HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuthchinson, Jason 78362C/trDREDGEIFILL ENER/AL PERMIT nModification lComple*eReissue EPartialReissue fil ainhorized by frc State of Nor$ Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an of erwi ropmental concem pursuant to l5A NCACi7tr N9 78362 AB o D Previous permit # Date pr€irious permit issued 7 // D'c, q .l 6 h ja1a.--- E Rules attachii. L,^n 4 <,tzApdicant Name Address hiect Locdion: CountyT-- u Street Addresy Sate Road/ Lot 11( SuMMsion #(s) saezL ,1 L ( -E:: AP AdI '' t/' t t i.'f'/12 ztP River Basin rz Phor*#?otl Authorized Agent -j-7 t t E-MdI Afiected trcw AEC(s): tr oEA tr Ptvli: Bfr gc{e trHHF trIH trES tr UBA tr 7TS tr rvA Phone # (_ ) Ad,.wr-.lj.,-t,(na /nnn /unkn) Onrtt: fe l@ PNA yes no Closest Mal. Wtr. Bod), I I-lr t,V I L,4 v (I i- I ,- i\.f'\ t;<Z x \! I a "?1-T- I t j li I l lr I I I)--l t rl) I -E- iI I 1L,l -1 I I I.,.|, BF of ProrGCt/ Ardviq l>x /l Picr (dock) l€n$h (saraz7.z1J ) FLed Phdom(s) FlodiiE PHo.m(s) Flnger Grdn l€n8th mrnber Bulkh€ad Riprap length ayg distan.e oBhorc max disr2ncc ofthoae Basin, da,rnd cubk yards Boat ramp Eodh Beach B'rlldothg Odte. Shor€line Lei$h SAV: not sune l'lordoriurn: rVa Phot6: W.twr Atrhed: F yls F F w ts A h.rildinS pemit rrby be requlrEd b),i ( Note Local Planning Juridictbn) (.See note oo ba<k Rircr Basin rules. Noted Speclal Conditions (,, - .,11 f . i Pamrofi#'Atem F€.t read compl iance statemem on back of # t10 Dde s Qr Ep 1 arh'^ :1 , I (,; Sateomnt of Compliance and Comistcncy This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and atached general and specific conditions Any violdion of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become nullandvoid. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible to the permit officer when the proiect is inspected for compliance. The applicant ceftifies by s@ing this permit that l) priorto undenaking any activities authorized bythis permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certilied mail return receipt has been obained from the adiarem riparian landowne(s) . The Sre of Nonh Carolina and the DMsion of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certiry that this proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coasal Management Prograrn. River Basin Rulec Applicable To Your Ptoie<* Tar - Pamlico River Basin Bufier Rules Neuse Riner Basin Bufier Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your prol{rt is subiect to the Erwironmenol Management Commission's Buffer furles for the River Basin checked above due to its location Yvithin that Riyer Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Rercurces. Contact the DMsion of water Resources at the Washington Regional Oflice (252-946-6481) or the \r'Vilmington Regional Oflice (9 I 0-796-72 I 5) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Gastal Managernent Ofices Morehead City Headguarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252€0&2808/ r 488-,,TRCOAST Fu:252-247-331O (Serves: Carteret, Craren, Onslow - North of New Rlvei lnl€t- and Pamlko Counties) Elizabeth CitY lkrict 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-25/,-390t