HomeMy WebLinkAbout28251D - Wells CAMA and DREDGE AND FILL G E N E R A L 2S251-L PERMIT alflyl , ,9 as authorized by the State of North Carolina )01 .• Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an a1 II rea of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC rt.. / 5 , C..)Applicant Name �,� 1 i ( �n" V V 1l�S Phone Number Address p I 411wicl r-V'?LA) L° v/4 City C.,ti r o'/n ck e.,,, i. State IQ C Zip . yS `r Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) ! 0 3 0 a4( r✓h e,✓ "� ct ci)k Le,- .) Mu,. M a C L_,-t r^,4nA yy L B�/( II C� P� C and ✓f� / 00. Type of Project ActiJ . vity Mar/ttCr'Hr1&P Jr<ct P D 'X he/ are4 allpicv4.1 L e/V/f44 Ad u i+ c_ PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH 7/a. IfO' it..1I k , I (SCALE: )1' To SO,r, 1 Pier(dock)Length ) fiv ti , /q� Groin Length .0 au� _ _ ^�.fm1 a. anumber "' Q l3* - a . _ i_. Bulkhead Length A h+et!nlrt 1II 111111 •' „ - 1��� max.distance offshore ! • ,. > , &a t.�. , 11111[. Basin,channel dimensions cubic yards ff /oKC jJ A—, —11101 I /5 /4 + � P�K ._. i 1 1 Boat ramp dimensions Other 11 Ilk. II 111 II i This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing / .6,.,, --5��� . and attached general and specific conditions.Any violation of these terms '+` �--. applicant's signature may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. �A\ This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit of- 2....ei r permit officer's signature ficer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certi- rr /6 — D I (r - /6 -C) fies by signing this permit that 1)this project is consistent with the local issuing date expiration date land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has //, / °-.7 been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. attachments 7 In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project /D Q. is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee . sato;TQ 'stauuEq, 'suTsma go anuEua;utEli list, sain;on.;s AzEsodcuay a 6tu - -: . suTc.zo ua oo buTzoPttnff uoEa P M u�t, g uatu . sdcupa 3.Eog „£T, - SZTEdag Aoua6za uLTu - . - ' = sasno ' 52LLT A T T - �Eog SxooQ ,SzaTa „ZT:, ? ;.t.:II u9Tu - - - dp.idr 'spEet U uTTL • - • AIOISdI2i033Q 2iO3 93000 �uaudolanaQ buzsno0 uOis = - -. .. - .- _ :- =•••a4E4S uSu H „m/ - 4CY1tTfQ „fi„ gualuusaec0 t2ooI mats taiozacuuo3 u0U - _ teaaPa` „an - . tEnpTArpuT uz AitEnsn 'a;EATid uau soaroxa xoa saaoo _- • • - • • • •X 2M eoznosag FuTpUE;s:no - „Mars - . . . _ ;spy aE:tad - Hilda. Atddns za4EM oTtgnd - uMau -_ • - au- aso�S auTzngsg - uS?utEsngt�/tEm EI tE.SEo3 atTbeia - u03u .-- .. _ . saa;EM auTZEn;sg .- umzu spuEtTraM tE4SE00 - ,►M.Ou ZEZE uEao- P - uFFOu • • - SrIOIsnaI9IS3Q 03K 2iO3 93000 :a32iInb32i Wdo'IaAaa 2ior'v'w ream t - 9/—t. / c--9/ — / I • :aaaina3x �rz2.3 arm aoa3xa NOISY Idx3 NOILOY I333 auinOs 3000 I333 a iYri s 3aO3 I333 a nOS 3a00 /� HSd3a H.taIM HS9N3Z 3a00 HSdaa H,LQIM HXON3'I 3a03 (— — - - — — - -) (— - - - - — - - — — — HZd3Q HIaIi4 HIJN3Z 3a00 HId3a HIQIM HISN3T 3a00 : (A) o&OZ : (x) Z�1'I .os3a±z3ra2taLi e0 •- - n3a (Ssa aa1i 9NITIY14 walla IN3H333Ia maim) • zs=llrzo•t as x.ti, ION' ! n�aQ �., -1.) �+n n�at C. Q J :NOIIVOC I S03r02id 4 Z/,a�:aiz :3s�ss -' � � a Q, '--I b--a :ASIO :atom ..y �-r r` c ) l`^Jl/t at- 1.14 I-7 O 1 :SS32iaay 9Nr1I151 : (s)311VN r. NolsIacy a as cr w �:y71 1 'Y - ,i ( ` '.I.uvorlacw /4;4 AW 5 '" a ,,.,„..,:xac liaz.vM << ; l d IAI rsaa o� G l -t" L' e, :CM sINM3a Go 'l" Q1 =333 dd�' 7A :dad Q'I3I3 iidO. �. ,2-e- 00 - LIWE7d L'd2Nao . TA11U 2-COOKS FOR NEW WORK OR 1LUN1'ENANCI; f Uiwenil!lnns hi fill fir snnarr FM Her nlhentke slalyd•1 TAW:1-CODES FOR 1)E.SC t1P1'tON Or I)LSTI'R11FJ)AREAS • ' CODE TYPE OF DEVELO HENT l JI)Imnisi"ns h,s,p,arr rrM,rnlrss^Illmdsr nnini • 1 DESCRIPTION(' EHAtlPLE r MAJOR SPECIFIC " f' "AC" Access channel,canal length, width, depth "AC200,20,-4" GROUP IMPACT DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE I "AR" Artificial reef length, width "AR200,50" "AS" • Artificial eeaweed length, width • "ASSOO,100" • "BA" Beach or est. access • -- "BA" "WS" * Wooded swamp "HS450" I "DB" Boat basin, slip length; width, depth "Dn150,50,-6" "CY" Cypress "CY150"1311 Bulkhead length "D11150" ".GU" Gum "Guist)""DL" Boat lift length; width "DL25,15" "CE" Cedar "CE150" i • "ON" Beach. nourishment length; width "BN1500,50", "Su" Hnple • "SN150" "DP" Boat ramp ' • • length, width "BP100,10" "PO" x Pocosin "P0250" "DR" Bridge length, Width "BR75,50" "HP". * Maritime forest "HF175" . "DS" Boat house length, Width • ' . "BS40,20" .. "N11" x High marsh "1111390" ' "OW" Breakwater length "DW150" ^JR" Juncus roemerianus ^JR3o" "CC" Cable crossing • length "CC275" (black needlerush) c "CE" Condo expansion 4 units new;existing "CE45;40" ^SY" Spartina cynosuroides "SY60" "CO" . Campground • length; width "C0175,400" (salt or giant reed grass) • "CO" Condo . • 1 Unita, height "C064,45" "SP" Spartina patens "SP35" "CV" ' Culvert length, width "CV60,15" (salt meadow grass) • "DD" Drainage ditch ' . length; Width, depth "DD900,12,-8" "DS" • Distichlis epicate "DS50" "DO" Dolphin ' number ^DO4" (salt or spike grass) "DS" Drystack storage length, width; height "D5200,75,50" "SS" , Salicornia a "S53g" "EL" Pier "L" head p' length; Width "EL10,20" (glenswort) "FB" Fill basin; slip length; width; depth "FB300,50,-4" "LS" Limonium P. "L540" • "FT" Fill canal, channel • length, Width, depth "FC300,50,-4" • (sea lavender) "FH" Fish house leitgthi'icidth "F11150,75" "SC" Scirpus sp. "SC20" ' "FI" Fill, general length, Width, depth "FI300,50,-3" (bullrush or three square) "FR" Fill for road length; width, depth "FR975,50,-2^ "CJ" Cladium Jamaicans! • "CJ27" 1 "FS" Floating structure • lengthy Width (use this only when no other code fits) • (saw grass) "SA" Spartina alternaflore "SA75" • "OR" 'Groin length, width "GR200,2" • (salt marsh cordgrass) • "H0" Hotel, motel complex length, width height "1(0450,75,50" ^TY" Typtta sp. "TY32" "I1W" Highway, street length, width "NW1000,50" (cattail) "JE" . Jetty length; width "JE30,2" "BP" 8orrichia frutescens "BF42" "HA" Marina 0 of slips "11A50" (c:•e oxeye) "HE" Marina expansion 1 slips new, existing "HE15,20" "IF" Iva frutescens "IF76" "HI" Mitigation length; Width "11I50;$5" (ma: ch elder) • "HR" Mooring piling number "PHIS" "PH" Phragmstea sp. "P1160" "HP" Non-pier t.rnptti; -width Wee this c.n:y •Then no other code fits) ";,11r * Lo'c