea riparian below. ) • setback, you must initial theby me' (If wish appropriate blank -_____ __ I do wish to waive the 1S 'stback reouire ment. a�not wish to waive the ? 'setback rec i cement. v� S C ' i eIft:i A Pr'n am,. E,G�i A TA f - .tiV 1 Telephone umber With Area Code F ,t If- R), LEGEND: '�o,, • EIS = EXISTING IRON STAKE EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE NIS = NEW IRON STAKE 4P� /�,'y R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY 1��¢ Q�• = CENTERLINE 4LP ° Si oP P` �, t = PROPERTY LINE � �� _ -1.. _ /�_~3P INIPAC0 VICINITY TO SKETCHSC Q�" '� _ -.... TAL WA TER W— - ) DINT --._. -•ti 0� NI S 7636./0" ---- '�PROXUTATE-►BAN HIGH 2.00' W 93•�8, `�/����`-�" WATER UNE (ACTUAL HIGH EIS ON EDGE / WATIER_UNE IS le) F WATER • �, /0 0 CANALS O �..� °N' ' LOT1 • ` REVISION OF PORTION 38.09• TO OF PAGE'S GOLDEN ACI zr_ WETLANDS z PHASE 1 co — �O Ns A M.B. 15. PG. $1 THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS 4 ..... 01 PLAT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE BOUNDARY OF '� O --c"�=N�ACOgSTgL THE Juws0lcnoN OF SEcnoN 404 OF THE N, O 404 WETLANDS CLEAN WATER ACT PURSUANT TO THE 1987 MANUAL AS DETERMINED BCORPS OF ENGINEERS Y THE UNDERSIGNED p•ANDS DELINEATION * II: `` PeR M.B. GR234 R/W ON THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE -J • IN THE LAW OR OUR PUBLISHED REGULATIONS, v,� REF: THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION 404 .\' LOT 1 JURISDICTION MAY BE RELIED UPON FOR A \{' / PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS FROM THIS DATE. A�SkekU M.B. , PG. 234 \ (,� SIGNATURE OF U.S. MY N OF ENGINEERS OFFICIAL \ OsD 0.58+/— ACRES DATE OF SIGNATURE t p ! 5-Pr to J N Ti' tact-SLl -Fri "'I8 3 BED RM R-C 2 BATH NOTES: wl(1 t MAci h (pRep•seD) Qn f0 LOT 2 1) SEWER SERVICE NORTH TOPSAIL .� WATER AND SEWER INC. AVAILABILITY 24.0' EASEMENT k\ la fi �0� OF SEWER TO BE VERIFIED BY OWNER °, PI 2) WETLANDS DELINEATION BY WAYNE RAGLAND, SOIL SCIENTIST, -- -- —V---� JACKSONVILLE, N.C. \ �D 0 r 2) WATER PROVIDED BY 59.94' s R0.'0' ONSLOW COUNTY WATER — _— — • 4' N61'14'31"E 90.04' �+' DEPT. LINE TABLE 3) ANY NECESSARY PERMITS I TO BE OBTAINED BY OWNER LINE LENGTH BEARING LOT 3 I . INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CAM L1 13.63 S51'22'37"E I ,n SEPTIC, BUILDING, ZONING. THIS w PLOT PLAN IS INVALID UNTIL ALL Is 41.41 N00'14'17"W 30' EASEMENT I +I PERMITS ARE OBTAINED, AND L3 47.81 N26'50'42"E QUADRANT SURVEYING IS INSTRUCTEI L4 22.09 N48'59.38"E __ — — —— TO REVISE THIS PLAN TO CONFORM ANY PERMITS. L5 49.89 S33'27'17"E LOT 4 I 4) CAMA LINE HAS NOT YET BEEN MARK w IF ANY CONSTRUCTION WORK IS DONE m 1 WITHIN CAMA AEC, A CAMA PERMIT C 2 10/19/99 UPDATE SURVEY CHANGE NAME EAw EXEMPTION IS REQUIRED. 1 06/06/96 Sly 404 WETLANDS UNE PEA EAW I EIS WA NO. DATE REWSION DESCRIPTION BY R -fl�__RY O�v PHYSICAL SURVEY & PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN ' ,L��„�� I, DOMINICK S. BUTCH, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, CERTIFY ...`t�N cAAp''%, ANTHAT THIS ACTUALMAP WAS PREPARED UNDER MY SUR SURVEY PERFORMED UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM LOT 1 COMPLETED ON OT/17/98 FROM REFERENCES AS SHOWN CHADWICK ACRES NO. II `� 0.•OFESSiciA,y HEREON; THAT BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE NOTED AS 44 Q• "'7, SUCH AND PLOTTED FROM REFERENCES AS SHOWN HEREON; . _r. /Q X" THAT THE CALCULATED ERROR OF CLOSURE EXCEEDS • SEAL 1 :6.000+• THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN STUMP SOUND TOWNSI- • •'DANCE WITH SECTION OF THE BOARD RULES; • L-2713 i AND T THIS MAP WAS N T P PARED FOR ORIDING. ONSLOW COUNTY, N. ;Ot`<7 64:2; �J . SURVEY FOR JOHN L. GARDNER JR :���� SUR� JX� DOMINICK S. BUTCH, R.L.S., L-27 3 9 AND WIFE. SALLEY G. GARDNER QUADRANT SURVEYING, INC.,P.A. SCALE 1"=50' DATE 02f17/