HomeMy WebLinkAboutBurnett, Steve 80019Cdceualndfi'eooeerru- GENERAL PERMIT ,FN* nModillcation nComplete Reissue trpartial Reissue As authorizal I the Sate of North Carolina, Department of EnvircnmenEl euality and the C-oasal Resources Commlssion in an area of e.wironfl€ntal conoean pu.sqant to l5A NCAC N*r" 91e,ve Br,rn "Jf N9 80019 AB Prtlrious permit # Date previous permit issued dadtcd. ftoiet Location: Cou CLru6n Sreet Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s)tu74 SubdMsion zlP Basin Adi. Wtr e.il9e Closest Mai. Wtr. Body C9 D Appllc.nt Address /i4 t,w s*u&4 ztP n Phone# (fu 9s- Tttf E-Mall Audhorized Ageflt Brbbv (olt*n t^n T,,C tr clv A-ew ffi Phone # (_) tr OEA tr HHF tr lH tr UB/\ tr l,UA tr PrYli: e Afiected AEC(s) oRw: yes /6 PN/A y- / 6-)I Type of Proiectt ActMty Pi.r (d) hndt Fx€d Pldfonn(s) \c \r 5o(Sc.lG: HodU PldormG) FliEer Groln lengdr numb€a aq ditnca ofrhore / mo( disEnce ofthorB - Basln. channd Be rrnp@ sdftl ortic Frds - ol B.sdr Otrt€r Shordine Lcngth SAV: rbt sune Mordorlum: da Plrcoc: Waiver Anaahad: )'e' F y€s yes A building permit may be r€quired bt ( Ne Local Planning JurMictiqr NotrJ SFClal Condftims tr S* ,rot" * U*f rcgardirg Riw Boin ruhs. Y )^,4e 2 t1 t', I I I l l \\I I i I I I LI I I il I /Y \p ,1C ! I \ : -,- -f-I It rl 'i)I Iv\.I I j I l -:.1 I I t a H -:-ii_ *c c k r.J ne t' or Pcrmitotrrccr's Eint d read compliance saanrert on back of p€rmit * 18101 ./7 4 Apdkdioi Fce(s)Cl.rk #lssui o& 1D De .-t- ii I I '/ Statement of Compliance and Gnsistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this applicdk n, site drawing and *tached general and specific conditiors. Ary violation of these terms nray sublect the permittee to a fine or criminal or cMl action; and may cause the Permit to become nullandvoid. This permit must b€ on the proiect site and accessible to the permit ofiicer when the proiect is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undertaking any actffiies authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to conlirm that this prolect is consistent with the local land use plan and dl local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail retum receipt has been obtained from the adjacem riparian landowne(s) . The State of Nonh Carolina and the Division of Coasal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, cenifr that this proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Pro8ram. Rlver Basin Rulec Applicable To Your Proiect: Tar - Pamlico River Barin 8uffer &rles Neuse River Basin Bufier Rules lf indicated on front of permit, ;,our proiect is subiec to the Erwironmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked aboye due to hs location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC DMsion of Water Resources. Conact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Of,ice (252-%6-6,181) or the \Mlmington Regional ffice (9 I 0-796-72 I 5) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Managemem Ofices Irlorehead City Headquarter 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 2s2-80&2808/ r 488-4RCOAST Fax:252-247-3330 (Senves: Carteret, Craven, Orrdon, - Nor6 of tlql/ Riwr lnltt- rd Parnlko C-oundes) Elizabeth Cftv District 401 S. Griflin St. Ste. 3fi) Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-26,4.