HomeMy WebLinkAbout80265D - Knight C CAMA/ 0 DREDGE &fILL r -. N9 80265 ` A 4 B` C :-::':-i-;-l.:,• ,-4q--,-0,:.:.,':.:-:':-6...--.4.-,--;-,7.i'-,:,-.:.:..i-!3,„,::,:,--..,,:,,, GENERAL PERM T precious permit# ,lNew "rLModification> ❑Complete.Reissuei ❑Partial Reissue -� Date,previous permit issued , As authorized by:the State of North_Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality t: * and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC _ r i, tom' ,:- ,; ' , ) Rules attached Applicant,:Name - S;? - C_ _n v Project Location County ,/-1 I f J L Address � �t€c i d fI 7- f 'Street Address/State Road/`Lot#(s) e a City � T State A!/C ZIP' Q= := -a /i'. • o Phone#(�1�1�) �•20;����-E Mai1��3 tTi � �i!? Subifrvision_ • F Authorized Agent ( it _ J ;City �-- ZIP ,..=---- /j CVI/ E!N ,PTAs ±DES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin � iPf Affected ' 4 - -- �'-.— ❑OEA ❑HHF r IH sLIUBAt ❑N/A = AEC(s),� - Adl`Wtr Body, y l � - nat Jman /unkn) til ❑PWS Y Closest Maj 1Ntr Body f/$ ORW yes / ? PNA / no t '` iScale iTofProect/Actvity ' 4P/1 'iti_ P (f i 1 (ye - t r , �f � s � z ) Pier(dock)length il!f.e t - .,_ - _ . ... 'Fixed Platforms) -if ).//, °FloatingPlattorm(s) EDG 4 {EOC I Finger piers) I Groin length number' - d Bulkhead/Riprap len h . - u 4-0 >j� .;4 avg distance offs ore r max distanceoffs ore. _ �,. ,� ; :Basin channel i.. hill Fa4 t '; cubic yards = c= - •' Y..-• V 175 RIPARIAN CORRIDORS / I --1; Boat ramp //// Boathouse/Boatlift - s` :,' / :P,;..-- :1-,, --': Beach Bulldezing it.r+ c Other ,�""'s-• tr4C-tE-F . . 7!tl W "Fe. ,i �- / 1 ;Shoreline Length 00 "r" '•' % = SAV not sure yes (•qo =Moratorium n/a _yes .tpo 0 'L' , `. "y, Photos:"'- yes 'no --ram O L. Waiver Attached X/ v.,incr:'-d r. 7- ., + 4• • • I ,t I. `A building ermit may'be re uired br -,t 1/ ' (v r,t:-5- i.S 0 See note on back regarding Riverin Bas rules (Note Lo al Plann ng juri isd ction) • ' " f, x t f x 2. z Notes!Special`Cond►,tions '6,,F,fe i g / O .,, -- , r 1'/,- t /•%//F 7/(4/( - ._ r / . • f. f7 00(Ad. ., ., .... . — , ...,• . . . . . Agent or Applican e r.e PermitOfficer Pnnted N e Signature• Please read compliance statement on back of permit * Signature Application Fee(s): Check# • Issuing Date . . - Expiration Date . �Et" �' F zl= ✓'M1 a • -: ' �` )Ft tt— f a a ! �� i., b� tee Y t •.,,;:.� J,;'4 f+ a - 3�...;, c$ ;n - x. 6 rya' d'eg`;� e 1 et": i+,y i o ,.. �4fi [S � x�. in.••g - T _ • _r • i+x w 3 • r " r 3 t ri7. a I f . IAr ++�- 'I•-'- _ C S • • r�tf�k rt L r Y x r • • �44gq� wF • !r • , i • � y _ yX`!t• ��:sf,- 's..,.s �',,., .. ..„Yl �„ f....,: r^,as, ' ?-' �u - i°vi `�' x r... .. t. .,t •_.a.�� > ,' ,.e:•.,- -.. Y ... .4,°.. .._.:. rn, ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT . Jesse Brock K ntght _ ____�„s I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to (—Name of Property Owner) property located at 4 rail Er1d Road Road, etc.) (Address, Lot, Block, on Whiskey Creek ._____ _ in New Hanover , N C (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The ppltcant has described to me. as shown below. the development proposed at the above locate n y _ I have no objection to this proposal I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Pier and observat,on platform (see attached site plan) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from m area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback,<I must initie appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adcent P o Owner Information) 9 l'Aoc.t -K-:144.4- 7 --• 1 ti'r ,rullue Si tire �rcc kti; 14 cx.441 (3jc#1,11rve _ 'vA ['lint or Typo Na Pant or T e Na • 53r roz , J'f t„ J Rif, .._...T.LS—Tre‘ i \i) C—fi ,. it--- .. . Mailing Adrlr ss Mail ln Address City IaIQ/Zi City� at 1` .-1.. 