HomeMy WebLinkAboutConover, Marie 78815CNERAL PERMIT EModification EComplete Reissue n Partial Reissue As authorized by the Stale of Nordl Carolina, Department of Envjronmenral Qualiry and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of eovironmental concem pursuant ApptiantName /4af;g Address City s'," NLzvlaJZ Phona*@.)770- Previous permit # Date preYious permlt lssued- AB o to l5A NCAC 2 E-Mail -{ot s+. --qEw t] HHF jn^ .i.s IIIH NUBA NN/A PTS (ul6s Proiect Location: County Street Addr$, State Road/ Lot #(s)a0 *; Subdivision City_ztP Phone # Adi. Wtr. u;adt 28rm-Authorized Agent Affected !ff AEC(s): u oEA'' n Pws F ORW:yes no PNa @l no Closest Mai. Wtr. Body -Type of Proiecu Activity ).L l 3o(Scale:) Pier (do<k) lenSth Fixcd Phdorm(.)+r t ,,''.1 \ _J- ,-ii frrJl!4L:l Floatin8 Plado.m(r)2_-> FinSer pier(s) Groifi lsSdr 7;B* number lt *r,'-, ) --.'- -,, u ' - " Bulkhced/ Rlpr.p l€n86 _- aYa dist ncc o&hor. max di.t nce ofBho.e Basin. channel I cublc Fr& - Bod rrmp tl3 B€ach Other Bulldorln8 da vftrw --1sAV: rtot s]n. Mor.lo.im: nla Photo6:yes \flt-,-\ t A buildint permit may be by:{r fJ See note on back regardinS River Basin ruhs. ( Note Local Plann ing Jurisdiction J-+Note, Spe<id Conditions i Please read compliance statemem on back of permit * ,uf% Sitnal ure .1 4 lt Fec(s)Che(k#lssuin,3 Date eipii"tt"" ort"'al /!DREDGEIFILL N9 7881s D I lt -l t -1 -+--- ,l I Shoreline Len8th G* AGEI{T AUTHORIZAIPft TOR CAMA PE riT APruCAIION N.rno ot proF,ry orrn R.qlr.rtine P.flrit nARIE - FB'1UCF FLol' <-L''Rrl S Cc Llcr'' EPr T.r Tl CH EtL II-TMeiling Addrcas Phone Number: Email Addr6s: HI LLS Q(-ri 9,ll}{ *cL 11<-lcr(i .t cchr I c.rlify thtt I h.w.utho.iz.d % to ecl on my b.hrlt, tor fhc purpor. ot.pplying fo,r and ot{anng rll CAltl,A pcrmitl n.cr$.,y,or th! iollo.rine propolad d.trlopmr , !gEE!]@E!!JqE{i!Lsm 8l rry Propcrty loaatod 8t 20 Satvnw Dflvo, NTB ln Onslow I fu,fll€mol! 6nily that I am .dhoizad lo glrnl. aN do in lad gnnt ,,mi*;ion to Etvition ol Co.fil ttl,,W.nnt fill, ,nc Lo€,tl furfi Ofic,t.N thait.gonts to ct*.t on tt?o atotan olionad L,rds in @onrEllion udh cv.luCing inlor'/,,rion drr9d lo ,rrs ,p.mno#iation Ptop.O Grrrr (i}u"- ELct C-c NCI,ER Prid or TyW Ndne Tdl! -li-,lS-,-t"{- Thi3 ca.lificalbfl ir valid through , / qJ$ L8 es6b RECEIVED DEC 0I 2020 DCM.MHD CITY I 1 I I I I I ?!i I tt) I I ,lvir I)rr I I I irlli r I Il -,,kII tiIeI I r ,II I't / I)) '1, I I i I '7 lr I I I i I I II I IIl IilII c4 II'lo'I ls lt/ l tl I l I I I -- # *.-'"t t*!g**, 1O 9,1,;u W:.y-'tt,a^tffi 1- +- *1 13: l I l CERIIfIED IAE1 RtrTUR"I RECEIPT iEOUESIED OIVISIOT{ Of COASTAL ANAGEIENT ATUACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOIIFICAIION/WAI\GR FORI{I I'larra ol Progody Orner flll(rr:RANI E e-L<;I .L t r;RTIS Ct- }rjc r'rL-l( Addr6 ol PrQ.rrf 2C S-.ft D.,Y. t{TE Oi$r, rLdr,$Gila. ko.tu Ca a aor.rr, A0lnrs Nln€ r :lAIlEtM9!l3g!9 i.dlns Addt .135 ViEl.