HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchultz, Douglas 77162Cr donengg I FILL FEHTVIIT C**rPl*te frer*s$e 'Partial R*itrue Ag ** *!a {nxtxl Rpl*rur*o* tomrni*isrn rt! ur rr*t Appircanr {kdit} p*ffiu,#tt tt lI'{ ltCAff Prop<t Locatron Counry $rreet Addres# Statr: Rr:*d" l"*t #ir' '; it..r*' *-',{ddrxs Mod;ficatron r r+ Flr*rx#t t t"l"1a*i r ..* \ " r' *utlrwir*e! Ag*nt Ll, , I I Lfi {\ t '3 Subdrvr**n C,t'l i AE{rrr. c}t ,tt* I?rA *r Hl*r lH r{r!s Fl{A y** t$ P?t USA }l,,4 Fh*n* # i t Sdr. Wrr. BodY Ct**trt Xa; !4tr rl]cf PrnfxU Aettvit,I{$clla* I I l/"t",/,{' 1- n .,-1. , Jl }(S* *stc s!r,r bacl m6*drry*}*er $arrn ruler- &n*ll $t iv ! l O,fiIV '$t i ,rJ ! t c f"G. II J tr' l*o{**, Li'r{ ^ll Seesi.l Ir t:' Y n t . 1r Cotrrsitir.t* l, CAMA /(oneoaE & F.LL \e? =1lgRrAL PERMIT New EModification ECompleteReissue L--Partial Reissue N9 77162 Previous Permit # Date previous Permit to l5A NCAC Project Location: CountY Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s)O.*l- Q Subdivision City ZIP River Basin Adi. Wtr Closest Mai. Wtr. BodY AB @ D As authorized by the State of North carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the coastal Resources commission in an area of environmental concern Pursuant Applicant Name S Address st^t -fifuaP#gL Phone # (-)---_---r-mait Authorized Agent Affected AEC(s): trcw lEw fitua trOEA trHHF trIH n PWS:- trES tr UBA tr PTS !N/A Phone # (-) ORW: yes PNA y"r t@ ) htea I II -H.*f"t +*i- 1, "t*U -1 tl -.t- ff_ :-:r'_l+J ,;? 4- I II 4-l^.t -H Type of ProiecU ActivitY (Scale:I 30 ) Pier (dock) length I ffiIII]l IFixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s)[tIJ Finger pier(s) Groin length -1 number Bulkhead/ Riprap lengh_ avg distance offrho." / maxdistanceoffshor" T Basin, channel { cubic yards ./ Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Other Shoreline Length SAV: not sure yes Moratorium: nla yes Photos: yes Waiver Attached: yes $ A building permit may be required by:E$S"" note on back reg'arding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction)/ Notes/ Special Conditions s 5n or Applicant PermitOfficer's Signatpre 1 g lqlro tlqlzt Fee(s)Check #tt{,y'ns O6t"Fpil:fiD"t" ; Signature ** Plegsereadcompliancestatementon backofpermit# -'E Afr),s lqq6 ll + t-1 -1 m H tt H -H-lli , t-l an:: t--tfi t t*1- ii lli-----i- ii:ili+-'-- :liI]-l* -L_+- ilii -1-I i-+ - -- Statement of Compliance and Consistency This Permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Anyviolation of these terms may subiect the Permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; ind may cause the permit to becomenulland void. This permit must be on the Proiectsite and accessible tothe permit oflicerwhen the prolect is inspected forcompliance. Theapplicant certifies by siSning this Permit that I ) prior to undertaking any activities auaho;ized by t;is permit, the applicant willconfer with aPProPriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all localordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obained from the adjacent riparianlandowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best availableinformation and beliei certirythatthis proiect is consistentwith th;North Carolina Coasal Management program. lf indicated on front of permit, your project is subiect to the Environmental Management commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that fuver Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-649 1) or theWilmington RegionalOffice (91 0-796-7215)tor more information on howto colmplwiih these buifer rules. River Basin RulesApplicable To Your proiect: I Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules ! Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Division of Coastal Management Ofrices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 2s2-808-2808/ r -888-4RCOAST Fu<:252-247-333O (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth CitY Dist?ict t10l S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-2U-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquoank and Perquimans Counties) E othe. Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-648t Fax: 252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufon, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-721s Fax: 9 | 0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover. Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://ponal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ l7 RIZATION FOR Owner Requesting Permit:.b PLICA . Sc-u u LName of Property Mailing Address:?fu P(- Po.$ cr .8 {u ioc .? Phone Number:f,5 a-s3!,- rt{r1 Email Address:D Sc-tt uL-rZ I :rS /a LmAr L. t-D-n' I certify that I have authorized tJ.