-3X)l Fax:252-204-3723 (Selw: Carnden, Chowan, Curritrrck Oarc, G&s, Pasgucnk and Perquimans Countcs) n o*r: Washintton Dbtrict 943 Washin4on ftuare Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax 252-948-(X78 (Sewcs: aeaufort, eertie, Hertford, ttrde, Tyrrdl and W6hingto.r Cor/des) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wlmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-7215 Fax 91G395-3964 (Serv€s: Brunswick New Hanorer, Onslow - Soudr of N€w RIE lnlct- and Pender Counties) htte/portt.ttcdem.orgA.cb/cny'd<m-horne PEr,is€,tlTtr6/tlT a}ttq.,'t-rot f.B-AJc. 3.tj-ar Nsms of Pruperty Oflncr Applyt€ frr Fernt Maffirgdrcoc: Mfr TdeptDne ilumben lce'tt, ttat I haro erfrroriad Bobby cahoon Gonstrucilirn, hc (agpnt/conbacbr), b ad on rry behalf, furtre purpose of appffng and otrtattrg all CAMA permils rncessary forthe fpos€d deuolopment cf d ny popert! locabd at D thls certfica0on is rn[d lhrurgh lb 5lDZl (Prcportf Ouuner lnlbnrdon| L,E r,"L+ltufrorllpt{anr Tfu, @. olfirq or busr br ptryly Moub 1el sn:lu Telaphorp Nulr$€r o (dft). Address @n+f, DMSION OF COASTAL f,ANAGEIENTAD.'ACENT RTPARTAN pnopenrv ourEi-ioirridi$roiln vArvER FoRr Name of Proporty 6ry1ss Steve & Natasha Burnett AddrBs of Propeily:102 Mda Lane , New Bem, NC Craven County (Ld or Str€€t #, Sh!.t or Rord, Cry A Countyl Agents Name# BobbyCahoon Constlrcdon, lnc,Mailing Addreee: 6003 Neuse Road Agenfo phone 1s 252-2&-1617 Grantsboro NC 28529 -- I do wi6h to waive the 1s, seilback requiremont. $llL &-tdo not wtsh to wetve the 15, s€fiback r€quircmcnt. I he.by -ce'try that I orrn prop$ty adjacerit to ths aborre r*,.nc6d proparty. Tho indMdualrppMng fior thb permn hag iteecrrbla 6 '''e "a irroum-inil "u".n"o drawrnatio d€rr.ropm€ntthey a|E proposlns. a d*ord* or,rral,l*. dffi ,,rd b. *d&d ",fr, t{. tr_ X I nu". oo objcctions to this proposEl. I havc objcctions to this proposal. ff_w rtlrrve olirrfrcllls b rtfiE lrtro prrryrur!., wu m,rst ndty@q n irtA-- i6T..a,-ry or dib,r,,d*-. "r;E W I undergtand thar a prer, dock, ,""n*'lfiffiliifl',3l 0.",.,,r*r, boathouss, or ra mustbe sat bsd( a mrnlmum dbtanc. of t s; ror-.v-aea ;;i;;; """o" unlcaa wahnd by m€. 0fyou wish to wafue tl€ selbad(, you murt lnlflil th" "pir"pA"t" U"nk belort.) lnformadon) t14 .1,*- by Bo & Natasha Bumctt bby Cahoon Construc.tion Sinawe lSroea- Pn orTyry Neme ,f,/z Md lng Acklr9ss N Clty/SElPZlp tez.a TalepltDr'/,e Num,€,r /EmallA&l,Erls , lnc. Plnt sTWNune 102 Villa Lane Maling Addrcs NeurBern, NC 2ES6O CMSlaWip 7U-530-7124 L- o. C- 'elTeitrlwte 1G27-20 ,o/a Dde Number / EnaI Addtsss Ddc Ita (Re,/&€dAug.3,4 u: tl ,#[ilfi U,"gH,l-:H,Sffi y*'fl "#:.'*H,"Hf "ffiJ$,giffiSi"T:,If, HHmey aIe proposing V I havc no objcctions to this proposal. -_ I havc objoctions to this proposal. Nam6 of Prcp€rty gurnen Stsve & Nabsha Burnett 't02 Md8 Lane, Nelv Bem, NC Craven (Lot or StrEd #, StEct or Fioad, Ctty & Counvi Agenfs Name * Bobby cahoon lnc. Granbboro , NC 28529 lf you haw obJaf,donsbwhatE bdtrg p[!poa,e.l,Wumust noilyttrDind€i&,rc/(DcY) in wlit g wnhtn 10 &y8 ol Coesre,narryap,,t avetleble st tl,.lpt dthb not ca.Cot f,ct tnfontpdon for DCH dflcf! tsqbydiltg1fl8{f,coAst. ___ | do wish b waivo the ,ts, s€tback requirement. I do not wistr to rivatue th6 15, s€tbsd( roqulrcment. 8BH,.'(Rlp.rtrn prcp.rty Ownor lnfomdon) i:ltffi t'"Hl.,i##i.