HomeMy WebLinkAboutBaker, Wallace 78233C;FHl?r-r, * FrrbbsL s I t&L ERAL . Modificatlon PEHIVIIT.Cornpletefteisaue .parrialReissue iilI.? .: J-i r l, "+', ,,..\;..1t"1: Previous pernrit Road/ Lor Dare permit g AB t-i" Applicant by the State ol North Caroli*a of Environmenal eualirfand che Coastal Resources Cornrnirsion Departrnent tn iln of conce;,n pursuant to i 5A Project Location; Address Street Phone -l'1ail Authsrized Affscted AEC{s}; QRrlrf: {ew V*o;\xr t)H lcxtr r";OE.* . iES . IVBA l.iPrs . -itdlA Phone # ,{di. \r/tr. ClosEst P1ai. Wtr. Sody l,) PHA ye! / *s I Y {" Tfpe of ProiecUAcrklry Pier (dock) length ) Fixed Pkrform(r,y -'1:;:_t ;n ^-] '' FloanngPhtform(.} QrF lol -*-rln8erpl€r{iJ *' Groin lengrlr number Buikheadl Riprap rq dirxo*r olfshore*. ffi*:t dirtance nfsho**"_*. . Badn.channe{ % 1 cubk yartJs -315o**, Beaclr 0ther Bulldozing Shorefine Lengrh $AV: not sd,r6 ,Gs Montorium: n/t yes Fhotor: yes Weiwr Attadred: yes ,4, burtding perrnit may be reqaired note or: back regarding Barin rules. { Note Loctl Planning Naqre Easin 7t9 Fe€{5j ot Af Chsck # P.rmi! City lu*il 7*,!*T " " 1___.-_'r_-!r! -#S $) Soatramo -.w s"att*udmuluvlrl ' I 1 \ Heather Styron NC Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 $x 6 \\, Dear Ms. Styron: Please accept this letter as fiormal requ€st to mdtfy tre existirg CAMA Permit for 203 Bawiew Drfue in Atlantic Beach, NC. Current[ there are two boet lifts located approximately 55 feet fiom the bulkhead. The foposed modification would include enlarging the norttrnrost ltft from 13'x1O to 16'xt4l and to add a 6'x12'floatirq &ck to the souttrmost side of the &ck. I have attached a drawing of the proposed nrodiffcatftcn for your rerriew and encbsed a chec* for S2O0 for the request. Please let me knw of any additlonal requirements. I appreciate you help. RECEIVED ocT 3 0 2020 DCM.MHD CITY 1 Locality Permit Number - Ocean Hazard - Estuarine Shoreline- ORW Shoreline - Public Trust Other (For olficial ase only) GENERAL INFOR,MATION LAND . IIAILING OTHf,R PERMITS MAY BE Rf,QUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other saitary waste treatment system), Burlding, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating andAir Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sedinrent Connol, Subdivision Approral, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. Check with your Local Permit Officer for more infomation. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I. the undersigned an applicant for a CAMA minor development pemit, beitrg either the owner of property in an A-EC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes ofapplying for a CAMA minor development permit, c€rtiry that the person listed as ludowner on this application has a significurt interest in the real property described therein. This interest calr be LName Address City Email AUTHORIZEDAGENT Narne City Address described as: (check one) ao owner or record title, Title is vested ltr name of see Deed Book page - in the County Registry of Deeds. _an owner by virtue of inhoritance, Applicant is an heir to the estah frffi -if other interest, such as written contmct or lease, eKplain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPIRTY OWNERS: I furthermore certiff that the fbllowing persons ile owrers of properties adjoining this property. I affim that I have given ACTUAL NOTICf, to each of thern concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply lbr a CAN{A permit. (Name) 7v tct+t s e fiaruery 16166*tC tfr rtfm.tkb E*r+ State State zifuGnon" Zip _ Phone and/or directions to site: name ofthe adjacent waterbody.) Enail LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address. street name hsB#tttqol w.NTIL qfrKIL (l) (2) (3) (4)3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all pmposed construction and land disturbanc€.) SIZE OF L0TiPARCELT PROPOSED USE: Residential p/ iSlngle-famity g4raumfamily [ ) Commercial/Industrial ! Other I COIIfPLf,TE EITHER (t) OR (2) BELOW (Confict yout Locul Pemit Ofrcet if lou are not strewhichAEC appltes to Wat ProPctvtl (l) OCEAN HAZ.