Fax:252-204-3721 (Serves: Carnden, Chowan, Cuniu,rck Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counths) E ottrer Washintton District 943 Washin4on Square Mall Washin4on, NC 27889 252-94t6-6,{,8l Fax:252-948&478 (Serves: Beaufon, Bertie, HGrdord, Hyde, Tyrrdl and Washington Countier) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wlmintton, NC 28405-3845 9t0-n6-72t5 Fax: 91G395-3964 (Serves: Brunsrvtck l.lew Flanover, Onslow - South of Nerv Riwr lnl*- and Pendcr Counties) hq/ponal.ncd6r.or8/vreucn/dctn-horte RevisEd 7/06/1 7 4-,\ a -r-l e^ ng Address Cily, Slate, Zp Code 5 \"/\'tfntrt! ruNro .J oct EIE cl .ort E rutr!r! Sricrnq IA .J Ir 99) \ J l c Ui, tt/16/2tt2L GDear Adiacent Properly: This letter is to inbrm you that l,//. Propery owner Pemiton my property al,tDt ,7e*-,:- 4t- (4' , in Carleet County -Po-perfy eOOresi - County, As required by CAMA regulations, I have endosed a copy o{ rny perfiit application and fioJect drawing(s) as nolmcation of my poposed project. No aclion is required from you or you may sign and retum the enclos€d no obiection form. lf you have any questions or commentG about my proposed poject, please mntacl me at 2o4- e1?- .z>tt ,or by mail at lhe address llsted below. lf you wish to Applicant's Tel6phone lils witten comments or obiections wilh the Carleret County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: LPO NAME Local Permit Officer for CarterEt County 402 Broad Sreet Beaufort, NC 28516 Siscerely Owner Mailing Address City, state, zip Code t3.6t' F6lnrra;-;iEE:ttE[85-Ferr, . t0.i'{r Bcitl- tr i-G.d D{.,y t --JH]n_.-T[:1JII-I Ohrih-+t Ordr sgiaF.qrd D&t srr-n rrdh tu.5$ asr-% U.S. Dactrl Sc'.l.otu CERTIFIED MAILO RECEIPT Domegtlc Meit Onlv2 Date Jan ts Ri..n.tr Adiacent Prooertv Ornrer |filf )eo'tr..- 'Ftw t €_/- _ fzEL2x- our websile al t4.35 3€OO. Ap.il 2015 FsN rs3o.o2{oo B? ADJAGENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby ccffry thet I own proPerty adjecent to (Name ot Propsrty Owner) property located et Addrsss, Lot, Block, Road, otc.) N.C. on tn Hc has described to me as shown In the auached applicatlon and proiact drawing(s)' the development irJ r'; p-r"pr.r"g;t that location, and, t have no obiections to his proPosal' (YVatarbody! NP LICATION A ND DI] (Town and/or County WIN OF OPO FI) DEVEI.,PN/I TAC ED ) Slgnature Print or TYPe Namc Telepho ne Number Datc I Or,r,ner: HUTCHINSON,JASON ETAL TADLOCK Curren t PIN: 7347rj1462450(J00 Site Addressr rz6 JUM PING RUN CT SMYRNA Mailing Address; 126 JUM PING RUN COUR'I SMYRNA NC 28579 Legal Description: LT7 WEST PART LT6 O.SPREY ISLES Prior PIN: o6oo7co263 Ctty Limits: R€scue Di'trict: orwAY RESCU, ,. .\" +to r.,\- .u' ,*/ Fire Disrict: MARSHALLBERG FfREy \ '.' Tax District: roo6 {Ll* ,il' q' {)ti\ Torarnship: sMyRNA t\.i.* \ Use: RESIDENTIAL \ \ NBHD:60008Land Value: $186,232 Bldg Htd Sq Ftr 2r3o Bldg Value: $t37,514 BldgTotsq Ft: 2,946 Othcr valuc: $10,357 y€ar Buill: t9g6 TotalValue: $334,103 Noise Level; SaIe Price: $3oo,ooo AJCUZZonez Decded Acres: o.743 GIS Acres: 0.785 Plat Ref: r9 / 8o Deed Ref: 1695 I 348 Bcdroomsl 3 RollType: R Deed Datcr 2o2ottt2 Bathrooms: z I l-:-;lI IE' I :f I I I (h@rr.'rutuFo.E oror F(,nlrdci Ca'ldd Cu ,m.,.tvU' tr] '1,V. ' lrt'\flv li.I.dn(]t,\.1.