HomeMy WebLinkAbout80276D - Allen - . 1 . 15CCAMA! tipREDGE It FILL _ 14:0' 80276 A B C 0 GENERAL PERMIT Previous perrnit# . . . 1Plew: 011odifiCation OComplete Reissue D.. PartiehReissue : . .D.ate previous.permit issued As authorized by,thettateof North Carolina,Department orEnvironmeritarQuality 1...0..) and the Coastal Resources Commission in.anarea of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC 0344... AP QA Applicant Name 1,03 VA-1W: 1.-...0,t-elAt. _ ' ..-i' 0 Riites.attached. Project Location: County 1‘....5_ Lt__N AciA0-4.c Address. ti-,.. : Akilik.OCI.V..S br Street Address!State Road!Lot ,I City Lti-itwo‘vst-eipl State WC,- ZIP 213q4:12-i . Phone ii( ) E-Mail SubdiViiion ,---.-- - ----=.1--i -I Authorized Agent MCIAP4 ntletedmS1. City 1).-,).4.tv./...N.17+0A ZIP Affecttd liCW MEw KPTA DES OPTS Phone# ( • ) . - . River Basin: - ' -- 0EA. 0 HHF 0 Iii 0 U13A CI NIA- AEC(s) L-i - - - - - . Adh Wtr.Body_EvR.A Cre.O.. . _. _ ,;((g/rnan /Unkn), oirm yes i #3---.' PNA Closest 114f.Wt.n.Body ' , e) Cr> nd _ _ • - - - •c----' _ Type ofProjecti Aalvity ,,j...n.-157idliA N.<O, '.4ysea cietc-_- - (Scale: KW). y --- --- --- , , .Pier(dock),length isa,_ciy1454- "r : . r. )"1 Fixed Platform(s) \\-1- F oating Platfaml(s) •-•'' Lt—r1--' 4, .C•l- .:its M i' Ci 10-1 i -.4 L - .44. g - [ • Fi :erOier(s) ,\• 1 t" 1 ' . ,-,-4- Gro length- • __ i t 17.-. ') umber - I IF Sulkhea• Riprep length --:).. '11 - •''--14:- . ' t-hi . ' mak di•.: ce offshore _ 77.------r-i7 -, ------‘7-1--- . V- i-_-_,, i__: , ' "Basle,channel _IL-..1..._t_.,', - ' — • r- .i ''F''. . L : , : a. 11/4, • "clfr' ' -- - ' . 1-1-- . Boathouse/Eloadift .. r ::- j .,, a. * :-..-=-------, - _ . r , 'ib•' '''..- I Li 11111 i i: F- ‘ . 41111i . Seactillulktozing ---..t LI.-.---1- . Other I , 1 I Wit 1 •:7--r-t NMI.•__Noirw"---...0( - ' • : : :-- - 17--t- --- - --- -- - : 1 1, 1 , .- g. - -„ I: t '—t--°5-4Vi'..i II 1, ,EU Shorelinetength .'"".,.,.•-•-- - . 7-': xls-ig : llipiftill . ::-.5. - 11 nidill I 1 E, -! a._---- illoridiii til 0. Moratorium! n/a yes i .L ,_ ,(1.41J_V ..--- AIN r, rillt• = 1 ' V•Yr- . Wh ' "11;inibiller., t 4-- F- F '. . ..s,.'", „ -------.. - _ „4„„:„.......„7„. s cf."*"%- .'-c. , i] Waiver Attached: ye.s e). 7-:. ... A building permit maybe required br. .K... .LIJ AAA 0-4..r C.C7011,411 . E-See Ft-.nose'on back regarding- er Basin rules. . (Note Local Planning JUrisdictiOn,L NoA teit S'peti-I tondkitt te.-_._ 0a. fAtficr. -e.74-e___. ra_ . in..±:::). .. : . ___ _4100411-62. ,.:Niel- 0 __ _ . -- .. . . , Gtft'a-, .--g9__\))0", ' -t-- -•,0%-L-L_ :-IA iir AOplitinit••11` 4 e ' Permit- cers Print•• Name igrA. Zia.. __ Signature ,..Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Signatiit- . cf• tt zi , Application Fee(s) Check#. Issuing- "to Expiration Date , 1 ? i AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION! ' Name a Property OWner Requesting Permit: 40-44.2M'011, e-4.61'7gAeC.---J,iit A__44'41-v3 Mailing Address: -11 --ii4i.oa aAlle:5.- agrci-4-; _ _ Ati11%0104ev'e770.-"1--„- i -iiVOI:1 _: *41 , Phone Number: ir'4" -WO - "--1, V.., 19:9f0P-i , ,,..,04,-11 17-e?rk... -9181:_ ,2 r.riait Address: I certify that I have authorized lo- 1-:-, -)4, mea---_c:0,,,iihigA12670"- fAgent(contractor. i 1 to act on my behalf;for the purpose of applying for and obtaining.all.CAMA permits i necessary for therfollowing prOposed development _ _ _ at my-property located at i.t31$i-..7 in fiLIV CY „ ,VIIVIL ounty. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to . Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and theft agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: 14 dk net re_ 'Cilei ,41im . Lef.,÷4.. M.(..0, Print or Type Name Title I Date ICiiivE.0 This certification i‘s valid through -_I I = 4Fir 2 "vitiiviv,), -I i Ok Ale ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 0140 P-1.4-46/ 1 Age-171.s1 _ i 02.0— ;Pi A_A,X,INOW:_of Property Owner) property located at / WA!f**-7- -- - (Address,Lot, Block, Road,etc) ;. on A-!eigeg , in WrZ414beVa.- ,N.C. (Waterbody)-, (City/Towo andlor Cciiinty) The applicant has described to me,as shown below,the development proposed at the above location. I have,no objection to this proposal.. have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must'flit in descriptionbelniv or attach a site drawing) :6,04"7-= Aie7b7 et--414±W/10.- 4 & JDiVS -1711=i-41'A/6 paaY, re) /Leo inx ;K. 3 — — AA), 4A 1 JA4 P • WAIVER SECTION t understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unlest waived by rne:_(1f.you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate-blank below.) kor 4/4-v0:6-w/ I.do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (P „petty 0 er inform "on). (Adjacent Property Owner Infortnation) - = , aL 7.Syraeursi fr. 'if Signa e *".-5 Chitsf# L. itro•sfeal Pitrit or Type Name Print or Type Name J j if2i5L 445. gsn. Sealtae4&what* Mt Mailing Address Maiffng Addrosa 7 de_ 2,817 ipc aafri* z 6?›-e> City/State/Zip CiTy/ tete/Zip j?r-D (fled CUP%'6,4 Telephone Wirt c Telephone Number oefinitzde/ Date Date 1111 NC RECI E GI ND (Revised 6/18/2012 Dow wiL) Nyvi 1- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT _., I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to .---14-4:::,? -,.J hio ::124?4 A.44-24 .s 1,..,.;; ;11/ ,----- --a-.7 eysif iy (NaDt-j4 eTperty Owner) - property located at ra!,,- Igt r41'' ' ' ' '=Ir.> V-675: (Address,Lot,Block, Road,ori etcl .) ,--aw ' Materbod0 -- (CitYiTaWn ankUOI!County) t . Theapplicant has described to me',as shown belOw; the-development proposed at the above location. II' (Z. I have no Objection to this propotal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR:DRAWING-.OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT' (Individual proposing deyelopment must-(ill M.description below or attaCh asite drawing) 1 4 _ !7 g 4-w•ovi_ee All --oriv,:e.' F::, ..; `-'61 ---- 1P,e.,--- - , ---7,— 4.*:1H A_ 4 Y._.-& _:..:-P.iie fti: .----iiee“ ..._g_ - -•:5 tvee. i - — -&-------_- ] .tta-F -; icr,-W 0i0jA.-. .--12-.I01264 ..A.w-4,v, ,g_1-26,444.,. ?/._,..„ . . SiV 4'..11.71 -gr -.1. .-4..-- /dN710, WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, Mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unIcpt waived by me, (It you wish to waive the setback; you must Initial the appropriate blank below.) _,*0 r - I do wish to waive the 15'setback requiter-tient:- I do not wish to waive the 15'setback reqUirement (Prove , ner Info -ation) (Adjacent Property-Ovimer Information) 2.,,,,:•,,,, 4„„ , ,..,:,Signaturge A 11 gnalure (.4-! 471-4 Print or Type Name Print or Type Name . u 3 /40.,e 0 19'4 g 'OA 71r, b../0, _ i(7 Mailing Address MaingAddiess Ze-)14.it4e r-it) .WA') 90 e' 28iez)? t/ifcc s6Paki‘ov:IVC-- 2i-VW Ci /StateilZig- > City/Stale/Zig 7? Nu / Telephone mberi , Telephone Number ( Dale : Date (Revised 6118/2012) .. . ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER.STATEMENT i ezi.L7:5 44,- ,-141 .t ,n144,?>:4_. , I hereby certify that t own property adjacent to,--,------- - J , • N of Pronertv Owner) — . ,.,.,-• - ,A, ...),-L,Ez ....L.A1,4_ ,..,,_.7 __.. property located at„tt ,' rlittkr,- -(--7, '.c.?-077 - , t(4,7-(__ _ Address,LotBlOok, Road,e;c.), On: -.V.e-l40-11 C,,t741: 4-, , in .6011/8, ,,'r•_7-?..W , C. iWaterbody) (City/Town and/or County) L The applicant has&scribed to me,as shown below,the development-proposed at the above lodatiOn: 7. I I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. (DESCRIPTION ANDIOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual'proposing development must fill In description below or attach aaite drawing) WS' -A1e-V -g47-111*(I'*' 414' &;11577/V F1:4477:764 : .:--elF'"='474 A -,,li,i0.1 „/,7_,:- )e.:.__, 7i1.: 4-c-c-__.i.:=?:.5 _tireH :s4,-. ,AfAti: 7i : . WAIVERSECTION I understand that a pier,dock, Mooting pilings; breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15 from my area of riparian access unss waived by_me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below) *?7"," 1 dawish,to waive the 15"setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15 setback requirement. (Prope - wnerin rmation) ,-, (Adjacent Property Owner-Information) fty",04_ 1 , _ ti)43-45.0 igiZ 1 e,,, e....A)l'e-" _Signature ,- ‘eL,re Print or Type Name Print or Type Name' . ) (3 /4.(049z -- b A/45 Ra _ lax 114- te_ r)c.Ks Dr . kl Mailing AddietS, 1 / M\1ailinoAdprese-i--ecatiotiFf-,-- v_t 1\1 2_t—: Lel ,, Kt tAto( , crin gitAcatezo City/State/Zip.:,. / , ?1.7-- 19D qq\ 1c2= 327 1 Telepho/o'e Number Telephone Number Date/ ..74 i t igv". , Date Rev/sects/M/42pp) , • I. 2 7 2021 ()Cm wit, IwIAIGrOni _., NC . , . • ol•. , I ".......?' . ., I - cs- -, ,, : . I. , Illy • ,.: , ./ Li,, p , - ? -. r1 "3- exismo • : .:- -_, /ill i • 1 ' ' ,''''' :-- '. 164 OAKt ' REC, ROOM ; -4/1 . ti• ' ' .t . . 4/ft. , ..15;ost ,....,_:'' 41;4 .. . ,,.' ' . .. , 1CN7.40 Al i;AilAin " / •, .1 ' . f //////::• ./ t.• I ...., :i.... z co . .... . . ..z. JR- . • „--..7 . ••• , ^•./ ' iti . . 1 I. ki• -1.---- 14101 A . .1 , . 1 • : , - 1 e _. "s...) , !Ili/ 1 ich,vw.P '' ;* :;.-,- ,irt,ii..4-' ! ..am _. .... 44 , .... & •.. : „,:. . ,,. ..._.•,:. . ., .. I ' . , . -41.4 , 4111\ --'''—ukt/:si...:ell:-.4.0.,'AVIi 01 .1 • .' -,'::' ..- L .. ' 1 • '..---.;*=-- ' IleCiiiii .."44:01111. I le. - NEW.';. • AND `', hitt:. 4;40•4**1141? 10/ 1 - - TI . - STEPS- / 'maw) C.444,":44;1.711.41.,, 4,1' I '' : ...- '-eDgo. WOOD,RAMP. 's .-:-- 1 >ILI ' . - , ,,,' 'is, ..;1!.itIiiioszani.' ' i 4, • . keit 4)-8, 1 ..... i ill ....„...... ,, , _ . • ,..../II iiiii: ; ' : ==="1".' -ii-:;'a.,r..\...‘_,4"`.r 0,o,•.-,1 arci,v,.,. 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QV� Q IiI I I I i I I ipI 1 1 �nro l ii\` I 1 1 I LEI .I I 4 aio• MOO I I cAeer�e. II I IRTAIXr1;1E I Q Air O new C L � I o I PoRaaAXSlan I O I of a! /mare 4....„, if 4y. .4.r,.. 4/1,114'. :.40..41 ..; 1 4iiiill CHIMP • ...I 1 „ ' I U W � � ¢/r /ue I F�-1 U aI � • I ��� / r� ' uo {/ YD it I � / ii Is lm • / 1 �'I•;% � ! .. Y W 1 " U N Y ow [ 41 ILI o 5 E I 9I normla LOCATION �/ .rwmalTw i�j `\ 1����Jl /� `i��\ J \ — *// . IL .I.me CerC.a �i '�•?-'�=':• wofw4lY / I iyi F W 1 THIS I9 THEIn C'. i.:I�i.