{RD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSf,D STRUCTURE: - quare feet (includes air conditioned lilrng space, parking elevated above ground level, non-conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding nonJoad-bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BLIILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SLIRFACES: _ square feet (includes the area ofthe foundation ofall buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculahons with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the prcject located in an alea subject to a State Stormwater Management Pemit issued by the NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR)? YES_ NO_ Ifyes,|islthetotalbuiltuponarea/imperuioussurfaceallowedforyourlotorparcel:-squarefeet. ACICTIOWLEDGf,MENTS: I, the undersigned, aoknowledge that the lmd omer is awile that tfie Foposed development is planned for an area which may be stsceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledg€ that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the prticu- la hazard problems associatcd with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations conceming stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. I furthermore certifu Iam d {uare feet .21 **" the Local Permit related to Lto gant. and do in fact grant, permission to Dvision of Coastal Managemcnt staff, to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information n',i,tr, 7(e d^y,rjlO-.2t] ?O act m hiVher agent for purpose of filing a CAMA pennit application This opplication general injbmation (lhis fomt), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership stolen etil, lhe Ocean Hazail.4E( Notice where necessory, a c:heckJbr 5100.00 nade payable to the locality, and .ory in/ormation os may be prcvided orallv b1, the applicnr. Ihe detdib of the applicution as deseibed by these sounces arc incorporutecl without referunce iil ont, pemit t'hich may be is:tuett. DNEAtPIWgft+ttls vill cor,stitute o eiolation of mry pemil. Any person develophg in an AEC wilhout pemit ts subjecl toiiill,'Elhllnfi?lltt0 adninirtratiye oction. ocr s 0 2020 DGM-MHD clry qhnreline arteret County, N.C.;,H... October 28,2o2o E .E Frnlm., C.tDr Caq my nod! t mo mD ut t.rd s. DnDn ilill -{F' r:618 / DoorSign Envelope lD: C2031AB$EAB9-4880-BBAB-E44801 C77F77 OT'FER TO PI]RCHASE AI{D CONTRACT. VACANT LOT/LAND [Consult "Guidelines'(Form l2G) for guidance ir completing this forml For valuable consideration,the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Buyer offers to purchase and Seller upon acceptance agrees to sell and convey the Property on the terms and conditions ofthis Offer To Purchase and Contract and any addendum or modification made in accordance with its terms (together the "Contract"). l. TERMS AND DEFIMTIONS: The terms listed below shall have the respective meaning given them as set forth adjacent to each term. (a) "Seller,:ABI Bawiew LLC lC. Coooer Willis NOTE This conhact ts intended for unimproved real property that Buyer will purchase only for personal use and does not have immediate plans to subdivide.It should not be used to sell property that ls being subdivided unless the prop€rty has been platted, properly approved and recorded