HomeMy WebLinkAbout79109_Karen Barrett_20210414 Y`j XCAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL =�-ft{- �p(J5% � NQ 109 A C D iiii.1.11GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# tJM New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued N ji As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC Q' l4, /20a i Rules attached. Applicant Name 's 5 th.cy.C Project Location: County ,ea,-.4).-'1/4-_Ce3. s, Address 32.Z(.5Par�,r sett ' �'�` , Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City 12Netkerit3Vt. State t`lC ZIP a'10!.3 c2o5 S. (YW,,, Stre Phone#(5 tt) Vj1.N.-fo4,2' _nMail J� j .1.(,►h Subdivision NIJ4 Agent �)s F'1e ta,- rr V1 City �?'� ZIP v �'�7S Authorized �j Affected Dew DEW XPTA O ES OPTS Phone# ( ) //!!,,,, River Basin ' (Z j-111 AEC(s): OOEA O HHF ❑IH ❑USA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr.Body €s I A 2- x< /man /unkn) O PWS: ORW: yes I(f) PNA f) / no !rf��»!} Closest Maj.Wtr.Body 91CY1l Ew ttZi1sc� Type of Project/Activity .C/1 ,4a11 ); t X I g / ba2T7'T b[1 — fJU tit .tv i"e, v f ex)$45,,,, btAt C vw * k-.$ C'--epra I") (Scale: 1/f—34)' ) Pier tdock)length /---- - _ .__-- _ Fixed Platforrn(s) �_ �- i ' � �. .__.._. -7._."'': pp �- ii FloatingPlatform(s) + } ,_._ i �� .�- } `hFC'\ Finger er s • • - , Groin length .' 1 T' i_ " i.--i-_ i, ! .i —.i- [ 1 _ _ ._- , i i ' number _ t i - -� i — -=--;-.t i , i • j •i i i—!- _ Bulkhead/Rlprap length ;-t- .l. .._i )_.} ' . i. t -1 +-i t- i l.. j_ s--. avg distance offshore ' -1 .1- .-_- : j s __ , .-_.._._. : , -.- i_ —3 _. max distance offshore i � ._�-� --2 � ' Basin,channel . i -,�_ _ -1 �_f _ .___ i 7 'y_ i._1 -` 4.47h * i cubic yards � --- -- �, � 4 -- - -- --i-- . `. Boat ramp 1 __._ j Boathouse/ oath 13•x IS — 1 ---•._._-• t ---r —. - ; ,---i-_l - # .� + t 1..F Beach Bulldozing . i ;.___. ;— ; _i : -) --_i—�_ - C 2� /s- i ! _;_ ! 1 _ � _r4OT ther II .--Sal , -- Shoreline Length = 157- t l`,C SAY: not sure yes no ; __i__t. t__ r r 410' 4 f t 1 Moratorium: n/a yes 6* _.-i - -—. • .L,� i . r 2 _i-- r7/1VP Photos: yes tt_ . —.. . . - } r ; _ !',! ( ) Waiver Attached: allot l__..- - _-- __t__.. ___. [ i 1 t A building permit may be required by: /D(I! 0 T _54 . N See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning jurisdiction) 1 j � I Notes/ `ial Conditions co I 5. 11)g,h Tx(a„eb r I A "Lt t/ 4 1 ' /tCf. �C's + 61. L, In Zo jh home ordtea - 1- d"�( vc._ Z o ' AlIr �ti4'7_ s/ r.ilT . ' ° i i_! r` Asp!le a a h,) �:r'.�a t Printed A • ;IP - - Pe it0 er's rinse e Sicar! ' Please rea ompli nce s ment back of permit** Sign �t Chk 12( . lqf 45 IL/ - hi _ zc i - ILI. � -Z0z/ Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiratidn Date .Y A ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory Coastal Management BRAXTON DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Director BUFFER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE FOR PIER AND DOCKING FACILITIES ACCESS WAY A riparian buffer authorization is required for pier and docking facilities access ways through the Tar-Pamlico& Neuse River Riparian buffer per Division of Water Resources (DWR) regulations 15A NCAC 02B.0233 & .0259.The Division of Coastal Management (DCM), through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Division of Water. Resources(DWR) has reviewed your project proposal and has determined that the project as proposed complies with the aforementioned regulations. Those activities covered by your Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA) permit have received Buffer Authorization provided the project is constructed in a manner that continues to meet all of the conditions listed below. Failure to comply with this Buffer Authorization may subject the property owner and the party(contractor) performing the construction and/or land clearing to a civil penalty by DWR of up to$25,000 per day per violation. i. Crossing is Perpendicular: Pier and docking facility access way must cross the 50 ft. riparian buffer perpendicularly(which is defined as between 75 and 105 degrees)unless otherwise approved by DCM.The alignment shall minimize the removal of woody vegetation to the greatest extent practicable. 