Mcrel. "LM50" "OP" Outfall pipe diameter in ", length "OP6,2000" NOTE, This is not e setter line extension unless it results . "SA" Spartina alternnflora "SA30" in a discharge to /state Watori. For example; a WWTP (salt marsh cord grass) effluent pipe mould be "0P" - - "OT" Other --- "OT" "HO" * High ground "H0750" ' (includes spoil disposal) nPCn Pipeline crossing diameter in ", length nPC8,450" " " * • 0 en Water (Use with piers. "OH900" PL Parking lot length; Width PL180,50" • OWP "P11" Pent mining acres "P1150" • mooring plittleings etc. where "PR" Pier or dock length, width "PR160,5" there is little bottom "RR" Riprap length, width "RR150;5" disturbance.) . , "SC" Cable, pipe crossing **no longer Used** +1, "SD" Subdivision1 lots, total acres "5042,50" "SD" * Shallow Water Botyom "SB550" "SE" Subdivision expansion 41 'lots new,,existing "SE20,50" (Used for n etc.lkhl eda, "'IT" Pier T head - length; width "TE20,6" excavation etc. where there is a majOr alter- . ation to the bottom.) I^ • • "BC" x Beach "DC150" "DR" • x Dune ^Df1200" • ' "SD" * Submerged grassbeds "MS". ' "WL"� se designated wetlands " 404 75" (Use whon-other species are present, hot list- •, • ed elsewhere). __ ._ _ -..4 ',Iran. •ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Received by -lease Prin�/early) B. Bate of Defvery item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. / 1h , , 'r-� -3- • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. lure • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 4 /v. ❑Agent or on the front ifs ace permits. IL. 0 Addressee P D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No ur. °% lurs Johnny Prne ,v 03(e )41 r-vieJ Cow Caro/Ma eea ek , /v e- 3. Service Type a 8 ya,Y ❑Certified Mail 0 Express Mail ❑ Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from service label) 'S Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail 111111 Postage&Fees Paid LISPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • w, )41-ells @Oi-p . b 3 y wix4rvi ew Cacc rA—f Ca r e it yi'a. P)eaelL Iva i3 8m,;( os i��l�ll�tl��l��l��f�li►�f��l��ll���i��l�i��lf�a�lf��I��I��II�I •ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A., eceived by(Please Print Clearly) B. Date ooffDe.very item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. IC- S, w(002C 7/ , 0/ • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. C. Signat re • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ' f ❑Agent X or on the front if space permits. AN ❑Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes 1. Article Addressed to: n I, If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No Ar or- krs Robert Po 0r z 10 (e LUu rv,�w Lou r Caro I rov G l .. 1 !tit' 3. Service Type '1 )(/ ( 0 Certified Mail El Express Mail Ot O ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from service label) DS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail 111111 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • )t/. )i)e/S Oorp . � y� ryl�w 0Occ-r� a Guru�ma sect e-A ( � C' a Robert L. Penn, Jr. & William E. Wells, Jr. 1030 Waiterview Court Carolina Beach, NC 28428 October 29, 2001 • Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Arnette 1036 Waterview