with the register of deeds as of the date of the contract.If Seller ls Buyer's bui lder and the sale involves the constnrction of a new single family dwelling prior to closing,use the standard Offer to Purchase and Contract-New Construction (Form 800-T)or if the construction IS completed,use the 0ffer to Purchase and Contract (Form 2-r)with the N,ew Construction Addendum (Form 2l.3 T). (b) 'rBuyerrl : Wallace Baker III, Catherine Baker (c) "Property": The Properly shall include all that real estate described below together with all appurtenances thereto including the improvements located thereon. NOTE: If the Properly will include a manufactured (mobile) home(s), Buyer and Seller should including the Manufactured (Mobile) Home provision in the Additional Provisions Addendum (Standard Form 2AI l-T) wirh this offer City:Atlantic Beach zip:28512 County:Carteret , North Carolina NOTE: Governmental authority over taxes, zoning, school districts, utilities and mail delivery may differ from address shown. Legal Description: (Complete ALL applicable) Plat Reference :Lot/Unit , Block/Section , Subdivision/Condominium Sea View Isles , as shown on Plat Book/Slide 0 at Page(s)0 The PIN/PID or other identification number ofthe Property is: 638509059245000 Other description: Some or all ofthe Property may be described in Deed Book 1098 (d) "Purchase Price": 400,000.00 10,000.00 390,000.00 This form jointly approved by: North Carolina Bar Association BEALTOBC North $ $ $ atPtge 248 paid in U.S. Dollars upon the following terms: BY DUE DILIGENCE FEE made payable and delivered to Seller by the Effective Date. BY INITIAL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered to Esuow Agent named in Paragraph l(0 by I cash lXlpersonal check Fansfer, f]electronictransfer, EITIIER ! with this offer official bank check lwire f within five (5) days of the $ $ OR Effective Date of this Contract. BY (ADDITIONAL) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered to Escrow Agent named in Paragraph l(0 bV cash, official bank check, wire transfer or electronic transfer no later than 5 p.m. on TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE. BY ASSUMPTION of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing loan(s) secured by a deed of trust on the Property in accordance with the attached Loan Assumption Addendum (Standard Form 2A6-T). BY SELLER FINANCING in accordance with the attached Seller Financing Addendum (Standard Form 2A5-T). BALANCE of the Purchase Price in cash at Settlement (some or all of which may be paid with the proceeds of a new loan). Page I of 12 STANDARD FORM 12.7 of REALTORS@,Inc. 712020 7n020 s s r$evisedu@ Buyer Carolina Association inimrs[-F-@ Seller initials RcdB Wor{d Firrt Cout RIty, {}7 Aalrotic B6ch Ctry. St. r Aditrth B.rh NC 2E512 Phona: Mrd6c BhkG Produed with zipFom@ by ziplogix 18070 Filteen Milc Road, Frasr, Mk ligtr 48026 203 Bryviil Driv. Street Address: 203 Bayview Drive Lol23 Block 11, Sea View Isles DoanSign Envelope lD: C2031AB$EAB$.4O80-BBAS-EMBO1 C77F7Z NOTICE INFORMATION NOTE:TNSERT AT LEAST ONE ADDRESS AND/OR ELECTRONIC DELryERY ADDRESS EACH PARTY AND AGENT APPROVES FOR T}IE RECEIPT OF A}.IY NOTICE CONTEMPLATED BY THIS CONTRACT. INSERT ..N/A', FoR ANY WHICH ARE NOT APPROVED. BUYERNOTICE ADDRESS:SELLERNOTICE ADDRESS: Mailing Address: Buyer Fax#:Seller Fax#: Buyer E-mail: Seller E-mail: CONFTRMATION OF AGENCYAIOTICE ADDRESSES Selling Firm Name: Realty lVorld First Coast Reelty Listing Firm Name: Keller Williams Crystal Coast Acting as ffi Buy".'r A Acting as I Seller's Agent I Dual Agent Firm License#: C 9599 Firm License#: Mailing Address: 407 Atlantic Beach . Ste 