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28229D - Brown
CAMA and DREDGE AND FILL Povt"e Ck Le G E N E R A L soo .)i ' CA. 2S229-� PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina )0 :,,--- Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC 7 N . /.?c>u Applicant Name ZeA ti t3 kuw' I Phone Number 3-)vC 3 I (15 Address L4 0-5 5 Lin' 31 City ) H R -1 C•i-`('( State A) C Zip ,)?S`'/c! Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) S 4►'Y`' . t 1 -P_.J ►iv►A et,- KAA (1-e C A.,4 4- 0tvC)uI ✓ Casa • Type of Project Activity ' •, .,%,'l,c P• t R. , PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE: / _ ,' ) Pier(dock)Length--___— ..:._.._�...1 a e , 1 Groin Length I ma a .__ .... .... _•••••0 , .,, ••••,--,.• ....-.....• , ... ,,,number Na Bulkhead Length as III II max.distance offshore IIII € I Basin,channel dimensions IIIIi cubic yards 1 8 i i l i TIfi 1 • Boat ramp dimensions ,�.r li.. Other b&C.le - ; = X t(c 1__... ' », ...,__ c- _...._.... . ...... J r' _. �_ IF — J ' f-- - 1 i I i i ) .. ..._.. t"---#. ,._.._E._ _ - _ �s _.._ This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing , and attached general and specific conditions.Any violation of these terms applicant's signature may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit of- permit officer's signature ficer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certi- - , I- 0 I 1 I -J I --Ci f fies by signing this permit that 1)this project is consistent with the local issuing date expiration date land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they 2 // • /c 6 have no objections to the proposed work. attachments GiJ In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project / 0h, t i k 1 )J is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee • CODES FOR AEC DESIGNATIONS "OH" - Ocean HP7ard "Pr'= Public Trust "EW" - Estuarine Waters "CW"- Coastal Wetlands "ES"- Estuarine Shoreline "FC"- Fragile Coastal Natural/Cultural "PW"- Public Water Supply "OR" - Outstanding Resource Water -- • CODES FOR PROJECT "P"- Private " ' - -ilsuallp�individual F' Federal "C"- Commercial "L" Local Government "U"- • Utility "H"- Housing Development "S"- State "0"- Other # CODES FOR PROJ DESCRIPTION "11"- Bulkheads,Riprap "16" - Utility Lines "12" Piers,Docks Boathouses "17"- Emergency Repairs • "13"- Boat Ramps "18"- Beach Bulldozing -"14"- Wooden-Groins "19"- Temporary Structures • - "15"- Maintenance of Basins, Channels,Ditches GENERAL PERMIT COMPUTER FORM • -APPLICANT NAME: 3 tpk.N 13k pvvN • ADDITIONAL:NAMES: Li q�"��,ou�5 ^ ,R i M€- .ABCDESIG: £ P r DEVELOP AREA: C 6) _�O PROD DES - • (Will only take 1) WORK: f , I (Will only:taken) • 6& I0 � iI t9 � (will only take 4) 3 v • IMP: p L,/ )O •(vall only take 6) , ACTION EXPIRATION DREDGE&.FILL REQUIRED: CAMA MAJOR DEVE,REQUIRED: 0 8�� (-'° I 1 (-], (,O Arcit TOWErMa Vairar4V1 itisraci3IN / . I �l ,4g1 tea 2Y21_ ‘.(04 lomma- ibvz 7Intltat ,s z�; ,, d op r - r (' '64 2111214 amptilders 19744 garm 413g HOE g) •gym.sit Tr:urea stkm sse P,a39!Ai=V,S'F.o=NVEl mita gp�36 3�:14!t ' 1t'rg 'goiM7j8'$tti! , � .__ . - ITIMMIAPVTPWCOINAMerattha • • 11=6114 01 MOP*CU Suri 1.77. • Xrattrek124.40 Swam)p^.gr.nve rit2 t 16GL',S * ccit ,. 9 PK IMO '4 Tend.+rp ote •41 ddrd 2ata-44 cm=warps iuwoud waa I pm MVO Miaritt y NOMNO .SV1t Piz 1.1 r 14-1 dIndoed agony • 1'0'3 r aarcria ny. Td wdES110 low it •6nN r^..E t ,2 ate : "ON > _� 313153 '1H MIME! 'PItlEC : wO:1J Td ttid9ti:�0 ti©� �i •6nd •Qri. Kbd : NOd —, --r.... •— a.....,..... ,s— r_V .1,1fW Hlil' NUI"Y IItiUL ll'Yl. I'HL1L W. PRCPI ; BAN rClJi Film ITNTATE, FM win. . 5l{'t 328 i5 flag. 15 2631 O1;iiF'I P1 API$.C_F;\'I.13RAi i r3.TJ:41I WIt ti oTi'i"1 e • ./\/ ' A *Mg Of lialigidall 41441 For rot*:ati.--4.-U43 1.1"—kg"WhialtakkAa`" -/c \i 0 ..........___...2`14Lks• ()MID "t11,) ( ot ar S i, Streit or ,City ,✓ t audit that I owe ptopgrty 14isoete to the ehove-referaced property epptriog for ibis prink hisdembed Veit as shwa co the win • Th dossa e individualM� !�. *��of , with dt 4+rd. Nomad Uri p MA this revhifi __i haY■a, to this pre , . r momwm. EgnaLSECCION I utelmand tivap , Pam;btu.boat boos, lift or �r t a of 13'ir'at lay erea d must be wish waive ti you must t of dP+r balm waived by ►you ppropriate hie*below.) jinx 4.1 440 'gla I wish •LIB setback roquireaista. • ... -- ;sin=with te,inivs the IS'matialc requiteroant. Ni 4-61 ArVaA Name NCDUPIR• *- 111"fratKalerN&Teiv 16"—Coele - M ' s -14c. i•- 5°5 . • • • 7:1•-• 1 . . • . . .. 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