Court Carolina Beach, NC 28428 . Dear Mr. & Mrs. Arnette: . This, letter is to notify you as an adjacent riparian landowner of Mr. Robert L. Penn & Mr. William E. Wells of plans to dredge sand from the area in front of the bulkhead on my property at Lot 13R, The Cove in Carolina Beach, N.C. The sketch on the reverse side accurately depicts the proposed construction. Should you have no objections to this proposal, please check the statement below, sign and date the blanks below the statement and return this letter to the address listed above. Should you have objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to: N.C. Division of Coastal . Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. , Wilmington, N.C. 28405. Written comments must be received within 10 days of receipt; of this notice. Failure to respond in either method within 10 days will be interpreted as no objection. Sincerely, , Robert IL. Pen , Jr. illiam E. Wells, Jr. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statue '11.3-229. . . i I have objections to the project as presently • proposed and have enclosed comments. Signature: Date: , . . . . . . 4? 0 (4 LOT 1 3 R . . , . , i A) 0 F "TPK... Co V e . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Robert L. Penn, Jr. & William E. Wells, Jr. 1030 Waterview Court Carolina Beach, NC 28428 October 29, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Moore 1026 Waterview Court Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Moore: This letter is to notify you as an adjacent riparian landowner of Mr. Robert L. Penn & Mr. William E. Wells of plans to dredge sand from the area in front of the bulkhead on my property at Lot 13R, The Cove in Carolina Beach, N.C. The sketch on the reverse side accurately depicts the proposed construction. Should you have no objections to this proposal, please check the. statement below, sign and date the blanks below the statement and return this letter to the address listed above. Should you have objections ,to this proposal, please send your written comments to: N.C. Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. , Wilmington, N.C. 28405 . Written comments must be received within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Failure to respond in either method within 10 days will be interpreted as no objection. Sincerely, Robert. L. Pe n, Jr. Wiliam E. Wells, r. �I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statue 113-229. I, have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. Signature: ! � Date: /r f o l VJA a2ul � Si CAviZT L o-r 1 z R >`'� Lor13R .;c- V 134-s1"J FOr- THE`. COV I i11.G I•COU;MR 11'1t' %UltIt U11 1111.N I I_N,tNcl;-.....__ —'---- .II0t 02 `�� OOt 0:1b BE 2 Z f t � 2 :1 1 (I)i,"tualnis(-n_Itrl"r s�n:vr feet uul,•..i"Ihrrnl:_t sl^Ir�.� - C 0■ 0 COVE IYPP, or llF.VEC,UP11F.liT UESCRIP]'lON ERIt - __.� — �n. yd'6ingswOH as i ' "AC" Access chmutril,cnttnl ]nnpth, width, depth "AC200 � 1 i N'dt3 `w � "AR" Artificial reef length, width "AR200, vIv`�� '"AS" Artificial seaweed length, width "A5500, i' e"+aa IJ�OC�F1E 3 "PA" Dosch or ast, access • -- "PA" �____ "on" Dont basin, slip length, width, depth "Dni50, /I//J i` "PI" Dulhhend length "D)1150" a 5��7100 — / '// 101130803111 "OL" Dont lift '° "'"° r '+ length, width "DI.2S,1 .