|o(l!Jl4'l Tax Parcel Inforrn ation :Carteret County, N.C. lt E -) 9 I I t) "(F. , li=4o fl Printed March r6, 202l Co t E- I! ru r!.ro -.8 ct trtEtrl ort!6rl E ruEr! S6ennr. ' ilC ?857!)ll USE J \ i -r.\ u689 tt6 3-tc-ot _J-_!b lT1 al o .n ta rtl fty omef ilino Address 113/!6/202! ,\,e ?.y 7 City, Stale, Zp Code Dear Adjacent Property: ]}lis letler is to inform you that l, &ii'/tt- have applied for a CAMA Minor ,,'-L in Carteret County .7-arcn N- Poperty Owner E--.:Pemiton my troporty "t a-l-Z=*ffi1 y Address County. As requhed by CAMA regulations, I have endosed a copy of my permit application and floiect drawing(s) as nolllicaiion of my pmposed project. No aclion is required from you or you may sign and retum the enclosed no obieclion form. lf you have any questions or comments about my proposed projecl, please contad me at ZqJ -t'rt--7?tl ,or by mail at the address listed below. lf )tu wish 10 Applcant's Telephons file written commonte or owions with the CarteI€t County CAMA Minor Psmit Program, you may submit them to: LPO NAME Local Permit officer for Carleret County 402 Broad StrL€t Beaufort, NC .28516 Sncerely, f li,,' /zt, J---;a Mailing Address /r'L CERTIFIED lVIAlL' BECEIPT Oomeslic Mail Only eNreo0sta r3.6n Orr Frc.h. ti.doocrl t E*rh..+19.fr!d a Ecra.a E r-b5 o-r a tr^drgtdrF.qrld 3 O rar gq.-- Frtr.d o-r a tt'l nt'l ----a+.sr]- --J,H6- Trr.55 +1.35 Clty, Slete, Ap Code 2 visil our Pet sitc.i t PS Forft laOO! April2015 Fsr{ 4@!e,@90.7 S.. A.r,€rsr td ADJAGENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR GAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby csrtify that I own property adjacent to 's (Name of Properly Owner) ProPerly located at Addr.ss, Lot, B{ock, Road, etc,) on ln N.C. (Watorbody)(Town andlor County) He has described 10 me as shown in the atlached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no obiections to his proposal. PPLIC AND DI1AWIN F E ELOPMENT ATTACHED Signature Print or Type Name TBlephone Number Date Prior PIN; 060o7Co263 Ctty Umitr3 Rescue l)igtrict : OTWAI Flrc Disrict: MARSHAT Tax District; 1(,06 Township: SMYRNA Uee: RESIDENTIAL LandValue: $r86,232 Bldg value: $l37,514 Other Valuc: $1o,357 Total Value: $334,103 Sale Price: $30o,ooo Deeded Acres: o.743 Ptat Ref: lq / 8tl Deed Refi 1695 / 348 Bedrooms:3 RESCUT LBERG I RI s' .) o lI,F g T !r-t-I IItr.:{ II I \ T b:) 1 I I Ihx Parcel Xnfonnation :Carteret CountY, N.C. jr. Owner: HUTCIIINSON,JASON ETAL TADLOCK Curren t PIN: 73 47 01 4624 Soooo Site Address; P6JUMPING RUN CT SMYRNA Mailing Address: 126.rUM PING RtrN COUR'I' SMYRNA NC 28579 Legal Description: Lr7 WEST PART l,16 OSPREY ISLFJ NBIID: 6000 8 Bldg Htd Sq Ftr 2r3o BldtTotSq Ftr 2,946 Year Built: 1986 Noise Level: LICIJZ Zonc: GIS Acres: 0.785 RollTypc: R Deed Date: 2o2ottt2 Bathrooms: z I .,L .L 't -(&. Prixted March r6.2()21 Th. inlr.niD. d.tltye d by tha {.b.'1. 'snbrooon &(d 3hc!6 b..nBa.d ld .rdordc.Ed A,blt l, !.to,ce.klr b.av6ldh Occau H:rzard - Estuarinc Shorclinc- ORW Shorclhrc - Ptrblic Trust Shordhc-- Other- (l"cr o.lJiciul usc onll'1 Pcrn:it Nuntbel Ztp )* -1.? l?lo,r" - ?-Q 4 ta?