HomeMy WebLinkAboutTyson, Robert 80017CNcama t fr DREDGE l FILL N9 80017 Prevlous permh # A B@DNER/AL PERMIT trModificatbn EcomplereReissue EPartialReissue Date pr€4/ious permit issued_ As au6orized b/ dre St*e of Noith CarolltB Departrnent of Ewironmental Quality and the coastat Resources commission in an ar€a of environrneritar "on""- *LX*,o tsANqc-O7-/l r llAO + e ZlL /?m it)---r icam Name \ ni"ad I I vS4, I Proi*t Location: County G -@Effi. Appl Addrcss €Stred Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) Subdivision c Be-x I t^"flL ztP Phone # &1) Authorized Agent ORW: yes E-Mall ,..?{ .tq6v -Eet'rDHHF trIH D UBA PNA yes o t .': -V /.ztP /.''yc r' Aff"cted tr AEC(s): tr oEA tr PIYS: F tr PTS DlVA Phone # (_)_Basin Adi. wtr. Closest Mai. Wtr. Body rV€\ Type of Proilcg Activig (n Pier (dock) length Fxcd Pldtonn(3) (sc.ru /'L /A') I Firy.r Groin Lrydt numbar 6;khn Rlprap length r,g dionce aftho.e max disance ofthoe B6in, clEnncl cuhtfards - B@t ramp r 3r2 Beach Bul Odler ShorCine Lcngth SAV: not iune Mo'do.iuft: ila Ptlotc: Watver AtteEH: F F5 no A building pemit may be required by E See note on back ru8arding Ri\rcr Basin rul€s ( Ncte Lo<al Phnnint Jurisdiction)L /\ \.-' >. uJilotc{ Sp€lal Condttjons I I I I I I I I I I)(.N ,\i x l l I I I ',(Dl .,$ll I I \il. IL r ["' I !i i I f I I \ \n \',1..:-i1 I -\Y V l l L"I I (1 \iry' w ri W4 P6mitOftce.'s * Please read com diance sfferErit on b6ck of Ftrmit s 4 q 7 n, or F!e(s) & Ch.ck #lssu ,,.1 IJt Narhe Drt t'- a l l ! I t^- Staternent of Compliance and Consistcncy This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and dtached general and specifrc conditioru. Any violdion of these terms may sublect the permittee to a fine or criminal or cMl action; and rnay cause the p€rmit to kome nullandvoid. This permit must be on the prciect site and accessible to the permit oflicer when the proiect is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by s@ing this permit that I ) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certilied mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowne(s). The Stre of Nonh Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuint this permit under the best avaihble information and belief, certiry that this proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Rlver Basin Ruhl Applkable To Your Prci*c Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indic*ed on front of permit, your proiect is subiect to the Ervironmental Management Commission's Bufier Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within tha River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the DiMsion of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wlmington Regional Ofiice (9 I 0-796721 5) for more inform*lon on howto comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal lrlanagement Oftcec Morehead City Headquartels 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ I {88-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Sertes: Carteret, Craren, Otslo\., - North of NCly Riyer lnl€t- and Pamlko Cound6) Elizabcttr CitY Dbtrict ,l0l S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Eltsab€th Cit),, NC 27909 252-29+-3901 Fax:252-204-3723 (Servcs: Camden, Chowan, Curriuclq Darc, Gat€s, Pasquofank and Perquimans Countes) E othe., Washintton District 943 Washin4on Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-&48t Fax 252-94&{X78 (Sere: aeautort, Bertie, Hertford, l'tde, Trrell and washington Counties) tlYilmington Dls0ict 127 C,atdirral Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28,{05-3845 9t0-79u72t5 Fax: 9 1G395-3964 (Serrc: Brurswick New Hanouer, Onslow - South of New R Ycr lnlct- and Pender Coumies) htp//portal.ncdcnr.org&eUcn/dcrn home Rtu7106,1t7 <J^{qi teat t.oB.od c- 3-13-a AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Mailing Address:330 .,,.Le.lan)6f. Phone Number:4 ts - 3y9-l.sica Email Address: I certifo that I have authorized Bobby Cahoon Construction , lnc. Ag6nt / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary br the following proposed development:I I o l: at my property located at I fufthermore certify that I am authoized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Otricer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Prcpefi Oumer lnfomation : > or Name Title -l-o-,+1--,3"A.