•,: . p1�uJ "on" Peach nouriehmnnt length, width "DW1500 " !� !,7�/J IN i ' "DP" Dont romp length, Width _— / ��1/ — " . (�lJ$ "DR" Prldp,' length, width "nnisob . "DS" Dont house length, Width "DW" Drnekwnter p "D540,2 7:: ON 'HOd3fl 3NIlOHdOlength "CC275" 918u10 M3IAH31NPA 87,O1"CC" Condo crossing 1enpth "CC275" / NN3d '� N'dS(1Sr "CE" Conde expnnsiott 1 units new,exintinp "CC45,4 "c0" cnmpground length, width "C0175,t ocoattooto � `NN3d '� la3F�Qa sees {Q (� JJ CO" Condo 1 Unite, height • "C064,45 �b86ZL-09 ��1 Lf� `L "CV" Culvert length, width "CV60,15 Ci 0 T s? "VD" Urelnnge ditch lengthy width, depth "UU900,I "DO" Dolphin • bomber "DO4" a press) • "VS" Uryst„clt storage length. width, height "P5200,7 "SS" Salicornla np, "55Ja" "EL Pier L" head length, width "EL10,2o (planswort) "f0" rill bnnin, slip length, width, depth "r0300,50,-4" "Ls" Limonlum ap. "L5'10" "rc" rill Cann), chnnnel length, width, depth "FC300,50,-4" (sea lavender) • "fit" risk house length. Width "r11150,75" "sc" Scirpus sp. "sc70" ' "IA" rill, general ' lnngthr Width, depth "PI300,50,-3" (bullrush or three square) PR" rill for rend length, width, depth "rns75,50,-2" "CJ" Clndlum ramnicenae "c•)>>" "IS" Planting structure leapt)(( Widtit (win this only when (sew grass) no other code fits) "SA" Sp,'rtlnn elternaflora "SA75" "Ult" ()rein length, width "UR200,2". (malt marsh cordpraae) "Ho" hotel, motel complex length, width height "HOeS0,75,50" "TV" Typha sp. 'tY37." "Ill(" highway, street lnngthr Width "Hid1000,50" (cattail) "JE" . Jetty length, width "JE30,2" "Dr" Dorrichin frutescens "arnz" "11A" Ilorinn 1 of slips "11A50" (cra oxeye) "HE" Hnrinn exPnrtsion 11 slips new, existing et1E15,20" "it*" Iva lrukescens ")r76" "III" liltigntlon lnngthr width "11I50,25" (ma: fh elder) "HP," Mooring piling number ")IRS" "11I" Phrn ,W.:er s "r1160" p P• ")PI'" Hon-pier lerpth; •i il!4L. (Ilse this r.tt:y Then no other codn fits) ":,!I" x Lq'f `:crrt. "L1150" "UP" Outfnll pine diameter in ", length "0r6,2000" )LUTE, thin 1s not a sewer line extension unless it results "SA" Spat-tina elternnflorn "5A30" in a discharge to atilt,' wnters. ror example, n WWrP (salt marsh cord grass) effluent pipe would be "OP" "nT" Otter --- "or" "HU" x High ground "H07.50" (includes "poll disposal) "IC" Pipeline crossing diameter in ", length "rco,454"" " x ]oesIPWipnticelr!!glowlit51 ::1 with Plsrt, "UWS00^ " 1." Perh•int, lot length, width "P4190,50 "ow" ata xh�"e • "PM" Pent mining acres "I.1150" p "rn" Pier or dock length. width "1R160,5" tle bottom "lift" Rlprap length, width "nni50,S" ) "SC" Cobb ,e pip,' crossing xsno longer v"nd•R '1, •Sn5S0""SD" Suhdlvlslon f later tetnl scree "5042,54" ^SD" ftatiom "SE" Subdivision expansion 1 lots new, nxisting "SE20,50" (Used for I+ulkhIadm, "7F," tier T head length, width "TE20,6e excavation etc, where there is m ma,1'or alter- • - � anon to the bottom.) I '\✓ , • "DC" x Bench "DC150" "PH" x Dune "011200" "OD" x Submerged grnssbeds "tlD75" "WL" x COE designated wetlands " owl 75• tUsn when other species arm present. not list- • ed elsewhere). R 11"p '1,""" nnd"w ,•rl)' ,A, ' -, are hat n1\'eh.