- 3711 0! N lr]^L!\ l;q!l I:! r\' l'l o N t-At\fl) owNItR - IltAll,lNG Al)DltBss Nun," J-<Jo,1 -,Il y'-*Lovn addrcssllh X,-,.-/) ^? E"---Z! Crrv -5-. /z-a,a-- State zrll- r-n:eir-f//v1foL:1to.t 4r4/ 7ze)t ' ett AUl'H0RIZED A(;f,NT Nnrt'tr: Adrlrr'ss City _ Ilma il Slalc Pltone />( ^/1, C.,tt DEscRrP.r'loN oF PROJECI: (List all proposctt corrstructiolr atld lsnd dislufbahce.) SlzD OF LOT/PARCEL: - -- squnrc rcet -174;- acrcs pROI,OSliD (jSE,: Rcs:dcnrialp isurglc-l.rnrrl1[f M(rltr-lhrnily [ ) Co[;trtr:rcial/lndtrst al I Othcr f] COMPLETI| E|THDR O) oR (2) BBLO:W (Cot'loc')'ott Locol Per"'it OIIicer illou ore "ot surc tthich ADC oppli* to yo r Pro\ettt)'! (l)ocE^N||AZ!ARDADCs:l.oTALFI,ooRAREAoFPRoPos[,DSTRUCTURI}:-_squarefcer(includcs :rir corrclitioncd living space, pa*irtg elevated tbove gtound lcvcl, notr'cotttlitioned spacc clcvatcd bove grortnd lcvcl lNl cxclutliug nortJoad-bcaring ettic spacc) e)COASTALSIIORELINEAECs:SIZE0FBUILDINGFooTPRIN.iANDoI.|{ERIMPDRVIoUSoI{BUILT upoNSURFACIIS:/lCrsqrrarefeet(incht(lesthesrcaoftltefoundationofallbuitdings,drivcwrys'covercddccks' cor.rcrcte or rrasonry patios, efc. drai are rvirhin thc applicablc AEC' Attach your calculations with (he proj€ct drawing') s,l'Al.}:SToRMWATERMANAGEMEN'I'}F,RMI'I:Istheproject|ocatgdin6nareasubjecttosSt0te Slorrnrvater Monagcmcnt Pcnril issucd by tlrc NC Divisiorr of frrergy' Minerai and Lnnd Rcsourccs (DEMLR)? YES-- NO--- '. llycs,lislthetotnlbrrihttponarca/irrrpctr4oussttrllrccallorvcrlforyourlotorparccl:srpat.cfcct.. LOCA'l'toN oF PROJECT: (Address, slrcet tlamc aod/of dilcctiorls lo sitci nan:e of thc atljacert lvalcfbody') 0THER PEIIMITS M,,ly IIE REQUIRED: Thc acrivity you arr Planning may rcquitr: pcnnits oiher lhall the CAMA nrinor dcveloprncnt pcnnit, including, but not lirnilcd lo: Drir*ing Water Wc)I, Scptic 'lhnk (or o$cr sattilaty rvastc Ulatmeltt sys(cm), Builtling, Elcctlical, Plumhirg, llcaling and Air Corrditionilrg, hlsulatioll and Energy ()onservation, l"lA Ccrtifis{tion, Sand Duns, Scrlimcnr Corrtrol, Subdivision Approval, Mobilc tlome Pal'k Approval, I lighu'ay Coltncc(ior1, aI)d others. Check \yith your Local Permit Ofllcer for rrore infomulion. STATEMDNT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undcrsigncd, an npplicant for a CAMA nrinor dcvelolmcnt femrit, bcirrg cither {hc owncr of propcrty in an AEC or a persor aurhoriT-cd to scl as ar agctrt for purposes of applyiug for a CAMA ntiuor dwelopnrent pemlit. ccnify that lhc Pcrson liste6 as lan6owncr on this application has a signilicant intercsl in llre rcal propcrty describcd therein- This intcrqsl can bc describetl as: (check otc) -/--an orvner or rccord ti see Decd Book /111- tle,'Iirlc is vcs(cd in rratrc of l.: - pagc -Z1LL il.tha 7.1 Ti,JIo.h Conllly ItcUisu] of Dccds I !-J-.r"- i L _an owner by virtrrc of inlrcritancc, Applicant is an hcir to thc cslalc of --- probalc rvas in (Name) (l\ -1-.-.,2s R- i , ',.t:t- _ County. if other.intercst, such as $riltcn cotrtract or le3sg explaiu below or use a scpatttc shcet & sttach to this application. NOTTTTCATION Ot; ADJACENT RIPARTAN PIIOI'ERI'Y OWNERS: I furtlcmrorc ccrtiry thrr the followirrg persons arc orvncrs ofpropcrties adjoining this ptopery. I amflll that I have giverr ACTUAL NOTICII to cach ol'thcnr conccming my iDtcnt to devclop this propcny and to npply fot' a CAMA perntit. (Address) /4?../,rrs -1 ..7.o t. ..12J 9-*7-,., .1. c -.L/L 2cc 71 2s 5- ??,1?! 