10,lophoti ' NIT tt,a'I /girl,+/address bolo one limber/Lemma ac i jr(, ,,ti / // /{, 1� -11 u. /r,N,' 1r,n, • 0- _ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION Oi'v DELIVERY • Complete Items 1,2, and 3. A et re / IIIPrint your name and address on the reverse / ill Agent so that we can return the card to you, w ��� Addressee • Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, Aw - "�' • by • Name] C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is dellticry addr different iron item 1? ❑ Yes I►YES,enter delivery address be:otiv: 0 M110 - 1 I ; . -(-4-) I ) ti !-Chi. 5(9 � -hF I�+, ' gq-- i JIll 11 1111 III111 '111 III I I 11111111 l IIII lI! n Sans cce ups F�7 R�eB tc�d Mae" ut Signature Restneted Delivery a Iatered Mai Reetr cted Certified 4Aai1� Wry 9590 9402 5641 9308 8748 36 o colCertified Mall t� ,y ❑Returr,Reoelpt fog Collect 1 Dells h�eu(he�ldt5e rr. 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) i �re I r91 Restricted D very n:Sillieg:tr-aritcull re Coriflrmat�on ❑1sured Mall Restricted Deli n re Ci nfimiatipll 7009 1681 0001 8 819 4833 is er szoo �' t�d Delivery Ltsib I rails tna r<oaa uock man Jesse Brock Knight 19 November 2020 . , :,. . 1 Lt , .,...P ,- • . *... , • \I -fr • . , A.. • e, ... , _, , AO- EDGE OF CHANNEL ,... ... ..." . - , .. f12S,11 " , i . - - .• . . ..... • . • . • • • ,..,-: • .... • . ;.9 •"' • •" :""----___... • 4. ;....,.. . ---._ •••,. Julle N1ichelle Hill .i„, ... .. ... --__ ,... t R07213-004-001-04 ;* ." —___ 715'RIPARIAN CORRIDORS ,, ... . .,' . e .. "' , ..• . ,.. ,-.. .., .. ... 170 LF of Shoreline . ..." , . . • —..t.,A, t . • .".' 800 SF Max Platform „..-i .. ., .i j., __ .. 100 SF Platform Area Proposed , • ' ..• , , . . , uioN.cxolvo'E.FRixEED / ....\ ,,- -'' ,....,,. ,, ,,..,,,..4' ..- ,. ... ,.. , . 1, , AO', ••• ' ., • • ,. , ..• ... ,,," , ,,IDE FIXED PIER ,,. ... ' . I - • ,,' --AAP • - CIO ... ,.. James E.Knight Jr. R07213-Q04-003-000 WI - Check Dere Received Dale Depoetteci Check From(Nemle) Nem.or Permit Nader Vender Check number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or R.lund/R..lkcaled Catmint Column: Columns CaumM Columne Caumne Caenn7 Caumna columns 4/15/2021 Jason Nista same Wells Fargo 332 i$ 200.00 GP#80284D KE rct.13427 4/15/2021 Alan W Perdue same BB&T 1077 $ 600.00 GP#802590 PA rct.12753 4/15/2021 AMW Docks and Marine George and Mclaine Farmer _ BB&T 6186 $ 200.00 GP#80217D BB rct.13103 4/15/2021 Robert Winston same BB&T 6291 $ 200.00 GP#80300D KE rct.13429 4/15/2021_ Willie Clarence Richardson Charles and Wanda Bardill BB&T i 7934 5 400.00 GP#80273D BB rct.12995 4/152021 AMW Docks and Marine Mark and Dabney Klass BB&T 6171 $ 200.00 GP#80210D BB rct.12996 4/15/2021 Carolina Bluewater Scott Quaintance .BB&T 1255 GP# BB.5 400.00 80272D rd.12997 4/15/2021 Grice Construction Parker and Kathleen Grubbs BB&T 14564•$ 200.00•GP#80271 D BB rct.12998 4/152021 Grice Construction William and Teresa Ferrell BB&T 15465 $ 200.00 GP#80270D BB rct.13000 4/15/2021 Holden Beach Marina Pisces Venture LLC BB&T 16202 $ 400.00 GP#80216D BB rct.13102 4/15/2021 Dale R.Brodeur,Jr. dale and cindy brodeur State Employees CU 3976 $ 200.00 GP#80222D KE rct.13430 4/15/2021 Robert Wells same iUSAA Federal Savings Bank 2020 $ 600.00 GP#80253D JD rct.13408 _ 4/15/2021 CLTMC,Inc. Steven M.Reed !First Citizens Bank 1179 $ 200.00 GP#77549D BH rct.12706 4/15/2021 CLTMC,Inc. Davis Clark First Citizens Bank 1177 $ 200.00 GP#77548D BH rd.12705 4/15/2021 Jesse Brock Knight same State Employees CU 8521 $ 200.00_IGP#80265D PA rct.11600 _ _ 4/15/2021 Rhonda McCall James Creech Bank of America 1090 $ 200.00 GP#80287D -PA rct.12752 4/15/2021 George G Adams Glenn Adams State Employees CU _ ' 1217 S 400.00 GP 080288D PA rct.12754 4/15/2021 Coastal Manne Piers Bulkheads Richard Paschal Wells Fargo 23492 $ 200.00 GP#77854D KE rct.13431 4/15/2021 Lighthouse Marine Construction Matt Schumann Coastal Bank and Trust 3710 $ 600.00 GP#80163D ,JD rct.12396