HomeMy WebLinkAbout22548D - Rigby • CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL , GENERAL N° i2548 ') PERMIT � Ps - s/ ` as authorized by the State of North Carolina 0 Department of Environment, Health,and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC .7 11 /106 711 //v 0 Applicant Name c' (a 11 PPN ik,qJ\0`, Phone Number '�k— yA Address /0JI (li'li 4ll.,l< Sato/ j.k%V't" City 5 /v,RA---)( t=T f lY State NC Zip J 1S V4 U Project Location (County,State Road, Water Body, etc.) Ste-' . Acal sJ ( / rsAvicic Pioy OA ,/0 k- Type of Project Activity ee,V4P. ' e ec A IS`e R.A P . O ' L_& ^A\AAI T) 0 NJ e W t }-\;ej 1, tAikten, PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE:/ '� " ' ) I (/ 51,V I( E Pier(dock) length C/',/l0t/ i? ------ 7 (.,vv'1 v t Fi L. ( /,,, / Groin length IL- ( ;FT number 411, Bulkhead length max.distance offshore Basin,channel dimensions cubic yards (7 )(1 V Pr ci' Boat ramp dimensions s'f `' �li � `1 k Other ' P�l� 7v (`�� (/ �i � s?garet 'k - 3° i 30 1 1, -\. Ir. ,,,,.. 11'('' ire •- This permit is subject to compliance with this application, sitf . drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any f A f L violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, i/( imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be— come null and void. --1-462-- This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer's signature permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- / l_) - 3 1- 0 U 0 /- 31- O ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local issuing date expiration date ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no ' // .1/00 -�1/_ /3 U 0 objections to the proposed work. attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that /��r # this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee I I Management Program. r r-J.t(IY111. L:0'VLF U TER FORM ...-. .- • APPLIC.k.NT NAME: —51—e- if Col leeA, IR 013 y . . „ - ADDITIONAL NAMES: 5A..t-, 4 fa41 IVO tc % _ • AEC DESIG: C •AA/I 04,J., e r - -. DEVELOP AREAt• " 0. 0.3.: PROJ DESC:-.p /.2. • only lake 6) Rim only take 1) . • - WORK: pg 9, 16(1 . Kg 7° - ..- ' W (ob • (Will only take 41- . L l (p ((p et_ to fo .1 . .. .• ,.. mAiNi:. • • (Will onlY take 4) - . . . .-. ,--- • . . :•;; . . The: 0‘lj 77'1 . • • • - (will only take 6) . . . • • 441" 1 5`' . . . . . . . . . • . • . ACTION EXPIRATION •,. . 4 • • DREDGE&FILL REQUIRED: •, . . . - • CAMA MAJOR DEVEL,REQUIRED: 10 :-31-00 0 i....... 3/--0 ( • • - - -. ..;-. .i--.Fi.z..:f,f..,.?, 4-.iyi!:.5e:t.',-,--t,...:,.::..-..-•-:.:.-:::-:-:.-:::-..:.--::. :i.::-...-.:.:-,.., .,-.:..--;...:::..:.-..:-...-:--...-....-.-----.....f.-.1::...-. ..-..--.-.-•:-::".-:::...::::::.:;..J.:. ..-.,...-::.;;...---....-----..:-..-.-f:;:-.-.: :-:•::-:--••••••:•.--:-::.;:::-:-:::::-.:-f:..:%.::1.--.1"---...'....-::':•-.,•. ..;::::.:::::7::::-...,.::::-..1;.::::.;::-...;;:::::.,:::-E,.::::: :•:;:::-.:.:-.::::s..1..;-;:::::::::.:::::::.:::-.:::.:.::,-:-::::-:::-:,:--;::-F--1.,z;.:.:..:.•:-.*:.-"::::::-:%:::..--..:::•::::.1:::::::::::.::::::::::::::---::::-.---::::::**-;:::1:::::::.:. ;:-:::•-:•::-::.::::-.-:::::::::::::-:......,:::::: ,i:--7--::: -:•• ...::.::-..--::::-. -...***t.-r.-----'----,f--.-----:'.'.---.----'7: 7---------:-..--. .,::, -- -------T...---.--:.-:---..--.--::-::-.-----:---------------:-----::-: :-------------- ..- s.-•-•--•.-- --- - • - • J.AL"F�1! RIPARIAN 2''y(Q2E..CDAS.1A1-JUANA.GEMENT gOPC-gTY_OWNER NOTIFICATION/W RIVER FORM Name Of Individual .\opiving Far Permit: y Address Of 1'ropertti C-1, O Mj kOY,S (Lot or Street /1, Street or Road, City & County) f hereby certify that i own property adjacent to the above-referenced r p operty. The individual applying for this permit has described to-Me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. 4 ` t:xve no objections to this proposal. :f_you _have .fthirrtions tuAkimaja_lasing4inaposed, please. write the Division ref Cnactat yianaement 117-omit. aertiont adye, WilminvarLiskirth Carolina 28405 or call 910 395- 1900 within la da4.Qf ow*of this snide* No-response is considered thr_mtbe RC no nhjection if yn« hair been notified hyf'•rtified Mail WAJVF-R SECTION I understand that a pie-. dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house, lift or sandbags must be back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian acx.ess unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setha:.k. you muss initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15" setback requirement. y .-ka I to.Font wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. �g a � •FatsAT S Print ;dame . .� R Tel Number 'Jti':!1 Area Code woarw G,,.o�w,►° "I"T►s''or f NV ROMMEXT A O NrOmR,L RESOURCES •'. 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