HomeMy WebLinkAboutCBR, LLC (Billy Lane) 77001CT Reissue IPartial Reissue of Quality P fr)o 7 Previ&s 70 0/'/'O)A D permit # Date and the Appl icant Name Phone Authorized Agent by the of Nonh .Carolina, an State to l5A Location: Cou State Lot t--- ES n PTS tr UBA L] N/A City Phone # Adj. Wtr. Closest Mal. Wtr. Body zlP Affected AEC(s):n ORW: yes I PNA yes / trcw trOEA M""E HHF *" N i !it tt Type of ProjecU Activity (Scale:) Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger Groin length length avg distance ollshore max distance oflshore Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift F+ L_il1 Beach Other Shoreline Length SAV: not sure Moratorium: nla Photos: Waiver Attached: yes yes yes yes l- A building permit may be required ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) note on back River Basin rules. Name compliance D I .A FILL N As tul,n 1'A 1 I IT tr I I ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to [,/t /-n tvE qq q(qL+D'oLd il t,Slt -0Dq-qq# COt\ -262 tUqti flovtlr 5b s (Name of Proporty Orrner) property located at Eut aid Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) ATtn rTre 0t*o A N.C. (Town and/or county) He has described to me as shown in the aftached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objectaons to his proposal. PLI AND DRAWING O DEVEL PMENT 'flioo f*ohttd ryi{l f BrrT AtrcE f *5 oa) 4 R*r*--il*a Signature l(o Pli e Noltoa lttl oLd cfiusl utl Rot d frll-Afi'c 0t*on [Yisf'$R^nJ't E A)o P'Tot/ Pffrtt &Rat"t dnYty ^rj#,,":x*r Trtrrll*, troh 4'irut'rtt'e 66ncx Print or Type Name u"l^i,"!"' riiY^' /-Ji6- 5lb -ot Telephone Number .{/ tq /2ozo Date 7 \ RECEIVED .JUN 0I 2020 DCM-MHD C]TY on //looltL'e/,T Bly .,"-- u"C#dyj-------- { ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to /-n rE (Name of Propefi otrner) 's property located at UA oid Addrss, Lot Block, Road, etc.) on 1llooil I's( r Bnv . in flTzn y {te fir*cl **ootn{ N.C. (Waterboily)(Town andorGounty) He has descdbed to me as shormr in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal- fi;irf'A frl oo Il fwfiea w'! &qfint $A!6! "yft,," f B*y AucE $*SoN/(oPlia fio[,tou l\1 oAd e-Au55 stl ftro d NLAfi,C frt*on l,trl 0 Piir/rt Print Type Name :#ii, Lt+a aul g*usLd:ffY oi,I,,,' fi6ncx ""lri,1!"' W{^' / - L4b -bb/13?t0 Telephone Number RECENED JUN 0 I zo2o DCM.MHD CffY fi,/tv ,//s/ rtf /1ul Dde / -'/ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certity that I own propefi adjacent to B,/t ty ,s -x5t,t (Name of Property otlrner) property located at u o4 Address, Lot Block, Road, etc.) on T I in flTtnrfte N.C. (Wahrbody)(Tovun andorGounty) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. tr frfisf'tf frl oo tl f*oryaaw'l &Ras nt d*y *rv "Yft,,, f 9ty fiucE gl tLS o n)/(or,'uiQ Nof',tou l\L okd t-Au55ttry Rra d frll^Afi'c 0t*on l,trl 4 Piirtt $in Lqs au'{ gnusLd fiY fr'!,\n,,, $6ncx ""|i,"!"' W{,:" Signature R Print or Name t- 26^-vt 3* Telephone Number ,T-t4-30aa Date RECEIVED JUN 0 I 2020 DCM.MHD CITY W I t ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certiff that I own property adjacent to property located at A3 -L qo tll il (Name of Property otnner) Address, Lot Block, Road, etc.) 's on llooilLtEtf Blv in Aruaw'fre B€ncl,N.C. (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shoum in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal- (APPLICATION AND DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Print Type Name o (wateGEi I Number Date JuN 0I 2020 DCM.MHD CITY Ai ll't n il*,r.nh TD . 1r.{-:oan RECEIVED Receipts for Certified Mail (Staple Here) UAIE Adiacent hopeily 0wner Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code Dean Adlacent Property: This letten is to inlom you that l,have applied tu a CAMA Minm Property Owner Permit on my pmperty at in COUNTY Property Address County. As tequhed by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit appllcation and pnoject dnawing(s) as notficatlon ol my pnoposed ploiect. No aclion is required from you o! you may slgn and retum the enclosed no obiection fom. ll you have any queslions or comments about my prcposed ppoiect, please contact me at -,ot by mail at the addrcss listed below. ll you wish to Applicant's Telephone lile vritten commenls or obieclions with the L0CAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minm Permit Prognam, you may submit them to: LPO NAME LoCaI PemiI Officel Ia LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Propenty Owner Mailing Addt'ess City, State, Zlp Code Sincerely, /hoottt LtTlf Brt vft'exd C t'rr!:f Roun t il o(,,f o l) LL/2 o r.d eALs E u *Y lohd Itm Nf 'Q 'B Eeet\ Ar, ffea fi;sftuj prcK &wtrt tl,AuErtl ltq B'L\ rP )E eJt otl ebase"tA/ f, o*ol frfrYtu(tc Btruh /Lrce il, LSsr't fi6 orl OAaS eP a / f'oa( flTl'a ilT1e $Eno-x v f], t,-y LH il f 2tt o oLd cnuff tt0/ Aohd ^ii;;'n" Brt cA 0o *f &unl ,,r_r, li,!,, 231-,2+o 0fd LnLtSEN+Y frafid f,fu+ Nf ic 0s+oJ', lS s n- RECENED .luN 0I 2020 DCM-MHD CITY lhoaltt L,?4f Brt v fto exd c ily!:f Rorn t il ot'f o tt LL/2 o r.d enas E u ily /ro*d rrrfr!';t^ Att ffea El,;sf r u j prcK &a*rt tlLuEr' tt( B,L\ xP tE A3t dt( eyu sE "tA/ flotol frfrnttf t c 8{wlt fr1,rcE ln) r LSsa/ 216 od OAaS eat A I f,oa{ flTl'a atTle iEnox v R,rry Lrt d/ t 7t o oLd coatf YP/ ohdA 'h TDq rl fie ilErt cA ,jtr,,* ft+o Old enusEaA y ,{oad /) T Let) lj c D tt et zus/ * RECEIVED JUN 0 I 2020 DCM.MHD CITY F{ 0o Lf &t+n{ 'i-,, [i,!,n