> Thiscertificationisvalidthrougtr lo I 3O l2l Narne of Property owner Requesting eermit ?otc.rt /ys or..- Oc?qr. Zs,4- 3" r 0 F/yC agsLg in Crq Val^- county. boAAsfysor.6 r,rc. rr. coyr,r. DMSIOI{ OF COASTAL f,ANAGETENT ADJACENT RIPARIAI{ PROPERTY OH{Ei iOiFrC-i[iOXIWIVCA rONM Name of Prop€rty Olner: RobertTyson Addr€cs of Property:216 Drake land ing , New Bem, NC Craven County (tot or Sh*t #, Strset or Road, City & County) Agents Name #: Bobby Cahoon Constuucton, lnc.Meiling Address: 6fi)3 Neuse Road Agertrs phone x. 252-249-'1617 Granbboro, NC 28529 WAII'ERSECTION I unclefstand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breahivabr, boathouse, or llft must be s€t back a mlnimum dlstance of 15' from my area of riparian ac@ss unless waived by me. (lf you I hereby _certiry that I ourn property adjacont to the above rererencod property. The indivirlual applying for this permit has described to me as ghown on the attachod d'raning--the devetopmentfityfre proposing. A dsacrlpton or dmrind. wlth dimondom, must be protrua u,ffi lhk hilhr. (-\F , have no objections to this proposat. - I have objoctions to this proposal.\, ll you l|€w offions b wM, k 0plry rygd, Wu tt?,f,tffify be DivtEbn d Ml llamgan*t(DCI) ln wrtdng fithh tO *yt d t*otpt of t* nolca @nffi, ttt[o,,,,,ltip/n tot DCn ofrc€a ts ava eble athlfr w{w., c t,ln,Eoao€,,/wtt t dMlcrnlshfrlMtno * by c5,tr,ng I.f/,/,.,kC|OAST. ,Yo talporrse l3 corE darDd t p ,g,,IE I no oblffin ll v!/u lrrvz w, not frd bv c*dfid ne . I do wish b uaive the 15' setback requirennnt. I do not wigh to waive he 15' setback Ewv lnformatlon)(Rt Signd'we s- Print TyN Namo \ 02- *-=^V,2",(,*^* MilWAuiess X.\r^, Br* tX=2S{-O-b\\KWu ) .l^. by Construc,tion, lnc. Print or TyW Nenld. 216 Drake landing h'€,lllng AcftltB3s I'lanv Bem, NC 28560 c,y,/slatatzlp s1$34S1502 I la-1-ao Mc Dale Telqlnro Numful knall A.*ttwa 1G2&20 to waivo lhe setbad(, you !I!!I!-E!!!! the appropriato btank below.) T*ptwtE NunD€,r / Enall A*lrcss (Rovled ALa. N11) DIVISION OF COASTAL TAilAGETENTADJACENT RTPARTAN pnopenrv ounrEi-lio:ii-ncanoN/wArvER FORil Name of Pop€rty Orynor. Rob€rt Tyson wAtvERsEcTlot{ I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, brealo atsr, boathouee, or lift must be s€t back a minimum distanc€ of 15'from my area of riparian aooeaa unle88 walved by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you !!LEl-i!Ml h6 appropriato btank betoiv.) Addr€ss of property:216 Drake La nding, New Bem ,NC Craven County (Lot or str€€t #, Stre€t or Roed, CitV & Countyi Agenfs Name #:Bobby Cahoon Consfuirc on, lnc.Mailing Address: 6003 Neuse Road Agonfs phon6 *-252-24*1617 Granbboro, NC 28529 tlWu tt[I/€ousf,,ionsbwhstk trhrg@you mus nodtyil7€ Dme&,t af C*bl l,ginega,ner/t(NU ln vldrrg ttltth 10 chy. ol t?r€lpt .fttb notaa, M, fifon adon tor Ircn ofrkes rsayalla e at o'byc,lilngI-8€&{f|'COAST.,ro nolrfld bv l,ail. l!:,f,!I.t+-ry that l..ox,n property edjac.nt to the above returEnced property. The tndMiduatapplying for this p€rmit has d€scrib€d to me as shown on th€ atlacfi€d diauiing-ihe developmontthey are propostng. n oarcrtoton or arawho. rnffr a[ncnstong. mud be ori;/ldi uifri-lih-l&er. -@/rhave no objections to this proposal. , - ,,ave objcctions to this