HomeMy WebLinkAboutHamilton, J. Nathaniel 77091C/1tc r..A/ -oF€DGf rFu- *sn_=n*" P-?rHLo= * *"* * ",rA. ,n * ,* , *-.. c,'tn t#-d FffiEI qlra AB Ct b.)Eoi..! L.ariod, Car.q AG it. wti 8aa7 5r *ffiwr'frl Zi lH -Uu _ rt/lA€Cltl. x.', _z? *-#9-6 ',r..c)t p &Yan'ffi_ r#w.,y*#!ff, o-ry':_ o \J ItF o( P.oi.c'A.d',irr p' q . b^t rnr,r'r3 -.r.o.*faiSYr] r9X,rEE___ i tsu 91tr IL r lolrEs'lirr r..d'- -r&r*{irst -- _ S.c id 6 h* ds6n3 irEs&n rub. F(- I0 Frlrn(6 i. .,.i- .\..- ) \ Page2 of7 # tt ?1-vrP77(f,r(d ,1 'f7 '7''!'' '= eb 1lJL" r'l 6,L1 ofiI t- ltl1-, 'l d- ii $ i,9t I rl*Zzv 4n"-,/ ,r4r I https://outlook'live.com/maiu0/inbox/id/AQQkADAwATy0MDABLwEwODAtymuw M... 8n5/2020 I -a I ,t^ I L & *' ftd\ Agent's Name #: Agent's phone #: CERTIFIED MAIL . RETURN REgEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RTPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/VI'AIVER FORM Name of Property Owner:ilr Address of Property:2a4 Qo,;.O. (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Blr.-. ,^t-*o- t:,a,ltt*Mailing Address:o o q3 Ls?Sok o-ts? AocehrJ C-.u c 2f,s5 ) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, wilh dimensions. must be provided with this letter. I have no objectiorrs to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. lf you have obJections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Divislon oI Coastal Managetnent (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is availahle at http:llwww-negoagtalntanaqenls:ltLngt/-WgNcm/statl:lis-tinq or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST- No resoonse is considered the same as no it vou have been notified bv Certtfied Mail. fr<t*I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. n)(Ri Owner lnformation) Pinl orType Name i.l l-\c-tll.,.€ )lJoy fuelW L o L<.t qoq ke.6.es\N b<3{Zr/ ErrLk ^'*. Mailing AddressMaitino G{ Address City/StatefZip Ile r , '5 z. 7 tr- z dt t Jl.onrl 0lotrl*(-rtq- W.eatW Telephone Number/ Email Address I {/* Z7Qc,t 1 l)ale L. $rl P l)ule rr-la (Revised Aug. 2014) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me, (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I i i F ADJAcENTR*A*xliloRtS[-"flHfilltts?Ei##JNm^UERFoR, Name of property Owner Ager 's Name #: Agent's phone #: (Lot or Street #, Street b" uJ- or Road, City &County) ailing Address;o B o. QC ( L< 2 f,al o7 l>h<,-s C-; l,Nc z ?s5 ? I hereby cediry that I own property apply ing for this permit has d escr'M to adjacent to th€ above referen ced property The individual e developmenttheyare proposing me as shown on the attach ed drawi ng-th I have no objections to this proposal. lf you have objections to(DCn)in wrlting withtn available at h notlfy the Dlvlslon of Coasra/lltandgementContactlrrfoma on for DCM offices isNo,s the as ,,osame if vou have beon bv Centfied otby ca lng I -88&1RCOAST. Mail. I understand that a pier, dock. wAlvER SECTIoN oesetoacra-ml;i,ffi ,d;#J:?i!9fjHT.r'"".:#[tj;ii&1r,:.?j*ir;::,,lri:"], you wish to waive the serback, you mugt innijt ffiillffilt blank betow.)t/ I do wish to waive the 15, setback requirement. ly*w 2.5ri?*:2_. 7r/a t (P I do not wish to waive the 15, setback roquirsment rty Owner I Signature Pnnt or Typ e Name Payt Dt- Mailing Address 4qY.,-/; City/Stateaip Tel e Number /Addressfr-/Pilcx4/f> iparian Pro Ownor lntormation) lure ) rt^rl*^a f.L O.Snr t or Type Name dot b r Mailing ,4ddl'sss v. [lr NL lJr&56 ctu/stat6z.ip 1l- Telephone h rn oluIt. Address Dat lar/(arL.Z*?t Date Lo Email (Revised Aug. 2014) Address of property: - I have objcctions to this proposal. tu2' n q0t Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION ,(*il",- a.1t Wo furhz. Mailing Address Phone Number: Email Addres: I certify that I have authorized l'\Q. q o q E6e r*es+o,r D. G.reenv ri\{-\)c 2? P5( 2-< A- 31t - {se I ohaynt\s@vteJ Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits t{crr Aoclc- o^4necessary b at my property located at ,_oa on^d Nl\cr*+.'. ko \, CT L County I fufthermore ceftW that I am authoized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Ofticer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Own for the following proposed development -t- \\[-k t [t*il l.r1 Print ot Type Name Title OL ,o )- ,,2n2a Date This certification is valid through , , J -N o^Lho.,r,[ [-]o*r\+an