**ryeffiffifli"'mgT"?I!,,ffi lJ,r,TIIo,you wtsh to weive tre setback, you nust lnftt;r o; ripriii,ili. urank betoiv.) DIVISIOiI OF COASTAL IANAGETIENTADJA.ENT RIPARIAN PR.PERTY di,NEffi diiiffi TIoN,*AIVER F.RT .l^.- & Natasha B urnett by Bo bby Cahoon Constuc{ion, lnc. Pnnt u fypo Nane 102 Mda Lane Mailittg AddlBse Norv Bem , NC 2E560 704-530-7124 1G27-20 Pint or TyN Name DCI t/;&a-^- <, A)(u)6t.;t ll.)C J E.56o Signawe Ki cA.a- MaillnC Add7,jose Dde Numbot / Emd Address Dde u )o (Rovl$ct At g. n14) Address of proporty: MailiryAd6ms; 6flXl Neuee Road Agenfs phone * 252-21*1617 ffi STEVE & NATASHA BURNETT 102 VIDA LANE NEW BERN, NC DESCR IPTION We propose install a new concrete pier consisting of a 5, wide x 180, long walkway connecting to a 9'wide x 20' long platform. This will include a 5'wide x 10' long stepdown. We propose to install a new 16' wide x 25, long boat house roof along with an 11, ide x 12' long platform roof cover. This will be a hip roof having a pitch of no greater than 6/12. we propose to install a new boat lift. Lift will be installed on piling brackets mounted to the center boat house pilings. Drawing by Bobby Cahoon construction for: Natasha Burnett l02ll04 Vida Ln Proposed Concrete Pier Revlsed 9l29l20 Reversed I.OlSl2O SrlO St p Down Platform 11't 12' Roof Cover over Platform t 50' of 16' Pilings 60' of 18' Piling8 Remainder- 20' Pilings 5'x 160'Walkway f and is not intended for use by any other entity. 7,00Gil 4 Pole Style Boat Lift 16'x 25' Boat House Roof w/ l0" x 30'Pilings This drawing is the sole property of Bobby Cahoon Construc'tion lnc. .{-----l-., ]\ v 9'x 20'Platfonn Parcel lD : Owner : lvlailing Address : Property Address : Dcscription : Lot Description : Craven County Geographic lnformation Sysfem craven county does lloT warrlnt the information shown on this page and should be used oNLy for tax assessment purpos€s. This rcport was created by Cnven County GIS repordng s€Mces on 1O/2Z2O2O 9:26:26 At,l 7-039 -122 BURNETT, STEVEN W & NATASHA L 102 VIDA LN NEW BERN NC 28560 .102 VIDA LN 38 RIVERVIEW Subdivision : Assessed Acroage : Deed Refurence : Recorded Survey : Estate Number : Land Value : lmprovement Value : Total Valuo : City Name : Drainage Distric{ : Land use : Calculated Acreage : Recorded Date : 2.450 10 I2020 TOWNSHIP 7 Sale Type STRAIGHT TRANSFER MULTI-PARCEL- SALE- STRAIGHT TRANSFER Base Area 1st Floor Value 609 $6,060 0.000 363+1286 $379,s00 $6,060 $38s,560 Tax Exempt: No # of lmprovements : 1 SALE DATE 10t9t2020 2110t2012 4117 t2009 Type of Structure GARAGE/SHOP-DETACHED Fire tax District : SFeial Dlstric{ : RESIDENTIAL. ONE FAMILY UNIT Recent Sales lnformation Sellers Name Buyers Name BUNNING, KENNETH R & BURNETT, STEVEN W &JOBETH NATASHA L DAVIS, DONNAB BUNNING, KENNETH R& JOBETH BAARS, HELEN DAVIS, DONNA B Llst of lmprovemonts to Site Year Built 1970 Sale Price $3s0,000 $345,000 $o Craven County GIS IW1 inch = 124 feet I -1 r. l ilrrF{tr 't\ R !r trT \ ,!.\ 'tt !',J-J .:;i+l 1'Sl'I-' tu' q <0a1 .1 n',".r, ,aI .| 'i, \}' $#,t*,3p*.* "' ,,ttfr' &t li \$fi' P *\r." ,E I \, a s twt . :'ti(!r- ' '1,, Eqt\.I ,ri B,r 7 .d't It rS s & h I / '5 *E ,:s i it \ ,*1\ cr&.n co6tdorNoT r*nd h. hldm{m.lErnon lhl.h.p.nd.hod.,b. @doNLY k bt -..t.nor p!.poo. P.robd o o.bbd27,2o2o rt i:27;!5AM