$. Lins Aganl's Oon r 91G33&5569 Snced3 Fcrry. NC 28,160 I hcr"bt ,,isrdy ttrar I o*n ,Grar\ Bitr 3 t'la &re .ttrEortc Flf.nY Tlle {iLrdual apptlng lo, tI3 parrrt h!! drscflbad ro nE .6 showi on [rc liactl.o drltlng-lne oevslopan€nt they aro p(opo6rar0. A deeanolion oa dta9}llo. yritr dil'ImionB. mud b5 dovirad wilh th|t htar ,r\_ t h'rc ro obixtions to drit p.eo68l. - I hltc objoctbnt !o this propot l you ht!r'r oli-..iont to what l, iraatlg yoprd. yd) nug tdy ttrc'v,,Erl d Coa!., knael,t .,, @C|o b rrihg rUI,r ,O 6r. o. r.-F 6, rnir ao..r C4d .i*,i!*t' td rcI tu E zvr,,.blo n h.ib7 w-hccort'r h.n refionr pet.,$/.mt,'rtl-,rsaE tq dr? 1,,.J|COASI lvo rt@rtF r5 ca',r(hrtd ,tu at p ,ro o*t:tt/Dtt n ,o.t , ra b.', non'l'.d bt Cdllrd ldl. WAN'ER A€CIIO t uid.rEttrd thlt ! d!r, doclq [Eorh9 dlner. bod nttp, bsal(watlr, bo.tiou!!, or llt msd be ial baci a Triiinnrn daiarE ol t 5' toalr .rtl a,aa ol ipari.n aca.aa unba yraivod by lrr. (ll you wi3h lo wive ttB r.lb.ct. yqrllllllh. .pO.oOdCe blt* bel ) I do rlgt to *-ra !E 15" sahd rqrrlnlrt I do ool wbh lo wav! ttrc 15' td6ck r€quironBnt (Prop..ty X EL{I {:.(, l&!.t./,. '.1 "Jnl I (cl - }fc-( U.{r'5 L \tlcc T.lcDl16!i1,c NunD.t / Em.l Ab.rt tr lg (FlcscM Aq n11) "4 (Re.n.n )r.kr (, -9 ),) t7 1 b /-l-- cEnrrEDrAr-. Enn nGccryrEaESrED (IVT!IO{iI Of, @AtTAL IAI{AOEIENI ATUACEXT FBPARI.AT{ Pf,OPERTY OWI{ER TOTTFICAIION'WAII/ER FOR tSrr o, Proparly Orr.r.ll5tr r r: -FfL1 Nc€:RTtt C(. Nc l'E[<tlc't .r r_r I tr.rlb, cart lrra I dr ,!Frt 4q,. b ,E &rr ,.fEr-t FoFrfv T}!c irtrriull lggarng fo, tf, pinit hr didaad b ttt r dioin o.l h..lw *lYrmAtha d.v.lo9lrElll thoy ari p.opo..ltg. . __-1-,. I h!r'c oo obrcctioos to thu propcal ___ I hrrc obtcctiou lo lht proporal. ,tyoir l,.rn oo.crronr ro r,t, tr orrlrropo{, y@ oua edl tt W,t dco.rtdlt,rC.trJ, @C5, a, Eta *5 O ,. et q J Jt r,-.r. Ct- *-. lor DCI oa c- i, A(SiE of Ptwst 2() Sl,o altd iIIB OQlor r1-.4 a llr. llrtrtd flfi. ci a cu,qi Ao.ntsr{rnrt::E!!:!1IM3gd3,vr.ln!ffic:135 vi,!ld. Lrnr A0cnl'i pho,r I 91O33G5559 Sn .d3 F.ny. Nc 2Ea6o avalara t rt.tfr,r-4rcqasr sl lult ttcnox I (xd-t d thd . Fr. &cl( rtoo.iE gtt , boa ,l{r?, br-16*(. bodro.-. d tl mid b. td bct t nL*nlrt (bic. ol 15 tqt! nt a'r ol ri!.ttn E ut5. f*r, tt ,tt. O you ri}! to r..lv. ttr..&.c{ Ftllllllt. rF.oC.L. b,* b.a .) - I do r-h b ,-. tr t5.l,..rl trt rrtrrt _ I aro not uah b urala tlra tt ralbact tq*.lrlxrt. (Pr!r.rly -44---x 6I-Cl r .r,l..L,t/f IiMqfr,.ll,,. (q, u'-'.' Hdffrrvr/',. l",Cz-6 htnA:r, pn.k Lm Tffi,u;il lr zsrtEIrc Cny,Sta./Zg -z )\+ 5 3 t:,/ t7{-\fcl- }fc-ttkc fabolott Nunt.. / Ernd ,.d('a,t -irlql: f*lEttt Nltrl!.t I End N<r?u l/ -2f - ..a (Brl,|,dAtg Ntl) ^JLI