7,^t,-, A*- /,- 'n/ 1/e-- day of //quL-, 20 /1'1'his the o\!ncr or person I uthorizcd to act as hislher agcnt ltrr purposc oirilirlg a CAMA peuYlit application This upplicltion htchulas: ganatrtl in/ornotittn (thi"'fornt), (t silc {lrawhtg as tlucribccl un tlrc back ol lhis opplicution' the ou,nnrri,, ,,n,ouunt, the Ocaqn Hazltd iEC Noticc tthera necassaty, a chccklor $100.00 unde ptq'ublc lo tlte loculity, und nry n \o,:,rnrio, ,t rtut)' be ptr|itlccl <trally b1' the applicant Thc cletalls o!lha appllcolion us desct'ibed by lhera sotttrcr lre -iniio,rpomturl without rclanutcc ln ary purlit nlri"i',roy be isstetl'-Deviation.{ronz these details will consritutc a violttion ol oiry iinrir. ,try purson cta,eloyin, itr crn ,lEC n'ithout pertnit ir sttbiect to ci,il. crhninal ond <tdn inistt'Q'ivc actio"' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: l, the ndcrsigncd, acknowledge that the land owncr is awar€ that tbe proposed dcvelopment is plaoncd for an arca rvhich may bc susccf,tibt" ro crosion and/or llooding. I acknowledgc thal the lrcal Pcnuil Officer has explaincd lo lnc lho parlicu- la, i"z"rd p.obl.n s associatcd with this lot. This explanalion rvas accorupauicd by recomnrndatiols conccrnitlg stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniqucs. I fufihermorc ccrtiry thsr I am authorized to graIt, and do iu facr grant, pc.missiou to Division ofcoastal ManaSenrcut stafl, rhc Local perarit Oitccr and their agcnrs lo ctltsr on tbc &foremcnlioned lands in conoection wilh evsluatirtg infolnlntion rclatBd 1o lltis pcflnit application. Tax Parcel Inforrn ation:Carteret County, N.C. '!t Mailing Addrese : 126JUMPING RTIN @URT Hor PIN3 0600rco26g City Limits: Rcscue Districtl oTWAY RESCU" \ FITC DICEiCI: MARSHALLBERG FIRE} rY \r \t + I ,^9 Trx Dlcric't I 1006 Townrhip: SMYRNA Use: RESIDENTIAL Land Value: $186,232 Bldg Valuer $132514 (xhef, value: $10,357 Total Value: $334,ro9 SaIc Prlce: $3oo,ooo Deeded Acree: o.743 PIat Rd: 19 / 80 Deeil Ref: t695 / 348 Bedrooms: 3 ^0v q * ,.,* Q' ---* \} NBHD:60008 Bldg Htd Sq Ft! 2r3o BldgTotsq Ft3 2,946 Year Built! 1986 Noie e Level: AICVZT,o,'rel GIS Acresr 0.785 Roll Tylre3 R Dee d Date: 2o2otlt2 Bathrooms: 2 PrinEd March t6, m21 o. o€|!I FuntrDd. C-r.t Cc,ty F.y nodty or nrov. irlp rcrlc.r nd,c..6. hldDd3 rl u,ll [E ,lrl6LEt,(rry W# i I @ G I I 1tn=4o ft ,{p.. Orpner: IIUTCHINSON,JASON ETALTADLOCK Curr€xrt PIN: 7347 014624 Sooo o Slte Addreso: u6 JUMPING Rt,N C]T SMYRNA SMYRNA NC 28579 Legal Description: L17 WEST PART Lr6 OSPREY ISLES NC Division of Coastal Management Cashier's Official Receipt L4402 A BOD tloq (-. lQa )Du)no Qur:, L+, Swtt,rno'. Date:zo ?l $am- County:(ortcrel- Received From; Permit No.: Applicant's Name: Project Address:lJ ,) Please retain receipt for your records as proof ot payment for permit issued. Signature of Agent or Applicant: Signature of Field Representative: \t'*. Date: Date:1arut., 0 )C cnecxno.,l4'08?oil*,o