proposal. I do wieh b uaive the 15' seilback requirement. I do not wish to waive the '15' setback requirement $:ffi Own6r lnformatlon )(Rlperhn Property Ouncr lnformaflon) t'-.,1i-4.,,-o 4 QL, t'1,, - Slgratt Tyson by Bobby Cahoon Construction, lnc.frnleun R- r/a,z'. PfitqTypNsb 216 Drake Landing PrffiuTypNann -r- ca(z , w gi6a C y/&atdzip 91934$1502 Tdeplwe Mnber/ Emeil y'dd//€sf 102&20 cltytfu/zb rtiJ' G3( bJ-u';)- T@wD Numbrl Emdl A&eg t/. I t-// / / /;]t/Jt.' Ddc Dde (Revl$ct A,rg- n1q tllalingAfrI€ss Neur Bem, NC 28560 BOBBY TYSON 216 DRAKE LANDING NEUSE HARBOUR NEW BERN, NC DESCR IPTION We propose to install a new concrete pier consisting of a 5' wide x 290' long walkway connecting to a 9' wide x 30' long platform. We propose to install a new vinyl seawall. Wall will be 95' long with 4' +/- exposure. This includes a 20' long wingback on the left side of the property' we propose to install a new boat lift. This will include installation of four (4) new 10" x 30' long Pilings. We propose to install two (2) new jet ski lifts' This will include one (1) new 10" x 25' long piling for each lift. Drawlng by Bobby Cahoon Corletruc on br: Bobby Tyson 216 Drake landing Prcpoaed Goncfet€ pler 5'x 29O'Walkway -'r*# Sex' x 3o'Plllni' {00'ol l8.Pilnga : {00'ol t8'PlllngD Remaander.20' Pfltnda 1500# $dnger Styte Slngle Pole JetSkl Llft tounted on a l0'x 25'Plllng This dreu,hg b fie soh propefi of Bobby Cahoon Cornfrucfron lic. and b not lnbndod br uee byany dtrercntly. 9 x 3O Platform ilGraven Gounty GIS omr 6lnv d-. tlqI rr.rl h Ltd-ld .br. .n ta lll rtd .torld b. r.doXlY kt r-t...mnlPrF.... Ptffd (Il @!rit,2020.t&lll4 PI w 1 lrch = 64 foet .1. ,l 'e Er,70. [-Je $ ;. :l I tf T H I d?f / ( 7 /v b // / ,l ,','?',or-l. \ ; *.r& -,1 A r'. . i\- ,t .aJ T lot e/ r ,l h I t. ({ .U \s "io FI I FF \ 27 E L., 7./7J -q Js.. ,% v on 63 7 3 ,j.a2 : - lr,r iD .il,'\ 7 ) k w sr9 f,u,t F rdi7' 7Af, f ,*/l I 10,9.A6 / Parcel lD : OYYner : Mailing Address : Property Address : Description : Lot Desc ptlon : Craven County Geog,.a.phic tnformation System Crdven County does NOT warrant the information shorrn on this page and should be used ONLY for tar assessment prposes, This report was created by Craven County GIS reponing sewices on 10/28/2020 10:41106 AI'1 7-206-1 -136 TYSON, ROBERT JAMES & DEBORAH 216 DRAKE LNDG NEW BERN NC 28560 216 DRAKE LNDG 136 NEUSE HARBOUR PHASE I Subdivlslon : NEUSE HARBOUR Assessed Acreage : Deed Refurence : Rocorded Survey : Estate Number : Land value : lmprovement Value : Total Value : City Name : Drainage District : Land use : SALE DATE 10t1912020 7119t2006 1t1412002 5/16/1991 Tax Exempt: No # of lmprovements : 2 0.966 363$1668 E-71- Calculated Acrcago : Recorded Date : 1.020 10 19 2020 $250,000 $595,380 $845,380 Fire tax District : SPecial District : RESIDENTIAL . ONE FAMILY UNIT TOWNSHIP 7 Recent Sales lnformatlon Sellera Name Buyer6 Name Sale TYPe PARK,ANGELAM TYSON,RoBERTJAMES& 9ITal^gHrDEBORAH TRANSFER rvANOVrc, DANIEL M & PARK, ANGELA M llTll^gHr LORI J TRANSFER VAN DER HEIDE, JOAN IVANOVIC, DANIEL M & LORI STRAIGHT C. __ J TRANSFER NEUSE HARBOUR INC VAN DER HEIDE, JOAN C NEEDS REVIEW Sale Prlce $930,000 $985,000 $9s,000 $85,000 List of lmprovements to Site Type of Structure Year Built RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 2OO2 SWIMMING POOL.RESIDENTIAL 2016 Base Area 'lst Floor Value 2341 $578'050 3M $17'330 ilCraven GountY GIS crlvG.c.uiryd63NoTw..trntUr!l^rqtud@.how.o"lir,r".p.no"t'o,ro"r.odONLYror!ir..!..tn.ntpurDo.4. Prl.l.d n Ociob'r 2A m20tlrOi42r0AM w '1 inch = 72 feet / k+I T ,Or., t t ( rr\ I \T fi ( IL 7a- II c 1o.toa t \ ) *f /ru ) ,/ !_ V v t. / 7 / t I lr. ! I ,il t I E ,f, I 1 j l ?I n"'u' $l ,. 111 42 i T D, 't ) "{- 1. - { I : rrr.aeL .!b arq$ t, ^6' L.- 'l |,,-..: Lq{ \z