-T \AJ 5 hrpts l- 5 Agent / Contraclor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development ?udtd, LLC- at my property located at ASn nL oNe.zs< in Qd gT e Ltr county. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner lnformation: Signature \mrar-o ?. -s L FT ul;i^Z Print or Type Name LTC Title --V t1-+- A-vza Date REGEIVED sEP 0 4 2020 DCM-MHD CITY This certification is valid through IZIAL_Z-*! WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian a@ess unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) d I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner t-l-As 3. SoNvuTZ Print orType Name Douglas Schultz \ 15 l{t.Q_&rrJu Possb cx Mailing Address 175 Herring Pond Ct B eeueoll-r^ Nc- I8Ert City/StatetZip NC 28516 & .\-e - *a,i - r t+r a Telephone Number / emal address 252-83& 1417 Date August I 1,2020 1/alid for one calendar year after signature* Print orTvoe NameJtti' frn sI-G"K D,, lnformation) v Address City/StatetZ,ip3!o '3?e.o2 t I elat' -fu 5 0 1u Q, noi i ^.Telephone Number / email address ? '. "o Datel f 7 (Revrsed Auq.2014) RECEIVED 3 SEP O 4?O?O DCM.MHD CITY 1 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certfy that I own property adjacent to -Doug Schultz (Name of Propefi Owner) property located at _175 Hening Pond (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on -Neuse-, in -Beaufort Carteret County-, N.C. (Waterbody) (CitylTown andlor County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above '".P I have no objection to this proposal I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND'OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (lndividual proposing development mustftll in descrtpfion below or attach a site dnwing) This action is to repair part of the existing sill that was destroyed during Hurricane Florence. Because there was so much hurricane damage in our county first by Florence and then by Dorian we only now have been able to get a marine construction company that is available to make the needed repairs. Set ftrl'qcnt5 RECEIVED 1 sEP 0 4 2020 DCM-MHD CITY I no- 7-A2 v) a- J2 ^76r nj lt)t ^ail)'.7. ,J v1 rI,r${tQoND 14 Jtn d vJ J d ,Afd JJ rn A\, o,{tdo9 'r( =]-= U) 5 JIa .[2 $z7 W I I I r(__ tr RECEIYED sEP 0 4 202r, zDCM-MHD CIIY I IIA4 Ir ,1 ld? t, rfrJ td I )tT E, I t f {v 4 u18t2A20 {-F utS C-O NGrf rf-rc-ATr crrf,,+ reze r*..1 Gmail - Need your assistance please M Gmail Hilary Schults <hildougnc@ghail,com> Need your assistance please Helen Fusco <elan.fusco@gmail.com> To: Hilary and Doug <hildougnc@gmail.com> Thu, Aug '13, 2020 at 7:59 AM Good morning, sorry I did not get this sent last night, I had to go out and did not get back until late. Here is your document. Send me pictures as they are doing the work, I would love to see how it is done. If I did not sign something correct, just let me know and I will re-do it. We are planning to come into town right after Christmas for sure, but I would love to get in a long weekend beforethat. It just depends on what is happening with the Covid stuff. Very scary. Have a wonderful day. Helen Fusco 330-322-0719 On Wed, AIS 12, zgm d 12:'19 Pll Hflryy atd Doug <> wrcte: louoted text hiddeni -t Hilary n Doug Sill Repair.pdf - 1382K RECEIVED sEP 0 4 2020 DCM.MHD CITY https://mail'google'com/maiuu/0?ik=31196e84&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-p/o3A167491141861g525g35&simpl=msg-fo63A167491141g61.. 1t1 8t18t2020 Gmail - Need your assistance please M Gmail Hilary Schults <hildougnc@gmail.com> Need your assistance please Hilary and Doug <hildougnc@grnail.com> Wed, Aug 12,2O2O al 12:19 PM To: Helen Fusco <elan.fusco@gmail.com> 6ood morning Helen- We are finally in the opplicotion process to. repqir our sill thct wos dcrnged in Hurricone Florence. Qne of the steps in the process is to get s record {or CAMA thqf_we notified our odjocent neighbors of our octions. To do thot. fve attoched the form firi osking yiu to completi so our opplicction con then be submitted to CAMA. The {.{jocenl Riporion Ppp""ty Owner Sto'fement 3-poge form is formotted os o Word document with o drowing of our plcn. Oae piece of the sill remoined after the storm, one wos lost. The drowing shows which is which. Wed-oppreciotg your ltsI9lrs9-ol yo_qr_eorliest convenience. Thonk you in odvonce for your help with this mofier.If you hove ony questions tepl teee to coll my cell.7O3-3O4-4785. Regords - Doug ond Hilory Schultz - l-rt ?6 1 Adtacont Riparlan Properttr OwneB Statment updated.docx- 1058K RECE,YED SEp o 4 zozo DCM-I'NHD CITY https:/lmail'google'com/maiuu/0?ik=31196ef31&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-ao/o3A i.,4,fJ704722333531134&simpl=msg-a%3Ar24 1g7@|722...1t1 Receipts for Gertified tail (Staple t'tere) 811712020 Adjacent Properly Owner - Pat and Bill Guessford 39630 Water Works Court Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Dear Pat and Bill, This letter is to inform you that I, Douglas Schultz have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at 175 Herring Pond Court Beaufort, NC 28516, in Carteret County' Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and prdect drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and retum the enclosed no objection forrr. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 252-838-1417, or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the CAMA Minor Permit Program within l0 days of this written notice, you may submit them to: *N.C. Division of Coastal Management Headquarters Office* Morehead City DCM District Office 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Property Owner 175 Herring Pond Court Mailing Address Beaufort, NC 28516 City, State, Zip Code RECEUED sEP 0 4 2020 DCM.MHD CITY I ffiH[fffi- BEAUFORT 1903 L]VE OAK ST BEAUFORI, NL'8516-7925 (800) 2l )-8777 B1 Here EJIJIIT --urrrrrl EEE ctr EfJI trl ITrlclrr fig+2 Postmark fi8,/L9/202{)02:12 PM08/t9/2020 Product 0ty Uni t Pri ce Pri ce $1 .20 $4.75 First-Class Mai l0 1 t*nB.t,ilHl,'B3acn, or 1ee3o ieisht:0 Lb 1'20 0z EstImateO Del i very Date Monday 08/24/2420 =ECer^tified-- -USPS Certified Mail # 7otsotoooooo17769660 Total $3.55 $4.75 All sales final on stamps ancl postage Refunds for guaranteeO servicbs oniv Thank you for your business. HELP US SERVE YOU tsETTER Gnand Total Cash Change $10($5. .00 25\TELL US ABOUT YOUR RECENT POSTAL EXPERIENCE Go to: https:,//postal exper i ence. corn/pos 840-5280-0689 -002-00027-56s31 -02 or scan this code withyoun mobi Ie device: on cal I 1-800-410-7420 YOUR OPINION COUNIS **I***xx)t*I*X*XXX*f, x*tx*nxxxxtx)tx*xxxx Due to limitec'l transportation""Iuii r ani t itY as a resul t of nati onwi de C0VID-19 i mpacts pl"r.a6. O"livery times may be- "*[.nO.O. Pt i or i tv Mai l Express0-" --iervi ce wi I I not change ' xrtxxx****x*xxx*x*IX*X*'(*x*xx*tx*xI**X Text vour tracking number lo 28171 iztlsp6j to set the latest status' sianOarO Message and Data rates may il] ;l Vou mav-also.visit .,l.,lvl'usps'cottt USFi'i.""iing or call 1-8u0-222-1811' Pnev i ew y,-rLtr Ma i I rack vour' Packages i gn up for FREE e 'i nf or^meddel i very. com T) WWW UFN: 360624-0942 Receipt #: 840-52800689-2-27SG531-2 Cl enk: 01 U.S. Postal Service'" , C ERTI FI ED MAI L@., RECEI PTDomestic Mait Only hil :j t3.35 Retum R@lpt (hadepy) Return Be€tpt (etstEnlc)$ MailEc€rttfied R6tict€d Delivery $--$$-se_SignatuEEAdurt RoqulEd --+&-BB-Signaturc Rstic,tedEAdult sDellvory tl.?0 75 lrvLc t Se Reverse for lnstructions38OO, April 201 5 psN 7s3o-02-ooo-s047 For our PS Form DIVISION OF GOASTAL MANAGENENT ADJAGENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER NOTIFICATION'WAN'ER FORTf, Name of Property otrner:.b o; t'.AS P' Sc-rtur;fa Address of ProPertY: Agenfs Name #:\J T. b.-'. c'i (Lot or Sheet #, Sfieet or Road,& CountY) p rR I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property' The individual applying for this permit has bescribld to me as shown on the attached drawing-the development they are proposing. A descriotion or drawinq. with dimensions. must be provided with this letter' I have no objections to this proposat. I have objections to this proposal' tf you have obj*tions to what is being ryed, you must notily the Division of fusfrl ltanagen'ent (DCM) in wrtting *iUtn iil days of reccipt ot ilt'ts noticc. Cont,,a tnformatlon for DCltt ol'l,c!,es Is availabteat rbyalllngl-SSURCOAST' IVo response is considered ttrc same as no ohlecfron il vou have been nofrfied bv @rtified ilail' WAIVER SECTION I understiand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater' boathouse' or lift must be set back a minimum'distance of 15;rom mv area of riparian ac@ss unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you !!!gsiit!3!the appropriate blank below') Agenfs phone ft &5a-A L{ r- Gq I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement' I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement' (Riparian Proper$ Ouvner lnformation) Signanre L P t - t:[ -Zo2.o PrintorTyP Name Mailing Address t J sa - 8iR.rfJ4 -P:stuurr rlr R o'- i*B;#lhrurr,"Rreetveo- W bmoru.t5r, TelePhon sEP 0 420?0 Date Date (@r#tfiteGtrllv MailingAddress: Qq{ SeqL,crsq br 3 "-o",^1".1, Nc I Sst s >6u r.r4" q.SCH u t--,+ Pint orTYPe Name I a.< t-l geerDo /est cr Mailing Address s CityrstatelZiP JJ ff A.r&ado9t- tu'u J .t E7h, dg f, da) r^J z \F=; I I I I I €r I t I fr- F e l, g 3& Ir)c Td n RECEIVED SEP O 4Z0,ZO DCM-MHD CITY tf34 b Dv1.-5*kN, >3 2 ,{gdtydflna2'izpi h t-t'- v't + I 14tvl