2. Pervious Materials:All reasonable measures shall be taken to ensure the access way is made of pervious materials like open-slatted wood or composite, mulch, or grass to meet the intent of the rules to the maximum extent practicable. 3. Access Width:The width of the pier or docking facility access way shall be limited to six(6) feet. 4. Project Drawing: The drawing on the CAMA General Permit is considered the project drawing of your property indicating the relative location of the pier or docking facility and any requested access way.This drawing will be used to aid in compliance and monitoring efforts. • Pr -project site conditions:LS. /f O14/ h/?A(' % h a fQ t'' 4 -Pew 'from. By your signature below you agree to b- held responsible for meeting all of the c d'ti s listed ab v and v r y t -lI in ormation p - ••.ed is c• pl r- and accurate. e:c ';" ca— ./ e Per i natureAgent r App scant Signature Iss Des CAMA GENERAL PERMIT#: �)�/ q 5 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management Washington Office!443 Washington Square Mall Washington.NC 27884 i 252-946-6481 Wilmington Office; 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 i 410-796-7215 Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City.NC 28557 1252-808-2808 Authorized Agent Consent Agreeame,z ,herby authorize q chin Jay Tetterton o (Property Owna(s)) TJ's Marine Construction,LLC to act on my behalf in obtaining LAMA permits for the location listed below. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 205 S. Main Street Bath NC PROPERTY OWNER'S MA ILJNG ADDRESS: 3220 Parker Falls Drive Raleigh NC 27613 Phone No. 571-330-6427 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE: �� AUTHORIZED AGENT SIGNATURE: O -'TE RTON DATE: 17 March 20 21 W/Authorized Agent Consent Agree. ==t ,t.,CEN X RIPARIAN P CPE Ty 3V e ? R STATEMENT hereby certify that i own property adjacent to . ' - 'S (Na ©ii Property Owner) property located at 205 S. Main Street, Bath NC (Address, Lot, E3loo t, Road, etc.) on cdQ 4 �/tPe , in - Bath . N.C. i�f�:4�.g6e>� rboey1 (City/Town End/or County) -- -- The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. 4dre z-; i hove no objection to this proposal. Omar� I have objections to this proposal, II, -S..:C gPT: V AND/OR. �t titftNG OF yiP iE Eo DEVFLOPARENTrfdi;i&ie.;proposing deteetrt men;me sd fill in descr!ptIIn below or attach a site drawing') Add 8" bulkhead on top of current bulkhead along property shoreline. Replace current boat lift with new boat lift with new lift mechanism and new pilings. Add two mooring pilings 15' from end of pier. .^.cjaca,_ Gtii'vfs; s e gha N. Fmtsar„ I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakv.fater, boathouse, lift, or groin et.c12: must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by Must me_ (If you wish to waive the setbackmust' ln, v; , you initial the appropriate blank below.) r.n_ (� CJ I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do Tzot.wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (Properly vu "ado P]i§CJk '� €ioE?) ���_ _ A---. g 4Ln, , Sicna�ure Signature* vt.� Karen J. Barrett a ( t L Print or Type Name tv 1`� R /� Print 3220 Parker Falls Drive �lor Dp+ ame -i� rlrialfino Address a .�,-t�� Raleigh NC 27613 ii/laiif Address City/State/Zip 571-330-6427 grinnin14 City/Sfaie/Zip @gmail.com � ;6).1 91 J .L.5 c Telephone Number!email address TplNpho»e Number/email address 17 March 2021 Pore r,.:�.e-�..� 1-, �.1 Date' "Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Revised Atm. 2014) ti3 .-n. 0'riki R PIPAEREAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to a� s property located at 205 S. Main Street, Bath NC(Na of Property Owner.) (Address,Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on , in Bath (rVaterb : N.C.odv' (Cofi/Town and/or - The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locatiof . aa)a=aa i have no objection to this proposal. Prop_rty Owner I have objections to this proposal. Chenk DESC1 4:=t'a l}3 ND/OR DRA iNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT if+aen�[Lr�Q`£.c?x pe opus Tg development must fill in description below or attach a site rkaw!nc) Add 8" bulkhead on top of current bulkhead along property shoreline. Replace current boat lift with new boat lift with new lift mechanism and new pilings. Add two mooring pilings 15' from end of