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27382D - Brisson
j CAMA and DREDGE AND FILL GPERMIT E N E R A L 27382-.) as authorized by the State of North Carolina . Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC —7 h Ind 0• Applicant Name inP P-K �r'J orJ Phone Number to��m I 09Cq Address 1()3.. -i ea t C8-t.x-A, City_ kJ �frlj 1 tl e t State tJ C- Zip 2.S4'0 Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) ..2)0Tr1.Q. A e / AW't Ca.04V s CVc c: . N w i-4—m e-z c2 . Type of Project Activity A Ds) (3 O TLI c-T I PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH _ (SCALE: ,I tt-40 ) Pier(dock)Length IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IS I ., Groin Length .- ' number 111111111 MI. i Bulkhead Length I Ili 4 ' I) . ' ea �- '� ,. _, max.distance offshore III Basin,channel dimensions r > in __.....�. :am II III _ u.A. . cubic yards �:. i ' 1 ,nog_ Im y Boat ramp dimensions "' ,d 4'� 6(I ss. t Other1111 II p.9.\,‘)D/53-4it. � _.._ 1111 1 This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing < .-.._....• and attached general and specific conditions.Any violation of these terms applicant's signature may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. ��CrY2..... This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit of permit officer's signature ficer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certi- 4- - -2Q — C7 d —7 7.0 0 I fies by signing this permit that 1) this project is consistent with the local issuing date expiration date land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they 7 14. 1 z) have no objections to the proposed work. attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project n t)' ' C' a.{ is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee CODES FOR AEC DESIGNATIONS "Off' - Ocean Hazard "PT" - Public Trust `EW" - Estuarine Waters "CW"- Coastal Wetlands "ES" - Estuarine Shoreline "FC" - Fragile Coastal Natural/Cultural "PW"- Public Water Supply "OR" - Outstanding Resource Water " CODES FOR PROJECT "P"- Private-usually an individual "F" - Federal "C"- Commercial "L" - Local Government "U"- Utility "H" - Housing Development • • "S"- State "0" - Other # CODES FOR PROJ DESCRIPTION "11" - Bulkheads,Riprap "16" - Utility Lines "12" - Piers,Docks Boathouses "17" - Emergency Repairs "13" - Boat Ramps "18" - Beach Bulldozing "14" - Wooden Groins "19" - Temporary Structures • "15" - Maintenance of Basins, Channels,Ditches___ -- GENERAL PERMIT COMPUTER FORM APPLICANT NAME: fl°rv-LG s ADDITIONAL NAMES: AEC DESIG: `� (.. ) QT DEVELOP AREA: . I PROJ DESC: P- 2 (Will only take 6) (WMM only take 1) WORK: 1L , a� Ia ': (Will only take 4) MAINT: (Will only take 4)• IMP: O ( 1+14- (will only.take 6) ACTION EXPIRATION 1 DREDGE&FILL REQUIRED: 9— 22) -7 a o s(0),1 CAMA MAJOR DEVEL REQUIRED: H- DIVISION OF CO 4STAL r4 4N_4GENIVNT 'T RTP&RT4N PROPFRTY OW ER NQTIFf 4TION1WAIZ'E$�g�T • Name Of Individual Applying Far Permit a-rk ( . l3 sso;y Address Of Property: �d 5 u-d a `f 1a j eiatc� / //h in11� Y c a g179/ (Lot or Street#, Street or Road, City & County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced ro e P P rty- The individual applying for this permit has described tome as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. _ I have no objections to this proposal. il( 7natre milame_a _t hat ig propomi, please wT-ire. flier C1'S Pf recei Nn re once is r- rLcidA'rPfj the if vnll have hen nntifiPr9 by Certifi;.d Mail WA TYFjR SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house, set back a minimum distance of 15' from m arm of rip --ianaccessIw orift sandbags must be Y unless waived by me- (If you wish to waive tim setback, you mi,gr initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. L I do_nx wish to waive the 15' setback re Quu-em..nt_ (C> ( Alric974 • .AA. Si nature Date (c s4c_. l<oh e r S fv\Print Name Name /0 - 68 .E NCDENR Telephone Number WithArea Code Noar}i CaxOLuW D ,fr or LNV1RDNM_NT AND NATURAL R�SDUR`5 IniTGi'd S22S 9SZ 0T6 T •ddO0 3Od9lelOW dHd7H SS:60 aOaZ-80-nON 1.,7•:•"•'(•- •'-7.'"4•1* ''." 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NcDENR • • • �—`. . rDare - 6, , — / r',:,2. I Tei t,ho umb vita -Ira C odr Nonm RaNm rr or TGtitO'd S��S SS?. 0T6 T 'd�lOD ?�t�9ThOW dHd-Id SS:60 000z-so-nON MARK A. BRISSON 0 66 112!55 PH.9GORD-9954 �_�� i nz6 74 • 6752 GORDON RD. nlc_ WILMINGTON,NC 28411 (rAy- i9F,..../OR. i $ /00 CO J In//r nrr/ci n (j97 uns8 , • BB&T iaii BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY _ WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA rsr .rrrrrr__________________________ 1:053 LOLL 2LI: 52L2 26800 511' 2L85