HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeasamer, Wesley 76682C/ NOREDGE I FILL ER/AL PERMIT trMoOifictfn DComflete Rerissue trpardal Rdssue As by dr Sa of Nordr C:rolina Depennrent of Envlronrrcnal erellty rnd thc Rcsourccs in ur arcaof cnvlronrncnEl puntnnt60 l5A Applicant Prolect Locaion: c Phone # ArdrorLedASsr -\i:' :5682 Prsvious pennit #AB Afre@d AEC(s): f., \rwOoee dxxr o trE' trPTS trura orya Phone # Adj. Wtr. Closcst Mr{. Wu. BodyORW: y6 I PXA ys I t I l1 tl l I I i -F-.1..-.i !r ,i Type of Proiect/ Acthdt, (Scdc:)Pb (dock) Fixrd Phdann(s) HdrSPHan(, Firgr G.otr Lrldt B*tr4RIprrpt .Adsrrro oBhotl- mu&ancc Bain,drarrEl cr.trk Bot rartp Badl Stpolhc Lrqfth sAv mtsr F D Mmodum rtlz F no Ph@c ,c CI no \tYdvr Atodrcd:no A bulHlrg pcrfldt may bc rcquhod by:note on bock River Bsio ( Nota Loc.l n nr*tg D --L - r. -. P ANP PERTY I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to es property located at ?\\I ut< d6 -Tk 0/&i (Aa rees, Lot,k,d, on in (Waterbody) qAef Owner)( )(N.C (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development- locetion.4 +1+- I have no obiection to this proposal. I have objec{ions to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVE (lndivldual proposing development must fttl in description helow or attach a site drawing) oo )q'00 lb'lL' 3t V I do no{ wish to waive the 15' setback requirement .lnformation) o ^1 L IH lnformation) e C4J6<r1 gf/L 66f .mI -k^$-.ff; 0 .?t (t ) I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boalhouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initlal the appropriate blank betow.) Ftl I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (P s, Pint or cit Pro s6qU k ./ eme u l(- )') (-)qlql a6 rerennone rufflel. ldza ?*${ Date )5t) Date O az Type RECEIVED JUN 10 2020 (Revised A1V2012) DCM.MHD CIry at the ADJAC RI T I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to YA 6uv )\) )ld (c*x"of Property Owner) pro on located at *r),4 " Tt fl,^$do m,tJ^L, rc s ( 4 ress, Lot B in , N.C. The applicant (Waterbody) (City/Town andror County) has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION ANO/OR DRAW!NG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (lndivldual proposing development must filt in description below or altach a site drawing) 00 )u'o IL' 0 0006 "-,Hfn' 9 (; R EC N I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement r ln ation) II.,J \[\ (Adjacent Property Grvner lnformation) Print or I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wislrto waive lhe setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) (l\ I do wish to waive the 15' setback requiremenr. (P .9I @JNt\U Pint or2i g rh,l Mailing ACdrcss ,11r"o /U( 27r 51 city8iatJlzip ?t9- 729 - ??60I Teleohone Number' A1^7ozo Telephone N IVED (Rev,sedWde0l420 DCM-MHD CITY Dale 28511 Date zo20 ( L 6