pier. fAC"ciac alit WAIVER ER►�1E('i'eOi p,.o,t, I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin :Ann: must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) Cns - I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (Properly Owner information) � � nut nv ' s' ;a Ovlrr::.r?eac me:eona Siarratxere / bKaren J. Barrett 3 re*,, ./ Print or Type Name . ,�0,. i f,/ j/''i ,i.' Print or 3220 Parker Falls Drive T r<r it%iaitin Address Q 'd. c5r Raleigh NC 27613 iv • Russ 42,6 G _ City/State/Zip �fy/Ste" _ 571-330-6427 /grinninl4@gmail.com /" LAB 7 Telephone Number!email address Telepho e Number/email address 17 March 2021 Date Date* (RevisedAug. 209,�)`Valid for one calendar year after signature TOWN OF BATH BATH, NORTH CAROLINA DATE BOOK N0. PERMIT FEE PERMIT No. APPLICATION FOR: BUILDING PERMIT( ) ZONING COMPLIANCE CERI7FICATE ( ) Name & License No. Address; OWNER 65 5 No,'n •574- Phone No.: ( 6Poi CONTRACTOR � © /� ���-6 DESIGNERr�W�J SURVEYOR ELECTRICAL PLUMBING TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT NEWX ADDITION ( ) ALTERATION: INSIDE , OUTSIDE( ) REPAIR. INSIDE ( ) MOVE ( ) ( ) OUTSIDE ( ) LOCATE ( ) Lot No. Block No. �-�A ---_ Building located11s � , (S between and Streets. Building to be used as • Type ConstructJ io Number of off street parking spaces �� � ���` -----_ Contains____g rooms and _Zirni/ _ //4_5 Total square feet of building bath s). Electric Service • Type of heat . No. of plumbing fixtures 4 ( ) 8"( ). Corner bracin pI . Foundation block caps 9: ywood ( ) other Insulation; Floor_ Walls , Ceiling Windows: Storm ( )Thermal ( ). How many exterior doors_ . Water Heater: Gas ( ) Electric ( ) Other_ Roof Ventilation: Gable ( ) Eaves ( ) Louvers ( ) Other crawl space, number of feet apart Ventilation Height of crawtspace under house: 18"( � 24"" other_---_._ zone ( - . Water and Sewer Tap: Paid ( ) N/A ( ) Size water tap Size sewer tap: .Total Estimated Cost _ Flood elevation BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: I — EPLatcE __.�'— ► TIolit L1Fr T L s b.l �� '� RATE 1 use oP P„e 2.. 8on,r 5L► P AT LiN`S WILL "`° mFrmYA��� —_` q II� A�,4 (�j x— L�isb a L. • otTewtntt_ l�'Fe1(� t GENERAL COMMENTS: 1 HT _ XJS�uG I , '? Of CITY LICENSE NUMBER: Electrician Plumber/Heating Application approved by: 3 - z -Z / The owner of rol building and the undersigned agree to conform to a Ba , North Carolina. / all applicable laws of the Town of ignature of Applicant Effective 8/10/04, there is a $50.00 filing fee for all permits, including zoning Any construction that requires installation of water or wastewater s s'n9 compliance application. A) Be installed by owners, contactors or ervices may: B) Be installed by Town of Bath Utilities Department All components must be compatible with existing water/wastewater materials, including Myers pumps. Bath Utilities Department must inspect dil construction prior to services becoming operational. Inspection gay 0-7/ — )3a -- 6/ /7/4:317 7 ,I CRAv, • P 'i►� fn' • \'\frilliN • , i; b LA f r z. . ,. ey13` 4'f`i ca � ' ��rS nes : -- - leco o ft (\e,,,) 'ksc,©-- ,r�, • 1\ Sa'6,c, Beaufort County, NC GRIN:6653-04-6594 PROP_DESC:1 LOT MAIN STREET MBL;66531330 OPINLONG:6653-04-6594 PIN_I:06008851 NAMEI:BARRETT KAREN J LAND_VAL:236550 DATE:9/26/2016 Diaclamer: NAME2:MANESS MOLLY J BLDG_VAL:182278 DB_PG:1911/00185 Beasfort County online map access is provided sa public service,as Is,as ADDRI:3220 PARKER FALLS TOT_VAL:418828 STAMPS available and without warranties,expressed or implied.Content published or. DRIVE his webai a is for informational purposes only and s not intended to constitute a TAXABLE_VA:418828 SALE PRICE:0.00 legal record nor should it be substihted for the Motet or services of industry CITY:RALEIGH DEFR_VAL:0 REID 1:35316 professionals.The County of Beaufort and the*bane Provider disclaim all responsibility and legal liability for the content prblished on this website.The STATE:NC PREY ASSES:437011 R user agrees that Beaufort County and its Ascgreashall be held harmless from all actions,claims,damages or judgments arising on of the use of County data. ` baMc.u(oagdrnnps.corn DRIVE ACRES PROP_ADDR:0 34 :205 S MAIN ST A A120 m ADDR2:3220 PARKER FALLS Mar/17/2021 ZIP:27613 TOWNSHIP:06 a 90 ft Scale 1:1035 — „. _ — —---- ----i