• /// qu. -.--o U WOPo:f.OVERED -L / '� // Imp/ I dY THE LAMA Q TA .a ........ Al./ .1 l::•� p�'[M/ r 1 APwcATlon ZQ • al\_ j I l ' 1 I-52116'1svt69.a7 mCO IDa - %� AILLMIOAIEN SITE PLAN F, �Q aaEamaH /e sruEmve "020 NoV SD2 52 O 2 0 Check ' Date Rent/wad Date Deposited Check Prom(Name) Nan.of Permit Holder Vendor Cheek number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or RerundiReallocated • Column1 Column2 Cdumn3 Column4 CdumnS Cabmen. Column? CoMinna Cokrmn9 5/4/2021 G.E.Vonetzski same First Citizens Bank �L_ __1021 $ _ 250.00 major fee.940 Copes Rd SW.Shallotta BrCo NO Spit ,BB rot.13110 5/5/2021 Sea Dog Manne Construction,LLC Adam and Leigh Greene(Sea Dog) First Bank 1300 $ 250.00 major fee.107/109 SW 9th SI,Oak Island BrCo NO Spot PA rd.12773 5/4/2021 Maritech LLC Winding River Plantation Bank of America _ 2448 $ 400.00 GP#80291D PA rct.12765 5/4/2021 Town of Oak Island same BB&T _ 83803'$ 200.00 GP#802950 _ PA rct 12783 5/42021 CLTMC,Inc. Lussier and Farmer First Citizens Bank 1182 $ 200.00 GP#80258D PA rot 12756 _ 5✓42021 JR Huntley Homes same BB&T 4593 $ 400.00 GP#76500D PA rct 12772 5/4/2021 Docks and Deck Dudes LLC Heather Bass Fay PNC Bank 1056 $ 200.00 GP#802850 KS rd.13434 5/4/2021 Docks and Deck Dudes LLC Scott Pollock PNC Bank 1053 $ 200.00 TGP#80203D KE rd.12747 5/4/2021, John H Cooling same BB&T 6793 $ 200.00 GP#80235D_ ___ BHrct.12877 5/4/2021 Allied Manne Contractors LLC AJ Burns First Citizens Bank 10026 $ 200.00 GP#802520 JD rd.13407 5l4/2021 Timothy Powell James Jackson First Bank 9185 $ 200.00 GP#80277D BH rd.12881 5/42021 James Miller John Pearce Wells Fargo _ _ 1002 $ 200.00 GP#79950D BE rd.13112 5/42021. Davey Resource Group Dustin and Susan Gross United Bank 2242 $ 400.00 GP#79956D KE rct.13435 5/4/2021 Lanier Family.LLC same South State Bank 1250 $ 200.00 GP#80251 D JD rd.13406 -d. _.. 5l42021 AMW Docks and Manne John and Krista Ceder 8B&T 8201 S 200.00 GP#799030 BB rct.13113 5/4/2021 Gnce Construction (Nancy Murdock BB&T 14598 $ 400.00 r_P#80209D(check 1 of 2) BB rct 13114 5/42021 Once Construction Nancy Murdock BUT 14529 $ 200.00 IGP#80209D(check 2 of 2) BB rot.13114 5/4/2021 i _ Lorene H Allen same First Citizens Bank _ _ 16257 $ 200.00 GP#80276D BH rot.12886 5/420211 Marsh Creek Manna .., B&M Holdings LLC_ Southern Bank 8095 $ 400.00 GP#80299D JD rct.13401 5/4/2021 Hoiden Docks and Bulkheads Town of Holden Beach CresCom Bank 3624 $ 400.00 GP#799320 PA rct.12768 5/4/20211 Gnce Construction Koultoniuk BB&T 14605 $ 400.00 GP#79905D BB rct.13116 5/42021 Grice Construction Gameau BB&T 14604 $ 200.00 GP#799080 BE rot 13117 _ 5/4/2021 H5 Construction,LLC Highest Point Holdings.LLC BB&T r 2579 $ _200.00 GP#80194D(1 of 2) BB rct.13105 __ 5/4/2021 H5 Construction,LLC Highest Point Holdings.LLC BB&T _ 2606 $ 400.00 GP#80194D(2 of 2) BB rct 13105 _ 5/42021' Lighthouse Manna Construction Bob Mott Coastal Bank and Trust 3739 $ 800.00 GP#80167D ,JD rct.12399 _ 5/4/2021 Delta Dock and Boatlift Judy Brock First Citizens Bank _ 9089 $ 400.00,GP#801680 ,JD rct.12400 _ _ 5/42021 Katrina Turner _ Hiram Williams Co Trustees 'PNC Bank _ { 253 S 200.00 GP#80249D JD rot.13403• _ 5/42021 Jason Queen same Wells Fargo ' 186 E 200,00 GP#80280D BH rct 12887 5/4/2021 Backwater Manne Terry Williams BB&T _ _ 1293 $ 200,00 GP#799490 BB rct.13111 _ 5/4/2021 Grice Construction Canco&Bedwell BEST 145891$ 400.00 GP#79907D BB rct.13115