1, Atlantic Mailing Address: 5113 A US 70, Morehead City, NC 28557 Beach, NC 28512 Mailing Addrcss: Individual Selling Agent: Marlene Blake ! e*ing as a Deiignated Mary Cheatham King Dual Agent (check only if applicable) Selling Agent License#:299768 Listing Agent License#:243645 Selling Agent Phone#:o52t245-6788 Listing Agent Phone#: (252)518-5222 Selling Agent Fax#:Listing Agent Fax#: Selling Agent E-mail:Listing Agent E-mail : mckreteam@gmail.colq ITHIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Page ll of12 nuv"' i'itiur@@rr*'::lfffltr6J6Effi---ilir"Eoii, Fras, Michis8n4,o26 wezinroc*m Individual Listing Agent: f ecting as a Designated RECEIVED ocr s,0 2020 DCM.MHD CITY STANDARD F'ORM I2.T Revised 7n020 @7n020 2O3 B.yvid .a'U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only l&o mf TT ru E EO 11ru E cf,trl Ef EtrE EI E ru EIr! 9 D o 1t'/28/?03t! City, State, Zp Code Dear Adiacart Property: This letter Permitilr Camty' l* required by CAIIIA rcgndatirrs, I haw endosod a copy of my pennit Splkntion 8rd pmied dramng(si as ndificatbn o{ nry prqomd prqact No actim is rssrircd frum you or yan may sigrr and rehrm the enchsed no ot{eclim furn. lf yar hareany que$urs or cofiralts abo,rt my prsposed proiBci, dease conlact me at ,or by mail at *re addrem $sled belo*. lf you wrstr to ffe wifisn csnrnanls orotisdftns wift fle TOCAL GOVERNMENT CAilAlrthorPcmtl Program, yru may submit them to: LPO NAME Local Permit Offcsr for LOCAL GO\GFS{MENT LOCAL GOIERNMEHT ADORE$S CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE '**iUh*ooBken - Properry orrer ( urD o EffiTrtta;rhl:,/-):{-9 Fl t rh4ht Rp. Address , stat6, zip RECEIVED ocr 3 0 2020 DCM-MHD CITY $3.55 ficvrmeo uat nctrtcted Dotivory E Adult Signatup Rsqut.Ed EAdult slgnatuB Rstict€d Doltuory $---$8-{8-$---*|H8- $_ $ $ flneturn In*um Rsdpt (hard@M R@ipt (elslonlc) sr:r.55 I r-r For del information, visit our website al www.com@ PS Form 38OO, April 20.15 psN Tsso-02-ooG9o47 See Revdrse for lnstructions ?: "a? Pafir(art( t6-mno o) Prryerty Owner COUNW Address have applied i'orAor,re*r xNf &'r;\r{ HOSrage s Sent to >reer ils Apr. No., or F9 &)x M). t tay, n7a@, z,u+4" U.S. Postal Service'" pERTIFIED MA|L@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail OnlyEItn ITrr trt EOrl ru E E]ElE E]tr E] trI EI ru EIr! s tJ. Ot^%m*"&r" C./_ 't /Ao l rli ?8/ltl20 W#'iljIlfr rrx{ ,re ' T city, state. Zip code Dear Adjacent ro Tact(al1a This letter is to have applied for a CAMA Minor Prope@Omer permit m my pmperty ar _: Z -W{#*:y r ftuwgin#"ouNTy Cumty. As required by CAMA regulations, I have erdosed a copy of nry permit apilicarim and project drawing(s) as nolificalion of my pmpoud pmiect. No adm is reqlired from you or yuu may sign and ratum the enclosed no ot{edion fom. tf you have any questions or csnments about my proeM pnried, $aase conrac{,*n ef{- g(f-{gt,orbyma}lar&saddresstisrcdbah{. rrpuwish ro fficant's Telephone file wrtilen crrwnerG tr otiedon$ dh tts LOCAL GOIERNMEiIT CAlt4A Mkrs Pennit Prcryram, you may submit them to: LPO NAME Local Permit fficer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVEFIIM€NT ADORESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE u,*eL 0wner v*r*L ", Address City, State, Zip q e/ RECEMED ocl s 0 202A DCM-MHD CITY am*gs6.sc ,r-.s &il Biffi s3.55 Enetum Recdpt (hardepg fl netum nmipt 1et*trcntc1 E c€tified Mait Rstrict€d Dottvay E Aduh Slgnature R€quired $ s $ $ s --Ti],tril- *0.0fl --+HF- BBtdCtCd Dellvgry $u.55Postage $ Total Postase and ?ff. f U 3 information, visil our website al www.usps.com@For del PS Form 38OO, April 2015 PSN 7s3o-02-ooo-9047 See Reverse for lnstruction SentTo CiU State, ZIP+4"